can i map the number pad enter or somesuch?

2007-05-22 Thread shawn bright

hello all,

Is the enter key on the numeric keypad different than the enter key of
the keyboard?
i was thinking that it would be super handy to map it to gg. I have a
lot of long files to mess around with.

thanks for any tips.

Re: question about insert mode and zz

2007-05-04 Thread shawn bright

yep, that helps,
just did the map, exactly what i was looking for, thanks

On 5/4/07, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i really dig the zz function to get me in the middle of the screen.
> i was wondering if there were an insert mode ability to do the same thing.
> So if i am writing a long function and get to the bottom of the screen
> i can move where i am at to the middle of the screen while still in
> insert mode?

You can use control+o (that's an "oh" not a "zero") followed by
zz which will enter normal-mode for one command (your "zz") and
then return you to where you were in insert mode.  I do exactly
this on a regular basis.  I started with the old-school "z." (in
original vi) instead of "zz" (a vim extension) and was irked that
it didn't keep my position...until I learned of zz.  I now
regularly use zz/zt/zb instead of the old z./z/z- commands.

The above can be mapped if you do it often enough to warrant a
single keypress...something like

  :inoremap  zz

If you want to read about this "temporary normal mode", you can
read the scant details at

:help i_ctrl-o



question about insert mode and zz

2007-05-04 Thread shawn bright

Hey there all,
i really dig the zz function to get me in the middle of the screen.
i was wondering if there were an insert mode ability to do the same thing.
So if i am writing a long function and get to the bottom of the screen
i can move where i am at to the middle of the screen while still in
insert mode?

thanks for any tips

Re: question about leader

2007-04-21 Thread shawn bright

Hey, thanks gents !

On 4/21/07, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> when i am reading docs or plugin docs, i often see references to 
> like a keybinding is  something.
> what is leader ?

It is a character (defaulting to "\") used to allow folks to
choose a "leader" character for mappings such that it allows
users of that mapping/script to choose their "leader" character.

Effectively, it's turns something like

:map x gg>G


:exec ':map '.mapleader.'x gg>G'

This makes use of the mapleader variable (*not* setting, which I
always find odd).  So if you didn't want to use "\", you could
change it by doing something like

:let mapleader="_"

And then instead of using "\x" as you would have with the default
settings, you'd now use "_x" to execute your mapping (though the
leader character is bound to the mapping at the time of the
mapping, so you'd have to re-execute the ":map" statement after
changing the value of "mapleader")

You can read about it at

:help mapleader

and its local analog

:help maplocalleader


question about leader

2007-04-21 Thread shawn bright

hey all,

when i am reading docs or plugin docs, i often see references to 

like a keybinding is  something.

what is leader ?


Re: about fonts in gvim

2007-04-18 Thread shawn bright

Worked like a champ.
fortunatly, i have gtk2 running almost every machine i dev on.
i use fluxbox at home but set the gtk2 options when logging in.
thanks much for this.


On 4/18/07, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

shawn bright wrote:
> hey there all,
> is there a way i can permanently set the font for gvim ?
> i can't find a config file for it.
> thanks

The config file for most options in Vim is $HOME/.vimrc (Unix) or $HOME/_vimrc
(Windows). For gvim, you may add a .gvimrc or _gvimrc, but some people (such
as me) prefer to put everything in the vimrc.

If you use a single vimrc on several platforms, setting the font may get
complicated, because (including obsolete versions) there are five different
incompatible formats for the 'guifont' option, and each executable accepts
only one of them. Here is what I have for version-sniffing and font-setting in
my vimrc (notice the comments, set apart by a double quote at the end of the

if has("gui_running")  " font setting works only in the GUI
if has("gui_gtk2") " GTK+2 (not GTK+1)
set gfn=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono\ 9
elseif has("gui_photon")   " Photon GUI
set gfn=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:s9
elseif has("gui_kde")  " the obsolete kvim
set gfn=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono/9/-1/5/50/0/0/0/1/0
elseif has("x11")  " other X11 versions (including GTK+1)
set gfn=-*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-m-*-*
else   " non-X11 versions
set gfn=Lucida_Console:h9:cDEFAULT

In some versions of gvim, you may use

:set guifont=*

to choose your font via a menu. Once you're satisfied with what you have, use

:set guifont=

where  means "hit the Tab key", to see how it must be written into your
vimrc for this version of gvim. (It will appear with backslash escapes if and
where required). Write the value down, hit Escape, then write it at the proper
place in your vimrc.

