[Vietlug] Lam sao fix cai nay?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại maikhai
Hi All!
Trong Yoper 2.1
Cha.y le^.nh:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mk2 # tail -f /var/log/messages
Oct 22 10:34:47 yos kernel: INPUT packet died: IN=eth0 OUT=
MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:a0:c5:f3:c1:a2:08:00 SRC=
DST= LEN=72 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=1 ID=74 PROTO=UDP
SPT=520 DPT=520 LEN=52
Oct 22 10:39:00 yos gconfd (mk2-3224): starting (version 2.6.3), pid
3224 user 'mk2'
Oct 22 10:39:00 yos gconfd (mk2-3224): Wrong permissions for /tmp/orbit-mk2
Oct 22 10:39:00 yos gconfd (mk2-3224): Wrong permissions for
Du`ng mc mo` to+'i ddi.a chi? thi` chi? tha^'y ca'c te^n file ma^`u dden
  mo+` mo+` (temporary file?) va^.y thi` sao no' cu+. nu+. la`m chi?
Ma(.t kha'c, ma'y to^i ne^'u ddang cha.y Windows, khi shutdown ro^`i
mo+? qua linux (yoper) thi kho^ng nha^.n ra router ngay, ma` pha?i
reboot thi` mo+'i hoat ddo^.ng bi`nh thu+o+`ng ddu+o+.c (Trong Windows
thu+o+`ng disable networking) .
Ca'c ba.n ai ga(.p lo^~i na`y ro^`i xin chi? gia'o.
m k h _ s g n

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RE: [Vietlug] Lam sao fix cai nay?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Bien
 Oct 22 10:39:00 yos gconfd (mk2-3224): starting (version 2.6.3), pid
 3224 user 'mk2'
 Oct 22 10:39:00 yos gconfd (mk2-3224): Wrong permissions for
 Oct 22 10:39:00 yos gconfd (mk2-3224): Wrong permissions for

 Du`ng mc mo` to+'i ddi.a chi? thi` chi? tha^'y ca'c te^n file
 ma^`u dden
mo+` mo+` (temporary file?) va^.y thi` sao no' cu+. nu+. la`m chi?

mo+` mo+` va^.y la` socket file ba'c a., du`ng dde^? lie^n la.c giu+~a ca'c 
tie^'n tri`nh vo+'i nhau (IPC), cha'u chi? bie^'t co' the^' !

 Ma(.t kha'c, ma'y to^i ne^'u ddang cha.y Windows, khi shutdown ro^`i
 mo+? qua linux (yoper) thi kho^ng nha^.n ra router ngay, ma` pha?i
 reboot thi` mo+'i hoat ddo^.ng bi`nh thu+o+`ng ddu+o+.c (Trong Windows
 thu+o+`ng disable networking) .

Nha^.n ra router la` the^' na`o ba'c ? cha'u kho^ng ro~

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[Vietlug] Khai bao IP range trong squid nhu the nao cho dung?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại hypoj
To^i ca^`n khai ba'o mo^.t acl trong squid tro? va`o mo^.t so^' PC trong 
LAN ma` tho^i, kho^ng pha?i ca? subnet, to^i dda~ thu+?

acl myclient src
acl myclient src
nhu+ng xem ra squid kho^ng chi.u ca'ch na`o ca?.
Ca'c ba'c cho xin va`i xu vo+'i. TIA
Microsoft is not the answer, it is the question. The answer is NO!!!

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[Vietlug] Samba cho phep Windoze truy cap nhung chan Linux

2004-10-22 Hội thoại hypoj
Samba server cu?a to^i cho phe'p ca'c ma'y Windoze truy ca^.p va`o share 
folder cu?a ma'y Samba bi`nh thu+o+`ng, nhu+ng truy ca^.p ba(`ng 
nautilus 2.2.1 tu+` RH9 thi` chi? list ddu+o+.c 1st level folder tho^i, 
kho^ng truy ca^.p va`o ca'c subfolders du+o+.c (Error message: Sorry, 
couldn't display all the contents of sub-folder).

Mo+? console go~ $smbclient // -U smbusr
thi` cha.y pha` pha` luo^n.
Microsoft is not the answer, it is the question. The answer is NO!!!

This SF.net email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal
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Re: [Vietlug] Lam sao fix cai nay?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 3:02:24 am 10/22/04 maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All!

 Trong Yoper 2.1
 Cha.y le^.nh:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mk2 # tail -f /var/log/messages

 Oct 22 10:34:47 yos kernel: INPUT packet died: IN=eth0 OUT=
 MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:a0:c5:f3:c1:a2:08:00 SRC=
 DST= LEN=72 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=1 ID=74 PROTO=UDP
 SPT=520 DPT=520 LEN=52
 Oct 22 10:39:00 yos gconfd (mk2-3224): starting (version 2.6.3), pid
 3224 user 'mk2'
 Oct 22 10:39:00 yos gconfd (mk2-3224): Wrong permissions for
 /tmp/orbit-mk2 Oct 22 10:39:00 yos gconfd (mk2-3224): Wrong
 permissions for /tmp/orbit-mk2-a8e8c858

/tmp cu?a ba'c co' gio^'ng va^.y kho^ng?

