Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-08 Thread Harry Veeder
These are related proposals, but unlike the negative income tax concept, 
basic income is a universal and unconditional payment. 
Basic Income pilot project has just begun in India:
A Basic Income project in Nambia:
A small Basic Income project in Brasil:

From: Jouni Valkonen
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 8:36:43 AM
Subject: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

Global negative income tax

There would be radical sounding, but very plausible solution for all
war and absolute poverty related social problems. That is ca. $1000
annual negative income tax for each adult citizens of Earth
indifferently on their past history or current wealth.

This may sound radical idea, but actually it is not. If it's pros and
cons are carefully weighted it really has no meaningful counter
arguments. As total global GDP is around 76 teradollars, it would
require only 9% total tax rate for each countries. This is not too
much, if it is considered that typical Western European Citizen would
pay $4000 annual tax, but would also receive back one quarter of that,
i.e. $3000 net payment or 6% of her income.

To understand that there is no counter arguments, but only prejudices
might be hard, but it should not be that. One thing is that these cost
figures would not last very long, because third world countries would
receive huge relative boost for their national economy and that would
eventually lead to more even income distribution and thus less unjust
economic burden for rich countries.

In order to participate to this program there should be strict zero
tolerance for war in any form, because there is no such thing as
justified war. There should be also required at least nominal
democratic elections and somewhat bureaucracy free markets. Also there
should be possibility to collect efficiently at least 9% of national
GDP taxes in order to pay each country's share of common cake. Right
now even Greece has difficulties with this due to its intensive and
inefficient bureaucracy and thus extensive black economy.

With these requirements all willing countries or economic zones would
rise very fast from the economic black hole what is caused by
intensive absolute poverty, continuous civil wars, inhumane dictators
and lastly but certainly not for least intensive government
bureaucracy for any means for people to employ themself as
entrepreneurs. This is by no means trivial notion but poverty and wars
cost absolutely gargantuan amount of money for the global economy,
because warring and poor people are deprived almost totally from the
effective labor opportunities.

This is why poverty is itself just a huge cost with zero benefit, but
it is better to ensure basic needs for all people, so that they can
have their time left for doing something productive (like doing
IT-work and buying iPads) and not using their time for trying to
survive as farmer-gatherers in the slum. Also this is why total cost
of negative income tax is always greatly positive, because it
increases effective purchasing power due to more even distribution of
wealth. And jobs and especially rich people's pay rolls are strictly
depended on total effective purchasing power of the poorest majority
of people.

It is somewhat surprising to see how simple is this solution to solve
all global social problems that were thought to be insoluble, because
old people thinks that social welfare and development aid for third
world countries should be strictly need based. Also this would greatly
increase globalization and after all, we do have only one planet. And
is this solution socialistic? Not at all, because this would
practically force global economy to be vastly more capital driven than
current state, where huge amounts of tax moneys are collected and they
are spent to the socialistic megaprojects such as antigravity driven
b2 bombers. Negative income tax will always return every collected tax
dollar back to market and it increases effective purchasing power.
Therefore the cost for global economy is essentially zero, if not
positive as it increases total effective purchasing power by
distributing resources more evenly.

For these reasons and many more arguments global negative income tax
should be perfect companion for E-Cat that they both have possibility
end all basic need related social problems once and for all!


Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-08 Thread Jouni Valkonen
Harry, thanks for the correction. I have discussed this subject previously
only in Finnish, so I was unsure if the basic income is widely used term. In
finnish language, we do not use the term negative income tax, but indeed we
use basic income. (Economic impact is the same for both but administration
is different)

Basic income is absolutely fabulous concept, because it could remove all
poverty and suffering from Earth with little monetary efforts. It is sad
that people experience so much difficulties of understanding the concept.
Somehow it reminds me cold fusion debate, that people attack it fiercely
although they really do not have real arguments.

I am glad to hear pilot project in India. It won't take many years before we
see that it does much more with much much less money. Because the benefit is
the most stricking where the need for basic necessities is the most urgent,
i.e. in poor countries.

Most sad thing is, that any wealthy individual could change the world by
sponsoring basic income for some African village.

On Aug 9, 2011 3:43 AM, Harry Veeder wrote:
 These are related proposals, but unlike the negative income tax concept,
 basic income is a universal and unconditional payment.

