
2005-12-08 Thread Grimer
I happened to stumble across this.

will be ready soon! 

eScribe will be online again. Scott is 
changing out every component in the 
server to find the one that is defective. 
I'm the last remaining volunteer on the 
eScribe project, so it's taken a long 
time to find extra time to work on this. 

I presume it means that the escribe Vortex-L
archive will soon be back on line. I do hope
so cos the "vortex-l Mail Archive" is more 
difficult to search.

Frank Grimer 

Re: Notes on ICCF12 from T. J. Dolan

2005-12-08 Thread hohlrauml6d

Yes, I think the owls are dying.

Maybe it's bird flu.

"The rooster says 'cock-a-doodle-do'.  The nymph says 'any ole cock'l 

Interesting word: 'illuminates'.

-Original Message-
From: Steven Krivit

 I'm going to release something now that partially illuminates where 
some of my optimism comes from. I will eventually name the source, but 
not now. He said, just about a year ago, 
"Have no doubt. We are going to win this war, after losing every 
battle." It's a most interesting and stunning quote, certainly. For now 
though, I have nothing more to say about it. The cake is still baking. 

Try the New Netscape Mail Today!
Virtually Spam-Free | More Storage | Import Your Contact List

Re: Notes on ICCF12 from T. J. Dolan

2005-12-08 Thread Steven Krivit

Hi Steven,

I'm quite optimistic. Though the best work appears to be happening under 
the radar. The smart people, unlike those who promote their companies and 
technologies through Web sites which I will not name, recognize the need to 
obtain irrefutable results and are working towards that end. They are 
painfully aware of both the paradigm-breaking nature of this science, and 
also aware of the threat to incumbent energy enterprises.

More mainstream journals are starting to accept cf papers. Sooner or later 
a mainstream journal is going to do a major story on LENR transmutation. 
It's inevitable. The nice thing about the transmutation results, as pointed 
out by Iwamura, is that unlike heat, the evidence is not transient. So it's 
easy to validate.

I asked Dave Nagel's perspective relative to the promise of cold fusion 
this last week. He replied with a quote from some other military leader 
whose name I don't remember, who said. "I'm very good at predicting what 
things will happen in the future. But I'm not so good at predicting when 
they will happen."

I'm going to release something now that partially illuminates where some of 
my optimism comes from. I will eventually name the source, but not now. He 
said, just about a year ago,
"Have no doubt. We are going to win this war, after losing every battle." 
It's a most interesting and stunning quote, certainly. For now though, I 
have nothing more to say about it. The cake is still baking.

From my view, the public really doesn't give a damn about the injustices 
to good science, to good scientists and to research which will inevitably 
provide for a benefit for all humanity. The general public, predominately, 
wants results -- but does not want to pay for them. Fortunately, a few 
wise, wealthy people have better vision than most of the public and are 
positioning themselves strategically in support of this research, and in 
doing so, will grace mankind with the tools and energy to continue 

Once that happens, it will be up to the social scientists, policy-makers 
and NGOs to see that the new source of energy is used wisely and 


At 08:12 AM 12/8/2005, you wrote:

This post is primarily directed to both Jed, Steven Krivit,

Jed, in the past you have lamented the fact that you feared CF research 
may be dieing a slow death, particularly due to what you have perceived is 
a lack of necessary infusion of young scientists into this risky & 
controversial field. IOW, at present dabbling in CF may be considered, 
professionally speaking, too risky a step for most career oriented 
scientists to seriously consider.

Never the less, the latest posts (and supplied links) by Jed and Steve 
seem to indicate a number of interesting results derived from ICCF12.

Seems to me that progress, albeit perhaps too slow for most of us to 
appreciate, continues.

Jed, Do you continue to remain pessimistic?

Steve, what's you thoughts on this?

What about the commercial development component?

Steven Vincent Johnson

Progress at Energetics Technologies

2005-12-08 Thread Jed Rothwell
Here is the latest from Dardik et al. These are PowerPoint slides. 
Unfortunately, the file is 6 MB and I cannot seem to squeeze it down 
any smaller. See:

- Jed

RE: Big Brother

2005-12-08 Thread John Steck

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 11:38 AM
Subject: RE: Big Brother

Helva of a system. You think the number of hits it must be getting. The
database resolves names in all manners, street names, place names,
postcodes. Then there is the database for the pictures.

What I'm waiting for, not, is the direct mailing resulting from this. Wanna
swimming pool, patio, extension, new roof, new car!!

