Re: [Vo]:Pendulum with a spinning bob

2007-09-01 Thread Horace Heffner

On Sep 1, 2007, at 7:19 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:


In the interest of making my replies in this thread as totally absurd
and over the top as possible,

I'm sorry, Stephen, I missed a lot of this thread.  Is it better to  
spin alas than to spin a Bob?

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Pendulum with a spinning bob

2007-09-01 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence


In the interest of making my replies in this thread as totally absurd
and over the top as possible, here's the "rest of it" where we match
the solutions for brake-off and brake-on and see where we end up.
(See previous post for the definitions and the derivation up to this

Given a differential equation

a = - k * theta  {again, I'm using "a" for d^2(theta)/dt^2}

the solution will take the form

theta = A sin(sqrt(k) * t) + B cos(sqrt(k) * t)

If we fix the starting position as theta_0 at time 0, and set the
velocity to /zero/ at time zero, then the solution takes the form

theta = theta_0 * cos(sqrt(k) * t)

The angle "theta_0" is the angle at which we start the pendulum --
it's the "top" of the first arc.

For the case where the brake is LOCKED, if the bob starts at angle
theta_0, with initial swing velocity zero, the solution must be
(referring back to previous message to find the value for "k"):

theta = theta_0 * Cos(sqrt((g/l)(1 - (1/2)(R/l)^2)) * t)

The velocity will be the time derivative of that, which is:

theta_dot =
 * sqrt((g/l)(1-(1/2)(R/l)^2))
 * Sin(sqrt((g/l)(1 - (1/2)(R/l)^2)) * t)

(and I hope that's reasonably clear and doesn't get mangled when I
send it).

At the bottom of the arc, we have theta = 0, so the cos(...) term in
the equation for theta must be 0, and we must have

   sqrt((g/l)(1 - (1/2)(R/l)^2)) * t = pi/2

and so, plugging that into the velocity formula, we see that at the
bottom of the arc, the velocity becomes:

   theta_dot_1 = - theta_0 * sqrt((g/l)(1-(1/2)(R/l)^2))

Now, we'll do the same thing for the brake UNLOCKED.  Since we change
state at the bottom of the arc (by releasing the brake), the
brake-locked velocity at the bottom of the arc will be the same as the
brake-unlocked value.  By matching the velocities, we'll be able to
derive the maximum swing for the brake-unlocked solution, which will
tell us how high the bob will rise again after the brake is released.

(Note that I'm changing time origin here in order to keep the solution
simple-looking -- but we don't care about an offset in the time, all
we care about is matching the velocity at the bottom of the arc in the
two solutions.)

The solution, with the brake UNLOCKED (and a newly chosen convenient
origin for the time axis), is:

   theta = theta_1 * cos(sqrt(g/l) * t)

The velocity with the brake unlocked is:

   theta_dot = - theta_1 * sqrt(g/l) * sin(sqrt(g/l) * t)

At the bottom of the arc, we'll have theta=0, sqrt(g/l)*t = pi/2, and
the velocity will be:

   theta_dot_1 = - theta_1 * sqrt(g/l)

Now we equate our two values for theta_dot_1, to obtain

   - theta_0 * sqrt((g/l)(1-(1/2)(R/l)^2)) = - theta_1 * sqrt(g/l)

Solving for theta_1, we find

theta_1 = theta_0 * sqrt(1 - (1/2)(R/l)^2)

But theta_1 is the angle to which the pendulum will RISE _after_ the
brake is released.  It is smaller than theta_0 -- the angle at which
the pendulum was initially released -- by the difference

   theta_0 * [1 - sqrt(1 - (1/2)(R/l)^2)]

and for small values of R/l, this is approximately

   theta_0 * (1/4)(R/l)^2

That is the distance by which the pendulum will "miss" rising back to
its starting angle after the brake is released.


(Note that if the radius of the bob is reduced to zero -- so it
becomes a point mass -- then the difference disappears, as we would

Re: [Vo]:Re: Splitting the Positive

2007-09-01 Thread Horace Heffner
The following is all much ado about nothing. No matter how you cut  
it, you have to overcome the interface potential drop.

Capacitive coupling is probably useful for water decontamination  
schemes and other things, but the scheme below just does not seem to  
do anything useful.  The problem is much the useful current goes  
through the power supply, and thus the current is supplied at the  
full electrolysis voltage.  There is no free lunch there.   The trick  
is to do electrolysis while the interface is disrupted, i.e.  
continually disrupt it, or to use solar energy efficiently to help  
out in a direct and efficient way.

- - - -

Figure 3 is a simplified circuit diagram of both the tetrode and the  
dual triode electrolysis cells.  The elements Xi are electrolyte- 
electrode interfaces, exploded in Figure 4. Z1 and Z2 are zenier  
diodes with approximately a 0.7 V breakdown potential. The elements  
Ei are electrolyte conduction paths, exploded in Figure 5.  C1 and C2  
are the capacitances due to the external conductive plate interfaces  
to the electrolyte.  The electrolyte paths E1 and E3 are through the  
metal screen cathode plate(s). The paths E5 and E6 are high  
resistance low capacitance paths through the electrolyte are not  
present in the dual triode cells. The arrows indicate the direction  
of positive ion flow in the electrolyte, showing electrolysis is  
consistently driven by the AC.  The positive ions diffuse through the  
screen before being driven through the screen interface by the AC on  
the external plate side of the screen.  It is also notable the AC  
signal is partially shunted through the DC power supply.

