Re: oddity with :noautocmd when editing a help file

2006-07-07 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Benji Fisher wrote:

  Bug or feature?  While editing this e-mail,
 :set ft=log
 :set ft? syntax?
 :noa e!
 /tmp/mutt-localhost-19331-88 7L, 108C
 :set ft? syntax?
 as expected.  While editing a help file,
 :set ft=log
 :set ft? syntax?
 :noa e!
 autocmd.txt [readonly] 1260L, 52535C
 :set ft? syntax?
 How did 'filetype' get set to help?

help files are handled a bit special.  The filetype is automatically set
to help when loading the file.  'syntax' stays at log, because
setting 'syntax' is done with an autocommand and you disabled that.

Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved
it correct, not tried it. -- Donald Knuth

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: Terminal-based auto-paste.

2006-07-07 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 7/7/06, Sean Reifschneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What I'm really looking for is that when I paste using the mouse, that
paste is set.

How about this

:map MiddleMouse :set pastecr*p:set nopastecr
and similar thing for imap

-- untested


Re: Terminal-based auto-paste.

2006-07-07 Thread Nikolai Weibull

On 7/7/06, Sean Reifschneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 11:35:41AM +0300, Yakov Lerner wrote:
On 7/7/06, Sean Reifschneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What I'm really looking for is that when I paste using the mouse, that
paste is set.

How about this

:map MiddleMouse :set pastecr*p:set nopastecr
and similar thing for imap

I believe that's what vim does when you do set mouse.  I would like to be
able to do that when I do not have set mouse, based on number of
characters in the input buffer, or characters read in the last 100ms or

OK, so here's what you do:

:map MiddleMouse :set pastecr*p:set nopastecr


 :inoremap C-oset pasteCrC-r*C-oset nopasteCr


Re: Terminal-based auto-paste.

2006-07-07 Thread Sean Reifschneider
On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 12:10:14AM +0200, Nikolai Weibull wrote:
On 7/7/06, Sean Reifschneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 06:47:55PM +0200, Nikolai Weibull wrote:
OK, so here's what you do:

:map MiddleMouse :set pastecr*p:set nopastecr


 :inoremap C-oset pasteCrC-r*C-oset nopasteCr

That doesn't seem to do the job.  I'm not quite sure what you're trying to
accomplish here, so I can't tell where it's going wrong.

There should be a MiddleMouse in the second line as well, of course.

Even with MiddleMouse in the second line, it's not doing anything that
I can see.  It probably needs set mouse= for it to do anything, and as I
said originally, set mouse totally doesn't work.

Anyway, how about

 set mouse=a ttymouse=xterm

?  That certainly does something on my terminal.  I can't get it to
work correctly in insert mode for some reason, but I really don't care
so I'm leaving it at this.

Probably because for it to work in insert mode you would need to do set
mouse=i.  However, as I explained originally, set mouse totally changes
the way paste works from other applications in an xterm, including, you
know, not pasting the text I've selected but some other text that came from
I know not where.

So, my original suggestion stands: Make it so that when vim detects a bunch
of data arriving quickly, it sets paste.

 A computer scientist is someone who, when told to Go to Hell, sees the
 go to, rather than the destination, as harmful. -- Dr. Roger M. Firestone
Sean Reifschneider, Member of Technical Staff [EMAIL PROTECTED], ltd. - Linux Consulting since 1995: Ask me about High Availability

Re: Terminal-based auto-paste.

2006-07-07 Thread Nikolai Weibull

On 7/8/06, Sean Reifschneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Probably because for it to work in insert mode you would need to do set

set mouse=a

is a superset of

set mouse=i


BUG: indirect 'configure' invocation hides exit status

2006-07-07 Thread mwoehlke
I found a really annoying problem trying to build VIM 7 on HP-UX. I have 
an automated script that builds VIM as part of a toolchain. It ran 
through, and to my surprise and annoyance, installed VIM in /usr/local 
instead of where I wanted it.

Long story short, the script called 'configure', which failed because it 
isn't (for some reason I have not yet figured out) finding the ncurses I 
built (--with-tlib=ncurses). Now, 'root/configure' calls 
'src/configure' which calls 'src/auto/configure'... but the exit status 
is not preserved AT EITHER STEP. As a result, my script thinks 
'configure' succeeded and moves on to 'make', which RE-runs 'configure' 
with default parameters, succeeds, and ultimately allows the script to 
move on to 'make install'!

