Changing spell check colors

2006-07-07 Thread Chris Sutcliffe

Using spell check in a terminal window hightlights some words with a
bright green background and white text.  I find this hard to read (I'm
using a dark background and I have set background=dark in my .vimrc).
Is it possible to override the the spell check color scheme, and if
so, can someone please point me in the direction of what I need to
look at?



Chris Sutcliffe

Re: Changing spell check colors

2006-07-07 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 7/7/06, Chris Sutcliffe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Using spell check in a terminal window hightlights some words with a
bright green background and white text.  I find this hard to read (I'm
using a dark background and I have set background=dark in my .vimrc).
Is it possible to override the the spell check color scheme, and if
so, can someone please point me in the direction of what I need to
look at?

You need to define following highlighting groups:
For example, in my setup SpellBad is defined as
SpellBad   xxx term=reverse ctermbg=1 gui=undercurl guisp=Red
-- shows as gray on red background

To learn how to write your own :highlight commands
1) :highlight  - instructive, shows existing highlight groups
2) :help :hi
3) To check how Spell-related groups are defined:
  :hi SpellBad
   :hi SpellCap
   :hi SpellRare
   :hi SpellLocal


Re: Changing spell check colors

2006-07-07 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Chris Sutcliffe wrote:

Using spell check in a terminal window hightlights some words with a
bright green background and white text.  I find this hard to read (I'm
using a dark background and I have set background=dark in my .vimrc).
Is it possible to override the the spell check color scheme, and if
so, can someone please point me in the direction of what I need to
look at?

If you use the following plugin:

and then type

 :help hicolors

you'll see each highlighting color name in its own colors.  This list 

 SpellBad SpellCap SpellLocal SpellRare

If you then right click on any of the names, a colorscheme editor will 
pop up

for that color.  Edit it, save it, use it!

Chip Campbell