drwxrwxrwt7 root root  776 Oct 16 18:13 tmp

Coi chu+`ng cu?a ba'c thie^u ca'i sticky bit (+t)

Xem http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?threadid=187223



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Re: [Vietlug] Lam sao fix cai nay?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại maikhai
Larry Nguyen wrote:
/tmp cu?a ba'c co' gio^'ng va^.y kho^ng?
drwxrwxrwt7 root root  776 Oct 16 18:13 tmp
Coi chu+`ng cu?a ba'c thie^u ca'i sticky bit (+t)
Xem http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?threadid=187223

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mk2 # ls -alt /tmp
total 1560
drwxrwxrwx   2 mk2  users   4096 2004-10-22 22:00 kde-mk2
drwxrwxrwx   2 mk2  users   4096 2004-10-22 22:00 ksocket-mk2
drwxrwxrwt   2 mk2  users   4096 2004-10-22 22:00 .ICE-unix
drwxrwxrwt  44 root root4096 2004-10-22 22:00 .
drwx--   3 mk2  users   4096 2004-10-22 22:00 mcop-mk2
drwxrwxrwt   2 root root4096 2004-10-22 22:00 .X11-unix
-r--r--r--   1 root root  11 2004-10-22 22:00 .X0-lock
drwxrwxrwx   2 root root4096 2004-10-22 15:43 ksocket-root
drwxrwxrwx   2 root root4096 2004-10-22 15:43 kde-root
drwxrwxrwx   2 mk2  users   4096 2004-10-22 10:39 orbit-mk2-3f7fdf0f
Va^.y la` the^' na`o? Co' ddu+o+.c hay kho^ng?
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Lam sao fix cai nay?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại maikhai
Kho^ng nha^.n ra router la` sao ? Kho^ng co' network thi` ba'c xem
thu+? #ifconfig ne^'u co' interface eth0 kho^ng?
Ne^'u kho^ng cha('c chi? ca^`n #ifconfig eth0 up la` ddu+o+.c.

Xin lo^~i mi`nh no'i kho^ng ro~ ra`ng.
La`:  ne^'u ddang xa`i Windows (kho^ng no^'i ma.ng) ma` reboot dde^? 
nha?y qua Linux thi` khi va`o to+'i no+i, tri`nh Thunderbird hay Firefox 
ba'o lo^~i, kho^ng truy ca^.p internet hoa(.c gu+?i nha^.n mail ddu+o+.c.

Ne^'u boot la.i la^`n thu+' hai thi` mo.i su+. OK.
m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Lam sao fix cai nay?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại maikhai
Bien wrote:
Nha^.n ra router la` the^' na`o ba'c ? cha'u kho^ng ro~

Xem trong RE gu+?i Nguye^~n Duy Tho..
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Re: [Vietlug] Khai bao IP range trong squid nhu the nao cho dung?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 5:16:11 am 10/22/04 hypoj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To^i ca^`n khai ba'o mo^.t acl trong squid tro? va`o mo^.t so^' PC
 trong LAN ma` tho^i, kho^ng pha?i ca? subnet, to^i dda~ thu+?

 acl myclient src
 acl myclient src

 nhu+ng xem ra squid kho^ng chi.u ca'ch na`o ca?.

Xem nhu+ ba'c muo^'n 30 hosts cho squid access. To make life simple :),
please use

acl myclient src

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rhs $ ipcalc

Address:   1100.10101000.0001.000 0
Netmask: = 27  ...111 0
Wildcard:  ...000 1
Network: 0
(Class C)
Broadcast:  1100.10101000.0001.000 1
HostMin:   1100.10101000.0001.000 1
HostMax:  1100.10101000.0001.000 0
Hosts/Net: 30(Private Internet RFC 1918)



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[Vietlug] SaigonLUG va Khoa ToanTin DHSP hop lam viec

2004-10-22 Hội thoại maikhai
Cha`o ca'c ba.n!
Chie^`u nay thu+' Sa'u 22-10-2004, SaigonLUG va` Khoa Toa'n Tin DHSP 
dda~ co' buo^?i ho.p la`m vie^.c vo+'i su+. co' ma(.t cu?a TS Nguye^~n 
Tha'i So+n va TS Ha`n The^' Tha`nh, ta^n va` cu+.u chu? xi. cu?a LUG, 
cu`ng mo^.t so^' tha`nh vie^n kha'c.
Ca'c va^'n dde^` to'm go.n nhu+ sau:

1/ Lo+'p Linux do Larry phu. tra'ch qua ma.ng se~ ddu+o+.c dda^?y nhanh 
tie^'n ddo^. thu+? nghie^.m no^'i ma.ng giu+~a Saigon va` Texas dde^? 
co' the^? so+'m tie^'p tu.c.  So^' ho.c vie^n, nha^'t la` ca'c SV cu?a 
DHSP dang ra^'t  no^n no'ng cho+` ddo+.i va` hie^.n ddang co'  the^m 
nhie^`u ngu+o+`i dda(ng ky'.

