[Vo]:Gravitational Pair Creation article updated

2009-11-23 Thread Horace Heffner

My Gravitational Pair Creation article has been updated:



The most significant update is the adding of this section:


If particles are created in quartets then it is easy to see how black  
holes emit opposed mass charge matter as well as radiation.  Each  
quartet has two pairs of particles, each pair with opposed mass  
charge.  When a pair annihilates, it creates two photons having the  
same gravitational mass charge as the original pair.  However, the  
photons have no charge to hold them back from exiting the vicinity of  
the remaining pair.   If the photons have the same gravitational  
charge as the black hole, they are absorbed into the singularity,  
increasing its gravitational charge.   If the photons have opposed  
gravitational charge, then they ar ejected from the black hole with  
additional energy added.

Suppose a quartet of electron-positron particles is created from the  
vacuum in the interior of a black hole, one  pair having 2 *(+i)*(511  
keV/c^2)  gravitational charge, the other 2 *(-i)*(511 keV/c^2)  
gravitational charge.   The black hole has mass +i*M. If one pair of  
the quartet, say the pair having 2 *(+i)*(511 keV/c^2)  gravitational  
charge annihilates, then the two resulting 511 keV photons will be  
absorbed by the singularity.  The remaining pair, if they annihilate,  
will create a pair of 511 keV photons which will be expelled at high  
energy from the black hole, otherwise, both particles will be  
expelled.   If the quartet creation event  occurs at radius r from  
the singularity, then the ejected mass/energy  in either case will be

   U= G*m*M/r = G*(2*511 keV/c^2)*M/r

If a quartet is  created at a radius of 1 m from the singularity of a  
black hole of mass of 1000 suns then the energy created for each  
member of the ejected pair is:

   U= G*m*M/r = G*(511 keV/c^2)*(1000)*(1.9891x10^30 kg)/(1 m)

   U = 1.20904x10^-7 J = 7.54624 x 10^11 eV

The Schwarzschild radius of a black hole is given by:

   R_s = 2*G*M/c^2

The kinetic energy of a pair particle,  ejected at the Schwarzschild  
radius is:

   U_s = G*m*M/(R_s) = G*m*M/(2*G*M/c^2)  = (1/2)*m*c^2

which for an electron or positron is the kinetic energy:

   U_s = (1/2)*(511 keV/c^2)*c^2 = (1/2) 511 keV = 255.5 keV

For a photon, we add that gravitational potential energy to its  
original 511 keV energy, to arrive at 766.5 keV as the lowest energy  
photons to be emitted from within the Schwarzschild radius of any  
black hole, and as seen at large distance.   That is a frequency of  
1.8533 x 10^20 Hz, and wavelength of 1.6175 x 10^-12 m.  The relation  
of flux to energy is inverse cubic.  That is because the volume from  
which a given energy is emitted is proportional to the cube of the  
radius at which the emission occurs, and vacuum fluctuation  
quantities per unit of time are proportional to the volume of vacuum  
involved.   The largest flux of photons from within any black hole  
will thus be at about 767 keV.  The cutoff energy is limited only by  
the shortest feasible radius at which quartet fluctuations can occur.

The luminosity of a black hole grows in proportion to its volume  
which means in proportion to its Schwarzschild radius cubed, and thus  
its mass cubed, i.e.:

   Luminosity ~  (2*G*M/c^2)^3  ~ M^3

Unfortunately, it is not certain this photon flux will be visible.   
The photons represent negative energy to the locality of the black  
hole if the mass of the black hole is of the same sign as the  
locality it is in.  In other words, black holes emit photons and  
particles which have repelling gravitational characteristics.   If an  
approaching black hole has ordinary gravity to us, we might not be  
able to see it except for the glow of any inward falling mass.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:DIY electrolytic cell / fuel cell rechargeable battery

2009-11-23 Thread Michel Jullian
See: http://sci-toys.com/scitoys/scitoys/echem/fuel_cell/fuel_cell.html

I had no idea an ultraclean rechargeable battery could be done so simply!

- One foot of platinum coated nickel wire, or pure platinum wire.
Since this is not a common household item, we carry platinum coated
nickel wire in our catalog.
- A popsickle stick or similar small piece of wood or plastic.
- A 9 volt battery clip.
- A 9 volt battery.
- Some transparent sticky tape.
- A glass of water.
- A volt meter.

