Dear [web] admins,

There is no A record for the domain name That is,
this link shouldn't work:

Some browsers have a hack, where upon getting a failed DNS
response, will try adding "www." to the beginning, but some won't.
And some of us use a DNS resolver (like opendns) that brings us to
a search page for things with no A record.

It is extremely rare for a site not to work without (the admitedly
redundant) "www." prefix.

Now I'll admit, that people who type domain names tend to be more
technical, and that people will mostly be able to find your site
anyway, but it is irritating, needlessly wastes people's time, and
makes you look bad. More than once, I've typed "" in the
address bar, gotten an error page, then went to google to find your

Please make work, either my redirecting to or as an alternate address.

Thank you,    - Jason

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