Re: [Vo]:Important new Storms paper uploaded

2007-11-10 Thread Horace Heffner

On Nov 9, 2007, at 6:28 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:


Storms, E. and B. Scanlan. Radiation Produced By Glow Discharge In  
Deuterium. in 8th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen /  
Deuterium Loaded Metals. 2007. Sicily, Italy.

Some speculation follows.

This experiment is vaguely reminiscent of the early Kamada et al  
experiments, which showed a dependency on flux, i.e. current density,  
and which were also highly reproducible.   It is unfortunate the  
implantation and electron beam energies Kamada used were not  
substantially reduced so as to see the effect of shallow  
implantation.   It is of interest the clear but not noted involvement  
of oxygen in the Kamada experiments due to the fact an oxide layer  
exists on the surface of aluminum.   Kamada gives a key electron flux  
as 1x10^19 electrons/(cm^2*s) for generating excess heat, which I  
calculate to be a bout 1.6 A/cm^2.  Interestingly, he obtained  
similar results with H vs D for nuclear events, but excess heat only  
for D.  His control for the nuclear events experiment was therefore  
electron bombardment of a non-loaded aluminum target.   The control  
for the excess heat experiment was H loading vs D loading.

The interesting thing about the Kamada experiments is the separation  
of the effects of loading vs electron flux.  Though the energy levels  
differ considerably, it is difficult to not speculate that the Kamada  
energy levels were not critical, that the critical electron kinetic  
energy might be well below 1000V, and that  the excess electron  
energy simply, by electron-electron collision, resulted in a lower  
energy and higher flux at depth, and would be unnecessary for a  
shallow depth target.  This then leads to the prospect of use of high  
current reverse polarity (cathode momentarily becomes anode) pulses  
to generate excess heat in the continually and superficially loaded  
oxygen containing cathode.  Such an approach might avoid the need for  
special surface deformations which change the local flux.   Kamada  
observed metal melting in selected spots in about 10 seconds of  
electron flux.  Use of fast high current density pulses of 10 A/cm^2  
or more,  an order of magnitude larger at the surface, interlaced  
with H/D loading at opposite polarity, might make such excess heat  
processes more uniform and less destructive on average.

A summary of the referenced Kamada experiments follows.

The 1992 (Kamada) results showed  1.3 MeV or greater 4He (about 80  

and 0.4 MeV or greater P (about 20 percent) tracks using Al loaded with
*either* H or D.  The electron beam energy used was 200 and 400 keV.   

or D3+ ions were implanted with an energy of 90 keV into Al films.  The
implantation was done at a fluence of 10^17 (H+ or D+)/cm^2 using a
Cockcroft Walton type accelerator. The Al foil used would pass 200 keV
electrons. It was bombarded in a HITACHI HU-500 with a beam current  
of 300
to 400 nA with a beam size of roughly 4x10^-5 cm^2, or (4-6)x10^16 e/ 

flux electron beam. The area the beam passedthrough was roughly 2x10^-3
cm^2. Total bombarding time was 40 m. The Al target was a 5 mm dia.  
disk 1
mm thick, but chemically thinned.  The particle detectors were 10 mm  
x 15

mm x 1 mm CR-39 polymer plastic detectors supplied by Tokuyama Soda Co.
Ltd.  Great care was taken to avoid radon gas exposure.  Detectors  
were set
horizontally on either side of the beam 20 mm above the target and  
two were

set vertically one above the other 20 mm to the side of the target but
starting at the elevation of the target and going upward (beam source
upward from target). The detectors were etched with 6N KOH at 70 deg.  
C for

2 h. at a rate of 2.7 um/h.  Energies and species were determined by
comparison of traces by optical microscope with traces of known origin.
Traces on the backsides of the detectors were found to be at background
level.  Background was determined by runing the experiment with Al films
not loaded with H or D.  Four succesive repititions of the experiment at
the 200 keV level were run to confirm the reproducibiliy of the  

There was a roughly 100 count above background in each detector, or 1340
total estimated per run for the H-H reaction. A slightly higher rate was
indicated for the D-D reaction.  This is a rate of 5x10-15 events per
electron, or 2x10^14 electrons per event.  However, the fusion events  
hydrogen pair in the target is 2.8x10^-12 events/H-H pair.  The  
events per

collision based on the stimulation energy was calculated to be 10-12 to
10-26 times less than the observed events.

