[Vo]: Joe Cell Running

2006-07-30 Thread hohlrauml6d

Trying again.  It bounced on gmail:

Well here's the setup:


It's being fired by a wall wart rated at 6VDC which is actually putting 
out 9VDC with considerable ripple.  Probably just a xfmr and a rect.  
Only the end plates are energized.  The one facing the camera is the 

The container is a teflon coated bread pan confirmed to be fully 
electrically insulated.  It holds roughly 1/2 gal of water with the 

There was no current flow in the cell until I poured in the distilled 
water and I immediately saw it rise to 0.8 mA.  After 5 min. it was up 
to 1.5 mA and seemed fairly steady.  I'm keeping a log.

I plan to charge the water for 1 week if I can keep the cats out of it. 
There will be plenty available if Vorts want a sample.


 PS Interesting note:  After about 10 min., the only bubble formation 
was on the anode near the base at the teflon.  Aggregrated 

[Vo]: Water Cell Ready

2006-07-29 Thread hohlrauml6d
I am having trouble posting.  I hope this makes it through at least 

You can view the 16 plate cell at:


I am open to suggestions on how to proceed.  Each plate has dual
electrodes; so, many configurations are possible.

If I don't hear from anyone, tomorrow I will energize only the end
anode and cathode plates submersed in distilled water for one week to
replicate Jones' effort.

I have also purchased some small two-cycle engines to test for
combustion independent of petrol.  :-)



Re: [Vo]: For Joe Cell Lovers 8-)

2006-07-19 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Grimer

The key to understanding is to recognise that in
terms of Di-Phase Theory the SOLID PHASE is in a
state of compression and the FLUID PHASE is in a
state of tension.

Well, I'm not very patient.  Is the 'Legasse' in equilibrium?


[Vo]: Re: Joe's To Go

2006-07-16 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

JB:  Along with about half of Wales, but hey ... what's wrong with a 
bit of inbreeding? 

TB:  What choice do you have on an island?
JB:  BTW, a small Teflon-coated cooking pot, placed over a large 
speaker magnet seems to be working, as there is a slight expansion of 
the water level and no electrolysis gases being released. 

I suppose this is what one wants. The circulation caused by the magnet 
might be an important feature ... or not. 

Expansion means lower density - and ergo: possible nanobubbles, right? 
No evidence of an increase in viscosity yet. We will see. 

TB:  You have to flying sauciers? Or have you abandoned the control?
JB:  Are you underway, Terry-Joe? 

TB:  Yes, but what's the point of replicating your work if that's all 
that is needed to make the fuel?  Maybe I should pursue another 
approach.  I have an idea.  Here's my approach.  I gathered the 


Note that I plan to use teflon tape to insulate the threaded rods from 
the plates.  I am using a 3M adhesive to assemble the plates.  The 
adhesive comes in a roll and is similar to double-sided adhesive foam.  
I attach conductors to one side of the adhesive (two conductors per 
plate for reliability . . . color-coded, BTW):


I attach adhesive only (no conductor) to the other side of the next 


You can see that the adhesive is clear when the red backing is removed; 
but, it maintains its structure keeping the plates electrically 
separated.  I then carefully align the plates and press and voila!


With this assembly, I can test Denny Klein's idea by applying voltage 
only to the outside plates.  Or I can apply any voltage to any and all 
plates or no voltage to any plate.  I should finish today.

Whaddya think?  Got an idea for a new protocol?  Or should I try Denny 
Klein's approach of only electrolyzing with the outside plates?


I wouldn't know how to test if the resulting Aquygen gas was anything 
other than H2 + O2, however.

Suggestions anyone?


Re: [Vo]: Re: Joe's To Go

2006-07-16 Thread hohlrauml6d

TB: You have to flying sauciers? Or have you abandoned the control? 

That should read two flying sauciers.  Really ruins the pun  :-(

Re: [Vo]: Re: Joe's To Go

2006-07-16 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

The problem as always - in gauging the efficiency for H2 generation is 
in measuring the volume of the gas produced as well as its BTU content. 
How do you plan to do that? 

Well, that's why I said:

I wouldn't know how to test if the resulting Aquygen gas was anything 
other than H2 + O2, however.

Suggestions anyone?



[Vo]: Re: Casimir effect

2006-07-16 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Harry Veeder

The thought police might arrest me for thinking this:
What appears as repulsion may actually be self-attraction.

According to the standard inflationary theory, 70% of the cosmos is 
composed of negative energy which is repulsive.


Re: [Vo]: Re: Joe's To Go

2006-07-16 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: thomas malloy
Looks like a Brown's Gas generator to me. 

That's what I initially thought until Fred Sparber pointed out that 
many of the parallel plates within the electrolyzer are not connected 
to either the anode nor the cathode.  This implies something else might 
be ahappenin'.


Re: [Vo]: OffTopic: Male Pride and Female Prejudice

2006-07-15 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Terri

So, how can you 'know'? Remote viewing? 

Speaking of RV, Frances:



Remote viewing paths could lead to breakthrough event

Steve Hammons
July 12, 2006

Remote viewing could soon lead to something greater than simply using 
our natural sixth sense to gather information and intelligence as 
well as improving our understanding of our surroundings.

One day soon, we might find that phenomena like remote viewing will 
lead us to a significant breakthrough that will change the world.

The technique called remote viewing reportedly taps into the human 
unconscious and the deeper levels of energy.

The physics of remote viewing allows people to reach greater awareness 
about many things, perhaps including other dimensions of our natural 
world that we normally don't pay full attention to.


I vaguely recall a Beta-atm explanation of Psychic Abilities, or was I 


[Vo]: Joe's To Go

2006-07-15 Thread hohlrauml6d
Okay, I have my SS plates from Home Despot, my nuts and rod.  Plenty of 
distilled and deionized water.  I'm only doing 16 plates since all I 
want is something to microwave per Jones' suggestion.  I will begin 
assembly this weekend.

I have two 12 VDC batteries and can charge them at either 12 or 24 VDC.

So, Jones, which protocol should I try first?  No electrolyte/no 
voltage?  I'm your lackey!

Terry (whose middle name is Joe!)

Re: [Vo]: Re: Re: Joe's To Go

2006-07-15 Thread hohlrauml6d

yeah, caught that

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 12:39:46 -0700
Subject: [Vo]: Re: Re: Joe's To Go

Terry - oops you know where to substitute amps for volts in the 
previously garbbled message, being the good EE  

[Vo]: Re: Joe's To Go

2006-07-15 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

Dinner guest will call it dynamite. If anything changes, I will post 
directly to you to avoid taking up bandwidth on what could be little 
more than a cooking lesson ... 

No, please, let's keep it on the list.  Bloody list hasn't seen any 
experimentation in ages.

Patent US6743467 sez:


Hydrophobic coatings are water-proof coatings which have immediate uses 
in reducing icing and fouling of other surface. Such coatings can also 
render protected surfaces resistant to attachment by water soluble 
electrolytes such as acids and alkalies, and by microorganisms.

In the past, surfaces have been protected against encrustation, 
corrosion, icing and fouling by means of coatings containing polymer 
films, hydrophobic solid fillers and hydrophobic liquids. One 
disadvantage of the use of such coatings is that they do not achieve 
multi-purpose protection since they are not generally versatile enough 
to protect against damage from a variety of causes.