THIS IS BAD! The indirect 'configure' scripts need to preserve the exit 

The fix, which is trivial, I leave as an exercise.

Otherwise, having a VIM with working highlighting and WORKING KEYS on 
the almost-half-dozen platforms I work on is wonderful. :-) Even if I've 
only managed builds for four of them so far...

Do not expose to extreme heat, cold, or open flame.

Re: virus-laden emails from someone on the Vim list

2006-07-07 Thread George V. Reilly

To make this a little more concrete, here's some data from the last few such
emails that I've received. First, typical headers:

   From - Thu Jul  6 18:56:35 2006
   X-Account-Key: account2
   X-UIDL: 1152233907.18606.mta6-4
   X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
   X-Mozilla-Status2: 1000
   Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Delivered-To: george:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   X-OB-Received: from unknown (
 by; 7 Jul 2006 00:58:27 -
   Received: from (unknown [])
   by (Postfix) with SMTP id 1D21C10DADB
   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri,  7 Jul 2006 00:58:22 + (GMT)
   Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2006 09:58:30 +0900
   From: Agiorgio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Avis
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

Next, the IP addresses and the purported senders: - Tal [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Agiorgio [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tal [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Slouken [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Eljay [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The last IP address is in Estonia; the rest are in Korea.

Can anyone take this further?
/George V. Reilly  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

George V. Reilly wrote:
 [CCing the Vim and Vim-Dev lists. Not that it did any good the last 
time I raised this subject.]

 It is NOT me, dammit! Someone on the Vim list is infected with a 
virus that trawls through his address book and forges the From address. 
I too get dozens of virus-laden emails every week that purport to be 
from various people on the Vim list. Bram, Henk, Arpaffdy, and my own 
name are some of the names that I see regularly. This has been going on 
for at least two years :-(

 This laptop has been running a fresh install of Ubuntu 6.06 for the 
last four weeks, so if you've seen any mails from me in that interval, 
it definitely wasn't me. And I run antivirus and antispyware software 
when I'm running Windows, and I keep the signatures up to date.

 Vimmers, for the love of God, download antivirus and antispyware 
software, and run a scan on your machines.

 Windows users, start here:


 @ Rocteur CC wrote:
 I can't believe it, is this really you.

 I receive at least 5 spams a week from your email address.

 I can't believe it, is this a legitimate mail from you ?

 I'll be damned, the worlds biggest spammer is from the VIM list..

 I didn't realize..

 Virus, worms, spam, you name it, I get it from your address, I 
always thought it was a phony email address and now I see it is a real one..

 Can you not do something about this ?

 Anyway, I have hundreds of spam mail from you and it was a shock to 
see one that was not spam..


 On 06 Jul 2006, at 21:10, George Reilly wrote: [snip]

Making vimdiff work

2006-07-07 Thread J.Hofmann

I am trying to set up vimdiff, but E97 is thrown.

  gvim -d tutor.alter Enter [unix] 847L, 31889C
  tutor.alter [unix] 853L, 31953C
  E97: Cannot create diffs  

Test diff.exe inside of gvim:

  :!diff - opens shell with diff.exe

Test of diff itself:

C:\TEMP\vimtutor_neuneu\Endversiondiff tutor.alter | more
 =W i l l k o m m e n   z u m   V I M   T u t o r-Version 1.5D
 =W i l l k o m m e n   z u m   V I M   T u t o r-Version 1.5.2D
gestaltet, um genug Befehle vorzustellen, so dass Du die Fõhigkeit
gestaltet, um genug Befehle vorzustellen, dass Du die Fõhigkeit

So everything seems to be ok. What is missing? (gvim 6.2)

Thank you


This message has been scanned by F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange.
For more information, connect to

Re: set textwidth=80 and c mode

2006-07-07 Thread Paul Drynoff
On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 10:45:54 -0400
Charles E Campbell Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do you have something like
 filetype plugin indent on
 in your .vimrc?
 When I put
set tw=80
 into my .vim/ftplugin/c/c.vim file, and then edited something.c,
 the textwidth was then 80 instead of 0 as it normally is.
My .vimrc is very simple:

set autoindent
set wildmenu

set wcm=Tab
also I add 
$ cat .vim/ftplugin/c.vim 
set textwidth=30

and that's all

 You can try editing something.c yourself, and then trying
   :verbose set tw?
 to find out where it was set last.
It tell that it set it last time in
but it doesn't work.
It only works if I start vim like this:
vim +'set formatoptions=vt' /tmp/1.c

Re: turning on vim spell in xml documents

2006-07-07 Thread Eric Smith

Excuse my too brief question.

