[Vo]:Fake it till you make it

2019-09-05 Thread JonesBeene

Just finished reading “Bad Blood” which is the story of the high flying startup 
company Theranos and its founder (at age 19) Elizabeth Holmes.


It is a page turner – recommended if not the best book of the year so far … 
plus … 

Followers of LENR will be struck by the parallels of this sad tale  to the 
Andrea Rossi story…

“Fonly” (if only) Rossi had the smile and charm of Holmes (not to mention the 
cahones) … he might have pulled it off. (assuming the nickel-hydrogen reaction 
is indeed anomalous)

Had Liz  been a bit more honest – she too could possibly would have found a 
(reduced) niche for her product. It did work, on occasion.

For a brief moment she was worth about $ 5 billion… now she is homeless and 
facing “orange is the new black”.  Does the Jobs’ turtleneck come in orange?

Hang in there Liz … maybe you can still “talk you way out” of this one… like 
Rossi, you still have a legion of supporters and a base technology which 
arguably does work from time to time.

In fact, another silicon valley startup is actually moving into this 
blood-testing space and picking up the pieces – with  a similar but product 
(and with greatly reduced specs) which they  will probably take it to market 
soon. Curiously, that would be the best thing that could happen for Holmes in 
terms of a “Fake it till you make it” defense.

Which they don’t teach in B-school… yet…  but faking (overstating) data to a 
lesser degree  is still, as it always was, a cornerstone strategy of many a 
high tech startups.

Re: [Vo]:Fake it till you make it

2019-09-05 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 9:31 AM JonesBeene  wrote:

> Followers of LENR will be struck by the parallels of this sad tale  to the 
> Andrea Rossi story…

Except for this one difference:


RE: [Vo]:Fake it till you make it

2019-09-05 Thread JonesBeene
Right. That was the basis for  the “orange turtleneck” comment.

However, she is such an well-practiced liar that a few insiders are predicting 
an eventual acquittal, especially if a similar blood test  product does come to 
market before the trial.

From: Terry Blanton

> Followers of LENR will be struck by the parallels of this sad tale  to the 
> Andrea Rossi story…

Except for this one difference:


Re: [Vo]:Fake it till you make it

2019-09-05 Thread Jed Rothwell
I agree that is a good book. Very interesting. There are some unsettling
parallels to some aspects of cold fusion research.

I think some of the reviews and comments got the story wrong. They
portrayed both Holmes and the company as complete fakes, with no redeeming
qualities. She was a fake, but many of the people at the company were
honest researchers making a serious effort to improve the technology. They
failed. As I recall from the book, the project did not meet any of its
objectives. I do not think there was any IP to sell off when they
liquidated. That's a waste of money and talent. It is a shame. But it is
*not* criminal, and not fraud. It better not be, or every programmer will
end up jail, along with all cold fusion scientists. We must be careful not
to condemn failure, or equate it to being stupid or negligent, or worse,
criminal. Any R&D worth doing is risky. It can always fail. If you knew for
sure it would succeed, it wouldn't be research.

Re: [Vo]:Fake it till you make it

2019-09-05 Thread Jürg Wyttenbach

Am 05.09.19 um 20:27 schrieb Jed Rothwell:
I do not think there was any IP to sell off when they liquidated. 
That's a waste of money and talent. It is a shame. But it is _not_ 
criminal, and not fraud.

According to German scientists there exist about 20 tests that can 
easily be done with tiny amounts of blood. The main problem is that you 
need a professional for taking the blood because the main reason for 
failure was contamination from skin, tissue etc..

You can always sell a good idea without any true relation to reality if 
you manage to produce/show the investors a better reality...

Randy Mills will face the same, if he cannot manage to enhance his 
reaction with a second LENR step.


Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

Re: [Vo]:Fake it till you make it

2019-09-05 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jürg Wyttenbach  wrote:

> You can always sell a good idea without any true relation to reality if
> you manage to produce/show the investors a better reality...
The company did not only sell that idea to investors and bigwigs such as a
former Secretary of State. It also sold the idea to many skilled
researchers. Those researchers devoted years of their lives to try to make
the technology work. They largely failed. We should not condemn them for
trying. They were experts and they thought the idea might have a true
relation to reality. No one knew for sure, and there was no way to find out
except by trying.