  --HF AC--
  |   |
   C1   C2
  -O - - - - E5 - - - - O-
  E1   X1   X3   E3
  || V2  V2  V2 ||
  ^| | (-)  |^
  |X2DC X4   |
  || | (+)  ||
  OO |  OO
   | |  |
   E2|  E4
   | |  |
   ^ |  ^
   | |  |
   | V1 |
   -- - - - E6 - - - - --

 Fig. 3 - Simplified circuit diagram of
  Tetrode or dual triode cells

  Z1 Z2
 |  |
 |  O---R---O---O
 |  |

 Fig. 4 - Simplified circuit diagram of
  electrolysis interface Xi

 |  |
 O---O  OO
 |  |

 Fig. 5 - Simplified circuit diagram of
  electrolyte conduction path Ei

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Re: Splitting the Positive

2007-09-01 Thread Horace Heffner

Once again with feeling...

Figure 3 is a simplified circuit diagram of both the tetrode and the  
dual triode electrolysis cells.  The elements Xi are electrolyte- 
electrode interfaces, exploded in Figure 4. Z1 and Z2 are zenier  
diodes with approximately a 0.7 V breakdown potential. The elements  
Ei are electrolyte conduction paths, exploded in Figure 5.  C1 and C2  
are the capacitances due to the external conductive plate interfaces  
to the electrolyte.  The electrolyte paths E1 and E3 are through the  
metal screen cathode plate(s). The paths E5 and E6 are high  
resistance low capacitance paths through the electrolyte are not  
present in the dual triode cells. The arrows indicate the direction  
of positive ion flow in the electrolyte, showing electrolysis is  
consistently driven by the AC.  The positive ions diffuse through the  
screen before being driven through the screen interface by the AC on  
the external plate side of the screen.  It is also notable the AC  
signal is partially shunted through the DC power supply.

  --HF AC--
  |   |
   C1   C2
  -O - - - - E5 - - - - O-
  E1   X1   X3   E3
  || V2  V2  V2 ||
  ^| | (-)  |^
  |X2DC X4   |
  || | (+)  ||
  OO |  OO
   | |  |
   E2|  E4
   | |  |
   ^ |  ^
   | |  |
   | V1 |
   -- - - - E6 - - - - --

 Fig. 3 - Simplified circuit diagram of
  Tetrode or dual triode cells

  Z1 Z2
 |  |
 |  O---R---O---O
 |  |

 Fig. 4 - Simplified circuit diagram of
  electrolysis interface Xi

 |  |
 O---O  OO
 |  |

 Fig. 5 - Simplified circuit diagram of
  electrolyte conduction path Ei

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Re: Novel uses of resonant electrolytic cells (RECs).

2007-09-01 Thread Horace Heffner

On Jun 30, 1999, at 12:17 PM, Horace Heffner wrote:

The use of an AC electrolytic cell in a resonant circuit, primarily  
as the
capacitance, be it in series or parallel resonance, achieves an  
high energy flux through the cell, especially when operated at a  
high Q.
For convenience, let's call such a cell a resonant electrolytic  
cell (REC).

RECs have a myriad of potential uses.  Foremost is the achievement of
efficient electrolysis, especially for evolving the soichiometric  
and oxygen gas mixture evolved from AC electrolysis, called Brown's  

attributed by some as having special atomic/molecular and engergetic

Second, the prospect of high electrolytic efficiency raises the  
discussed possibility of further attack on the Second Law of  
by using ambient heat to add to electrolysis efficiency, and thus  
produce a
COP over 1.  It is well known that energy from ambient heat  
contributes to
electroylsis and use of this fact is made by modern electrolysis  
units by

operating at a high temperature. The heat energy is contributed at the
electrodes in the form of vibration of the (H+)-H20 bond in the H3O+
molecules in close proximity to the cathode.  A high temperature REC,
operated in a closed highly insulated environment, with the  

acting as a heat dump for a heat engine, might close the energy loop.

Third, the fact that capacitive linkage with the high dielectric  
water or other high dielectric constant fluids completely bypasses  
the two
atom thick layer at electrodes, called the interface, also bypasses  
majority of potential drop in the cell.  Capacitive linkage is thus  
a higly
efficient means of deploying energy flux in the water.  This high  

flux has various potential (wild and not so wild idea) applications:

1. Driving cold fusion.  This might be especially facilitated by  
using a DC
current flow normal to the AC energy flow, made possible by the  
and isolation provided by the capacitive linkage for the AC  
component,  and
by inclusion of the standard CF genre of nickel coated plastic  
beads, Pd

catalyst on carbon substrate in heavy water, etc.

2. Stimulation of cavitation

3. A aid to sonoluminescence, an added "hammer"

4. Cleaning

5. Sterilization

6. Catalysis of chemical reactions

7. An aid to crystal formation, production of rubies, etc.

8. Stimulation of fluorescing materials for production of light

9. Emulsification and homogenization

10. Hydrogenation

11. Polymerization

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Re: Sample numbers for resonant AC electrolysis

2007-09-01 Thread Horace Heffner

On Jun 29, 1999, at 11:42 PM, Horace Heffner wrote:

Reviewing the resonant circuit proposed for use with an AC  
electrolysis cell:

---  V1
| |
|   -
|   |   |
|   |   C1
AC  L1  |  I2
|   |   |
|   | I3R1
|   |   |
|   -
| |
--- Ground

AC - AC source
L1 - Inductor
C1 - The cell capacitance
R1 - The net cell resistance
I1 - Input current (rms)
I2 - Cell current  (rms)
I3 - Inductor current (rms)
V1 - supply voltage = cell voltage
Xl - Reactance of L1
Xc - Reactance of C2

   Fig. 1 - Resonant circuit for AC electrolysis cell

When the operating frequency is at the resonant frequency for the tank
circuit L1, C1, R1, the net impedence of the tank circuitis maximum  
to the

AC source, thus the current through the cell I2 is at a maximum with
respect to the input current I1.  In fact,

I2 = Q * I1 = I3

Where Q is given by:

Q = Xl/R1

and is a measure of the sharpness of the resonance peak.  Since  
values of Q

over 100 are not uncommon in ordinary resonance circuits, this is
fascinating, and hints at ou behaviour all by itself, assuming the  
cell can
be made efficient enough that heat from ambient becomes a large  

to the splitting reaction.

