Re: [vchkpw] smtp after pop

2005-01-20 Thread Eric Ziegast
 1. how come i'm able to use the same smtp on two different machines on the
 home network without having to authenticate for smtp on the imap account?

It is possible that you're using a NAT router/gateway between your
home network and your ISP?  If so, the NAT address on the WAN side
of your router serves both of your home computers.  That address is
the one that is known to the Qmail/Vpopmail server, not the different
internal addresses.  To the mail server, you're coming from the same

To see ensure that your mail relay filters are working, go here:
and follow the instructions for the anonymous test.

Eric Ziegast

Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail and nfs

2005-01-19 Thread Eric Ziegast
I assume CentOS is some kind of Linux?  The email below is geared toward

 File busy try again later!
 Failed while attempting to update_file() the assign file
 Error. Failed to add domain to assign file
 Error: Could not update file

Let's see if we can use the source to figure out what's wrong.

In vpopmail.c, the code is trying to append a line to the assign file.
To do this with FILE_LOCKING defined, the update_file routine needs
to open and lock assign.lock.  If it doesn't, it complains:
  Failed while attempting to update_file() the assign file

The update_file routine calls get_write_lock to do its dirty work.
Here's the routine in file_lock.c:

   int get_write_lock( FILE *fs )
 int try = 0;
 while(write_lock(fileno(fs), 0, SEEK_SET, 0)  0)
   if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EACCES || errno == ENOLCK )
 /* there might be other errors cases in which
 * you might try again.
 if (++try  MAX_TRY_RLOCK) {
   (void) sleep(2);
 (void) fprintf(stderr,File busy try again later!\n);

The write_lock() routine is a wrapper for fcntl().  If you look at
the fcntl(2) man page, it lists many reasons why it would fail.
Based on your second email, it's not permissions.  Some other program
must have a lock on the file and is not letting go, or there's some
other odd problem (NFS? extended attributes?).

I have a few suggestions to help debugging:

  1. Run strace -f /home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain ...etc
 Look at the output right before the printf of the error messages
 for the return value from fcntl.

  2. Run lsof assign.lock after it fails to see if there are any
 other processes that have the file open.  This would be done on
 both the client and the server.

  3. Add the following line before the line that has ++try  MAX_TRY_RLOCK:
 (void) perror(Debug write_lock: )

 Then recompile vpopmail, install it, and try it again (don't forget
 to make backups!).  You'll hopefully get a reason for the locking
 failure printed when it happens again.

  4. Restart the NFS client and the NFS server and try again (stale lock).

Also, something you might need to do is make sure your NFS server
doesn't clobber UID names.  I noticed in one of your emails that
assign.lock was owned by nfsnobody.  The export options on the
NFS server should use no_all_squash,no_root_squash,async,rw.
On most distros, no_all_squash is the default option, but your
distro might have it set the other way.

Other NFS stuff:
  1. The client needs to use NFS V3 for fcntl locking to work.
 See this article:

  2. Is nfslockd running on the client?

  3. Is the NFS client and NFS server running the same OS?  If not,
 could there be some compatability issues?

Hope this helps.

Eric Ziegast

PS: If all else fails, install vpopmail on the NFS server and run the
administrative commands (vadddomain, vadduser, etc.) on the NFS server.

Patient: Doctor, when I hit my hand to make it spin around, it hurts.
Doctor: Stop doing that, and you'll be fine.  That'll be $200.

Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail problem

2004-12-30 Thread Eric Ziegast
 Can anyone suggest me solution why user directoy are created  in 
 /home/vpopmail/domains/domainname/0/   - folder.

This is explained well in the README file that comes with vpopmail.
Look for user directory structure.

Imagine when it gets up to 500 or 5000 or 5 users.
To have all of the users in one directory is not efficient on
all filesystems so vpopmail automatically uses hashing to break
user directories out into subdirectories after the first 100
users.  If I had a script to create vadduser user1 up to
user25000, I might find the user hashing to look like...


Instead of assuming that a user's Maildir is in the directory
cd /home/vpopmail/domains/$DOMAIN/$USER/Maildir, Vpopmail
administrators typically use cd `vuserinfo -d [EMAIL PROTECTED],
or even safer, cd `vuserdir [EMAIL PROTECTED].