It is well understood that the wettability of various materials is 
dependent on both the physical and chemical heterogeneity of the 
material. The notion of using the contact angle .theta. made by a 
droplet of liquid on a surface of a solid substrate as a quantitative 
measure of the wetting ability of the particular solid has also long 
been well understood. If the liquid spreads completely across the 
surface and forms a film, the contact angle .theta. is 0.degree.. If 
there is any degree of beading of the liquid on the surface of the 
substrate, the surface is considered to be non-wetting. For water, the 
substrate surface is usually considered to be hydrophobic if the 
contact angle is greater than 90.degree..

Examples of materials on which liquid droplets have high contact angles 
include water on paraffin, in which there is a contact angle of about 
107.degree.. Many applications require a hydrophobic coating with a 
high contact angle of at least 150.degree., and preferably at least 

A gel is a substance that contains a continuous solid skeleton 
enclosing a continuous liquid phase. The liquid prevents the solid from 
collapsing, and the solid prevents the liquid from escaping. The solid 
skeleton can be formed by linking colloidal particles together.

The present inventors have now developed methods for producing 
materials which, when coated on a surface, render that surface 

What is meant by 'contact angle'?  Is this the slope of the water bead 
at the surface of the hydrophobic material?

(Note: these inventors are Aussies.  One is named Jones.)


Re: [Vo]: Wormholes and Orbital Days Inn

2006-07-14 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Terry

Robert Bigelow's projects are always out there. 
Model of inflatable space hotel set to launch 
20:46 11 July 2006 
An inflatable spacecraft designed to test technology for a future space 
hotel is to be launched from Russia on Wednesday. 

Everything is on track and scheduled for launch, Robert Bigelow told 
New Scientist in a prepared statement. Bigelow is the founder of 
Bigelow Aerospace in Las Vegas, Nevada, US, which is behind the 
inflatable test vehicle.  

It worked!


Re: [Vo]: OffTopic: Male Pride and Female Prejudice

2006-07-14 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Harry Veeder

Male Pride and Female Prejudice

Doesn't matter, men are unneeded:



Sorry chaps, but you're utterly redundant

23:38pm 11th July 2006

Her name was Frances Swiney, a feminist whose vision for the sisterhood 
and humanity was more than a trifle extreme.

She thought men were the waste products of the reproductive process and 
wanted them eliminated. Her ideal method was asexual reproduction - the 
creation of children without a man involved.

That way, she thought, women could look forward to the gradual 
extinction of the distinctive male organism and the assimilation of the 
male to the female.

Until now, people like Mrs Swiney, who lived in the 19th century, were 
considered to be several apples short of a picnic. But now her vision 
of a female-only world is all but with us.

Sorry to tell you, men, but you are shortly to be declared redundant, 
superfluous to the requirements of the human race, written out of the 
reproductive script. Cheerio and please close the door behind you on 
your way out of history.

At least this is the prospect laid out before us by the latest lurch 
into the brave new world of medical research.

In the attempt to find a cure for male infertility, a Newcastle 
University biologist, Karim Nayernia, has succeeded in using 
artificially produced sperm to fertilise mouse eggs.


Re: [Vo]: Wires from bacteria

2006-07-14 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Stephen A. Lawrence

Anybody know what this means? : 
/Shewanella/, of interest in environmental cleanup for its ability 
to hasten the weathering of toxic metals into benign ones 
How do you weather a toxic metal (like, perhaps, lead, arsenic, 
mercury...) into a benign one (as in a benign metal, like, aluminum, 
copper, iron, ...?) ? 

There's clearly something here that I'm not getting. 

Here's a similar article:



Thar's gold in them thar microbes

Thursday, July 13, 2006; Posted: 11:32 p.m. EDT (03:32 GMT)

Gold nuggets: Bacteria may contribute to their formation.

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) -- Researchers in Australia have uncovered 
evidence that a tiny microbe may have the Midas touch of Greek legend, 
capable of turning dust to gold.

Findings reported in the July 14 issue of the U.S.-based magazine 
Science suggest a bacteria known as Ralstonia metallidurans may play 
a key role in creating gold nuggets and grains.


Re: [Vo]: Wormholes and Orbital Days Inn

2006-07-14 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Michel Jullian

Indeed, fascinating! Private space seems to be much more efficient than 


I suppose it depends on whose money is being spent.  ;-)


[Vo]: Stoking the Furnace

2006-07-13 Thread hohlrauml6d

Maybe it's not us:




Since the late 1970s, the amount of solar radiation the sun emits, 
during times of quiet sunspot activity, has increased by nearly .05 
percent per decade, according to a NASA funded study.

[Vo]: Tesla BEV Launch in a Week

2006-07-13 Thread hohlrauml6d


0-60 in 4s
250 mi per charge
$0.01 per mile

[Vo]: Re: Nanobubbles and Free-energy

2006-07-13 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

So if a nanobubble radius (very stable bubble) were forced to shrink, 
during the compression and combustion cycles of an ICE (aided by the 
Casimir force below 10 nm) from 100 nm down to 1 nm, would its 
potential enegy increase by a factor of 10,000 ... while requiring a 
relative energy input of 1000 ? IOW a 10-1 gain thanks to Casimir ?? 

Not trying to (ahem) burst your bubble; but, I thought Casimir only 
applied to uncharged conductors.


[Vo]: Re: Nanobubbles and Free-energy

2006-07-13 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene  
All punnery aside... like all seekers-of-truth, I opt for every weak 
bubble to be burst, the sooner the better. Do you have a reference for 


The Casimir effect can be understood by the idea that the presence of 
conducting metals and dielectrics alter the vacuum expectation value of 
the energy of the electromagnetic field. Since the value of this energy 
depends on the shapes and positions of the conductors and dielectrics, 
the Casimir effect manifests itself as a force between such objects.

But, there seems to be more to it than this.  It seems Casimir is 
involved in all particle exchanges.


[Vo]: Re: Nanobubbles and Free-energy

2006-07-13 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

IOW if we just had this Wiki entry to go on - the jury is still out on 
whether the Casimir is active for nanobubbles or not, but with the 
enticing (slight) possibility that it could end up being 
especially-active - should there be a hint of excitonic-type 

Would you not agree? 

Indeed!  I would never discourage a line of thought that might lead to 
energy freedom.

One thing I am trying to grasp is what does the boundry look like?  The 
nanobubble surface boundry might very well have water molecules 
polarized inwardly.  Did you note that they mixed in KOH to adjust the 


[Vo]: Venus Vortex

2006-07-12 Thread hohlrauml6d

This has gotta be on topic  :-).


Vortex visible on Venus

The first images ever taken of Venus? south pole caused a swirl of 
excitement among astronomers in April. Taken by cameras aboard the 
European Space Agency?s Venus Express spacecraft, the images revealed 
that hovering above the southern pole is an enormous vortex structure 
of clouds, similar to one found at the previously imaged north pole. 

More detail:




[Vo]: Wormholes and Orbital Days Inn

2006-07-12 Thread hohlrauml6d

Robert Bigelow's projects are always out there.



Model of inflatable space hotel set to launch
20:46 11 July 2006

An inflatable spacecraft designed to test technology for a future space 
hotel is to be launched from Russia on Wednesday.