2/ Ngoa`i lo+'p Linux na`y (dda~ ho.c trong tha'ng 9-2004), Khoa Toa'n 
Tin DHSP se~ sa('p xe^'p the^m lo+'p hu+o+'ng da^~n su+? du.ng Linux 
va(n pho`ng cho ca'c newbie nguye^n la` SV cu?a khoa. Lo+'p na`y se~ do 
SaigonLUG ho^~ tro+. ve^` ma(.t nha^n su+., cu. the^? ca'c tha`nh vie^n 
. . . 7,  8 tu'i tro+? le^n se~ ddu+o+.c mo+`i tham gia gia?ng da.y.

3/ Sau khoa' gia?ng da.y na`y, du+. ti'nh la` 8 x 3 tie^'t = 24 tie^'t 
ho.c, SaigonLUG se~ ho^~ tro+. DHSP trong vie^.c ra dde^` thi va` cu+? 
ho^.i ddo^`ng cha^'m thi dde^? dda'nh gia' tri`nh ddo^. tie^'p thu cu?a 
ca'c SV ho.c vie^n.  Co' 5 gia?i thu+o+?ng  do  nga^n quy~ cu?a Khoa 
dda`i tho. se~ ddu+o+.c trao cho  ca'c hoc vie^n xua^'t sa('c nha^'t.
Nha^n di.p na`y, SaigonLUG se~ to^? chu+'c DDa.i Ho^.i nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i 
du`ng Linux trong TP HCM dde^? ta.o mo^i tru+o+`ng giao lu+u thie^'t 
thu+.c, ddo^`ng tho+`i ye^?m tro+. tinh tha^`n cho nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i 
du`ng mo+'i. Vie^.c nghie^n cu+'u to^? chu+'c DDa.i ho^.i ddu+o+.c giao 
cho Ha`n The^' Tha`nh, Nguye^n Vu~ va` Pcloud dda?m tra'ch, vo+'i su+. 
co^.ng ta'c cu?a Khoa Toa'n Tin.

4/ Xu'c tie^'n hi`nh tha`nh mo^.t ddi.a die^?m lie^n la.c ho^~ tro+. 
ca`i dda(.t Linux va` trao ddo^?i tho^ng tin pha^`n me^`m. DDi.a ddie^?m 
na`y  ddu+o+.c tru+o+`ng DHSP ye^?m tro+. ve^` tie^.n nghi hoa.t ddo^.ng 
(ddie^.n, internet to^'c ddo^. cao vv), se~ do SaigonLUG cu+? ngu+o+`i 
thay phie^n hoa.t ddo^.ng, co' ca? ca'c SV ti`nh nguye^.n tru+.c tro+. 
Ghi nha^.n va` dda'nh gia' cao dde^` xua^'t cu?a TS Ha`n The^' Tha`nh 
ve^` thu gom pha^`n cu+'ng dda~ qua xu? du.ng dde^? tru+.c tie^'p tro+. 
giu'p ca'c sinh vie^n kho' kha(n.

Ngoa`i ra, xin tho^ng ba'o: vnlinuxCD 9.3 dda~ co' ta.i Le^ Hoa`n 128  
BTX Q1. Hoa(.c lie^n he^. maikhai 9320984.

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Lam sao fix cai nay?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại kasumoto
hi all,

2004/10/22 () 19:19  maikhai :
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mk2 # ls -alt /tmp

oh men, other flood stream?
BTW, use:
$ ls -ld /tmp

The fool

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Re: [Vietlug] Khai bao IP range trong squid nhu the nao cho dung?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại hypoj
Larry Nguyen wrote:
On 5:16:11 am 10/22/04 hypoj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
To^i ca^`n khai ba'o mo^.t acl trong squid tro? va`o mo^.t so^' PC
trong LAN ma` tho^i, kho^ng pha?i ca? subnet, to^i dda~ thu+?
acl myclient src
acl myclient src
nhu+ng xem ra squid kho^ng chi.u ca'ch na`o ca?.

Xem nhu+ ba'c muo^'n 30 hosts cho squid access. To make life simple :),
please use
acl myclient src
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rhs $ ipcalc
Address:   1100.10101000.0001.000 0
Netmask: = 27  ...111 0
Wildcard:  ...000 1
Network: 0
(Class C)
Broadcast:  1100.10101000.0001.000 1
HostMin:   1100.10101000.0001.000 1
HostMax:  1100.10101000.0001.000 0
Hosts/Net: 30(Private Internet RFC 1918)
Nhu+ ca'ch ba'c chi? thi` to^i pha?i ddo^?i ip address cho 30 host ve^` 
su+? du.ng address range ??

Company's policy dda~ set address range cho tu+`ng loa.i client ne^n 
kho^ng tuy` tie^.n ddo^?i la.i ddu+o+.c ba'c a.

Microsoft is not the answer, it is the question. The answer is NO!!!

