Re: Energy Amplifier subcritical reactor

2006-02-10 Thread Harry Veeder

The author of the article cited below mislead me.
After checking his sources, it seems India is not building a reactor based
on the concept energy amplification. They are building a prototype
commercial fast breeder reactor and the only thing it has in common with
Carlo Rubbia's proposal is that they both use thorium.


 Carlo Rubbia originated the idea of the energy amplifier.
 The paragraph below came from the link above.
 At the Bhaba Atomic Research Center near Kalpakkam, nuclear eggheads like
 Anil Kakodkar have been noodling with thorium since 1995, and are currently
 building a pilot plant to work the bugs out of Carlo Rubbia's design. If all
 goes well, the reactor should begin producing continuous power by the end of
 the decade, and should pave the way for nine commercial workhorses due to
 come online between 2010 and 2020. If the scheme works‹and there's no
 scientific reason why it shouldn't‹it could well pave the way for a global
 migration to fission technology safe enough for urban areas and Third World
 dictatorships. So, far from ignoring the problem or playing the politics of
 half-measures, India is positioning itself for the realities of Kyoto and
 the decline of fossil fuels, and plans to be a leader in 21st century energy
 technology. I say, more power to 'em!

RE: Energy Amplifier subcritical reactor

2006-02-10 Thread Zell, Chris
Ah, Thorium!

An encyclopedia will tell you that there is more energy in the world's
thorium deposits that all the oil, gas and coal combined.

Trouble is:  how do I power my car with it? 

-Original Message-
From: Harry Veeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: Energy Amplifier subcritical reactor

The author of the article cited below mislead me.
After checking his sources, it seems India is not building a reactor
based on the concept energy amplification. They are building a prototype
commercial fast breeder reactor and the only thing it has in common with
Carlo Rubbia's proposal is that they both use thorium.


 Carlo Rubbia originated the idea of the energy amplifier.
 The paragraph below came from the link above.
 At the Bhaba Atomic Research Center near Kalpakkam, nuclear eggheads 
 like Anil Kakodkar have been noodling with thorium since 1995, and are

 currently building a pilot plant to work the bugs out of Carlo 
 Rubbia's design. If all goes well, the reactor should begin producing 
 continuous power by the end of the decade, and should pave the way for

 nine commercial workhorses due to come online between 2010 and 2020. 
 If the scheme worksand there's no scientific reason why it 
 shouldn'tit could well pave the way for a global migration to fission

 technology safe enough for urban areas and Third World dictatorships. 
 So, far from ignoring the problem or playing the politics of 
 half-measures, India is positioning itself for the realities of Kyoto 
 and the decline of fossil fuels, and plans to be a leader in 21st
century energy technology. I say, more power to 'em!

RE: Energy Amplifier subcritical reactor

2006-02-10 Thread Jed Rothwell

Zell, Chris wrote:

An encyclopedia will tell you that there is more energy in the world's
thorium deposits that all the oil, gas and coal combined.

Trouble is:  how do I power my car with it?

With a plug in hybrid!

- Jed

Re: Steve Jones Speaks

2006-02-10 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Jones Beene wrote:

Smoking Gun (one of several) ?

Smoking gun #2

Smoking gun # 3

These are all interesting, but they provide no support for the notion 
that anything more complex than airplanes where used to bring down the 

Furthermore they provide hardly any support for any claim that the 
Israelis had anything to do with the incident!

What they _do_ provide support for is the claim we heard from the very 

   Bush knew.

For, consider.  The CIA is, despite its problems, well funded and 
reasonably effective.  If Mossad knew, it's a pretty good bet that the 
CIA knew.

If the CIA knew, then of course Bush knew, too.

If Bush knew, then he decided to do nothing to stop it.  You can fill in 
the possible reasons just as easily as I can.

The suspicion that Bush knew and just let it happen was raised right 
away, on whatreallyhappened as well as other places.  His behavior, and 
the weird lies from his staff apparently trying to cover up something 
that shouldn't have needed any cover-up, left one feeling something was 
seriously wrong with the handling of the whole affair.