Everything is on track and scheduled for launch, Robert Bigelow told 
New Scientist in a prepared statement. Bigelow is the founder of 
Bigelow Aerospace in Las Vegas, Nevada, US, which is behind the 
inflatable test vehicle. 


PS Just received my copy of:


Re: [Vo]: biological computing

2006-07-09 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: thomas malloy

With a URL like this, I couldn't resist visiting his website. I read 
his writings and they made no sense to me. Am I uneducated, do his 
ideas on information processing make sense? 

Sure.  He is making William Gibson's Neuromancer real.  I'll bet he 
and Sarfatti are buds.  ;-)


[Vo]: Imaginary Weapons

2006-07-09 Thread hohlrauml6d
A book recently mentioned on the hydrino list has been the subject of 
discussion by certain fringe scientists in other lists:



Any idea who the obscure Texas scientist might be?  Could he be from 
Austin? ;-)

So, Jones, suppose we put that hafnium within a shell of scandium then 
hit it with the dental x-ray?


Re: [Vo]: Re: Bell, Bang and Entangle

2006-07-07 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Robin van Spaandonk

It's also possible that there is no such thing as a

Agreed.  However, one must know where one is in order to get to where 
one wants to be.

Depending on what 'is' 'is'.


Re: [Vo]: Bell, Bang and Entangle

2006-07-07 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Robin van Spaandonk

Are you saying that the experiment proves that The correlation of
states cannot possibly be predeterministic, or are you saying
that the spin state upon creation of the pair is not fixed (IYO)?

IYO?  I do not know enough to have developed an opinion.  SQM says the 
spin states are not fixed.  There are several physicists who cannot 
accept this (like us).  Read Bohm's explanation for one.


Re: [Vo]: Re: Bell, Bang and Entangle

2006-07-07 Thread hohlrauml6d

I said:
Depending on what 'is' 'is'. 

Change that to:

Depending on what 'is' is.


Re: [Vo]: Re: Bell, Bang and Entangle

2006-07-07 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Robin van Spaandonk

IOW we build castles in the air.


One of those hierarchical airs, IMO.  ;-)


[Vo]: Re: Algae Ponds and Motor Fuel.

2006-07-06 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

Nowadays Willie lives in Hawii and all of his vehicles are powered by 
biodiesel. One suspects that seeds from Maui-Wowie will give an added 
boost, but noone can really remember when they filled up last 

Well if his sh*t-kickin' buddy, Kinky Friedman becomes gov'nor


of that fine state, maybe they will grow the herb, extract the essence 
and make Texas the energy captial of the world again.

Why the hell not and How hard could it be make KF's great mottos.


Re: [Vo]: 32 inch V-Track..

2006-07-06 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Anthony

I recently downloaded a video where a guy, I forget his name, has a
small yellow car, running down a track on top of a clear plastic top,
setting on top of what appears to be permanent magnets.  Someone
introduces the video by saying this is a one-directional, 32 inch,
v-track with one gate. then he lets go of the car and it races down the
track.  Does anybody know what I'm talking about?

Probably Thom Schum's page:


I got the video and a few others here...



Does anybody know if this guy is using permanent magnets or are there
electro-magnets involved?  And if it's all permanents, does anybody have
plans on how to make this device or have you made one yourself?

Mike Brady uses permanent magnets.  Go here:


and type in 'perendev' into the search box.


Re: [Vo]: OT: Political reform: was Algae Ponds...

2006-07-06 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene


His song Asshole from El Paso, a parody of Merle Haggard's Okie from 
Muskogee is his most famous song and would easily get him my vote if I 
can register there soon enough. (I still have some relatives hanging 
around in Pecos county g ). 

BTW did you see where Wiki immediately labeled the Ken Lay death as 
suicide? They may have to add some controls in there soon, as a few 
folks think of it as a real authority. 

Ain't third party politics great, not to mention, ain't anything mostly 
'out of institutionalized control' like Wiki, Kinky, and Willie - 
annoying to the politico-pros? Gotta luv-it... otherwise.  

I became a Kinky fan from his books before I was aware of his music; 
but, I just think the Texas Jewboy might fit the boot for the Lone Star 

Re: Lay -- I'd await the autopsy results before passing judgement on 
the wiki writer.  ;-)

Ain't life fun!?  I mean, if we lived 600 years like Noah, you'd have 
to take it seriously.  But with only six score before the telomere 
decay . . . everything is funny to me.


Re: [Vo]: Perendev

2006-07-05 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Anthony

What did they do wrong?

Possibly, nothing.  Brady has been promising delivery for years.

However, did you notice the clicking sound as the rotor turned?  It 
sounds like there is movement of the magnets in their channels.  This 
would reduce efficiency of the motor.


[Vo]: Re: Bell, Bang and Entangle

2006-07-05 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Robin van Spaandonk

All the balls in the box are connected
in pairs, one blue ball connected to one red ball.

But John Bell has stated and subsequent experiments prove that such is 
not reality.  The balls are not correlated prior to measurement, their 
relationship is known; but, the color of neither is determinate.

Another example:

A beam splitter allows a photon to travel one of two paths.  As long as 
the observer does not know the path taken by the photon, an 
interference pattern results when the paths converge.  However, if you 
place a detector in one path, then interference pattern goes away due 
to the known path.

This is true regardless of the distance between the splitter, the 
detector and the point of convergence.



[Vo]: Tiny Bubbles are Langmuir Sheaths

2006-07-05 Thread hohlrauml6d


Stratified, dissimilar plasmas whose change in veliocity appears as a 
large temperature.

[Vo]: Re: Bell, Bang and Entangle

2006-07-05 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Robin van Spaandonk

RS: ...and exactly how does one know that the color is indeterminate
if no measurement has been done,

TB: I understand your position.  Intuitively, I agree with you with 
great glee.  It is identical to Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen.  However, 
the data shows that the Bell Inequalities exist.  Here's a good 


RS: No, the pattern goes away because the photons in one path are
stopped by the detector (otherwise the detector wouldn't be
detecting anything).

TB:  That is the simple answer; but, it does not jive with current SQM 
experiments.  In this case, we are speaking of *single* photon 
interference patterns.  They create interference patterns because of 
Feynman's sum of histories concept.  The interference pattern is a 
result of the probabilites that the photon can follow either path with 
a certain probability.  When the photon path is known, the photon does 
not go away.  The photon is detected at the convergence point; however, 
it is detected as a particle.  It is not stopped at the detector.

Bohm offers an interesting explanation by separating the particle from 
the probability wave function.  But Ockham's razor rules!


[Vo]: Re: Bell, Bang and Entangle

2006-07-05 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message- 
From: Robin van Spaandonk 
RS: ...and exactly how does one know that the color is indeterminate 
if no measurement has been done, 
TB: I understand your position. Intuitively, I agree with you with 
great glee. It is identical to Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen. However, 
the data shows that the Bell Inequalities exist. Here's a good 

RS: No, the pattern goes away because the photons in one path are 
stopped by the detector (otherwise the detector wouldn't be 
detecting anything). 
TB: That is the simple answer; but, it does not jive with current SQM 
experiments. In this case, we are speaking of *single* photon 
interference patterns. They create interference patterns because of 
Feynman's sum of histories concept. The interference pattern is a 
result of the probabilites that the photon can follow either path with 
a certain probability. When the photon path is known, the photon does 
not go away. The photon is detected at the convergence point; however, 
it is detected as a particle. It is not stopped at the detector. 

