[videoblogging] Re: Short Film blog / forums?

2008-01-12 Thread postoprem
Some places that I like: 

http://ticklebooth.com/ (a site that I run)


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, akrobotics [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any suggestions for good blogs, forums, or podcasts devoted
 specifically to short films and the people who make them?

[videoblogging] Re: What kind of Pro camera should I get?

2007-12-11 Thread postoprem
Hi Heath, 

The new Sony XDCAM EX1 is what I would recommend. For low light, a 
bigger sensor is better, so the EX1 has a 1/2 inch sensor compared to 
most 1/3 sensor cameras. 

It records onto Express Cards but Sony's variation called Sxs. They 
are talking about allowing any Express Cards. Express cards are 
pretty cool, they connect directly to the computer versus P2 and 
Compact Flash that have to go through bus cable. 

It records all kinds of variable rates. The lens is AWESOME. This is 
the camera I am getting after holding out for almost 6 years. I don't 
need the RED power but I need this. The only drawback is that it 
records in XDCAM which like HDV records in long GOP. I have had no 
problems with this in all the times i have used a HDV camera. BTW, 
XDCAM is pro version of HDV. The EX1 uses a new variation  Currently, 
there is support for it in Final Cut Pro and Vegas. I think Canopus 
(spelling?) also has support. But there should be even more support 
once it gets popular. The camera is hitting the streets. The footage 
coming out of this camera is pretty cool. 

Have fun.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Heath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am looking at upgrading my camera and in a big way.  As some of 
 may know I have been starting to have people come to me to video 
 stuff.  And while the camera I have has been able to do that, it 
 won't get me to where I need to be.  SoI am looking at 
 upgrading.  I know quite a few on this list who are using pro or 
 prosumer cameras, so I am looking for practicial advise and 
 recomendations.  I need something that will be good in low light, 
 have some manual controls, external sound, etc.  I also want to be 
 able to use this camera to shoot weddings, local events, short 
 Like I said, I know the camera I have can do most of what I want to 
 do, but it doesn't do all and I want a camera I can grow with, the 
 ability to shoot in low light and the external lighting ablility 
 along with being able to shoot in 24p are the big things.
 So, Jay, Ryanne, Bill, David, Rupert, Cheryl and anyone else who 
 knowledge let me know what you thinkand if anyone uses a 
 paticular camera let me know...

[videoblogging] Re: why would feedburner....?

2007-07-07 Thread postoprem

I noticed this problem a little while back. I solved it by submitting my atom 
feed instead of 
RSS feed to Feedburner. This was pure luck.

Hope that helps.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yeah, you absolutely shouldn't have to create different feeds for  
 different file types unless you want to.  We won the cold war so that  
 you could choose your enclosures.
 Having FLV (and other formats) contained in the same feed as well is  
 a nice bonus... unless FLV is taking over as the first listed  
 enclosure and being played by readers and aggregators when you want  
 your MP4s to be played, like is happening to me.
 Surely in Feedburner you should be able to specify which file type  
 you want as your primary media type, as your No 1 Enclosure.   
 Apparently not, from what I can see - but that's MADNESS!
 I've asked on their forum.  No reply yet.
 I suspect that it's happening to lots of people, but they don't  
 realise it.  I don't pay anything like as much attention to my feed  
 as I used to 2 years ago. I just let it get on with the job - which  
 is great, until something goes wrong that you don't notice.  I  
 wouldn't have noticed this if it hadn't been for your post here, so  
 thanks a lot.
 (By the way everyone, just because I'm complaining about my feed,  
 doesn't mean you shouldn't add it to your list RIGHT NOW :D (As long  
 as you send me yours.)
 On 5 Jul 2007, at 12:54, Heath wrote:
 .your right it is annoyinganyone else having this
 issue? Or should I start making seperate feeds for my different
 types ie, one for Ipod, one for Windows, one for Flash, etc. Any
 thoughts out there? ARGH! sorry just hate to do that..
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Living with server downtime...

2007-05-22 Thread postoprem
How much downtime is acceptable? This might be a silly question because the 
answer is none but it seems the real word seems to offer something different.

My site is hosted on Bluehost. And maybe for a couple of issues, they have been 
reliable and I have been quite satisfied. But every so often, I am working on 
something and 
my site is down because of various reasons: CPU Bandwidth issues, internal 
error and blah 

I think one of my wordpress plugins, Wordtube, which I love dearly and use 
extensively is 
the culprit (my media files are hosted on blip). Speaking to the tech support 
peeps, they 
point to several plugins as the reasons for outtages. But I love and need my 
plugins. And I 
have to say that for the most part, I install plugins that I really need.

Are any of you wordpress users (who host their own blogs) facing these issues?
If you do, do you find your site down from time to time? if so, how long?
What are your secrets to keeping an healthy site?
What are the big sites doing in terms of the backend and all that? 

And more importantly...
When will videoblogging not suck time from my day? 
When will I stop having to deal with php or mysql code crap?
When will I stop feeling like a dumbass for hosting my own site?


[videoblogging] Interview with Mike Hudack of blip.tv

2007-01-30 Thread postoprem

I had a wonderful interview/ chat with Mike Hudack, CEO of blip.tv. A lot of 
talk about new 
features and the future of videoblogging.