The cell is portrayed as a capacitor C1, though it is known that  
its makeup
is really more in the form of a lattice where elements connecting  
points consist of a resistor and capacitor in parallel.  In  
addition, the
cell is capacitively linked, so there is a set of capacitances  
around the
electrolyte as well.  A simplified model of the cell might look  
like the


 |   |
 |   |
 C4  R2
 |   |
 |   |

   Fig. 2 - Simplified circuit for
capacitively linked cell

Here C2 and C3 are the capacitive interface to the electrolyte,  
either an
insulator around the electordes, the tank walls, or a combination.   

elecrolyte, or slurry, is represented by C4 and R2 in parallel.  For
purposes of simplifying the analysis, the electrolyte resistance R2  
can be

rolled into the tank resistance R1, and we also have for the series

   1/C1 = 1/(C2 + C3 + C4)

In other words, if R2 is large, if the cell walls and electrolyte  
all have
the same dielectric constant, then the cell is equivalent to a  
the width of the cell, including electrolyte and plate insulators.   
If R2

is very small, then:

   1/C1 = 1/(C2 + C3)

and we can treat the two insulators as an equivalent insulator as  
thick as

the sum of the two.

It is especially of interest that, as the cell area gets bigger, R2  

yet the capacitance C1 increases, thus Q increases.  This has the
appearance of some kind of economy of scale.

Now for some sample design numbers.


10 cm x 10 cm plates  (plate size)

V1 = 20 kV  (resonant operating voltage)

Ke = 50   (dielectric constant of ceramic)

Ks = 1000 V/mil = 3.94 x 10^5 V/cm (dielectric strength)

F0 = 16,000 Hz  (resonant frequency)

R1 = cell resistance = 1 ohm


Total plate thickness D1 = V1/Ks = (2x10^5 V)/(3.94 x 10^5 V/cm) =  
0.508 cm

Using 50 percent margin, D1 = .762 cm

Area A = 100 cm^2

The ratio A/d1 = (100 cm^2)/(0.762 cm) = 131

Capacitance C1 = Ke (A/d1) (8.85 x 10^-12 F) = 5.80x10^-8 F

Impedence of capacitor Xc = 1/(2 Pi F0 C1) = 1/(2 Pi (16,000)  
(5.80x10^-8 F))

Xc = 172 ohms

Current through cell I2 = V1/Xc = (20,000 V)/(172 ohms) = 116 amps

Knowing energy of inducatance is equal to energy of capacitance we  

L1/C1 = (V1/Ic)^2 = (2/116)^2 ohms^2, so we have

inductance L1 = (2.97x10^4)(C1) H = (2.97x10^4)(5.80x10^-8) H

L1 = 1.72 mH

Inductive reactance Xl = 2 Pi F0 L1 = 2 Pi (16000) (1.72x10^-3) ohms

Xl = 173 ohms

Q = Xl/R1 = 173/1 = 173

Thus we have the driving current:

I1 = I2/Q = (116 A)/173 = 0.67 A

And driving power:

Pd = I1 * V1 = (0.67 A) (20,000 V) =  13.4 kW

Apparent power:

Pa = I2 * V1 = (116 A) (20,000 V) = 2.32 MW

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Pendulum with a spinning bob

2007-09-01 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

OK, haven't touched any physics in a few months; this is a good excuse
to do some equation hacking.  This is all straight Newtonian
mechanics, which has been pretty well tested during the last several
centuries, so I think we can probably expect the standard Newtonian
model to correctly describe the behavior of a system like this.  So,
here's an analysis using simple mechanics.

Given a pendulum with:

   l = rod length  (That's a lowercase "ell" there, in case it's not

   theta = angle of the rod from a vertical line

   M = mass of the bob

   R = radius of the bob, which is assumed to be a uniform disk

   phi = angle of rotation of the bob about its axis

   g = acceleration of gravity

   h = height of the bob's center above its "low point" on the arc

For convenience in writing this out with flat Ascii we'll also define
a few shortcuts:

   theta_dot = d(theta)/dt = time derivative of theta

   a = d^2(theta)/dt^2 = angular acceleration

   phi_dot = time derivative of phi

The moment of inertia of a uniform disk is:

   I = (1/2)MR^2   (I'm leaving out the integration that shows this)

Kinetic energy of rotation of a uniform disk is

   T(disk) = (1/2)I*omega^2 = (1/4)MR^2 * omega^2

where I've used "omega" for its rotational velocity about its axis.

Potential energy for the system is

   V = M*g*h = Mg*(l - l*cos(theta)) = Mgl*(1 - cos(theta))

We have

   cos(theta) = 1 - (1/2)theta^2 + Order(theta^4)

so for small angles, where theta^4 is very small, we can assume

   cos(theta) = 1 - (1/2)theta^2

which gives us a simpler formula for the potential energy,

   V = (1/2) M*g*l*theta^2

Note that this simplification is necessary for the resulting
differential equations to be solvable in closed form.  For the large
angle solution, as I already mentioned in a previous note, it's
probably simplest to do a numerical simulation.