But none of this supports Steve Jones's claims, and none of it lends 
much credance to the claims that Mossad did it, nor the other claim I've 
heard (not in this group):  Cheney did it.

Check out for more fun stuff.

Re: OT : Steve Jones Speaks

2006-02-10 Thread Jones Beene


These are all interesting, but they provide no support for the 
notion that anything more complex than airplanes where used to 
bring down the buildings.

No Way ! No airplane struck WTC 7 ! and two other building between 
WTC7 and the towers survived !

I'm not sure you read these articles closely enough.

4000 Israeli citizens were supposed to be in the building that 
day. Only *one* perished. He probably did not have his pager on, 
as an Israeli pager company warned its citizens away from WTC on 
the morning of 9/11 (reportedly).

An Israeli-owned moving company van (reportedly) was found with 
traces of explosives. Nothing was done as followup. Many other 
lesser details implicate Mossad, especially the software used for 
the FAA disruption so that no USAF interceptors were scrambled.

This is not the place for that discussion and I am not the person 
to make the case for it - as I pray that it is not true - but I do 
want to alert all concerned citizens that we might have 
well-disguised foreign terrorists who could be openly operating on 
USA soil today with impunity- Mossad ! Those bastards could have 
effectively and brutally abetted the murder of thousands of 
Americans for their own purposes - while warning their own 
citizens to stay away that day ! We should all be outraged if it 
is true - and try to debunk it, if it is not true.

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of these stories - but NIST 
damn-sure should have investigated them - as they were in the 
public domain - and NIST should have mentioned them in the report 
with a specific debunking if that was their finding. Especially 
the short trading. This was not done! Gross negligence on the 
part of NIST ! The investigation was a sham.

I do not honestly believe that Bush knew anything about this. This 
is a Mossad stategy, aimed at long term Israeli security 
(survival), and to-hell the rest of the world. It now seems clear 
that Sharon knew his health was failing then, and if the plan had 
been discovered or back-fired and publicized negatively by the 
Bush administration - then Sharon would have very likely have 
taken the fall for it -five years ago - and probably commited 
suicide as atonement. He was that just kind of Zionist partiot- 
that kind of single-minded patriot for whom the murder of many 
non-Jews, even allies, is a small price to pay for the survival of 
the homeland - let's not mince words here.

Yes, this was a derivative and scondary plan by Mossad. This 
could not have happened without a detailed plan being first put 
into action by Al Quedda. But once that was discovered - Mossad 
took it from there and in effect said - we will not let this fail 
as did the earlier garage bombing in '94. We will ensure that even 
if the planes do not bring down the towers, this time, we will 
assist more than we did in '94 and make sure that war against Al 
Quedda happens... that is what is so clever and demonic about the 

Perhaps a small number of operatives in CIA were aware of the plan 
(of course they were) and they should have been: Mossad insists 
the Israeli spy agency was tracking Osama Bin-Laden's terrorists 
in America before September 11 and that that the information was 
passed on to the CIA on **Five separate occasions** before the 
attacks on the WTC and Pentagon. Others insist Atta got money from 
Mossad. As late as August 24, less than two weeks before the 
attacks, a Mossad warning, confirmed by German intelligence, BND, 
said that terrorists plan to hijack commercial aircraft to use as 
weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli 
culture. The warning alert was passed to the CIA. It stopped 

Yes- the CIA is where the info-trail from Mossad stopped - as it 
goes against the agenda of the CIA *hardliners* (not the whole 
agency) to tell the President - and risk having him possibly step 
in to prevent this. The hardliners wanted war - they wanted any 
excuse to eliminate both Al Quedda and Saddam. They did not plan 
it but they were certainly pleased that it was falling into their 
laps the way it did.

