Re: .current_size question

2001-10-08 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

Subject: .current_size question

> OK, when I "cat .current_size" it shows me 2738872 - it means that I use
> ~2.7MB of my quota.
> BUT, cur, new and tmp directories are *empty*! There is no nothing here.
> I don't understand what's wrong with .current_size?


it is a little symbolic  ;))  at these minutes i'm looking over the same, at

and what i had investigate there:

current_size  recalculated only when user reaches his quota, to be sure he
really have more files (in size) that he allowed to.
and then stored on disk with new dir-size.

in other cases, when value in current-size lower than his quota...  there
only we have growing of  dir-size,
even if u will delete all of your files from subdirs.

guess that not absolutely correct solve for this problem,  but here is
enough logic  :)

i have to say only one thing:  when we have no that file,  we should to
calculate all subdirs-size,
and do not think it == size of new-delivered message.

(beg pardon for english)

Vladimir Kabanov.

Re: required conversion from Netscape mail server to QMAIL

2001-10-08 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

> iam using Netscape mail server
> due to the cost, i have shifted to Qmail
> my qmail setup running fine, i have setup like this
> Qmail+vpopmail+mysql+qmailadmin+sqwebmail

about 2 weeks ago I migrated from Netscape Message Server

for that a little program were created to parse LDIF-file which could be
created by netscape export.
all accounts were succesfully processed  (including passwords in SHA-1

but messages...  their were leaved on old server. from where they could be
taken by users by themselves, i dont know how to resolve this

inquire about vchkpw & courier-imap

2001-10-11 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

Good day for all!

friends, what do u think about vchkpw' capabilty (not authvchkpw)  to handle
requests from courier- imap & pop3 servers?
so courier even could be compiled without vchkpw-support.

As I see, much of questions here points to compile' errors...

Re: [vchkpw] Courier-IMAP with VPOPMAIL

2002-08-18 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

if you dont afraid, you may try to test version of vchkpw with corrections
of mine,
there is support for courier servers (imap & pop3) with all features (maybe
some of them alternative) of native vchkpw.

- Original Message -
From: "David Summers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 1:15 PM
Subject: [vchkpw] Courier-IMAP with VPOPMAIL

> You guessed it, more Courier-IMAP with VPOPMAIL questions, sorry.  :-(
> System: RedHat 7.2 and RedHat 7.3
> I've been working on this for two weeks and have read all the emails and
> all the mail archives and all the instructions, and all the
> references I could find and nothing seems to be doing what I want.
> I'm trying to get Courier-IMAP working with VPOPMAIL 5.3.8.
> I need to get system /etc/passwd (user/password) authentication for normal
> system (shell) accounts, IP-ALIAS (user/password) authentication for
> accounts, which should fall back to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/password)
> authentication for virtual accounts as a last resort.
> I can get system accounts working, no problem with Courier-IMAP.  I can
> get VPOPMAIL->userdb->Courier-IMAP working, but that doesn't do the
> IP-ALIAS functions, i.e., it doesn't authenticate (user/password) when I
> "telnet 110" and try to log in with "user user1" with
> "pass user1Password".
> Actually it appears that the Courier-IMAP authvchkpw program doesn't work
> or at least is not working like I expected.
> I've gone through so many configuration iterations my head is spinning.
> I've tried several different ones every day for the last two weeks.
> VPOPMAIL seems to be doing what it should...I'm just having terrible times
> getting the COURIER-IMAP AUTHVCHKPW to work or do what I want.
> I'm building from (modified) *.src.rpm files so I don't think that the
> problem is a previous installation.  I'm very careful to wipe out the
> previous iteration of install before trying a new iteration.
> Questions:
> 1. Am I missing something simple?
> 2. Is there a way to log more information from the Courier-IMAP
> 3. Is there a way to use VPOPMAIL vchkpw authentication instead of
>Courier-IMAP authchkpw authentication to work in Courier-IMAP and do
>all three authentication methods?

