[Vo]:A super nickel powder LENR catalyst.

2016-08-17 Thread Axil Axil
Another Rossi secret revealed as follows:


Nano-skeletal catalyst US 9023754 B2



This super nano nickel powder is Rossi's powder as shown in the Lugano
demo. It is about 100 times better than the Ni carbonyl powder that MFMP

The specific surface area values using BET method show that the chemically
processed Ni powders have a very high specific surface area (> 60 m2/g),
which recommend them for electrical applications, especially for electrode
applications. For Ni carbonyl powder the specific surface area was found
0.68 m2/g.

The evaluation of the chemisorption characteristics by using hydrogen
selective adsorption method shows that the modified Ni powder exhibits high
power of hydrogen adsorption (600µgH2/g), which recommend them as catalysts
in hydrogen addition reaction.

RE: [Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

2016-08-17 Thread Jones Beene
One perplexing thing about this palladium alloy discussion over the years is 
that the answer could be hiding in plain sight. 

Johnson-Matthey applied for a patent in England in 1989 within months of the 
SLC announcement -- but then withdrew the application without explanation a few 
years later. It probably contains all anyone needs to know, unless it was a 

Fortunately, the application is still available. Google seldom forgets.


From: Terry Blanton 

*   Every decade or so, I ask if anyone knows the secret to the Johnson 
Matthey metals used by F&P.  

Looks like you are a bit ahead of schedule this time:

RE: [Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

2016-08-17 Thread Jones Beene
From: Terry Blanton 


Every decade or so, I ask if anyone knows the secret to the Johnson Matthey 
metals used by F&P.  



Looks like you are a bit ahead of schedule this time:



Re: [Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

2016-08-17 Thread Eric Walker
On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 7:36 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:

Up until now, I have been willing to be open minded about AR.  But, he
> chose to use the name "Johnson Matthew" to imply that they were the same
> firm that provided the rods used by Fleischmann and Pons:

Despite the reasonable disappointment you felt once you saw the "Johnson
Matthew" letterhead, supporters have already found various ways of
rationalizing this.  One is that there could have been a typo that was
unintentionally made when the CEO of JM Chemicals (Rossi's lawyer) was
putting together letterhead for the first time.

There are so many rationalizations and weird rumors of this kind floating
around.  Today there was talk about Blackwater having been hired to guard
the Doral plant (I think?).  I do not know what the details of the rumor
are, or who it goes back to.  I just see bottomless credulity and feel bad
for people.


Re: [Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

2016-08-17 Thread Giovanni Santostasi
The fact Rossi misspelled in his fraud the name "Matthey" with "Matthew" JM
company letterhead, highlight the fraud even more.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 8:36 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:

> Up until now, I have been willing to be open minded about AR.  But, he
> chose to use the name "Johnson Matthew" to imply that they were the same
> firm that provided the rods used by Fleischmann and Pons:
> http://www.technology.matthey.com/article/34/3/136-141/
> I am a difficult person to convince of something; but, I am convinced now
> that AR is a fraud.
> Terry

Re: [Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

2016-08-17 Thread Terry Blanton
Every decade or so, I ask if anyone knows the secret to the Johnson Matthey
metals used by F&P.  I am told that JM knows; but, won't tell.

I once thought it involved the number of folds and presses done to the
metal. . . like Damascus Steel.  This would contribute to the number of
cracks in the metal supporting Dr. Storms' theory.  Does anyone yet know?


On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 8:36 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:

> Up until now, I have been willing to be open minded about AR.  But, he
> chose to use the name "Johnson Matthew" to imply that they were the same
> firm that provided the rods used by Fleischmann and Pons:
> http://www.technology.matthey.com/article/34/3/136-141/
> I am a difficult person to convince of something; but, I am convinced now
> that AR is a fraud.
> Terry

[Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

2016-08-17 Thread Terry Blanton
Up until now, I have been willing to be open minded about AR.  But, he
chose to use the name "Johnson Matthew" to imply that they were the same
firm that provided the rods used by Fleischmann and Pons:


I am a difficult person to convince of something; but, I am convinced now
that AR is a fraud.


Re: [Vo]:Neuglu confirmed

2016-08-17 Thread Axil Axil
The Proton Radius Problem and the Muon.


Very interesting article on Ars Technica with possible far-reaching
implications for LENR researchers.