It was a match made in Hell - Mossad as the planners and CIA as 
the beneficiaries - except no one thought the Arabs could really 
pull it off to such a degree. I will never believe that Bush knew 
about this, short of an admission - not that I am a great admirer 
or anything. Bush junior was hand-picked by those very hardliners 
(who operated under papa Bush when he was head of the agency) 
because he is/was not particularly bright nor independent - and is 
generally totally reliant on others, like Cheney/Rumsfeld, for 
policy initiative.

My opinion, but let's move this off vortex.

I apologize for even bringing it up - but the world needs to know 
who the (other)real terrorists are !


Prius in Trouble

2006-02-10 Thread hohlrauml6d

I guess we'll get to see just how good those Japanese lawyers really 
are, eh?

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Re: Message for Thomas Clark

2006-02-10 Thread ThomasClark123

Update To The Powers That Be, Inner Earth Societies, E.T.'s, And Any Others 

From email conversations that I have had recently, and from other sources of information that I have received, I have decided to update my understanding of political trends, and of what others and information patterns have been encouraging me to consider and reconsider.

I recentlyread a bookwhich discussed the concepts ofAlternative 3 and Alternative 4, that involvepotentialalternatives to resolve thepotential global warming problems on Earth. Based on political trends, and actions up to last year 2005, it appears that the United Nations, and many other governments on Earth were encouraging the Alternative 3 option to relocate the elite and talented of Earth to Mars, while enslaving the rest with computerized beam weapons remote control of the past and present, andwhile destroying the atmosphere of Earth with pollutants to encourage global warming to create an ice age. But recent trends since 1995,and the notion of Alternative 4, seem to be indicating that Alternative 3 may no longer be implemented, since Mars may not be friendly to Earth groups especially those that encourage slavery of others, and destruction of the environment.

According to information that I received from Dr. Rich Boylan Reports, Mars seems to be tera-forming its land, and encourages highly ethical and peaceful societies not based on slavery, or beam weapons control andnuclear warfare, which may mean that Mars may not be to friendly to groups on Earth that encourage Alternative 3 (Beam weapons slavery and environmental pollution), and may prevent them from relocating to Mars to escape potential pollution and warfare damage on Earth. As a consequence, a combination of Alternative 1,2, and 4 (Cleaning up Earths environment by means of nonpolluting power sources, and by using advancedTesla and Haarp like technologies to cool Earth's Atmosphere and repair it)may be implemented on Earth, perhaps by new political powers on Earthjust recently coming into power. 

Recent trends in the media show Earth to be encouraging less polluting power sources, and information on magnetic technologies as posted at( ) and in patents (H.R. Johnson patent No. 4,151,431 on April 24, 1979 permanent magnetic motor) given to Earth societies from friendly E.T.'s associated with the Creator of the Universe at the Center of the Universe indicate that some E.T.'s of influence are encouraging Earth to use magnetic technologies and reduce its pollution to avoid global warming. Other trends indicate that Earth will have a golden age in the future due to trends encouraged by Nikola Tesla. 

From the above conclusions I noticed that myself and many othersbeing beam weapons victims were being targeted in part by generic trends encouraged by the groups encouraging Alternative 3 (Beam weapons slavery and pollution of Earth's atmosphere) which still may be in effect but gradually diminishing to be replaced by Alternative 1,2, and 4. 

Many friendly groups encouraged me to seek help from friendly E.T.'s like the Creator of the Universe, and other planets that believe in peace, relatively free societies, and such help was received in part in the form of information I found or that was given to meand otherssuch as the magnetic technologies and patents. Many other groups were also encouraging me to leave Earth with them, since they like myself may be a minority culture on Earth which is being repressed andgenocidedby the majority.