 Basic Income pilot project has just begun in India:

 A Basic Income project in Nambia:

 A small Basic Income project in Brasil:


 From: Jouni Valkonen
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 8:36:43 AM
Subject: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

Global negative income tax

There would be radical sounding, but very plausible solution for all
war and absolute poverty related social problems. That is ca. $1000
annual negative income tax for each adult citizens of Earth
indifferently on their past history or current wealth.

This may sound radical idea, but actually it is not. If it's pros and
cons are carefully weighted it really has no meaningful counter
arguments. As total global GDP is around 76 teradollars, it would
require only 9% total tax rate for each countries. This is not too
much, if it is considered that typical Western European Citizen would
pay $4000 annual tax, but would also receive back one quarter of that,
i.e. $3000 net payment or 6% of her income.

To understand that there is no counter arguments, but only prejudices
might be hard, but it should not be that. One thing is that these cost
figures would not last very long, because third world countries would
receive huge relative boost for their national economy and that would
eventually lead to more even income distribution and thus less unjust
economic burden for rich countries.

In order to participate to this program there should be strict zero
tolerance for war in any form, because there is no such thing as
justified war. There should be also required at least nominal
democratic elections and somewhat bureaucracy free markets. Also there
should be possibility to collect efficiently at least 9% of national
GDP taxes in order to pay each country's share of common cake. Right
now even Greece has difficulties with this due to its intensive and
inefficient bureaucracy and thus extensive black economy.

With these requirements all willing countries or economic zones would
rise very fast from the economic black hole what is caused by
intensive absolute poverty, continuous civil wars, inhumane dictators
and lastly but certainly not for least intensive government
bureaucracy for any means for people to employ themself as
entrepreneurs. This is by no means trivial notion but poverty and wars
cost absolutely gargantuan amount of money for the global economy,
because warring and poor people are deprived almost totally from the
effective labor opportunities.

This is why poverty is itself just a huge cost with zero benefit, but
it is better to ensure basic needs for all people, so that they can
have their time left for doing something productive (like doing
IT-work and buying iPads) and not using their time for trying to
survive as farmer-gatherers in the slum. Also this is why total cost
of negative income tax is always greatly positive, because it
increases effective purchasing power due to more even distribution of
wealth. And jobs and especially rich people's pay rolls are strictly
depended on total effective purchasing power of the poorest majority
of people.

It is somewhat surprising to see how simple is this solution to solve
all global social problems that were thought to be insoluble, because
old people thinks that social welfare and development aid for third
world countries should be strictly need based. Also this would greatly
increase globalization and after all, we do have only one planet. And
is this solution socialistic? Not at all, because this would
practically force global economy to be vastly more capital driven

[Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread Jouni Valkonen
Global negative income tax

There would be radical sounding, but very plausible solution for all
war and absolute poverty related social problems. That is ca. $1000
annual negative income tax for each adult citizens of Earth
indifferently on their past history or current wealth.

This may sound radical idea, but actually it is not. If it's pros and
cons are carefully weighted it really has no meaningful counter
arguments. As total global GDP is around 76 teradollars, it would
require only 9% total tax rate for each countries. This is not too
much, if it is considered that typical Western European Citizen would
pay $4000 annual tax, but would also receive back one quarter of that,
i.e. $3000 net payment or 6% of her income.

To understand that there is no counter arguments, but only prejudices
might be hard, but it should not be that. One thing is that these cost
figures would not last very long, because third world countries would
receive huge relative boost for their national economy and that would
eventually lead to more even income distribution and thus less unjust
economic burden for rich countries.

In order to participate to this program there should be strict zero
tolerance for war in any form, because there is no such thing as
justified war. There should be also required at least nominal
democratic elections and somewhat bureaucracy free markets. Also there
should be possibility to collect efficiently at least 9% of national
GDP taxes in order to pay each country's share of common cake. Right
now even Greece has difficulties with this due to its intensive and
inefficient bureaucracy and thus extensive black economy.

With these requirements all willing countries or economic zones would
rise very fast from the economic black hole what is caused by
intensive absolute poverty, continuous civil wars, inhumane dictators
and lastly but certainly not for least intensive government
bureaucracy for any means for people to employ themself as
entrepreneurs. This is by no means trivial notion but poverty and wars
cost absolutely gargantuan amount of money for the global economy,
because warring and poor people are deprived almost totally from the
effective labor opportunities.