These discrepancies from standard model predictions in nuclei
charge radii when muons orbit them fit in nicely with both the unexpected
muon anomalous magnetic moment and my theory of LENR involving electron
based spin waves as a source for the fifth force of nature.

The "muon anomalous magnetic moment" is caused by increased magnetic drag
from the increased magnetic influence of virtual particle creation around
the rotating muon.  Virtual particle induced magnetism
 produces a marked increase in precession in the muons magnetic moment more
than the standard model predicts. The Standard model based particle zoo
that the standard model would expect to be instantiated by vacuum particle
creation defines the magnetic effects of the vacuum on the  magnetic moment
of the muon. That is, there are more types of particles popping in and out
of the vacuum than the Standard model has discovered so far.

Researchers have just discovered a possible new force carrying
particle(boson) whose creation as a virtual particle in the vacuum would
explain why the muon is precessing so much more than the Standard Model

The increase in the magnetic moment of the muon over what the standard
model expects would explain the reduced charge radius of the nuclei that
the muon orbits.

If this new magnetically charged boson causes increase precession in the
magnetic moment of the muon then symmetry would predict that electron
precession would generate this new boson and/or increase it power level.

There is much RF coming from LENR reactors so LENR is marked by lots of
electron precession which would produce lots of this new fifth force
carrying bosons.

The coupling constant of this new fifth force might cause the other forces
to converge to unification (the GUT theory of LENR) more readily than
the Standard Model now predicts and this increased force screening of the
strong and weak forces would produce all the effects that we now see in

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 1:42 AM, Axil Axil  wrote:

> A force carrier that is do light should have a very long range, This I do
> not understand. I can;t help that this  protophobic gauge boson is really a
> coherent quasiparticle of a collection or bundle of photons or the like
> that has a short lifetime.
> Why can it explain the muon anomalous magnetic moment? Is it magnetic
> nature? anyone???
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 9:08 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:
>> In answer to an offline question about testing or falsifying this 5th
>> force hypothesis without the expense of heavy isotopes of palladium – one 
>> option
>> comes to mind just now.
>> Remember the “bubble fusion” experiment of Rusi Taleyarkhan? He was
>> vindicated in his use of the very heavy element Californium as an
>> accelerant for fusion (it’s been a long time but his name is still in my
>> spell-checker, along with bremsstrahlung J
>> Well – the heavier and more neutron rich the element used, the more
>> likely it would be to have a surplus of neuglu bosons – at least as I
>> understand it. Californium would not decay fast enough to help on its own
>> in terms of anomalous energy – but it could supply a steady source of
>> neuglu to fuse deuterons in other ways - which would then provide the
>> thermal gain in many types of experiments including electrolysis and
>> Arata-type.
>> In fact, Rusi used an amount so tiny it should not have mattered, expect
>> to his jealous peers. Yet the Cf was beneficial – and the reason could and
>> probably did relate to neuglu. Cf is not cheap or available however.
>> As Bob Cook implied from a recent IE article – there could be some of
>> the same magic with U, a bit lighter … but if cost is important -  by
>> far the most economical thing to do for a potential neuglu source is to
>> cannibalize a few smoke detectors for the Americium. There are vids on
>> YouTube to show you how to remove handle the stuff.
>> But even in micrograms, this is risky business and I am not advocating
>> it.

Re: [Vo]:Do not burn the bridge to LENR technology!

2016-08-17 Thread Che
On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 2:55 PM, Peter Gluck  wrote:

> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.ro/2016/08/aug-17-2016-will-
> iccf20-be-not-more.html
> and will ICCF20 be a turning point showing there si no more turning
> back to LENR's seemingly insoluble problems?

'Cold Fusion' is either real physics -- or it isn't. The Truth _will_ out.

[Vo]:Do not burn the bridge to LENR technology!

2016-08-17 Thread Peter Gluck

and will ICCF20 be a turning point showing there si no more turning
back to LENR's seemingly insoluble problems?

Best wishes,

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Daniel Rocha
Or IH's!

2016-08-17 15:23 GMT-03:00 Jones Beene :

>  Rossi’s attorney arises

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Daniel Rocha
Yes, that's a problem. So much that IH issued a patent with one of their

2016-08-17 12:09 GMT-03:00 Giovanni Santostasi :

> How in the right mind IH could offer to find a customer if the plant
> didn't work?