H2 and O2 are produced by short electrolysis runs, after which the
bubbles clinging to the electrodes are catalytically recombined by the
electrode surface material (platinum) to generate electricity :)

1/ The article features nice explanations of how it works, but how
does it _really_ work? In particular, in the generating (fuel cell)
phase, they don't say what makes the positive hydrogen ions climb
uphill from the negative electrode to the positive one, anyone can
explain this miracle? ;-)

2/ It seems to me a much higher capacity (and perhaps even practical)
rechargeable battery could be made by using a hydrogen
absorbing/desorbing material e.g. Pd for the negative electrode, and
by making gaseous oxygen available at the anode. Storing the latter is
not required of course, O2 from the air is fine... maybe a floating
support which would keep a grid or flat serpentine shaped positive
electrode at the surface of the water or just below?


Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion bombs

2009-11-23 Thread Jed Rothwell

Taylor J. Smith wrote:

Try Bible-dipping and find By their works you shall know 
them.  Are they doing a terrible job?  Do you think it is some 
accident that there has been very little US government funding for 
cold fusion research since the announcement by Pons and Fleischmann in 1989?

Of course not. Everyone knows that this research has been suppressed 
since 1989. However, the people suppressing it are academic 
scientists at the APS and the DoE, not secret government agents. The 
methods they use include things like:

Ridicule in the mass media.

Publishing books attacking the research.

Rejecting papers without peer-review.

Reassigning distinguished scientists such as Miles to menial tasks, 
and trying to fire Bockris.

The methods do not include things like Men in Black harassing me. 
(With the possible exception that someone at Google may be 
deliberately preventing their search engine from indexing the DIA document.)

The dispute is driven by academic politics, not national security 
concerns. People at the national security and intelligence agencies, 
other than the DIA, all believe that cold fusion was never replicated 
and there is no truth to it. The skeptics are all convinced there is 
nothing to it. It isn't as if they fear it might work after all, so 
they have redoubled their efforts. The thought that they might be 
mistaken has never crossed their minds. That much I am sure of, based 
on many encounters with them.

Do you think that all the savage attacks
on cold fusion have been motivated by altruism?  Or is
it possible that some of the sceptics are hired guns?

Why would anyone bother to hire people to do this? Any number of 
people such as Taubes, Huizenga, Close and Park are anxious to do it 
for free. Actually, Taubes is doing it for money. That's what he told 
some cold fusion researchers. The Men in Black need not pay him; 
Random House did. The American Nuclear Society paid Hoffman a large 
sum to write his book. I think it was $120,000. Why should the Men in 
Black pay secret hired guns when Random House and the American 
Nuclear Society are openly paying authors to trash the research? The 
Scientific American, the New Scientist and Nature trash it for fun, 
or to sell magazines.

Attacking cold fusion has been profitable and enjoyable to the 
skeptics. It has enhanced their reputations and furthered their 
careers. Taubes is a certified idiot who does not understand the 
first thing about electricity, yet he persuaded four Nobel laureates 
and the head of the AAAS to plug his book, in the back cover blurb. 
That's a huge favor! A fifth rate hack like him would never score 
these blurbs by attacking some other research. There is plenty of 
motivation and opportunity to attack cold fusion. There is no need to 
postulate someone behind the scenes pulling strings or paying off 
people such as Taubes.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:DIY electrolytic cell / fuel cell rechargeable battery

2009-11-23 Thread Horace Heffner

On Nov 23, 2009, at 2:48 AM, Michel Jullian wrote:

See: http://sci-toys.com/scitoys/scitoys/echem/fuel_cell/ 

I had no idea an ultraclean rechargeable battery could be done so  

- One foot of platinum coated nickel wire, or pure platinum wire.
Since this is not a common household item, we carry platinum coated
nickel wire in our catalog.
- A popsickle stick or similar small piece of wood or plastic.
- A 9 volt battery clip.
- A 9 volt battery.
- Some transparent sticky tape.
- A glass of water.
- A volt meter.

It seems to me a small amount of lye would help the reaction along.   
No matter, the intent is apparently not to create a working cell,  
i.e. generate power, it is merely to generate a voltage.