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Re: [Vietlug] Lam sao fix cai nay?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Dao Hai Lam

--- kasumoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 BTW, use:
 $ ls -ld /tmp
No need ;-)

maikhai wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mk2 # ls -alt /tmp
 total 1560
 drwxrwxrwx   2 mk2  users   4096 2004-10-22 22:00 kde-mk2
 drwxrwxrwx   2 mk2  users   4096 2004-10-22 22:00 ksocket-mk2
 drwxrwxrwt   2 mk2  users   4096 2004-10-22 22:00 .ICE-unix
 drwxrwxrwt  44 root root4096 2004-10-22 22:00 .
^ it's already here


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[Vietlug] [vnls] non-security update cho clamav

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
Dear vnls users,

ClamAV dda~ ra ba?n 0.80. Users ca^`n ca^.p nha^.t dde^? su+? du.ng scanner
engine mo+'i. Vui lo`ng xem


VNLS va^~n ddang ti`m volunteer cho vie^.c pha't trie^?n chu+o+ng tri`nh
ca`i dda(.t (installer). Hie^.n ta.i vnls su+? du.ng gentoo-style tu+'c
la` pha?i tu+. ca`i ca'c go'i = le^.nh rpm -Uvh *.rpm ro^`i tu+. set up
modules, va` tho^ng tin ma.ng.

Ne^'u ba.n co' the^? tham gia project, xin lie^n la.c larry at vnlinux dot
org. Xin ca'm o+n tru+o+'c.



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[Vietlug] Co' ai ddang o+? Hue^'?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
Ba.n na`o co' the^? giu'p Ky` Anh Debian va` Slackware CDs vui lo`ng xem




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[Vietlug] Gap problem voi vnlinux9.3

2004-10-22 Hội thoại tuaninbox
Em cha.y thu+? vnlinux 9.3 livecd thi` OK. Ma(.c du` tru+o+'c khi nhap
username va` password thi` co' ca^u tho^ng ba'o sau:

could not look up internet address for vnlinuxCD. This will prevent GNOME
from operating correctly. It may be possible to correct the problem by
adding vnlinuxCD to the file /etc/hosts (ba(`ng tie^'ng Vie^.t)

Em cho.n log in anyway thi` va^~n log va`o ddu+o+.c va` mo.i thu+' bi`nh

Em install va`o o^? cu+'ng. Qua' tri`nh install cu~ng die^~n ra OK. Nhu+ng
sau khi kho+?i ddo^.ng la.i thi` bi. ba'o lo^~i ve^` hardware changes:
floppy, hdd, ethernet card, 

Lu'c na`y co' 2 lu+.a cho.n OK va` Cancel. OK dde^? cha.y tool config gi`
ddo'. Em cho.n OK nhu+ng sau ddo' vi` kho^ng hie^?u ne^n em dda~ tho'at ra
va` cho.n cancel.

Cuo^'i cu`ng thi` em va^~n log va`o ddu+o+.c, cu~ng ga(.p ca^u tho^ng ba'o
lo^~i: could no lookup internet. /etc/hosts nhu+ tre^n. Nhu+ng la^`n
na`y thi` sau khi login tha`nh co^ng, tre^n ma`n hi`nh chi? hie^.n ra ca'c
icon. Co`n ta^'t ca? ca'c chu+~ phi'a du+o+'i ca'c icon va` menu thi`
de^`u tro+? tha`nh da^'u cha^'m. Em click dda.i va`o ca'c icon tre^n
desktop va` tre^n menu thi` co' cu+?a so^? hie^.n ra co' chu+~ dda^`y
ddu?, co' cu+?a so^? thi` cha(?ng co' chu+~ na`o ca?.

Vui lo`ng chi? em ca'ch kha('c phu.c vo+'i.

Ca'm o+n ca'c ba'c, ca'c anh.


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Re: [Vietlug] Khai bao IP range trong squid nhu the nao cho dung?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 12:16:52 pm 10/22/04 hypoj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nhu+ ca'ch ba'c chi? thi` to^i pha?i ddo^?i ip address cho 30 host
 ve^` su+? du.ng address range ??

 Company's policy dda~ set address range cho tu+`ng loa.i client ne^n
 kho^ng tuy` tie^.n ddo^?i la.i ddu+o+.c ba'c a.

Mi`nh 0 pha?i la` Cisco guru but I don't think it's possible. Ba'c co'
the^? tu+. chia no' nho? ra nhie^`u ca'i nhu+ sau == 201- 206 == 209- 214  == 217-222  == 225-230

Xem http://www.cotse.com/networkcalculator.html



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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Lam sao fix cai nay?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại maikhai
kasumoto wrote:
hi all,
2004/10/22 () 19:19  maikhai :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mk2 # ls -alt /tmp

oh men, other flood stream?
BTW, use:
$ ls -ld /tmp

Hehe, tha^'y Larry ye^u ca^`u coi ca'i do`ng ddo', tui go~ ls lung tung 
ma` no' kho^ng chi.u nha?y ra,
Cuo^'i cu`ng pha?i la^.t coi Tha'nh Kinh, tha^'y co' do`ng le^.nh vo+'i 
-alt tre^n kia cho ra ke^'t qua? same same ne^n tui go~ dda.i.
Hoa' ra vo+'i -ld thi` mo+'i ddu'ng a?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ ls -ld /tmp
drwxrwxrwt  45 root root 4096 2004-10-23 04:55 /tmp
m k h _ s g n

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[Vietlug] Cai vnlinuxcd 9.3 len HDD

2004-10-22 Hội thoại maikhai
Hi All!
Ca`i le^n /dev/hda8 cho.n bootloader dda(.t o+? root ta.i sao lilo.conf 
no' cu+' ghi la` boot=/dev/hda?
Su+?a la.i boot=/dev/hda8 , root=/dev/hda8 (roi mount -o bind, ro^`i 
cha.y  /sbin/lilo) ma` va^~n dden thui kho^ng nhu'c nhi'ch.