RE: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Jones Beene
If you guys are right… there is another looming problem which could end this 
case before it gets underway. No one seems to have mentioned this but a serious 
difficulty for Rossi’s attorney arises once he is informed or realizes that his 
client has been dishonest in the complaint – such as specific details in the 
pleadings about JM and Bass.


There are special rules for attorneys regarding this type of conduct, and a 
much higher standard applies - which can result in disbarment. For a witnesses 
like Penon, merely suspecting that Rossi is lying will not amount to suborning 
perjury. But the rules change for the attorney who learns or even suspects that 
his client has lied in the pleadings.


Attorneys have a special duty as officers of the Court and “suborning perjury” 
is a term that strikes fear. Once any attorney learns that the client has lied, 
he cannot look the other way. The pleadings are sworn, and the attorney must 
immediately inform the Court… such as if he learns that JM, the “customer” or 
“Mr. Bass” is a fabrication … he will have no other choice - and would be smart 
to try to withdraw altogether. 


From: Jed Rothwell 


Giovanni Santostasi wrote:


IH accusation are so precise both in context and timing that it should easy to 
show they are full of shit.


Yes. For example, if Mr. Bass actually exists they can have him testify. But 
they do not even need to rebut the specific accusations. They can destroy 
I.H.'s case by proving they are running a real business. They can do this 
easily by showing invoices, shipping records, taxes paid, employee FICA 
records, customer and employee testimony, and so on.



Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Daniel Rocha
You have to check the calculations Allan Fletcher and I did.

2016-08-17 11:43 GMT-03:00 Jed Rothwell :

> It is not big enough for 1 MW, or even 100 kW.

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Jed Rothwell
Giovanni Santostasi  wrote:

> IH accusation are so precise both in context and timing that it should
> easy to show they are full of shit.

Yes. For example, if Mr. Bass actually exists they can have him testify.
But they do not even need to rebut the specific accusations. They can
destroy I.H.'s case by proving they are running a real business. They can
do this easily by showing invoices, shipping records, taxes paid, employee
FICA records, customer and employee testimony, and so on.

- Jed

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Article: Ocean Waves Could Supply the World’s Power and Drinking Water

2016-08-17 Thread Giovanni Santostasi
And probably help with coastal erosion (taking away some of the energy of
the waves before they heat the shore) that is a big problem for the Gulf
Coast states.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Jed Rothwell 

> Jack Cole  wrote:
>> A new kind of renewable energy technology in use off Australia’s coast
>> converts the relentless movement of the ocean’s waves into a virtually
>> endless supply of electricity.
> The Gulf Stream off of the U.S. cost would be another tremendous source of
> energy. I recall it has more moving water than all of the rivers in North
> America. There have been proposals to anchor floating generators in the
> current and use the moving water to generate electricity.
> Wikipedia says it is 30 million cubic meters per second, compared to North
> American rivers which are 0.6 million cubic metres per second.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Giovanni Santostasi
*Daniel:Yes, let's wait for the judgment. Though I think JM was a company
only made to test the product, since IH would not offer one to Rossi test.
So, I don't think they are working anymore.*

Daniel, or you not familiar with the entire story or you are very selective
with your memory.

When they tested the plant in North Carolina under IH supervision the plant
didn't work 
How in the right mind IH could offer to find a customer if the plant didn't
Finally Rossi found a customer. He said he did a miracle in finding one (I
Rossi insisted to send the plant to Florida where they could sell the heat
to a real customer. IH never agreed that will substitute for the
Performance Test but they let him go with the hope to see the plant finally
working (not sure what was their full set of motivations because I would
have insisted for the Plant to stay in North Carolina until it worked). But
I speculate they were frustrated and wanting to see some other form of
evidence (without giving up on a real Performance Test eventually) and let
Rossi go to Florida.

But Rossi decision to go to Florida was based on only one reason: he knew
he could be more free to do his magic tricks. And also he thought he could
use the fake customer as corroborating evidence the device was working.
He imagined IH was a much simpler fool and didn't anticipate their doubts
and investigation in the matter eventually.

Consider Rossi has fooled a lot of people in the past and besides some
relatively short jail time he made a good living out of it.

That is what is good at. A professional scammer.

