Re: [Vo]:How to present arguments against cold fusion critics

2011-08-12 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 06:30 AM 8/11/2011, Jouni Valkonen wrote:

Therefore if someone knows some high impact factor journals that has
published recent could fusion findings, I would appreciate to have
some examples.


This is a list of journal and academic publications as found in the 
Britz database. Reviews of the field are shown in bold.

The most significant journal to publish a review is 
Naturwissenschaften. That journal is of an importance commensurable 
with Scientific American, when I did the research.

The pseudoskeptical position has almost entirely disappeared from 
mainstream journals. There is a little normal skepticism, for example 
Ludwik Kowalski's criticism of SPAWAR work.

I'm aware of other publications of note, for example a textbook on 
models of the nucleus that treats cold fusion as an experimental 
reality, recently published by an expert on nuclear models, not some 
cold fusion believer.

Re: [Vo]:How to present arguments against cold fusion critics

2011-08-12 Thread Harry Veeder

From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 3:12:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:How to present arguments against cold fusion critics

At 06:30 AM 8/11/2011, Jouni Valkonen wrote:
 Therefore if someone knows some high impact factor journals that has
 published recent could fusion findings, I would appreciate to have
 some examples.


This is a list of journal and academic publications as found in the Britz 
database. Reviews of the field are shown in bold.

The most significant journal to publish a review is Naturwissenschaften. That 
journal is of an importance commensurable with Scientific American, when I did 
the research.

The pseudoskeptical position has almost entirely disappeared from mainstream 
journals. There is a little normal skepticism, for example Ludwik Kowalski's 
criticism of SPAWAR work.

I'm aware of other publications of note, for example a textbook on models of 
the nucleus that treats cold fusion as an experimental reality, recently 
published by an expert on nuclear models, not some cold fusion believer.

Is this it?
p. 175 of _Models of the Atomic Nucleus_

Re: [Vo]:How to present arguments against cold fusion critics

2011-08-12 Thread Jouni Valkonen
Thanks great many Abd ul-Rahman and also Jed. I presented devastating
counter-argument to Finnish pseudoskeptics. That Naturwissenschaften

Status of Cold-Fusion (Storms 2010)

was something that might be worthy of reading while I find some time.
So special thank you for that!


2011/8/12 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 At 06:30 AM 8/11/2011, Jouni Valkonen wrote:

 Therefore if someone knows some high impact factor journals that has
 published recent could fusion findings, I would appreciate to have
 some examples.


 This is a list of journal and academic publications as found in the Britz
 database. Reviews of the field are shown in bold.

 The most significant journal to publish a review is Naturwissenschaften.
 That journal is of an importance commensurable with Scientific American,
 when I did the research.

 The pseudoskeptical position has almost entirely disappeared from mainstream
 journals. There is a little normal skepticism, for example Ludwik Kowalski's
 criticism of SPAWAR work.

 I'm aware of other publications of note, for example a textbook on models
 of the nucleus that treats cold fusion as an experimental reality, recently
 published by an expert on nuclear models, not some cold fusion believer.

[Vo]:How to present arguments against cold fusion critics

2011-08-11 Thread Jouni Valkonen

I have discussed on other forum about cold fusion. I have, however
some problems with arguments, because those critics used very powerful
sounding, but probably false argument, that if cold fusion is real,
why it is published on B-rate scientific journals? I tried to explain,
that they are not necessary B-rate journals, but respectful and normal
scientific publications, where the basic research is published.
However presenting this argument is rather difficult, because
opposition thinks that only Science and Nature are A-rate journals,
and I do not have extensive knowledge on cold fusion research.

Therefore if someone knows some high impact factor journals that has
published recent could fusion findings, I would appreciate to have
some examples. Also I would like to have some advice how to deal with
this kind of arguments. Certainly discussing on the sociology of
science is rather difficult approach, because sociological arguments
require lots of text and they still remain vague and difficult to
understand. Although, I think that it is unavoidable, because Science
and Nature does not like cold fusion much. Also Science Magazine
blundered with bubble fusion, therefore I think that it is extra
alerted to publish anything controversial on the field. On the other
hand as they make money from scientific breakthroughs, they are
eagerly waiting final cold fusion breakthrough. Because cold fusion
will sell, a lot!

In summary, how do I disproof claim that all cold fusion researchers
are crackpotters and all magazines that publish cold fusion are B-rate
or less journals?


Re: [Vo]:How to present arguments against cold fusion critics

2011-08-11 Thread Rich Murray
This is a reasonable question, from my point of view as a cold fusion
fan, serving as a unqualified scientific layman who has been offering
painstaking, objective reviews of cold fusion papers since December,
1996 -- specializing in looking at all the common sense, nitty gritty
details in the papers.

Publication in any journal is not the issue now, but publication in a
blog with full details and sharing of all public feedback without
editing or censorship on the same blog, of any experiment that always
finds some anomaly of excess heat, radiations, transmutations, and
large isotopic shifts, however humble the finding, that is
independently reproduced by at least one other lab and reported fully
on the same blog, would be enough to lead to more replications by
other labs, and  accelerating progress from the fully shared public
feedback.  Any such blog would be a scientific journal.

It is time to stop the biased, self-defeating practice of labeling and
excluding participation of critics by calling them pathological --
if anyone who chooses to be a prominent player in public discussions
wants to encourage participation by a wide spectrum of motivated,
qualified other players.   It is up to each player to maintain a high
level of courtesy and clarity, for the huge mutual benefit for

Within mutual service,  Rich Murray   505-819-7388

Re: [Vo]:How to present arguments against cold fusion critics

2011-08-11 Thread Jed Rothwell

Jouni Valkonen wrote:

In summary, how do I disproof claim that all cold fusion researchers
are crackpotters and all magazines that publish cold fusion are B-rate
or less journals?

If those are the best arguments your opponent can come up with, they 
have lost the debate. There is no point to arguing with someone who 
thinks Julian Schwinger or Martin Fleischmann are crackpots, or J. 
Electroanal. Chem. is a B-rate journal for a paper on electrochemistry.

Anyway, some responses to such such arguments are compiled here:

- Jed