PHP syntax highlighting bug in gvim 7.2

2008-09-11 Fir de Conversatie kkruecke

In gvim 7.2 (on Windows Vista, using the default colorscheme), I found
a syntax highlighting bug.  I commented out a block of PHP using the
HTML comment tags of !-- and --. But the PHP code was not grayed
out as it is in other editors (like Topstyle).

table width=100% cellpadding=2 trtd
 ?php echo This should be grayed out, but retains syntax
highlighting; ?
   ?phpecho This has proper syntax highlighting;  ?


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Re: PHP syntax highlighting bug in gvim 7.2

2008-09-11 Fir de Conversatie Andy Wokula

kkruecke schrieb:
 In gvim 7.2 (on Windows Vista, using the default colorscheme), I found
 a syntax highlighting bug.  I commented out a block of PHP using the

 HTML comment tags of !-- and --. But the PHP code was not grayed
 out as it is in other editors (like Topstyle).

Sure this is a bug?  Looks more like a feature not supported by Topstyle.

 table width=100% cellpadding=2 trtd
  ?php echo This should be grayed out, but retains syntax
 highlighting; ?
?phpecho This has proper syntax highlighting;  ?

You can try (funnily enough)
:let html_wrong_comments = 1

or fiddle directly with the syntax
(check 'runtimepath', create subdirs as needed, :h after ):

syn clear htmlCommentPart
syn region htmlCommentPart start=/--/ end=/--\s*/ contained

 original htmlCommentPart contains @htmlPreproc which
 permits highlighting of ?php ... ?

No warranty ...


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Re: PHP syntax highlighting bug in gvim 7.2

2008-09-11 Fir de Conversatie Peter Odding

kkruecke wrote:
 In gvim 7.2 (on Windows Vista, using the default colorscheme), I found
 a syntax highlighting bug.  I commented out a block of PHP using the
 HTML comment tags of !-- and --. But the PHP code was not grayed
 out as it is in other editors (like Topstyle).
 table width=100% cellpadding=2 trtd
  ?php echo This should be grayed out, but retains syntax
 highlighting; ?
?phpecho This has proper syntax highlighting;  ?

The PHP parser doesn't know or care about HTML or XML comments, i.e. the 
'!--' and '--' strings are output to PHP, nothing more. So the syntax 
highlighting shown by Vim is correct and apparently the Topstyle editor 
does the wrong thing here.

  - Peter Odding

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