Bohm offers an interesting explanation by separating the particle from 
the probability wave function. But Ockham's razor rules! 


[Vo]: Bell, Bang and Entangle

2006-07-05 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message- 
From: hohlrauml6d 
I said: 
However, the data shows that the Bell Inequalities exist. 
I really meant to say that the inequalities do not exist. If JB's 
theory, the three axis spin probabilities should show that the 
deterministic case of EPR indicate red/green flashes = 5/9; however, 
the data from millions of tests indicate the correlation to be exactly 
50%. The correlation of states cannot possibly be predeterministic. The 
electrons do not know their spin state upon creation. 


[Vo]: Another Meyer?

2006-06-30 Thread hohlrauml6d

United States Patent  7,041,203
Sullivan  May 9, 2006

Apparatus and method for generating and using multi-direction DC and AC 
electrical currents

Multi-directional currents are generated in a medium by cyclically 
reversing the direction of a conventional current applied to at least 
one of at least two electrodes so that an electromotive force (EMF) 
pulse travels from side of the electrode to the other, changing the 
direction of current in the medium. The multi-directional currents may 
be used to accelerate electrolytic processes such as generation of 
hydrogen by water electrolysis, to sterilize water for drinking, to 
supply charging current to a battery or capacitor, including a 
capacitive thrust module, in a way that extends the life and/or 
improves the performance of the battery or capacitor, to increase the 
range of an electromagnetic projectile launcher, and to increase the 
light output of a cold cathode light tube, to name just a few of the 
potential applications for the multi-directional currents.

[Vo]: Re: Methane as fuel, recycling CO2?

2006-06-30 Thread hohlrauml6d

From: Sparber 
There was an algae farm experiment near Roswell, NM when nearby oil was 
really cheap, Aliens 
contaminated it. :-) 
That explains how Big Oil has has successfully blocked alternative 
energy sources: extraterrestrial assistance! 


[Vo]: Is Spacetime a Superfluid?

2006-06-30 Thread hohlrauml6d



What makes this approach so interesting is that the behavior of 
condensed matter is collective. The details of individual molecules 
hardly matter; the system's properties emerge from the act of 
aggregation. When water freezes, the molecules do not change, but the 
collective behavior does, and the laws that apply to liquids no longer 
do. Under the right conditions, a fluid can turn into a superfluid, 
governed by quantum mechanics even on macroscopic scales. Chapline, 
along with physicists Evan Hohlfeld, Robert B. Laughlin and David I. 
Santiago of Stanford University, has proposed that a similar process 
happens at event horizons. The equations of relativity fail, and new 
laws emerge. If one thinks of spacetime as a superfluid, then it is 
very natural that in fact something physical does happen at the event 
horizon--that is, the classical event horizon is replaced by a quantum 
phase transition, Chapline says. 

Don't those bubbles in the sky prove the point?


[Vo]: Re: Is Spacetime a Superfluid

2006-06-30 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: RC Macaulay

As close as I have ever been able to fathom the mystery is a subtle 
passage in the bible where the wording states... everything is held 
together by the power of His word.

Yes.  And, although I have never heard him say it, I think Grimer 
believes that his atmosphere hierarchy is the physical manifestation.

The universe allegedly originated from the Big Bang.  The singularity 
which existed at the moment of the BB was the lowest entrophy state of 
the universe.  Disorder and time are the initiation of the Bang.

The idea of spacetime being a BEC fits well here, IMO.  But noone has 
yet figured it all out.  When that happens, I suspect the sky will roll 
up like a scroll.  ;-)

But it is our destiny to seek the Truth.


[Vo]: Re: Is Spacetime a Superfluid

2006-06-30 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Robin van Spaandonk

I think that's what the universe looks like as one gets swallowed
up by a black hole, or more accurately I think the whole sky
appears to narrow to a single point of light. Someone please
correct me if I'm wrong.

You are exactly right if special relativity is correct.  From the 
perspective of the particle crossing the event horizon, the universe 
rotates by 45 degrees.

And SR would apply if the Beta-atm is a BEC.

All, IMO.  No citations.


[Vo]: Re: [BOBPARKS-WHATSNEW] What's New Friday June 30, 2006

2006-06-30 Thread hohlrauml6d

The only title I have ever aspired to is Professor of Physics.
That title has not changed, nor will What's New, nor anything
else I can think of.  As you know, What's New is now supported by
the University of Maryland Department of Physics, which has made
it my major teaching assignment; the APS allows me use the office
in the National Press Building as a base to write it with help
from a wonderful staff; and I continue to get up every morning to
battle the Philistines, secure in the knowledge that when I get
it wrong, WN readers will straighten me out.

Yeah, but when was the last time you *admitted* you were wrong, 


PS read LENR.org in your free time and save your condemnation in history.

[Vo]: Re: Bell, Bang and Entangle

2006-06-30 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Robin van Spaandonk

Actually I don't even believe that information is transferred, let
alone energy.

That is the claim of the standard quantum physics proponent.

Let's try this:

Creation of an particle anti-particle pair results in a dual vortex in 
the BCE which is separated by distance by propagation . . . sort of an 
hour glass with the top part going right to Scully and left to Mulder 
with opposite rotations in the BEC.

However, since the spin is anti-evident, the direction of the 
(opposing) vortices are not defined until someone with a timecone 
(worldline) observes them.  Filters them, wrt to the present universe.

However (again), the spin vortices of the BEC remain indeterminate 
until the observer's timecone intersects with particle timecone 
(observation).  This could result in a non-local flip which correlates 
Mulder and Scully's observations.  :-)

Because the timecones of the particles are interconnected in 'yarn 
space', the spin, once observed, determines the rotation of the 
particle vortex.

Because all possible universes exist (based on observer's descisions - 
and this requires explanation), but the observer is traveling a single 
path, his timecone defines the spin polarization in his spacetime. 
(assuming  Susskinds 10^500 + universes)

Seems trivial, n'est-ce pas?


(not even wrong, I'm sure)

[Vo]: Bell, Bang and Entangle

2006-06-29 Thread hohlrauml6d

Gnorts, Vorts!

Let us suppose that my guess is wrong and permanent magnets are not ZPE 
pumps.  Of course, it is undisputed that the primary source of the PM 
field is electron spin with secondary and tertiary contributions from 
orbital rotation and nuclear spin.  Shall we explore another 

Tests of Bell's theorem have pretty much proven the concept of 
entanglement and put to rest EPR's local realism.  If, at the moment of 
the big bang, all electrons had positron mates then would they not 
remain entangled?  But whence the missing antimatter, you might ask.  
That one will have to wait because I have not finished Susskind's book. 

Let us suppose the positrons reside in Oz.  Indeed, it might be that 
there is an entanglement space that looks like a ball of yarn after 
my new Maine Coon kitty has played with it.  This space would be 
composed of all the umbilical cords which tie the entangled particles.

Here's my point (with many dancing angels):  electron spin could move 
energy between Kansas and Oz.  More if this congeals.