If your version doesn't support ":set guifont=*", you can still use the code
snippet (with a lot of ifs) above, to set something that your version will
(hopefully) accept. Then edit it using ":set guifont=" followed by
edit-in-place on the Vim command-line (Enter to accept, Escape to abort). Once
you know what you want, you can also write it into your vimrc in this case.

Best regards,

about fonts in gvim

2007-04-18 Thread shawn bright

hey there all,

is there a way i can permanently set the font for gvim ?
i can't find a config file for it.


Re: command to delete just whitespace

2007-04-15 Thread shawn bright

funny, never noticed that dw works if there is no characters under it.


On 4/15/07, Suresh Govindachar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  > ok, let me clarify a bit more.  i just need to delete
  > the white space between the cursor and the next character.

  > sorry.
  > sk

  In normal mode, just do "dw" (without quotes).


Re: command to delete just whitespace

2007-04-15 Thread shawn bright

ok, let me clarify a bit more.  i just need to delete the white space
between the cursor and the next character.


On 4/15/07, Jean-Rene David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* shawn bright [2007.04.15 20:15]:
> Hey there, i am looking for a command that will
> delete all whitespace up until the first
> character.
> for example
> []some_characters
> []some_characters.



command to delete just whitespace

2007-04-15 Thread shawn bright

Hey there, i am looking for a command that will delete all whitespace
up until the first character.

for example


i could not find a command to do this ( or perhaps read the cheat
sheet and :help d wrong )


Re: how to create a command

2007-04-15 Thread shawn bright

Thanks, worked great !


On 4/15/07, Timothy Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd try just

cabbr todo GMSend [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The c in front makes it only expand in command line mode, otherwise wherever 
you typed todo (such as in email text you were composing) it'd expand.


-Original Message-----
From: shawn bright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 12:38 PM
To: vimlist
Subject: how to create a command

hello there vim dudes.

i am using the gmail.vim plugin. Its cool, and allows me to send myself 
messages. This is how i keep my TODO list, with filters and gmail plus 
addressing. So anyway. It uses a command like this :GMSend someemailaddress.

now, since i am using the same email address everytime i do this, i would like 
a new command that will be shorter. like :todo or something.

is there something i can put in my .vimrc that will let me do this ?
Or would some mapping be more appropriate ?



how to create a command

2007-04-15 Thread shawn bright

hello there vim dudes.

i am using the gmail.vim plugin. Its cool, and allows me to send
myself messages. This is how i keep my TODO list, with filters and
gmail plus addressing. So anyway. It uses a command like this
:GMSend someemailaddress.

now, since i am using the same email address everytime i do this, i
would like a new command that will be shorter. like :todo or

is there something i can put in my .vimrc that will let me do this ?
Or would some mapping be more appropriate ?



problem with shifting block

2007-04-13 Thread shawn bright

lo there,

i am using visual mode and  >> to indent a block of code.
the problem i am having is that once i do this, the visual mode is
gone. So, i have to re-select everything and do it again. Is there a
command to repeat the last shift ?
or better yet, is there a better way to shift code right and left ? i
develop in python, which is white-space sensitive, so this is a rather
big deal for me to get right.

thanks for any tips.


Re: how to delete all occur of a character

2007-04-09 Thread shawn bright

hey there, thanks for your tips, works great.

On 4/9/07, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i have a file ( actually a group of them ) and i need to
> delete the quotation marks in each file, i am sure that vim
> has a tool for this.