Re: [vchkpw] APOP/Learned Passwords

2002-09-06 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

it's correct, since APOP method doesn't send user's paswword in clear-text,
and every time password send is different from the previous,
so it is impossible (and unreasonable) to learn apop-passwords.
New users should use clear-text password at first login to make this feature

- Original Message -
From: "Paul Fries" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 5:09 AM
Subject: [vchkpw] APOP/Learned Passwords

> I have configured my system to enable learned passwords, and this is
> working as expected. Any user that logs in sets their password on the
> first authentication.
> However, I have noticed that users logging in with APOP are able to
> check their mail, but NO password is set in the database. Indeed they
> can put whatever they want in the password field, and they will still be
> allowed to check that POP box.
> I am using vpopmail 5.3.8 with --enable-roaming-users=y --enable-mysql=y
> --enable-clear-passwd=y --enable-learn-passwords=y
> Has anyone else experienced this?
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Paul Fries

Re: [vchkpw] Moving from Netscape Mail server to Qmail+Vpopmail?

2002-10-07 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

more than 1 year ago i've got almost the same questions, when had to migrate
from netscape messaging server.
as i found no answers, so decide to do work by myself.
first of all, i wrote a small program on C to parse LDIF from netscape'
exported user database.
things got exported: mailboxes, quotas, aliases, forwarders, passwords in
(yeah) SHA-1 standard.
next thing: i found a way to create password hashes in SHA-1.
as we have only one mail domain serviced by netscape there no support for
domains parsing,
but it shouldnt be too hard to add such support.

mailboxes created leaved empty, all their contents leaved on old server, so
users had to download their emails manually.
if you are interested i can send you that my old work

- Original Message -
From: "Gonzalo G. Agulló" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 1:13 AM
Subject: [vchkpw] Moving from Netscape Mail server to Qmail+Vpopmail?

> Hi,
> I'm trying to migrate from Netscape Mail to Qmail. I got qmail, vpopmail
> and courier-imap installed, but I have some doubts about the migrating
> path to get as many features as posible without users intervention.
> I'd like to preserve the NS Mail ldap scheme for the users database
> using Openldap, but I read some comments about advising not to use
> vpopmail's ldap module but vpasswd.cdb local db or mysql db.
> Currently it's running without ldap, just local cdb, and it's working
> fine with Courier imapd, but courier-popd fails to authenticate (same
> username and password is accepted ok via imapd). I configured popd to
> use the same authdaemon configuration as imapd but it refuses all
> logins. I traced logs, tested authtest tool and everything seems ok. If
> I get back to qmail-pop3d with vchkpw enabled, it does work. Dunno why!
> I also need to preserve users' current ciphered passwords (SHA-1) as
> stored in ldap directory, but cannot find sha support in vpopmail
> (despite courier's authdaemon understands SHA passwords). How can I keep
> users passwords, if possible?
> My users currently use a "" scheme as pop usernames
> to login to their mailboxes at Netscape server. I'm trying to use the
> dot as domain separator when they login to vpopmail/courier, but I
> didn't find info about that subject. Is that supported?
> My target is qmail+vpopmail+ldap+courier+imp to get the same services as
> of netscape, with mailboxes contents and users database transparently
> moved to qmail, but I don't have a clear migrating path yet to get the
> same features with no user impact. :(
> Advice would be very welcome, specially on users directoy, sha-1 and
> domain separator stuff.
> Thanks

Re: [vchkpw] Moving from Netscape Mail server to Qmail+Vpopmail?

2002-10-07 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

If I understand you ok, you used an exported ldif file from netscape to
setup all your existing mail accounts to qmail/vpopmail, right?
-- absolutely

Using  ldap as auth engine on vpopmail's ldap module, or local userdb files?
-- no, just mysql as storage

You imported your cyphered SHA-1 strings from netscape database, ok.
Then, once inserted in vpopmail users database, vchkpw and authdaemon
recognize such SHA-1 strings to validate users' passwords?

-- yes, some vpopmail code was modified to support this format.
so you can have sha-1 passwords & md-5 passwords at the same time.

Re: [vchkpw] quotas and imap

2002-11-07 Thread Vladimir Kabanov
yes, it works,
but you should add word "QUOTA" to imap capability list

- Original Message -
From: "Iain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 3:45 PM
Subject: [vchkpw] quotas and imap


I was wondering if vpopmail quotas are visible in IMAP. I.e. will the imap
quota calls return the quota as set by vpopmail?

