Re: [Vo]: Re: The lastest word on cold fusion

2007-03-24 Thread thomas malloy

R.C.Macaulay wrote:

Howdy Ed,

Bob Parks is no longer important.


Important to whom? He's still the spokesman for the physics 
establishment, and a major pain in the ass for anyone attempting to get 
funding for research in areas ranging from physics to medicine.

--- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- - $19.99/mo! ---

Re: [Vo]: New Energy Institute videos are doing well

2007-03-24 Thread Steven Krivit

At 09:52 AM 3/25/2007 +1000, you wrote:

In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Thu, 22 Mar 2007 16:26:27 -0400:
>This search string lists all of New Energy Institute videos:
>- Jed
I watched
and was very disappointed with the sound and with the clips of the screen. In
this video, Pamela became almost inaudible every time she turned her back 
to the

camera. Steve in future, would it be possible to get your sound pickup by
plugging directly into the sound system of the auditorium? Since the speaker
usually carries a microphone, you would be picking up that signal 
directly, i.e.

by wire, rather than through the air. I was disappointed in the screen shots,
because frequently when Pamela turned toward the screen to point something 
the camera only caught the right hand side of the screen, thus missing 
half the

content. That made it totally useless. You need to get the entire screen, even
if only briefly. We the audience, can always click on pause to freeze the 

long enough to read the whole screen, but we do need to see the whole image.
In fact, you could have left the camera pointed at the screen the whole time.
The message is far more important than the messenger.

Another thought: These scientists are prepared to spend time and effort 
doing a

talk for a room full of people ( probably a few hundred at most). You might
consider asking them to do a dedicated rerun just for you, under circumstances
that are ideal for you to record, since the video you create is going on 
the web

and is likely to be viewed by thousands rather than just the few in that room.
Furthermore, they themselves can then refer others to the web video, which 

them time and effort otherwise wasted in lengthy explanations.
Since it's a dedicated "performance", they can also review if with you 
when it's

done, and perhaps redo bits that came out poorly, which you can then edit in
later, resulting in a better overall product.


You tell me very little that I don't already know. I almost considered not 
even doing the post-production and posting of Pam's video for the very 
reasons you state. But I decided to post it anyway, anticipating that at 
least some people would complain. I do the best I can sir, and I wear too 
many hats as it is. I'm glad the videos are of such interest that you would 
want to hear the speakers better. I didn't worry to much about the screen 
because I figured I could add screen shots in post-production later. I can 
still do this, but I don't have the time. If you would like to underwrite 
the costs, I can hire a professional to do this - for you and the rest of 
the public's benefit.

I have a shotgun mike but forgot to pack it. It would have helped with 
Pam's audio somewhat, but she always speaks quietly. Amping that up is 
difficult under all configurations. I also have a wireless mike but chose 
not to carry it. Do you have any idea how much of a f*** hassle it is to do 
air travel in the U.S. with electronics?

The best way do get better production would be to hire a local professional 
crew. Perhaps you would like to provide the funds for that? If so, I can 
assure you fully-professional videos in the future. If this is a 
consideration for you, please move quickly because ACS is this coming Thursday.

As far as a dedicated rerun? Not even a question. For one, they are not 
eager for me to film them any more than you would be eager for me to film 
you brushing your teeth. This is not a show for them. Two, even if they 
were willing, I have filmed speakers before in such dry runs, and it just 
does not come out the same as when they are speaking to a live audience. 
Three, it would be "staged" and that's not cool. Four, I'd have to rent a 
room for a whole other day to setup the "studio," and get the speakers to 
be available on another day, which means an extra day of flights, hotels. 
Sorry, I really like to hear helpful critique, but the idea of staging a 
rerun doesn't fly.  Any other ideas?


[Vo]: Re: The lastest word on cold fusion

2007-03-24 Thread R.C.Macaulay

Howdy Ed,

Bob Parks is no longer important.


Re: [Vo]: Deuterium analysis

2007-03-24 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Michel Jullian's message of Wed, 21 Mar 2007 17:09:34 +0100:
>Sorry to be so obtuse Robin, do you mean (Hy - Hy)+ with one electron orbiting 

I think you get it. It's two protons tightly bound by a single shrunken
electron, which is thus a Hydrino molecular ion, acting as a nucleus, with an
additional electron in a normal Bohr "ground state" orbit.
As near as I can tell it should be chemically virtually indistinguishable from
normal D, and hence should form part of natural heavy water.
(Not heavy water created in fission reactors, which is formed by addition of a
real neutron to protium).
Because Hydrinos are formed among other places, on the Sun, they should be
carried to the Earth in the Solar wind, some in the form of Hydrino molecular
ions, and when they interact with Oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere, they can
form Faux heavy water, which eventually falls as rain. Faux D can be
distinguished from normal D by bombarding it with ionizing radiation with a per
particle energy of at least 3000 eV. This is enough to break the Hydrino
molecular ion apart, freeing up the proton which is then easily detected with
SIMS. Since SIMS itself usually uses primary ions with an energy well in excess
of 3000 eV, these should be capable of serving both purposes concurrently, hence
my interest in SIMS results from heavy water experiments.

