Re: good keys for mappings

2007-05-31 Thread François Pinard


Any suggestions on keys/key combos that are good candidates for custom 
mappings etc?

The usual is \ followed by something.  I initially fought this 
convention, because \ is a bit hard to type on my keyboard, and tried 
other things instead, with various levels of conflicts and displeasure.  
I finally gave in the convention and overcame the keyboard difficulty.

I think Bram mentioned he's found prefixing with _ works well..

The _ key is sometimes suggested as well, and some say it is unused.  
But this is not true, _ is a very useful command for me (it brings the 
cursor back at the first non-blank character of the current line).

A common approach is to use timeouts for recognizing a single key 
command when that key is also the prefix of multi-key commands.  The 
timeout is not incurred when you immediately follow the single key 
command by other commands which are not ambiguous with the multi-key 
commands, but if you want to see the effect of the single key command, 
you have to suffer the timeout, which may be a bit irritating at times.

François Pinard

Re: copying text char-by-char from the line above line..

2007-05-31 Thread François Pinard

[Andy Wokula]

Ajay Gupta schrieb:

I saw one of my friends (once!) copying the text from the line right

:h i_Ctrl-Y

At first, I had some difficulty remembering Ctrl-Y, until I decided that 
"Y" was a picture of what was going on: that is, funneled from above.

Now, I use it very often.  Ctrl-E copies from the line below, often
useful too, yet it is harder to see an upside-down "Y" into "E" :-).

François Pinard

Re: JSVI: Vi implemented in Javascript

2007-05-30 Thread François Pinard

[Tobias Klausmann]

On Wed, 30 May 2007, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

 Hmm... when's the day when Vim will be implemented in Lisp [...]

Of course, that has already been done. It's called viper:
Viper Is a Package for Emacs Rebels.

It's quite far from "Vim".  Only "vi", that is, almost unusable :-).

François Pinard

Re: Describe-key ?

2007-04-15 Thread François Pinard


is there anything like "describe-key" (EMacs)in vim ?

The simplest might be the Vim help system.  For example:

 :h ^X

describes Ctrl-X.  You have to type "^X" as two characters, not one.

It is a good idea to get familiar with the help system in Vim (the same 
as with the Emacs help system for Emacs users).  Try both:

 :h help

For commands and keybindings, Emacs has a ¹one-line help (corresponding 
to the first line of a starred doc-string -- if I remember well), ²the 
full doc-string (which is usually more succinct than the manual, yet in 
a few cases more complete than the manual, or even, very rarely, 
contradicting it :-), and the ³automatic display of the manual entry.  
Vim help mostly corresponds to this later one.

François Pinard

Re: Weird problem with helpgrep

2007-01-31 Thread François Pinard


[Bram Moolenaar]

Only a few things might need to be spread to other directories, using 
symlinks when possible (binary in /usr/local/bin, libs in 
/usr/local/lib, header files in /usr/local/include).

Well, I know about a packaging system that does exactly that (I don't 
remember its name).  The problem is that maintaining that lot of 
symlinks is a mess, usually.  It's easier (and IMHO more convenient) to 
use the installation system of the package to put the files where they 
belong (again, IMHO) in the first place.

Hi, people.  Just perusing email in ultra-fast mode :-).  I did not read 
the previous exchanges, so I apologize if I'm out of context.

I used two installation systems which were extremely fond on symbolic 
links: LUDE (from Université de Montréal) and Stow (from GNU).  Both 
have been used in various places.

LUDE was a bit gigantic for my own needs, I've never really been 
comfortable with it.  Stow was OK and clean (not so messy).  Even if
I was careful to be stow-compatible for a few packages I maintained in 
another life, I nowadays prefer installations to be plain straight.

François Pinard

Re: Smarter Indent (an odd problem)

2006-09-05 Thread François Pinard

[Benji Fisher]

Let me take this opportunity to try once again to drum up support
for an idea that I have proposed before.  IMO it is too restrictive to
make options (such as syntax highlighting, 'textwidth', and
indent-related options) apply to a whole file.  There should be a
convenient, consistent way to tell vim to treat different sections of a
file as having different file types.  Examples:

* code snippets in an e-mail
* PHP in an HTML file (or vice-versa)
* perl/python/ruby inside a vim script
* comments, text, and math inside LaTeX/plain TeX/conTeXt

I quite agree it would be an interesting possibility.  For example, it 
would be nice having reST support in Python doc-strings (for those 
projects where it makes sense), programming language support within 
parser generators having their own separate syntax, and such things.