In particular I would like the show quota function in IMP 3.1 to work when
using courier-imap.

cheers, Iain.

Re: [vchkpw] quotas and imap

2002-11-08 Thread Vladimir Kabanov
Bill, that functionality already implemented in IMP, and it works for me, at
so everything even more simple :)

> > yes, it works,
> > but you should add word "QUOTA" to imap capability list
> This is correct.  As a PHP example, you might check out my SquirrelMail
> plugin that does the same thing:
> It's really simple, but might be helpful in getting started writing
> something similar for IMP.
> Regards,
> Bill Shupp

Re: [vchkpw] quotas and imap

2002-11-08 Thread Vladimir Kabanov
but there only one small problem, for "quota-less" users,
so additional check has to be done.

> On Friday, November 8, 2002, at 02:55  PM, Vladimir Kabanov wrote:
> > Bill, that functionality already implemented in IMP, and it works for 
> > me, at
> > least
> > so everything even more simple :)
> Really?  Why are we having this discussion then?  I don't use IMP 
> anymore.  : |

Re: [vchkpw] incorrect work of vdelivermail

2002-11-12 Thread Vladimir Kabanov
ok, in other words you may write: "i'm wrong everywhere" -- thanks for
but i recommend you to think again about that questions, maybe opinion will

> > PROBLEM #1.
> Normal.
> With e-mail-address as "destination" another _delivery_ is done,
> therefore a new 'Delivered-To:' is inserted.
> With directory a simple 'store' is done, therefore no new
> 'Delivered-To:' is added. That's how it work.
> > PROBLEM #2.
> might somebody else tell something about this, I'm not experienced with
> quota support.
> > PROBLEM #3.
> > dot-qmail-otheruser in a root of the virtual domain
> > with contents like
> > /var/vpopmail/domains/normal_virtual.domain/rightuser/Maildir/
> >
> > produce also incorrect Delivered-To:  (twice incorrect!)
> > Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > instead of
> > Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Reqrite qmail to change this. dot-qmail files in domain root are handled
> by qmail itself instead of vdelivermail. Go, figure how qmail works, do
> a
> #> MANPATH=/var/qmail/man man qmail-users
> and read how syntax of /var/qmail/users/assign is and what means what.
> Go on and understand how qmail-local works.
> Understand why nothing can be done about this issue without
> rewriting/pathing qmail. Period.
> > when dot-qmail-otheruser consists of mailbox name
> >
> > last (top) Delivered-To: occurence contains correct data:
> > Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Because qmail-local does another delivery and not only storage.
> See above.
> > PROBLEM #4.
> > when alias contains absolute path for user's maildir
> > then dot-qmail  file in homemaildir doesn't get processed
> Who should process and interpret that dot-qmail file?
> Go, figure how qmail delivers, who processes dot-qmail files and when
> vdelivermail is invoked (hint: .qmail-default is only called if no
> matching dot-qmail file i ndomain-root is found by qmail-local).
> See and understand why this is the expected / programmed behavior.
> > what could be done with these four problems?
> I don't know about #2, the other 3 are as working intended.
> If you don't like the Delivered-To lines as they are and you know how
> setup has to be to produce some you like: use this setup. Period.
> Else you're free to patch your qmail to change it's behavior ...
> --
> Pit

Re: [vchkpw] incorrect work of vdelivermail

2002-11-12 Thread Vladimir Kabanov
don't you forget: we are speaking about "catch-all-mode" domain?

- Original Message -
From: "Anders Brander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] incorrect work of vdelivermail

> Hi,
> I think Peter answers were good for #2-4, but I would like to comment on
> #1.
> On Tuesday 12 November 2002 14:11, JUST a Tester wrote:
> > PROBLEM #1.
> > dot-qmail-default  with contents like
> > | /var/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > produce unnecessarily   Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > instead of just   Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This line _is_ necessarily. Imagine two .qmail files pointing to each
> in that fashion - it would be impossible to catch looping mail without the
> dt-lines.
> /Anders

Re: [vchkpw] incorrect work of vdelivermail

2002-11-12 Thread Vladimir Kabanov
ok, thanks for comments!
when i start to type that list of problems, i already been prepared to do
work myself, as it will be no interest for everyone,
including problem with unupdated quotas...