Also being a beam weapons victim since my birth, I am unable to easily be reintegrated back into any of Earth's surface societies, unless a friendly government should decide to support me as a victim of crime (beam weapons crime and others such as spying), and offer me protection, a new identity, help restore the damages done to my body, and offer social services until I recover and am able to find work, so that I could then associate with others in a more normal manner. Since I am unable to easily be reintegrated back into Earth surface societies, I am also encouraged to seek support from secret societies, inner Earth societies, and E.T.'s to potentially be integrated into their societies, some of which may also be on other planets, which further encourages me to work with those who are minorities on Earth who feel that they may have to relocate to other planets to live safe and happy lives.Since I havehad many email conversations with others about my plans to consider relocating to other planets, I have discovered only recently some groups encouraging me to stay on Earth at least for a while rather than leaving soon for other planetsif offered the opportunity. In considering staying on Earth longer, if I should find a friendly group or nation that would support me, Ihave made plans to run many company ventures as posted at such as architectural engineers at,if permitted 

FW: [BOBPARKS-WHATSNEW] What's New Friday February 10, 2006

2006-02-10 Thread

 [Original Message]
 From: What's New [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2/10/2006 9:07:29 PM
 Subject: [BOBPARKS-WHATSNEW] What's New Friday February 10, 2006

 WHAT'S NEW   Robert L. Park   Friday, 10 Feb 06   Washington, DC

 Last week, WN reported that top NASA climate scientist James
 Hansen was under pressure to cool it on global warming.  The
 pressure, we have since learned, was coming from 24-year old
 White House appointee George Deutsch, who had been an intern in
 the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign.  Earlier, Deutsch had
 informed a NASA contractor that the word theory had to be added
 to every mention of the Big Bang.  This is more than a science
 issue, he declared, it is a religious issue.  On Friday, NASA
 chief Michael Griffin made it clear to all NASA employees that
 it's not the job of public affairs to alter, filter or adjust
 material from the technical staff.  Wednesday, Deutsch resigned.
 What was he doing in a sensitive position in the first place? 
 Although his job at NASA was a reward for work in the re-election
 campaign, he did have a journalism degree from Texas AM, didn't
 he?  Well, actually no.  He lied about that.  Deutsch was right
 about one thing: science issues can also be religious issues.

 There is a rare split among evangelical Christians.  A group of
 86 evangelical leaders formed the Evangelical Climate Initiative
 to combat global warming , even
 taking out a full-page ad in the NY Times.  However, a number of
 evangelical heavy weights, including Jerry Falwell and James
 Dobson, oppose the initiative, and the National Association of
 Evangelicals has decided not to take a position.  But what does
 God say?  Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth and
 subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over
 the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon
 the earth, Genesis 1:28.  Well, we've done it.  We've subdued
 just about everything.  Consider the plight of the polar bear.

 Environmental groups sued the government in December to add polar
 bears to the endangered species list; their habitat is fast being
 destroyed by global warming.  According to the Wash Post, the
 Bush administration has agreed to study whether polar bears
 should be on the list.  Coming just as the Evangelical Climate
 Initiative is announced, the reality of global warming now seems
 to be accepted by almost everyone   except petroleum geologists. 

 The American Association of Petroleum Geologists is presenting
 its annual journalism award to novelist Michael Crichton for
 State of Fear, a fictional story in which global warming is not
 for real.  AAPG was presumably unable to find a journalist
 sufficiently divorced from reality to meet oil company standards.

 The priest had been accused of abuse of popular credulity.

 Opinions are the author's and not necessarily shared by the
 University of Maryland, but they should be.
 Archives of What's New can be found at
 What's New is moving to a different listserver and our
 subscription process has changed. To change your subscription
 status please visit this link:

The ZPE is observable!

2006-02-10 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Check out Unruh effect or Unruh radiation.

I just heard about this tonight; haven't really looked into it.  It's 
mainstream physics, though, nothing speculative about it.

Apparently, an accelerating body sees a uniform bath of radiation -- 
heat energy -- all around it.  This bath comes from the fact that the 
equations describing pair production are unbalanced in some strange way 
when transformed into an accelerating frame. But spontaneous pair 
production is a manifestation of the ZPE, right?  Apparently when you're 
accelerating the pair members don't behave identically; something like 
what happens to produce Hawking radiation.

As I understand it the radiation is isotropic and so can't actually be 
used for anything, but I thought this was interesting none the less.

I know there were experiments in the works recently to detect Unruh 
radiation; I don't know if any have been successful.