The 1996 results (Kamada, Kinoshita, Takahashi) involved similar
proceedures but bombardment was at 175 keV using a TEM which
simulataneously was used for taking images of the target.  Transformed
(melted) regions with linear dimensions of about 100 nm were observed  

indicated heat evolvement of 

[VO]: ITER (the way) What if?

2007-11-10 Thread R.C.Macaulay

Howdy Vorts,
Notice the carefully constructed descriptive words used in the below web links 
What if the intended purpose of ITER differs from the announced intentions? Who 
could discern and what could that purpose be? Can an  conclusion be drawn that 
LENR work is in conflict with ITER work? If in conflict, does this give reason 
for their opposition to LENR research? Are LENR researchers devoting time 
,money and energy toward opposing ITER ?
Inquiring minds wish to know.

A proposed international experimental fusion reactor based on the tokamak 
concept. ITER's mission is to demonstrate the scientific and technological 
feasibility of fusion energy ... 

Ministers from the seven Parties of the international nuclear fusion project 
ITER (China, European Union, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian 
Federation and the United States of America) came together  November 21,2006  
to sign the agreement to establish the international Organization that will 
implement the ITER fusion energy project.The study of burning plasmas has been 
identified as the next major step in the world fusion program. The worldwide 
community of fusion researchers has reached a consensus that the scientific and 
technological basis is sufficient to proceed to a burning plasma experiment — 
one in which the plasma is heated predominantly by alpha particles produced in 
deuterium-tritium fusion reactions. 

An unprecedented international collaboration of scientists and engineers has 
performed needed research and development and designed a burning plasma 
experiment called ITER, which in Latin means the way. The fusion power 
produced by ITER will be at least 10 times greater than the external power 
delivered to heat the plasma. 

The United States has joined the European Union, Japan, the Russian Federation, 
China, Korea, and India in negotiations for the establishment of the ITER Joint 
Implementation Agreement. 

ITER will be built in Cadarache, France, with operation beginning by the end of 
2016. Additional information can be found at 
Blank Bkgrd.gif

Re: [Vo]:Important new Storms paper uploaded

2007-11-10 Thread Edmund Storms

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Nov 9, 2007, at 6:28 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:


Storms, E. and B. Scanlan. Radiation Produced By Glow Discharge In 
Deuterium. in 8th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen / 
Deuterium Loaded Metals. 2007. Sicily, Italy.

Apparently, a variety of nuclear reactions can be initiated on or in a 
solid provided the right conditions, i.e. NAE, are present. The 
question is, what is the universal condition that is required and what 
is the underlying mechanism?  So far, none of the proposed theories 
being applied to CF have answered this question. Each theory can only be 
applied to a small subset of conditions being shown to produce the 
reactions. I would hope that clever people who are trying to explain CF 
would stop wasting their time and start looking at all aspects of the 
real world.  I throw out this challenge in the hope that someone will 
make the effort.

Thanks, Horace, for describing this very interesting work. Kamada was 
obviously not initiating the reaction we are seeing, but the mechanism 
is probably the same. The question is, which of the many conditions that 
are being applied is actually important and is essential to making the 
nuclear reactions occur?


Some speculation follows.

This experiment is vaguely reminiscent of the early Kamada et al 
experiments, which showed a dependency on flux, i.e. current density, 
and which were also highly reproducible.   It is unfortunate the 
implantation and electron beam energies Kamada used were not 
substantially reduced so as to see the effect of shallow implantation.  
 It is of interest the clear but not noted involvement of oxygen in the 
Kamada experiments due to the fact an oxide layer exists on the surface 
of aluminum.   Kamada gives a key electron flux as 1x10^19 
electrons/(cm^2*s) for generating excess heat, which I calculate to be a 
bout 1.6 A/cm^2.  Interestingly, he obtained similar results with H vs D 
for nuclear events, but excess heat only for D.  His control for the 
nuclear events experiment was therefore electron bombardment of a 
non-loaded aluminum target.   The control for the excess heat experiment 
was H loading vs D loading.   