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Palmreuther" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 12:34 AM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] incorrect work of vdelivermail

> Hi Vladimir,
> On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 23:59:54 +1000
> "Vladimir Kabanov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ok, in other words you may write: "i'm wrong everywhere" -- thanks
> > for this,
> No. #2 I couldn't (and can't) say anything about. So not "everywhere".
> > but i recommend you to think again about that questions, maybe opinion
> > will change
> There's no need I change 'my opinion'.
> - I do (mostly) know qmail and how it works.
> - From several experiments I do (mostly) know how vdelivermail works.
> - Both makes sense, most the time.
> So if you don't like treatment of dot-qmail files in domain root you
> _have to_ change qmails way of working. Period. No need for me changing
> any 'opinion', that's how it is.
> If qmail-local does not look for dot-qmail files in users "home" dir
> when it found one in domains root (your problem #4) and you're unhappy
> with this: change qmails behavior, no need for me to change any opinion,
> not any reason for vpopmail developers to "get sleepless about", as they
> can't even do anything against this.
> If you don't like the way "vdelivermail" delivers emails and when it
> adds another 'Delivered-To:' (your problem #1) you're free to change
> this. Source code is available and you're free to patch it.
> You're also free to submit this patch. And if your patch does not
> decrease efficience chances might be it's taken over officially. But I
> doubt you'll succeed with making the necessary checkups as efficient as
> a big mail toaster needs them.
> Try to figure out what's necessary for vdelivermail to create a
> _CORRECT_ 'Delivered-To:' line when invoked with a maildir or mailbox as
> 3rd argument, insteaed of a e-mail-address.
> Remember you could put _ANY_ mailbox / maildir there, even one that does
> not belong to a user set up in 'vpasswd' but exists because it's
> created manually.
> If you don't like the way qmail creates 'Delivered-To:' lines when
> handling .qmail files (your problem #3): patch qmail-local.
> vpopmail in general, vdelivermail in special, can't do _ANYTHING_ about
> this, it's now invoked and absolutely irrelevant in that case.
> Ass delivery instructions for such addresses are set up in qmails
> configuration: '/var/qmail/control/virtualdomains',
> '/var/qmail/users/assign' (respectively .../cdb) and
> '$DIRECTORY_GIVEN_IN_ASSIGN/.qmail-whatever' are all handled by qmail
> itself. It reads 'virtualdomains', invokes qmail-local, this looks up
> the necessary data in'cdb' (binary of 'assign'), chdir()s to correct
> directory and finds appropriate dot-qmail file. qmail-local reads the
> delivery instructions from that file and delivers.
> Who, but qmail-local, should alter the 'Delivered-To:' header?
> Correct, nobody. So go, patch qmail-local.
> I'd suggest you read qmail documentation _carefully_, than go and get
> "The big qmail picture" ( and understand how qmail
> works. (I might be wrong, but wasn't this what I already suggested???).
> If you finally understood the system and still feel the need to changes:
> write the necessary changes, send the patches to the developers (in case
> of vpopmail) and see if they get used or not.
> In case of qmail the best you can get is your patch put on website,
> chances it is included in sources are approximated 0%.
> In case of vpopmail it could be you're another one in the 'THANKS' list,
> if your patch(es) are helpful and useable.
> So there you go, take your chances or leave it, but don't blame anybody
> for stuff you seems to not have understood completely.
> --
> Pit

Re: [vchkpw] incorrect work of vdelivermail

2002-11-12 Thread Vladimir Kabanov
that another and long story about my contribution experience for better

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Palmreuther" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] incorrect work of vdelivermail

> Hi Vladimir,
> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 00:49:44 +1000
> "Vladimir Kabanov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ok, thanks for comments!
> > when i start to type that list of problems, i already been prepared to
> > do work myself, as it will be no interest for everyone,
> > including problem with unupdated quotas...
> That's not true.
> You can't circumvent the way qmail works without chaning it, and in this
> case you might be true that there're not many people interested in such
> a risky patch to qmail, as it might (not must, might!) break the
> stability qmail offers.
> But improvements to vpopmail in general (and quotas in special) are
> welcome (I guess; never heard the opposite).
> Quota support is still subject to improvement, as far as I could
> recognize ind read in posts and changelog. So I guess you're welcome and
> invited to contribute code that helps improving functionality of
> vpopmail.
> --
> Pit