I guess we could leave rude messages on tops of cars to show we've woken up
to this. Remi.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of John Steck
Sent: 08 December 2005 17:16
Subject: RE: Big Brother

The only salvation is that it's a photo quilt from airplane reconnaissance
that lags behind a few years between updates.  My neighborhood pictures are
from 2001-2002.  Some states the resolution is not high enough to
differentiate roads.  It seems to be population density driven.

Overall a pretty kick-butt program to teach geography and discuss world
events with my kids.  They love just exploring exotic locations.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 6:16 AM
Subject: Big Brother

You probably already knew this.

I can see my house, my car, my neighbour's car. And this is the free

Just think, real-time, terahertz radiation (see through walls), crosslink
with GPS, mobile phones, bank cards and we have a 24-7 surveillance society.

Just think what they are not telling us...
Website ...

Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft (Electrogravitation & Antigravity

2005-12-08 Thread ThomasClark123

I have listed a few quotes below  explaining the basic principles of electrogravitatoin, antigravity, and how flying saucers may work, as quoted from the publication entitled the Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft (Electrogravitation & Antigravity Principles).
"This phenonmon consists of the tendency of a charged electric condenser to move in the direction of the positive pole, despite the principle of action and reaction.
In an electric condenser, just as in a hydrogen atom, there is a direct flow of the ether from the positive charge to the negative charge.  Since the ether is incompressible, its streamlines cannot come to abrupt ends within the charges.  The positive charge must therefore take the ether in from the surroundings.  This will necessarily diminish the external ether pressure on the positive side and increase it on the negative side. (Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft  Pg 1)"
"If we adopt the modern view that the force of gravity is due to a pressure gradient in the ether, then such a difference of ether pressure on the two sides of a condenser should force the entire condenser in the direction of the side that carries the positive charge, exactly as has been observed experimentally.  A charged condenser should therefore weigh more when its positive side faced down than when it faces up.  (Reprinted from Round Robin, Vol. XII No. 3, Sept-Oct 1957) (Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft   (Pg 1))"
"Electrogravitation effects and coupling as discovered by Townsend Brown do not obey the known principles of  electromagnetism.  (Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft  Pg 2)"
"For each electromagnetic phenomenon there exists an electrogravitation analogue. 
The triangular relationship between Electricity, Magnetism, and Gravity
ElectricityGravitationElectricityMagnatismMagnatism Gravitation   (Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft  (Pg 2))"
"The antigravity effect of vertical thrust is demonstrated by balancing a condenser on a beam balance and then charging it. After charging it, if the positive pole is pointed upward, the condenser moves up.  If the charge is reversed and the positive pole pointed downward, the condenser thrusts down.1. The separation of the plates of the condenser, the closer the plates the greater the effect2. The ability of the material between the plates to store electrical energy in the form of elastic stress.  A measure of this ability is called the K of the material.  The higher the K, the Biefield Brown Effect. 3. The area of the plates the greater area giving the greater effect4. The voltage difference between the plates, more voltage more effect5. The mass of the material between the plates the greater the mass the greater the effect.  (Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft  (Pg 3))"
"Electrogravatic Force C M (E A/d) or MC where c = capacitance in Farads.
The Earth creates and is surrounded with a gravitational field which approaches zero as we go far into space.  This field presses objects and people to the Earth's surface; hence it presses a saucer object to the Earth.  However through the utilization of the Biefield-Brown Effect, the flying saucer can generate an electrogravitational field of its own which modifies the Earth's field.  This field acts like a wave with the negative pole at the top of the wave and the positive pole at the bottom, the saucer travels like a surfboard on the incline of the wave that is kept continually moving by the saucer's electrogravatic generator. (Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft   (Pg 4))"
"Since the orientation of the field can be controlled the saucer can thus travel on its own continuously generated wave in any desired angle or direction of flight.  Since the saucer always moves toward its positive pole, the control of the saucer is accomplished by varying the orientation of the positive charge.  Control is therefore gained by switching charges rather than by control surfaces.  The method of controlling the flight of the saucer is illustrated by the following simple diagrams showing the charge variations necessary to accomplish all directions of flight:
- saucer +    + saucer -  +    -
 forward ->    <- reverse   saucer   saucer    -    +   UP ^    Down
   +     -      + +- Saucer +    - saucer+   +saucer-   + saucer -  -  +   - +forward up    forward down   reverse up    reverse down
Since the saucer is traveling on the incline of a continuing moving wave which it generates to modify the Earth's gravitational field no mechanical propulsion is necessary. 
The saucers edge would contain a number of conductor segments, and the saucer would turn in any direction simply by shifting the positive and negative charges to 

