RE: [Vo]:I confess

2013-06-05 Thread Roger B
I didn't even know that it comes through.  I don't see anything on my side and 
did not know that it was even Comic Sans MS.  This is now Tahoma, but if I 
switch to say Verdana there is no change on my side.  So, I didn't even know 
that I was in Comic Sans MS.  I will leave it on Verdana and see how you guys 
like it.  


 Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 20:56:54 -0700
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:I confess
  From: Roger B
  Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2013 6:55:38 PM
  Somehow the article doesn't grab me. How's that for philosophy. (:-)
 Is there any chance you could drop the 24-point Comic Sans ? It's like a 
 car-full of clowns screaming.

RE: [Vo]:I confess

2013-06-05 Thread Roger B
So, my idea is still viable?   (:-)

Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 01:38:47 -0400
Subject: Re: [Vo]:I confess

Hi Roger, There may be transition range well below c but still very very fast 
by everyday experience which gives rise to the condition you imagine. I too 
have wonder if there is some connection between coulombic forces and 
speed...and frequency. 

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Roger B wrote:

Disappointing, Joe.  5% is just a little on the slow side, relativity speaking. 
  (:-)   I would not call 5% a data point.


 Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 19:24:42 -0700

 Subject: Re: [Vo]:I confess
 Actually, Rutherford's gold foil experiment used alpha particles, 
 generated by Radon radioactive decay.
 According to and alpha particles 
 typically have an energy around 5 MeV which works out to be a velocity 

 of 5% that of light.
 - Joe
 On 6/4/2013 6:12 PM, leaking pen wrote:
   I do know that beta particles, used in the famous gold foil 
 experiments, are .75 c in vacuum, but often faster than c in other 

   On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Roger B wrote:
   I confess to being an ignoramus.  I confess to having only a B.A. 

 in psychology, a B.A. in philosophy, and an A.S. in electronics 
 technology.  I am, however, a philosophical savant.
   I have a question that I have asked several times but have never 

 gotten an answer.  By what means do conventional physicist probe and 
 understand the innards of the atom?  What is the minimum speed of the 
 particles that they shoot into the atom to see what is there?  Do they 

 ever use some version of light to understand the innards of the atom?
   If, as I suppose, and I could be wrong, all of the particles 
 shot into the atom are traveling close to the speed of light, then 

 could not there be some unknown characteristic at this speed, perhaps as 
 yet unknown to us, that causes things inside the atom to behave 
 differently than from how they would behave if the probing particle were 

 going much slower.  For example, what if the almost light speed particle 
 had a bow wave in front of it as it flew through the aether?  If every 
 single particle that was used to probe the inside of the atom were 

 traveling at .99 the speed of light, then this distortion would be the 
 same in every experiment, and one aspect of this limited view inside the 
 atom we might call the Coulomb Barrier.

   Is this all possible?  Or am I off base?
   Roger Bird


RE: [Vo]:I confess

2013-06-05 Thread Roger B
I do like to see what I am typing.  I am 67, and this dumb-ass Outlook has size 
12 and 16 and nothing in between.   (:-)


Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 00:31:33 +1200
Subject: Re: [Vo]:I confess

Well that didn't last long.Comic Sans must be your default.
Also your font is still a bit large.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 11:45 PM, Roger B wrote:

So, my idea is still viable?   (:-)


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 01:38:47 -0400
Subject: Re: [Vo]:I confess


RE: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to debunk?

2013-06-05 Thread Roger B

I meant that UFOs are merely a fascination or distraction for the rest of us.  
I am sure that psychology therapy was probably necessary for those who 
experienced it directly, especially the closer encounters.