Re: [vchkpw] MySQL 4

2003-03-18 Thread Vladimir Kabanov
Hallo Steve!

have no any problems,
but only...  improved perfomance  in mysql 4  :)

- Original Message -
From: "Steve Fulton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 9:09 AM
Subject: [vchkpw] MySQL 4

> Hi all,
> Quick, obvious question:  Now that the Powers That Be(tm) have declared
> MySQL 4.xx production ready, has anyone run into any difficulties with it
> and Vpopmail?
> -- Steve

Re: [vchkpw] migrating

2003-03-18 Thread Vladimir Kabanov
export to LDIF and then parse that file

- Original Message -
From: "made" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "vchkpw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 12:59 AM
Subject: [vchkpw] migrating

> did anyone knows how to migrating database account from Imail mail server
> to vchkpw database(mysql)
> --
> --
>  Ikuti polling TELKOM Memo 166 di dan menangkan hadiah
masing-masing Rp 250.000 tunai
>  -

Re: [vchkpw] About to release new devel version 5.3.20

2003-03-24 Thread Vladimir Kabanov
Ken, have no any patches to add,
only suggestions i wrote earlier:
when sql-logging activated by configure, and database with logs get
crashed -- i guess we shouldnt try to recreate tables...

Vladimir Kabanov.

Re: [vchkpw] Making clear passwd work after upgrade

2003-06-08 Thread Vladimir Kabanov
in short: no,
you have to ask users to change their passwords, if they want to use apop or
cram-md5 auth methods

Vladimir Kabanov.

- Original Message - 
From: "Lou Hevly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 10:35 PM
Subject: [vchkpw] Making clear passwd work after upgrade

> Greetings:
> I have recently upgraded from vpopmail-4.9.10 to vpopmail-5.2.1.
> I configured with the clear passwd option, but notice that it won't
> work with accounts created under 4.9.10 (works fine with new accounts):
> $ vuserinfo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> name:   lou
> passwd: v52/wEzhdSDH2
> clear passwd:
> uid:1
> gid:0
> etc.
> Is there any way to convert the passwords of old vpopmail accounts
> so that they are readable by the new vuserinfo?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Lou Hevly
> Manresa, Catalonia

Re: [vchkpw] SHA crypt ldap auth

2003-07-31 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

- Original Message - 
From: "Jens Jahr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Rodrigo Pinheiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 10:07 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] SHA crypt ldap auth

> Zitat von Rodrigo Pinheiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I would like that vpopmail supports SHA crypt in ldap database
> >
> > I'm using Iplanet and I would like to migrate to openldap.
> >
> Hi Rod,
> sorry, vpopmail - ldap-auth does currently only support MD5 and Unix-crypt
> encryption for passwords.
> Cheers
> Jens

it's true, but for more than one year i'm using SHA1 hashes in vpopmail
as i were pressed to migrate from netscape messaging server with all his
user records.

So, Rodrigo, if hash of "password" looks like
i can share code i implemented for this.

Vladimir Kabanov.

Re: [vchkpw] courier pop3d

2003-08-29 Thread Vladimir Kabanov
native vchkpw will not do authentication for courier pop3d,
possibly authvchkpw will do, possibly not.

Vladimir Kabanov.

- Original Message - 
From: "Tobias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] courier pop3d

> Ok so i can rewrite the supervise script to run with couriertcpd and
> courierpop3d instead
> Is it possible to get the courierpop3d to work with vpopmail  ?
> How could a supervisescript for that look like ?
> //Tobias
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Jonas Pasche" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 1:27 PM
> Subject: Re: [vchkpw] courier pop3d
> > Hi Tonino,
> >
> > > Courier pop3d is run directly by courier, as a daemon, and (as long as
> > > I know) cannot be run using tcpserver.
> >
> > That's not true; actually Courier-IMAP starts the "pop3login
> >  pop3d" chain under couriertcpd, which can be replaced
> > by tcpserver, if you want to. It is not a daemon; couriertcpd is the
> > daemon (like tcpserver).
> >
> > Jonas
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > __ NOD32 1.496 (20030828) Information __
> >
> > This message was checked by NOD32 Antivirus System.
> >
> >
> >