This is why poverty is itself just a huge cost with zero benefit, but
it is better to ensure basic needs for all people, so that they can
have their time left for doing something productive (like doing
IT-work and buying iPads) and not using their time for trying to
survive as farmer-gatherers in the slum. Also this is why total cost
of negative income tax is always greatly positive, because it
increases effective purchasing power due to more even distribution of
wealth. And jobs and especially rich people's pay rolls are strictly
depended on total effective purchasing power of the poorest majority
of people.

It is somewhat surprising to see how simple is this solution to solve
all global social problems that were thought to be insoluble, because
old people thinks that social welfare and development aid for third
world countries should be strictly need based. Also this would greatly
increase globalization and after all, we do have only one planet. And
is this solution socialistic? Not at all, because this would
practically force global economy to be vastly more capital driven than
current state, where huge amounts of tax moneys are collected and they
are spent to the socialistic megaprojects such as antigravity driven
b2 bombers. Negative income tax will always return every collected tax
dollar back to market and it increases effective purchasing power.
Therefore the cost for global economy is essentially zero, if not
positive as it increases total effective purchasing power by
distributing resources more evenly.

For these reasons and many more arguments global negative income tax
should be perfect companion for E-Cat that they both have possibility
end all basic need related social problems once and for all!


Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread Craig Haynie
 Global negative income tax

It's not just a coincidence that the world's largest democracies have
the most catastrophic wars, the most debt, the most regulations, and the
highest taxes. The power seekers of the world seek power, and the most
power is at the top. The freest countries offer the most to take by the
power seekers at the expense of us all. You propose to end war with a
global democracy, but wars will never end as long as we give the power
seekers the ability to wage war. You propose to end poverty with a
global government, but poverty will never end as long as we give the
power seekers our money. What you propose is a contradiction.

Math doesn't exist in the real world. It is an abstract logical science
developed to help us quantify the world around us. The scientific method
doesn't exist in the real world. It is a science developed to help us
understand the world around us. But where people do not question the
validity of math and science to solve real-world problems, they do
question the validity of morality when working with other people,
declare it worthless, and then put together elaborate schemes, like a
global democracy, to try to solve complex moral problems. Your system is
a contradiction and cannot solve the problems you identify because you
separate value from the valuer. Something can only have value to someone
specific. Your solutions to poverty are someone else's prescriptions for
tyranny. The value you place on ending poverty, comes at the expense
that someone else places on the value of their money -- for if they
agreed with you, then they would donate their money to your cause. For
those who don't agree with you, you take their money with the threat of
violence. This is the nature of taxation, and the nature of those who do
not try to work with others using a moral code.

Almost everyone here is a visionary. We believe in the future with the
knowledge that all of our theories will someday give way to better
theories which will lead us to a life with infinite energy where
fantastic devices await us. We are able to see the possibilities where
few look, and are willing to look where few believe possibilities lie.
This is why we're all on this list; looking for the next great future
discovery. So open your eyes and realize that if you want to live in a
world without war, without poverty, without constant political strife,
then stop giving power to those who seek power. Stop building complex
political systems where the few achieve their goals at the expense of
everyone else who is not in power. Democracy does not give you equality;
it gives you a methodological system of self-immolation, like in the
episode of Star Trek where a society had abolished war only to replace
it with a computerized system of war, where people affected in a
simulated attack had to REALLY go and allow themselves to be killed as
if the attack had actually occurred. They replaced war with a game of
war, and you have replaced morality with a game of morality called

The solution is simple: we need to start treating other people as
equals. So build a moral code with equality as an axiom; and apply
whatever theory you develop, equally to everyone. Make no exceptions for
race, gender, class, nor any other type of aggregation. Make no
exception for any group of people, and you will find that the moral
theory you develop will not give power seekers the power they desire
over others. Make no exception for government. So if it's wrong to
steal, then it's wrong to tax. If it's wrong to kill, then it's wrong to
wage war. If it's wrong to commit aggression, then force will only be
used in defense from aggression.

If you do this; if you build a society which respects the values of
others and does not take from some people to help some other people,
then you will find people banding together to solve problems like
poverty, all working together in the mutual spirit of assistance, and
not as slaves forced to give up the money they value, for someone else's
good idea.

In the 1800s, the abolitionists showed us that we must have political
equality between the races. In the 1900s, the suffragettes showed us
that we must have political equality between the genders. Realize now,
that if we are to move forward from a world based on violence, then we
must stop institutionalizing violence, and build a world with political
equality for everyone.