  # WARNING: untested code - use at your own risk
  # vuserdir - print out the vpopmail directory for a user
  #or . if it does not exist.
  # Syntax: vuserdir address
  if [ $address = '' ]
echo vuserdir: No address specified 12
echo .
exit 1
  dir=`vuserinfo -d $address`
  if [ $? = 0 -a -d $dir ]
echo $dir
echo vuserdir: Directory for $address not found: $dir 12
echo .
exit 1

The hashing is controled by the OPEN_BIG_DIR define in vpopmail's
config.h.  If you never intend to use large user directories (*),
then commenting this out the define before installing might avoid
this behavior, or you can compile MAX_USERS_PER_LEVEL (in vauth.h)
to be a really high number.

Best practice, though, would have you use directory hashing just
like everyone else.  Imagine that someday someone else withh have
to take over your qmail/vpopmail installation and worry about your
local customizations.  It becomes difficult for them to upgrade to
the next version of vpopmail if they have to patch the code each

The directory hashing is also used on domains.  So if you add more
than 100 domains, you'll see /home/vpopmail/domains/0.

Eric Ziegast

(*) Back in the 80's someone said, No one will ever need more than
640 kilobytes of memory.

Re: [vchkpw] chkuser 2.0

2004-10-14 Thread Eric Ziegast
Rick Macdougall asked
 I didn't see anything in the docs or change logs specifically regarding
 the mysql connection problem that sometimes crops up with vpopmail.  Has
 this been addressed ?

Antonio Nati replied:
 Yes, chkuser 2.0 includes a new call, vauth_open(), that Rick Widmer told
 is in vpopmail CVS, and will be able to return the status of connection.

 As default this call is disabled, and should be enabled (uncommenting
 #define CHKUSER_ENABLE_VAUTH_OPEN in chkuser_settings.h) when this call is

Jeremy Kitchen added:
 as a suggestion, would it be possible to have a definition placed into
 vpopmail.h such as:
 that way programs that link against vpopmail can support both methods
 without any user intervention, and also this way, if say perhaps
 the postgres code doesn't have vauth_open, and the mysql does, etc,
 so someone linking against it need not worry about it :)

While the current chkuser.c might compile fine against a vpopmail
install with Sybase or Postgres, it doesn't work for MySQL because
vauth_open is defined only in vpgsql.c and vsybase.c.

To get around this, I replaced the following line in chkuser.c:

if (vauth_open () == 0) {


#ifdef USE_MYSQL
if (vauth_open_read () == 0) {
if (vauth_open_update () == 0) {
if (vauth_open () == 0) {

It seems to work fine for me.

It might make more sense for vpopmail to just create a generic
vauth_open_read function for each supported auth method so that
external modules like chkuser.c would be able to use the right
semantics without getting specific about the details.  Even in
the case of CDB (vcdb.c) the function would be defined as opening
the filehandle for reading the CDB file. ... just a thought.

Eric Ziegast

Re: [vchkpw] simscan test release: simplified scanner for clamav/spamassassin

2004-07-31 Thread Eric Ziegast
 Also I was wondering if there is a way to tell qmail-smtpd to exit
 with a 5xx error code rather than a 4xx error on spam or a virus?
 I am running qmail out of supervise, not that it should make any
 difference that I can see.

Look at the end of qmail.c in the qmail distribution.
The exit code of the child program (qmail-queue or $QMAILQUEUE)
determines what error message is spit out in SMTP.

The short answer is:
  Exit code 0 means successful delivery.
  Exit codes between 11 and 40 are permanent (5xx) errors.
  All other exit codes are temportary (4xx) errors.

