Reduce cursor size

2006-11-02 Thread Billy Patton
In gvim the mouse cursor dissapears when I begin typing.
Can this be done in vim?


2006-11-01 Thread Billy Patton
In gvim I can hold the shift and double click over a word and it searches
for that word.  Can I set this up in vim?

RE: Need to write a language

2006-10-26 Thread Billy Patton
Thanks, eveything soundes goo so far.
I'll just have to determine if I can create the language for more of the
difficult rules 

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Hodge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:04 PM
 To: Billy Patton;
 Subject: Re: Need to write a language
 --- Billy Patton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm in the semiconductor industry.  My job is to create data and to 
  run regression tests on that data for the validation of 
 physical layout rules.
  Skip to bottom for questions, if you don't want to read my 
  The current problem is tha the rules are not in a computer 
 readable form.
  Many paople have a hand in writing different sections of 
 the rules, so 
  you can imagine that the wording is widely varied.  There is no 
  standard to wording or even the dialog used.
  One of the things I have been ask to do is to try and get a 
 handle on 
  how the rules may be written that that they are computer readable.
  I've been working with perl hash's and excel spread sheets.
  The main problem I was having was that I was trying to decreace the 
  relationship words and increase the number of variables.  This was 
  quickly resulting in a spread sheet that was growing (number of 
  columns) very rapidly.  I assume excel has a limit to the 
 number of columns.
  The idea that I have come up with is to create a language 
 with limited 
  descriptive words.  Here is an example of a rule that might 
 be written 
  in a human readable form but also parsable by puter.
  MET1 spacing to MET1 is 45 if MET1 width is = 245 and = 100
  By looking at this
  MET1 is a layer
  Spacing width = = are relationships
  If is a constraint
  #'s are #'s
  I want to have them write correct by construction.
  Is it possible, in vim/gvim to open a special version of 
 vim so that 
  the user can begin to type, spac , and it would complete the word?
  Would it also be possible to not allow a word to be type'd if that 
  word was not in a list.
  Vim would have to open in edit mode and remain there for 
 most users, 
  until save/exit.  Most of the users of this would be hard core pc 
  users who think the only editor is word.  But there are a 
 few unix users.
  My questions.
  1. Can vim be configured to automatically start in edit mode?
  2. Can vim monitor each word that is being typed?
  3. Can vim do word completion?
  4. Can vim offer all possible spellings for partial word completion?
  If the answer to most of qeustion above is yes 5. Can I do the 
  programming?  I do perl, c, c++, csh and sh programming.
 As well as completing words, it would be very helpful if you 
 wrote a syntax file for your language. If your users see 
 things in color, they can be sure they have typed the 
 commands correctly, but if the text is *not* colored, then 
 they will know they've got something wrong.
 Something else you may want to consider - Map F5 to call a 
 perl script which examines the line under the cursor and 
 prints a message explaining what needs to be typed next.
 On Yahoo!7
 Win VIP tickets to meet R'n'B stars superstars Ne-Yo and 

Always bounces back

2006-10-25 Thread Billy Patton

Need to write a language

2006-10-25 Thread Billy Patton
I'm in the semiconductor industry.  My job is to create data and to run
regression tests on that data for the validation of physical layout rules.

Skip to bottom for questions, if you don't want to read my ramblings. 

The current problem is tha the rules are not in a computer readable form.
Many paople have a hand in writing different sections of the rules, so you
can imagine that the wording is widely varied.  There is no standard to
wording or even the dialog used.

One of the things I have been ask to do is to try and get a handle on how
the rules may be written that that they are computer readable.
I've been working with perl hash's and excel spread sheets.
The main problem I was having was that I was trying to decreace the
relationship words and increase the number of variables.  This was quickly
resulting in a spread sheet that was growing (number of columns) very
rapidly.  I assume excel has a limit to the number of columns.

The idea that I have come up with is to create a language with limited
descriptive words.  Here is an example of a rule that might be written in a
human readable form but also parsable by puter.

MET1 spacing to MET1 is 45 if MET1 width is = 245 and = 100

By looking at this
MET1 is a layer
Spacing width = = are relationships
If is a constraint
#'s are #'s

I want to have them write correct by construction.

Is it possible, in vim/gvim to open a special version of vim so that the
user can begin to type, spac , and it would complete the word?
Would it also be possible to not allow a word to be type'd if that word was
not in a list.

Vim would have to open in edit mode and remain there for most users, until
save/exit.  Most of the users of this would be hard core pc users who think
the only editor is word.  But there are a few unix users.