A recent Bell-based attack on SR:


[Vo]: Re: Bell, Bang and Entangle

2006-06-29 Thread hohlrauml6d

A recent Bell-based attack on SR: 

BTW, Brian Greene's book has replaced Alice and Bob with Scully and 
Mulder, as in the referenced paper.

More apropos considering spooky action at a distance, n'est-ce pas?


[Vo]: Re: Bell, Bang and Entangle

2006-06-29 Thread hohlrauml6d

One side note:

For those Vorts who might not get the subject title:


My lusty heart rejects that I was only 4 when Kim Novak made this movie.


[Vo]: Rarification of Aether

2006-06-28 Thread hohlrauml6d
I posted the following on the Beta-atm group to Frank; but, thought I 
would get Vorts' thoughts.

(to Grimer) In your Principa in the files Stuff folder, you state:

Unlike many  other ductile metals which neck down to a point, mild 
steel exhibits a curious  phenomena as ultimate failure in tension 
becomes immanent. A lens shaped cavity  opens up within the material 
whilst the external surface is still intact. The  existence of this 
cavity has been demonstrated by x-raying specimens brought  almost to 
the point of failure.

Clayton and I spent some time experimenting to see if we could show 
that the  pressure in this cavity was well below atmospheric but our 
results were  inconclusive. Nevertheless we strongly suspect that a 
more thorough  investigation might well show up the presence of a 
b-atmosphere vacuum. With  such a demonstration the claim that 
materials were held together from the  outside and not from the inside 
would be hard to deny, however unwelcome its  implications might be for 

If your Beta-atmosphere is really the luciferous ether, then the 
propagation of x-ray photon should be superluminal through the 
lens-shaped cavity.  This should not be difficult to test.  It *would* 
get you that trip to Stockholm. :-)


Re: [Vo]: OFF TOPIC Video of earth destroyed by 100 km-wide asteroid

2006-06-27 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jed Rothwell

The voiceover is in Japanese, but a rough translation is on the right. 
This is from NHK, Japanese National Television. 

Cute fantasy; but, hardly realistic.  A large mass would have reached 
escape velocity and been sent into orbit.  After all, this is allegedly 
how our moon was formed.


[Vo]: Re: Black hydrogen, palladium and Bush

2006-06-25 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Walter Faxon

Forgive me if this was posted when current:



Interesting to note that the author was one Mark Baard.  Could this be 
Erik Baard?  If not, the VV has more bards than Stratford.  :-)


[Vo]: We're All Adicted

2006-06-25 Thread hohlrauml6d

Addicted To Knowledge

 Neuroscientists at the University of Southern California have proposed 
a simple explanation for the pleasure of grasping a new concept: The 
brain is getting its fix. According to researcher Irving Biederman, the 
click of comprehension triggers a biochemical cascade that rewards 
the brain with a shot of natural opium-like substances.




[Vo]: Stinky Bush for Energy

2006-06-25 Thread hohlrauml6d

No not a political statement:


From campfire to gas tank, Mesquite energy may be harvested for ethanol

Vernon ? The dense mesquite-covered mid-section of Texas could provide 
fuel for about 400 small ethanol plants, according to one Texas 
Agricultural Experiment Station researcher.

Dr. Jim Ansley, Experiment Station rangeland researcher at Vernon, is 
determining the feasibility of developing a bio-energy industry in 
rural West Central Texas. The industry would be based on the harvest 
and use of rangeland woody plants, such as mesquite and red berry 
juniper, as an energy source.


And you thought it was just a weed, Macaulay.  :-)


[Vo]: Tiny Bubbles in the Sky . . .

2006-06-25 Thread hohlrauml6d

. . . they are there; but, we don't know why.


Space is fizzing. Above our heads, where the Earth?s magnetic field 
meets the constant stream of gas from the Sun, thousands of bubbles of 
superheated gas are constantly growing and popping. Their discovery 
could allow scientists to finally understand the interaction between 
the solar wind and the Earth?s magnetic field.

Re: [Vo]: Electron orbital - myth?

2006-06-25 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

The component of orbital energy of the electron is absent in the 
mathematical model of the formation of atomic spectra. **That means 
that there is not orbital movement of the electrons in atoms. ** In 
this case the rotating electron will precesses on the proton of the 
nucleus. Such process of the interaction of the electron with the 
nucleus of the atom explains the principle formation of molecules by 
means of unlike magnetic poles of the valence electrons.  

Gee, that will really disappoint Randell.  ;-)

Does this mean covalent bonding and magnetism are related?


[Vo]: GM Plans PHEV

2006-06-24 Thread hohlrauml6d


GM Plans Gas-Electric Car to Catch Up to Toyota, People Say
June 23 (Bloomberg) -- General Motors Corp., losing sales to 
fuel-efficient cars from Toyota Motor Corp., is developing a 
hybrid-electric vehicle with a battery that recharges at any outlet, 
said GM officials familiar with the plan.


[Vo]: Can You Get Energy From Gravity?

2006-06-24 Thread hohlrauml6d




Re: [Vo]: A new 'Manhattan Project' for energy innovation?

2006-06-23 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Harry Veeder

I'm not an American,

Actually, you are.  As one Canadian Customs official pointed out to me 
when asked my nationality, We're all from North America.  What 
country?  :-)


Re: [VO]:Re: Vortex fields

2006-06-22 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: RC Macaulay

Give us a suggestion on how you imagine  creating 
interference.. Interesting thought!

If you had two synchronous sources of energy you could have them 
interfere constructively (combine) by adjusting the distance between 
them.  However, I know of no way to synchronize magnetrons that are not 
designed to do so.


[Vo]: Re: Hairy Paul Sprain Magnetic Motor

2006-06-21 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Michel Jullian

(should be _Harry_ Paul Sprain according to the US 6954019 patent 
document, not
Henry, I have corrected the subject line and added overunity disputed 
to make

the thread look more appealing to our fellow Vorts)

TB: Ackshully Hairy would be more apropos.  BTW, overunity disputed 
is somewhat redundant as this is always the case.  :-)

MJ: Thanks Terry for your objective introduction of my position, in 
spite of your
not agreing with it and of the big dollars at stake. The documents I 
will refer

to are in the public file folders you gave us a link to:

1/ The coil's DC resistance argument you reported was inspired to me by 
rough sanity check Ohm's law prediction of coil current at page 5 of 
Sprain Motor Early Analysis by Independent Lab pdf document. The 
oscillation current trace in CH2 of the Sprain Motor electric drive 
waveform photo (BMP) oscillogram, of which we see more than a 
clearly converges to ~2 divisions. This suggests that 2 divisions on 
oscillogram scale to 20A (steady state current of a ~1 ohm static 

coil driven by 20VDC) rather than 2A as claimed.

TB: Yes, but your cognitive dissonance is not allowing you to see that 
there is a large reverse electromotive force caused by the approaching 
rotor magnet which must be overcome by the power supply.  You also 
acknowledged that the power supply display shows a RMS current of less 
than 0.06 A, from a video that is no longer publicly available.