Kinetic energy for the system with the brake UNLOCKED is:

   T = (1/2)l^2 * theta_dot^2 * M + (1/2) I * phi_dot^2

Note that the last term -- (I/2)I*phi_dot^2 -- doesn't depend on the
angle of the rod or velocity of the pendulum, so it's not going to
enter into the equations of motion.

With the brake LOCKED, theta_dot = phi_dot, so that reduces to:

   T = (1/2) (l^2 * M + I) * theta_dot^2

The Lagrangian is

   L = T - V

With the brake LOCKED, that's

   (1/2) [(l^2 * M + I)*theta_dot^2 - Mgl*theta^2]

With the brake UNLOCKED, it's

   (1/2) [l^2 * M*theta_dot^2 + I*phi_dot^2 - Mgl*theta^2]

where, again, since phi isn't a function of theta, the term in phi_dot
will not appear in the equations of motion.

The equation of motion for this (1-dimensional) system is found by

   @L/@theta = d/dt (@L/@theta_dot)

where I've used "@" as the partial derivative symbol.  We'll now find
each of the parts.  (Recall I'm using "a" for d^2(theta)/dt^2.)

   @L/@theta = -Mgl*theta

   @L/@theta_dot = (l^2 * M + I) * theta_dot  {Brake LOCKED}

   d/dt(@L/@theta_dot) = (l^2 * M + I) * a{Brake LOCKED}

   @L/@theta_dot = l^2 * M * theta_dot{Brake UNLOCKED}

   d/dt(@L/@theta_dot) = l^2 * Ma {Brake UNLOCKED}

The equation of motion then becomes:

   a = - (g/l) theta-- brake UNLOCKED

   a = - (g /(l + (I/lM))) theta -- brake LOCKED

We can simplify the equation for the brake locked.  First let's factor
out (g/l):

   a = -(g/l) (1 / (1 + (I/(l^2 * M * theta

Now we note that the moment of inertia of the disk, I, is (1/2)MR^2,
so we have:

   I/(l^2 * M) = (1/2) (R/l)^2

If we assume (as I think you originally intended, Harry) that the
radius of the disk be small compared to the length of the pendulum,
then (R/l)^2 will be very small, and we can further simplify the
result, by using the approximation

   1 / (1 + ((1/2) (R/l)^2)) =(approx) 1 - (1/2) (R/l)^2

With this change, for the brake-LOCKED case we then obtain

   a = -(g/l) [1 - (1/2)(R/l)^2] * theta

Now let's step back for a moment.  Both for the brake locked case and
for the brake unlocked case, we've found that the equation of motion
is that of a simple harmonic oscillator.  But in the case where the
brake is LOCKED, the "spring constant", and hence the resulting
acceleration, will be reduced by the term

   - (1/2) (R/l)^2

So, with the brake LOCKED, the pendulum will fall _more_ _slowly_, and
will be going slower at the bottom of the arc.  If we UNLOCK the
brake at that point, we change the equation of motion back to

   a = - (g/l) theta

and, since the "spring constant" (and consequently the acceleration)
is now larger, the pendulum won't go as far up the arc before it stops
and reverses.

Make sense?

The solutions to the equations of motion are simple functions of
sines and cosines; we can actually guess them and fit them together
with particular starting states to get exact results out but I'm not
going to carry this quite that far -- at least, not this afternoon.


Re: [Vo]:Life on Mars

2007-09-01 Thread Terry Blanton
More detail here:

On 8/28/07, Stephen A. Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At last an explanation for the enigmatic "Third Experiment"!
> Some of us have been waiting a long, long time for the other shoe to
> drop on this one -- in fact I'd given up, assuming that if there ever
> had been anything there we'd probably have contaminated it out of all
> detectability already.  But if it's as weird as this, it may not be easy
> to confuse with contamination.
> Next on the agenda:  Find the local tap into the Ophiuchi Hotline... I'm
> sure it's out there, if we just knew where to look...
> Terry Blanton wrote:
> >
> >
> > Scientists found life on Mars back in the 70s
> >
> > By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
> > Last Updated: 6:01pm BST 23/08/2007
> >
> > The soil on Mars may indeed be teeming with microbes, according to a
> > new interpretation of data first collected more than 30 years ago.
> >
> > Scientists found life on Mars back in the 70s
> >
> > The search for life on Mars appeared to hit a dead end in 1976 when
> > Viking landers touched down on the red planet and failed to detect
> > biological activity.
> >
> > There was another flurry of excitement a decade later, when Nasa
> > thought it had found evidence of life in a Mars meteorite but doubts
> > have since been cast on that finding.
> >
> > Today, Joop Houtkooper from Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen,
> > Germany, will claim the Viking spacecraft may in fact have encountered
> > signs of a weird life form based on hydrogen peroxide on the
> > subfreezing, arid Martian surface.
> >
> > 
> >
> >

Re: [Vo]:Re: Splitting the Positive

2007-09-01 Thread Horace Heffner

On Sep 1, 2007, at 8:06 AM, Michel Jullian wrote:

Hi Horace

Two antiparallel zener diodes (not zenier) behave just like two  
antiparallel normal diodes: whatever the current direction one of  
the diodes is forward biased, so the voltage drop is the forward  
voltage drop rather than the 0.7V zener breakdown voltage you  

Thanks much for the two corrections.  I am just too rushed now to do  
things right. I probably shouldn't be posting at all.