Subject: RE: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to 
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 07:54:20 -0500

From Roger B:  No, LENR and UFOs are not in the same category.  LENR has 
lots of physical evidence.  The so-called physical evidence for UFOs is very 
weak if not non-existent.   I disagree. They are very much in the same 
category. In many cases trying to produce a LENR phenomenon has been damned 
near impossible to accomplish, even by experienced LENR researchers. Granted, 
lately some seem to be getting better at reproducing the LENR effect. 
Unfortunately, UFO investigators have had less luck. No doubt the fact that 
it's impossible to sequester UFO phenomenon within the confines of a 
laboratory has something to do with the problem. ;-) UFO phenomenon happens 
when it happens. The phenomenon NEVER occurs under any kind of a laboratory 
condition. For some to use the premise that the evidence is weak or 
non-existent because there is no official documented evidence is a blatant cop 
out. They just don’t want to deal with the issue nor the potential 
ramifications. See the following commissioned painting I did for an individual 
who had an unexpected encounter of his own back in the mid 1980s: How does one prove it 
happened. Or that it even existed. The observer certainly knows. But for the 
rest of us. Ah he just has a vivid imagination, or he was drinking. Blah 
blah blah. BTW, surely you don't think the military hasn't had a chance to 
accumulate some interesting gun camera footage over the past 50 years? I bet 
there is plenty of evidence. And those who have accumulated the best evidence 
aren't talking.  [LENRs will help people.  UFOs are just a distraction from 
worry about paying one's bills.] I disagree. I realizes you are probably 
saying this in jest, but IMO UFOs are not a distraction. Many had no choice in 
what it was they saw. It just happened to them – randomly so. What does that 
have to do with becoming a distraction from paying the bills.  The so-called 
physical evidence for UFOs are completely out of our control.  There is no 
way to predict when a UFO sighting will happen next.  The physical evidence 
for LENRs is in our control, mostly.  We can generally know when LENRs are 
going to happen. Indeed. But the fact is that both UFOs and LENR strike many 
as unproved phenomenon.  The only thing that LENRs and UFOs have in common is 
that they are edgy, unexplained, out-of-the-mainstream.  The UFO sighting 
phenomena is a legitimate arena of scientific study, but scientists are too 
gutless to try.  Indeed, I agree with that conclusion. Regards,Steven Vincent

RE: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to debunk?

2013-06-05 Thread Roger B
What the font is going on here!!  Do you think that I am some kind of 
pathofont, or scripto-path.  I think that it is a conspiracy of fontical 
correctness.  Do font companies hire you guys to try to promote their fonts.  
You guys are all font deniers.  I believe in FREEDOM OF FONTNESS.


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 06:37:19 -0700
Subject: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to debunk?

Teh Google knows all:
And see:


On Tuesday, June 4, 2013, Rich Murray  wrote:

uh, what is Comic Sans ?
clueless in Imperial Beach, CA,  Rich

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 8:53 PM, Eric Walker wrote:

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 8:42 PM, Mark Gibbs wrote:

Might I suggest using a smaller point size and any typeface other than Comic 
Sans (it's a typeface that give us type nerds bad dreams).

I think Comic Sans is a perfect typeface for this list, since it scares away 
anyone who has no stomach for fringe science.



RE: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to debunk?

2013-06-05 Thread Roger B
I can't do block and shadowed fonts.  Perhaps I should switch to my other email 
client and see if it has those features.


 Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 09:59:31 -0700
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to 
  From: Roger B
  Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2013 9:54:52 AM
  What the f o n t is going on here!!
 Much better ... but I know that you jest. Otherwise you would have included 
 block and shadowed fonts.

RE: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to debunk?

2013-06-05 Thread Roger B
There must be a reason, Jed, even if we don't know what it is.  The only thing 
that I can think of is that cold fusion is a threat in some sense to people.

If a BigFoot flying a saucer should land on the White House lawn and say (in 
broken English), Howdy, it would cause a lot of excitement, but there would 
be no paradigms and no funds threatened.  LENR threatens paradigms, reputations 
and funding.  And ruined reputations threaten funding.  And when people start 
to oppose something by making pronouncements against it, they put their 
reputations more at risk, so it snowballs.