The 3000 eV is actually a bit of a cheat. This is the energy required to break
up a Hydrino molecular ion containing a Hydrino shrunken to level 24, which is
IMO the most interesting, because it's the lowest level still capable of forming
Hydrinohydride according to Mills. However Faux D could exist at any level of
shrinkage, from 2 to at least 120.
Hydrinohydride formation is important because it can be an intermediary in the
rapid formation of Hydrino molecules, which in turn are important for clean
fusion see -
BTW I think SIMS usually uses about 2 eV, which would be enough to separate
a Hydrino molecular ion with shrinkage level 49. If my variant of Mills theory
is correct, then this would imply a radius of the Hydrino of only 22 fm,
allowing for very rapid fusion. (A level 24 shrinkage implies a radius of 92
Note that muon catalyzed fusion happens at a distance of Bohr radius / 207 = 256
fm, and at that distance it is already blindingly fast, with up to 150 reactions
being catalyzed during the lifetime of the muon (on average 2.2 micro seconds),
and this takes into account the migration time of the muon from one atom to the
next, as well as the actual time for fusion to occur.


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition (capitalism) provides the motivation,
Cooperation (communism) provides the means.

Re: [Vo]: New Energy Institute videos are doing well

2007-03-24 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Thu, 22 Mar 2007 16:26:27 -0400:
>This search string lists all of New Energy Institute videos:
>- Jed
I watched
and was very disappointed with the sound and with the clips of the screen. In
this video, Pamela became almost inaudible every time she turned her back to the
camera. Steve in future, would it be possible to get your sound pickup by
plugging directly into the sound system of the auditorium? Since the speaker
usually carries a microphone, you would be picking up that signal directly, i.e.
by wire, rather than through the air. I was disappointed in the screen shots,
because frequently when Pamela turned toward the screen to point something out,
the camera only caught the right hand side of the screen, thus missing half the
content. That made it totally useless. You need to get the entire screen, even
if only briefly. We the audience, can always click on pause to freeze the video
long enough to read the whole screen, but we do need to see the whole image.
In fact, you could have left the camera pointed at the screen the whole time.
The message is far more important than the messenger.

Another thought: These scientists are prepared to spend time and effort doing a
talk for a room full of people ( probably a few hundred at most). You might
consider asking them to do a dedicated rerun just for you, under circumstances
that are ideal for you to record, since the video you create is going on the web
and is likely to be viewed by thousands rather than just the few in that room.
Furthermore, they themselves can then refer others to the web video, which saves
them time and effort otherwise wasted in lengthy explanations.
Since it's a dedicated "performance", they can also review if with you when it's
done, and perhaps redo bits that came out poorly, which you can then edit in
later, resulting in a better overall product.

Robin van Spaandonk

Competition (capitalism) provides the motivation,
Cooperation (communism) provides the means.

RE: [Vo]: Re: Three Phase Lifters Are Fast Neutrons Tachyons?