I see they sell the wire for $14.41 plus shipping.  A bulk source for  
wire and mesh might be:


H2 and O2 are produced by short electrolysis runs, after which the
bubbles clinging to the electrodes are catalytically recombined by the
electrode surface material (platinum) to generate electricity :)

1/ The article features nice explanations of how it works, but how
does it _really_ work? In particular, in the generating (fuel cell)
phase, they don't say what makes the positive hydrogen ions climb
uphill from the negative electrode to the positive one, anyone can
explain this miracle? ;-)

2/ It seems to me a much higher capacity (and perhaps even practical)
rechargeable battery could be made by using a hydrogen
absorbing/desorbing material e.g. Pd for the negative electrode, and
by making gaseous oxygen available at the anode. Storing the latter is
not required of course, O2 from the air is fine... maybe a floating
support which would keep a grid or flat serpentine shaped positive
electrode at the surface of the water or just below?


The explanation looks bogus to me. I think the cell works by  
reversible reactions, not recombination.

Bockris states that conduction in an electrochemical cell in the  
volume between the interface layers is almost entirely due to  
concentration gradients. That is because almost all the potential  
drop is in the interface layers themselves.  The E field in the bulk  
of the cell is very small.

I expect the cell actually operates by creating even *more* bubbles,  
not consuming the gas already there in the form of bubbles.

In the course of the brief electrolysis by battery, the volume of  
water around the anode is filled with H3O+ ions, and the volume  
around the cathode is filled with OH- ions. This can actually be  
viewed by use of a dilute electrolyte, plus a pH indicator like  
phenolphthalein, which is colorless in acidic electrolytes, and pink  
in basic solutions.  To do this first add the (liquid)  
phenolphthalein to distilled water.  To view the creation and  
migration of OH- ions: before connecting the battery add a little bit  
of hydrochloric acid to the water, and stir until it just turns  
pink.  When the battery is connected the volume around the cathode (-  
electrode) will turn clear.  HCl can be obtained from some bathroom  
tile cleaners, which are simply hydrochloric acid, HCl.  To view the  
creation and migration of H3O+ ions: before connecting the battery  
add a little bit of lye to the water, and stir.  When the battery is  
connected the volume around the anode (+ electrode) will turn pink.  
It can take a little fooling around with concentrations to get the  
effect to work quickly and dramatically.  The diffusion occurs slowly  
but at a clearly visible pace.

You can demonstrate the reversibility of the reactions by reversing  
the battery.  Note, however, that the diffusion occurs in a somewhat  
random manner.  It doesn't typically blossom out in a perfectly  
spherical or cylindrical manner (depending on the electrode shape).  
Reversing the reaction is thus not a perfect process either.  I tried  
some of this decades ago in a feeble attempt to make a display  
technology. I got a nice red stream of ions coming from a copper  
anode in a basic solution.

In any case I doubt it is actually recombination that causes the  
potential at the electrodes. It is the presence of the high  
concentration of ions in solution that makes the residual potential  
when the battery is disconnected.  The H3O+ ions take on electrons  
through the wire originally releasing hydrogen at the site where the  
hydrogen was generated, the anode, thus making *more* hydrogen  
bubbles. Similarly, the OH- ions donate electrons to make H2O2 and  
*more* O2 at the site where O2 was generated prior.

The meter is probably a 10 megohm meter, meaning registering the 2 V  
potential requires generating 0.2 microamps of current, and thus 0.4  
microwatts of power.  Not much of a fuel cell!

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion bombs

2009-11-23 Thread Horace Heffner

On Nov 23, 2009, at 7:10 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Taylor J. Smith wrote:

Try Bible-dipping and find By their works you shall know them.   
Are they doing a terrible job?  Do you think it is some accident  
that there has been very little US government funding for cold  
fusion research since the announcement by Pons and Fleischmann in  

Of course not. Everyone knows that this research has been  
suppressed since 1989. However, the people suppressing it are  
academic scientists at the APS and the DoE, not secret government  
agents. The methods they use include things like:

Ridicule in the mass media.

Publishing books attacking the research.

Rejecting papers without peer-review.

Reassigning distinguished scientists such as Miles to menial tasks,  
and trying to fire Bockris.

