Re: polonium halos -Now OT

2005-12-01 Thread Wesley Bruce

Harry Veeder wrote:


Wesley Bruce wrote:


Very good question! What alternatives are consistant with Atheism? Send
to my home address if you choose not to clutter Vortex.
PS sorry the table did not come out right.
Harry Veeder wrote:


You may like to read this book.

_Can We Be Good Without God?_
by Robert Buckman.

I haven't read it, but I saw the author interviewed on TV.

Here is a book review:



Thanks Harry that wil be useful.

Re: polonium halos, now extreemly OT

2005-12-01 Thread OrionWorks
> From: Wesley Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm an individual who possess the sense that there is something greater than my 
current awareness of myself.

With that premise revealed, I'd like to contribute the following comments to 
this discussion line:


> Well said Harry. If an atheist doesn't try to kill my
> rights to my faith or ban me from speaking then he or
> she is OK and free to have their choice of faith.
> Yet on their dieing the true test begins and the
> question of absolute truth or absolute oblivion is faced.
> The scientist Pascal was asked of his faith. He answered
> with a wager.
> See
> I'll pluck a table from the site.
> Following McClennen 1994, Pascal's argument seems to be
> best captured as presenting the following decision
> matrix:
> /*God exists*/
> /*God does not exist*/
> /*Wager for God*/
> Gain all
> Status quo
> /*Wager against God*/

What the hell does "wager against God" mean? Wanton debauchery? Crime? Murder? 
Anarchy? Total Selfishness

> Misery

Seems to me that's what most most ardent believers who subscribe to the view of 
stern and vengful God believe.

The "Take no prisoners" scenario.

That's not a Boss I'd like to work for.

> Status quo
> In other words
>   * If I believe in God and I am right what do I gain? 
> All the pleasures of eternity.

Seems to me it's going to take a lot more than simply believing in God and 
being "right" before one gets a free pass through the pearly gates.

>  * If I am wrong what do I loose? A few passing
>pleasures and then oblivion.

This seems to imply that if one doesn't believe in God then God will ultimately 
punish the poor fool by snuffing out his existence for the rest of eternity - 
that is after he dies and suddenly realizes he ain't dead, that is if he gets 
the chance to realize that NOW he REALLY IS going to be snuffed out for the 
rest of eternity by a vengful God.

Does God really have that much of a bruised ego to contend with that he/she 
would behave in such a cruel or cavalier manner with his creations?

>  * If I disbelieve in God and there is life after
>death and some judgement. What do I loose.
>Everything when I discover that I will
>be held responsible for my actions up to the
>extent of my knowledge. God honours my demand
>for his absence, and creates a place where he
>is not found and I then discover that the simple
>absence of God is hell itself and it is awful
>indeed for he is the source of unselfish goodness. 

IOW, to believe in God means you better believe in God because he will get even 
with all of his creations that make the terrible mistake of not believing in 

Most atheists I've met object strongly to the "judgment" scenario. Many detest 
it because, ironically, it has little to do with a so-call Divine Providence 
but rather see it as a despicable human contrived mechanism primarily designed 
to keep the flock in line. 

Most atheists I've met often tend to be the most ethically behaved people on 
the planet. Most atheist I've met believe in the fact that they personally MUST 
behave responsibly precisely because nobody else will hold them responsible for 
their actions but themselves. The realize we often tend to be our most harsh 
critics. (Many in 12 step programs know that all too well.)

A lot of atheists I've met seem to believe that if there is no God to keep the 
flock in line, it really is up to them to make the world a better place in 
which to live in for themselves and their progeny. The sobering realization for 
many atheists is: There ain't no Calvary that will come swooping down in the 
nick of time to fix all the misdeeds created by evildoers, so I better get on 
with it and do it myself.

On top of that most atheists I know seem to believe that when they die...they 
die. There's nothing in it for themselves, no personal reward for behaving 
correctly, nothing other than the personal satisfaction of knowing that they 
helped make the world a better place in which to live in than what it was 
before they were born into it.

Pretty selfless actions, if you ask me.

So, to "disbelieve in God" - is it really such a terrible belief to subscribe 

>  * If I disbelieve in God and there is no life
>after death, what do I gain. Nothing of great
>value. A fleeting sense of freedom and then

Ya know, why don't we turn the tables here for a second. What happens if one 
dies and suddenly discovers that they can't locate "God" anywhere, or at least 
the "God" they were hoping to meet in the afterworld?

What is one going to do with the rest of their eternity? Feel pissed off. 

PS: In all candor, personally, I tend to believe in the existence of a Greater 
Awareness than myself, one that is compassionate enough to allow me to make a 
total fool of myself - because she realizes that's how we evolve, by learning 
the lessons of our ow

Re: OT; "Allyour bases"..