A longer answer is:
  Have your program exit with a specific exit code and then add a custom
  message in qmail.c to handle that code.  For example:

   case 32: return Dmail server thinks this message is spam(#5.3.0);
   case 33: return Dvirus rejected(#5.3.0);
   case 34: return Dyou send us nothing but crap(#5.3.0);
   case 35: return Dyou are listed in the our blackhole list(#5.3.0);
   case 36: return Dleave us alone, jackass(#5.3.0);
   case 41: return Zif you are not a spammer, try again in 5 minutes(#4.3.0);
Eric Ziegast

Re: [vchkpw] RedHatLinux 9 compatibility

2004-07-22 Thread Eric Ziegast
  I want to install QMAIL + Vpopmail + courier-imap + Qmailadmin + LDAP
  + MySql + Spamassassin + clamav + Squirrelmail + stats (Isoqlog 
  qmail MRTG) under Linux 9.  Is every thing compatable with linux 9
  where can i get good howto. I need step by step installation. also i
  want to host multiple mail sites on a single server. please help me in
  this regard
 Red Hat 9 is linux, and every software that you named is linux, it's
 redhatlinux 9 compaible.
 There's a lot of documentation about how to set up this software, you
 can find it on .

That's not quite true.  I'll give you this: There _is_ documentation
to take care of everything.  It's only through experience that you
learn/realize which documentation you need to look through to make
sure everything works well without trial and error.

The only compatability problem I'm aware of is Qmail.
Here's something I googled that will help:

There's a web site called that goes
through alot of the step-by-step process for Qmail if
you're not familiar with how to install/administer DJB
tools (eg: daemontools, tcpserver).

I have a preference to use the MySQL 4 downloaded from instead of the MySQL 3 supplied by RedHat.
When doing things like backups or replication, MySQL 4
is better.

There are also a couple books:
  Qmail -
  The Qmail Handbook -
I like the newer O'reilly book better.

If you are getting paid by your company to install everything,
and if you make more than $6/hour, it will be faster,
more cost-effective, and less problematic to have someone from
Inter7 install Web Q for you within a few hours.  They
install all of this stuff for a living and get it right the
first time.  You can then go through installing everything
yourself at your leisure as an educational exercise. They
leave you their souce code behind so you can see the
differences between stock code and their modifications.

Eric Ziegast
(no, I don't work for Inter7)

Re: [vchkpw] forwording mail's from qmail to ______ server

2004-07-21 Thread Eric Ziegast
 We are shifting one of mail server from qmail to Exchange server
 for testing,

... my sympathies.  You'll be back.

 so how can i forward mails from qmail mail server to Exchange 

Look at the qmail-remote manual page.

If it's just POP mailboxes (not IMAP with subfolders), you can
push the messages out using qmail-remote.  Below are examples
of how to remail messages in people's folders.  Your script may
not end up being exactly the same, but it should give you an
idea as to qhat you need to do.

  PATH=/var/qmail/bin:/home/vpopmail/bin:$PATH # or whatever
  export PATH
  for user in $USERS; do
dir=`vuserinfo -d $user`
for subdir in new cur; do
  cd $dir/Maildir/$subdir || continue
  for msg in *; do
qmail-remote $REMOTE $ADMIN $user  $msg

If you just have one domain using qmail and not vpopmail,
just change directories to the domain and run:

  PATH=/var/qmail/bin:$PATH # or whatever
  export PATH
  for user in * do
for subdir in new cur; do
  cd $dir/Maildir/$subdir || continue
  for msg in *; do
qmail-remote $REMOTE $ADMIN [EMAIL PROTECTED]  $msg

If you need to preserve IMAP subfolders, it gets more complicated.
You'd actually have to write (as Jeremy said) a Perl script using
Net:IMAP to push the message into their new mailboxes.  If it's just
a few users, each user can add the new IMAP account and just
drag/drop the messages into their new folders.

Eric Ziegast

Re: [vchkpw] Filesystem question

2004-07-21 Thread Eric Ziegast
  I'm thinking that there are probably more efficient filesystems than ext3
  for at least some of this, and have been thinking about using xfs (faster
  but still journaling), or maybe ext2 (very fast but no journaling) for at
  least the qmail queue. Does anyone have some recommendations for the
  filesystem to use on the partitions?
 I normally use reiserfs on the vpopmail home dir, and ext3 or ext2 on 
 the qmail queue partition (due to old problems with reiserfs and qmail). 
   I have recently installed a few systems with reiserfs on every 
 partition and have seen no untoward problems.

I did too.

When using ReiserFS /w Qmail, don't forget to apply the patch.