MJ: 2/ I have a second argument pointing to the same conclusion: the 
voltage drop of
the coil driving FET, which Terry told me was of the IRF250 family, is 
of at
least 1V as can be seen on the oscillogram (CH1). I remember Jonfli on 
this list
noted that 1V drop was a lot for the claimed low current of 2A, and 
might be
improved by using a FET with a lower ON resistance. I looked up the 
resistance (RDSon) and found it is in fact quite low already, 0.085 
ohms max,
which requires more than 10A to yield the observed 1V voltage drop 
(Ohm's law
again). This suggests that coil current is at least 5 times the claimed 
value of


TB:  You also refuse to accept that I have data which shows that there 
is a 5 V drop between the drain and source of the gating circuit 
indicating that the field effect transistor is operating in the linear 
region and is unsaturated.  This data is not public; but, I will get 
permission to send it to anyone who cares to see it.

MJ:  My conclusion from 1/ and 2/ is that the Sprain motor's COP, 
claimed to be
overunity ~2, is in fact possibly 10 times and at least five times 
lower than
that i.e. well below unity, due to an erroneous scaling of the input 

waveform. I have no explanation as to the source of the error though.

TB:  And I certainly understand your position regardless of your 
refusal to accept the data.  The inventor has actually operated the 
motor on a 14.5 volt supply without the FET in the circuit.  The back 
EMF is at least 8 V when triggered as indicated by the referenced data, 
which all refutes your position.  In addition, if 20 A at 20 V were 
being input to the coil, I could feel the warmth of the coil with a 400 
W input even at a duty cycle of 3.7%.  I feel no such warmth (from the 

What you do not understand is that we repealed Ohm's law here in 
Georgia in 1966.  As a result we have saved a fortune on power costs.  
Near the same time we rounded pi to exactly 3.0 which attracted many 
students to study architecture at our universities.

Despite the s(c)eptics, we continue to try to get the motor to 
self-run.  The 3 phase alternator that Jones found on the web is only 
50% efficient at 90 RPM.  Paul has eliminated the FET from the circuit 
by using it to gate a second coil which closes a magnetic reed switch 
to gate the motor coil.  This drops the voltage to a level near the 
alternator output.

Because the potential customer is coming tomorrow, I have asked Paul to 
put the torque sensor back in place (removing the alternator) for the 
demonstration; however, efforts to make it self-run will continue 


Re: [VO]:Re:[VO]: Please...Re and not Re

2006-06-21 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Harry Veeder

Could the reverse happen? Could seismic activity alter the weather?
I say this because last year I noticed a curious coincidence. We had a 
quake ( hardly noticeable) in our area at around 8pm or 9pm. The next 
day we
got good weather instead of the bad weather which had been forecasted 

day before.

I would think so.  If you study Grimer Beta-atm theories, you certain 
could understand why an Alpha-atm change could allow slippage of the 
continental plates.


Re: [Vo]: New look for Newton's bucket

2006-06-21 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Harry Veeder

New look for Newton's bucket 12 May 2006

What remarkable synchronicity as I am presently reading

The fabric of the cosmos: space, time, and the texture of reality
by Greene, Brian R.,

which offers an incredible discussion on Newton, Mach and Einstein's 
view of space(time).



2006-06-21 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Steven Krivit

The issues were largely personal, not scientific.

As Mr. Beene has pointed out here and elsewhere, the claims by the 
opposition were preposterous.


[Vo]: Re: Airy (?) Paul Sprain Magnetic Motor

2006-06-21 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Michel Jullian

I would appreciate if other electronics-literate Vorts, preferably less 
personally with the inventor, could examine and comment/criticize my 

I would love to be proven wrong, really.

No one else here is involved with the inventor.  And your arguments 
have been discussed with other Vorts privately.  Indeed, Knagel has 
taken me to task many times over the current probe measurements.

Maybe Keith would like to take a shot or two.

Terry  :-Þ

Re: [Vo]: Re: Hairy Paul Sprain Magnetic Motor

2006-06-21 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Mark Goldes

Terry, Michael, Vo, 
Here are some edited comments from a member of the MPI engineering team 
that might be of interest. Comments that would reveal proprietary 
information have been omitted. 

The PDF details a properly done analysis of True Power input, and 
actual torque output. Sprain does not seem to capture BEMF, but still 
this carefully, and independently measured performance is a mere 25% by 
accurate means!!! 

(Sprain) is ignorant of how to measure, and the best (no losses) 
simulation of his form is reciprocal. 

(You will find that the rest of the power is eaten by I^2R, and 
friction - ...it is nothing more than a pulse motor with the added 
(drag mostly) of the spiral ramp of stator mags added to the pulse 
motor. the ramp of PM's does nothing but add a reciprocal boost and 
drag, and contributes nothing to the gain mechanism, except eddy drag 
of the conductive magnets.) ..(there is nothing of merit in Sprain's 

(This measurement of Sprain's device is doing only useful COP - ... and 
is only 25% useful). 

Yes, BEMF could add to the efficiency.  I do not understand what is 
meant by simulation of his form is reciprocal.  You seem to agree 
with Michel.

Thanks for your input.  Possibly some day you can share more of the 
analysis so that my feeble mind can understand what is being said.


Re: [Vo]: Henry Paul Sprain Magnetic Motor

2006-06-21 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Grimer

Let's hope he's wrong - but if he isn't then I think
the Finsrud machine is the best bet for proving a
point of principle. The solution is more elegant than
the Sprain in the cunning way it achieves the different
advance and retreat speed in relation to the magnets.
This means that only the smallest input is required to
keep the ball moving. Also, it will show whether or not
the reverse direction pumps energy into the Beta-atmosphere
rather than taking it out. In other words it will show
that the ball is indeed travelling around a Carnot-style
cycle and extracting energy from Beta-atmosphere heat.

What amazes me, Grimer, is that I can't seem to get anyone to even go 
see it.  A few people will discuss it; but, I have yet to convince 
anyone to go with me and help verify the measurements.

One engineer used the excuse that he did not want to sign the 
non-disclosure agreement; but, when I said he did not have to sign it, 
he still backed out.  It reminds me of the people in sci.physics.fusion 
who refused to even read the CF papers and the people who would not 
look through Galileo's telescope.


Re: [Vo]: More Waterfuel videos

2006-06-21 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

Otherwise, there can be little in the way of self-deception in such 
circumstances - as the engine, fueled with treated water, is running 
for extended periods - consequently either we have pure, senseless 
fraud -or else this is the makings of the discovery of the century. THE 
NEXT BIG THING. Plain and simple. 

And I always thought those UFOs were taking water to get the deuterium!

Okay, there's a new group on Yahoo called 'hydroxy' if you haven't 
found it already.  They have some really simple plans for JCs.  Suppose 
I built one but did not want to use my Scion for experimentation, how 
could I test the water so to speak?


[Vo]: Henry Paul Sprain Magnetic Motor

2006-06-21 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message- 
From: Patrick Vessey 
Now, things may have changed since then. However, at that time, he was 
confident in it (effectively) self running. If that still stands, it 

make verifing his claims somewhat simpler... 
Indeed it would! 
The problem has been finding a low speed efficient generator. Jones 
found a motor used on a Fisher  Paykel washing machine which is about 
50% efficient at 90 RPM. The problem is that the voltage output is a 
ramp since the torque is generated by a magnetic gradient. Here is a 
plot of the output (open circuit) voltage when the generator is run by 
the motor: 

It is a permanent magnet, three phase rectified alternator output. It 
is slightly clipped; so, it actually goes from almost 14 V to a peak 
around 27 V. 