The interesting thing about the Kamada experiments is the separation of 
the effects of loading vs electron flux.  Though the energy levels 
differ considerably, it is difficult to not speculate that the Kamada 
energy levels were not critical, that the critical electron kinetic 
energy might be well below 1000V, and that  the excess electron energy 
simply, by electron-electron collision, resulted in a lower energy and 
higher flux at depth, and would be unnecessary for a shallow depth 
target.  This then leads to the prospect of use of high current reverse 
polarity (cathode momentarily becomes anode) pulses to generate excess 
heat in the continually and superficially loaded oxygen containing 
cathode.  Such an approach might avoid the need for special surface 
deformations which change the local flux.   Kamada observed metal 
melting in selected spots in about 10 seconds of electron flux.  Use of 
fast high current density pulses of 10 A/cm^2 or more,  an order of 
magnitude larger at the surface, interlaced with H/D loading at opposite 
polarity, might make such excess heat processes more uniform and less 
destructive on average.

A summary of the referenced Kamada experiments follows.

The 1992 (Kamada) results showed  1.3 MeV or greater 4He (about 80 percent)
and 0.4 MeV or greater P (about 20 percent) tracks using Al loaded with
*either* H or D.  The electron beam energy used was 200 and 400 keV.  H3+
or D3+ ions were implanted with an energy of 90 keV into Al films.  The
implantation was done at a fluence of 10^17 (H+ or D+)/cm^2 using a
Cockcroft Walton type accelerator. The Al foil used would pass 200 keV
electrons. It was bombarded in a HITACHI HU-500 with a beam current of 300
to 400 nA with a beam size of roughly 4x10^-5 cm^2, or (4-6)x10^16 e/cm^2/s
flux electron beam. The area the beam passedthrough was roughly 2x10^-3
cm^2. Total bombarding time was 40 m. The Al target was a 5 mm dia. disk 1
mm thick, but chemically thinned.  The particle detectors were 10 mm x 15
mm x 1 mm CR-39 polymer plastic detectors supplied by Tokuyama Soda Co.
Ltd.  Great care was taken to avoid radon gas exposure.  Detectors were set
horizontally on either side of the beam 20 mm above the target and two were
set vertically one above the other 20 mm to the side of the target but
starting at the elevation of the target and going upward (beam source
upward from target). The detectors were etched with 6N KOH at 70 deg. C for
2 h. at a rate of 2.7 um/h.  Energies and species were determined by
comparison of traces by optical microscope with traces of known origin.
Traces on the backsides of the detectors were found to be at background
level.  Background was determined by runing the experiment with 

[Vo]:conical motion based on walter russell

2007-11-10 Thread Esa Ruoho

Conical spheres based on Walter Russell and found in the archives of the
University of Science and Philosophy.


Re: [Vo]:JFK and Free Energy

2007-11-10 Thread Esa Ruoho
so around 1961, the russells  had managed to draw electricity by utilizing
the angles of specific two conical coils with centripetal and centrifugal
coils of specific widths, and to thus alter the contents of a test-tube in
order to produce specific different conditions (=elements), and to also
extract energy from them. decent.

On 06/11/2007, Esa Ruoho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sorry to show that i really dont know when jfk was around and stuff, but
 does this have anything to do with walter russell, norad, and  walter
 russell's dually sexed conical coils for extracting energy from the
 vacuum? roughly end of 1950s to beginning of 1960s (russell dies in 1962)

 On 06/11/2007, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Now here's an interesting twist.  In the last three minutes of this
  vid, Gordon Novel and Jack Sarfatti tell why they think that Kennedy
  was killed:  David and Henry did not want free energy released on the



Re: [Vo]:Fractional quantum states

2007-11-10 Thread Horace Heffner

On Nov 10, 2007, at 7:21 AM, Mark Goldes wrote:


NET = New Energy Times

Oh!  [ Slaps forehead!]  Sorry!  8^)

Horace Heffner

Re: [VO]: ITER (the way) What if?

