Re: [videoblogging] Moving from Blogger to Wordpress

2008-05-09 Thread Robin Harford
> I posted this to the Show in a Box fourms, but forgot to post it here.
> As some of you may know I just recently switched from Blogger to
> Wordpress. Well I decieded to help as many people as I can we are
> thinking about making a similar move. So I created a screencast and
> post that highlights some information that I hope is usefull for those
> who are thinking about moving. Just thought I would share with everyone

Hi all, I'm new to the list as of a couple of days ago, and thought
I'd just chip in here (can't you tell I'm a Brit with a phrase like

I've been using Wordpress for my videos for a couple of years now. I
can't recommend moving over to it. One of the big considerations about
using third-party blogging platforms like is you lose
control. Nothing quite like coming back to your Blogger account and
finding the Big G. has deleted all your work.

Another thing you might want to look at when using Wordpress is
finding a decent host, which offers decent storage and bandwidth. Also
WP is pretty resource intensive and needs a decent hosting company.
Just because a host offers Fantastico and 1-click installs doesn't
mean they have set-up their servers to really be of much use for a WP

Anyway that's my 2 pennies-worth.


Re: [videoblogging] Foodchain for peace

2008-05-18 Thread Robin Harford
Lisa this looks great. However my only concern is how are you planning
to stop folk from hijacking the foodchain project and uploading
blatant adverts for their sites etc.? IE: Posting a YouTube response
and just showing an advert for their site.

I just logged into and saw that I had the ability to delete
the videos. Now obviously I haven't actually tried to delete any, but
the button is there and if this goes uber-viral, and the internet
marketing guru crowd jump on it (which they will I predict), then you
might have a problem of hijackers/video deleters.

Maybe I'm just being too dramatic, but I'd appreciate your feedback.

Good luck with the project, I'm off to prepare a snippet, a bit of
'wild food' me-thinks to balance out the supermarket shots ;-)



Re: [videoblogging] Re: Easy implement pay-per-download?

2008-05-18 Thread Robin Harford
Checkout Mixiv ( which has just launched.

The bonus of this service is it has a built in affiliate programme
that allows others to promote your stuff in exchange for a commission
on sales. You set that commission.



[videoblogging] Is There A Standard Video Pixel Size?

2008-06-05 Thread Robin Harford
I'm wondering if there is such a thing as an industry standard video
pixel size that is recommended when publishing videos to a WP blog? I
currently use 640x480 for my screencasts.

I also see a lot of vlogs with vids around 512x308, 640x360, 575x323,
so they look more rectangular.

Any feedback would be appreciated... thanks.


Re: [videoblogging] Video Themes for Wordpress, send me a few examples pls

2008-06-05 Thread Robin Harford
> I purchased one of the themes, Video Elements, but I do not know how to use
> it or how to plug it in. Can you help me?


Try these tutorials...



Re: [videoblogging] List of social media sites

2008-06-06 Thread Robin Harford

> I listed this a while back, but I found someone selling this same list
> online for $10. It's my exact same list, which is funny since I paid
> $10 just to find out it was my list being sold.
> I don't really care that someone is selling the list, but I thought I
> would mention that you can get it for free here-

Thanks a lot for the list. Greatly appreciated.

Out of interest, did the person selling the list actually change
anything (add descriptions, PR, Alexa rank etc.) or did they simply
sell it as is?


Re: [videoblogging] Re: From Mac *TO* PC -- Should I Switch?

2008-06-09 Thread Robin Harford
Two months ago I made the jump and switched FROM PC TO Mac... and I
will never look back.

My biggest cause for stress was that I have some custom built software
that will only run on Windows XP, but using VMware Fusion I can toggle
back and forth between Mac OS X and XP. No having to close down OS X
and reboot in Windows.

My productivity has been boosted as a result because using Windows
became a major headache, due to the whole OS just slowing down to a
snail crawl when rendering videos. And I had uber-memory installed.
Not so with my Mac Pro!

Regarding using the XP os, it doesn't even come close to Mac OS X, and
software is generally much cheaper for Mac  than Windows.

Just my 2 pennies worth.


Re: [videoblogging] Re: From Mac *TO* PC -- Should I Switch?

2008-06-09 Thread Robin Harford
> Software is cheaper on the Mac?!can't say I have looked at every
> piece of software, but show me a sub 100 video editing program just
> for the Mac. I know imovie, but I am talking about the next step
> up. There isn't least not yet. Now there are options like
> running bootcamp, etc...but as far as straight Mac software apps for
> video, nada...

Actually I was referring to making screencasts and rendering them out
to different formats. Cheap as chips compared to Windows versions.

Using VMware Fusion means you have the best of both worlds. But for
pure power I'm glad I jumped ship to a Mac.


Re: [videoblogging] The Future of Copyright

2008-06-10 Thread Robin Harford
> What scares me is the idea of banning decives or services that "could"
> lead someone to infringe on copyright. I am telling you, if we are not
> careful services such as Blip, etc will go away because of
> legislation. There could be a day when you can't upload a video
> because there will be no services left, only those that have
> content "legally" provided to them by studios, etcit can happen...

Having had tons of my own material ripped off and sold over the years,
and never seeing a penny of the proceeds, I am simply recognising that
piracy, whether I like it or not, is here to stay.

Rather than apply the old copyright paradigm to new distributed
technology, Mark Pesce's lecture on Piracy Is Good (see really
opened my eyes to how as a content producer I can monetarise piracy
for my own benefit.

Check out the lecture, if you haven't seen it, I reckon it's well
worth the 62 minutes. I thought he was on to something with his new
"business model" for making piracy work for content creators, rather
than go the route of yet more and more legislation that at the end of
the day is simply a way to have more and more bureaucratic jobsworths
justify their existence.

Radical stuff that Pesce fellow proposes... is he way of base folks?


Re: [videoblogging] Easy code generator for High Quality YouTube embeds

2008-06-26 Thread Robin Harford
Thanks for that Rupert, that's really helpful.


2008/6/26 Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've created a tool which generates the right HTML code to embed High
> Quality YouTube videos. Instead of you having to fiddle around
> altering the code yourselves with the code I posted here last night.