Re: OT: Secrets of bee flight revealed

2005-12-08 Thread Merlyn
Ok, time to wade through and clarify...
(will try to snip tyhe unimportant)

--- William Beaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 6 Dec 2005, Merlyn wrote:
> > I don't agree with Bernoulli, but pressure is
> still
> > the key.
> First see:, and
> especially the FAQ at

Which is basically what I was saying, but explained
much better.

> > As the wing pushes through the air, the leading
> edge
> > divides the air into roughly equivalent parts
> flowing
> > above and below.
> Nope, doesn't happen.  When the pattern of air
> flowing above and below the
> wing are the same, then the lift is zero.  For
> example, here's a diagram
> of a tilted plate at high viscosity where the
> lifting force is zero:
> And here's a diagram of the same plate at low
> viscosity, where inertia
> effects dominate, and the lift is non-zero:

I meant roughly equivalent mass, I said nothing about
equivalent air flow patterns.

> Here's another effect: whenever an airfoil is
> creating lift, it starts
> separating the upper and lower parcels permanently. 
> Check out the blue
> band behind the airfoil in the diagram below when it
> is tilted to produce
> zero, medium, and high lift:
> "Phase lag" between upper and lower parcels is
> proportional to lift.
> >  The thickest part of the wing lies
> > in the front third of it's depth.
> Explanations of lift must be able to handle flat
> plates, and symmetrical
> thick airfoils, as well as cambered airfoils both
> thin and thick.  If you
> start out by visualizing a thick cambered airfoil,
> you're going to run
> into trouble.  Instead, start out by visualizing a
> tilted thin plate (with
> no nonlinear flow detachment, of course.)  Once you
> can explain the tilted
> flat thin wing, then you can easily explain the
> un-tilted cambered thin
> wing... and both these explanations remain the same
> for thick streamlined
> wings.

OK, I was simplifying a typical airfoil section.  The
pressure dfferential explanation (which we both
promote) still explains all lift.

> > As far as wingtip vortices go, I have some
> > counterexamples for you.
> > Airplane engineers have often over the years
> sought to
> > reduce or even eliminate the vortices coming off
> the
> > wingtips of a jet, many methods of this were
> > accomplished, without reducing the wings lift.
> No, they only redistribute the flow pattern without
> affecting the total
> "vorticity."  Because kinetic energy varies as the
> square of velocity, a
> flow pattern with high velocity near the "vortex
> core" will have greater
> net KE than a flow pattern that's distributed
> differently.
> > Also, many military planes mount missiles on the
> very
> > tip of the wing, which would dramatically change
> the
> > flight capability of a plane if the vortices were
> the
> > primary source of lift.
> The total flow pattern, the "vorticity," is the
> primary source of lift.
> Thinking in terms of the "rotating disk balloons"
> analogy at this site:
> , the overall
> rotary motion of the
> entire "balloons" is what's important, while any
> swirling of a central
> core of air is unimportant (and wastes energy.)  A
> wing must produce a
> downward-moving pair of rotating cylinders made of
> air.  Whether the very
> center of the cylinders is spinning fast or slow is
> irrelevant.  It's the
> downward acceleration of oncoming still air which
> produces lift.
> Perhaps confusion arises because the word "vortex"
> can mean "vortex core,"
> (where "vortex" applies only to the high speed
> spinning air near the
> center of the flow pattern,) **OR** the word can
> apply to the entire
> aircraft wake (the entire "rotating balloons"
> animated in my article
> above.)
> So by adding small winglets to the wing tips, we can
> eliminate
> the "vortex"  (meaning the vortex core only,) while
> having no effect on
> the "vortex"  (meaning the net rotation of the
> overall flow pattern.)

Ah, see here is where you had me confused, because
typically a "wingtip vortex" is considered to be the
vortex "core".

