2011-08-28 Thread Axil Axil
RE: “I don't see how doing a 1 MW demonstration would fit into a good
strategy, but since I know nothing about his plans I cannot judge.”

Rossi is terrified and perplexed by occasional runaways and subsequent
burnouts of his reactors that he does not understand, prevent from beginning
or can control in an orderly way once begun.

This control problem has forced Rossi to downsize the capacity of his basic
reactor to a very small energy production capability and use many of these
small units ganged together to form a large capacity unit.

There are a number of ways to cover up or mitigate this intractable and
little understood reactor control problem which can occur from time to time
in the Rossi reactor design. Reactor run away conditions can be easily
handled if this fault can be segregated to a single and easily isolate-able
low powered component of a very large capacity system. For example, a 2.5 kw
reactor unit may runaway with power output of 25 Kws. This runaway condition
can be hidden from any user visibility in a megawatt reactor because the
anomalous spiking power output maxes out at a very small fraction of the
total large composite reactor output.

The runaway component will burn itself out is short order after it has
temporally increased the output of steam by about 1% of total capacity. Once
the runaway burns itself out being one of 1,000 small subunits, it can be
easily replaced in an inexpensive way through an on-the-fly procedure
without markedly affecting the total composite output of the other 1000
subunits that comprise the large reactor.

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

  Jouni Valkonen wrote:

 Was this approach right or wrong, it can be debated. I think that it was
 just wrong approach.

 I agree. Plus I think a test of a 1 MW reactor is fraught with
 difficulties. It is much easier to test 1 to 10 kW.

 In my opinnion Rossi should have opensourced this technology back in 2009
 when he filed patent application.

 I think what you mean here is that he should have revealed the technology
 in anticipation of getting a patent. Not that he should have given it away.
 Some people have suggested he should give it away because it is so
 important, and it will save so many lives. That would make him the most
 generous philanthropist in history. I think it is asking too much that he
 should be both a brilliant inventor and also a philanthropist.

 The problem with your plan may be that his patent is weak. He and Defkalion
 have both said they will rely on trade secrets to protect their intellectual
 property. That tells me his patent is weak.

 I do not know much about patents but his other patent seems weak. Very
 weak. Like trying to stop an automobile with a spider's web.

 I do know about trade secrets. I predict that a few months after
 corporations worldwide realize the Rossi reactors are real, this trade
 secret will be broken in dozens of corporations in the U.S., Europe, Japan
 and China. You can protect a trade secret for a product with a niche market
 that calls for inside knowledge, skill,  and lots of art. Conventional
 catalysts are a good example. You cannot protect a trade secret for a rather
 simple device that is vital to every industry on earth, and that is worth
 hundreds of trillions of dollars over the next 100 years.

 I am only guessing here, but my impression is that Rossi is stuck. He seems
 to have no good method of protecting his intellectual property. That's
 awful. Assuming it works, it is the most valuable discovery in history and
 he deserves a trillion dollars in royalties. I fear he may get nothing.

 If he gets nothing in the end, this will be partly his own fault. His
 personality may be causing problems. But it seems to me his main problem is
 that this particular intellectual property is very tough to protect. I
 cannot think of a good marketing strategy. I wouldn't know how to do this.
 If he asked my advice, I would suggest he talk to experts in patent law and
 intellectual property. Perhaps he has talked to them. Maybe he has a good
 strategy. I don't see how doing a 1 MW demonstration would fit into a good
 strategy, but since I know nothing about his plans I cannot judge.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:People such as Edison, Jobs, Whitman and Rossi are not always lying when they say things that are obviously false

2011-08-28 Thread Axil Axil
None of us live in the honesty of the objective universe; a cold and
uncaring domain where brutal science holds sway. Such a frigid and unfeeling
place is far to large and painful for us to bear in the lives we live.

We each of us are artists who paint our world as in a dream born darkly in
fading memories, prejudices, and reeling from the slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune that color our lives. And in the illusion of our dream we
seek solace and the strength to keep going.


On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

  I wrote:

 If Jobs seriously believes that without him there would be no proportional
 fonts in modern computers, he is delusional. . . .

 to call it a lie is an overstatement, because even Jobs knows this isn't
 true, and he must know he is not fooling anyone.

 I mean he is not fooling anyone who knows the history of computers.

 Jobs got the idea for the Mac when he saw a Xerox Parc computer. The Parc
 had proportional fonts, and many other innovations that Jobs later took
 credit for.

 Modesty is not his strong suit.

 On the other hand, Xerox never even tried to sell the Parc, whereas Jobs
 went through hell getting the Lisa and then the Mac to market. That's genius
 enough. I don't begrudge him his fame or money.