My questions.
1. Can vim be configured to automatically start in edit mode?
2. Can vim monitor each word that is being typed?
3. Can vim do word completion?
4. Can vim offer all possible spellings for partial word completion?
If the answer to most of qeustion above is yes
5. Can I do the programming?  I do perl, c, c++, csh and sh programming.

What's worng with my .vimrc

2006-10-09 Thread Billy Patton
I have used this file for years.  I got laid off and rehired 10 months
later.  I was using it steadily for the last 10 years.  Then after the 10
months it no longer works.
Everything works properly in gvim but it doesn't in vim.
I have the function keys programmed,  I espically use f1-4.
When I hit f1 the screen splits and I get a new file opened.
I'm running vim 6.3 on Linux box
Gvim 6.3

Here's my .rc
version 5.3
set nocp
 syntax on
set hlsearch 
set incsearch
set nf=
 Note the t here allows tearoff menus, last menu can be teared of with
mouse 3
set go=mlbgt
set bs=2 allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set laststatus=2 always display a status line at the bottom of window
set backup
set bex=.bak
set exrc
set visualbell
set et gives spaces for tabs
set tf
set noml
set showcmd
set showmode showmatch
set tabstop=2
set mouse=a
set mousehide
set mousemodel=extend
set shiftwidth=2
set autoread
syntax on

set autoindent
set ru

 F1 show buffers
map f1  :buffersCR

 F2 select buffer
map f2  :buffer 

 F3 .. next buffer
map f3 :nCR

 F4 .. write then next buffer
map f4 :wnCR

 F5 .. make
map f5 :make CR

 F6 .. make test
map f6 :make testCR

 F7 .. make clean
map f7 :make cleanCR

 F8 .. display erors
map f8 :ccCR

 F9  .. next error
map f9 :cnCR

 F10 .. previous error
map f10 :cpCR

 F11 .. list all errors
map f11 :clCR

 F12 .. unhighlight after search
map f12 :nohCR

map C-Z C-VC-V
map C-Z :shellCR
map C-Z :ctrl-z suspending disabled CR

 Vim color file
  Maintainer: Surya
  Last Change: 12/23/2003 10:32:41 . 
 version: 1.0
 This color scheme uses a dark background.
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists(syntax_on)
   syntax reset 

let g:colors_name = koehler
hi Normal guifg=white  guibg=black
hi Scrollbar  guibg=darkgray guifg=darkgray
hi Menu   guifg=black guibg=gray
hi SpecialKey term=bold  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkred  guifg=Blue
hi NonTextterm=bold  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkred  gui=bold
hi Directory  term=bold  cterm=bold  ctermfg=brown  guifg=Blue
hi ErrorMsg   term=standout  cterm=bold  ctermfg=grey
ctermbg=blue  gui=bold guifg=White  guibg=brown
hi Search term=reverse  ctermfg=white  ctermbg=red
gui=bold guifg=#00 guibg=Magenta
hi MoreMsgterm=bold  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkgreen
gui=bold  guifg=SeaGreen
hi ModeMsgterm=bold  cterm=bold  gui=bold  guifg=White
hi LineNr term=underline  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkcyan
guibg=brown guifg=white
hi Question   term=standout  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkgreen
gui=bold  guifg=Green
hi StatusLine term=bold,reverse  cterm=bold ctermfg=lightblue
ctermbg=white gui=bold guibg=white guifg=brown
hi StatusLineNC   term=reverse  ctermfg=white ctermbg=lightblue guifg=white
hi Title  term=bold  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkmagenta
gui=bold  guifg=Magenta
hi Visual term=reverse  cterm=reverse  gui=reverse
hi WarningMsg term=standout  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkblue  gui=bold
guifg=cyan guibg=Black
hi Cursor guifg=bg  guibg=cyan
hi Commentterm=bold  cterm=bold ctermfg=cyan  guifg=#80a0ff
hi Constant   term=underline  cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta
hi String term=underline  cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta
gui=bold guifg=brown guibg=darkgray
hi Number term=underline  cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta
hi Specialterm=bold  gui=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=red
hi Identifier term=underline   ctermfg=brown  guifg=#40
hi Statement  term=bold  cterm=bold ctermfg=yellow  gui=bold
hi PreProcterm=underline  ctermfg=darkblue
hi Type   term=underline  cterm=bold ctermfg=lightgreen
gui=bold  guifg=#60ff60
hi Errorgui=bold guifg=Yellow   guibg=Black
hi Todo   term=standout  ctermfg=black  ctermbg=darkcyan
guifg=Blue  guibg=Yellow
hi VertSplit   guifg=#00 guibg=#00 gui=bold
hi link IncSearch   Visual
hi link Character   Constant
hi link Boolean Constant
hi link Float   Number
hi link FunctionIdentifier
hi link Conditional Statement
hi link Repeat  Statement
hi link Label   Statement
hi link OperatorStatement
hi link Keyword Statement
hi link Exception   Statement
hi link Include PreProc
hi link Define  PreProc
hi link Macro   PreProc
hi link PreCondit   PreProc
hi link StorageClassType
hi link Structure   Type
hi link Typedef Type
hi link Tag Special
hi link SpecialChar Special
hi link Delimiter   Special
hi link 