2007-03-24 Thread Frederick Sparber

"The source of the cygnons has been traced to an unusual binary star system in 
the constellation Cygnus. In recent years space-bourne instruments have been 
able to examine the universe through a new window, the x-ray part of the 
electromagnetic spectrum. Bright sources of x-rays have been located and 
catalogged, and it has been found that the constellation Cygnus contains three 
bright x-rays objects. One of these called Cygnus X-3 is probably the most 
powerful source of high energy photons in the galaxy and has become the hottest 
topic in astrophysics today. Cygnus X-3 is on the other side of our galaxy, 
about 30,000 light-years from Earth. It is a binary star system, probably 
consisting of a neutron-star supernova remnant orbiting a normal star which 
feeds it hydrogen. The system has an orbital period of 4.79 hours. That's a 
remarkably short period: if a neutron star of 1 solar mass were orbiting our 
sun with that period, its orbit would be less than one solar radius above !
 the sun's surface!! The 4.79 hour period can be used as a sort of 
"fingerprint" to tag radiation from Cygnus X-3, which should change in strength 
with this characteristic period. This period has been seen in Cygnus X-3 
infrared, visible, x-ray, and gamma-ray emissions. The cygnons in the 
underground experiments have also been found to fluctuate with the same 4.79 
hour period. This is confirming evidence that they come from Cygnus X-3. It 
also means that they travel at essentially the velocity of light; otherwise a 
spread of lower velocities straggling out across 30,000 light years would wash 
out the time variations. 
Cygnons events observed with the Fly's Eye have truly enormous kinetic 
energies: up to 20 million times the mass-energy of a proton at rest, or 20,000 
times more energy than particles from even the largest earthbound accelerators. 
They must have no electric charge because they travel in a straight line path 
from Cygnus X-3. Their path is not curved by the magnetic field of the galaxy, 
as the path of a proton or any other charged particle would be. Further, the 
cygnons are found to make many µ-mesons in their collisions with the 
atmosphere, suggesting that they are strongly interacting particles (like 
protons) rather than electromagnetic particles (gamma rays) or weak particles 
The zero charge of the cygnons is intriguing, for all of the known stable 
neutral particles can be counted on the fingers of one hand with a few fingers 
left over. The only truly stable neutral particles are photons, neutrinos, and 
neutral atoms. For good measure we could include the neutron, which is unstable 
to beta decay with a half life of 10.6 minutes. There are good reasons for 
eliminating each of these as cygnon candidates. As all good Analog readers 
know, relativity makes clocks run slower. Neutrons could possibly make it from 
Cygnus X-3 to Earth before decaying if they travelled so fast that relativistic 
time dilation slowed their internal clock until 10 minutes of internal neutron 
time became equivalent to 30,000 years of earth time. But this time dilation 
factor needs neutrons with 100 times more energy than the most energetic cygnon 
events which the Fly's Eye has seen. 
Neutral atoms can be eliminated because the "empty space" between Earth and 
Cygnus X-3 is not completely empty. A pipe with a cross section one centimeter 
square stretching across this distance would contain about 5 grams of 
interstellar hydrogen. This is several thousand times more matter than required 
to strip some electrons from any energetic neutral atom and give it a net 
electrical charge. Neutrinos can be eliminated because they interact with 
matter too weakly, and also because the detected cygnons show a "horizon 
effect", diminished counts when Cygnus X-3 drops below the horizon. The gamma 
rays from Cygnus X-3 have about the right energy, but should, because they are 
electromagnetic particles, produce only 1/300 of the µ-mesons observed in 
cygnon events. No known neutral particle has all the characteristics of the 
cygnons. The inevitable conclusion is that the cygnon must be a new and 
previously unknown kind of particle."
- Original Message - 
From: Frederick Sparber 
Sent: 3/24/2007 4:03:37 AM 
Subject: [Vo]: 

A time-varying Electric Field around a Multipole might act as Tachyons if the 
are sequenced in the right manner.

The electrostatic induction effect from this might also allow lift from a 
planet or moon,
as well as generation of a force field, "cloaking" and "Warp 10" FTL travel.

Try this three-point device next Sunday? 


 O  O


"Tachyons are a putative class of particles which able to travel faster than 
the speed of light. Tach

Re: [Vo]: Excess heat from a Pd cylinder

2007-03-24 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Fri, 23 Mar 2007 15:25:44 -0400:
>The explosions are described here:
These people appear to still be searching for the explanation, that Hydrino
fusion has long provided.


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition (capitalism) provides the motivation,
Cooperation (communism) provides the means.

RE: [Vo]: UFO records released in France

2007-03-24 Thread David Thomson
Hi Robin,

"One case file described how investigators proved a man was lying about
being abducted by aliens when blood tests failed to show he had recently
experienced the weightlessness of space travel."

> Has it not occurred to these people that alien races that can travel
between the stars probably have artificial gravity, hence no evidence of
weightlessness is even to be expected?

Good point.  All the reported cases of UFO abductions I have read stated the
aliens walked around the craft, not floated.  Of course, this could be due
to the lack of imagination of fake abductions, but if the abductions are
real, then your point would be more reasonable than the conclusion of


Re: [Vo]: UFO records released in France

2007-03-24 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  David Thomson's message of Fri, 23 Mar 2007 05:20:53 -0600:
"One case file described how investigators proved a man was lying about being
abducted by aliens when blood tests failed to show he had recently experienced
the weightlessness of space travel."

