[videoblogging] Re: Decline in Posts -It's OK!

2008-06-19 Thread CCP
Hello, all.  My name is Christine and I'm a Lurker.  (you say: "Hi, Christine")

I joined the group just a little while ago.  A friend suggested I come and take 
a look.  The level of expertise is indeed astounding; I'm learning a lot.   

I know some of you from around the web, but for those of you who don't know me: 
I'm a live streamer (with my N95) on various sites like Qik and Bambuser; a 
video tester at places like Seesmic and Phreadz; I am currently shooting (in 
mini DV format) a show that features my precocious 8 year old daughter called, 
aptly, "The Lyrica Show;"  I'm learning how to edit it;  Geo Geller has 
provided a ton of inspiration and help (as well as a mic!) for this project.

May I humbly say that I think this group doesn't have to be feverishly active 
to remain relevant and helpful.  (Don't forget, for a newbie like me, the 
searchable archives for yahoo groups are a fantastic knowledge base in 
themselves.)   Most groups slow down and morph into something like an exclusive 
chatroom.  This may be what is happening here.  It probably should be 
encouraged, actually.  The pioneers here can post occasionally to get expert 
feedback.  It's like having a 'focus group' on tap.  Perfect.

 Thanks!  I'll go back to lurking now.

-Christine Cavalier, a.k.a. PurpleCar

P.S. **Jan, I'm so sorry I missed you when you were in Philly!  :-( **


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[videoblogging] Re: VCast

2008-07-09 Thread CCP
I have a verizon phone that is V Cast enabled but I NEVER use it.   I don't 
know anyone with Verizon that does use it.

Why I don't use it:  

I have no idea what it costs me to use, and I'm not willing to find out.  

No idea what content is there, so I am not going to waste my time 'browsing.'
My Samsung U740 (I think) runs out of battery power relatively quickly.

Media I DO use on my phone:

Music I put on the tiny little 1 Gig card that goes in the phone.  This is good 
for waiting in line to entertain the kids.  They dance in elevators.
The QWERTY keyboard for texting.
Occasional video.
Occasional photo.  (again, I have no idea what this costs me to upload and 
Verizon has all this private site stuff.  It's a ridiculous end-user-hater 

I suppose we could ask a few mobile natives (kids 15 and under) if they use it. 
 It's pretty dead though.  Verizon will have to wake up and unlock their phones 
for web access soon.  That is the only viable option going forward.

-Christine PurpleCar


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[videoblogging] RE: Random Rules

2009-03-27 Thread CCP
Jay, I find that so interesting, thanks for sharing.  For videobloggers, 
amateur curation like that can only be a good thing.  It lessens the gap 
between consumers and makers of art.
-Christine (PurpleCar)


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