Let's not forget suppression of patents, at least in the US.  That  
kills off industrial development and research investment within the  
US, at least somewhat.  Though probably instigated by pathological  
skeptic academics, it is still an official governmental agency policy.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:updated my theory for relativistic fractional states

2009-11-23 Thread froarty572

The Hydrino as defined by Dr Randell Mills has a real fractional quantum 
state where the orbital is claimed to be smaller than the Bohr radius. Mills 
claim has been rejected by mainstream physics but an alternate theory by Jan 
Naudts was better received. Naudts proposed that hydrogen atoms inside a 
Casimir cavity could appear to have fractional states from a relativistic 
perspective outside the cavity. His paper,  On the hydrino state of the 
relativistic hydrogen atom  only solved for the case of a nuclear reaction 
many orders of magnitude higher than the controversial 137 fractional states 
claimed by Mills but established a relativistic loophole. Then, In 2007, Ron 
Bourgoin published  Inverse Quantum Mechanics of the Hydrogen Atom  that 
showed the general wave equation predicts exactly the 137 inverse principal 
quantum states indicated by Mills. In a related paper Bourgoin solved for 
orbital velocity as C/n where 1 n 137. The equations he used dictate this 
velocity is only apparent from a relativistic perspective outside the cavity 
and can only be applied to electrons when in different inertial frames. the 
orbital velocity remains unchanged locally inside the same inertial frame. The 
relativistic interpretation is based on  Cavity QED  by Zofia 
Bialynicka-Birula which proposes that Casimir cavities break gravitational 
isotropy. An abrupt equivalence boundary is formed by Casimir plates. The 
displacement of longer slower wavelength vacuum flux in between Casimir 
plates can be re-interpreted as a change in inertial frames simply making them 
appear faster or smaller. ( see animation virtual particle vs. depiction 
changed wavelength ). This puts a relativistic twist on the QED theory of up 
conversion of vacuum flux frequency due to Casimir effect. 

The Mills device and the device proposed by Haisch and Model US Patent 7379286 
- Quantum vacuum energy extraction both exploit the ability of Casimir cavities 
to segregate vacuum fluctuations by wavelength. Even the suppression of 
spontaneous emission of photons in a waveguide can be interpreted as 
relativistic by extension. I am proposing that every depletion zone such as a 
Casimir cavity is balanced by concentration zones. In the case of Casimir 
cavities this occurs naturally in the lattice of the cavity wall but this 
segregation of flux by wavelength can also be accomplished in a microwave 
waveguide. The suppression of spontaneous emission would require atomic 
interaction with concentration zones to slow time as opposed to depletion” 
zones to accelerate time in a Casimir cavity. This theory also gives some 
plausibility to recent claims by Roger Shawyer of an EM drive based on 
relativity where microwaves are supplied into a sealed horn shaped microwave 
cavity to produce reactionless thrust. Shawyer maintains SR comes into play 
because the group velocity at either end of his horn are large fractions of the 
speed of light creating a tiny differential in radiation pressure which he 
claims can be multiplied by the Q of his microwave cavity. His microwave source 
and geometry may amount to a powered segregation of these depletion and 
concentration zones allowing us to drive vacuum fluctuations as opposed to 
being driven in a Casimir cavity. 

I am proposing that Casimir force is actually the engine behind catalytic 
action. I don't accept that the Casimir geometry of the skeletal catalyst 
Rayney Nickel used by Black light power is just a coincidence. I believe that 
all catalytic action is based on Casimir geometry and that the Naudts 
relativistic solution for the hydrino applies to all catalytic action. Recently 
a team at Cornell University filled in an important blank by pinpointing unique 
sites where the reactions take place on SWCNTs the scientists showed that the 
reactions do not occur all along the tubes, but at the ends of the tubes or at 
defects along the tubes. I suggest this applies equally to all Casimir cavities 
in that catalytic action will only occur when the distance between plates 
change. Many of the diverse unexplained phenomena from excess heat to 
suppression of spontaneous emission can be interpreted as the relativistic 
manipulation of vacuum fluctuations. Catalysts cause an increase in the number 
of reactions per unit time while Casimir cavities are observed to have fewer 
long wavelength vacuum fluctuations in between their plates, If we assume 
Naudts proposal regarding a relativistic solution for the Hydrino is correct 
then both the increased number of reactions in a catalyst and fractional 
quantum states of hydrogen are actually relativistic and both effects are based 
on time dilation where the number of reactions and atomic radius are unchanged 
locally and only appear changed to an observer outside the catalyst-cavity. 
This solution based on depletion zones of long vacuum fluctuations inside a 
cavity also suggests suppression of spontaneous emission in a waveguide may be 
due to 

Re: [Vo]:Long interview with Taubes

2009-11-23 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:28 PM 11/22/2009, you wrote:

What a creep! See:


Taubes is not too difficult to understand. Ambitious, and cold fusion 
was intended to be a book that could sell. He jumped to conclusions 
as to the story he wanted to sell, and pursued it and interpreted the 
facts in the light of the story.