This reminds me of the early transistor patent that was knocked back because it
didn't contain a "heated cathode", and hence "couldn't work".

Has it not occurred to these people that alien races that can travel between the
stars probably have artificial gravity, hence no evidence of weightlessness is
even to be expected?


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition (capitalism) provides the motivation,
Cooperation (communism) provides the means.

[Vo]: The lastest word on cold fusion

2007-03-24 Thread Edmund Storms
For those who are interested in knowing what has been discovered about 
cold fusion, or better yet the Fleischmann-Pons Effect, I call your 
attention to the latest book on the subject.  This book contains 1070 
citations to publications up to 2006 and describes all aspects of the 
phenomenon. In addition, some of the theory is evaluated and some 
plausible mechanisms are suggested. Anyone who rejects the reality of 
the phenomenon after reading this description clearly is not objective. 
I will be interested to see what Park and the other skeptics have to say 
after they read this book.


[Vo]: What about Bob?

2007-03-24 Thread Steven Vincent Johnson
SUBJECT: What about Bob?

First, Bob's recent comment:

> On this day 18 years ago, the University of Utah
> announced the discovery of cold fusion without giving
> any technical details
> The peak came three weeks later when Stanley Pons
> received a standing ovation at the annual ACS Meeting
> in Dallas, but by June it was over.  The Utah
> research was exposed as a pitiful embarrassment.
> For years the faithful sulked at their own annual
> meetings held at swank resorts around the world.
> There they could congratulate each other on their
> progress.  Each year another experiment would
> be hailed as proof, but never survived replication.
> A few years ago, however, the bolder of the
> faithful began to reemerge from the dark, giving
> papers at professional society meetings.  They now
> prefer to call their field Low-Energy Nuclear
> Reactions (LENR), and they held a session at the
> APS March Meeting in Denver.  Next week they will
> hold a session at the ACS Meeting in Chicago.
> Once again, there is a new experiment that is
> being hailed as proof-at-last.  Who knows, maybe
> this will be the one.

Next, Jed's reflections:

> Ah, that's more like it! He is back to his old self.
> As you see, he has not given an inch in 18 years.
> This is same pack of lies and nonsense he has been
> spouting all along. To answer Steve's [Krivit]
> question: Nothing is new.
> - Jed

Jed, I'm not entirely convinced that he hasn't budged. Bob's last statement
suggests a conveniently constructed escape hatch so that perhaps at a future
date he can tell his captivated audience: Well, I kept hoping those guys
would come up with something interesting.

I think Ed Storms said it best some time ago when he described Bob's
opinions as coming from an individual who is in love with the cleverness of
his own words. Well, shoot! I like writing clever comments too. Sometimes I
even succeed. Sometimes not, more often than I wish.

The question I would like to ask is whether this latest Bob bout is worth
taking issue with as far as ACS is concerned. Bob's comment was obviously
designed with pre-meditated intent to ridicule the ACS as a legitimate
scientific organization. It strikes me as an effort to demean the usefulness
of ACS as an organization capable of presenting useful scientific knowledge,
and THAT's what I wonder if ACS would care to address. How many times can
so-called respected scientists and physicists get away with blowing hot air
(albeit occasionally clever hot air) out of their own a##es and expect to
get away with it. Strikes me as the old "my willywag is bigger than your
willywag" ploy. Perhaps it isn't worth ACS's time and effort to call him to
the mat on this issue. After all, size does not always matter.

Just wondering out loud.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]: What's New Bob?

2007-03-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
Steve Krivit quotes Robert Park:

>at the annual ACS Meeting in Dallas, but by June it was over. The Utah 
>research was exposed as a pitiful embarrassment. . . .

 For years the faithful 
>sulked at their own annual meetings held at swank resorts around the world. 
>There they could congratulate each other on their progress. 

Each year 
>another experiment would be hailed as proof, but never survived 
>replication. . . .

Once again, there is a new 
>experiment that is being hailed as proof-at-last. Who knows, maybe this 
>will be the one.