Re: [vchkpw] vipmap - help

2003-09-10 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

- Original Message - 
From: "Ken Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [vchkpw] vipmap - help

> username instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED] The ip mapping
> figures out which domain is on the IP and automatically
> fills in the domain for authentication. It also only applies
> to pop authentication.
> Ken Jones

Ken, if u remember, i send you modified vchkpw,
so note of you "It also only applies to pop authentication."  may be skipped
if that corrections be integrated.
ip-mapping perfectly works for us with pop3, imap & smtp.

Vladimir Kabanov.

Re: [vchkpw] Bounce when over quota

2003-09-23 Thread Vladimir Kabanov
- Original Message - 
From: "John Councilman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 2:23 AM
Subject: [vchkpw] Bounce when over quota

> Is there a way to disable bouncing when a user is over quota.  I know 
> you can disable bouncing when a user does not exist.  Any ideas?
> John

about which type of bouning you are asking?
at smtp stage, when qmail-smtpd processing RCPT TO:  ?

i did this for our mail-system based on freebsd+qmail+vpopmail+mysql.
sources are at:

Vladimir Kabanov.

Take a look, it maybe interesting: universal vchkpw for IMAP, APOP, POP3 & SMTP

2001-08-17 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

Good day!

after some work on sources of qmail & vpopmail  I made some modifications in 
qmail-popup and in vpopmail's vchkpw to provide APOP & CRAM-MD5 autentication.

If u will decide to use these files -- it will be possible to use compiled vchkpw as 
autentication module for Courier-IMAP
(just tell him to use vchkpw, not authvchkpw) and also for SMTP autentication (plain & 

If u are interesting u may use that files (that not DIFF files, i still dont know how 
to operate with them -- its files that u may just put over original files of qmail and 
vpopmail and then recompile).

Hope it will be helpful tool.  ;)

P.S. to make it work, you have to allow storing of clear-text passwords.

Please contact for any questions, troubles and suggestions.

Best wishes,
Vladimir Kabanov.


about Microsoft clients SPA authentication

2001-08-20 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

Good day!

now I'm working on improvements for vchkpw module, to make it universal,
for this moment modifications I made allow to authenticate POP3, IMAP, SMTP clients
with Plain, APOP, CRAM-MD5 methods (of course APOP for POP3 only).

This question made by the fact Microsoft Mail client doesn't have well documented 
authentication schema for something like CRAM-MD5, but have something called SPA
and here is my question: does anybody know how this method could be implemented in 
I need only specifications used there, and hope I'll could implement this method.
Please help me with any regarding information.

If u are also interested in what I have done already for this moment please contact 
Vladimir Kabanov,

Corrections to QMail + VPopMail 4.10.30

2001-09-03 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

Hi friends!

I guess Inter7 command being ignoring my corrections made to vpopmail and offered to 
them to be implemented in next releases. Ok, thats only their business.
I will not be bothering them anymore.

All corrections tested and work as expected.

New features you will find here: (some of them based on someone patches found in Net)

Implemented features:
pop3 capa
pop3 auth login & cram-md5
smtp auth login & cram-md5
pop3 APOP.
possibilty to store password hashes in SHA-1 format (after import from other packets,  
 vadduser username "{SHA}hash" )

Universal vchkpw, capable to handle pop3, imap, smtp AUTH requests from qmail and 
As requested by Nikolai Dahlem, today I add posibilty to block certain users from 
using smtp. (SMTP access denied, like POP3 & IMAP,  see vmoduser).

As for Courier -- there is no more need to use authvchkpw with all they strange 
schemas, u may use plain or cram-md5 for imap and pop3 too.

Unified logging to represent protocol and authentication schema.
and guess something more, just dont remember.

So, if u wish to try these corrections, sources available at (if some problems with name, try 
Corrections to vpopmail made on VPopMail 4.10.30.
I dont support their new versions cause of their attitude.