RE: What's worng with my .vimrc

2006-10-09 Thread Billy Patton
Yep that fixed it.  I'm back to normal.
I had my function keys programmed to edit or change directories when in a
xterm, by highlighting and hitting the correct function key.

So how can I have both? 

 -Original Message-
 From: Billy Patton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 7:56 AM
 To: 'Yakov Lerner'
 Subject: RE: What's worng with my .vimrc
 I think I know what it is :)
 I'm mapping the function keys in my .Xdefaults
  -Original Message-
  From: Yakov Lerner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 6:30 AM
  To: Billy Patton
  Subject: Re: What's worng with my .vimrc
  On 10/9/06, Billy Patton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have used this file for years.  I got laid off and
  rehired 10 months
   later.  I was using it steadily for the last 10 years.  
  Then after the
   10 months it no longer works.
   Everything works properly in gvim but it doesn't in vim.
   I have the function keys programmed,  I espically use f1-4.
F1 show buffers
   map f1  :buffersCR
  - What is your $TERM (echo $TERM)
  - What does this show: :set F1  ?
  - What does vim show on screen when you do the following:
   Press i to enter insert mode
   Press Ctrl-V
   Press F1
  - Which terminal do you use (xterm ,konsole, urxvt, ...); 
 which Linux 

Simple how to unhighlight after search

2006-10-05 Thread Billy Patton
When I do a search, I have highlighting turned on.  I like that.
When I have completed I now search for something completely bogus to turn
off highlighting.

I'm not using F12 and would like to program it to unhighlight

 F12 .. unhighlight after search
map f12 : ?


2006-10-05 Thread Billy Patton
Just to add to what you said about IDE, I moved from MSVC++ to vim.  I had
to write my own make file,  big++ for future.
I eventually programmed my function keys to do
Make clean
Make test
First error
Next error
Previous error
List all errors

It was no where as nice as mscv++ but after the transition, I will never
go back to an ide
On my pc now I use cygwin for all my unix compatible work, which is my
entire world.

 -Original Message-
 From: Aaron Griffin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 12:50 PM
 To: Brecht Machiels
 Subject: Re: C++ IDE
 On 10/5/06, Brecht Machiels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But as I'm probably not the first to try to use Vim as an IDE
 No, you're not.  The issue is not that you're trying to use 
 vim as an IDE, it is that you're trying to use vim as Eclipse.
 Define IDE.
 When I use vim as an IDE, I use things like ctags to jump 
 around files, change things here and there, run :make, etc 
 etc  taglist is nice.  So are clewn/vimgdb, but not as much 
 as raw gdb.
 Now, if you want vim to write makefiles and things for you, 
 that's another story.  I have a feeling this is what you want 
 - a step to integrate build these files.  Things like 
 Eclipse / Visual Studio have a files listing which is used 
 to know which files to compile / embed / whatever.  make does 
 this just fine, and better, IMO, but requires you to write a Makefile.
 I guess I could answer better if you defined what an IDE is 
 to you.  I get mixed answers on this when I ask people.  In 
 short: you are trying to use vim like tools you are used to.  
 It doesn't work that way.  vim is vim.  It is not Eclipse.

Test and some help

2006-10-04 Thread Billy Patton
Everything bounced back yesterday, my first day of signup.

What I was trying to ask

When a file changes, external to gvim/vim, I have it where it will tell me
it has changed, but I would like to to tequest for it to be reloaded.  This
works on gvim, but not on vim.

RE: Test and some help

2006-10-04 Thread Billy Patton
Got that problem solved.  I was sending html from word 

 -Original Message-
 From: Billy Patton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 9:37 AM
 Subject: Test and some help
 Everything bounced back yesterday, my first day of signup.
 What I was trying to ask
 When a file changes, external to gvim/vim, I have it where it 
 will tell me it has changed, but I would like to to tequest 
 for it to be reloaded.  This works on gvim, but not on vim.