 I've heard good things about both jfs and xfs with vpopmail home and 
 qmail queue, but I haven't had time to play with them or benchmark them 
 under heavy load.

The one thing that I might like with XFS over otehrs is that it is
the only filesystem with documented hooks for using LVM snapshots
Has anyone ever used snapshots with Ext3 or ReiserFS?  Snapshots are
great becasue it's the fastest way to backup your mail partition
against user errors (Help, I deleted my mailbox by mistake!) without
adding stress/load to the mail server.

Eric Ziegast

Re: [vchkpw] [semi-OT] which is more portable?

2004-07-15 Thread Eric Ziegast
 maybe I'll just make conf-vpopmail be the path to vpopmail's home directory 
 and call it good.   T'would be nice to be able to auto-detect it simply based
 on the user vpopmail was configured with (considering there are probably far 
 less vpopmail implementations that use another user than vpopmail, than there

There's no rule that says that the base vpopmail dir has to be the
home dir of user vpopmail.  You could compile a vconfig program
first in C and use that program later in your install process.

Eric Ziegast

Re: [vchkpw] [semi-OT] which is more portable?

2004-07-15 Thread Eric Ziegast
Oops, sorry, didn't mean for that to go to the list.

Eric Ziegast

Re: [vchkpw] NFS / Disk Access / Load Concerns on Vpopmail cluster

2004-07-06 Thread Eric Ziegast
 What we're seeing is that our network and RAID 5 IDE-based disk array on
 our central mail store server is not able to keep up with the 'client'
 servers doing the POP3, IMAP, Webmail, and SMTP legwork.

I've found an interesting bottleneck with webmail.  When people use
POP or IMAP clients (Outlook, Mozilla, Opera, Thunderbird, etc.),
the client application caches alot of the information locally and
synchronizes occasionally with the server to see if there are new
messages.  Things like browsing and searching run eally fast because
the user is utilizing the resources of their local PC to do most of
teh work.  With webmail, the session state is not saved nor cached,
so with each new request, the mailbox can be rescanned.  A relatively
modest webmail application might only rescan all headers and show
subject lines.  A complex application might scan all content in a
folder to present content more fully.  Without anything to throttle
back the webmail server, it's possible that the webmail server softwar
can pound the mail spool server to death.

I used to run a Qmail-based infrastructure for 4000 clients on a
single slow machine without much memory.  They used POP as their
only pickup mechanism.  We recently reimplemented on a Dell 1750
with two Xeon procs, alot of RAM and a GigE backend to a NetApp
filer with 14 fast disks, and I STILL notice that the machine
sometimes slowed down while people tried to read their 140MB
mailboxes via webmail.  sigh  I put some bottlenecks on the
search and retrieval algorithms of the webmail software to help
protect the filer from a flood of queries, and we've been better
since then.  The power users with super-large mailboxes complain
that it's slow, but now its a localized problem rather than a
problem that affects everyone.

Jeremy's comments are great for scaling the database, but it sounds
to me that you're just maxed out on what you can serve over NFS.
An SQL select might take at most a few kilobytes of data on the
network whereas a webmail scan of a 30MB mailbox will take, well,
30MB.  Doh!

So what to do?

Instead of the centralized NFS mail spool (where the central spool
becomes the bottleneck), you might consider splitting the user base
across several machines.  Each machine would have its own RAID1
mail spool.  Each machine would be responsible for its own
Inbound SMTP and POP/IMAP/Webmail and use the local disk for the
spool.  Use lots of RAM for buffer cache to make sure your disk
is hit less frequently.  You might be able to centralize outbound
SMTP.  Once a machine fills up, you add another machine.  This is
one way to scale.

The big boys in teh mailbox size wars (google, yahoo, hotmail) can't
afford centralized storage for their mailboxes.  Look for each to
roll out racks of distribtuted storage where each storage server is
a 1/2 U box with a couple large ATA disks in it.  We might learn from
this method of scaling.

 Before we take this costly step, what have you noticed for user / system
 loads before you start hitting the limits of your hardware?

Yes.  I serve 6000 users right now.  They used to all be POP, and life
was good.  Now a significant percentage of my new customers use webmail,
and I'm not happy with how my current web-based mail reading software
scales.  I may have to hack it alot to get it to perform well.