For a single file, you want to use


For multiple files, you might want:

:set hidden
:argdo %s/"//g
(review your changes)

(to write all the changes).

If they're funky "windows" quotes, you may have to copy&paste
them, perhaps using control-R followed by whichever register
holds the copied quote (either an asterisk/plus-sign for the
system clipboard, or the double-quote register).

You can

:help :s
:help i_CTRL-R
:help registers

Hope this helps,


how to delete all occur of a character

2007-04-09 Thread shawn bright

lo there,

i have a file ( actually a group of them ) and i need to delete the
quotation marks in each file, i am sure that vim has a tool for this.


Re: quick query about moving a selection

2007-04-03 Thread shawn bright

cool enough, thanks, tim

On 4/3/07, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i know with >> i can move a selection to the right by one
> indent, how can i move a selection just one space ?

Well, if you want to move by "one indent", you can

:set sw=1 ts=1 et

which will then make ">>" and "<<" indent by one space (not one
tab) or, you can

:set sw=1 ts=1 noet

and have it use tabs, but each tab displays as only a single space.

Or, you can use

:s/^/ /

That 2nd one is better used over a range.

A couple ideas to hopefully get you towards what you want.


quick query about moving a selection

2007-04-03 Thread shawn bright

lo there,

i know with >> i can move a selection to the right by one indent,
how can i move a selection just one space ?

Re: bracket completion

2007-04-02 Thread shawn bright

Thanks Luc,
i got the main functionality working, pretty much. I only really
desire the bracket matching, and so far, i am really pleased. They all
work except the [] . So i think maybe there is a conflict with another
plugin ( i have the snippets-Emu, supertabs, and taglist plugins also.
) The overall effect is really cool.

thanks again.


On 4/2/07, Luc Hermitte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* On Tue, Apr 03, 2007 at 02:14:59AM +0300, Panos Laganakos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> One thing that would also be great, was if you were able to "tab" your
> way out of it, ie move to the outside of the bracket, once you're
> done. Now you need to either press right, to move ahead (which is not
> quite vim-ish), or hit escape and Shift_A, to resume editing.
> Only possible way I can think of, is to use a snippet system, like
> snippetsEmu[1] or something. Any other suggestions?

Well. You can use my bracketing system, or the fork of mu-template I'm
maintaining (which relies on the bracketing system) -- see my signature.
The marker/placeholder can be easily enable or disabled, cutomized for
every language, ...

Luc Hermitte

Re: ok, new question on search

2007-04-02 Thread shawn bright

great, have this set now in mine.

On 4/2/07, Albie Janse van Rensburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Gene Kwiecinski wrote:
>> when i do a search like  /text
>> it highlights all of the matches and i can use n and N to navigate.
>> how do i turn the highlighting off when i am done?
> Need to keep the pattern in memory?  If not, "/zzz" will do it, assuming
> you don't have "zzz" anywhere else in your file, of course.
> Can fiddle with ":set nohls" and whatnot, but for me, it's just easier
> to search for nothing to turn off highlighting of the just-searched-for
> text.
> Then, of course, you'd have to ":set hls" to turn it back on again.
> Lotta typing, big pain, 'swhy I don't do that, and just search for
> gibberish instead if I want to unhighlight what I was just looking for.
The search register can be overwritten by setting @/ to ''.  This then
clears your search "properly".

For my purposes, I have the following mapping in my vimrc:

nnoremap   :set @/=''

so pressing alt-/ then clears my search.

Albie Janse van Rensburg

It is only by risking our persons from one hour to another that we live
at all. And often enough our faith beforehand in an uncertified result
is the only thing that makes the result come true. -- William James

Re: ok, new question on search

2007-04-02 Thread shawn bright

cool enough, i guess i could map something to
:/impossible_to_find_text or something

On 4/2/07, Gene Kwiecinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>when i do a search like  /text
>it highlights all of the matches and i can use n and N to navigate.
>how do i turn the highlighting off when i am done?