Actually spell is turnned on for xml through my autocmd.
Probelm is that spelling errors do not show up in tags and only in xml comments.

I have to chenge filetype to (say) txt in order to see the typos.

Any suggestions?

On 06/07/06, Benji Fisher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 10:00:27AM +0200, Eric Smith wrote:

 If you want to set the 'spell' option, or make other
customizations, when editing xml files, the recommended method is to
create a personal ftplugin file for xml, usually
$HOME/.vim/ftplugin/xml.vim (creating the directory if necessary) and
add the line

set spell

to this file.  I do not think the default ftplugin will fight over the
'spell' option, but it gets more complicated if you want to tweak
options that are already set there.  For more details, read

:help filetype-plugin

HTH --Benji Fisher

Eric Smith

Changing spell check colors

2006-07-07 Thread Chris Sutcliffe

Using spell check in a terminal window hightlights some words with a
bright green background and white text.  I find this hard to read (I'm
using a dark background and I have set background=dark in my .vimrc).
Is it possible to override the the spell check color scheme, and if
so, can someone please point me in the direction of what I need to
look at?



Chris Sutcliffe

Re: Changing spell check colors

2006-07-07 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 7/7/06, Chris Sutcliffe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Using spell check in a terminal window hightlights some words with a
bright green background and white text.  I find this hard to read (I'm
using a dark background and I have set background=dark in my .vimrc).
Is it possible to override the the spell check color scheme, and if
so, can someone please point me in the direction of what I need to
look at?

You need to define following highlighting groups:
For example, in my setup SpellBad is defined as
SpellBad   xxx term=reverse ctermbg=1 gui=undercurl guisp=Red
-- shows as gray on red background

To learn how to write your own :highlight commands
1) :highlight  - instructive, shows existing highlight groups
2) :help :hi
3) To check how Spell-related groups are defined:
  :hi SpellBad
   :hi SpellCap
   :hi SpellRare
   :hi SpellLocal


Re: turning on vim spell in xml documents

2006-07-07 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 7/7/06, Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Excuse my too brief question.

Actually spell is turnned on for xml through my autocmd.
Probelm is that spelling errors do not show up in tags and only in xml comments.

I have to chenge filetype to (say) txt in order to see the typos.

If you open xml.vim file
:e $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/xml.vim
and search for Spell, you'll see that it contains several occurences of
According to :help spell-syntax, this is what makes xml syntax
spellcheck only in specific syntax items, but not in others.
I do not find any conditional in xml.vim that let you customize
it. You can try several things:
1) copy $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/xml.vim into your ~/.vim/syntax
and edit it, removing all @Spell things. This will make
spellcheck check everywhere in xml syntax, according to ':help spell-syntax',

2) You can email maintainer of xml.vim asking him to
add some conditional regarding @Spell.

3) You can define some mappings to switch filetype
to txt/empty together with setting spell, and setting
filetype again when setting nospell.

It's all in your hands now!


Re: Making vimdiff work

2006-07-07 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr


Test diff.exe inside of gvim:

 :!diff - opens shell with diff.exe

What is your shell quoting character?  (:help 'shq')  For Windoze, 
generally it should be a double quote ().

Chip Campbell

Help with a syntax region

2006-07-07 Thread Robert Hicks

syn match tclExternal \\(package\)\s\(forget\|ifneeded\|require\)\

I would like a region that looks at the word(s) coming after that match.

package require Tk

Tk in that would be the word to match (and color).


Large stynax files

2006-07-07 Thread Max Dyckhoff
This is a really quick question, in a hope to save myself some
potentially wasted time. The tags file for the code base I am using
contains approximately 150,000 tags. A very quick parse of the file
turns up around 15,000 tags that I would like to colour nicely in syntax
- basically /\s\+[dst]$.

