Re: Netrw and cindent

2006-08-29 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Benji Fisher wrote:

A quick look at netrw.vba.gz (searching for swf) suggests that
this may be the problem:

fun! netrw#NetBrowseX(fname,remote)
 if a:remote == 1
  set bh=delete bt=nofile noswf
  exe norm! \c-o

  call Dret(NetBrowseX)

All the other matches for swf involve either :setlocal or :let l: .
I did not see anything suspicious with cin.

Thanks, Benji F!  I've uploaded a netrw v103i with the latest fixes to 
my website:  , see 
Network Oriented Reading, Writing, and Browsing.

Chip Campbell

Re: Netrw and cindent

2006-08-22 Thread Mark S. Williams


Thanks for your response.  I downloaded v103f and tried it.  It didn't 
seem to help.  After much experimenting I found that if I enabled 
filetype indent in my .vimrc, the problem with cindent goes away, as 
:verbose setl cindent? now reports last set by the Java indent file.  I 
don't understand why, but it works.

But I still see an issue with the swapfile option being turned off by 
netrw.  To test, I unset my HOME environment variable to eliminate my 
.vimrc and all my installed plugins.  Then when I repeat the 2 scenarios 
from my original post, noswapfile is set and :verbose setl swf? reports 
noswapfile last set by netrw.vim.

BTW, I'm running GVim on XP.


Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

Mark S. Williams wrote:

I think I've uncovered an odd bug involving Netrw and the cindent 
local buffer option for Java files, where cindent is unset under 
certain conditions.

I'm afraid that I don't see this problem; I tried both your examples.  
Please try v103f from my website: , see 
Network Oriented Reading, Writing, and Browsing.

If this problem continues to occur, then its likely some setting or 
other plugin is interfering (the latter most likely via an autocmd).

Chip Campbell

Re: Netrw and cindent

2006-08-21 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Mark S. Williams wrote:

I think I've uncovered an odd bug involving Netrw and the cindent 
local buffer option for Java files, where cindent is unset under 
certain conditions.

I'm afraid that I don't see this problem; I tried both your examples.  
Please try v103f from my website: , see 
Network Oriented Reading, Writing, and Browsing.

If this problem continues to occur, then its likely some setting or 
other plugin is interfering (the latter most likely via an autocmd).

Chip Campbell

Re: Netrw and cindent

2006-08-19 Thread Mark S. Williams

Thanks Tony.

It turns out that netrw is the culprit, and that the issue does not only 
apply to the cindent option.  Netrw attempts to save, change and restore 
the following local buffer options:


But I am finding that under some conditions (see my original post) these 
values are not restored, and instead are retaining the values that were 
set by netrw.

To reliably preserve these options when using file type plugins and 
netrw, I am now taking a more defensive approach, placing the local 
buffer settings before checking to see if the plugin has been executed, 
like this:

set cindent sw=4 ts=4 swapfile
if exists(b:did_java_vim)
 let b:did_java_vim = 1
 other plugin commands follow...

Note that netrw turns off the swapfile option, so to preserve the 
possibility of file recovery it must be explicitly turned on in the file 
type plugins.


A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Mark S. Williams wrote:
I think I've uncovered an odd bug involving Netrw and the cindent 
local buffer option for Java files, where cindent is unset under 
certain conditions.

To track down the bug I removed all my Java file type plugins and 
created a new Java file type plugin called java.vim which contains 
only the following:

if exists(b:did_java_vim)
let b:did_java_vim = 1
setlocal cindent

There are two scenarios that can reproduce the bug:

Scenario #1
1. Start vim in a dir with
2. :E and select
3. :setl  cindent is set.
4. :E and select again.
5. :setl and cindent is not set.

Scenario #2
1. Start vim in a dir with and
2. :E and select
3. :setl  cindent is set.
4. :E and select
5. :setl  cindent is set.
6. :2b to return to
7. :setl and cindent is not set.

It seems the the bug involves Netrw, I can't reproduce it when I open 
files with :e.

Quite a puzzler. Can anyone else reproduce this one?

Thanks in advance,

To check which script last set the option, use :verbose setl cindent? 
(without quotes, but with the question mark). If it does mention netrw, 
check near the top of the netrw script which version of netrw you're 
running. You may be able to obtain a newer version from vim-online or 
from Dr. Chip's site.

Best regards,

Netrw and cindent

2006-08-18 Thread Mark S. Williams
I think I've uncovered an odd bug involving Netrw and the cindent local 
buffer option for Java files, where cindent is unset under certain 

To track down the bug I removed all my Java file type plugins and 
created a new Java file type plugin called java.vim which contains only 
the following:

if exists(b:did_java_vim)
let b:did_java_vim = 1
setlocal cindent

There are two scenarios that can reproduce the bug:

Scenario #1
1. Start vim in a dir with
2. :E and select
3. :setl  cindent is set.
4. :E and select again.
5. :setl and cindent is not set.

Scenario #2
1. Start vim in a dir with and
2. :E and select
3. :setl  cindent is set.
4. :E and select
5. :setl  cindent is set.
6. :2b to return to
7. :setl and cindent is not set.

It seems the the bug involves Netrw, I can't reproduce it when I open 
files with :e.

Quite a puzzler. Can anyone else reproduce this one?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Netrw and cindent

2006-08-18 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Mark S. Williams wrote:
I think I've uncovered an odd bug involving Netrw and the cindent local 
buffer option for Java files, where cindent is unset under certain 

To track down the bug I removed all my Java file type plugins and 
created a new Java file type plugin called java.vim which contains only 
the following:

if exists(b:did_java_vim)
let b:did_java_vim = 1
setlocal cindent

There are two scenarios that can reproduce the bug:

Scenario #1
1. Start vim in a dir with
2. :E and select
3. :setl  cindent is set.
4. :E and select again.
5. :setl and cindent is not set.

Scenario #2
1. Start vim in a dir with and
2. :E and select
3. :setl  cindent is set.
4. :E and select
5. :setl  cindent is set.
6. :2b to return to
7. :setl and cindent is not set.

It seems the the bug involves Netrw, I can't reproduce it when I open 
files with :e.

Quite a puzzler. Can anyone else reproduce this one?

Thanks in advance,

To check which script last set the option, use :verbose setl cindent? 
(without quotes, but with the question mark). If it does mention netrw, 
check near the top of the netrw script which version of netrw you're 
running. You may be able to obtain a newer version from vim-online or 
from Dr. Chip's site.

Best regards,