Re: Multiple commands from Fkey

2007-05-14 Thread John R. Culleton
Gary wrote in part:

  nmap silent F2 :call DoSub()CR

function DoSub()
%s/ / ``/ge
%s/ /'' /ge

For my other F keys I have used noremap instead of nmap, thus:
inoremap F3 C-O:!pdftex book.texCr
nnoremap F3 :!pdftex book.texCr
inoremap F4 C-O:!texexec book.tex /dev/nullCr
nnoremap F4 :!texexec book.tex /dev/nullCr
inoremap F5 C-O:!acroread book.pdfCr
nnoremap F5 :!acroread book.pdfCr
nnoremap F2 1GgqG

Which is the better usage? I have read but do not understand fully 
the help item suggested previousely.

I will use the code in two different rc files: one for my own use on a 
Linux system using gvimrc, and one ( _vimrc) to be used by customers 
who are presumed to be using evim at leas to start.  
John Culleton
Able Indexing and Typesetting
Precision typesetting (tm) at reasonable cost.
Satisfaction guaranteed.

Re: Multiple commands from Fkey

2007-05-14 Thread Gary Johnson
On 2007-05-14, John R. Culleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gary wrote in part:
   nmap silent F2 :call DoSub()CR
 function DoSub()
 %s/ / ``/ge
 %s/ /'' /ge
 For my other F keys I have used noremap instead of nmap, thus:
 inoremap F3 C-O:!pdftex book.texCr
 nnoremap F3 :!pdftex book.texCr
 inoremap F4 C-O:!texexec book.tex /dev/nullCr
 nnoremap F4 :!texexec book.tex /dev/nullCr
 inoremap F5 C-O:!acroread book.pdfCr
 nnoremap F5 :!acroread book.pdfCr
 nnoremap F2 1GgqG
 Which is the better usage? I have read but do not understand fully 
 the help item suggested previousely.

Without the nore part, when the use presses the mapped key, vim 
executes the rhs of the mapping including executing any mappings it  
finds on the rhs.  For example, if you define the following mapping,

   nmap D dj

to delete the current line and the line below, and some plugin has 
redefined 'j' with

   nmap j k

then when you type 'D', your macro will delete the current line and 
the line _above_.

Adding nore tells vim to ignore any mappings on the rhs and to 
execute any commands on the rhs with their default actions.  
Continuing the example above, changing the 'D' mapping to

   nnoremap D dj

will ensure that (as long as D itself is not remapped) typing 'D' 
will delete the current line and the line below regardless of any 
mapping of 'd' or 'j'.

Including nore is then the safer usage since it protects the rhs 
of the macro from being affected by any mappings of the functions on 
the rhs.  I didn't use 'nnoremap' in the F2 mapping above because 
I thought there was no possibility of a remapping of anything on the 
rhs, so that the nore would be superfluous, but now I see that the 
macro would be affected if someone defined ':' as a macro (a really 
poor choice).


Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mobile Broadband Division
 | Spokane, Washington, USA

Multiple commands from Fkey

2007-04-19 Thread John R. Culleton
I want a single F key assignment via user's gvimrc to activate several 
commands in order, e.g.:
%s/ / ``/g
%s/ /'' /g
(The left hand part contains an inch sign and the right hand part 
contains either two back ticks or two apostrophes.) I may add more 
such commands to the same F key. 

Can I string them all together in a gvimrc command or would it be 
handier to have the F key call a script somehow? This will be for a 
naive user.  (I am pretty naive myself :)
John Culleton
Able Indexing and Typesetting
Precision typesetting (tm) at reasonable cost.
Satisfaction guaranteed.

Re: Multiple commands from Fkey

2007-04-19 Thread Gary Johnson
On 2007-04-19, John R. Culleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want a single F key assignment via user's gvimrc to activate several 
 commands in order, e.g.:
 %s/ / ``/g
 %s/ /'' /g
 (The left hand part contains an inch sign and the right hand part 
 contains either two back ticks or two apostrophes.) I may add more 
 such commands to the same F key. 
 Can I string them all together in a gvimrc command or would it be 
 handier to have the F key call a script somehow? This will be for a 
 naive user.  (I am pretty naive myself :)

You can certainly string them together in a single mapping using 
bar as a separator and CR as a terminator, e.g.,

nmap F2 :%s/^/``/ bar %s/ / ``/g bar %s/$/''/ bar %s/ /'' /gCR

However, that mapping will fail as soon as one of the substitutions 
fails, so a better mapping would include the 'e' flag at the end of 
each substitution, e.g.,

nmap F2 :%s/^/``/e bar %s/ / ``/ge bar %s/$/''/e bar %s/ /'' 

That mapping will leave the command visible in the command line 
after the user presses the function key, and if the command is long 
or the window is narrow, the user will also get the Press ENTER or 
type a command to continue prompt when the command is done.  To 
avoid that, you can add silent to the mapping, e.g.,

nmap silent F2 :%s/^/``/e bar %s/ / ``/ge bar %s/$/''/e bar 
%s/ /'' /geCR

Such a long mapping can be difficult to maintain.  One way to make 
that easier is to put the commands in a function and have the 
mapping just call that function, e.g.,

nmap silent F2 :call DoSub()CR

function DoSub()
%s/ / ``/ge
%s/ /'' /ge

See also

:help :bar
:help map_bar
:help :s_flags
:help map-silent
:help user-functions


Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mobile Broadband Division
 | Spokane, Washington, USA