Need to keep the pattern in memory?  If not, "/zzz" will do it, assuming
you don't have "zzz" anywhere else in your file, of course.

Can fiddle with ":set nohls" and whatnot, but for me, it's just easier
to search for nothing to turn off highlighting of the just-searched-for

Then, of course, you'd have to ":set hls" to turn it back on again.
Lotta typing, big pain, 'swhy I don't do that, and just search for
gibberish instead if I want to unhighlight what I was just looking for.

ok, new question on search

2007-04-02 Thread shawn bright

lo there,
when i do a search like  /text
it highlights all of the matches and i can use n and N to navigate.
how do i turn the highlighting off when i am done?


Re: bracket completion

2007-04-02 Thread shawn bright

whoa !, nevermind, found an example file on his website, tried it and works,.
sorry, my own rftm mistake


On 4/2/07, shawn bright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

this looks like exactly what i am after.
i am kind of a newbie here, and cant quite get it to work right.
i believe that i need a python.vim file in /ftplugin directory.
but i dont know how to word it to make this plugin work,
could anyone kinda help me here, i can't make out what i should do
from the docs on the website that you linked to

thanks for any tips


On 4/2/07, Greg Matheson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 02 Apr 2007, shawn bright wrote:
> > i am finding these usefull too, thanks
> Check out Luc Hermitte's development of Stephen Riehm's
> bracketing macros.
> --
> Greg MathesonI have an elaborate mnemonic for
>  remembering what day it is. It's
>  called the number system.
> --
> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> believed to be clean.

Re: bracket completion

2007-04-02 Thread shawn bright

this looks like exactly what i am after.
i am kind of a newbie here, and cant quite get it to work right.
i believe that i need a python.vim file in /ftplugin directory.
but i dont know how to word it to make this plugin work,
could anyone kinda help me here, i can't make out what i should do
from the docs on the website that you linked to

thanks for any tips


On 4/2/07, Greg Matheson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 02 Apr 2007, shawn bright wrote:

> i am finding these usefull too, thanks

Check out Luc Hermitte's development of Stephen Riehm's
bracketing macros.

Greg MathesonI have an elaborate mnemonic for
 remembering what day it is. It's
 called the number system.

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: bracket completion

2007-04-02 Thread shawn bright

i am finding these usefull too, thanks

On 4/2/07, Panos Laganakos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Those are great, thanks alot :)

On 4/1/07, Fritz Mehner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A.J.Mechelynck schrieb:
> > Greg Fitzgerald wrote:
> >
> >> Anyone know of a way to achieve bracket completion? For example if
> >> your typing a if statement, if (something) { once you type the first
> >> bracket
> >> the 2nd one is inserted below for you. Scribes and a few other editors
> >> have this functionality and was hoping to achieve it with Vim. Another
> >> thing that this does, if you were to type $data[' for example. The 2nd '
> >> would be inserted for you after your cursor. Just seems to save time
> >> when I played with scribes a few days ago. I was looking through the
> >> help, scripts and mailing list archives for something like this but have
> >> not hit any matches. Just wondering if people have ideas on how this
> >> could be done or maybe know of an existing way. Thanks in advance.
> >>
> >> --Greg
> >>
> >
> > :inoremap { {}
> > :inoremap [ []
> > :inoremap ( ()
> >
> > etc.
> >
> > This assumes brace indenting is taken care of (by 'cindent' or
> > 'indentexpr').
> >
> > IIUC, you can still enter an "unpaired brace" (or bracket or paren) by
> > prefixing it with Ctrl-V (or with Ctrl-Q if Ctrl-V pastes).
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Tony.
> In addition I use the following settings
> vnoremap  (  s()P
> vnoremap  [  s[]P
> vnoremap  {  s{}P
> to surround a  selection in visual mode.
> Regards,
> Fritz

Panos Laganakos

Re: need a new way to scroll

2007-03-30 Thread shawn bright

cool, thanks,
i went with option 2.
works great.