Of course u may use it or may not -- just your decision.
In any way, I wish you good luck!


Vladimir Kabanov,
Vladivostok, Russia.

little demo

2001-09-03 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

to test what I have said before and various authentication schemas,
you may use following data:

server -- (
user -- guest
pass -- guest

take a look ;)

Vladimir Kabanov.

Re: compile troubles

2001-09-04 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

Bill, hello!

> gcc -I. -Icdb  -g -O2 -Wall -c vpopmail.c
> In file included from /usr/include/sys/wait.h:79,
>  from vpopmail.c:30:
> /usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h:78: duplicate member `__w_retcode'
> /usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h:79: duplicate member `__w_coredump'
> /usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h:80: duplicate member `__w_termsig'
> /usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h:92: duplicate member `__w_stopsig'
> /usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h:93: duplicate member `__w_stopval'
> In file included from functions.c:4,
>  from vpopmail.c:42:
> sha1.c: In function `SHA1_Transform':
> sha1.c:290: `q' undeclared (first use in this function)
> sha1.c:290: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
> sha1.c:290: for each function it appears in.)
> sha1.c:291: `i' undeclared (first use in this function)
> make[2]: *** [vpopmail.o] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/src/vlad/vpop.4.10.30'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/src/vlad/vpop.4.10.30'
> make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
> This is a RH Linux 7.1 system with gcc version 2.96 2731 (Red Hat Linux
> 7.1 2.96-81)

thank you very mach you leave me a hope to participate in project.
I guess all of these errors caused by only one file "endian.h".
I'm using FreeBSD, and just take this from /usr/inlclude/machine (as used in original 
sha1.c -- no more corrections done)

About Qmail -- my corrections based on cumulative patch found at (I wish to say "Big Thanks" to 
Matt for that toaster).
Of course there also were stylistic corrections, It were almost impossible to look and 
understand anything why looking on that horrible-styled code. So I format modified 
modules for my own taste. Guess it ok.
Modifications (meaningful) done only for two modules: qmail-popup.c and qmail-smtpd.c  
to provide sending of additional zero-divided control byte to vchkpw-module (to be 
know which module asking for authentication and which schema were used).

For vpopmail: 
as I said, works based on version 4.10.30, all corrections made by myself, applying 
new auth schemas, modifying logging and so on. Of course stylistic corrections also 
had place.
I wrote some additional functions placed in functions.c.  excepting HMAC_MD5, i just 
copy there a text I found on Net.
base64-related functions adopted from base64-packet found in ports-collections. 
(Author John Walker,
It is possible to use SHA-1 after installing   just not sure...  mcrypt maybe?  
(libmd,  -lmd)

Bill, what else should be said to continue integration?
I have a little entreaty: give a hint how to use quotas cooperatively with 
Courier-IMAP quotas,
I'm ready to do these corrections too.

Vladimir Kabanov.

Re: vpopmail-5.0pre1

2001-09-04 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

> Hi Folks,
> The summer is over (here in the US) and it's time we have a new
> vpopmail-5.0 release to start the year out right.
> I do not want to add in any new features which require a new
> round of testing. Any new features can be added to 5.1 (devel version)
> and later released as a production version 5.2.
> So I would like to release vpopmail-4.10.36 as vpopmail-5.0pre1.
> The two features I would like to put in the 5.1 devel version
> are Vlad's new auth code for
> pop3 capa
> pop3 auth login & cram-md5
> smtp auth login & cram-md5
> pop3 APOP.
> And Enar's vaddaliasdomain code.
> What do you folks think?
> Ken Jones

Ken, sounds fine!

but what about alternative way of password hashes storing, I mean SHA-1 (i
guess almost all LDIF exports use this format)?
and SMTP-blocking for certain users?
these features already done too  :))

Best wishes!
Vladimir Kabanov.

Re: vpopmail-5.0pre1

2001-09-04 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

> SMTP blocking (via vmoduser) is something I wouldn't mind seeing in 5.0..  I
> just implemented smtp auth in production, and could use that sooner than
> later.  ; )   If I get time today, I'll try to extract those changes from
> Vladimir's code and submit it as a patch to 5.0pre1.
> Cheers,
> Bill Shupp

Good day friends!

of course thats not completing SMTP blocks, 
its just a possibility to disable user from sending to someone else using  our 
protected smtp-server.