The zeners should be in series, not parallel.  Here's a corrected  
Figure 4.

  Z1 Z2
 |  |
 |  O---R---O---O
 |  |

 Fig. 4 - Simplified circuit diagram of
  electrolysis interface Xi

Talking about which, how did you determine the 0.7V common value,  
and shouldn't it be different for Z1 and Z2???

Figures 4 and 5 were provided to aid cell understanding from a  
circuit analysis perspective and are highly simplified.  The 0.7 V  
was approximate, and from memory of something I did a long time ago,  
where electrolysis began at about 1.4 V.  The interface potential  
drop for the anode and cathode interfaces are typically roughly the  
same. They can vary due to the fact a some anions don't carry a  
hydration sheath, and other things, but identical zeners are good  
enough for my intended purpose here, which is to roughly describe an  
interface where current might reverse.  A true model will consider  
electronegativities of the electrodes, electrolyte characteristics,  
and electrode surface passification or other surface conditions.  I  
suppose varying the breakdown potentials of Z1 and Z2 might be one  
way to account for electrode electronegativity, though a "virtual  
battery" might be another.  The zener breakdown voltage was really  
intended by me to model the tunneling onset voltage through the  
interface. This of course is not a fixed voltage, but rather the  
result of potential being in the exponential portion of the barrier  
tunneling equation, and thus having a very fast ramp up - but the  
zener works similarly.   I don't know how old you are, but if you're  
an old guy like me you might remember when electrolytic cells in  
series were used as DC voltage regulators, and they did a very good  
job of that.  I felt Fig. 4 to be good enough to be instructive for  
the principles I was trying to get across. Too bad I muffed up the  
diagram - twice!  I guess I seldom get things right the first time  
through anyway.

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Pendulum with a spinning bob

2007-09-01 Thread OrionWorks
Hi Harry,

Unfortunately, it would appear that my previous comments weren't
sufficiently clear. I'll continue with this discussion a tad longer.


> > Due to the significantly increased radius size of the spin-bob wheel
> > it should now be much easier to visualize the speed of the swinging
> > pendulum when the spin-bob wheel is physically attached, as well as
> > when the spin-bob wheel isn't attached. You should be able to more
> > easily visualize the fact that the pendulum arm will swing
> > back-and-forth much more slowly when the spin-bob wheel is attached
> > than when the spin-bob wheel is NOT physically attached (with the
> > breaks applied). This is due to the fact that the physically-attached
> > spin-bob wheel is behaving like a huge flywheel where you have to
> > exert some physical effort at its central core to spin it up, as well
> > as exerting the same amount of effort in reverse to bring the wheel
> > back to a standstill. This is due to the inherent inertia of the mass
> > of the spin-bob. The longer the radius, (bigger diameter) the more
> > inherent inertia will be introduced into the system. OTOH, if the
> > spin-bob is not physically attached (and can spin freely
> > independently), then the pendulum arm is free to swing back and forth
> > much more quickly because it is no longer hampered by the additional
> > torque coming from the spin-bob wheel.
> I don't know if you saw it but I added this explanation to the page as
> to why the bob will start to spin when the brake is released: At the
> bottom of the swing the velocity of the bottom of the bob is greater
> than the velocity of the top of the bob with respect to the pivot at
> the top of the arm. Releasing the brake at the bottom of the swing
> allows the different velocities to torque the bob around the bob's
> centre.

I've reviewed the revised images. We agree on the point that once the
break is released at the bottom of the swing the bob will proceed to
spin independently of the pendulum arm's swing due to the explanation
you've given.

But of more interest to the resolution of this discussion: WHAT

> It also worthwhile to note that there is a theorem which states that the
> period of a pendulum depends on the distance from the centre of mass of
> the bob to the pivot point and is independent of the total mass of the
> bob. I think you need to consider this in your analysis.

The theorem you state is precisely what I was trying to explain as
well. See my previous comment; "The longer the radius, (bigger
diameter) the more inherent inertia will be introduced into the
system. " My statement is another (perhaps less technical) way of
saying that the "period of the pendulum depends on the distance from
the centre of mass...".

> > If you can visual this, then take the thought experiment to the next
> > logical step and visualize what happens if you have the spin-bob
> > wheel's breaks on during the time the pendulum arm is swinging down to
> > the bottom of the curve. Then, release the breaks on the spin-bob
> > wheel at the bottom of the swing, (which is also where I believe your
> > thought processes may need to be revised!), which is also the maximum
> > speed of the pendulum arm. What happens next is that the pendulum arm
> > will continue swinging forward but it will NOT SWING BACK ANYWHERE
> > NEAR to the same height as where the pendulum arm had originally
> > started when it had been attached to the spin-bob wheel. This is due
> > to the fact that the pendulum arm is not spinning at the required
> > speed to get it back to the same height, specifically the required
> > speed we had previously measured when the spin-bob wheel was never
> > attached. The pendulum arm has to be spinning much faster.
> > Consequently, the pendulum arm no longer has the added stored energy
> > (or inertia assist) from the spin-bob wheel to "assist" the pendulum
> > arm back up to the same height.
> Based on my own qualitative analysis, the swing of the bob could
> only be reduced by friction.

Yes, in a theoretical universe where we do not have to contend with
the laws of friction, indeed the spin-bob should continue to spin at
the constant released RPM spin speed forever, or at least until some
outside influence like the break pad is once again applied.

I don't think that's where the issues (or disagreements) reside.