 - Jed

[Vo]:a few + words re the 1MW DEMO plus IS No 470

2011-08-28 Thread Peter Gluck
My dear Friends

It is my weekly pleasure to send you my INFORMAVORE’s SUNDAY- this time no

with a rather sad mini-editorial in it, plus a few words in addition to

This will be an interesting event or a very interesting non-event. So many
E-cats working

together is Flea Circus Management problem. The Complex has to be very well

otherwise it will be like a negative orgy of multitasking.

A good demo is like a good preach, I remember reading what a famous pastor
told: “First, I

tell them what I will say them in the preach. Then I say it. When finished,
I explain them what

 I have told. Then, I sit down.”

It is about openness, thre times openness- the demo has to be described
before starting it,

including the expected results. Then it has to be done, fast smooth start,
to continue to function

a decent period of time, 5 to 8 hours seems to be a minimum, with clear
continuous display

of the main parameters: energy in, energy out the first much smaller than
the second- no

disturbing variations and a smooth, perfectly controlled shut-down.

If I remember my work in great plants (in 3 shifts) with so many things to
take care, with

attention not only distributed but broken n small parts I am developing a
kind of empathy for

Rossi's problems.. If he succeeds to get technological control and
functional discipline

four such a great group of Ecats, he will demonstrate us that he is not only
a genius but

also a witch as great as Albus Dumbledore.

Yours as always,


Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:heat after death at 3 liters per hour flow rate

2011-08-28 Thread Horace Heffner
In the Corrections to heat after death calculations I posted  
values assuming a flow rate of 7 liters per hour:

However, Mattia Rizzi made a sound argument for a flow rate of 3  
liters per hour, or about 0.83 g/s, for the Krivit demo, in his post:

There is thus a good possibility this setting was used in other  
tests. If true then the feasibility of a 15 minute heat after death  
observation without any excess (nuclear) heat being provided looks  
far more feasible. See:

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

[Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-28 Thread Horace Heffner

On Aug 27, 2011, at 12:51 PM, Joe Catania wrote:

For the umpteenth time it is not an assertion. The thermal mass of  
the reactor is about 1MJ (based on specific heat), the energy  
outflow is a mere fraction (~1kW). OK?

There has been no demonstration that output is higher than inout.  
Steam quality is not measured, therma; inertia not accounted for.  
and there is Rizzi's determination that flow is over estimated. I  
hope I don't have to repeat these facts again. The source of heat  
in the 15 minutes is thermal inertia since it would account for all  
steam produced. Cold fusion is not indicated by what Levi has said.  
I have not seen the graphs you speak of and I'm not sure they are  
coincident with cutting the power but thermal inertia needs to be  
accounted for. So show me the data. And all I can say is one does  
not assume cold fusion to prove cold fusion. CF proof is totally  
elusive by the means exploited. Its more likely a flaw in technique  
of measurement. But if there is proof of anomalous heat it has  
eluded my detection so far. The properway to do the calorimetry is  
not with flow as I've detailed before.

Levi said steam stopped after 15 minutes so it seems you need to  
get on the same page.

My two cents on this is it is a typical one of a kind anecdote - with  
no solid measurements to back it up.  We don't really know if the  
device was initially outputting 5000 W or just the input wattage, for  

For the sake of discussion, let's just assume the story is correct  
and the device was outputting 5 kW as advertised.

Let's also be generous with regard to mass, and assume it was  
equivalent to 20 kg of copper, and stored 1 MJ of energy as specified  

Using a heat capacity of copper, 0.385 J/(gm K),  a 20 kg mass requires

   delta T = (10^6 J)/((0.385 J/(gm °C))*(2*10^4 gm))  = 130 °C

to store the 1 MJ thermal energy.  If we assume inlet temperature of  
23°C then this is an absolute temperature of 153°C.

The thermal mass, Cth, is given by:

   Cth = (0.385 J/(gm °C)*(2*10^4 gm) = 7700 J/°C

Assume the device transfers 5 kW of output heat when the internal  
temperature is 153°C and inlet temperature is 23°C,  i.e. delta T is  
130°C.  This gives a thermal resistance of

   R = (130°C)/(5^10^3 W) = 2.6x10^-2 °C/W.

The decay time constant, tau, for the 1 MJ thermal mass, C, is is  
given by:

   tau = R*Cth =  (2.6x10^-2 °C/W)*(7700 J/°C) = 200 s

We now have the thermal decline curve:

   T(t)  = T0 * e^-(t/tau) = (153 °C) * 1/e^(t/tau)

If we want steam to disappear at time t, then T(t) = 100°C.  So:

   (100°C) = (153 °C) * 1/e^(t/tau)

   (t/tau) = ln((153°C) /(100 °C)

   t = ln((153°C) /(100 °C)) * (200 s)

   t = 85 s

So, if all is as assumed above (very unlikely!) the device should not  
be able to output steam for 15 minutes, or even more than 2 minutes,  
unless a source of heat was present after the power was cut off.  The  
problem is we just do not have enough data to make the above  
calculation credibly.  This is not a new kind of problem with regard  
to the E-Cat.