If it does self-run, you'll see it on CNN! Do you get CNN in the UK? 


Re: [Vo]: Henry Paul Sprain Magnetic Motor

2006-06-21 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Grimer

I doesn't amaze me. I've had 40 years of it -
so I'm quite used to the fact that people
avoid cognitive dissonance like the plague.

But it only hurts for a short time then you feel better than you did 
before.  :-)


[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Vortex fields.

2006-06-21 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: RC Macaulay

Terry mentioned  focus the two magetrons.

No, not exactly focus; but, create interference patterns between the 
two sources.  Unfortunately this doesn't work unless the two sources 
are in sync.  :-(


[Vo]: Henry Paul Sprain Magnetic Motor

2006-06-20 Thread hohlrauml6d

Gnorts, Vorts!

Thursday afternoon I will meet with the inventor, company officers, and 
the CEO of a potential licensee of the technology whose firm did $5.4 B 
in business in 2005.  I have been in offline discussions with some of 
the members of the list whom I respect highly.

Lately, Michel and I have been discussing the issue with the data given 
by the inventor regarding the electrical input of the motor.  Michel's 
position is that the current measurement is off by a factor of 10 (20A 
instead of 2A).  His position is understandable since the coil 
resistance is less than 1 ohm and the supply voltage is 20 V.  See:


for the public data.

I am now offering the opportunity for questions from the peanut gallery 
that I might pose to the inventor or actually test myself on the 
referenced subject.  Since I am under a NDA, I might not be able to 
answer all questions; but, since I brought this subject to this forum, 
I'll give it my best shot.

Any takers?


[Vo]: Re Priceless !

2006-06-18 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

Almost any small negative charge will likely be effective - and the 10 
cents per bucketfull might suffice... although a kilowatt applied 
during a rain storm might be on the low side for a large roof  


If your hypothesis is correct, should not burning my grandmother's old 
rain barrel generate more heat than burning another equivalent mass of 


Re: [Vo]: Re: Priceless !

2006-06-18 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

- it is MasterCard and not MasterCharge

It's okay, coming from a lysdexic.


(just returning from the blessing of the corner column of the Shri 
Mandir being built practically in my back yard)



[Vo]: Beene's Floating Power Source

2006-06-18 Thread hohlrauml6d

Right idea, wrong power source:


Floating nukes??

[Vo]: Jones' Post-Nocturnal Rumblings

2006-06-18 Thread hohlrauml6d

Have been documented in the UK?



The aircraft has also been spotted across the US, in Norway and the 
Netherlands, often to the accompaniment of a deafening sonic boom and 
its characteristic donuts on a string con trail - caused by its 
revolutionary scramjet propulsion plant...

[Vo]: [YO] [DEVO] [OT] Yellow Snow Script?

2006-06-18 Thread hohlrauml6d


That yellowish stain has attracted the attention of NASA and the 
Canadian Space Agency because it has a link to extraterrestrial life, 
Beauchamp, the executive director of the Arctic Institute of North 
America, told Canada.com.

(Frank woulda been proud.)

[Vo]: [YO]: [MOFO]: [OT]: Kal-El est Iesus?

2006-06-18 Thread hohlrauml6d



Some have also seen the hero as a gay icon, forced to live a double 
life with his super-self in the closet. A recent edition of the gay 
magazine The Advocate even asked on its cover, How gay is Superman?

But the comparison to Jesus is one that's been made almost since the 
character's origin in 1938, said Skelton, author of The Gospel 
According to the World's Greatest Superhero.

Many simply see the story of a hero sent to Earth by his father to 
serve mankind as having clear enough New Testament overtones. Others 
have taken the comparison even further, reading the El in Superman's 
original name Kal-El and that of his father Jor-El as the Hebrew 
word for God, among other theological interpretations.

(sorry, tough father's day)


Re: [Vo]: Fw: Free energy in magnets? (was Re: Read it again)

2006-06-17 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Michel Jullian

What would be a breakthrough would be
to violate this, but it would require to take into account not only the
potential energy wrt the gravitational force of the earth, but also the
potential energy of the magnet's force,

Take a look at this device:


It generates about 4 Nm of torque in one cycle.  It uses a very 
efficient electromagnet to move the rotor beyond the peak gradient 
point.  The electromagnet uses about 1 Ws per pulse.

This has been discussed here before; so, if you'd like to learn more we 
should take it off list.  Do you have a broadband connection?


Re: [VO]:Re: Re: Nickel, Iron and Photo etc

2006-06-17 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Noel D. Whitney

Regretably they were Dead items and did nothing at any time I was 

best wishes 

Another list says that Stan make Orthohydrogen instead of Parahydrogen. 
 What was the energy difference, Jones (since you did research on this 


[Vo]: Every magnetics researcher should have one . . .

2006-06-17 Thread hohlrauml6d


pricey, tho.


Re: [Vo]: Free energy in magnets? (was Re: Read it again)

2006-06-17 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Michel Jullian

Work is performed indeed by the magnet, but why conclude that total 
energy of

the system hasn't been conserved?

If the clip is lifted by a chemical reaction to the same height, you 
would have conventional conservation.  The magnet might be 
conservative; but, not by any conservative explanation.  :-)

My point is simply that if you use an electromagnet to lift the clip, 
the Lorentz explanation holds and you clearly have a relativistic 
effect.  However, if the clip is lifted by the spin magnetic momentum 
of an unfilled electron shell, we have an entirely different case, a 
quantum effect.  As posted earlier, these forms of magnetism are not 

Permanent magnet work might be an exchange between ZPE and mass, as 
Robin opines.

This discussion is not dissimilar to Puthoff's explanation of why the 
electron in angular accelerating around the hydrogen nucleus does not 
radiate and collapse into the nucleus.


Re: [Vo]: Free energy in magnets? (was Re: Read it again)

2006-06-17 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Stephen A. Lawrence

The predicted magnetic field of a current can be obtained simply by 
Lorentz transforming the electric field from the rest frame of the 
charges making up the current to the frame of the observer moving 
relative to them. Remarkably, the result is a first-order effect -- 
first order in the relative velocities -- unlike just about everything 
else predicted by relativity. 

There are no charges (q) involved in permanent magnets.  I hereby 
extract myself from this discussion.

[Vo]: Re: Read it again

2006-06-16 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message- 
From: Jed Rothwell 
I do not know of any experimental evidence that demonstrates 
excess energy from magnets or springs. 
Okay, I have seen three. All involve magnetic gradients which most 
certainly perform work. I will try, one more time, to explain the most 
simple one: 

In this image a ball is dropped from 31 mm and from 35 mm into a curved 
glass tube which constitutes an inclined plane. This is done with the 
fingers of the experimenter who eats food for an energy source. The 
second drop causes the ball to roll further up the inclined plane with 
an increased energy of 0.424 mJ. The earth provides the kinetic energy. 

Now the experimenter replaces his fingers with a permanent magnetic 
field and gets the same result. He places the ball at the 31 mm level 
of the field gradient and the gradient lifts the ball to 35 mm. What 
does the magnet eat??? 