Something that would help is if we rolled out spam/virus filtering out
for everyone whih will cut 50% inbound mail and 10% viruses from being
processed/stored/read and reread/reread/reread.

BTW: I separate SMTP processing (/var/qmail local RAID1 fast SCSI with
 battery cache) from user mail spool storage (/home/vpopmail NFS
 mount to filer).  Putting /var/qmail on the NFS server might be
 another source of overload.

Eric Ziegast

[vchkpw] Possible enhancements to help protect qmail server reources against spam processing

2004-06-10 Thread Eric Ziegast
 invalid addresses.  It's not to hard to log and summarize
the worst offenders, those that send 99% spam of 100 messages or more.
Once they do, you want to add them to your own blacklist.  I hope to
create my own reactive system that utilizes spamassassin,
qmail-scanner-queue, tinydns and the soft rblsmtpd above to help my
server stay ahead of the flood instead of sink further into the depths
of mail lag.

Eric Ziegast

Patches so far

*** /home/inter7/vpopmail/vpopmail-5.4.0-spam2/vpopmail.c.orig  2004-06-10 
02:34:54.0 -0700
--- /home/inter7/vpopmail/vpopmail-5.4.0-spam2/vpopmail.c   2004-05-20 
02:37:54.0 -0700
*** 212,214 
} else {
! fprintf(fs, | %s/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox);
--- 212,214 
} else {
! fprintf(fs, | %s/bin/vdelivermail '' [EMAIL PROTECTED], VPOPMAILDIR, domain);
*** /home/inter7/ucspi-tcp/ucspi-tcp-ssl-0.88/rblsmtpd.c.orig 2000-03-18 
07:18:42.0 -0800
--- /home/inter7/ucspi-tcp/ucspi-tcp-ssl-0.88/rblsmtpd.c  2004-06-10 
01:34:38.0 -0700
*** 177,180 
!   while ((opt = getopt(argc,argv,bBcCt:r:a:)) != opteof)
  switch(opt) {
case 'b': flagrblbounce = 1; break;
--- 177,181 
!   while ((opt = getopt(argc,argv,bBcCt:r:a:s:)) != opteof)
  switch(opt) {
+   case 's': flagrblbounce = 2; if (!pathexec_env(QMAILQUEUE,optarg)) nomem(); 
case 'b': flagrblbounce = 1; break;
*** 193,197 
if (flagwantdefaultrbl) rbl(;
!   if (decision = 2) rblsmtpd();
!   pathexec_run(*argv,argv,envp);
strerr_die4sys(111,FATAL,unable to run ,*argv,: );
--- 194,198 
if (flagwantdefaultrbl) rbl(;
!   if (decision = 2  flagrblbounce == 1) rblsmtpd();
!   pathexec(argv);
strerr_die4sys(111,FATAL,unable to run ,*argv,: 

Re: [vchkpw] Re: SMTP Auth HOWTO?

2004-05-22 Thread Eric Ziegast
I know this is a shameless plug, but I'm a happy customer.

Have Inter7 do a SugarBox install for less time/money than
it takes to figure it out using online resources and googled
howtos.  I didn't have to second-guess or debug anything.
Within 4 hours of the consultant logging in via SSH, I had
IMAP/SSL, CRAM-MD5 and a complement of TinyDNS and SqWebMail
all working together.  Within another hour, he had MySQL
replication and redundancy working.  He left all the source
code on my box so that I could make modifications and
customizations later using make install and even build
additional servers later.

If you don't make a living installing Qmail/Vpopmail servers,
it's less expensive and more practical to just let someone
else do it.  I've installed qmail/vpopmail from scratch before
and believe that it can be a PITA to get done right.

Eric Ziegast

[vchkpw] *.COM -

2003-09-16 Thread Eric Ziegast
Verisign is breaking some peoples' spam filtering.
Imagine that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is now a _valid_
email address.  Many qmail/vpopmail users also use
dnscache.  Here's a patch for people who use dnscache
to preserve the old (uninfected) behavior...