So again do not say that IH refused to find a customer, there was no heat
to sell to anybody as far as IH was concerned.
Yes, it is a little flaky, I concede, to leave to Rossi to make the call
that he could sell to JM an unproven service but after all I imagine they
thought if Rossi doesn't produce heat JM would not have to pay, so it is
They could never imagine that JM was part of this scheme.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Giovanni Santostasi  wrote:

> Daniel,
> It doesn't work in that way. You are coming up with conspiracy theory,
> after conspiracy theory. Again Occam Razor. One theory explains everything
> about Rossi, your way to explain away IH evidence is to say they are
> fabricating business cards, they are not giving away all the emails
> involved (how that explains Fabiani didn't pick up his check I don't know).
> It doesn't work in that way if there are exculpatory pieces of evidence as
> a real JM Products director of engineering it should be easy to summon him
> as witness by Rossi, if Fabiani sent the data and got paid for it (or not
> paid) it should be easy to prove.
> IH accusation are so precise both in context and timing that it should
> easy to show they are full of shit.
> Rossi has not done that and I bet everything, publicly here, that he will
> not be able to do that.
> I just hope the case doesn't settle because unfortunately this how many
> legal cases are resolved, people cut their losses and let go even when the
> evidence is overwhelming from one side vs the other.
> It simply too expensive to fight years long legal battle in particular
> with weasels (should I say convicted fraudster) like Rossi.
> Giovanni
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 9:51 AM, Daniel Rocha 
> wrote:
>> This is what the lawyers are being paid off. To make filthy rich people
>> look like Little Red Riding Hood and Rossi, the Wolf.
>> Regarding the emails, are you sure it's all in there? Were the servers
>> containing the emails apprehended?
>> 2016-08-17 10:17 GMT-03:00 Giovanni Santostasi :
>>  IH was too naive and they didnt do enough due diligence
>> It easy to see how each lie supports the other, how everything seems to
>> fit together when you have one single explanatory theory

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Giovanni Santostasi
It doesn't work in that way. You are coming up with conspiracy theory,
after conspiracy theory. Again Occam Razor. One theory explains everything
about Rossi, your way to explain away IH evidence is to say they are
fabricating business cards, they are not giving away all the emails
involved (how that explains Fabiani didn't pick up his check I don't know).

It doesn't work in that way if there are exculpatory pieces of evidence as
a real JM Products director of engineering it should be easy to summon him
as witness by Rossi, if Fabiani sent the data and got paid for it (or not
paid) it should be easy to prove.

IH accusation are so precise both in context and timing that it should easy
to show they are full of shit.
Rossi has not done that and I bet everything, publicly here, that he will
not be able to do that.

I just hope the case doesn't settle because unfortunately this how many
legal cases are resolved, people cut their losses and let go even when the
evidence is overwhelming from one side vs the other.
It simply too expensive to fight years long legal battle in particular with
weasels (should I say convicted fraudster) like Rossi.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 9:51 AM, Daniel Rocha  wrote:

> This is what the lawyers are being paid off. To make filthy rich people
> look like Little Red Riding Hood and Rossi, the Wolf.
> Regarding the emails, are you sure it's all in there? Were the servers
> containing the emails apprehended?
> 2016-08-17 10:17 GMT-03:00 Giovanni Santostasi :
>  IH was too naive and they didnt do enough due diligence
> It easy to see how each lie supports the other, how everything seems to
> fit together when you have one single explanatory theory

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha  wrote:

There's a vent on google maps.

It is not big enough for 1 MW, or even 100 kW.

> And, IH not wanting a test? That's characterizing them as too much of
> imbeciles, which I don't believe.

No one said they did not want a test. They did not ask for a "customer"
(someone to pay for the heat). They wanted to do their own test.

You can do a test of the reactor without having someone pay for the heat.

- Jed

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Article: Ocean Waves Could Supply the World’s Power and Drinking Water

2016-08-17 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jack Cole  wrote:

> A new kind of renewable energy technology in use off Australia’s coast
> converts the relentless movement of the ocean’s waves into a virtually
> endless supply of electricity.
The Gulf Stream off of the U.S. cost would be another tremendous source of
energy. I recall it has more moving water than all of the rivers in North
America. There have been proposals to anchor floating generators in the
current and use the moving water to generate electricity.

Wikipedia says it is 30 million cubic meters per second, compared to North
American rivers which are 0.6 million cubic metres per second.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Daniel Rocha
There's a vent on google maps. And, IH not wanting a test? That's
characterizing them as too much of imbeciles, which I don't believe.