Compare the resistance to say juicing for health and juicing to heal cancer 
(Gerson Therapy).  No one bothers trying to prove that juicing for health is 
useless.  But if people say that Gerson therapy heals CANCER, which is mostly 
and basically just juicing, the opposition goes absolutely, positively 
ballistic and even tries to put people in jail.  All of the Gerson therapists 
have to practice in Mexico.  (Of course, it is as easy as banana cream pie to 
learn how to do it from the Internet and do it at home.)  This virulent 
opposition is because of reputations and money.

If you go to some health forum you will see skeptopaths trying to oppose just 
about everything, including juicing.  But the opposition are not real 
scientists, the skeptopaths are few and far between.  But if Dr. Oz did a 
segment about how great Gerson Therapy is and how it works, well, imagine a 
huge pile of human excrement being dropped on a gigantic and very powerful fan 
that was facing up, once every hour for a week.  Dr. Oz would be off the air 
and removed from his profession.  Billions and billions of dollars are at stake 
with cancer therapy, and billions and billions of dollars are at stake with 
fusion.  There is a difference.  Medical doctors are more practiced at 
protecting their turf; fusionists are new at the game.

With Respect,

Roger Bird
Colorado Springs

Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 13:35:12 -0400
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to 

Here is what I don't get about these people. Suppose cold fusion is a mistake, 
or fraud. It is inconsequential. The worst that can happen is that a few 
retired professors waste their time and Rossi steals some money.

I can understand why people get worked up about other scientific controversies 
which have large consequences, such as the fights over global warming or 
vaccinations. But I cannot understand why anyone who thinks that cold fusion is 
wrong would spend any time fretting about it or discussing it, or trying to 
prevent research.

Science is full of mistakes, dead ends and wacky theories. But you never see 
Nature magazine calling for mockery and vituperation in opposition to these 
things. They only reacted this way to cold fusion. I will never understand why.

- Jed


2013-06-05 Thread Roger B
I am unable to subscribe using gmail.  I send the subscription address and 
gmail I think keeps telling me that I have to have real address.  

And anyway, WYSIWYG did not work for me.  I got the same font no matter which 
one I selected.



2013-06-05 Thread Roger B

“I am Life Eternal. I was Krishna, I was Buddha, I was Jesus and now I am Meher 

Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 22:49:04 -0400
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Johannes Kepler's 4th Law of Planetary Motion

I like it.
I will add that in addition, in order to conform to my new quantum theory of 
gravity, those planets will actually have black brane cores and magnetic fields 
strings and will be streaming energetic and massive quantum particles and 
strings within the gravitational wind between the planetary bodies, warping and 
bending spacetime in a not quite so smooth way as Einstein imagined.  These 
high energy quantum particles and closed strings will decay over time and 
create electromagnetic and thermodynamic disturbances around the planets which, 
if they are on planet Earth, will recognize as their weather and auroras.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 10:36 PM, wrote:

In reply to  OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson's message of Wed, 5 Jun 2013

20:57:45 -0500:

Hi Steven,


Special case 2: This includes the unique circumstance where there exists

zero angular momentum, (where the orbital eccentricity is 1). What happens

in this case is that the satellite drops directly towards the central mass

and makes virtual contact with the center in 1/2 of the orbital period. If

the satellite were to magically bounce back at 100%, it would return to

the exact same original position in another 1/2 of an orbital period.

I had been wondering about this on and off for years, but never got around to

working it out. Thanks! :)

(I kind of suspected as much,because a sine wave is the axial shadow of a

circular orbit, and a simple oscillator is described by a sine wave - however,

this assumes a constant k, which is not true of gravitational or electric

fields, where it depends on the radius, leading to a quadratic rather than a

linear function. Hope I got that right ;)



Robin van Spaandonk



2013-06-04 Thread Roger B
I have been a lurker for a short while, but I figured if skeptopaths are 
allowed here, I should also be accepted.

I think a simple way to deal with skeptopaths is to make a rule that no one may 
be here who does not accept the reality of LENR.  There are plenty of forums 
where disbelievers in LENR are welcomed.  This would leave the rest of us to 
discuss LENR and LENR+ and Rossi et. al. in peace and good sense.


