The author of the article cited below mislead me.
After checking his sources, it seems India is not building a reactor based
on the concept energy amplification. They are building a prototype
commercial fast breeder reactor and the only thing it has in common with
Carlo Rubbia's proposal is that they both use thorium.


> Carlo Rubbia originated the idea of the energy amplifier.
> The paragraph below came from the link above.
> Harry
> "At the Bhaba Atomic Research Center near Kalpakkam, nuclear eggheads like
> Anil Kakodkar have been noodling with thorium since 1995, and are currently
> building a pilot plant to work the bugs out of Carlo Rubbia's design. If all
> goes well, the reactor should begin producing continuous power by the end of
> the decade, and should pave the way for nine commercial workhorses due to
> come online between 2010 and 2020. If the scheme works‹and there's no
> scientific reason why it shouldn't‹it could well pave the way for a global
> migration to fission technology safe enough for urban areas and Third World
> dictatorships. So, far from ignoring the problem or playing the politics of
> half-measures, India is positioning itself for the realities of Kyoto and
> the decline of fossil fuels, and plans to be a leader in 21st century energy
> technology. I say, more power to 'em!"

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