Craig Haynie

Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread Jouni Valkonen
2011/8/6 Craig Haynie
 You propose to end war with a
 global democracy, but wars will never end as long as we give the power
 seekers the ability to wage war.

I have not seen a war in 66 years, because I live in civilized and
rich country. Believe me, war is something that is only reserved for
poor people. If we end poverty, we will end all wars. Rich people do
not war with each other, because every rich nation has resources to
throw hundreds of H-bombs over the border.

 You propose to end poverty with a
 global government, but poverty will never end as long as we give the
 power seekers our money.

That is untrue. Most of the Western European country have laid poverty
long time ago into past. E.g. in Denmark has minimum negative income
like social welfare $1,850 in month and in addition to that income
depended unemployment compensation is up to 70-90% of the income when
you were employed. I doubt that typical American McJob laborer does
have net income much more than $1,850 per month.

Of course if you have such a high social welfare, there is no need for
anyone to benefit from it, because there is zero unemployment in
Denmark and lowest public dept among western countries.

Negative income tax is just simplified social welfare that is
completely free from bureaucracy and free from those people who posses
political power. Negative income tax is so simple to do in practice
that we need to just write a computer program that automatically
transfers fixed amount of money to each citizens bank account. There
is absolutely no need for power hungry individuals, who spent you tax
dollars as they wish.

On the contrary negative income tax will nullify governments, because
we do not need them anymore to ensure public medicare and welfare. I
think that this is why you have hard time to understand what negative
income tax is, because you are so used to that how American government
spent their money. But this is only American problem. We have
excellently working systems here in Europe with zero poverty.

And negative income tax is just final step towards nullifying all
governments altogether as an obsolete relic of the past.

 The value you place on ending poverty, comes at the expense
 that someone else places on the value of their money -- for if they
 agreed with you, then they would donate their money to your cause.

That is not true, because negative income tax returns everything back
to Steve Jobs. No matter how rich you are, you only need one iPad. But
If we tax 50% of Steve's income and distribute all money to the poor,
that means that Steve can sell one million iPads more annually. This
will increase greatly Steve's net income. Probably even more than he
is paying taxes. This logic is applied in all levels of income
classes, namely negative income tax increases amount of jobs and
salaries, and thus everybody will benefit from it. Rich people will,
as always, benefit the most, but also poor people income will
quadruple. And from poor end of spectrum it does not cost even a dime
to quadruple once income, although social benefit is huge.

 The solution is simple: we need to start treating other people as
 equals. So build a moral code with equality as an axiom; and apply
 whatever theory you develop, equally to everyone.

In order to treat people equally, we need to ensure that everyone has
basic needs fulfilled. You cannot be equal and hungry at the same
time. Hunger is the most oppressive and tyrannical dictator! It does
not give any merci.

- Jouni

Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread Charles Hope
It's not reserved for poor countries, but weak countries. Thus, poor Libya, 
having given up its nuclear ambitions, gets smacked around with a large trout, 
whereas poor DPRK is allowed to fire missiles randomly around its region, and 
it receives a finger wag. 

Craig, truly brilliant post.

Sent from my iPhone. 

On Aug 6, 2011, at 11:04, Jouni Valkonen wrote:

 2011/8/6 Craig Haynie
 You propose to end war with a
 global democracy, but wars will never end as long as we give the power
 seekers the ability to wage war.
 I have not seen a war in 66 years, because I live in civilized and
 rich country. Believe me, war is something that is only reserved for
 poor people. If we end poverty, we will end all wars. 

Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread Jed Rothwell
I think we will need to do something like this when robots and computers
eliminate most human labor. We need a gradual transition so a system along
these lines. See:

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 11-08-06 11:04 AM, Jouni Valkonen wrote:

2011/8/6 Craig

You propose to end war with a
global democracy, but wars will never end as long as we give the power
seekers the ability to wage war.

I have not seen a war in 66 years, because I live in civilized and
rich country. Believe me, war is something that is only reserved for
poor people.

Like the French and the Germans in WWI, WWII, and the Franco-Prussian 
wars?  They were poor people?

The folks in Berlin during the bombing raids of WWII were all poor people?

The people of Japan during WWII were all poor (and democratic)?