2016-08-17 11:12 GMT-03:00 Jed Rothwell :

>  As you see from the photos and other evidence, there are no vents or
> coolers. There were also no employees and no activity, no deliveries and no
> noise.

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha  wrote:

Yes, let's wait for the judgment. Though I think JM was a company only made
> to test the product, since IH would not offer one to Rossi test.

It was never part of the agreement that a company should test the product.
That was Rossi's idea.

JM did not test the product. It is physically impossible. The building
would have been far too hot if there had been actual production with 100
kW, never mind 1 MW. As you see from the photos and other evidence, there
are no vents or coolers. There were also no employees and no activity, no
deliveries and no noise. There is not the slightest chance anything was
produced, or that more than 20 kW of heat was released in the entire
building. The physical proof of that is overwhelming. If you cannot see
that you are blinded by Rossi's lies.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Daniel Rocha
Yes, let's wait for the judgment. Though I think JM was a company only made
to test the product, since IH would not offer one to Rossi test. So, I
don't think they are working anymore.

2016-08-17 10:51 GMT-03:00 Jed Rothwell :

> Exactly. Suppose Bass is a real person. J.M. can have him testify that
> will prove I.H. is wrong. Or suppose I.H. made up the whole story. J.M. can
> still easily win by bringing in the real person in charge of production and
> other employees, and also by showing business records of invoices, taxes
> paid, product shipments, and by having real customers testify that they
> paid for the product. It is easy to prove you have an actual operating
> factory.

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Daniel Rocha
This is what the lawyers are being paid off. To make filthy rich people
look like Little Red Riding Hood and Rossi, the Wolf.

Regarding the emails, are you sure it's all in there? Were the servers
containing the emails apprehended?

2016-08-17 10:17 GMT-03:00 Giovanni Santostasi :
 IH was too naive and they didnt do enough due diligence
It easy to see how each lie supports the other, how everything seems to fit
together when you have one single explanatory theory

[Vo]:Article: Ocean Waves Could Supply the World’s Power and Drinking Water

2016-08-17 Thread Jack Cole
A new kind of renewable energy technology in use off Australia’s coast
converts the relentless movement of the ocean’s waves into a virtually
endless supply of electricity. “Wave energy’s been …


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Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Jed Rothwell
Eric Walker  wrote:

> If IH have knowingly entered a fake business card as an exhibit before a
> US federal court, and this is shown to be the case, it will be very bad
> news for them, and perhaps for Jones Day if they also knew.  It would be a
> horrible legal miscalculation, and nobody seeking to win a case with 300
> million dollars at stake would in their right mind contemplate it, let
> alone do it.

Exactly. Suppose Bass is a real person. J.M. can have him testify that will
prove I.H. is wrong. Or suppose I.H. made up the whole story. J.M. can
still easily win by bringing in the real person in charge of production and
other employees, and also by showing business records of invoices, taxes
paid, product shipments, and by having real customers testify that they
paid for the product. It is easy to prove you have an actual operating

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:JM Products misleading business card.

2016-08-17 Thread Giovanni Santostasi
As we mentioned before the only IH fault that can be deduced from the legal
papers from both sides (a some common sense) is that IH was too naive and
they didnt do enough due diligence (maybe enough for normal type of
business but not enough for what was required in dealing with Rossi).
While Rossi conduct is fraudulent in a very obvious way, in fact, almost
comical way.

Did you go through the lawsuit? Did you take a look at all the evidence?

As I said each element by itself would cast so much doubt but when taken
together the inevitable conclusion is clear as daylight.

Can you answer why Fabiani promised several times to send raw data to IH
but he never followed up. He asked to be paid at a point and IH answered
that there were gladly give him a check in person and meet at his preferred
location if he would bring the data with him.
Fabiani didn't answer.
Few weeks later they sent a similar email saying a check was sitting in
their office for Fabiani to be picked up in return for the data.
No answer from Fabiani. Fabiani never gave the promised and agreed data.

It is all documented in exhibit 21:


Again, it is not just one single strange behavior, it is he entire
sequence, chain, web if you like of lies that is so evident. It easy to see
how each lie supports the other, how everything seems to fit together when
you have one single explanatory theory, i. .e. Rossi is a fake and he had a
cast that was supporting his leading role of chief fraudster.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 12:41 AM, Daniel Rocha 

> Yes, because there are many politicians that are just like this.
> 2016-08-17 1:39 GMT-03:00 Eric Walker :
>> Do you disagree?