On 3/30/07, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

shawn bright wrote:
> Hello all,
> i find myself doing a lot of scrolling. Usually, this is when i am
> tracing code to see the flow of a certain thing. I know i have Ctrl-u,
> d, f, b for doing a page at a time, but i need to be able to scroll
> like a quarter of a page or maybe 20 lines at a time. I know that i
> can do 20Ctrl-E or Y to do 20 at a time, but thats kinda long, is
> there another way that might be cool, maybe map 20 lines down to some
> key i don't use much ?
> thanks for any tips.
> sk

The answer is contained in your question.

Method I:

:map  20
:imap  20
:map  20
:imap  20

Replace  and  by anything that suits you.

Method II:

:set scroll=20
" From now on, Ctrl-D and Ctrl-U scroll by 20 lines.
" Ctrl-F/Ctrl-B (or PgUp/PgDn) still scroll by one page.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
150. You find yourself counting emoticons to get to sleep.

need a new way to scroll

2007-03-30 Thread shawn bright

Hello all,

i find myself doing a lot of scrolling. Usually, this is when i am
tracing code to see the flow of a certain thing. I know i have Ctrl-u,
d, f, b for doing a page at a time, but i need to be able to scroll
like a quarter of a page or maybe 20 lines at a time. I know that i
can do 20Ctrl-E or Y to do 20 at a time, but thats kinda long, is
there another way that might be cool, maybe map 20 lines down to some
key i don't use much ?

thanks for any tips.

Re: two questions , map and scroll

2007-03-27 Thread shawn bright

thanks for all the help, gents
doing just what i want now.


On 3/27/07, fREW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/27/07, Andy Wokula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> shawn bright schrieb:
> > lo there,
> >
> > i have two quick questions.
> > first, is there a way i can scroll text under the cursor ( so that the
> > cursor stays on the same place in the terminal, but the text scrolls
> > anyway )
> > i just think that would be really cool.
> Without mappings:
> " keep cursor in same column
> :set nostartofline
> " global, also has influence on other commands
> " how many lines to scroll
> :set scroll=1
> " local to window
> Then use Ctrl-D and Ctrl-U.  A count changes the value of 'scroll'.
> Don't miss the help:
> :h 'sol
> :h 'scr
> --
> Regards,
> Andy

What I would do for the rails stuff (and what I actually do for
Template Toolkit w/ perl) is use abbreviations.  For example:

:ab RLS <% %>^]hhi
:ab RL= <%= %>^]hhi

That way when you type RLS(space) it will put you inside the brackets
automatically.  Note: the ^] is a literal, so to type it you need to
do .


two questions , map and scroll

2007-03-27 Thread shawn bright

lo there,

i have two quick questions.
first, is there a way i can scroll text under the cursor ( so that the
cursor stays on the same place in the terminal, but the text scrolls
anyway )
i just think that would be really cool.

second. i do a lot of rails stuff, so i open and close a lot of rails tags.
<% stuff here %>
<%= output stuff here %>

does someone have a suggestion to automate some of this ?


Re: question about a python plugin

2007-03-25 Thread shawn bright

yep, tis the same, i am looking all over for this thing and i already have it !


On 3/25/07, Panos Laganakos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Not sure which plugin is, but it seems to offer the functionality or
Vim 7.0.* - omnicompletion (for the python language)

type :help i_CTRL_X-CTRL-O

On 3/25/07, shawn bright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hey gents !
> i found this screencast
> does anyone know what plugin is being showed off here?
> thanks
> shawn

Panos Laganakos

question about a python plugin

2007-03-24 Thread shawn bright

hey gents !

i found this screencast

does anyone know what plugin is being showed off here?

question about omni-complete

2007-03-22 Thread shawn bright

lo there,
i just discovered omni-complete . i am starting to use vim for some
python and ruby scripting for work. i found omni-complete. I can type
time.ctrl-x ctrl-o and a list of funtions pop up for me to choose.
how do i navigate the list without using arrow keys ? it is getting
kinda natrual to use jk to move up and down ( i find myself typing j
and k into other text editors)

what keys do i use to navigate and select the function from the list ?