Now, before I go to the effort of creating a more complete list of
desirable tags, and parsing the data to turn it into a nice syntax file
(all somewhat painful given that I'm not on Linux, my favoured
platform), does anyone have experience using that many keywords, and any
comments on how slow it will make vim load up? Will it take ridiculous
amounts of time, or just lots of time?


Max Dyckhoff 
AI Engineer
Bungie Studios

Visual Highlight non-contiguous regions

2006-07-07 Thread stri ker
Is there a way to visually highlight multiple non-adjacent lines at  
the same time?

For example, highlight lines 1, 4, 7, but no other lines.

Re: Project and ftp

2006-07-07 Thread Silent1

just one more quick thing, is there a way for the files listed in the
project pane that are on ftp/etc to just list their name instead of
ftp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/somefolder/somefile
to only list somefolder/somefile or just somefile
Thanks in advance.

On 7/6/06, Silent1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ah okay, thanks again for your help.

On 7/6/06, Tom Purl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't believe so.

  is it possible for the project plugin to create the files/dir
  recursively if i give the ftp info? I tried with \C but with no luck.
  On 7/6/06, Tom Purl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  my_servers=/home/someguy/project_folder CD=. {
  Basically, you use the same syntax that you would use to open a file via
  FTP with the netrw plugin (:h netrw).
  Hope that helps!
  Tom Purl

Re: Visual Highlight non-contiguous regions

2006-07-07 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

stri ker wrote:

Is there a way to visually highlight multiple non-adjacent lines at 
the same time?

For example, highlight lines 1, 4, 7, but no other lines.

Do you want to use ctrl-v, v, or V? With those, the answer is: 
(drumroll, please) ... No.

However, if you're talking about :set hls, then


will do the job.

Chip Campbell

Re: set textwidth=80 and c mode

2006-07-07 Thread Benji Fisher
On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 12:50:17PM +0400, Paul Drynoff wrote:
 On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 10:45:54 -0400
 Charles E Campbell Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Do you have something like
  filetype plugin indent on
  in your .vimrc?
  When I put
 set tw=80
  into my .vim/ftplugin/c/c.vim file, and then edited something.c,
  the textwidth was then 80 instead of 0 as it normally is.
 My .vimrc is very simple:
 set autoindent
 set wildmenu
 set wcm=Tab

 This is the problem.  If you add the line

filetype plugin on

to your vimrc file, then vim should recognize any file ending in .c as a
C file and apply the settings from ~/.vim/ftplugin/c/c.vim .

HTH --Benji Fisher

WG: Launch a browser from url in text

2006-07-07 Thread Stefan Bittner

is it possible to hide ex commands called via a mapping from appearing in the 
command line?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Bittner, Stefan 
Gesendet: Freitag, 7. Juli 2006 20:56
An: 'Cesar Romani'
Betreff: AW: Launch a browser from url in text

Hi Cesar,

I don't think there is a way to hide it. The \gu is a mapping to that
:call Utl_goUrl('edit')
and this can't be hidden as far as I know.

Sometimes I think, it would be nicer to only have : commands - no \xx mapping 
at all. So the \gu would be replaced by, say, :Gu . (The latter
exists, but not to open URL under cursor but takes an URL as argument.)

I guess, that what you want is: to get the right hyperlink feeling, just
follow the URL with no noise. Correct?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cesar Romani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2006 03:57
Cc: Vim
Betreff: R: Launch a browser from url in text

 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Bittner, Stefan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Inviato: lunedì 3 luglio 2006 19.19
 Oggetto: WG: Launch a browser from url in text
 Hi Cesar,
 if you consider to use the Utl-plugin mentioned by Tom below, please don't
 hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I think Utl.vim can do
 what you need.
 With the mapping
   :nmap 2-LeftMouse Leadergu
 you can doubleclick an URL. It would also be possible to use URLs without
 embeddings, e.g. execute
 instead of
 Stefan (Creator of utl.vim plugin)
 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Tom Purl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gesendet: Sonntag, 2. Juli 2006 04:30
 An: Cesar Romani
 Cc: Vim
 Betreff: Re: Launch a browser from url in text
 Check out the utl plugin:
 It may not be exactly what you want, but it's very close.
 Tom Purl
 On Sun, Jul 02, 2006 at 04:19:10AM +0200, Cesar Romani wrote:
  Is it possible to doubleclick a highlighted URL in a text and thus
 launch a
  browser, f.e. internet explorer or firefox?
  The command gf allows to open a file under a cursor. Isn't there
  anything similar for URLS?
  Many thanks in advance,
I'm using utl.vim to open url under the cursor.
When I press \gu under an url, it opens the url but it appears at the
:call Utl_goUrl('edit')