This device demonstrates a COP of 1.133. I have personally tested 
another magnetic gradient field device which presently operates with a 
COP of 2.33 and will soon operate with a much higher one. I will be 
happy to arrange for you to view the device. It is here in the 
metropolitan area. 


Re: [Vo]: Mizunos Book Cover

2006-06-16 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Grimer

would take those kind of pressures to open
up such a huge Beta-atmosphere cavity in
a metal.

Is it really happening *in* the metal or just at the metal surface?  
Like a Beta-atm black hole impacting the surface?


Re: [Vo]: Mizunos Book Cover

2006-06-16 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Grimer

You would need a number of black holes of different sizes
all impacting at the same instant to produce that pattern.

Agreed.  However, I once saw a viddy of a tornado that split into three 
separate ones then later recombined into the one.  It looks like little 
vortices would just fit into those holes.

Hey, lookie . . . they seem to be in groups of threes!


Re: [Vo]: Mizunos Book Cover

2006-06-16 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Grimer

Also you will notice that the
central splashes are small. This corresponds to the apex of
the dome which is the thinnest part.

You are probably right; however, it's your fault that I look at things 
in a different way.  We expect those void are due to eruptive blowouts. 
But, just suppose the material was SUCKED out by B-a hole.


Re: [Vo]: Fw: Free energy in magnets? (was Re: Read it again)

2006-06-16 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Michel Jullian

Work is performed indeed by the magnet, but why conclude that total 
energy of

the system hasn't been conserved?

You must pull the clip from the magnet to repeat.  All that is required 
in the JLN experiment is to lift the magnet back to 31 mm.  Big 
difference, mon ami.


Re: [Vo]: Fw: Free energy in magnets? (was Re: Read it again)

2006-06-16 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Michel Jullian

Mmmm Terry I am not sure it is that different, doesn't it require work 
to bring

the ball back to starting position, as it does for the paper clip?

I think, if you do the math, it takes far more energy to remove the 
clip from the mag than it does to lift the ball against gravity.


Re: [Vo]: Re: Read it again

2006-06-15 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jed Rothwell

There is no energy input as far as I can tell from the descriptions. 
You cannot continuously extract energy from permanent magnets any more 
than you can from a spring. It appears to be a violation of the 
conservation of energy.

Do you have a citation for that?  I find no reference which says that 
permanent magnets are conservative.  After all, PMs get their force 
from a quantum function, the spin of the electron.


The physical cause of the magnetism of objects, as distinct from 
electrical currents, is the atomic magnetic dipole. Magnetic dipoles, 
or magnetic moments, result on the atomic scale from the two kinds of 
movement of electrons. The first is the orbital motion of the electron 
around the nucleus; this motion can be considered as a current loop, 
resulting in an orbital dipole magnetic moment along the axis of the 
nucleus. The second, much stronger, source of electronic magnetic 
moment is due to a quantum mechanical property called the spin dipole 
magnetic moment (although current quantum mechanical theory states that 
electrons neither physically spin, nor orbit the nucleus).

Electron spin is a quantum effect and likely related to ZPE, IMO.


Re: [Vo]: Re: Read it again

2006-06-15 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jed Rothwell

Do you have a citation for that? 

No, this is a common observation.

A hypocritical statement from one such as you, IMO.


Re: [Vo]: RE: US Windpower

2006-06-14 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

   c) N2O has 'fuel' content in itself

As these tricked-out turf surfers can testify:


Alas, gone are the days when we would puchase a bag of ammonium 
nitrate, melt it on a stirring hotplate and collect the resulting gas 
over a water bath (to leech out the ammonia) into large garbage bags.

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[Vo]: Mendeleev, Aether Oil

2006-06-14 Thread hohlrauml6d
The father of the periodic table was also a proponent of the 


In 1902, in an attempt at a chemical conception of the Aether, he put 
forward an incorrect hypothesis that there existed two inert chemical 
elements of lesser atomic weight than hydrogen. Of these two proposed 
elements, he thought the lighter to be an all-penetrating, 
all-pervasive gas, and the slightly heavier one to be a proposed 
element, coronium.

And Mendeleev had good reason to believe in coronium:


Dmitri was also the first to propose an abiotic origin of petroleum in 


although, better understanding of the process has prevailed.

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Re: [Vo]: Stan Meyer - Autopsy Report

2006-06-13 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Grimer

Any lawyers wish to comment?   8-)

IANAL, however, do you know if the coroner was a pathologist?  In many 
places the coroner doesn't have to be even a medical doctor.

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[Vo]: Put a [Vo] tag in the message Subject line

2006-06-13 Thread hohlrauml6d

I suspect that I'm not alone in only having sporadic access to a fat 
client. For a large portion of my working week, I'm reduced to web only 

to my POP3 maildrop - no folders, rules or filters possible. 
For those of us similarly 'challenged', I'd suggest that this small 
change to 

the list is helpful. 
Try netscape, hotmail, yahoo, or I'll invite you into gmail. Get you a 
free mail address to use only with Vortex. Works for me. 

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Re: [Vo]: Re: Stan Meyer - Autopsy Report

2006-06-13 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene

There was no big conspiracy to silence the
enemies of 'Big Oil' in either case - at least there
is no evidence of such.

A shiek would not be worth his linen if he did not do all he could to 
protect his country's interests.  You probably doubt the Mossad offed 
Gerald Bull, too.  You're no fun.


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Re: [Vo]: Re: Stan Meyer - Autopsy Report

2006-06-13 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Jed Rothwell

Along the same lines, I do not think Park and Zimmerman are 
conspiring to suppress cold fusion . . .

Just what *is* PZ's motivation on the Hydrino list?  He has spent 
countless hours debunking hydrinos  CQM in particular and FE in 

I honestly do not believe he is merely a defender of the faith.  He is 
up to something more sinister, IMO.

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[Vo]: US Windpower

2006-06-13 Thread hohlrauml6d


Report: Enough wind offshore to electrify America

Wind power offshore can equal the present capacity of all landed power 
plants. U.S. Dept. of Energy report is another big leap forward for 
Cape Wind

T here is as much wind power potential (900,000 megawatts) off our 
coasts as the current capacity of all power plants in the United States 
combined, according to a new report entitled, A Framework for Offshore 
Wind Energy Development in the United States, sponsored by the U.S. 
Department of Energy, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, and 
General Electric.

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[Vo]: Re: [BOBPARKS-WHATSNEW] What's New Friday June 9, 2006

2006-06-11 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Grimer

And incidently, you might be interested to know that
the quote often attributed to Voltaire is a myth -   8-)
though to be fair, he would probably endorse it.

Quite right, it was Evelyn Beatrice Hall:


However, she was speaking of Voltaire.  ;-)


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[Vo]: Ford Hydrogen Engines

2006-06-11 Thread hohlrauml6d

Why are the outputs so low?  80 horses outta a 4.2 l engine?

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Re: How to put a [Vo] tag in the message Subject line

2006-06-10 Thread hohlrauml6d

-Original Message-
From: Grimer

Err...I know of two - Mallove and Meyer - Can you name any others?
I'm not being sarcastic. I would really like to know. There might
be a chance that one day I could earn the red badge of martyrdom.  8-)

Here's a post by an astute individual on another list:


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