RE: [Vo]:Newbie

2013-06-04 Thread Roger B
That is a description, not a rule.  If it were a rule, we could enforce it.  I 
know all about freedom of speech and openness and all that.  But I really don't 
think that it applies here in a world were everyone can say anything anywhere.  
LENR is a FACT.  We should be trying to deal with LENR+, not skeptopaths.

10 years ago I was in a lot of health forums.  I learned the hard way that 
there really are skeptopaths; it really is an illness.  I hope to avoid them 


 Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 18:59:58 -0400
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Newbie
 On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 6:34 PM, Roger B wrote:
  I have been a lurker for a short while, but I figured if skeptopaths are
  allowed here, I should also be accepted.
  I think a simple way to deal with skeptopaths is to make a rule that no one
  may be here who does not accept the reality of LENR.  There are plenty of
  forums where disbelievers in LENR are welcomed.  This would leave the rest
  of us to discuss LENR and LENR+ and Rossi et. al. in peace and good sense.
 Welcome.   This is kinda covered in rule 2:
 Vortex-L is a big nasty nest of 'true believers' (hopefully having
 some tendency to avoid self-deception,) and skeptics may as well leave
 in disgust.

[Vo]:I confess

2013-06-04 Thread Roger B
I confess to being an ignoramus.  I confess to having only a B.A. in 
psychology, a B.A. in philosophy, and an A.S. in electronics technology.  I am, 
however, a philosophical savant.

I have a question that I have asked several times but have never gotten an 
answer.  By what means do conventional physicist probe and understand the 
innards of the atom?  What is the minimum speed of the particles that they 
shoot into the atom to see what is there?  Do they ever use some version of 
light to understand the innards of the atom?

If, as I suppose, and I could be wrong, all of the particles shot into the 
atom are traveling close to the speed of light, then could not there be some 
unknown characteristic at this speed, perhaps as yet unknown to us, that causes 
things inside the atom to behave differently than from how they would behave if 
the probing particle were going much slower.  For example, what if the almost 
light speed particle had a bow wave in front of it as it flew through the 
aether?  If every single particle that was used to probe the inside of the atom 
were traveling at .99 the speed of light, then this distortion would be the 
same in every experiment, and one aspect of this limited view inside the atom 
we might call the Coulomb Barrier.

Is this all possible?  Or am I off base?

Roger Bird

RE: [Vo]:I confess

2013-06-04 Thread Roger B
I didn't say that I was a speed reader.


Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 19:41:21 -0500
Subject: Re: [Vo]:I confess

If you are, as you say, a philosophical savant interested in the speed of 

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 7:26 PM, Roger B wrote:

I confess to being an ignoramus.  I confess to having only a B.A. in 
psychology, a B.A. in philosophy, and an A.S. in electronics technology.  I am, 
however, a philosophical savant.

I have a question that I have asked several times but have never gotten an 
answer.  By what means do conventional physicist probe and understand the 
innards of the atom?  What is the minimum speed of the particles that they 
shoot into the atom to see what is there?  Do they ever use some version of 
light to understand the innards of the atom?

If, as I suppose, and I could be wrong, all of the particles shot into the 
atom are traveling close to the speed of light, then could not there be some 
unknown characteristic at this speed, perhaps as yet unknown to us, that causes 
things inside the atom to behave differently than from how they would behave if 
the probing particle were going much slower.  For example, what if the almost 
light speed particle had a bow wave in front of it as it flew through the 
aether?  If every single particle that was used to probe the inside of the atom 
were traveling at .99 the speed of light, then this distortion would be the 
same in every experiment, and one aspect of this limited view inside the atom 
we might call the Coulomb Barrier.

Is this all possible?  Or am I off base?