Co' ba.n na`o bi. kho^ng?
m k h _ s g n
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Re: [Vietlug] Gap problem voi vnlinux9.3

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 4:24:17 pm 10/22/04 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Em cha.y thu+? vnlinux 9.3 livecd thi` OK. 

Ba.n du`ng ba?n na`o va^.y? Ba?n mo+'i ra dl tu+` berlios hay akelanetwork?

Ma(.c du` tru+o+'c khi nhap
 username va` password thi` co' ca^u tho^ng ba'o sau:

 could not look up internet address for vnlinuxCD. This will prevent
 GNOME from operating correctly. It may be possible to correct the
 problem by adding vnlinuxCD to the file /etc/hosts (ba(`ng tie^'ng
 Em cho.n log in anyway thi` va^~n log va`o ddu+o+.c va` mo.i thu+'
 bi`nh thu+o+`ng.

It's harmless. Mi`nh forgot to reset hostname :( Fix: Go~ su tha`nh root.
Sau ddo' go~ gedit /etc/sysconfig/network, ngay ha`ng HOSTNAME xo'a chu+~
vnlinuxcd ddi. Next time reboot will be OK.  Tu`y va`o ma.ng set up ba.n
xa`i ma` launch mcc dde^? config network.

 Em install va`o o^? cu+'ng. Qua' tri`nh install cu~ng die^~n ra OK.
 Nhu+ng sau khi kho+?i ddo^.ng la.i thi` bi. ba'o lo^~i ve^` hardware
 changes: floppy, hdd, ethernet card, 

Ca'i na`y tha^.t la. Mi`nh vu+`a ca`i tre^ laptop la.i la^`n thu+'10 :)
Chi? bi. va^'n dde^` hostname lookup fails tho^i. Ba.n co' external hard
drive gi` ma` khi ca`i xong ru't no' ra 0? Y' la` tu+` lu'c cha.y livecd
cho dde^n khi ca`i xong, hardware co' gi` thay ddo^?i kho^/ng? (USB hard

 Lu'c na`y co' 2 lu+.a cho.n OK va` Cancel. OK dde^? cha.y tool config
 gi` ddo'. Em cho.n OK nhu+ng sau ddo' vi` kho^ng hie^?u ne^n em dda~
 tho'at ra va` cho.n cancel.

 Cuo^'i cu`ng thi` em va^~n log va`o ddu+o+.c, cu~ng ga(.p ca^u tho^ng
 ba'o lo^~i: could no lookup internet. /etc/hosts nhu+ tre^n.
 Nhu+ng la^`n na`y thi` sau khi login tha`nh co^ng, tre^n ma`n hi`nh
 chi? hie^.n ra ca'c icon. Co`n ta^'t ca? ca'c chu+~ phi'a du+o+'i
 ca'c icon va` menu thi` de^`u tro+? tha`nh da^'u cha^'m. Em click
 dda.i va`o ca'c icon tre^n desktop va` tre^n menu thi` co' cu+?a so^?
 hie^.n ra co' chu+~ dda^`y ddu?, co' cu+?a so^? thi` cha(?ng co'
 chu+~ na`o ca?.

Nhu+ mi`nh dda~ no'i, sau khi mi`nh ca`i xong thi` mo.i thu+' bi`nh
thu+o+`ng, kho^ng co' bi. ho?i hardware settings chi ca?.  Ca'ch kha('c
phu.c, cha.y le^.nh update-menus -v ro^`i re-login. Mo.i thu+' should be

Mi`nh ra^'t nghi ca'i ISO Tua^'n download bi. corrupted. Check md5sum chua? 

Thanks for reporting, Tua^'n.



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Re: [Vietlug] Khai bao IP range trong squid nhu the nao cho dung?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Tran Vu Hung
hypoj wrote:
To^i ca^`n khai ba'o mo^.t acl trong squid tro? va`o mo^.t so^' PC 
trong LAN ma` tho^i, kho^ng pha?i ca? subnet, to^i dda~ thu+?

acl myclient src
acl myclient src
nhu+ng xem ra squid kho^ng chi.u ca'ch na`o ca?.
Ca'c ba'c cho xin va`i xu vo+'i. TIA
to^i co' do.an squid na`y xem co' giu'p gi` ddu+o+.c cho ca'c ba'c ko^ nhe\'
#acl our_networks src
#http_access allow our_networks
acl bandomain dstdomain .itmas.net.vn .yahoo.com.au
http_access deny bandomain
acl deny_chathosts dst http.msg.yahoo.com au.yahoo.com
http_access deny deny_chathosts
acl deny_hosts src
http_access deny deny_hosts
acl ipp_hosts src
http_access allow ipp_hosts
acl our_networks src

co^ng ty bo.n to^i
co^ng ty kha'ch ha`ng
chi? 192.168.1.x thi` ko^ ca^'m , nhu+ng range ip thuo^\.c de^'n mo'i co' quye^`n truy ca^.p internet 
ma` tho^i\.