Re: jump to last edit

2007-03-22 Thread shawn bright

wow, that was fast, thanks !

On 3/22/07, Wolfgang Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


:help g;



shawn bright wrote:
> Hello there all,
> is there a command in vim that will cause you to jump to the last edit
> location in a file ?
> thanks,
> shawn

jump to last edit

2007-03-22 Thread shawn bright

Hello there all,

is there a command in vim that will cause you to jump to the last edit
location in a file ?


Re: question about search

2007-03-21 Thread shawn bright

cool, thanks, i knew there had to be something.

thanks again.

On 3/21/07, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

shawn bright wrote:
> hello there,
> i am kinda new to vim, so i am wanting to learn the stuff that i think
> i will use the most first. One of the things i use a lot is search. i
> have found how to do a search like this
> /:s/reg/reg
> is there a way i can tab through the finds ?
> thanks

The above (without the / before :s) "replaces" reg by reg. To "search", use


to search forward, or


to search backward; then use


to repeat the search, or


to go back.

A pattern may be simple or complex: see

:help pattern overview

for a summary, or

:help pattern

for the formal grammar of Vim patterns.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
129. You cancel your newspaper subscription.

question about search

2007-03-21 Thread shawn bright

hello there,
i am kinda new to vim, so i am wanting to learn the stuff that i think
i will use the most first. One of the things i use a lot is search. i
have found how to do a search like this

is there a way i can tab through the finds ?


Re: hello again

2007-02-21 Thread shawn bright

yep, just what i was looking for.
thanks much, gents.


On 2/21/07, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i was wondering if there is an option to use spaces instead of tabs in
> my indenting and tabbing, especially when in python.

You can set the 'expandtab' option to behave as you like.  You
may also want to tweak your 'ts' and 'sw' options to act in accord.

Thus, you may want to do

:set et ts=4 sw=4

If you want to convert from one format to the other, you can also
use the ":retab" command.

You can

:help 'et'
:he 'ts'
:he 'sw'
:he :retab



hello again

2007-02-21 Thread shawn bright

hello again from the newbie.

i was wondering if there is an option to use spaces instead of tabs in
my indenting and tabbing, especially when in python.

This wouldn't be an issue, but i have written most of my stuff in
JEdit using soft tabs and now when i mess with one of the files in
vim, i get problems about indentation not being right.

just wondering. and thanks


Re: question about auto indenting tab width

2007-02-21 Thread shawn bright

ok, thanks, gents

On 2/21/07, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

shawn bright wrote:
> lo there all.
> i found where i can set my tab stop in .vimrc to 4, but i can't seem
> to find where to set it to 4 when i have an auto indent.
> for example, in python, if i do a
> for x in range(20):
> it auto indents 8 spaces and i need it to auto indent 4
> any tips are appreciated.
> thanks

No you don't. The Python language specification includes the requirements that
indents are significant and that a one-hard-tab indent is equivalent to 8
spaces. If you ever find yourself facing a Python source with mixed space- and
tab-indents, you'll ask yourself why it doesn't compile.

Best regards,
What this world needs is a good five-dollar plasma weapon.

question about auto indenting tab width

2007-02-21 Thread shawn bright

lo there all.
i found where i can set my tab stop in .vimrc to 4, but i can't seem
to find where to set it to 4 when i have an auto indent.
for example, in python, if i do a
for x in range(20):

it auto indents 8 spaces and i need it to auto indent 4

any tips are appreciated.

question about mapping

2007-02-19 Thread shawn bright

hello there all, i am very new to vim, but i really dig it. I tried
out a script plugin from and when i start vim, there is an
error message that says

Error detected while processing /home/piv/.vim/plugin/snippetsE
line  163:
E227: mapping already exists for ^I

i guess i need to know what this is to get rid of it, i suppose it
means that somewhere in my vimrc or a plugin or something that a
keymapping exist for ^I but i cannot find it.

does ^ represent something ? like control ?

thanks for any tips.