Roger Bird



RE: [Vo]:I confess

2013-06-04 Thread Roger B

Somehow the article doesn't grab me.  How's that for philosophy.   (:-)


Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 19:41:21 -0500
Subject: Re: [Vo]:I confess

If you are, as you say, a philosophical savant interested in the speed of 

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 7:26 PM, Roger B wrote:

I confess to being an ignoramus.  I confess to having only a B.A. in 
psychology, a B.A. in philosophy, and an A.S. in electronics technology.  I am, 
however, a philosophical savant.

I have a question that I have asked several times but have never gotten an 
answer.  By what means do conventional physicist probe and understand the 
innards of the atom?  What is the minimum speed of the particles that they 
shoot into the atom to see what is there?  Do they ever use some version of 
light to understand the innards of the atom?

If, as I suppose, and I could be wrong, all of the particles shot into the 
atom are traveling close to the speed of light, then could not there be some 
unknown characteristic at this speed, perhaps as yet unknown to us, that causes 
things inside the atom to behave differently than from how they would behave if 
the probing particle were going much slower.  For example, what if the almost 
light speed particle had a bow wave in front of it as it flew through the 
aether?  If every single particle that was used to probe the inside of the atom 
were traveling at .99 the speed of light, then this distortion would be the 
same in every experiment, and one aspect of this limited view inside the atom 
we might call the Coulomb Barrier.

Is this all possible?  Or am I off base?

Roger Bird



RE: [Vo]:I confess

2013-06-04 Thread Roger B
Disappointing, Joe.  5% is just a little on the slow side, relativity speaking. 
  (:-)   I would not call 5% a data point.

 Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 19:24:42 -0700
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:I confess
 Actually, Rutherford's gold foil experiment used alpha particles, 
 generated by Radon radioactive decay.
 According to and alpha particles 
 typically have an energy around 5 MeV which works out to be a velocity 
 of 5% that of light.
 - Joe
 On 6/4/2013 6:12 PM, leaking pen wrote:
   I do know that beta particles, used in the famous gold foil 
 experiments, are .75 c in vacuum, but often faster than c in other 
   On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Roger B wrote:
   I confess to being an ignoramus.  I confess to having only a B.A. 
 in psychology, a B.A. in philosophy, and an A.S. in electronics 
 technology.  I am, however, a philosophical savant.
   I have a question that I have asked several times but have never 
 gotten an answer.  By what means do conventional physicist probe and 
 understand the innards of the atom?  What is the minimum speed of the 
 particles that they shoot into the atom to see what is there?  Do they 
 ever use some version of light to understand the innards of the atom?
   If, as I suppose, and I could be wrong, all of the particles 
 shot into the atom are traveling close to the speed of light, then 
 could not there be some unknown characteristic at this speed, perhaps as 
 yet unknown to us, that causes things inside the atom to behave 
 differently than from how they would behave if the probing particle were 
 going much slower.  For example, what if the almost light speed particle 
 had a bow wave in front of it as it flew through the aether?  If every 
 single particle that was used to probe the inside of the atom were 
 traveling at .99 the speed of light, then this distortion would be the 
 same in every experiment, and one aspect of this limited view inside the 
 atom we might call the Coulomb Barrier.
   Is this all possible?  Or am I off base?
   Roger Bird

RE: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to debunk?

2013-06-04 Thread Roger B
Did you just say this:  skeptopaths need to tear everyone else down so that 
they can feel superior.  Or:  skeptopaths are afraid of anything outside of the 
box, so they try to get you to come back in.  Or:  skeptopaths hate anything 
that might offer hope.  Or:  one skeptopath I know has severe trust issues, and 
does not even trust himself, and won't even look at the evidence because he 
does not trust himself.

All of the above.


Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 21:24:58 -0500
Subject: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to debunk?