2005-12-01 Thread Felix King
So Richard, what's your problem with the patriot act? You voted for Mr. Bush to be your governor, then you voted for him to be your president, then you voted again for him to be your president. And now you don't like the results? Try voting for someone else, maybe you get better results.     Yrs Truly,  Felix King__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Valone Arbitration Ruling

2005-12-01 Thread hohlrauml6d
He lost his job in the patent office because he was open-minded enough 
to attend a free-energy conference.  Now he is vindicated and the 
defenders of the faith, Peter and Bob are chastized:

Maybe there is a new day dawning for FE.
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Look Out Europe - Here It Comes

2005-12-01 Thread hohlrauml6d,3605,1654803,00.html?gusrc=rss

"The powerful ocean current that bathes Britain and northern Europe in 
warm waters from the tropics has weakened dramatically in recent years, 
a consequence of global warming that could trigger more severe winters 
and cooler summers across the region, scientists warn today.

Researchers on a scientific expedition in the Atlantic Ocean measured 
the strength of the current between Africa and the east coast of 
America and found that the circulation has slowed by 30% since a 
previous expedition 12 years ago."

Try the New Netscape Mail Today!
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Re: Scientists in a spin over curling clues

2005-12-01 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 11/22/2005 6:43:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> The problem is why curling stones, which rotate clockwise, curl to > the right, unlike other objects, such as a glass spinning on a > table, which veer in the opposite direction. 
Thanks for the post.  
P.M.S. Blackett's law conneting the magnetic field of a body with its spin P=BG^1/2/2c * U where P is the magnetic field strength, B a new constant with magnitude near to unity for the unites chosen, G the universal gravitation constant, c the speed of light, and U the angular momentum may help us find a connection between right and left curls, gravity and rotating spinning matter.
If we assume that the spiraling curling force in every atom may be associated with the gravity force, then if we were to counter the spiraling force in every atom by either using a counter spiraling force such as a counter spiraling sphere or gyroscopic force around the atom or a collections of atoms in a body or ship, then we may be able to counter gravity.  Since many objects may have a spiraling force that goes in both left and right spiraling directions we may need a counter spiraling force that goes counter right and counter left as in a double left and right spiraling spheres or gyroscopes as used in the Nazi Bell antigravity device.  We may also develope tinny left and right handed antennas placed in nanomade materials which capture the spiraling forces and creates and antispiraling force, to make materials that may jam out some of the gravity forces perhaps up to 80 percent. 

Re: Electrostatic Hover Cars

2005-12-01 Thread ThomasClark123

In a message dated 10/20/2005 3:23:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> In a message dated 10/14/2005 11:43:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time,> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:> Here below is a link to an article that discusses how to make hoverboards and> hovercars work based on Forcefield Air-cushion Technology:>> page is silly; it's about "ferrofluid-glob technology," not aboutair-cushions or force fields.This site strongly resembles one of the many "fake plans websites" thatplague the Free Energy arena.  When "Back to the Future" first came out,there were some fake-plans companies selling stuff as well.  The creatorsof these sites don't have any working technology, and their intent is tosell expensive plans which do not work.  Don't trust them, and certainlydon't spend your money. See:
I had a chance to read more of the Hovertech Designs pdf. I purchased at , which discussed some experiments such as Electrostatic repulsion-Levitation Experiment, Magnetic Ion Containment-Magnetic Bottle Experiment, Electrostatic Ion Containment - Ion Pressure Experiment, Paramagnetic Levitation - Paramagnetic Gas Experiment, Multi-Surface Maglev - Maglev Experiment.  And which gives plans to build a Van De Graaff Generator, a High Voltage Power Supply, an Ion Detector, a Gauss Meter as well as an Ion Cloud chamber to perform the experiments. 
They also have a program at their web site used to fine tune the containment coil used in the magnetic bottle experiment which traps a gas and liked charged ions with magnets to create a gas ionic air cushion that reduces the overall charge needed to lift the same weight. They plan to publish a more detailed report on the above ideas later. 
The last names of some of the writers of the Hovertech Designs.pdf, Bertrand as in Bertrand Russell and Ford as in Henry Ford, hint that the Ford Motor Company and the United Kingdom's classified researcher's and scientists may be encouraging and leaking out some of the ideas presented in the above projects. 
With General Motors filing for bankruptcy and potentially moving to Mexico, the Ford Company may be the one last hope that the USA has in maintaining its automotive industry. Perhaps Ford has plans to build hover cars in the USA in the future to provide more USA jobs.
Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

well, well

2005-12-01 Thread


From: Akira KawasakiTo:
Sent: 12/1/2005 12:57:20 PM 
Subject: well, well

Dec, 01, 2005
A news item says about 300 kg of weapons grade Plutonium is unaccounted for at  "Lost Atoms" National Laboratory. Thet say it is enough for 50 bombs. Homeland Safety takes on new meaning.

Re: polonium halos

2005-12-01 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Wesley Bruce's message of Thu, 01 Dec 2005 01:16:44
>As the isotopes decay they emit an alpha-particle at velocities that 
>initially prevent it from interacting with the crystal lattice. As the 
>particles slow they interact with the material breaking ionic bonds and 
>leaving a mark. Because the particles are emitted at random from a very 

If they are not initially interacting with the lattice, then how
do they slow?


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.