In a message dated 10/20/2005 3:23:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 10/14/2005 11:43:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> Here below is a link to an article that discusses how to make hoverboards and
> hovercars work based on Forcefield Air-cushion Technology:

The page is silly; it's about "ferrofluid-glob technology," not about
air-cushions or force fields.

This site strongly resembles one of the many "fake plans websites" that
plague the Free Energy arena.  When "Back to the Future" first came out,
there were some fake-plans companies selling stuff as well.  The creators
of these sites don't have any working technology, and their intent is to
sell expensive plans which do not work.  Don't trust them, and certainly
don't spend your money. See:
I had a chance to read more of the Hovertech Designs pdf. I purchased at , which discussed some experiments such as Electrostatic repulsion-Levitation Experiment, Magnetic Ion Containment-Magnetic Bottle Experiment, Electrostatic Ion Containment - Ion Pressure Experiment, Paramagnetic Levitation - Paramagnetic Gas Experiment, Multi-Surface Maglev - Maglev Experiment.  And which gives plans to build a Van De Graaff Generator, a High Voltage Power Supply, an Ion Detector, a Gauss Meter as well as an Ion Cloud chamber to perform the experiments.
They also have a program at their web site used to fine tune the containment coil used in the magnetic bottle experiment which traps a gas and liked charged ions with magnets to create a gas ionic air cushion that reduces the overall charge needed to lift the same weight. They plan to publish a more detailed report on the above ideas later.
The last names of some of the writers of the Hovertech Designs.pdf, Bertrand as in Bertrand Russell and Ford as in Henry Ford, hint that the Ford Motor Company and the United Kingdom's classified researcher's and scientists may be encouraging and leaking out some of the ideas presented in the above projects.
With General Motors filing for bankruptcy and potentially moving to Mexico, the Ford Company may be the one last hope that the USA has in maintaining its automotive industry. Perhaps Ford has plans to build hover cars in the USA in the future to provide more USA jobs.
Baron Von Volsung,, Email:
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