Ah, that's more like it! He is back to his old self. As you see, he has not 
given an inch in 18 years. This is same pack of lies and nonsense he has been 
spouting all along. To answer Steve's question: Nothing is new.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]: Water vortex footage

2007-03-24 Thread Esa Ruoho

linking gmail isnt quite gonna do it. try again! :)

On 24/03/07, Terry Blanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/24/07, Esa Ruoho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> oh and by the way, regarding waterhammer/cavitation, i really recommend
> hunting down the 2 hour documentary from dale pond (the basics of
> sympathetic vibratory physics (SVP))

Would this be it:


Re: [Vo]: Water vortex footage

2007-03-24 Thread Terry Blanton

On 3/24/07, Esa Ruoho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

oh and by the way, regarding waterhammer/cavitation, i really recommend
hunting down the 2 hour documentary from dale pond (the basics of
sympathetic vibratory physics (SVP))

Would this be it:


[Vo]: Re: Three Phase Lifters

2007-03-24 Thread Frederick Sparber

- Original Message - 
From: Frederick Sparber 
Sent: 3/24/2007 4:03:37 AM 
Subject: [Vo]: 

A time-varying Electric Field around a Multipole might act as Tachyons if the 
are sequenced in the right manner.

The electrostatic induction effect from this might also allow lift from a 
planet or moon,
as well as generation of a force field, "cloaking" and "Warp 10" FTL travel.

Try this three-point device next Sunday? 


 O  O


"Tachyons are a putative class of particles which able to travel faster than 
the speed of light. Tachyons were first proposed by physicist Arnold 
Sommerfeld, and named by Gerald Feinberg. The word tachyon derives from the 
Greek  (tachus), meaning "speedy." Tachyons have the strange properties that, 
when they lose energy, they gain speed. Consequently, when tachyons gain 
energy, they slow down. The slowest speed possible for tachyons is the speed of 
Tachyons appear to violate causality (the so-called causality problem), since 
they could be sent to the past under the assumption that the principle of 
special relativity is a true law of nature, thus generating a real unavoidable 
time paradox (Maiorino and Rodrigues 1999). Therefore, it seems unavoidable 
that if tachyons exist, the principle of special relativity must be false, and 
there exists a unique time order for all observers in the universe  independent 
of their state of motion. 
Tachyons can be assigned properties of normal matter such as spin, as well as 
an antiparticle (the antitachyon). And amazingly, modern presentations of 
tachyon theory actually allow tachyons to actually have real mass (Recami 
It has been proposed that tachyons could be produced from high-energy particle 
collisions, and tachyon searches have been undertaken in cosmic rays. Cosmic 
rays hit the Earth's atmosphere with high energy (some of them with speed 
almost 99.99% of the speed of light) making several collisions with the 
molecules in the atmosphere. The particles made by this collision interact with 
the air, creating even more particles in a phenomenon known as a cosmic ray 
shower. In 1973, using a large collection of particle detectors, Philip Crough 
and Roger Clay identified a putative superluminal particle in an air shower, 
although this result has never been reproduced."

Description: timg1.gif

Description: astronomy.gif


2007-03-24 Thread Frederick Sparber
A time-varying Electric Field around a Multipole might act as Tachyons if the 
are sequenced in the right manner.

The electrostatic induction effect from this might also allow lift from a 
planet or moon,
as well as generation of a force field, "cloaking" and "Warp 10" FTL travel.

Try this three-point device next Sunday? 


 O  O


"Tachyons are a putative class of particles which able to travel faster than 
the speed of light. Tachyons were first proposed by physicist Arnold 
Sommerfeld, and named by Gerald Feinberg. The word tachyon derives from the 
Greek  (tachus), meaning "speedy." Tachyons have the strange properties that, 
when they lose energy, they gain speed. Consequently, when tachyons gain 
energy, they slow down. The slowest speed possible for tachyons is the speed of 
Tachyons appear to violate causality (the so-called causality problem), since 
they could be sent to the past under the assumption that the principle of 
special relativity is a true law of nature, thus generating a real unavoidable 
time paradox (Maiorino and Rodrigues 1999). Therefore, it seems unavoidable 
that if tachyons exist, the principle of special relativity must be false, and 
there exists a unique time order for all observers in the universe  independent 
of their state of motion. 
Tachyons can be assigned properties of normal matter such as spin, as well as 
an antiparticle (the antitachyon). And amazingly, modern presentations of 
tachyon theory actually allow tachyons to actually have real mass (Recami 
It has been proposed that tachyons could be produced from high-energy particle 
collisions, and tachyon searches have been undertaken in cosmic rays. Cosmic 
rays hit the Earth's atmosphere with high energy (some of them with speed 
almost 99.99% of the speed of light) making several collisions with the 
molecules in the atmosphere. The particles made by this collision interact with 
the air, creating even more particles in a phenomenon known as a cosmic ray 
shower. In 1973, using a large collection of particle detectors, Philip Crough 
and Roger Clay identified a putative superluminal particle in an air shower, 
although this result has never been reproduced."

Description: timg1.gif

Description: astronomy.gif