Re: vim.vim organization

2012-11-01 Fir de Conversatie Tony Mechelynck

On 01/11/12 01:19, Kartik Agaram wrote:

I notice many keywords in runtime/syntax/vim.vim are split across
multiple lines. For example, I assume all the lines beginning with
syn keyword vimCommand could logically be assumed to be a single
(very long) command. Is that accurate?

If this is correct, I'm curious if there's some pattern to how they
are organized. It seems each line is in alphabetical order. But
there's a's in each line. Is there some way to decide which line each
keyword goes to?

Or am I just over-thinking things? :)


As Dr.Chip said, parts of the syntax/vim.vim script are generated 
automatically. When the interpreter sources the script, every line 
starts a new statement, except of course in the case of continuation 
lines, i.e. if (in 'nocompatible' mode) the first nonblank on the line 
is a backslash, in which case the interpreter disregards the backslash, 
all (zero or more) tabs or spaces preceding it, and the line break 
between that line and the one before it.

Best regards,
Someone will try to honk your nose today.

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Re: dependencies between features

2012-11-01 Fir de Conversatie Tony Mechelynck

On 01/11/12 01:09, Kartik Agaram wrote:

I was building vim with python support today, and I noticed that it
gives a linker error if multibyte support isn't also enabled. Is that
unexpected, or is the usual model to include features and all their

I don't know. Python requiring multibyte sounds strange, but Python 
certainly requires expression evaluation. Maybe there is something in 
the way Vim = Python calls are coded which requires UTF-8 or even 
UTF-16le strings (which would require +multi_byte), I don't know.

+multi_byte is part of the Big featureset. What exactly does that 
contain (in addition to the Normal featureset)? Hm, +arabic 
++builtin-terms +conceal +cscope +emacs_tags +farsi +keymap +langmap 
+mouse_dec +mouse_netterm +mouse_sgr +multi_byte +rightleft +signs. 
Nothing very obvious AFAICT.

OTOH I'd think that the Tiny, Normal and Big featuresets have had more 
testing than the rest, with +perl +python etc. usually added to a Big 
(or Huge) build. Which platform (W32, W64, Linux, Mac) are you on? Maybe 
you've found a bug in the way features are enabled or disabled depending 
on each other?

Best regards,
ARTHUR: Did you say shrubberies?
ROGER:  Yes.  Shrubberies are my trade.  I am a shrubber.  My name is Roger
the Shrubber.  I arrange, design, and sell shrubberies.
 Monty Python and the Holy Grail PYTHON (MONTY) 

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Re: vim.vim organization

2012-11-01 Fir de Conversatie Kartik Agaram
 You're likely looking at the automatically generated keyword lists;
 vimCommands are generated automatically.  The keywords are sorted in the
 usual ascending alphabetical order with 100 keywords per line.

Yeah I see the comments now that these lines are auto-generated:

syn keyword vimCommand containedabc[lear] argdo argu[ment]
bel[owright] bN[ext] ...
syn keyword vimCommand containedabo[veleft] arge[dit] as[cii]
bf[irst] bo[tright] ...
syn keyword vimCommand containedal[l] argg[lobal] bad[d] bl[ast]
bp[revious] ...

Each of them is internally in alphabetical order. But how are the
boundaries between lines decided? They're all keyword vimCommand.

Also, is the generator in the repo?

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Re: dependencies between features

2012-11-01 Fir de Conversatie Kartik Agaram
Thanks, Tony. It seems to be because of a call to mb_string2cells in
if_py_both.h:VimStrWidth. Since python isn't a feature in feature.h
I'm not sure what to check for to enable FEAT_MBYTE..

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Re: dependencies between features

2012-11-01 Fir de Conversatie Tony Mechelynck

On 01/11/12 09:19, Kartik Agaram wrote:

Thanks, Tony. It seems to be because of a call to mb_string2cells in
if_py_both.h:VimStrWidth. Since python isn't a feature in feature.h
I'm not sure what to check for to enable FEAT_MBYTE..

A little searching in the source gives:

Python2 interface
Python3 interface
Python2 support is dynamic
Python3 support is dynamic

Cscope tells me that there are 54 lines (in buffer.c, eval.c, 
ex_docmd.c, globals.h, if_python.c, if_python3.c, main.c, proto.h, 
structs.h, version.c, vim.h and window.c) which refer to at least one of 
these. They are defined (or not) by auto/config.h (at least on Linux, 
once configure has run).

Best regards,
If you're going to do something tonight that you'll be sorry for
tomorrow morning, sleep late.
-- Henny Youngman

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Mistake in help for g

2012-11-01 Fir de Conversatie Andy Wokula

Help for g states:

g  Synonym for `:%s//~/` (repeat last substitute on all
lines with the same flags).
Mnemonic: global substitute. {not in Vi}

The part
(repeat last substitute on all lines with the same flags)
should say something like
(repeat last substitute with last search pattern on all lines with
the same flags)

For example, when you first do a substitution via :s/pattern/repl/flags
and then /search for something else, `g` will do `:%s/search/~/`
instead of `:s/pattern/repl/flags`.


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Issue 89 in vim: [patch] to fix some typos in usr_21.txt

2012-11-01 Fir de Conversatie vim

Status: New
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 89 by [patch] to fix some typos in usr_21.txt

Typos in usr_21.txt :

Line 285
Suppose you store you session files in the directory ~/.vim.  You are
should be:
Suppose you store your session files in the directory ~/.vim.  You are

Line 298
If you open help windows, split and close various window, and generally mess
should be:
If you open help windows, split and close various windows, and generally  

Line 426
you chose.  This view can be loaded while editing another file.  Vim will  

should be:
you choose.  This view can be loaded while editing another file.  Vim will  

usr_21.txt.patch  1.6 KB

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Re: Weird behavior after ^ or ´

2012-11-01 Fir de Conversatie Christian Brabandt
On Mo, 29 Okt 2012, Jürgen Krämer wrote:

 I can confirm this behavior on Vim 7.3.1-712 on Windows 7, compiled with
 MS-C 16.0.40219.1 (i.e., Visual Studio 2008), although it only seems to
 happen of every other input of ^.
 The caret is a dead-letter key and is ignored although a space is pressed
 afterwards. It seems to be kept in the input buffer, though, and is
 finally used when s is pressed, leading to a movement to the start of
 line and starting insert mode at the wrong position.
 The dollar sign you see in Alex' example is the one displayed at the end
 of the changed text if $ is included in 'cpo'.

I still couldn't reproduce the issue with VisualStudio 2010 Express. But 
it only compiled a 32bit version and I couldn't convince Windows to let 
me install the required 64bit utilities to built a 64bit version.


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GVim fails to load file whose path contains '#' when called with --remote-silent

2012-11-01 Fir de Conversatie Axel

1) md c#
2) cd c#
3) gvim --remote-silent test.cs

GVim starts up and displays E194: No alternate filename to substitute for '#'.

GVim 7.3.712 on Windows 7 (64-bit).

The error doesn't show up if --remote-silent is omitted.

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