I have used this file for years.  I got laid off and rehired 10 months
later.  I was using it steadily for the last 10 years.  Then after the 10
months it no longer works.
Everything works properly in gvim but it doesn't in vim.
I have the function keys programmed,  I espically use f1-4.
When I hit f1 the screen splits and I get a new file opened.
I'm running vim 6.3 on Linux box
Gvim 6.3

Here's my .rc
"version 5.3
set nocp
" syntax on
set hlsearch 
set incsearch
set nf=""
" Note the t here allows tearoff menus, last menu can be teared of with
mouse 3
set go=mlbgt
set bs=2            " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
set laststatus=2    " always display a status line at the bottom of window
set backup
set bex=.bak
set exrc
set visualbell
set et    " gives spaces for tabs
set tf
set noml
set showcmd
set showmode showmatch
set tabstop=2
set mouse=a
set mousehide
set mousemodel="extend"
set shiftwidth=2
set autoread
syntax on

"set autoindent
set ru

" F1 show buffers
map <f1>  :buffers<CR>

" F2 select buffer
map <f2>  :buffer 

" F3 .. next buffer
map <f3> :n<CR>

" F4 .. write then next buffer
map <f4> :wn<CR>

" F5 .. make
map <f5> :make <CR>

" F6 .. make test
map <f6> :make test<CR>

" F7 .. make clean
map <f7> :make clean<CR>

" F8 .. display erors
map <f8> :cc<CR>

" F9  .. next error
map <f9> :cn<CR>

" F10 .. previous error
map <f10> :cp<CR>

" F11 .. list all errors
map <f11> :cl<CR>

" F12 .. unhighlight after search
map <f12> :noh<CR>

map <C-Z> <C-V><C-V>
map <C-Z> :shell<CR>
map <C-Z> :"ctrl-z suspending disabled <CR>

" Vim color file
"  Maintainer: Surya
"  Last Change: 12/23/2003 10:32:41 . 
"     version: 1.0
" This color scheme uses a dark background.
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
   syntax reset 

let g:colors_name = "koehler"
hi Normal                 guifg=white  guibg=black
hi Scrollbar      guibg=darkgray guifg=darkgray
hi Menu                   guifg=black guibg=gray
hi SpecialKey     term=bold  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkred  guifg=Blue
hi NonText                term=bold  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkred  gui=bold
hi Directory      term=bold  cterm=bold  ctermfg=brown  guifg=Blue
hi ErrorMsg               term=standout  cterm=bold  ctermfg=grey
ctermbg=blue  gui=bold guifg=White  guibg=brown
hi Search                 term=reverse  ctermfg=white  ctermbg=red
gui=bold guifg=#000000 guibg=Magenta
hi MoreMsg                term=bold  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkgreen
gui=bold  guifg=SeaGreen
hi ModeMsg                term=bold  cterm=bold  gui=bold  guifg=White
hi LineNr                 term=underline  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkcyan
guibg=brown guifg=white
hi Question               term=standout  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkgreen
gui=bold  guifg=Green
hi StatusLine     term=bold,reverse  cterm=bold ctermfg=lightblue
ctermbg=white gui=bold guibg=white guifg=brown
hi StatusLineNC   term=reverse  ctermfg=white ctermbg=lightblue guifg=white
hi Title                  term=bold  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkmagenta
gui=bold  guifg=Magenta
hi Visual                 term=reverse  cterm=reverse  gui=reverse
hi WarningMsg     term=standout  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkblue  gui=bold
guifg=cyan guibg=Black
hi Cursor                 guifg=bg      guibg=cyan
hi Comment                term=bold  cterm=bold ctermfg=cyan  guifg=#80a0ff
hi Constant               term=underline  cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta
hi String                 term=underline  cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta
gui=bold guifg=brown guibg=darkgray
hi Number                 term=underline  cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta
hi Special                term=bold  gui=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=red
hi Identifier     term=underline   ctermfg=brown  guifg=#40ffff
hi Statement      term=bold  cterm=bold ctermfg=yellow  gui=bold
hi PreProc                term=underline  ctermfg=darkblue
hi Type                   term=underline  cterm=bold ctermfg=lightgreen
gui=bold  guifg=#60ff60
hi Error                    gui=bold guifg=Yellow       guibg=Black
hi Todo                   term=standout  ctermfg=black  ctermbg=darkcyan
guifg=Blue  guibg=Yellow
"hi VertSplit   guifg=#00FFFF guibg=#000000 gui=bold
hi link IncSearch               Visual
hi link Character               Constant
hi link Boolean                 Constant
hi link Float                   Number
hi link Function                Identifier
hi link Conditional             Statement
hi link Repeat                  Statement
hi link Label                   Statement
hi link Operator                Statement
hi link Keyword                 Statement
hi link Exception               Statement
hi link Include                 PreProc
hi link Define                  PreProc
hi link Macro                   PreProc
hi link PreCondit               PreProc
hi link StorageClass    Type
hi link Structure               Type
hi link Typedef                 Type
hi link Tag                             Special
hi link SpecialChar             Special
hi link Delimiter               Special
hi link SpecialComment  Special
hi link Debug                   Special

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