Re: visual selection invisible in default color scheme when

2006-04-20 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Georg Dahn wrote:

 Vim 7.0e02 / Windows XP:
 1. gvim -u NONE
 2. colo desert
 3. colo default
 Then the visual selection is invisible and the error message
 Warning: terminal cannot highlight is shown. This behavior
 is reproducible with other color schemes than desert (like
 morning, evening...).
 However, doing 'colo desert' is not necessary. Just do
 1. gvim -u NONE
 2. colo default
 and visual selection is invisible, too, and the error
 message is shown again.

Thanks for the clear example.  I'll fix it.

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 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
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Re: omni-completion: info bug

2006-04-20 Thread Mikolaj Machowski
Dnia czwartek, 20 kwietnia 2006 13:04, Bram Moolenaar napisał:
 Aaron Griffin wrote:
  Just a heads up:
  Using an omni-completion dictionary, a single completion entry (for
  which no menu is displayed) does not update the info preview window.

 Yes, filling the preview window is part of the code for the popup menu.
 If there is only one alternative you don't really need more info to make
 a choice, right?

But old 'info' stays which may lead to misunderstandings.


Re: Moderator for Vim Tips

2006-04-20 Thread Gautam Iyer
On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 08:21:49PM -0400, Jeremy Conlin wrote:

 A few weeks (months?) ago a suggestion was made that the submissions
 to Vim tips be moderated.  This is due to the address being used by
 spammers.  Apparently nobody volunteered to do this because there are
 still inappropriate tips being submitted.  I am willing to do this,
 but I don't have the expertise required to test all the tips.  I can
 screen them to make sure they are appropriate.  Would that agree with

IMHO all a moderator should do is reject tips which are spam.

The vim community can (and should) test the tips, vote on them, and post
comments as desired :).


'eieio' -- A gross misspelling of the word 'farm'.

Re: Code completion suggestions...

2006-04-20 Thread Eric Van
On 4/20/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Eric Van wrote:

  Code Completion suggestion.
  Ok, first a little context.
  I currently have a project which provides an interface for vim to
  invoke commands via system() calls which are executed in a headless
  eclipse instance.
  I use this interface to provide code completion for java source files
  and ant build files, which both work great.  My issue comes into play
  when I attempt to provide completion info (for display in the new
  completion preview window in vim).  Retrieving this extra info can
  result in a lot of extra processing on the eclipse side and depending
  on the size of the completion set, can dramatically affect the

 Most of this should already be possible using complete_add() and
 complete_check().  See below :help complete-items.

Unfortunately not, since I'm using a system() call, so I get all the
results at once.

  So, I propose a means to lazily retrieve info for a completion.
  Basically it should be like a CursorHold, but in the context of the
  completion popup.  If the user stops on a completion for some
  determined amount of time, vim should then, ideally, spawn off a
  thread to retrieve the info for that completion and display it in the
  completion preview.  I think it is key to do this retrieval in an
  asynchronous way so as not to prevent the user from moving to the next
  completion or performing some other action.

 Using threads is a difficult thing to do in a portable way.  Vim is
 build with threads in some situations (e.g., when using the Python
 interface) and this often causes problems.  On some systems threads are
 not possible.

That's probably fine since retrieving the info for a single completion
should be quick... it's retrieving info for many that can be slow.

  To accomplish this, I also suggest that the means for defining how
  completion is to be handled, be modified.
  Currently completion is defined as follows:
setlocal completefunc=3DSomeFunction
With a single function
  function SomeFunction (findstart, base)
  Instead of defining a single function, I propose that a script be
  defined instead:
setlocal completescript=3Dfoo/bar/mycompletion.vim
Where the script is located via the autoload directory and contains
the following functions (of which the first 2 are required, and the
third is optional)
   find the column in the current line where the completion starts
  function foo#bar#FindCompletionStart ()
   find the list of completions given the supplied base.
  function foo#bar#FindCompletions (base)
   find additional info for the completion at the supplied index
   within the current completion results
  function foo#bar#FindCompletionInfo (index)
  If implemented in this fashion, you gain a few advantages:
  1. Completion info is only retrieved for completions that the user
 chooses to view and not for the possibly many others for which the
 retrieval would have been completely wasted.

 This will break the use of the completion menu.  It's better to have all
 possible completions, so that the user knows how many possibilities
 there are.  Since Vim checks if the user typed something while it's
 still searching this should not be a disadvantage.

Maybe I didn't explain this correctly... I would expect the flow to be

- User hits C-XC- O or U
- vim executes foo#bar#FindCompletionStart instead of
  CompletionFunction(1, '...')
  The starting column of the completion is returned.
- vim executes foo#bar#FindCompletions('...') instead of
  CompletionFunction(0, '...')
  The FULL list of completions is retuned, but in this case the 'info'
  attribute of the contained dictionaries is empty (since they would
  be lazily retrieved later, only when needed)
- User stops on a completion for a determined amount of time
  - vim then executes foo#bar#FindCompletionInfo(index), where index
is the index of completion the user paused on.
  - vim displays the that info in the preview window

When using netbeans or eclipse this lazy loading of the 'info' text is
very apparent (especially in netbeans).  As you navigate down the
completion menu, the info loads only after you have paused on an entry
(eclipse in about half a second, netbeans in about a second and a half).

