RE: When edit fields are dimmed out

2019-10-15 Thread Rob Armstrong
You probably need to find the tab or link that will allow you to edit the 
payee.  You probably cannot edit the payee while in the process of making a 

If you can't figure it out, let us know which banking app you are using.  Then 
maybe someone has the app and can help further.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Duane Steele
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 1:41 PM
Subject: When edit fields are dimmed out

Hello again, Friends,

My banking APP, like so many we get used to, in a recent update has made it 
very difficult to do some tasks that used to be easy.  I want to send some 
spending loot to one of my grandsons who's in college but doesn't use Zelle.  
But I can't find a way to change his address to the place he's living at 
school.  I can check the appropriate box to make a payment to his account, but 
his name is dimmed out so that I can't double-tap on it as I used to do.  When 
fields are dimmed out in voiceOver, what can one do?  I've contacted my bank.  
I've tried to add him again as a new payee, and nothing seems to work.  Any 
ideas or suggestions will be very helpful.  I am reluctant to ask for sighted 
help on this, and shouldn't have to.  Thanks in advance for any help in this.

Peace & Blessings,
Duane L. Steele
Phone (276) 730-5194

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When edit fields are dimmed out

2019-10-11 Thread Duane Steele
Hello again, Friends,

My banking APP, like so many we get used to, in a recent update has made it 
very difficult to do some tasks that used to be easy.  I want to send some 
spending loot to one of my grandsons who's in college but doesn't use Zelle.  
But I can't find a way to change his address to the place he's living at 
school.  I can check the appropriate box to make a payment to his account, but 
his name is dimmed out so that I can't double-tap on it as I used to do.  When 
fields are dimmed out in voiceOver, what can one do?  I've contacted my bank.  
I've tried to add him again as a new payee, and nothing seems to work.  Any 
ideas or suggestions will be very helpful.  I am reluctant to ask for sighted 
help on this, and shouldn't have to.  Thanks in advance for any help in this.

Peace & Blessings,
Duane L. Steele
Phone (276) 730-5194

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