Re: Cygwin 1069 logon error

2011-04-06 Thread Andy Kurth
The password should be the actual password of the root account on the 
Windows computer.  The quotes around the password are only necessary if 
it contains special characters.

It looks like your contains Windows line breaks. 
You'll see the 'unexpected token {\r' error when this is the case.  This 
will happen in some circumstances if you save it under Windows.  The 
file must only contain Unix line breaks in order to work.  Run this 
command on the Windows computer in the Cygwin shell then try to run the 
script again:

dos2unix /home/root/


On 4/5/2011 3:25 PM, Frento Burton wrote:

I'm installing VCL on my fedora 13 desktop and I have created a Windows
XP virtual machine. I am trying to run the script.
I set the file as an executable then proceed to run the command
/home/root/ 'PASSWORD'. Everything goes smooth
until the last step in which I receive a Win32 1069 logon failure. I
wasn't sure if PASSWORD was suppose to be the actual root password I
use to logon to my Windows XP virtual machine or a new password
specifically for I read around on a couple of
forms that the password to run sshd should be at least 5 - 8 characters
and alphanumeric. If this is so than my Windows XP root password does
not meet that criteria.

Also, when I try to simply run the command again i get this error message;

/home/root/ line 46: syntax error near unexpected
token ' {\r' '
'home/root/ line 46: 'function set_config {

Has anyone encountered this problem before? Your input is greatly

Re: Windows 7 and Windows XP give same error when trying to capture

2011-04-06 Thread Tyler Hardesty
Thanks Andy, you have been sooo helpful!! My image seemed to capture
successfully, but it wasn't the Data Store Path I had to clear, it was the
Image repository path, then I ran setup again and it said image capture
successful... however now I can't seem to successfully reserve the image...
I still think it has something to do with the ip, do I need to change to a
static setup since I don't have a DHCP server handing out IPs (i.e. this is
a single machine running everything (vmware, Apache VCL, management node,
etc) that is located inside the network closet at my school and is
statically assigned an ip of and I am allowed to use IPs up
til about 205.215 but they aren't handed out by a DHCP server). Well you
will probably know better, this is my log output:

2011-04-06 12:39:59|1614|42:42|new||attempt
107: code returned false, seconds el\
apsed/remaining: 898/2, sleeping for 8 seconds
2011-04-06 12:40:03|30717|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-04-06 12:40:03
2011-04-06 12:40:07|1614|42:42|new||attempt
108: waiting for vm4 to respond to S\
2011-04-06 12:40:07|1614|42:42|new||vm4 is NOT
responding to SSH, ports 22 or 24 are\
 both closed
2011-04-06 12:40:07|1614|42:42|new||waiting
for vm4 to respond to SSH, code did \
not return true after waiting 900 seconds

|1614|42:42|new|  WARNING 
|1614|42:42|new| 2011-04-06
12:40:07|1614|42:42|new||failed to connect to
vm4 via SS\
H after 900 seconds
|1614|42:42|new| ( 0), wait_for_response (line: 465)
|1614|42:42|new| (-1), post_load (line: 591)
|1614|42:42|new| (-2), load (line: 415)
|1614|42:42|new| (-3), reload_image (line: 687)
|1614|42:42|new| (-4), process (line: 282)
|1614|42:42|new| (-5) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)

|1614|42:42|new|  WARNING 
|1614|42:42|new| 2011-04-06
12:40:07|1614|42:42|new||vm4 never responded to SSH
|1614|42:42|new| ( 0), post_load (line: 592)
|1614|42:42|new| (-1), load (line: 415)
|1614|42:42|new| (-2), reload_image (line: 687)
|1614|42:42|new| (-3), process (line: 282)
|1614|42:42|new| (-4) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
|1614|42:42|new| (-5) vcld, main (line: 346)

|1614|42:42|new|  WARNING 
|1614|42:42|new| 2011-04-06
12:40:07|1614|42:42|new||failed to perform OS post-load
tasks on \
VM vm4 on VM host: localvmhost
|1614|42:42|new| ( 0), load (line: 419)
|1614|42:42|new| (-1), reload_image (line: 687)
|1614|42:42|new| (-2), process (line: 282)
|1614|42:42|new| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
|1614|42:42|new| (-4) vcld, main (line: 346)

|1614|42:42|new|  WARNING 
|1614|42:42|new| 2011-04-06
failed to load\
 on vm4, returning
|1614|42:42|new| ( 0), reload_image (line: 692)
|1614|42:42|new| (-1), process (line: 282)
|1614|42:42|new| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
|1614|42:42|new| (-3) vcld, main (line: 346)

2011-04-06 12:40:07|1614|42:42|new||inserted
computer=5, loadimagefailed, vmwarewinx\
p-xp231-v0 failed to load on vm4

|1614|42:42|new|  WARNING 
|1614|42:42|new| 2011-04-06 12:40:07|1614|42:42|new||failed
to load vm4 with vmwarewinxp-xp23\
|1614|42:42|new| ( 0), process (line: 329)
|1614|42:42|new| (-1) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
|1614|42:42|new| (-2) vcld, main (line: 346)

to retrieve current\
 state of computer vm4 from the database
current state of com\
puter vm4 from the database: reloading
2011-04-06 12:40:07|1614|42:42|new||data
structure updated: $self-request_data\
|1614|42:42|new| computer_state_name = reloading
to retrieve\
 private IP address for computer: vm4
contents of \
/etc/hosts on this management node, contains 8 lines
IP address f\
rom /etc/hosts file:
2011-04-06 12:40:07|1614|42:42|new||zero
rows were returned from database select
owner id: 1
2011-04-06 12:40:07|1614|42:42|new||database
requested (information_schema) does not mat\
ch handle stored in 

Re: Cygwin 1069 logon error

2011-04-06 Thread Frento Burton
Ok, the command dos2unix /home/root/ allows me to run
the script without the 'unexpected token {\r' error. However I still get the
error message 'System error 1069 has occurred. The service did not start due
to a logon failure. I have changed my Windows root password to an
alphanumeric password but I get the same message...

Re: Cygwin 1069 logon error

2011-04-06 Thread Frento Burton
Actually guys, I have found the problem. For some strange reason, when
trying to start the script from cywgin, the root password is altered. If I
start the service from the windows control panel under 'services' and change
the log-in properties of the cygwin sshd service, I see that the password is
incorrect. After correcting the password, I am able to successfully start
the service ONLY from the 'service' control panel. I was also able to ssh
into the Windows image from my management node so that indicates the cygwin
sshd service is working correctly.

Thanks again for all your help guys, I will probably be back before you know
it with more questions :)