  2. More optional functions could be added to this completion script in
 the future without breaking compatibility with previous releases.
  While I'm at it another suggestion I have would also to be to add
  another function to my proposed script paradigm:
function foo#bar#FindCompletionEnd ()
  Which would find the ending column of the word to be replaced by the
  completion.  So if I am have the following ('|' denoting the cursor
List mylist = ...|d(
  The 'd' after the cursor position could be replaced when I choose
  amongst my choices of 'add' or 'addAll', instead of having to 

Re: Feature request: expr for abbreviations

2006-04-20 Thread Hari Krishna Dara

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 at 1:04pm, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

  In Vim7, I see that maps can now have expr argument to indicate that
  the RHS is an expression that should be evaluated. I think this is cool,
  and though I don't have a need yet, I am pretty sure it will come to
  good use soon. But meanwhile, I think the same should be extended to
  abbreviations too. I know you can already use C-R= for the same, but
  the expr method is going to be useful specifically for the cabbr case.
  Currently if you need to define a cabbr that uses the C-R= construct
  to evaluate an expression, this causes trouble when typing the
  abbreviation (even if it is accidental) at the expression register

 Did you try it?  It should already work.

Thank you so much, it is there and works great for me. I presume
documentation is pending on this?


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Re: vim7: request for new autocommands

2006-04-20 Thread Hari Krishna Dara

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 at 1:04pm, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

 Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

  On the lines of InsertEnter and InsertLeave, can we please have
  CommandEnter and CommandLeave that will get triggered when the user
  starts one of the :, /, ?, = etc. modes? The reason I ask is, with the
  addition of getcmdtype(), it is now possible to create maps and
  abbreviations dynamically that only apply to a particular type of
  prompt, provided we can know when the mode starts and when it ends.

 It's too close to a release to add that now.  It already was in the todo

Thanks, I will wait for them to be added, hopefully in 7.1 or a patch
for 7.0? Using these autocommands will make my script a lot cleaner and
reliable to detect when the command prompt is done.


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Re: Feature request: expr for abbreviations

2006-04-20 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

   In Vim7, I see that maps can now have expr argument to indicate that
   the RHS is an expression that should be evaluated. I think this is cool,
   and though I don't have a need yet, I am pretty sure it will come to
   good use soon. But meanwhile, I think the same should be extended to
   abbreviations too. I know you can already use C-R= for the same, but
   the expr method is going to be useful specifically for the cabbr case.
   Currently if you need to define a cabbr that uses the C-R= construct
   to evaluate an expression, this causes trouble when typing the
   abbreviation (even if it is accidental) at the expression register
  Did you try it?  It should already work.
 Thank you so much, it is there and works great for me. I presume
 documentation is pending on this?

Oh, it's not mentioned at :help :abbr.  I'll add something.

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 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
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 \\\help me help AIDS victims -- ///

Re: omni-completion: info bug

2006-04-20 Thread Aaron Griffin
On 4/20/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nice feature, right?  I'll add a remark about that.  The idea is that
 the preview info remains there for a while, so that you can see function
 arguments, for example, while you continue typing.  But if you want to
 explicitly clear it using a space is a good idea.

If I didn't know anything about it, I would expect it to work as follows:

   if length of info text  0, clear window and output text
   else remove preview window

It might be nice to offer two options: '' will kill the preview window
and ' ' would blank it.

Is there any possiblity to get the preview window to pop up for single
completions? If not, I can always force a single empty entry like
{'word':'', 'abbr':'[Cancel]'} or some such oddity...

Re: netrw needs more keepjumps?

2006-04-20 Thread Hari Krishna Dara

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 at 9:58am, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

 Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

 The new version of netrw seems to be a lot better than the old explorer
 in terms of not corrupting jumplist, but I think there is more work
 needed. Ideally, when you open a directory, you should see only one
 new entry for each, and it should be in the natural order. What I am
 seeing right now is more than one, and it is even confusing. Also, if
 you open a couple of directories in sequence and try to get back to the
 original file using ^O, then the jumplist goes into a loop and you can
 never come back to the original file. If the directory is entered by
 means of pressing ^O, I think it should completely avoid modifying

 Please try setting  g:netrw_fastbrowse=0 in your .vimrc.  Hopefully the
 jumplist will then be

 Chip Campbell

Did you mean the value 2? The value 0 didn't help so looked at the
help and figured 2 might help and it did, as I can now ^O out of
multiple directories. This is not ideal because I don't really want
those directory buffers cached around, but can live with that for now.
Are you planning to fix this problem? I looked at the code, and there
are so many individual places the :keepjumps command is used, so don't
know where else it needs to be prefixed. I was hoping we can just prefix
the main functions/commands, but the help clearly says it won't work.