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Re: [Vietlug] Khai bao IP range trong squid nhu the nao cho dung?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Tran Vu Hung

Larry Nguyen wrote:

  Xem nhu+ ba'c muo^'n 30 hosts cho squid access. To make life simple :),
please use

acl myclient src

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rhs $ ipcalc

Address:   1100.10101000.0001.000 0
Netmask: = 27  ...111 0
Wildcard:  ...000 1
Network: 0
(Class C)
Broadcast:  1100.10101000.0001.000 1
HostMin:   1100.10101000.0001.000 1
HostMax:  1100.10101000.0001.000 0
Hosts/Net: 30(Private Internet RFC 1918)

que^n nu+~a hi`nh nhu+ ca^u le^.nh na`y thie^'u tham so^' thi` pha?i,
em thu+? ma~i ro^`i nhu+ng va^~n ko^ ra

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rhs $ ipcalc

Re: [Vietlug] Cai vnlinuxcd 9.3 len HDD

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 5:54:31 pm 10/22/04 maikhai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All!

 Ca`i le^n /dev/hda8 cho.n bootloader dda(.t o+? root ta.i sao
 lilo.conf no' cu+' ghi la` boot=/dev/hda?

Trong lilo.conf no' ghi la` boot=/dev/hda? hay boot=/dev/hda8 ba'c?
Khi ca`i bootloader, ba'c ne^n cho.n /dev/hda (Master boot record cu?a
ddi~a cu+'ng) nhu+ hi`nh trong bu+o+'c so^' 5 tu+` 
http://vnlinuxcd.vnlinux.org/huongdan.pdf  Cha'u nghi la` ba'c cho.n /dev/hdax (boot 
sector cu?a vu`ng ddi~a) == 0 ddu'ng.

 Su+?a la.i boot=/dev/hda8 , root=/dev/hda8 (roi mount -o bind, ro^`i
 cha.y  /sbin/lilo) ma` va^~n dden thui kho^ng nhu'c nhi'ch.

 Co' ba.n na`o bi. kho^ng?

Cha'u cu~ng mo+'i ca`i la.i vi` nghe Tua^'n bi. va^'n dde^`. lilo cu?a
cha'u 0 sao ca?. Ba^y gio+` la` ca'ch ba'c su+?a la.i.

Gia? su+? ba'c vu+`a ca`i vnlinuxCD xuo^ng /dev/hda8. Du`ng vnlinuxCD boot
ma'y le^n, to+'i ca'i prompt, hit Enter dde^? boot ma'y.  Sau khi va`o
gnome, launch gnome-terminal, go~ su, password la` root. Go~ mount --bind
/mnt/hda8/boot  /boot.  Go~ lilo -C /mnt/hda8/etc/lilo.conf -v Hy vo.ng
tre^n ma`n hi`nh 0 ba'o lo^~i gi` ngoa`i nhu+~ng tho^ng tin dduoc
the^m/ddo.c tu+` lilo.conf

Hi`nh minh ho.a http://vnlinuxcd.vnlinux.org/fix-lilo.gif

Ba'c nho+' thay ddo^?i /mnt/hda8 vo+'i /mnt/hdax vo+'i x la` ca'i partition
ba.n vu+`a ca`i vnlinuxCD xuo^'ng. 



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Re: [Vietlug] Khai bao IP range trong squid nhu the nao cho dung?

2004-10-22 Hội thoại hypoj
Tran Vu Hung wrote:
que^n nu+~a hi`nh nhu+ ca^u le^.nh na`y thie^'u tham so^' thi` pha?i, em 
thu+? ma~i ro^`i nhu+ng va^~n ko^ ra

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rhs $ ipcalc
man ipcalc ;-)
Microsoft is not the answer, it is the question. The answer is NO!!!

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Re: [Vietlug] Gap problem voi vnlinux9.3

2004-10-22 Hội thoại tuaninbox
 Ba.n du`ng ba?n na`o va^.y? Ba?n mo+'i ra dl tu+` berlios hay

Em down tu+` akelanetwork.

 Em install va`o o^? cu+'ng. Qua' tri`nh install cu~ng die^~n ra OK.
 Nhu+ng sau khi kho+?i ddo^.ng la.i thi` bi. ba'o lo^~i ve^` hardware
 changes: floppy, hdd, ethernet card, 

 Ca'i na`y tha^.t la. Mi`nh vu+`a ca`i tre^ laptop la.i la^`n thu+'10
 Chi? bi. va^'n dde^` hostname lookup fails tho^i. Ba.n co' external hard
 drive gi` ma` khi ca`i xong ru't no' ra 0? Y' la` tu+` lu'c cha.y livecd
 cho dde^n khi ca`i xong, hardware co' gi` thay ddo^?i kho^/ng? (USB hard

Em kho^ng ga('n HDD, USB drive gi` ca?. Pha^`n cu*'ng kho^ng co' gi` thay

 Nhu+ mi`nh dda~ no'i, sau khi mi`nh ca`i xong thi` mo.i thu+' bi`nh
 thu+o+`ng, kho^ng co' bi. ho?i hardware settings chi ca?.  Ca'ch kha('c
 phu.c, cha.y le^.nh update-menus -v ro^`i re-login. Mo.i thu+' should be

DDe^? em thu+ la.i xem the^' na`o

 Mi`nh ra^'t nghi ca'i ISO Tua^'n download bi. corrupted. Check md5sum

Check md5sum the^' na`o va^.y anh? Em chu+a check vi` kho^ng bie^'t check.