They were aware or problems such as "contamination from skin, tissue . . ."
They thought they could work around these problems.

There were some examples of blatant fraud in the company. But there was
also many technical failures. We should never condemn the latter as
unethical. You cannot have progress without failures.


Re: [Vo]:Fake it till you make it

2019-09-05 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jürg Wyttenbach's message of Fri, 6 Sep 2019 00:49:53 +0200:
>Randy Mills will face the same, if he cannot manage to enhance his 
>reaction with a second LENR step.

I've been trying to tell him that for years, but he won't have a bar of it.


Robin van Spaandonk

local asymmetry = temporary success

[Vo]:Still working on antenna

2019-09-05 Thread Frank Znidarsic
I have been working on my HD TV antenna design for a while now.  I learned 
several things.
My orginal asssumption was that only line of sight reception was possible in 
the UHF band.  That is not the case.  Currently UHF transmitters blast out a 
lot of power near the horrizon.  This signal may be refracted of reflected from 
nearby mountans.  Reception at 30 miles away may be obtained from a reflected 
signal.  Short interloods of no signal occur that may last up to 30 seconds as 
this reflected signal is reflected in such a mannor that it phases out.  The 
reflected signal may be very strong +27 SNR and still briefly blink out on a 
sunny day.  Reflected signals come is steady and best on cloudy days.
Over the horrizon reception may also be possible through defraction from up to 
50 miles away.  This signal tends to come in strong under sunny conditions and 
my dissapear for hours under the inclement conditions.  When you lose it, it 
not comming back until the postion of the sun or the weather pattern changes. 

Ghosts are filtered out by the digiatal system.  It my be possble to get a 
clear reflected signal where as with the old analog system the picture would be 
loaded with ghosts.
The frindge siganl comes in vertacally polarized.  UHF TV antennas are desigend 
to be mounted in the horizontally polarized postion with a rotating mechanism.  
I have found that frindge reception comes in vertically polarized.  I dont know 
why this is.  Any ideas?
I have built my own director and replaced the one that came with the amplified 
antenna.  It has 6 5.5 inchel long elements separated by 4.2 inches.  I have 
found that this arrangement works best with the repacked TV signals.  There is 
no longer any need to receive channels on the upper end of the band and the 
director can be tuned to respond to the lower end of the band. That gives an 
extra 3 db.
Some phase rotation my be possible with reflected signels.  One 4 inch element 
near the amplifier horizontally mounted tends to compenate for the phase 
rotation.  With this that signal does not blink out as often.  The binking out 
may be associated with a rotation in the angle of polarization.  I dont have 
the equipent to test for this.
I have been trying to understand the effect of photons on the antenn's design.  
My megahertz meter relationship states the photons will be absorbed at a length 
of .1 inches.  I dont quite understand where this enters into the picture.  My 
antenna's director elements are about .1 inches thick.  This is where this work 
crosses over with LENR.  An understanding of the path of the quantum transtion 
my lead to a better understanding of both systems.  Maybe I will make another 
director with elements that are .1 inches thick.  This is about the thickness 
of bycycle spoke.
Anyway, I got 15 channels in the valley CBS,  NBC, ABC, Fox and the CW.  I 
could not get PBS but I purchesed a RUKU stick.   It gets PBS news, NOVA, and 
on U-tube the PBS nightly business report.  That all of the major stuff for 
free.  I got it to work without sticking my credit card numbers into it.  I am 
not sure how I did this.
I assumed that the higher the antenna the better.  My girlfried lives on the 
top of a mountain.  Her antenna does work better higher.  I put her's in the 
attic.  I have a clear view of the horizon in my down in the valley location.  
I have found that an antenna mounted one meter about the ground works best.  
High up in a tree, 30 feet up,  I recieived nothing.  I dont understand this.  
Any ideas?
The affect of the quantuzation of light on an UHF antenns still baffels me a 
bit.  I which I could tune for it.
Frank  Znidarsic