How can it be hidden?
Many thanks in advance,


- End forwarded message -


Re: Out of sequence messages from python

2006-07-07 Thread Benji Fisher
On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 06:15:21PM +0100, J Alan Brogan wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have a problem when scripting vim with python which is not covered by the 
 FAQ (, and would be 
 grateful for help (or perhaps a redirect to a list more directly connected 
 to vim scripting ?)
 I am using vim 7.0, and python 2.4.2
 I have vim (or gvim) running with a python script in the current buffer and 
 try to parse it. When parse errors occur I would like to move to the line 
 with the error, and then ask the user what to do about it (or maybe just 
 explain what the error is if I ain't no clue what to do).
 So, bypassing a few key-redirects, and extra scripting what happens is 
 ie: compile the contents of current buffer, if there is an error, find 
 row/col, go to that row, then if the error is a missing colon, ask whether 
 it should be added.

 It looks as though you have already put a lot of work into this
approach, but have you considered using quickfix mode?

:help quickfix

 I have also seen the same effect with output, for example
   normal('%dG0%dl' % (row,col))
   # other stuff
   print hello world
   normal('%dG0%dl' % (row,col))
   # other stuff
   print  sys.stderr, hello world
 it can be seen that the (error) message is printed first, and later the 
 cursor moves.
 Any suggestions as to where I might be going wrong, and how I can get the 
 instructions to appear back in the right order ?

 Ah, now this is an example I can handle.  I think that the cursor
is moving before the print command, but you do not see it until the
screen is redrawn, which happens later.  I tried

:python  EOF
import vim
def normal(command):
vim.command('normal %s' % command)
cw = vim.current.window
print cw.cursor
print cw.cursor

and I got


Can you construct a similarly simple example with a more convincing

HTH --Benji Fisher

Re: WG: Launch a browser from url in text

2006-07-07 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Stefan Bittner wrote:

is it possible to hide ex commands called via a mapping from appearing in the 
command line?

See  :help :map-silent

Chip Campbell

Re: Changing spell check colors

2006-07-07 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Chris Sutcliffe wrote:

Using spell check in a terminal window hightlights some words with a
bright green background and white text.  I find this hard to read (I'm
using a dark background and I have set background=dark in my .vimrc).
Is it possible to override the the spell check color scheme, and if
so, can someone please point me in the direction of what I need to
look at?

If you use the following plugin:

and then type

 :help hicolors

you'll see each highlighting color name in its own colors.  This list 

 SpellBad SpellCap SpellLocal SpellRare

If you then right click on any of the names, a colorscheme editor will 
pop up

for that color.  Edit it, save it, use it!

Chip Campbell

latex-suite and Vim 7.0 on Mac OS X

2006-07-07 Thread Serge Rey

I recently upgraded Vim from 6.4 to 7.0 (binaries from
under Mac OS X(10.4.7)  and have noticed that the latex-suite package
is no longer  working.

I installed the suite package in my personal .vim directory (not a
system install), and all other ftplugins seem to be working under 7.0
as they had under 6.4. The only one that seems broken is latex-suite.
I'm able to reproduce this problem on a number of machines (desktops
and powerbooks).

Has anyone else noticed this, or can anyone suggest ways to try to
debug what is going on?


Serge Rey

Re: Project and ftp

2006-07-07 Thread Tom Purl
On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 02:35:25PM -0400, Silent1 wrote:
 just one more quick thing, is there a way for the files listed in the
 project pane that are on ftp/etc to just list their name instead of
 ftp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/somefolder/somefile
 to only list somefolder/somefile or just somefile

Not that I know of.  I usually end up using the spacebar shortcut
when my cursor is in the project pane to expand the width of that
pane temporarily.