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Re: [Vietlug] Feedback cho vnlinuxCD-9.3

2004-10-22 Hội thoại maikhai
Larry Nguyen wrote:
Hi all,
Feedback cho vnlinuxCD xin vui lo`ng post le^n http://vnlinuxcd.vnlinux.org/forum.cgi 
vi` co' ra^'t nhie^`u ngu+o+`i kho^ng tham gia ML dde^? ho. co' the^? theo do~i ne^'u 
bi. tru+o+`ng ho+.p gio^'ng va^.y.

Click va`o no' cu~ng nha?y ra, nhu+ng ti`m hoa`i kho^ng bie^'t to^'ng 
ca'i meo va`o dda^u. Gia? su+? post meo le^n ML ddo^`ng tho+`i CC qua 
forum thi` co' ddu+o+.c kho^ng? Go~ the^' na`o?

m k h _ s g n
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Re: [Vietlug] Gap problem voi vnlinux9.3

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Larry Nguyen
On 9:58:17 pm 10/22/04 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Mi`nh ra^'t nghi ca'i ISO Tua^'n download bi. corrupted. Check
   md5sum chua?

 Check md5sum the^' na`o va^.y anh? Em chu+a check vi` kho^ng bie^'t

Go~ md5sum vnlinuxCD-9.3.iso (co' the^? cha.y ho+i la^u vi` file ho+i
lo+'n) ro^`i so sa'nh no' vo+'i ca'i file na`y 

Ca'i link tre^n Akela site cho md5sum is broken :( Cha('c ba'c Tony ddang
bi.second Junior Red Hat qua^.y qua' ne^n ho+i...la^~n :)



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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Cai vnlinuxcd 9.3 len HDD

2004-10-22 Hội thoại maikhai
Larry Nguyen wrote:
Trong lilo.conf no' ghi la` boot=/dev/hda? hay boot=/dev/hda8 ba'c?
Khi ca`i bootloader, ba'c ne^n cho.n /dev/hda (Master boot record cu?a
ddi~a cu+'ng) nhu+ hi`nh trong bu+o+'c so^' 5 tu+` 
http://vnlinuxcd.vnlinux.org/huongdan.pdf  Cha'u nghi la` ba'c cho.n /dev/hdax (boot 
sector cu?a vu`ng ddi~a) == 0 ddu'ng.

Cha'u cu~ng mo+'i ca`i la.i vi` nghe Tua^'n bi. va^'n dde^`. lilo cu?a
cha'u 0 sao ca?. Ba^y gio+` la` ca'ch ba'c su+?a la.i.
Gia? su+? ba'c vu+`a ca`i vnlinuxCD xuo^ng /dev/hda8. Du`ng vnlinuxCD boot
ma'y le^n, to+'i ca'i prompt, hit Enter dde^? boot ma'y.  Sau khi va`o
gnome, launch gnome-terminal, go~ su, password la` root. Go~ mount --bind
/mnt/hda8/boot  /boot.  Go~ lilo -C /mnt/hda8/etc/lilo.conf -v Hy vo.ng
tre^n ma`n hi`nh 0 ba'o lo^~i gi` ngoa`i nhu+~ng tho^ng tin dduoc
the^m/ddo.c tu+` lilo.conf
Hi`nh minh ho.a http://vnlinuxcd.vnlinux.org/fix-lilo.gif
Ba'c nho+' thay ddo^?i /mnt/hda8 vo+'i /mnt/hdax vo+'i x la` ca'i partition
ba.n vu+`a ca`i vnlinuxCD xuo^'ng. 


Sau khi install le^n di~a cu+'ng (cu. the^?: /dev/hda8) thi` boot tha^'t 
ba.i. Du`ng Knoppix 3.4 boot len ro^`i mount hda8 thi` tha^'y lilo.conf la`:

   append=devfs=mount splash=silent
Be`n su+?a la.i la`:
#append=devfs=mount splash=silent
append=hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi hde=ide-scsi
Ro^`i go~:
# mount -o bind /mnt/hda8/boot   /boot
ro^`i reboot
thi` no' cha.y mo^.t ti' va` ngu+ng vo+'i tho^ng ba'o kernel panic.
Pha?i gia?i pho'ng line na`o nu+~a dde^? boot ddu+o+.c nhi?? Mo.i ca'i 
distro kha'c khi bi. su+. co^' gi` be^` lilo thi` mi`nh dda^`u xa`i 
chie^u na`y (do Steve Kie^`u ba`y)  va` dde^`u tha`nh co^ng. Rie^ng 
la^`n na`y bi. thua!

m k h _ s g n

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Re: [Vietlug] Cai vnlinuxcd 9.3 len HDD + them thong tin

2004-10-22 Hội thoại maikhai
Larry Nguyen wrote:
Trong lilo.conf no' ghi la` boot=/dev/hda? hay boot=/dev/hda8 ba'c?
Khi ca`i bootloader, ba'c ne^n cho.n /dev/hda (Master boot record cu?a
ddi~a cu+'ng) nhu+ hi`nh trong bu+o+'c so^' 5 tu+` 
http://vnlinuxcd.vnlinux.org/huongdan.pdf  Cha'u nghi la` ba'c cho.n /dev/hdax (boot 
sector cu?a vu`ng ddi~a) == 0 ddu'ng.