> The spin of the bob does not slow the swing of the bob because
> both axis of rotation are parallel. It would only slow the swing
> if the bob's spin axis were not parallel, e.g. if the bob was turned
> 90 degrees so that it was facing into the swing.

This is where we disagree. Please correct me if I misunderstood you
but I suspect you were actually trying to state:

"The spin of the bob does not slow the swing of the [PENDULUM ARM, and
NOT the bob] because both axis of rotation are parallel." Other

[Vo]:Electrolysis - some old wishful thinking on vortex

2007-09-01 Thread Horace Heffner

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BG generator, Q and ou - 6/27/99

In earlier posts a method of generating Brown's gas was described  
that focused on the value of doing AC electrolysis using insulated  
plates, i.e. capacitive coupling, to a slurry comprised of metal,  
semiconductor, and insulator particles in an electrolyte. The main  
purpose of this post is to look at the value of this approach in  
creating a high Q tank oscillator circuit.

One objective this approach is to make most of the current flow in  
the cell due to a capacitive transmission, as opposed to resisitive  
transmission through the electrolyte, between metal particles.  For  
this reason, and to limit conductivity of the electrolyte, the slurry  
would be expected to benefit from ceramic particles with typically  
high dielectric constants, i.e. in the range of 80 to 1200.  Small  
ceramic particles should also have the useful effect of often  
separating conductive particles by small fixed distances.  Ceramic  
also offers high dielectric strength, on the order of 600 - 1250  
volts/mil, and some have high abrasion resistance, thus may be a good  
choice for plate insulators or cell sides as well.

There are mixed demands on the conductivity of the electrolyte.  One  
demand is to keep it low between conductive fragments in the slurry,  
in order to reduce waste heat, and to achieve a high Q for the tank  
circuit.  The other demand is to keep it high across the total cell,  
so as to keep most of the current out of the electrolyte and in the  
capacitive coupling mode travelling through the insulator granules.   
Curent carried capacitively by water, due to the its high dielectric  
constant, is somewht inefficient due to the water molecule dipoles  
rotating. The insulating granules in the slurry help meet both goals  
by increasing the path length through the electrolyte, and by greatly  
reducing the electrolyte cross sectional area.

Here is a simplistic tank circuit:

---  V1
| |
|   -
|   |   |
|   |   C1
AC  L1  |  I2
|   |   |
|   | I3R1
|   |   |
|   -
| |
--- Ground

AC - AC source
L1 - Inductor
C1 - The cell capacitance
R1 - The net cell resistance
I1 - Input current (rms)
I2 - Cell current  (rms)
I3 - Inductor current (rms)
V1 - supply voltage = cell voltage
Xl - Reactance of L1
Xc - Reactance of C2

When the operating frequency is at the resonant frequency fo the tank  
circuit L1, C1, R1, the net impedence of the tank circuit is at  
maximum is maximum to the AC source, thus the current through the  
cell I2 is at a maximum with respect to the input current I1.  In fact,

I2 = Q * I1 = I1

Where Q is given by:

Q = Xl/R1

and is a measure of the sharpness of the resonance peak.  Since  
values of Q over 100 are not uncommon in ordinary resonance circuits,  
this is fascinating, and hints at ou behaviour all by itself.

If Xl is fixed, the best way to improve Q is to decrease R1.  Looking  
at only the tank circuit itself:

   |   |
   |   C1
   L1  |  I2
   |   |
   | I3R1
   |   |

this is a series resonance.  In a series resonance the net impedence  
of the inductor and capacitor disappears, leaving the total circuit  
impedence Xt:

   Xt = R1

For this reason, the more current carried within the cell  
capacitively, the lower the net R1.  The above is a great  
simplification of the cell, which is a lattice of capacitances and  
resistances, however, the more current carried capacitively, the  
lower the net resistance, and the higher the cell's apparent  
capacitance, thus the more the tank net impedence R1 disappears at  
resonance, and the higher Q will be.

The higher Q is, the more current I2 that goes through the cell for a  
given stimulating current I1.  Note that V1 is both the input voltage  
and the voltage across the cell, so power follows the current in  

It remains to balance the conductor concentration in the slurry so as  
to get the largest number of "equivalent plates" Ne, and the smallest  
possible amount of "equivalent plate separation" Se, and to match the  
operating voltage so that

   V1 ~= Ne * 2 volts

While the tank current is way up compared to the stimulating current,  
and the voltage is the same, thus the apparent power applied is very  
high compared to the input power, not all of it is being applied to  
generating gas bubbles.  The conductive particle concentration has to  
be high in order to assure the current flows through many (Nreuse)  
conductive particles, on average.

If Q and Nreuse can be made large enou

Re: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen

2007-09-01 Thread Harry Veeder
no...a green world  is monotone world.


On 1/9/2007 12:39 PM, PHILIP WINESTONE wrote:

You're trying to tell me that Winestone becomes monotonous... or


- Original Message 
From: Harry Veeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 1, 2007 11:13:20 AM
Subject: Re: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen

Re: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen Monotone eventually becomes

On 1/9/2007 8:54 AM, PHILIP WINESTONE wrote:

Hmmm... the more I hear "green" the more I turn green when I hear the word


- Original Message 
From: R.C.Macaulay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 1, 2007 8:42:46 AM
Subject: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen

Howdy Vorts,

As election year approaches we can expect to see new green energy schemes at
dime a dozen rates.  Speaking of dime, we don't take paper stock for drinks.

It's not the great bouy design, it's not the power derived by wave
action. it's the maintenance and harsh weather that eats your lunch in
ocean environments. Like keeping a high maintenance woman, shows off well on
Wall Street.   Well... err... unless.. that is the underlying purpose. The
more I hear "green" , the more I suspect it means the color of the money and
not the landscape. 