2007-11-10 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  R.C.Macaulay's message of Sat, 10 Nov 2007 07:48:34 -0600:
An unprecedented international collaboration of scientists and engineers has 
performed needed research and development and designed a burning plasma 
experiment called ITER, which in Latin means the way. The fusion power 
produced by ITER will be at least 10 times greater than the external power 
delivered to heat the plasma. 
IOW they expect it to be a net energy producer. That means they are going to
need to cool it. The only way this * isn't * going to be a commercial energy
producer is if the output temperature is so low that the Carnot efficiency is
less than 10%.

Of course they still have all those fast neutrons to contend with. (T


Robin van Spaandonk

The shrub is a plant.

[Vo]:Maglev Wind Generators

2007-11-10 Thread Terry Blanton
I assume they are speaking of magnetic bearings?

Solly, no piccys.


Re: [Vo]:Maximizing NR

2007-11-10 Thread Terry Blanton
On Nov 10, 2007 2:30 PM, Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Keep this page bookmarked (if you can't view it, you may need to join
 the forum) for future reference, as it may be an important link to the
 future of alternative energy... but to make things more dramatic, I am
 NOT going to divulge why this board may be important. Yet.

A la the Correa patent?


[Vo]:Macy story interesting but unimportant

2007-11-10 Thread Jed Rothwell
Once again, as he did with Russ George, Steve Krivit has done a credible job 
delving into the background of a person related to cold fusion. This field 
certainly does attract strange people! However, we need all the help we can 
get, and I welcome the oddballs. Macy's resume may be somewhat inflated and her 
background may be a tad unseemly, but I do not think that matters. Two reasons:

First, she can do no harm. Nothing that anyone can say or do could possibly 
make this field more disreputable than it already is. We are already the 
targets of as much derision and hate as the prostitutes Macy worked with 
previously; we have no reputation to defend or worry about. An enlightened 
person never worries about his social reputation in any case.

Second, if she does a good job interviewing people and preserving data, that 
will be helpful and her background will be irrelevant. Or, if she does a bad 
job, no one will pay any attention, and her background will be ignored.

I do have one reservation about Macy. Given her background working with 
prostitutes, she might be better qualified to interview plasma fusion 
researchers than our crowd.

On a more serious note, Krivit mentioned a possible sexual relationship. This 
is uncalled for. It is even more uncalled for in the early 21st century than it 
was at the height of the Victorian era, for opposite reasons: back then it hurt 
the reputation of the person in the relationship, but nowadays it reflects 
badly on the person reporting the news, because most of us think this is none 
of our damn business. Actually, most wealthy and upper class people back in 
Victorian era felt the same way, and they were more discrete about these things 
than you might think from watching Masterpiece Theater. I used to know many 
people raised in the late 19th and early 20th century, and most of them struck 
me as more knowledgeable, sensible, broadminded and discrete about sex than 
modern people are. The Lewinsky scandal would have been unthinkable in earlier 
times, even though the presidents such as JFK and FDR had far more expansive 
sex lives than Clinton ever did. In those days people, especially reporters and 
politicians, knew how to mind their own business and keep quiet.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Maximizing NR

2007-11-10 Thread Jones Beene

Terry Blanton wrote:

A la the Correa patent?

Dunno. Maybe a similar principle insofar as the NR part goes, but IMHO 
you must have a *series circuit* of many of these thing going, and tuned 
to the particular inductor, and not a single unit.

Why? Quien sabe? You have read the Pavel Imris patent, no? Getting all 
of the interlocking parameters correct is as much art as science, and it 
requires a tinkerer with wide experience (and lots of parts) who can try 
dozens of different combinations and variations on the theme, per day 
(or per hour). And did I mention lots of patience and determination, 
against unwarranted criticism?

Too bad for the Correas that they did not did not take the path 
(strategy) of encouraging a massive level of open experimentation by 
others, but instead remained secretive and committed to super sizing 
their device. They may have seen glimpses of the same effect but should 
have read the Imris patent and delved into limited open-sourcing.

I agree that this has not been fully open sourced as Sterling Allan 
would have defined that term, but nevertheless, getting a wide variety 
of different experimenters in on the act, on four continents, is what 
has taken this over the top so very quickly. Perhaps there is a 
controlled level of open sourcing which is preferable to letting any 
and all nut-cases into the party...


[Vo]:NET Scratches?