Hopefully in any case the above example is useful to others for  

We just have to wait until October to see what happens.   I hope for  
the best.  I hope we don't see non-credible delays and moving target  
objectives as we have seen before in similar situations.  I wish  
Rossi great success.   Even the most minor technical success for  
Rossi would be one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs ever, and  
have great importance for all mankind.   Rossi is not a young man. I  
hope he considers how limited his time on earth is and makes the  
right decisions.

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:a few + words re the 1MW DEMO plus IS No 470

2011-08-28 Thread Alan Fletcher
The Army version is Tell 'em what you're gonna tell 'em. Tell 'em. Tell 'em 
what you told 'em. - Original Message -
 A good demo is like a good preach, I remember reading what a famous
 pastor told: “First, I
 tell them what I will say them in the preach. Then I say it. When
 finished, I explain them what
 I have told. Then, I sit down.”

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-28 Thread Joe Catania
No one to my knowledge is showing data that the heat after pulling the plug 
continues at the rate it had before power-off for a full 15 minutes. My 
interpretation of Levu's comment in Part 3 of the Krivit video is that the rate 
natually declines until after 15 minutes it was judged that steam production 
had ceased. Either way thermal inertia plays a role. You're really stretch 
credulity to ask me to believe you calculation shows only a few minutes is 
possible. You haven't set it up carefully enough, i.e. it is flawed. For one 
thing it would appear that more than 1 MJ would be stored in the case you 
discuss. Your temperature seems low. I remember Rossi saying he was able to 
heat a working fluid to 450C so the thermal mass would seem to get hotter than 
that.  Your calculation of time constant is clearly unacceptable as heat output 
cannot remain constant. The analysis, if done properly, leaves no doubt about 
the correct conclusion. To say its all off for a factor of 3 is laughable in my 
judgment, esp. when you've underestimated values and overestimated outout and 
failed to understand the decay of output.

Also it seems hydride formation probably explains any anomalous heat produced- 
that is if it can be determined that its produced and how much. So far this has 
been an enormous fiasco.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Horace Heffner 
  Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 8:58 AM
  Subject: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

  On Aug 27, 2011, at 12:51 PM, Joe Catania wrote:

For the umpteenth time it is not an assertion. The thermal mass of the 
reactor is about 1MJ (based on specific heat), the energy outflow is a mere 
fraction (~1kW). OK?

There has been no demonstration that output is higher than inout. Steam 
quality is not measured, therma; inertia not accounted for. and there is 
Rizzi's determination that flow is over estimated. I hope I don't have to 
repeat these facts again. The source of heat in the 15 minutes is thermal 
inertia since it would account for all steam produced. Cold fusion is not 
indicated by what Levi has said. I have not seen the graphs you speak of and 
I'm not sure they are coincident with cutting the power but thermal inertia 
needs to be accounted for. So show me the data. And all I can say is one does 
not assume cold fusion to prove cold fusion. CF proof is totally elusive by the 
means exploited. Its more likely a flaw in technique of measurement. But if 
there is proof of anomalous heat it has eluded my detection so far. The 
properway to do the calorimetry is not with flow as I've detailed before.

Levi said steam stopped after 15 minutes so it seems you need to get on the 
same page.

  My two cents on this is it is a typical one of a kind anecdote - with no 
solid measurements to back it up.  We don't really know if the device was 
initially outputting 5000 W or just the input wattage, for example. 

  For the sake of discussion, let's just assume the story is correct and the 
device was outputting 5 kW as advertised.

  Let's also be generous with regard to mass, and assume it was equivalent to 
20 kg of copper, and stored 1 MJ of energy as specified above. 

  Using a heat capacity of copper, 0.385 J/(gm K),  a 20 kg mass requires 

 delta T = (10^6 J)/((0.385 J/(gm °C))*(2*10^4 gm))  = 130 °C  

  to store the 1 MJ thermal energy.  If we assume inlet temperature of 23°C 
then this is an absolute temperature of 153°C.

  The thermal mass, Cth, is given by:

 Cth = (0.385 J/(gm °C)*(2*10^4 gm) = 7700 J/°C

  Assume the device transfers 5 kW of output heat when the internal temperature 
is 153°C and inlet temperature is 23°C,  i.e. delta T is 130°C.  This gives a 
thermal resistance of  

 R = (130°C)/(5^10^3 W) = 2.6x10^-2 °C/W.  