He happens to have done a great job with salt and the whole 
fat/cholesterol hypothesis, but obviously a lousy one with cold 
fusion. Looks like he never looked back to review his conclusions, 
and he clearly had an axe to grind from the beginning, from comments 
in the story above.

Feynman's warning was for other people, not for him  

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion bombs

2009-11-23 Thread Jed Rothwell

Horace Heffner wrote:

The methods they use include things like:

Ridicule in the mass media.

Publishing books attacking the research. . . .

Let's not forget suppression of patents, at least in the US.  That
kills off industrial development and research investment within the
US, at least somewhat. . . .

Sure. I have a memo circulated at the Patent Office on June 5, 1989 
instructing inspectors to be on the lookout for fusion patent 
applications, so they can be shunted aside, presumably in order to 
reject them summarily. It does not actually say they will be 
rejected, but they all were.

There are other methods as well. I did mean that was a comprehensive list.

My point is that the suppression has been overt, not covert. The 
methods are obvious to everyone. The people suppressing cold fusion 
are not trying to keep their activities quiet. On the contrary, at 
every opportunity they brag about what they did, in the mass media 
and at conferences.

Though probably instigated by pathological skeptic academics, it is 
still an official governmental agency policy.

It sure is.

- Jed

[Vo]:Sun Catalytix Gets $1M More from Polaris, Exclusive License

2009-11-23 Thread Horace Heffner

Sun Catalytix Gets $1M More from Polaris, Exclusive License:



Polaris Venture Partners has pumped an additional $1 million in seed  
capital into Cambridge, MA-based solar fuel startup Sun Catalytix,  
bringing its total investment in the MIT spinout to $3 million

Metcalfe, a leader of the clean technology practice at Waltham-based  
Polaris, didn’t seem afraid to tell me that Sun Catalytix doesn’t  
have a definite plan for how it plans to bring its technology to  

The startup, which now has five employees, has been focused on  
building systems that can demonstrate how well the technology works  
with different types of water and with larger volumes of water than  
Nocera used in his lab at MIT. (Separate experiments have  
successfully demonstrated the technology using water from the Charles  
River and Boston Harbor, Metcalfe says, but yet another experiment  
that tested antifreeze as an alternative to water for using the  
system in freezing weather didn’t quite work.)
Sun Catalytix is developing several different catalysts to perform a  
water-splitting reaction.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion bombs

2009-11-23 Thread Jed Rothwell

Steven V Johnson wrote:

I'm sure this was stated with tongue firmly implanted in cheek.;-)

Not really. I'd bet even money someone is diddling with the Google's 
search engine. It would be pointless to speculate about who or why.

My apologies if the following speculation has already been discussed 
at length, but isn't it conceivable that Google's search engines 
focus on the data mining of actual text. Since the DIA report is in 
an image/graphic format there is no actual text for  which Google 
can directly index.

Nope. I converted it to image-over-text Acrobat format. Google has 
indexed other documents in this format. Plus there are claims on the 
net that Google OCRs image-only Acrobat files automatically.

Also, it is not finding this text on the HTML main screen at 
LENR-CANR.org. It found this very same text a few days ago, but now 
it has stopped finding it. This is unprecedented as far as I know. 
All HTML text at LENR-CANR has always be indexed and made available.

Therefore, Google is unintentionally blind to its existence.

Honestly, this does not look like a program error to me. I have 
looking at program errors for nigh on 40 years, and this ain't one. 
It reminds me a little of the fake MIT data with 7 or more extra data 
points mysteriously crammed into the first 20 hours. Computers never 
do that sort of thing. See p. 23 here:


If you set out to deceive people, you should not use inept, 
transparent lies. They fooled the skeptics but they only insulted my 
intelligence. It took me 2 seconds to see this was fake. I have never 
had any doubt about it. It could not be inadvertent or  unnoticed. I 
do not know exactly who did it, or when they did it. (I think Gene 
told me it was probably Stanley C. Luckhardt, a co-author to the 
Albagli paper in which this figure appeared.) So I suppose my 
observation would not constitute legal proof. But I think any sane, 
unbiased programmer would agree that the data points have been 
manually changed.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Long interview with Taubes

2009-11-23 Thread William Beaty
On Sun, 22 Nov 2009, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 What a creep! See: http://www.thedailybell.com/BellPage.asp?nid=604

His article fails the basic pseudoscience test ...and he even MENTIONS
this test for detecting pseudoscience!

It might seem quite bizarre at first.  Don't people typically use the
Golden Rule, and apply their criticism also to themselves? But it's not
bizarre, it's just the Scoffers' Fallacy: always maintaining double
standards, and never realizing that you've done so.  Think about it.  If
you apply stringent critical standards only to those you attack, never to
yourself, and you carefully avoid all self-examination, then you'll never
discover your own pathology!  Very devious.

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. Beatyhttp://staff.washington.edu/wbeaty/
beaty chem washington edu   Research Engineer
billbamascicom  UW Chem Dept,  Bagley Hall RM74
206-543-6195Box 351700, Seattle, WA 98195-1700

Re: [Vo]:Long interview with Taubes

2009-11-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Beaty sez:

 What a creep! See: http://www.thedailybell.com/BellPage.asp?nid=604

 His article fails the basic pseudoscience test ...and he even
 MENTIONS this test for detecting pseudoscience!

 It might seem quite bizarre at first.  Don't people typically use
 the Golden Rule, and apply their criticism also to themselves?

Actually, in my experience the opposite is often the case.

 But it's not bizarre, it's just the Scoffers' Fallacy: always
 maintaining double standards, and never realizing that you've done
 so.  Think about it.  If you apply stringent critical standards
 only to those you attack, never to yourself, and you carefully
 avoid all self-examination, then you'll never discover your own
 pathology!  Very devious.

Yeah, but it sure simplifies things. There are books to write! Let's
see now... what should I write about now???

It would appear that Taubes knew all too well which side of the toast
he should butter.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Long interview with Taubes

2009-11-23 Thread Jed Rothwell

William Beaty wrote:

It might seem quite bizarre at first.  Don't people typically use the
Golden Rule, and apply their criticism also to themselves?

They do not, although countless guides to morality say they should. 
Such as: And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's 
eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Along the same lines, scientists are typically supposed to believe 
peer-reviewed journals rather than mass media hype and Internet 
rumors, but in real life they fall for the latter. They are no less 
gullible than other folks, except perhaps in their own narrow 
speciality. Most of the people who condemn cold fusion are from other 
fields, and most have read nothing and understand nothing about the subject.

If you apply stringent critical standards only to those you attack, 
never to yourself, and you carefully avoid all self-examination, 
then you'll never discover your own pathology!  Very devious.

In Taubes' case it is stupid, not devious. Also, his standards are 
anything but stringent. He attacks the researchers for hundreds of 
preposterous made-up reasons, such as his claim on NPR that excess 
heat is an artifact caused by using power supplies that produce less 
electricity on Saturday and Sunday but no one notices. (How does that 
work? Why less electricity? Why wouldn't their instruments catch 
this? Has no one ever measured excess heat on a weekday?)

Huizenga is much smarter that Taubes and somewhat devious. But let's 
put him aside and think for a moment about Leon Ledermann or Burton 
Richter. What are they doing on the back of Taubes' book, praising it 
to the skies? Did they apply stringent critical standards in this 
case? Of course not! They jumped to a conclusion and never looked back.

There are professionals who make grievous errors and leave a swath of 
chaos behind them. CEOs who bankrupt companies, lead programmers who 
mastermind abominations such as Windows Vista, and WWI generals who 
order thousands of infantry to attack machine guns head on. I know 
nothing about Ledermann and Richter. It is possible they might be 
like this, but I doubt it. More likely they are brilliant people who 
normally follow the rules and examine their own beliefs rigorously. 
BUT, unfortunately, in this instance -- in the case of cold fusion -- 
they did not. Why? Because it never occurred to them that they 
should. They never stopped for a second to consider the possibility 
that cold fusion might be real. They treated the subject the way I 
would react to someone who tells me he is a Leprechaun in disguise. I 
would think he is crazy. I would humor him, and not for one second 
take him seriously.

