Re: 8.0.1438: Test Failure

2018-01-29 Fir de Conversatie Elimar Riesebieter
* Bram Moolenaar  [2018-01-29 16:24 +0100]:

> Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
> > This is 8.0.1438
> > 
> > From test_alot.vim:
> > Found errors in Test_filetype_detection():
> > function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: 
> > with file name: /.config/git/config: Expected 'gitconfig' but got ''
> > function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: 
> > with file name: /.config/upstart/file.conf: Expected 'upstart' but got ''
> > function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: 
> > with file name: /.config/upstart/file.override: Expected 'upstart' but got 
> > ''
> Does the test somehow pick up something from your local configuration?
> The test passes for me and also on both the CI platforms.

There was /.config. Don't know why...

Removed it and all went fine ;-)

Sorry for the noise
/V\   L   I   N   U   X
   /( )\ >Phear the Penguin<

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Re: 8.0.1438: Test Failure

2018-01-29 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Elimar Riesebieter wrote:

> This is 8.0.1438
> From test_alot.vim:
> Found errors in Test_filetype_detection():
> function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: with 
> file name: /.config/git/config: Expected 'gitconfig' but got ''
> function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: with 
> file name: /.config/upstart/file.conf: Expected 'upstart' but got ''
> function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: with 
> file name: /.config/upstart/file.override: Expected 'upstart' but got ''

Does the test somehow pick up something from your local configuration?
The test passes for me and also on both the CI platforms.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
10E. You start counting in hex.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Re: 8.0.1438: Test Failure

2018-01-29 Fir de Conversatie Bram Moolenaar

Elimar Riesebieter wrote:

> This is 8.0.1438
> From test_alot.vim:
> Found errors in Test_filetype_detection():
> function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: with 
> file name: /.config/git/config: Expected 'gitconfig' but got ''
> function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: with 
> file name: /.config/upstart/file.conf: Expected 'upstart' but got ''
> function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: with 
> file name: /.config/upstart/file.override: Expected 'upstart' but got ''

Does the test somehow pick up something from your local configuration?
The test passes for me and also on both the CI platforms.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
10E. You start counting in hex.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

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Re: 8.0.1438: Test Failure

2018-01-29 Fir de Conversatie Elimar Riesebieter
* Elimar Riesebieter  [2018-01-29 12:56 +0100]:

[...] > 
> > So, could you tell us more about your OS and environments?

To reproduce: cd to source dir.

$ CXX=/usr/bin/clang++-5.0 CC=/usr/bin/clang-5.0 ./configure 
--with-features=huge  --enable-gui=athena
$ make
$ cd src/testdir
$ make 

The binaries of clang maybe have to be adjusted to your
environment. Anyway the failure occurs with gcc 7.3 as well.

> Elimar
> -- 
>   The path to source is always uphill!
> -unknown-
> -- 
> -- 
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  Alles, was viel bedacht wird, wird bedenklich!;-)
 Friedrich Nietzsche

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Re: 8.0.1438: Test Failure

2018-01-29 Fir de Conversatie Elimar Riesebieter
* Kazunobu Kuriyama  [2018-01-29 20:37 +0900]:

> 2018-01-29 19:35 GMT+09:00 Elimar Riesebieter :
> > This is 8.0.1438
> >
> > From test_alot.vim:
> > Found errors in Test_filetype_detection():
> > function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9:
> > with file name: /.config/git/config: Expected 'gitconfig' but got ''
> > function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9:
> > with file name: /.config/upstart/file.conf: Expected 'upstart' but got ''
> > function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9:
> > with file name: /.config/upstart/file.override: Expected 'upstart' but
> > got ''
> >
> >
> > Elimar
> >
> As you can see with
> and
> those CI tests gave all green to the patch in question.
> The tests were done on Linux, macOS and Windows.
> So, could you tell us more about your OS and environments?

OS => Debian sid
Kernel: 4.15.0
Compiler: clang-5.0

Feature list extracted from the successful binary:
Variant:on with X11-Athena GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
+acl   +farsi +mouse_sgr -tag_any_white
+arabic+file_in_path  -mouse_sysmouse+tcl
+autocmd   +find_in_path  +mouse_urxvt   +termguicolors
+autoservername+float +mouse_xterm   +terminal
+balloon_eval  +folding   +multi_byte+terminfo
+balloon_eval_term -footer+multi_lang+termresponse
+browse+fork()-mzscheme  +textobjects
++builtin_terms+gettext   +netbeans_intg +timers
+byte_offset   -hangul_input  +num64 +title
+channel   +iconv +packages  +toolbar
+cindent   +insert_expand +path_extra+user_commands
+clientserver  +job   +perl  +vertsplit
+clipboard +jumplist  +persistent_undo   +virtualedit
+cmdline_compl +keymap+postscript+visual
+cmdline_hist  +lambda+printer   +visualextra
+cmdline_info  +langmap   +profile   +viminfo
+comments  +libcall   -python+vreplace
+conceal   +linebreak +python3   +wildignore
+cryptv+lispindent+quickfix  +wildmenu
+cscope+listcmds  +reltime   +windows
+cursorbind+localmap  +rightleft +writebackup
+cursorshape   +lua   +ruby  +X11
+dialog_con_gui+menu  +scrollbind+xfontset
+diff  +mksession +signs +xim
+digraphs  +modify_fname  +smartindent   +xpm
-dnd   +mouse +startuptime   +xsmp_interact
+emacs_tags+mouse_dec -sun_workshop  -xterm_save
+eval  +mouse_gpm +syntax
+ex_extra  -mouse_jsbterm +tag_binary
+extra_search  +mouse_netterm +tag_old_static

The bug is reproducible.

  The path to source is always uphill!

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Re: 8.0.1438: Test Failure

2018-01-29 Fir de Conversatie Kazunobu Kuriyama
2018-01-29 19:35 GMT+09:00 Elimar Riesebieter :

> This is 8.0.1438
> From test_alot.vim:
> Found errors in Test_filetype_detection():
> function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9:
> with file name: /.config/git/config: Expected 'gitconfig' but got ''
> function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9:
> with file name: /.config/upstart/file.conf: Expected 'upstart' but got ''
> function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9:
> with file name: /.config/upstart/file.override: Expected 'upstart' but
> got ''
> Elimar

As you can see with and

those CI tests gave all green to the patch in question.

The tests were done on Linux, macOS and Windows.

So, could you tell us more about your OS and environments?

Also, as the patch doesn't touch anything other than pike, it is unlikely
for it to cause the failures above.  Could you make sure that they happen
only with it, but not with patches prior to it?


>   From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
> [gcide]:
>   .
>   arsehole \arse"hole`\ ([aum]rs"h[=o]l`), n.
>  1. execretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal.
> --
> --
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8.0.1438: Test Failure

2018-01-29 Fir de Conversatie Elimar Riesebieter
This is 8.0.1438

>From test_alot.vim:
Found errors in Test_filetype_detection():
function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: with 
file name: /.config/git/config: Expected 'gitconfig' but got ''
function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: with 
file name: /.config/upstart/file.conf: Expected 'upstart' but got ''
function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: with 
file name: /.config/upstart/file.override: Expected 'upstart' but got ''

  From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:
  arsehole \arse"hole`\ ([aum]rs"h[=o]l`), n.
 1. execretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal.

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