A question that hasn't been asked is WHY many pseudoskeptics seem to pursue 
rabid vendettas against issues like UFOs, or CF  LENR, relentlessly so. I 
suspect they do so because they have ironically misplaced the specific audience 
they are actually trying to convince. Pseudoskeptics think they are trying to 
convince a vast world others of the fact that their conclusions  opinions 
are incorrect. This approach will invariably fail because they refuse to admit 
the possibility that the person they are really trying to convince is no one 
other than themselves. Unfortunately, they are incapable of admitting this 
because they have invested too much of their EGO in a house of cards that they 
must continue to support. It also helps explains why their posting 
predilections are often obsessively relentless. Constantly focusing all of 
their energy on trying to tear apart the opinions of others will obviously 
never address their own unrealized doubts. Therefore, the only option they feel 
they have left at their own disposal is to try harder.

Such irony!
Steven Vincent Johnson 

RE: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to debunk?

2013-06-04 Thread Roger B
That description gave me quite a start there for a second.  I was afraid that 
you were talking about me.   (:-)

Subject: RE: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to 
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 19:59:40 -0700

Often pseudosceptics have a high opinion of themselves, see themselves as 
elite. It is interesting that a disproportionately high number of 
pseudosceptics have an interest in magic.
Most however, appear to suffer from Imagination Deficiency Personality IDP

Fictional miss-identification: Often an IDP will react 
to fictional representations as though they are real. For example, they 
may complain about how a popular fictional TV programs portrays the 
paranormal, or get irate if a book they are reading invokes a ghost or 
spirit, or has a character convert to a spiritual outlook. Some write 
letters of complaint to newspapers that, for example, carry an astrology
 column. Once again all subjects were positive on this measure with one 
(Subject 5) even refusing to fly on an airline whose travel magazine 
included an astrology column.

Delusions of superiority: In many cases the IDP will 
believe that they have special traits or talents not shared by other 
people. Usually these are confined to a narrow range of human abilities,
 and tend to center around issues of intelligence or education. In the 
mildly IDP this may simply come off as immaturity, arrogance or elitism.
 Subject 3, however, consistently referred to others as “delusional” or 
made references to “Elevator[s] not going to the top floor,” and 
subjects 7, 8 and 9 dedicated substantial time to denigrating the works 
of some obscure scholars.
Hyper-realistic representation: This is a tendency on 
the part of the imagination deficient to expect a realistic or rational 
representation in all aspects of life. For example, the IDP may engage 
in nit picking about plot lines in TV programs or books, or complain 
about contemporary linguistic usage which conflicts with a technical 
term. Eight of the 10 subjects scored positive on this measure. Subjects
 8 and 9 wrote books substantially about correct usage of scientific 

 Original Message 

Subject: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to


From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

Date: Wed, June 05, 2013 12:24 pm


A question that hasn't been asked is WHY many pseudoskeptics seem to pursue 
rabid vendettas against issues like UFOs, or CF  LENR, relentlessly so. I 
suspect they do so because they have ironically misplaced the specific audience 
they are actually trying to convince. Pseudoskeptics think they are trying to 
convince a vast world others of the fact that their conclusions  opinions 
are incorrect. This approach will invariably fail because they refuse to admit 
the possibility that the person they are really trying to convince is no one 
other than themselves. Unfortunately, they are incapable of admitting this 
because they have invested too much of their EGO in a house of cards that they 
must continue to support. It also helps explains why their posting 
predilections are often obsessively relentless. Constantly focusing all of 
their energy on trying to tear apart the opinions of others will obviously 
never address their own unrealized doubts. Therefore, the only option they feel 
they have left at their own disposal is to try harder.

Such irony!
Steven Vincent Johnson


RE: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to debunk?

2013-06-04 Thread Roger B
But, seriously, that was an excellent description.  Can you supply a link to it?

Subject: RE: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to 
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 19:59:40 -0700

Often pseudosceptics have a high opinion of themselves, see themselves as 
elite. It is interesting that a disproportionately high number of 
pseudosceptics have an interest in magic.
Most however, appear to suffer from Imagination Deficiency Personality IDP

Fictional miss-identification: Often an IDP will react 
to fictional representations as though they are real. For example, they 
may complain about how a popular fictional TV programs portrays the 
paranormal, or get irate if a book they are reading invokes a ghost or 
spirit, or has a character convert to a spiritual outlook. Some write 
letters of complaint to newspapers that, for example, carry an astrology
 column. Once again all subjects were positive on this measure with one 
(Subject 5) even refusing to fly on an airline whose travel magazine 
included an astrology column.

