php syntax coloring fixes (please test)

2011-07-29 Fir de Conversatie JasonWoof
Hi all,

I've done quite a bit of work on the php syntax coloring, mainly
getting variable interpolation in strings to color correctly
(including hilighting syntax errors.).

I've also added nowdoc support, and added the new keywords.

Please grab the latest version from here:

and place it in ~/.vim/syntax/ (creating that directory if necessary)

Then open up a php file and see if it colors correctly. Bonus points
if you try all sorts of interpolation syntaxes.

At the moment I'm particularly interested to know if I've broken
anything. Sometime in a week or three-ish I'll be submitting this to
Bram for inclusion in the next release.

Bugs, suggestions, feedback and feature requests for php.vim are
welcome. Note that I don't follow vim-dev, so e-mail me directly, or
use my contact form:

I think I can subscribe to this thread, so replying here should work

Thank you,- Jason

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Re: php.vim fixed, need help getting it applied

2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie JasonWoof
 Nobody but Bram has commit access.

Interesting. So what's the protocol here? Can I try to get the patch
to him? Or does this patch have to sit in the ether for years until
someone is willing to be the maintainer of php.vim?

I'm hoping there's some kind of fallback mechanism for when a syntax
file doesn't have a maintainer.

  It's been almost 5 months since I submitted the patch.

 The question is, would you take maintainership of the syntax file?

I don't follow the mailing list, which I assume is a prerequisite.

I'm happy to test patches for the php syntax hilighter if someone lets
me know about them though. Does that help?

Take care,- Jason

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2011-04-22 Fir de Conversatie JasonWoof
Dear [web] admins,

There is no A record for the domain name That is,
this link shouldn't work:

Some browsers have a hack, where upon getting a failed DNS
response, will try adding www. to the beginning, but some won't.
And some of us use a DNS resolver (like opendns) that brings us to
a search page for things with no A record.

It is extremely rare for a site not to work without (the admitedly
redundant) www. prefix.

Now I'll admit, that people who type domain names tend to be more
technical, and that people will mostly be able to find your site
anyway, but it is irritating, needlessly wastes people's time, and
makes you look bad. More than once, I've typed in the
address bar, gotten an error page, then went to google to find your

Please make work, either my redirecting to or as an alternate address.

Thank you,- Jason

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Re: php.vim fixed, need help getting it applied

2011-03-02 Fir de Conversatie JasonWoof
Please, can someone commit my patch?

I'm pretty sure some of you have commit access.

It's been almost 5 months since I submitted the patch.

Thank you,   - Jason

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php.vim fixed, need help getting it applied

2011-01-08 Fir de Conversatie JasonWoof
I've e-mailed Peter Hodge about this twice (once three months ago, and
once one month ago) and I've  gotten no response, so I need someone
else to do something about getting this patch in, or connecting with
the right people. I don't know anybody here, so I don't know who/how
to nag.

Here's my message about it:  (patch at the end)

It's been bugging me for ages that php.vim doesn't hilight \ in
double quotes, and I just found another bug in my code because I
again forgot that single quotes in php treat \\ and \' sequences

So I wrote a patch to fix it. As I just wrote to vim_dev, this

1) hilights \\ and \' in single quoted strings

2) hilights \ in double quoted strings

That's all. I hope you will merge this patch (or something with the
same effect) so others won't make the mistake I've made too many
times of assuming that strlen('\\') == 2.

Oh, and in case you read the crappy documentation on the syntax of
single-quoted strings, please know that \\ inside single quoted
strings always results in a single backslash, regardless of its
position in the string. There has been an update to the
documentation committed:;r2=304132amp;pathrev=304133

Though (ymmv) the update hasn't made it to the live documentation
site as of this writing.

Thank you,  - Jason

And the patch is posted here:

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