Eric Ziegast

Re: [vchkpw] Big server

2003-07-21 Thread Eric Ziegast
 The client mail server would serve whatever combination
 I would like make a big server with qmail +vpopmail +mysql +procmail.
 I think in this structure:
 Server 1: Mx domain + smtp delivery +filters (Antispam, user filter(procmail)
 and antivirus)
 This server basically is the mail gateway of all domains, where is passed in 
 the filters rules per domain and redirect all mails to server 2
 Server 2: Pop3 accounts + mysql server
 Here is created all accounts.
 This schema is good for multiple domains?

Based on my experience, I agree, but I might split Server2 into
Server2 (delivery/storage/database)
Server3 (pop/imap/webmail servers for clients).

I include more details below for one economical infrastructure I
worked with.  It's not a HOWTO, but knowing what someone else has
done might help guide you instead of figuring it out from scratch.

 Another question is how do i do the message delivery the messages from
 server 1 to server2?

Qmail!  :^)

In /var/qmail/control/smtproutes, set it so that all mail goes
to Server2 (eg:  If you're fancy, you can
try QMTP instead of SMTP.

Eric Ziegast

A sample large server environment (hundreds of domains, thousands of
users) I once helped with:

The MX record points to multiple cheap parallel inbound mail
 - Single CPU PC at the best Price/Performance cost.
   I've found that one can build these for $300 each.  You will
   find that when doing Virus/Spam scanning that the first
   bottleneck that you hit (out of CPU/memory/disk/network) is CPU.
   All of the regular expression searching on an e-mail message
   takes processing power.  Assuming you have enough RAM, disk I/O
   would be the next bottleneck.  I found a good balance AMD 1800+
   motherboard /w 512MB PC133 RAM and 7200RPM IDE.  Another option
   is investing in a very fast multi-processor Intel screamer with
   lots of RAM, but the cheap and disposable dervers are linearly
 - RAM depends on how many simultaneous connections you want to
   be allowed for Spam/Virus filtering.  I used 512MB on a cheap
   system becasue RAM is cheap these days.  I usually ran out of
   CPU before memory.  If the OS uses any significant amount of
   virtual memory, you need more RAM.  Run vmstat.  If pi or po
   is above 0, you need more RAM or need to lower the number of
   simultaneous connections allowed by qmail (eg: concurrencyincoming
   in /var/qmail/control).  The inbound server is your mail firewall
   and doesn't have time for paging to disk when the message load
   is high.
 - Hardware or softare RAID1 7200+ RPM IDE drives is sufficient.
   I have been told by a Linux integrator that Linux software RAID1
   can be faster than the RAID1 provided by hardware controllers.
   If you have a budget for SCSI, use it.  You need merely a
   9GB drive in an inbound relay server anyway because the mail
   doesn't sit on the server.  In fact, you may see a disk I/O
   improvement if you limit /var/qmail/queue to a 2GB partition
   of the hard drive.  If you don't need the space, you don't
   need to have the disk head potentially cross the entire disk
   to find data.  If you select a hardware RAID controller,
   prefer a controller that has non-volatile RAM or RAM /w a battery.
   This will allow the controller to use write-back mode on write
   and significantly reduce response time between the computer and
   the hard drives.
 - While I love OpenBSD and FreeBSD, I've used Linux for Qmail
   services because I've had other Linux-capable staff that
   could help administer the servers.  Another advantage to
   Linux is ReiserFS.  I have used ReiserFS on /var/qmail/queue
   partitions with success after applying the fsync patches.
   ReiserFS performs well with thousands of files in a directory and
   allows you to keep the default hash value (23) for the spool
   directory.  If using ufs (Solaris/BSD), consider compiling a queue
   hash value of some large prime number (like 101).  If using Linux
   without ReiserFS, at least use ext3 instead of ext2 so that you can
   recover after a crash.  If using Solaris, consider VxFS if you
   have the ability to use it.  A standard fsck of a non-journaled
   filsystems used for qmail REALLY sucks.  Aside: I don't export
   ReiserFS over NFS - just use it for the mail relays themselves.
   For vpopmail directories, I use filesystems that are known to
   be tried and tested in heavy read/write environments under NFS.
   I hope ReiserFS gets to this state, but at the time of my
   implementation, it was easier for me to use ext3 for vpopmail
 - I followed instructions for using QmailScanner /w SpamAssassin
   (spamc -f -c) and a Virus checker.  I found QmailScanner to
   be quite inefficient and significantly rewrote it to not
   break up the message into a zillion pieces for its internal
   scanning.  SpamAssassin (spamd) does that for you anyway