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Re: omni-completion: info bug

2006-04-20 Thread Mikolaj Machowski
Dnia czwartek, 20 kwietnia 2006 17:12, Aaron Griffin napisał:

 On a related note, an 'info' dict entry of '' does not change and/or
 remove the preview information.  Using a single space blanks the
 window, but an empty string does not.

And this is Good Thing :)


RFC: (x)html completion support in Vim7

2006-04-20 Thread Mikolaj Machowski

I am author of (x)html completion scripts and related (php, css,
javascript). I'd like to ask what you think it should like.

At the beginning I was pushing for one default: XHTML 1.0 Strict. Bram
didn't like it and now there are two: fot ft='html' HTML 4.01
Transitional and for ft=='xhtml' XHTML 1.0 Strict (user can still
choose another version with b:html_omni_flavor variable - this
improvement may be not yet in snapshot/cvs/svn). Bram still doesn't like
it. According for him completion should be more flexible and not limited
to some standard. For me it defies whole idea of omni-completion
- completion suggestions should be precise. Problem with (X)HTML is
there are many standards but creation of messy compilation from
them has no sense. Vim is superb program and should support writing of
good code - according to standards.

To make this support full it could look:

- provide data files for most of (X)HTML standards:

  - HTML 3.2 Strict (for legacy pages)
  - HTML 4.0 Transitional
  - HTML 4.0 Strict
  - HTML 4.0 Frameset
  - HTML 4.01 Transitional
  - HTML 4.01 Strict
  - HTML 4.01 Frameset
  - XHTML 1.0 Transitional
  - XHTML 1.0 Strict
  - XHTML 1.0 Frameset
  - XHTML 1.1

That is 11 data files, ca. 45kB each (5kB packed) - total 500 kB (55kB)

Add functions for detection of DOCTYPE to ftplugins for xhtml and html.

Still there is usability problem for creation of new files. Maybe some
general completion for insertion of DOCTYPE and setting appropriately

TIA for comments.


Re: netrw needs more keepjumps?

2006-04-20 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 at 9:58am, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

Please try setting  g:netrw_fastbrowse=0 in your .vimrc.  Hopefully the
jumplist will then be

Did you mean the value 2?

Whoops -- yes, I meant 2.  If you want the jumplist to work, you need 
places to jump to,
which in turn means cached buffers.  That's the way that netrw used to 
always work; the
fastbrowse stuff is relatively recent, and to implement it netrw 
deliberately wipes out

netrw buffers that aren't being currently displayed.

So, its a trade-off for users to make.  Hidden (ie. :ls won't display 
netrw buffers), but available,
thereby making fast re-displays of previously seen directory listings.  
Also makes the jumplist
useful.  Versus: re-acquisition of a directory listing every time a 
directory is entered, so netrw's
directory listing is up-to-date as of the display time (cursor 
leaving/entering will also cause

netrw to update browser displays), but the jumplist is forgetful.

Chip Campbell

Re: omni-completion: info bug

2006-04-20 Thread Mikolaj Machowski
Dnia czwartek, 20 kwietnia 2006 21:59, Aaron Griffin napisał:
 Is there any possiblity to get the preview window to pop up for single
 completions? If not, I can always force a single empty entry like
 {'word':'', 'abbr':'[Cancel]'} or some such oddity...

:help completeopt

menuone flag


Re: omni-completion: info bug

2006-04-20 Thread Mikolaj Machowski
Dnia piątek, 21 kwietnia 2006 00:20, Aaron Griffin napisał:
 Ack, sorry - that was supposed to go to the list

 On 4/20/06, Mikolaj Machowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dnia czwartek, 20 kwietnia 2006 17:12, Aaron Griffin napisał:
   On a related note, an 'info' dict entry of '' does not change and/or
   remove the preview information.  Using a single space blanks the
   window, but an empty string does not.
  And this is Good Thing :)

 Well here's the way I see it.  If I have completions like so (format
 word:info): abc : 'this is info for abc'
 def : ''
 ghi : 'this is info for ghi'

 Starting on 'abc', you move down to 'def', and the info for 'abc' is
 left in the window.  Fine, that may be intentional.  Moving down to
 'ghi' will switch the info, then moving back up to 'def' will give you
 the wrong info, assuming the 'correct' info was the entry for 'abc'.

Buf if::

def : ' '

Window will be cleared. And that is Good Thing.


Re: Mappings fail me, yet again

2006-04-20 Thread Yakov Lerner
On 4/21/06, Nikolai Weibull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Still, I figured that now that we have operator functions ...
 I would be able to define my long-wanted g:
 mapping that makes : act like an operator, i.e., first waits for a
 range and then starts command mode with that range on the command

 noremap silent g: Esc:set operatorfunc=GetCommandModeRangeCRg@

 function! GetCommandModeRange(type)
   let b = line('[)
   let e = line('])

   if b  e
 let range = '.,+' . (e - b)
   elseif b == e
 let range = '.'
 let range = '.,+' . (b - e)

start command mode with 'range' already on the command line

 The question is, how do I start command mode?

Does this work for you inside the function :
:exe normal :.range