> (( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) )
> )))
> William J. BeatySCIENCE
> HOBBYIST website
> billb at amasci com
=== message truncated ===

BTW Bill, don't they test wing cross sections in wind
tunnels with wings that extend from wall to wall,
preventing the formation of the larger vortex wake

Also, it would be interesting actually look at a
conservation of momentum study for level flight,
because there should be NO net vertical movement of
air.  The lift on the plane is (wholly or partially)
caused by the air which t

Notes on ICCF12 from T. J. Dolan

2005-12-08 Thread Jed Rothwell
Notes from the 12th International Conference on 
Condensed Matter Nuclear Sciences

November 27 – December 2, 2005, Yokohama

T. J. Dolan

The following brief summary refers to only some 
of the 60 papers presented at the conference.


Yasuhiro Iwamura (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) 
presented more data on transmutations of Cs to 
Pm, Ba to Sm, and Sr to Mo, using a variety of 
diagnostic techniques, including a detailed 
surface mapping using a synchrotron microbeam 
(100 x 100 micrometers). They found that the 
transmutations occurred in small concentrated 
sites on the surface. Afterward I asked him what 
labs have reproduced some of his transmutations, 
and he said Osaka University, Shizuoka 
University, Francesco Celani (Italy), and NRL (in progress).

A. Kitamura (Kobe University) coated films on the 
vacuum side of the Pd foil (Iwamura coated the 
gas side) and reported transmutation of Sr into Mo.

Irina Savvatimova (“Luch” Institute, Moscow) 
reported transmutation of Ba into Sm.

A. El-Boher (Energetics Technologies, Israel) 
used "superwave" modulation of the current in 
electrolysis cells to increase yield. He achieved 
600% excess heat for 24 hours, and 150% for 134 
hours.  Irving Dardik (a physician) developed the 
superwave technique with regard to curing human 
illnesses, and it is found to have applications in several fields.

Vittorio Violante (ENEA, Italy) used a HeNe laser 
to enhance excess power generation during electrochemical loading.

Yoshiaki Arata (Osaka University) observed 
intense heat generation during ingress of 
deuterium into a thin cylinder containing Pd nanoparticles.

Alexander Karabut ("Luch" laboratory, Russia) 
observed excess heat generation and 
transmutations during deuterium glow discharges, 
but not during Kr or Xe discharges. Using spark 
mass spectrometry, SIMS, and secondary neutral 
mass spectrometry they identified the emergence 
of many impurities, including abnormal isotope 
ratios for several elements. They also observed 
emission of gamma rays and x-rays.

Andrei Lipson and George Miley (Lebedev 
Institute, Moscow, and University of Illinois) 
reported emissions of energetic protons and alpha 
particles during controlled exothermic deuterium 
desorption from the surface of a Pd/PdO:Dx 
heterostructure.  Using CR-39 detectors they 
found 1-3 MeV proton tracks and 11-16 MeV alpha 
tracks, with a yield about 0.005 alphas/cm2-s, 
reproducible during about 20 experiments. They 
also reported data indicating superconductivity in Pd hydride and deuteride.

Francesco Celani (Frascati, Italy) told how they 
coated Pd wires with Pd-silicate to produce 
fractal nanostructures and enhance deuterium loading.

Vladimir Vysotskii (Kiev) and Alla Kornilova 
(Moscow) reported that Mn-55 was transmuted into 
Fe-57 in a solution of MnSO4 in heavy water plus 
nutrients and microbes, and the yield after 30 
days was about 10-6. In light water no Fe-57 was 
produced. They have published a book on this topic.

Experiments at Iwate University were not yet 
successful. During the discussion I pointed out 
that oxides of calcium, strontium, and barium are 
used in commercial vacuum tube cathodes, and that 
great care must be taken in vacuum tube 
manufacture to avoid impurities like oil, which 
can poison their thermal emissivity.  Experiments 
that attempt to emulate the transmutation data of 
Iwamura may fail if they do not bake out the 
sample in a very clean high vacuum system.

Mike McKubre (SRI) presented new data to clarify 
the relationship between the electrical 
resistance ratio R/Ro of Pd and the fractional 
loading of deuterium near N(d)/N(Pd) ~ 1.

Jean-Francois Fauvarque (Laboratoire 
d’Electrochemis Industrielle, France) reported 
reproducible heat generation during electrolysis 
with a tungsten cathode.  At 350 V the output 
energy was 1.3 to 1.4 times the input energy.

Tadahiko Mizuno (Hokkaido University) described 
an electrolysis experiment in which the cathode 
overheated and exploded. After 300 J electrical 
input, the output heat plus explosion energy 
totaled about 0.24 MJ.  Analysis of the tungsten 
cathode revealed deposits of Ca, S, and other 
elements, but no residual radioactivity.