Re: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen

2007-09-01 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
You're trying to tell me that Winestone becomes monotonous... or winestoneous...


- Original Message 
From: Harry Veeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 1, 2007 11:13:20 AM
Subject: Re: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen

Re: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen

Monotone eventually becomes monotonous.


On 1/9/2007 8:54 AM, PHILIP WINESTONE wrote:

Hmmm... the more I hear "green" the more I turn green when I hear the word 


- Original Message 

From: R.C.Macaulay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sent: Saturday, September 1, 2007 8:42:46 AM

Subject: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen


Howdy Vorts,


As election year approaches we can expect to see new green energy schemes at 
dime a dozen rates.  Speaking of dime, we don't take paper stock for drinks. 

It's not the great bouy design, it's not the power derived by wave action. 
it's the maintenance and harsh weather that eats your lunch in ocean 
environments. Like keeping a high maintenance woman, shows off well on Wall 
Street.   Well... err... unless.. that is the underlying purpose. The more I 
hear "green" , the more I suspect it means the color of the money and not the 


[Vo]:Kinky hydrogen cell

2007-09-01 Thread Jones Beene
"Tetrode Kink" is moderately explained about a third
of the way down this page.

It is a problem for radio transmission, but because
"negative resistance" has beneficial connotation for
free energy, even if it is only "differential negative
resistance" then one wonders if this "feature" can be
put to use in a multi-electrode electrolysis cell.

After all, "extra" electrons should be beneficial to
generating hydrogen. Of special interest would be
converting a Mizuno type of glow discharge
electrolysis cell into a multi-electrode affair, which
can benefit from not only LENR (if it is there) but
also the output can be enhanced by higher levels of
hydrogen generation by the redesign. 

A marriage made in OU-Heaven? 

Not quite yet - forgot to add the multipactor part to
Horace's tetrode. 

Since secondary electron emission should be even more
beneficial on the *backside* of the anode, then why
not go the extra mile and expedite that with a
multipactor? (of the original Farnsworth variety, not
the more modern usage). The former anode now becomes a
neutral plate.

In the Mizuno arrangement there is a central cathode
surrounded by an anode which can be a tubular wall.
Now we add two grids between cathode and anode, and
put the whole thing into another cylinder which
becomes the real anode. With proper sealing, one could
even use two types of electrolytes - for instance, a
base like KOH in the tetrode gap (the "front side")
and sulfuric acid on the back side. 

Therefore the anode would be constructed of two layers
of differing work function or other emissive property
(perhaps by nitriding or anodizing only one side of
the (former) anode, which is now a neutral (or nearly
neutral) plate.

Technically this would now be considered either a
pentrode, or else a tetrode in series with a diode.
The two grids can be still be heterodyned or linked in
some kind of resonant loop. 

More later, as my laptop is losing charge and this
WiFi connection may not reach cyberspace anyway.


Re: [Vo]:Pendulum with a spinning bob

2007-09-01 Thread Harry Veeder

On 31/8/2007 8:18 PM, OrionWorks wrote:

> Hi Harry, and Stephen,
> Regarding your visual diagram:
> It took me a spell to comprehend what Stephen was saying since he
> occasionally used what I assume are mathematical terms I'm not
> familiar with.
> To be honest, Harry, I vacillated a couple of times - thinking for a
> brief spell that there actually might be additional energy being
> extracted in your setup. I was quite puzzled for a while! ;-)
> However in the end I have to disagree.

Perhaps what I say below will swing you back.

> Here's a visual experiment I suggest as a way to help explain why I
> believe one is not making more energy from this arrangement.
> With your original illustration in mind make the following modifications:
> Increase the circular radius of the spin-bob wheel so that it's... oh,
> lets say about three times the radius length of the pendulum arm. Now,
> with this new arrangement envision in your head two distinct
> scenarios.
> First scenario: The swinging of the pendulum arm where the spin-bob
> wheel is physically attached, where the breaks are applied.
> Second scenario: The swinging of the pendulum arm where the spin-bob
> is NOT physically attached, where the breaks are not applied.
> Due to the significantly increased radius size of the spin-bob wheel
> it should now be much easier to visualize the speed of the swinging
> pendulum when the spin-bob wheel is physically attached, as well as
> when the spin-bob wheel isn't attached. You should be able to more
> easily visualize the fact that the pendulum arm will swing
> back-and-forth much more slowly when the spin-bob wheel is attached
> than when the spin-bob wheel is NOT physically attached (with the
> breaks applied). This is due to the fact that the physically-attached
> spin-bob wheel is behaving like a huge flywheel where you have to
> exert some physical effort at its central core to spin it up, as well
> as exerting the same amount of effort in reverse to bring the wheel
> back to a standstill. This is due to the inherent inertia of the mass
> of the spin-bob. The longer the radius, (bigger diameter) the more
> inherent inertia will be introduced into the system. OTOH, if the
> spin-bob is not physically attached (and can spin freely
> independently), then the pendulum arm is free to swing back and forth
> much more quickly because it is no longer hampered by the additional
> torque coming from the spin-bob wheel.

I don't know if you saw it but I added this explanation to the page as to
why the bob will start to spin when the brake is released: At the bottom of
the swing the velocity of the bottom of the bob is greater than the velocity
of the top of the bob with respect to the pivot at the top of the arm.
Releasing the brake at the bottom of the swing allows the different
velocities to torque the bob around the bob's centre.