I think you are mistaking the Pax Atomica for a reluctance of rich folks 
to inconvenience each other.  Since WWII ended, the only wars I can 
think of in which at least one party was *not* nuclear armed were 
between India and Pakistan -- and they were serious nail-biters, which 
scared just about all rational folk on the planet.

Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread Jouni Valkonen
2011/8/6 Stephen A. Lawrence

 On 11-08-06 11:04 AM, Jouni Valkonen wrote:

 2011/8/6 Craig

 You propose to end war with a
 global democracy, but wars will never end as long as we give the power
 seekers the ability to wage war.

 I have not seen a war in 66 years, because I live in civilized and
 rich country. Believe me, war is something that is only reserved for
 poor people.

 Like the French and the Germans in WWI, WWII, and the Franco-Prussian wars?
  They were poor people?

Yes, they did not have even iPad! Extremely poor folks. Wealth is
never relative measure for standard of living but it is always
absolute measure of living, and more accurately, the wealth is how
many cores there are in your cell phone CPU. Technology is the real
measure of wealth, money is just mediator what can be utilized into
exchanging and distributing technology.

- Jouni

Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread Harry Veeder

- Original Message -
 From: Stephen A. Lawrence
 Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 1:44:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax
  Since WWII ended, the only wars I can think of in 
 which at least one party was *not* nuclear armed were between India and 
 -- and they were serious nail-biters, which scared just about all rational 
 on the planet.

what about the Iran/Irag war and the numerous wars in Africa?


Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread Jouni Valkonen
2011/8/6 Jed Rothwell
 I think we will need to do something like this when robots and computers
 eliminate most human labor. We need a gradual transition so a system along
 these lines. See:
 - Jed

I think that according synopsis, author is too pessimistic about the
future technology. However, it is for sure that there is huge demand
for reducing the work hours to something like 20-30 hours per week.
Around $1000-2000 negative income tax per month would make it very
much easier encouraging to shorten the workday. This applies only of
course for low paid work. Those entrepreneurs who have high income
level will do now and in the future 60+ hour work week!

But I am sure that no matter how much there will be robotic technology
to do simple works, there is always enough demand for full employment.
Unemployment is typically just an artifact of uneven wealth
distribution and poor welfare design, where poor people need to make
choice that either they live fully with social welfare or they do low
paid part time works and does not earn much more net incomes than they
get from welfare by doing nothing. With negative income tax poor
people will get not just $2000 cash, but they can also earn extra
income by doing part time work, what is always available. That would
ensure that poorest people in the society would have net income of
something between $3000-4000 per month. I think that this is the level
of income that is quite well above the poverty line!

- Jouni

Ps. I am unsure about the level of typical income in USA. In Finland I
have calculated that we would afford to some €1000-1500 negative
income tax per month in current taxation level that is something like
45%. Therefore in USA, with their current taxation level, that is
presumably something in order of 30%, $2000 per month should be

Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

WHOOPS -- I just re-read my original note.

Mea culpa; Harry, you parsed it right, I said it wrong.

I said it backwards: I meant to say:

Since WWII ended, in every war I can think of, at least one party was 
*not* nuclear armed, except the conflict between India and Pakistan...

I should avoid negatives, they're too easy to mess up.

On 11-08-06 03:36 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

On 11-08-06 02:56 PM, Harry Veeder wrote:

- Original Message -

From: Stephen A.
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 1:44:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

   Since WWII ended, the only wars I can think of in
which at least one party was *not* nuclear armed were between India 
and Pakistan
-- and they were serious nail-biters, which scared just about all 
rational folk

on the planet.

what about the Iran/Irag war and the numerous wars in Africa?

Did you mis-parse my negative construct?

Iraq, Iran, and nearly all parties in Africa are *not* nuclear armed.  
All the conflicts to which you refer had at least one party which was 
*not* nuclear armed.

It's just too dangerous to go to war if both parties have the bomb.   
Hence, the Pax Atomica, which kept the peace between Russia and the 
United States for decades, during which they shoved each other around 
in other ways, vying for the title of Globally Dominant Power.  In the 
pre-atomic age, there would have been a WWIII coming hard on the heels 
of WWII, as the US and USSR slugged it out for the championship.

Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread Harry Veeder

- Original Message -
 From: Stephen A. Lawrence
 Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 3:36:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax
 On 11-08-06 02:56 PM, Harry Veeder wrote:
  - Original Message -
  From: Stephen A.
  Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 1:44:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax
     Since WWII ended, the only wars I can think of in
  which at least one party was *not* nuclear armed were between India and 
  -- and they were serious nail-biters, which scared just about all 
 rational folk
  on the planet.
  what about the Iran/Irag war and the numerous wars in Africa?
 Did you mis-parse my negative construct?
 Iraq, Iran, and nearly all parties in Africa are *not* nuclear armed.  All 
 conflicts to which you refer had at least one party which was *not* nuclear 
 It's just too dangerous to go to war if both parties have the bomb.   Hence, 
 the Pax Atomica, which kept the peace between Russia and the United States 
 decades, during which they shoved each other around in other ways, vying for 
 title of Globally Dominant Power.  In the pre-atomic age, there would have 
 a WWIII coming hard on the heels of WWII, as the US and USSR slugged it out 
 the championship.

You said AT LEAST one party which was not nuclear armed, which I took to mean 
one or both parties which were not nuclear armed.

RE: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
An excerpt from Jouni:




 Technology is the real measure of wealth, money is just

 mediator what can be utilized into exchanging and

 distributing technology.


Generally speaking, I tend to agree with this assessment.


I suspect books like The Lights in the Tunnel which Mr. Rothwell brought to 
our attention will indeed point society towards more sane ways in which manage 
the economy.


What is insane is having the economy dictated (hijacked) by political 
ideologies that show little comprehension of the bitter pills they want 
everyone to swallow. The same ideologies show little comprehension as to the 
ramifications of how advancing technology  automation will transform our 
economy, nor how society will need to adjust accordingly.


Dreamers of a future economic utopia, like me, have a very hard sell ahead of 
them. From my perspective the USA is currently strangled by certain 
Neanderthal-like political organizations that subscribe to ideologies so 
incredibly wrapped up in their own sense of righteousness that they don't 
perceive the fact that they are currently eating their own young. When they 
finish eating their own kin, they will go after everyone else's.


My own predilections concerning economic theory have led me to conclude that 
our current concept of what money, what CURRENCY represents has gotten 
completely out of hand. IMO, currency should be treated as nothing more sacred 
than as a mundane contractual document, a transaction representing the exchange 
of goods and services between participating entities. Money, the concept of 
what currency represents, should no longer be treated like fixed units of 
physical objects. Money, currency should no longer be treated as if they are 
physical pieces of gold and silver coins. Maintaining stashes of gold and 
silver in the King's vault was how economic theory worked in the past. However, 
trying to maintain the same kinds of stashes in twenty-first century and 
beyond will, IMO, lead to economic ruin. The sooner everyone gets over how 
freaked out they are over the fact that currency possesses no intrinsic value 
of its own, the sooner everyone realizes the fact that the only value that 
should be measured should be the value of actual goods and services being 
exchanged between participating entities, the better off we will all be.


Where it all went terribly wrong was when money itself became the Holy Grail, 
the ultimate goal that must be acquired and subsequently squandered in 
mattresses, within heavily guarded vaults surrounded by motes filled with 
hungry alligators. The tragedy of this folly is that the intrinsic value of 
GOODS and SERVICES, for which money was supposed to represent, is in danger 
of being perceived as less valuable than the currency itself. In other words, 
the maniacal need to protect the perceived value of CURRENCY itself is 
beginning to supersede the need to protect and maintain the overall health and 
value of generating goods and services. We have essentially put the cart before 
the horse. To prevent valuable goods and services from being produced because 
there is insufficient currency is absolutely insane! If the goods and raw 
materials are there... if there is available labor willing to generate those 
goods and services, the lack of available currency should never EVER be the 
reason why such goods and services were never generated.


In the United States there currently exist certain political agendas attempting 
to tell everyone that we must cut taxes because in their view taxation prevents 
the creation of jobs which in turns destroys the economy. They seem oblivious 
to the fact that those very taxes they want to cut directly pay the salaries 
for hundreds and thousands of government employees who, in turn, spend their 
income out in the market. They don't want to hear about the fact that when 
government employees spend their money it boosts the economy in exactly the 
same manner as what would be spent from individuals who work and earn income 
out in the free market. Money is money. It makes no difference where the 
currency comes from nor how the currency is eventually spent.