But I have realistically no time to offer (being usually rather short on 
free time), so I'm not sure how I / we could help.

François Pinard

Re: quick math computations

2006-06-03 Thread François Pinard

[stri ker]

I frequently need to do some basic calculations.  [...] Is there a way 
to do calculations with doubles instead of integers  without piping to 
an external program like bc and then inserting into  a buffer?

If you are lucky enough to have a Python-enabled Vim, you may use:

 :py print 3.7 * 4.5

and read the result (16.65) in the echo area.

François Pinard

Re: Shell support in Vim?

2006-05-11 Thread François Pinard

[Aaron Griffin]

Bram has spoken - vim is an editor.  It is not a shell.

Quite granted.

I see *nothing* that another terminal cannot do.

I'm happy with what Vim is.  However, here, you could use some more 
imagination :-).  There are a few things another terminal cannot easily 
do, while these things are more akin to Vim editing in read-only mode 
than they are to shell operations.

For example, a shell buffer could do syntax coloring of shell output, 
when within a given highly interactive subsystem like Lisp or R, say.  
As long as this precise subsystem is active, the "file type" could be 
set to drive the highlighting.  Another thing is the ability to use Vim 
search facilities through some voluminous output.  Yet another is the 
ability to scroll and wander within previous output, or even do clever 
selections like Vim block, or otherwise, which most terminals just do 
not offer.

However, Vim does not easily allow editing of growing files (at least so 
far that I know), and a shell buffer essentially holds growing output.  
Moreover, Vim does not really proxy interactive communication with other 
programs, while this seems essential to implement shell buffers.

Shell buffers also come, sooner or later, with their own complex 
requirements, like file name completion (and then, the necessary 
directory tracking that goes with it), following the stty settings (like 
echo), consequent output cleanup and filtering, more localisation 
concerns, etc.  It is more a can of worm than many might think.

I prefer Vim to stay clean and efficient like it is.  Yet, I regret not 
having its syntax highlighting abilities over my shell output...

François Pinard

Re: Vim changelog mode?

2006-05-05 Thread François Pinard

[David Woodfall]

Just wondered if there was changelog mode for vim as emacs has?

I use it all the time!  Not exactly like Emacs', but very usable 
nevertheless. :-)

To get it going, I added a file ~/.vim/plugin/changelog.vim with:

runtime! ftplugin/changelog.vim
let g:changelog_username = 'François Pinard  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'

The first line has the effect of installing the ,o binding, and ,o 
allows you to initialize a new ChangeLog entry.  The second line is

personal customisation.  I also have customisation within files:


For the first of these two (in case you ever make one as well for you 
own habits), I needed the following lines at start:

if &filetype != 'changelog'

so to the rest be inhibited when the "runtime!" line above is run.

François Pinard

Re: Distinguishing Maxima (computer algebra) scripts from assembler files

2006-04-28 Thread François Pinard

[Benji Fisher]

[Robert Dodier]

But Bram tells me that some assembler files also use that same
extension. What is a reliable way to distinguish the two?

I do not know how reliable it is, but searching for the Maxima
assignment operator (I assume that is what := is.) looks like a

The usual assignment operator is ':'.  ':=' is used to define functions.

François Pinard

Re: Distinguishing Maxima (computer algebra) scripts from assembler files

2006-04-26 Thread François Pinard

On Sat, Apr 22, 2006 at 01:10:56PM -0600, Robert Dodier wrote:

I have created a syntax colorization file for scripts written for the 
Maxima computer algebra system (  [...] PS. 
Here is the syntax file I created:

Wow, good news, thanks for the reference! :-)

François Pinard

Re: vim7 aap config.arg

2006-04-22 Thread François Pinard

[Dog Walker]

I am assuming that there is one option per line in config.arg with the 
leading '--', for example:


Exactly. :-)

François Pinard

Re: vim7 aap config.arg

2006-04-22 Thread François Pinard

[Dog Walker]

I have successfully downloaded, built and installed vim70c on Linux 
SuSe 9.0 using aap.  Now I want to rebuild using different options 
(gtk+, python,...).  How do I do it and persists the change so that 
subsequent downloads and builds of new versions will incorporate my 

You create a vim7/src/config.arg.  It may even pre-exist the initial 
download, and would be honoured.  I did not try this method recently, 

François Pinard