It also worthwhile to note that there is a theorem which states that the
period of a pendulum depends on the distance from the centre of mass of the
bob to the pivot point and is independent of the total mass of the bob.
I think you need to consider this in your analysis.

> If you can visual this, then take the thought experiment to the next
> logical step and visualize what happens if you have the spin-bob
> wheel's breaks on during the time the pendulum arm is swinging down to
> the bottom of the curve. Then, release the breaks on the spin-bob
> wheel at the bottom of the swing, (which is also where I believe your
> thought processes may need to be revised!), which is also the maximum
> speed of the pendulum arm. What happens next is that the pendulum arm
> will continue swinging forward but it will NOT SWING BACK ANYWHERE
> NEAR to the same height as where the pendulum arm had originally
> started when it had been attached to the spin-bob wheel. This is due
> to the fact that the pendulum arm is not spinning at the required
> speed to get it back to the same height, specifically the required
> speed we had previously measured when the spin-bob wheel was never
> attached. The pendulum arm has to be spinning much faster.
> Consequently, the pendulum arm no longer has the added stored energy
> (or inertia assist) from the spin-bob wheel to "assist" the pendulum
> arm back up to the same height.

Based on my own qualitative analysis, the swing of the bob could
only be reduced by friction.

The spin of the bob does not slow the swing of the bob because both axis of
rotation are parallel. It would only slow the swing if the
bob's spin axis were not parallel, e.g. if the bob was turned 90 degrees
so that it was facing into the swing.

> Regrettably, there is no additional energy being made here.
> Praise LoTD!
> Well... we'll see about that. ;-)



[Vo]:Re: Splitting the Positive

2007-09-01 Thread Michel Jullian
Hi Horace

Two antiparallel zener diodes (not zenier) behave just like two antiparallel 
normal diodes: whatever the current direction one of the diodes is forward 
biased, so the voltage drop is the forward voltage drop rather than the 0.7V 
zener breakdown voltage you specified.

Talking about which, how did you determine the 0.7V common value, and shouldn't 
it be different for Z1 and Z2???


- Original Message - 
From: "Horace Heffner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Splitting the Positive

> Figure 4 had a slight error, corrected below
>   Z1
>  O---|>|O
>  |  |
>  |Z2|
>  O---|<|O---R---O---O
>  |  |
>  O---O-CO
>  Fig. 4 - Simplified circuit diagram of
>   electrolysis interface Xi

- Original Message - 
From: "Horace Heffner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Splitting the Positive

> Figure 3 is a simplified circuit diagram of both the tetrode and the  
> dual triode electrolysis cells.  The elements Xi are electrolyte- 
> electrode interfaces, exploded in Figure 4. Z1 and 2 are zenier  
> diodes with approximately a 0.7 V breakdown potential.

Re: [Vo]:Laddermill Demo Success

2007-09-01 Thread OrionWorks
The laddermill is a great concept and I'm glad the demo was a great
success. However, I find myself often suspecting that the biggest
impediment to this kind of technology ever being taken seriously is
not that it's been proven feasible, but that it simply looks too weird
to be taken seriously, particularly as a viable AE source.

One of the biggest lessons I've had to learn in my life this time
around is that conformity to a fixed set of ideas has a tendency to
dictate society's ability to envision the possibilities of our future
far more stringently than what what my own personal predilections
would opt for.

"A string of kites? Kites are children's toys!"

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen

2007-09-01 Thread Harry Veeder
Monotone eventually becomes monotonous.

On 1/9/2007 8:54 AM, PHILIP WINESTONE wrote:

Hmmm... the more I hear "green" the more I turn green when I hear the word


- Original Message 
From: R.C.Macaulay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 1, 2007 8:42:46 AM
Subject: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen

Howdy Vorts,

As election year approaches we can expect to see new green energy schemes at
dime a dozen rates.  Speaking of dime, we don't take paper stock for drinks.

It's not the great bouy design, it's not the power derived by wave
action. it's the maintenance and harsh weather that eats your lunch in
ocean environments. Like keeping a high maintenance woman, shows off well on
Wall Street.   Well... err... unless.. that is the underlying purpose. The
more I hear "green" , the more I suspect it means the color of the money and
not the landscape. 


Re: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen

2007-09-01 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
Hmmm... the more I hear "green" the more I turn green when I hear the word 


- Original Message 
From: R.C.Macaulay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 1, 2007 8:42:46 AM
Subject: [VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen


P.msoNormal {
 "Times New Roman";}
LI.msoNormal {
 "Times New Roman";}

Howdy Vorts,


As election year approaches we can expect to see new green energy schemes 
at dime a dozen rates.  Speaking of dime, we don't take paper stock for 

It's not the great bouy design, it's not the power derived by wave 
action. it's the maintenance and harsh weather that eats your lunch in 
environments. Like keeping a high maintenance woman, shows off well on Wall 
Street.   Well... err... unless.. that is the underlying purpose. The 
more I hear "green" , the more I suspect it means the color of the money and 
the landscape.


[VO]: Energy schemes,dime a dozen

2007-09-01 Thread R.C.Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts,

As election year approaches we can expect to see new green energy schemes at 
dime a dozen rates.  Speaking of dime, we don't take paper stock for drinks. 

It's not the great bouy design, it's not the power derived by wave action. 
it's the maintenance and harsh weather that eats your lunch in ocean 
environments. Like keeping a high maintenance woman, shows off well on Wall 
Street.   Well... err... unless.. that is the underlying purpose. The more I 
hear "green" , the more I suspect it means the color of the money and not the 