2007-11-10 Thread Jones Beene

No it is NOT Terry's cat loose in the lab ;-)

Lost in the long (but important) Galileo Project report is the issue of 
so-called scratch marks about 2/3 of the way down this page:

Since we have some good visual and interpretive people who are often 
tuned into Vo - does anyone have a firm opinion about whether there is a 
mundane explanation for the tracks, or not?

Seriously, the bulk of this data cannot be attributed to anything but 
nuclear reactions, can it?


Re: [Vo]:NET Scratches?

2007-11-10 Thread Terry Blanton
On Nov 10, 2007 5:41 PM, Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No it is NOT Terry's cat loose in the lab ;-)

Better hope not, he survived Schrödinger.
attachment: 666Maxx.jpg

Re: [Vo]:Macy story interesting but unimportant

2007-11-10 Thread R.C.Macaulay

Jeds wrote..

First, she can do no harm. Nothing that anyone can say or do could possibly 
make this field more disreputable than it already is. We are already the 
targets of as much derision and hate as the prostitutes Macy worked with 
previously; we have no reputation to defend or worry about. An enlightened 
person never worries about his social reputation in any case.

Howdy Jed,

Miss Manners would disagree, Jed, after all , a girl must keep her lace 
straight while in public, else it could be suspected  that  NOT all cats 
are gray in the dark. I tend to agree with Jones.. it did add a little 

What I found worthy of reporting is the comment by Frank Gordon.


Qoutation..  Frank Gordon ..I think the Galileo Project group addressed 
several of the issues that caused the initial confrontation between 
Fleischmann and Pons and the rest of the scientific community: 
repeatability, reproducibility.

The Galileo Project, in one coordinated effort, has answered many of the 
questions that caused most of the early problems for this field. And while 
I'm at it, let me give credit to New Energy Institute for its leadership on 
this project.

Re: [VO]: ITER (the way) What if?

2007-11-10 Thread Steven Krivit

 The fusion power produced by ITER will be at least 10 times greater than 
the external power delivered to heat the plasma.

The fusion power produced

Translation: The calculated energy of the fusion reaction inside the 
chamber. Does not mean power captured and carried outside of the 
experimental chamber.

Not mentioned: How many milliseconds such a burn will be able to last.

Not mentioned: The rep rate of the experiment's ability to produce this 10x 

Not mentioned: When they expect to get the first reactor online that 
provides the proof of concept of a practical device. 2018?

Not mentioned: When they expect to get the first reactor online that 
provides the first commercial production of power.

An unprecedented international collaboration

Translation: This part is ambiguous. It could mean the biggest scientific 
collaboration or it could mean the biggest boondoggle in scientific 
history. Who knows?


Re: [VO]: ITER (the way) What if?

2007-11-10 Thread Jones Beene

Steven Krivit wrote:

An unprecedented international collaboration

Translation: This part is ambiguous. It could mean the biggest 
scientific collaboration or it could mean the biggest boondoggle in 
scientific history. Who knows?

Steve, are you actually suggesting that this could be a larger drain of 
resources and an even bigger boondoggle than the previous 40 years of 
Hot-Fusion-Idiocy ?

That would be hard to top. How could you?

Think about it, folks ... if... if in your wildest and most despicable, 
greed-laden nightmare, you somehow lost all moral grounding and were 
transformed into an oil conglomerate (OPEC co-conspirator) and were 
ever-diligent in conspiring to keep innovative concepts in alternative 
energy *out of play* in the public arena -

...then how better could you accomplish that slimy goal then to drain 
all the available government resources into a dead-in-the-water project 
like this hot fusion fiasco ... of course, scientifically rationalized 
by your (paid-off PhD) yes-men, and one that has zero proven chance of 
commercial viability, due to extremely high cost and substandard results???

Geeze give the poor ignorant taxpayer a break ... as Snuffy sez: enuf is 


Re: [Vo]:conical motion based on walter russell

2007-11-10 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Esa Ruoho's message of Sat, 10 Nov 2007 17:11:39 +0200:

Cute, but no conservation of angular momentum.

Conical spheres based on Walter Russell and found in the archives of the
University of Science and Philosophy.

Robin van Spaandonk

The shrub is a plant.

Re: [VO]: ITER (the way) What if?

2007-11-10 Thread Steven Krivit

The what? To where?