There is a new collaboration between Italy and 
Japan (Takahashi, Celani, Iwamura) to try to 
transmute radioactive isotopes such as Cs-137 and 
Sr-90 into stable isotopes, which could have 
application for remediation of radioactive 
wastes.  I. Goryachev (Kurchatov Institute) is 
also studying the possibility of waste remediation.

Jean-Paul Biberian (Marseille, France) heated a 
clean Pd foil to 500 C, cooled and sanded it, 
heated again to 500 C, and coated it with Zn, Pb, 
or Li.  When the coated foil was immersed in 
deuterium gas it loaded quickly and generated excess heat.

Steve Krivit (New Energy Times) and Vladimir 
Vysotskii (Kiev) told of experiments by A. 
Koldomasov (Russia), Hyunik Yang (Hy-En Research 
Co.) and others in

Re: Notes on ICCF12 from T. J. Dolan

2005-12-08 Thread OrionWorks
This post is primarily directed to both Jed, Steven Krivit,

Jed, in the past you have lamented the fact that you feared CF research may be 
dieing a slow death, particularly due to what you have perceived is a lack of 
necessary infusion of young scientists into this risky & controversial field. 
IOW, at present dabbling in CF may be considered, professionally speaking, too 
risky a step for most career oriented scientists to seriously consider.

Never the less, the latest posts (and supplied links) by Jed and Steve seem to 
indicate a number of interesting results derived from ICCF12. 

Seems to me that progress, albeit perhaps too slow for most of us to 
appreciate, continues.

Jed, Do you continue to remain pessimistic?

Steve, what's you thoughts on this?

What about the commercial development component?

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: Big Brother

2005-12-08 Thread John Steck
The only salvation is that it's a photo quilt from airplane reconnaissance
that lags behind a few years between updates.  My neighborhood pictures are
from 2001-2002.  Some states the resolution is not high enough to
differentiate roads.  It seems to be population density driven.

Overall a pretty kick-butt program to teach geography and discuss world
events with my kids.  They love just exploring exotic locations.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 6:16 AM
Subject: Big Brother

You probably already knew this.

I can see my house, my car, my neighbour's car. And this is the free

Just think, real-time, terahertz radiation (see through walls), crosslink
with GPS, mobile phones, bank cards and we have a 24-7 surveillance society.

Just think what they are not telling us...
Website ...

RE: Big Brother

2005-12-08 Thread R . O . Cornwall
Helva of a system. You think the number of hits it must be getting. The
database resolves names in all manners, street names, place names,
postcodes. Then there is the database for the pictures.

What I'm waiting for, not, is the direct mailing resulting from this. Wanna
swimming pool, patio, extension, new roof, new car!!

I guess we could leave rude messages on tops of cars to show we've woken up
to this.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of John Steck
Sent: 08 December 2005 17:16
Subject: RE: Big Brother

The only salvation is that it's a photo quilt from airplane reconnaissance
that lags behind a few years between updates.  My neighborhood pictures are
from 2001-2002.  Some states the resolution is not high enough to
differentiate roads.  It seems to be population density driven.

Overall a pretty kick-butt program to teach geography and discuss world
events with my kids.  They love just exploring exotic locations.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 6:16 AM
Subject: Big Brother

You probably already knew this.

I can see my house, my car, my neighbour's car. And this is the free

Just think, real-time, terahertz radiation (see through walls), crosslink
with GPS, mobile phones, bank cards and we have a 24-7 surveillance society.

Just think what they are not telling us...
Website ...

Re: Notes on ICCF12 from T. J. Dolan

2005-12-08 Thread Jones Beene

Andrei Lipson and George Miley (University of
Illinois) showed that the walls of high-power tokamaks like ITER 
could be damaged by low energy nuclear reactions induced by 
implanted deuterium and tritium.

Isn't that an ironic hoot...?

ITER ($10 billion) will possibly fail because of irresponsible 
disregard of LENR reactions... which BTW would likely be in 
commercial use (LENR) by now - had a tenth of that enormous cost 
for hot fusion - been substituted over the last decade. 

Big Brother

2005-12-08 Thread R . O . Cornwall
You probably already knew this.

I can see my house, my car, my neighbour's car. And this is the free

Just think, real-time, terahertz radiation (see through walls), crosslink
with GPS, mobile phones, bank cards and we have a 24-7 surveillance society.

Just think what they are not telling us...