Delusions of superiority: In many cases the IDP will 
believe that they have special traits or talents not shared by other 
people. Usually these are confined to a narrow range of human abilities,
 and tend to center around issues of intelligence or education. In the 
mildly IDP this may simply come off as immaturity, arrogance or elitism.
 Subject 3, however, consistently referred to others as “delusional” or 
made references to “Elevator[s] not going to the top floor,” and 
subjects 7, 8 and 9 dedicated substantial time to denigrating the works 
of some obscure scholars.
Hyper-realistic representation: This is a tendency on 
the part of the imagination deficient to expect a realistic or rational 
representation in all aspects of life. For example, the IDP may engage 
in nit picking about plot lines in TV programs or books, or complain 
about contemporary linguistic usage which conflicts with a technical 
term. Eight of the 10 subjects scored positive on this measure. Subjects
 8 and 9 wrote books substantially about correct usage of scientific 

 Original Message 

Subject: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to


From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

Date: Wed, June 05, 2013 12:24 pm


A question that hasn't been asked is WHY many pseudoskeptics seem to pursue 
rabid vendettas against issues like UFOs, or CF  LENR, relentlessly so. I 
suspect they do so because they have ironically misplaced the specific audience 
they are actually trying to convince. Pseudoskeptics think they are trying to 
convince a vast world others of the fact that their conclusions  opinions 
are incorrect. This approach will invariably fail because they refuse to admit 
the possibility that the person they are really trying to convince is no one 
other than themselves. Unfortunately, they are incapable of admitting this 
because they have invested too much of their EGO in a house of cards that they 
must continue to support. It also helps explains why their posting 
predilections are often obsessively relentless. Constantly focusing all of 
their energy on trying to tear apart the opinions of others will obviously 
never address their own unrealized doubts. Therefore, the only option they feel 
they have left at their own disposal is to try harder.

Such irony!
Steven Vincent Johnson


RE: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to debunk?

2013-06-04 Thread Roger B
No, LENR and UFOs are not in the same category.  LENR has lots of physical 
evidence.  The so-called physical evidence for UFOs is very weak if not 

[LENRs will help people.  UFOs are just a distraction from worry about paying 
one's bills.]

The so-called physical evidence for UFOs are completely out of our control.  
There is no way to predict when a UFO sighting will happen next.  The physical 
evidence for LENRs is in our control, mostly.  We can generally know when LENRs 
are going to happen.

The only thing that LENRs and UFOs have in common is that they are edgy, 
unexplained, out-of-the-mainstream.  The UFO sighting phenomena is a legitimate 
arena of scientific study, but scientists are too gutless to try. 


Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 22:06:35 -0500
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to 

Are UFO and LENR in the same category?Giovanni

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 9:24 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

A question that hasn't been asked is WHY many pseudoskeptics seem to pursue 
rabid vendettas against issues like UFOs, or CF  LENR, relentlessly so. I 
suspect they do so because they have ironically misplaced the specific audience 
they are actually trying to convince. Pseudoskeptics think they are trying to 
convince a vast world others of the fact that their conclusions  opinions 
are incorrect. This approach will invariably fail because they refuse to admit 
the possibility that the person they are really trying to convince is no one 
other than themselves. Unfortunately, they are incapable of admitting this 
because they have invested too much of their EGO in a house of cards that they 
must continue to support. It also helps explains why their posting 
predilections are often obsessively relentless. Constantly focusing all of 
their energy on trying to tear apart the opinions of others will obviously 
never address their own unrealized doubts. Therefore, the only option they feel 
they have left at their own disposal is to try harder.

Such irony!

Steven Vincent Johnson