I guess there also could be such possibility as block on vdeliver level...
but...  dont think its good decision, as we will lost contact with that user... or...  
maybe enable smtp delivery from admin stuff?
this a little better.

to Bill and Ken:
why cant u contact me for additional info what have been done to vpopmail modules
in order to implement it faster? I guess it will be a little easier way to work on  :)

Waiting for news from you.

Vladimir Kabanov.

Some misunderstanding

2001-09-06 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

Good ady, friends!

Forgive me if I misunderstood something,
but how to use .qmail  file  for virtual users?

I wish do following:

i've got an account and want :  deliver mail for this account, and forward to someone 

With clean qmail  its looking like

in .qmail  file

but this is not absolutely working with vdeliver. What maybe wrong?

one more sorry if im wrong.

Re: Some misunderstanding

2001-09-06 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

> No prob, this is easy with virt users.  All you have to do is put the
> .qmail file in the root dir of the domain
> (/home/vpopmail/domains/  Just do a normal dot-qmail file
> (.qmail-username) and put the usual stuff in it except for the
> ./Maildir/, put the full path
> (/home/vpopmail/domains/

ok, it's work somehow -- thanx for advance.

but i guess thats not very good implementation of DJB .qmail' idea,
maybe it will be fixed by someone?

about .qmail files

2001-09-07 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

Now i fixed the problem i describe earlier.
.qmail  now can contain lines with starting "# "  and "./Maildir"  
as it described for .qmail files in original Qmail.

If u r interested in these corrections please contact me.

Vladimir Kabanov.

Re: Your patches.

2001-09-07 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

>> Hi Vladimir,

>> I'm curious, once your patches are integrated into later vpopmail releases 
will it still require modifications to qmail-popup and storing of 
clear-text passwords?

cleartext passwords absolutely required only if u wish to use APOP or CRAM-MD5 
authentication mode.

but if plain auth enough for u -- u may skip it.

about qmail:  not exactly required,  but still desirable

Re: vpopmail auth question

2001-10-03 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

> Just wondering really quickly, what types of encryption does vpopmail use?
> I'm guessing that on FreeBSD, if I have the default set to MD5, then
> vpopmail will only be able to verify MD5 passwords. Is that correct?

Some days (or weeks) ago, I offer to Ken to use OS-independent
SHA-1 hash format to be stored in database...

but, alas, still haven't any response
also as have no response to implement APOP & CRAM-MD5 password auth
schemas... for pop3, courier (imap & pop3) & smtp
in one vchkpw module.

routines already developed and used on... "production"  mail-server,
without any troubles
(beg pardon for english)

Vladimir Kabanov.

some questions

2001-10-03 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

good day for all!

i'm only inquiring now:  is someone working on implementation of such
authorising by alias (not only real account)?

i guess it will be good feature, especially if corporate rules require to
use full user name and last name when creating mail account.

and one more, about quotas:

how make it possible to automatically notify user, when he reaches his quota

and how to integrate vpopmail quotas with courier quotas?

Vladimir Kabanov.

Re: antivirus server software

2001-10-03 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

> >> What virus scanner app do you use, then? And on what OS? (I think
> >> the only one which is any good on FreeBSD would be Kaspersky AVP).
> >> The Linux version appears to have a demo (which only scans, but
> >> that would
> >> be enough on a server, but for FreeBSD, there doesn't seem to be
> >> any demo ;-)

oh, I should note that also DrWEB also works on Linux & FreeBSD.

At least, I'm now using it on FreeBSD  --  results good enough.
Price about $500 / year.

Re: can I use APOP for /etc/passwd users with vpopmail 5.0 ?

2001-10-06 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

>> Subject: can I use APOP for /etc/passwd users with vpopmail 5.0 ?

guess now,
but hope soon it become possible for virtual users.

Re: silently "dropping" mail

2001-10-25 Thread Vladimir Kabanov

wildmat patch for qmail

- Original Message -
From: "Qmail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 4:20 PM
Subject: silently "dropping" mail

> What's the best way to drop mail to certain accounts (
> Thanks!