I have met many brilliant scientists who have never -- not even for 
one second -- stopped to consider the possibility that cold fusion is 
real. They are a lost cause. There is no point to trying to convince 
them. Yet by and large they are open minded and fair toward other 
subjects. It is regrettable that a widespread mental block has 
developed. This is a social phenomenon, not strictly caused by 
individual bias. It is similar to race prejudice, sexism, and other 
formerly widespread biases that even enlightened people were prone to 
have. Such biases change over time but I doubt their overall number 
or severity has decreased, and I do not think it possible they will 
be eliminated in some future Utopia.

These people should heed Oliver Cromwell's plea to the Presbyterians 
of Scotland: I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible 
you may be mistaken. Not to admit right off that you are wrong, but 
to consider the possibility. Think twice.

- Jed

[Vo]:Google search is back to normal

2009-11-23 Thread Jed Rothwell
Ah. Google now finds the following search terms on the front page at 

defense intelligence agency cold fusion


But it still does not find the document itself.

Coincidence? We report, you decide.

By the way, some months ago, all mention of Robert Duncan's lecture 
at the Missouri Energy Summit mysteriously vanished from the server 
at U. Missouri, and then reappeared sometime later. That was not a 
computer glitch. Duncan told me someone got cold feet for a while. 
He did not think it was a big deal. He did not seem upset. Perhaps he 
would have got upset if they had not restored the announcement.

- Jed

[Vo]:time dilation is already known to accumulate with changes in quantum fluctuations?

2009-11-23 Thread Frank

I thought I had to make the case for this in Casimir cavities and microwave
waveguides but I found the paragraph below in an October 22nd blog  Vacuum
or zero point http://www.theimagineershome.com/blog/?p=2297  energy and
quantum fluctuations that seems to indicate this is already known and
understood. Can I take it that time dilation in a Casimir cavity was already
a known fact or am I reading too much into this blog?



[Snip] From The Imagineer's Chronicles

 according to Einstein's space-time concepts time is dilated or always
moves slower in volumes that contain a different energy content than the
ones from which they are observed.  This means the time dilation associated
with quantum fluctuations will be cumulative even though the energy
associated with the particle antiparticle pairs is not. [end snip]

[Vo]:Science Magazine References NET Bubble Fusion Story

2009-11-23 Thread Steven Krivit


[Vo]:RE: NET Bubble Fusion Story

2009-11-23 Thread Mark Iverson
Errors found in final version, so far:
Some of the affidavits suggest that Butt have [had] been subjected to coercion 
by the senior
professors who were conducting the fact-finding.
...has been demonstrated to be out [missing] of it's jurisdiction.



From: Steven Krivit [mailto:stev...@newenergytimes.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 5:52 PM

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.425 / Virus Database: 270.14.78/2521 - Release Date: 11/23/09 

RE: [Vo]:RE: NET Bubble Fusion Story

2009-11-23 Thread Mark Iverson
I must be brain-dead... sorry 'bout that post.
I obviously meant it to go to Steve... :-/



From: Mark Iverson [mailto:zeropo...@charter.net] 
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 10:15 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:RE: NET Bubble Fusion Story

Errors found in final version, so far:
Some of the affidavits suggest that Butt have [had] been subjected to coercion 
by the senior
professors who were conducting the fact-finding.
...has been demonstrated to be out [missing] of it's jurisdiction.



From: Steven Krivit [mailto:stev...@newenergytimes.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 5:52 PM


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.425 / Virus Database: 270.14.78/2521 - Release Date: 11/23/09 

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.425 / Virus Database: 270.14.78/2521 - Release Date: 11/23/09 

RE: [Vo]:RE: NET Bubble Fusion Story

2009-11-23 Thread Mark Iverson
yeah, I deserved that!
I was really trying to show all those OCD Vorts how few grammatical errors 
there are in your very
lengthy, detailed, and fact-filled investigative articles!  :-)



From: Steven Krivit [mailto:stev...@newenergytimes.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 11:04 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:RE: NET Bubble Fusion Story

Butt head?

At 10:15 PM 11/23/2009, you wrote:

Errors found in final version, so far:
Some of the affidavits suggest that Butt have [had] been subjected to coercion 
by the senior
professors who were conducting the fact-finding.
...has been demonstrated to be out [missing] of it's jurisdiction.