[vchkpw] Re: Spam Assassin implementation

2003-03-20 Thread Eric Ziegast
News from the front lines:

  In a world that has mostly benign spam where spammers with real
  return addresses send messages to valid recipients, qmail-scanner
  has its place.  You can easily tag spam qith qmail-scanner so that
  the POP/IMAP clients can deal with the messsages appropriately.

For a small site with a few users (few  1000), using
.qmail-(USER|default) or user-based implementation rules is fine.
For an ISP with thousands of users, it's not good enough anymore.
Even qmail-scanner-queue doesn't help protect servers from the
constant deluge of malignant messages.

I've been finding that at a small ISP (20k users), the final delivery
is far too late in the process to deal with spam.  Address harvesters
(sending to 99% invalid addresses to find the 1% that don't bounce) and
spam blasters (sending spam to 3 invalid recipients per message) tax
the server processing hard enough to cause problems, particularly from
bounce addresses to forged senders.  As the spammers get more
persistent or desperate, they've been less gracious about how they
spam.  In one case recently, I had a DDoS from 40 sites sending similar
spam all at once to/through our server to thousands of bad addresses.
Our servers spent a whole weekend trying to deliver the bounce messages
until I could clean/drain the queues of 85000 bounce messages.  There's
not much that qmail-scanner can do itself to protect the server.

I am using two tools for the benefit of my users:
  SpamAssassin (
  Vexira virus scanner (

If the spammers weren't too peristent, I'd be able to just use and be mostly done.  This worked for a
couple months before our ISP became a heavily hit target (60%
spam, 25% malignant spam).

My implementation now includes:

  a qmail-smtpd that rejects mail based on environment variables
  set from tcp.smtp.

  a qmail.c hacked to provde better SMTP error codes based on qq exit

  a rewitten qmail-scanner-queue that is highly optimized at letting
  SA/spamc and Vexira do their job with minimal system resources

  a qmail-send that injects bounce messages to the sender only when 
  it's a non-malignant message (one-to-one communication to a valid

  a qmail-send that puts messages into a holding queue rather
  than fully processing them right away.  An asynchronous program
  comes by and processes each message in the holding queue linearly
  to prevent load swings from simultaneous qmail-send/vdelivermail
  a procmail-like perl program responsible for final delivery that
  queries a mysql database for a user's spam preference and uses
  those preferences to tag/delete/pass messages based on SA scores
  and user-defined keywords.  A coworker made a web user interface.

  added functionality to auto-add and auto-remove statistically
  defined address harvesters and spam blasters to my tcp.smtp
  block lists (with appropriate 400 or 500 messages based on

  a program to create a cdb database of valid users to help the
  filtering programs detect how many valid vs invalid users an IP
  address or netblock is attempting to send to.

This my the third round of an on-and-off 6-month long fight.  It's
not about filtering spam anymore, it's about protecting our mail
servers.  As I leave, I have a big I told you so about how our CEO
should have just subscribed to BigFish/Frontbridge and paying the extra
money instead of going it alone.  It would have saved money and reduced
downtime if SPAM processing weren't our problem.

The system is complex (some new perl/SspeedyCGI programs plus several
patches to qmail and one to vdelivermail), but it actively provides
negative feedback to spammers and harvesters with (hopefully) little
to no administration from a mail administrator.  The good news is
that I'm about to finish up, and I don't have any IP restricions with
the ISP, so I believe I'll be able to share most of my work.  I hope
to be posting some patches and programs soon.

Another approach could have been to just integrate everything into
SpamAssassin, but it's getting too huge already.  Each of thousands
of 4K messages doen't need to go through a program that sucks 16MB
RSS memory.  A large program isn't the most efficient place to
block/route messages.

Eric Ziegast
Winning another battle in the losing war against spam.