Granted we obviously need to maintain a stable currency distribution system. To 
be effective however we must also devise systems that distribute money 
equitably amongst as many individuals as possible. Said differently, systems 
that help generate equitable distributions of currency is what ultimately helps 
keep economies running healthy. Some may perceive this as nothing more than a 
veiled threat to generate a welfare state. Some might even complain that 
welfare states harm the economy by taking advantage of labor generated by 
those who perform honest work presumably performed out in the free market. 
But what if more and more of that honest work ends up being performed by 
robotics, “slaves” that never complain about their salaries and don't want to 
unionize. The point is that 

Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 11-08-06 04:09 PM, Harry Veeder wrote:

You said AT LEAST one party which was not nuclear armed, which I took to mean 
one or both parties which were not nuclear armed.

Right you were.

My comment was scrambled; mine was the error.  Sorry!

Re: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread Charles Hope

Sent from my iPhone. 

On Aug 6, 2011, at 18:54, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

 ... They don't want to hear about the fact that when government employees 
 spend their money it boosts the economy in exactly the same manner as what 
 would be spent from individuals who work and earn income out in the free 
 market. Money is money. It makes no difference where the currency comes from 
 nor how the currency is eventually spent. 

No. Creating products according to market demand is different than creating 
them without any market demand. Otherwise the unemployed could all get rich 
hiring each other to create and sell snotty tissues and books filled with with 
random words.  

Has it been that long since the USSR crumbled that we have forgotten this? 
Leftists in power all over the world have to come face the superiority of 
markets to determine what should be produced, except for the west, where they 
are mercifully protected from the consequences of their ideas. 

RE: [Vo]:[Political OT]: Global negative income tax

2011-08-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Charles Hope


OrionWorks sez:

 ... They don't want to hear about the fact that when government

 employees spend their money it boosts the economy in exactly

 the same manner as what would be spent from individuals who

 work and earn income out in the free market. Money is money.

 It makes no difference where the currency comes from nor

 how the currency is eventually spent. 



 No. Creating products according to market demand is different than

 creating them without any market demand. Otherwise the unemployed

 could all get rich hiring each other to create and sell snotty

 tissues and books filled with with random words.  


 Has it been that long since the USSR crumbled that we have forgotten

 this? Leftists in power all over the world have to come face the

 superiority of markets to determine what should be produced, except

 for the west, where they are mercifully protected from the

 consequences of their ideas. 


If you look carefully at your reply you may notice that it did not actually 
address what you had specifically highlighted from my previous response.


You did reply about the need for a free market system in order to produce 
competitive products and services that potential customers can choose from to 
either buy or not as the case may be. I certainly agree with your concerns on 
such matters. None of my perceptions concerning the reevaluation of what 
currency represents was meant to do away with the superiority of a free market 


I'd like to in fact give free markets an additional shot in the arm, such as by 
making sure basic services like health insurance, transportation services, 
maintaining standards that keep raw materials and produce safe a basic right 
that everyone is entitled to receive. Those rights should not have to be paid 
for in the sense of being taxed. As we all know, many of our citizens literally 
can't afford many of these basic services, and there's the rub that needs to be 
addressed - and CAN be addressed. Governments should be able to employ 
individuals that have been appropriately educated to maintain such services, 
and they should be paid accordingly. Governments have the monetary resources to 
employ such individuals whereas private enterprises don't. A virtual currency 
system which is what I'm really talking about implies that it's the value of 
goods and services themselves that ultimately generates the value of money, 
not the other way around. Unfortunately, this is a subtle point that many do 
not comprehend very well. Too many of us simply believe we can't afford this or 
that service while simultaneously oblivious to the fact that there exist plenty 
of raw materials, resources, and idle human labor that is more than capable of 
generating these very necessities. The only thing stopping their production is 
the perceived belief that we don't have enough money in the piggy bank to pay 
for them. Not true.


So, how do we pay for them? A big difference that separates governments from 
business, is the fact that no business is allowed to generate money, out of 
thin air. Governments, however, can generate money, and do so all the time. 
It's the careful management of how much currency government allows to be 
distributed throughout the free market system that helps sustain a healthy 
stable economy. Granted, many governments have seriously abused such monetary 
powers causing massive hyperinflation to ensure. OTOH, Free markets, if left 
completely on their own resources, unchecked and unregulated, are completely 
incapable of keeping the economy healthy. Sooner or later many of such 
enterprises tend to run the economy into the ground. They will end up eating 
their own young.


You mentioned the failure of the USSR. What about the failure of Enron?



Steven Vincent Johnson