Cha'u cu~ng mo+'i ca`i la.i vi` nghe Tua^'n bi. va^'n dde^`. lilo cu?a
cha'u 0 sao ca?. Ba^y gio+` la` ca'ch ba'c su+?a la.i.
Gia? su+? ba'c vu+`a ca`i vnlinuxCD xuo^ng /dev/hda8. Du`ng vnlinuxCD boot
ma'y le^n, to+'i ca'i prompt, hit Enter dde^? boot ma'y.  Sau khi va`o
gnome, launch gnome-terminal, go~ su, password la` root. Go~ mount --bind
/mnt/hda8/boot  /boot.  Go~ lilo -C /mnt/hda8/etc/lilo.conf -v Hy vo.ng
tre^n ma`n hi`nh 0 ba'o lo^~i gi` ngoa`i nhu+~ng tho^ng tin dduoc
the^m/ddo.c tu+` lilo.conf
Hi`nh minh ho.a http://vnlinuxcd.vnlinux.org/fix-lilo.gif
Ba'c nho+' thay ddo^?i /mnt/hda8 vo+'i /mnt/hdax vo+'i x la` ca'i partition
ba.n vu+`a ca`i vnlinuxCD xuo^'ng. 


Sau khi install le^n di~a cu+'ng (cu. the^?: /dev/hda8) thi` boot tha^'t
ba.i. Du`ng Knoppix 3.4 boot len ro^`i mount hda8 thi` tha^'y lilo.conf la`:
   append=devfs=mount splash=silent
Be`n su+?a la.i la`:
#append=devfs=mount splash=silent
append=hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi hde=ide-scsi
Ro^`i go~:
# mount -o bind /mnt/hda8/boot   /boot
ro^`i reboot
thi` no' cha.y mo^.t ti' va` ngu+ng vo+'i tho^ng ba'o kernel panic.
Pha?i gia?i pho'ng line na`o nu+~a dde^? boot ddu+o+.c nhi?? Mo.i ca'i
distro kha'c khi bi. su+. co^' gi` be^` lilo thi` mi`nh dda^`u xa`i
chie^u na`y (do Steve Kie^`u ba`y)  va` dde^`u tha`nh co^ng. Rie^ng
la^`n na`y bi. thua!
m k h _ s g n

Them tho^ng tin:
Hi Larry!
La`m theo chi? da^~n mo+'i nha^'t, thi`:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] kdlc]# mount --bind /mnt/hda8/boot /boot
[EMAIL PROTECTED] kdlc]# lilo -C /mnt/hda8/etc/lilo.conf -v
LILO version 22.5.8, Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger
Development beyond version 21 Copyright (C) 1999-2003 John Coffman
Released 10-Oct-2003, and compiled at 18:03:01 on Feb 19 2004
Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed
Reading boot sector from /dev/hda8
Using MENU secondary loader
Calling map_insert_data
Boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.7-2.tmb.3mdk
Mapping RAM disk /boot/initrd-2.6.7-2.tmb.3mdk.img
Added vnlinuxCD *
Boot other: /dev/hda1, on /dev/hda, loader CHAIN
Added win_c
Writing boot sector.
/boot/boot.0308 exists - no boot sector backup copy made.
Tha^'y ca'i do`ng lba32 la` gia^.t mi`nh. Nhu+ng kho^ng pha?i chi? ca'i 
na`y . Khi reboot dde^? va`o vnlinuxCD tren HDD no' va^~n ba'o la`:

Kernel panic: no init found. Try passing init= option to kernel.
Ma^'y chu+~ cuo^'i cu`ng la` tro? va`o ca'i gi`?
m k h _ s g n

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VietLUG-users mailing list

Re: [Vietlug] Re: Lam sao de dung duoc share Printer , File from windows workgroup , Toi dang dung Knoppix 3.6

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Tran Vu Hung
Thanh Dam Bui wrote:
Chao cac Bac,
Xin vui long huong dan cach dung duoc share Printer,
File share from Windows? Toi dang dung Knoppix 3.6 va
Kanotix Debian , Pc da noi voi Hub = Netcard Intel . 

Cam on

ba'c co' samba chu+a, ne^'u chu+a vui lo`ng ca`i no' vo^
sau ddo' qua^'t con command na`y va`o ro^`i vo. tie^'p
# printconf-tui
va^.y la` xong
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Re: [Vietlug] [vnls] non-security update cho clamav

2004-10-22 Hội thoại Le Xuan Thao
On Sat, Oct 23, 2004 at 04:18:28AM +0900, Larry Nguyen wrote:
 Dear vnls users,
vnls la` ca'i gi` va^.y ? mo^.t distro pha?i ko?

Im new here, sorry. DDa~ google nhung khong tha^'y.

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