  The decay time constant, tau, for the 1 MJ thermal mass, C, is is given by:

 tau = R*Cth =  (2.6x10^-2 °C/W)*(7700 J/°C) = 200 s

  We now have the thermal decline curve:

 T(t)  = T0 * e^-(t/tau) = (153 °C) * 1/e^(t/tau)

  If we want steam to disappear at time t, then T(t) = 100°C.  So:

 (100°C) = (153 °C) * 1/e^(t/tau)

 (t/tau) = ln((153°C) /(100 °C) 

 t = ln((153°C) /(100 °C)) * (200 s)

 t = 85 s 

  So, if all is as assumed above (very unlikely!) the device should not be able 
to output steam for 15 minutes, or even more than 2 minutes, unless a source of 
heat was present after the power was cut off.  The problem is we just do not 
have enough data to make the above calculation credibly.  This is not a new 
kind of problem with regard to the E-Cat.

  Hopefully in any case the above example is useful to others for theorizing. 

  We just have to wait until October to see what happens.   I hope for the 
best.  I hope we don't see non-credible delays and moving target objectives as 
we have seen before in similar situations.  I wish Rossi great success.   Even 
the most minor technical success 

Re: [Vo]:People such as Edison, Jobs, Whitman and Rossi are not always lying when they say things that are obviously false

2011-08-28 Thread Jouni Valkonen
Jed, there many plausible explanations why Rossi did lie. One of my guesses
is that Rossi did lie to Krivit, because he insulted him and others
therefore he denied the E-Cat demo from Krivit. It depends only your
imagination how many similar and plausible scenarios there might be.

It may be difficult to find how he would benefit from lying in so obvious
manner, but if Rossi has the real thing, then there is no way that there is
any harm done even if he lied.

Obviously Rossi does not want that mass media will reach E-Cat until
October. As media got too interested in May and early June, it made
perfectly sense that he wanted to discredit himself. Presenting silly
demonstration to overly scientific journalist, is the best way to tarnish
own reputation. And there has not been much media attention since.

Logic is simple. If Rossi had wanted that we believe him, he would have
taken a swimming pool and and boiled all the water away. This did not
happen, but only unconclusive short demonstrations. Therefore Rossi does not
want publicity outside cold fusion circles. There was, however significant
media attention because Swedish and particularly Mats Lewan took it
seriously. Therefore making silly Demonstration in June was good opportunity
to send a message that demonstrations were dubious, please do not bother me
before October.


Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-28 Thread Jouni Valkonen
Joe, I think that you are enormous fiasco yourself, because you are making
aggressive asumptions that does not have any rational basis.

For example you fail to understand even the basics, because metal
temperature cannot exceed 160°C because insulation rubber starts to melt and
burn. This phenomenom is hard to not to notice if there are poisonous fumes
in the surroundings.

Other thing what you fail to understand, is that Krivit's demonstration has
nothing to do with anything, because there was completely different type of
E-Cat used in heat after death experiments. That in June demonstration was
old and discarded prototype, because it's efficiency was very bad and could
not be commercially viable reactor type. (This was probably the reason why
Rossi showed to Krivit this old type module as a dummy with no excess heat
at all.)

What else what you seem to fail to understand, that metal is extremely good
thermal conductor. Therefore if we assume your 450°C temperature (sic), then
there cannot be any wet steam, but system produces hot steam with
temperature of 150-300°C.

Your reasoning is full of flaws, so please do not try to present your
speculations as facts. If you do not believe E-Cat, please assume that there
is a hidden power source. There has not been done any public actions to seek
and exclude hidden power sources, such as hydrogenperoxide, hidden hydrogen
bottle, lithium-ion battery, hidden wires and I am sure that David
Copperfield can come up even more clever illusions for excess heat.

I just fail completely understand why critics think that measurements must
be flawed, but they do not present simplest explanation that E-Cat may be a
honest fraud. It is trivial to fake excess heat!


Re: [Vo]:a few + words re the 1MW DEMO plus IS No 470

2011-08-28 Thread Peter Gluck
Dear Alan,

Thank you really much. I have a rather good collection of
quotations, sayings, proverbs in more languages but those of the U.S Army
are missing.
The first 437 issues of the newsletter- in Romanian had a all a section of
Quotations re the same subject/concept that was discussed in the Editorial.
Focus point management
and good thinking. Average 120 quotations per concept.

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 1:50 AM, Alan Fletcher wrote:

 The Army version is Tell 'em what you're gonna tell 'em. Tell 'em. Tell
 'em what you told 'em.


 A good demo is like a good preach, I remember reading what a famous pastor
 told: “First, I

 tell them what I will say them in the preach. Then I say it. When finished,
 I explain them what

  I have told. Then, I sit down.”

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania