Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation on nano-carbon LENRs

2012-07-11 Thread Eric Walker
I wrote:

One question I have concerns the thermal properties of the [carbon nanotube
 bulk] system.  I have started to conclude that the thermal properties are
 important -- for example, perhaps the temperature in the substrate must
 gradually build to the point where some kind of resonance is triggered in
 smaller sites throughout the material.  It is not difficult to envision how
 this might occur in a thermally conducting material such as a metal.  It is
 harder to see how this would happen in a carbon substrate.

On second thought, graphene has some interesting thermal properties, as do
carbon nanotubes:

Wikipedia gives the thermal conductivity of nickel as 90.9 W/m/K.  There
are different numbers for the thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes.
 The second source mentions up to ~29 W/m/K, provided there are few
defects.  The third source, from Wikipedia, says that the conductivity can
get up to 3500 W/m/k, two orders of magnitude higher.  But even if the
carbon substrate were coal, it's obvious that it would have interesting
thermal properties.

Another important property would be the ability to load hydrogen.
 Apparently it might be possible to store hydrogen in carbon nanotubes:

How high a loading can be obtained in the structure that is discussed in
this source is unclear.  In the model in my mind, the cavity would probably
need to be filled with hydrogen.  If the rate of desorption of hydrogen is
too high, a reaction might not be possible according to this line of

A very nice thing about carbon bulk is that it can sustain high
temperatures.  The temperatures mentioned in the third link above, to
Wikipedia, for temperature stability, are 2800 C (3073 K) in a vacuum and
750 C (1023 K) in air.  The following source gives a melting temperature
for carbon nanotube material without defects of 4500 K and a pre-melting
temperature of 2600 K.;jsessionid=D53B81E04C8D46A0D606206C1E32DF70.c2

By comparison, the melting point of nickel is 1728 K.

The reason the higher temperature would be useful in this line of reasoning
is that a higher frequency of infrared would permeate the bulk.  One might
even have a fun time taking coal and heating it in a chamber loaded with
hydrogen (but doing so very carefully).  I believe Less Case did an
interesting experiment with activated carbon that was reproduced by Michael
McKubre.  It included a palladium catalyst, but the palladium might not
have been essential to the experiment if a suitable carbon material had
been used.  Activated carbon is carbon that has a large number of small
pores and therefore a high surface area. If carbon nanotube material with
some of these exotic properties, such as high thermal conductivity, high
magnetic fields, and optical resonance, was used, a transition metal might
not be needed.


Re: [Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation on nano-carbon LENRs

2012-07-10 Thread Eric Walker
Thank you, Lou, for the interesting links.

Concerning Lewis Larsen's slides, the first twenty or so include abstracts
from recent papers on various topics relating to graphene and carbon
nanotubes.  The second paper you mention touches on high magnetic fields
generated in carbon nanotubes (I am going off of the abstract in this
instance) and the third paper, on, discusses a high temperature
(~1700 K) superconducting state in multi-walled carbon nanotubes.

These are all some interesting properties.  Larsen's slides include an
abstract of a paper discussing a tunable resonant plasmonic cavity, i.e.,
an optical cavity that interacts with plasmons along the walls, I believe.
 The optics are subwavelength, which I understand to mean that the
wavelength of the cavity mode is significantly larger than one or more
dimensions of the cavity.  Somehow at the nanometer scale you can have a
mode with a relatively long wavelength in a much smaller cavity.

The last link leads to a patent for a device that will focus EM radiation
into the THz range.  If this is possible, I wonder whether the wavelength
cannot be decreased further still into the EUV or x-ray range.

With regard to new possibilities concerning carbon nanotubes, it seems
likely that you can get an x-ray pulse in these nanotubes.  One question I
have concerns the thermal properties of the system.  I have started to
conclude that the thermal properties are important -- for example, perhaps
the temperature in the substrate must gradually build to the point where
some kind of resonance is triggered in smaller sites throughout the
material.  It is not difficult to envision how this might occur in a
thermally conducting material such as a metal.  It is harder to see how
this would happen in a carbon substrate.  What are your thoughts on the
relationship between the temperature and the reaction?  (To ask the same
question I recently asked Guenter.)

With regard to the focusing of EM radiation, there is the focusing of the
wavelength and the modification of the field strength.  What are your
thoughts on the enhancement of the field strength?

Concerning the focusing of the wavelength, I have been reading through some
of the LENR papers and taking note of the x-ray energies that are observed.
 Often the x-rays are in the 1-2 keV range; in at least one instance they
were as high as 200 keV or higher.  One of the shortcomings of some of the
papers is that sometimes omit to report what was seen in control runs.  In
one instance where the x-ray spectrum of a control was provided, it looked
very similar to a spectrum shown in another paper that was associated with
a live cell.  So I'm not sure how much the specifics of the x-ray data are
to be relied upon.  Sometimes there are sporadic gammas as well.  The
gammas appear to be due to individual events.

Although the specifics of the x-ray spectra are hard to pin down, the
number of papers finding soft x-rays (in the 100 eV - 10 keV range) is
large.  So the existence of x-rays in PdD electrolyte and Pd+D2 gas glow
discharge experiments seems to be pretty solid.  The in-situ x-ray spectra
are sometimes explained in terms of characteristic lines of palladium or
transmuted elements, but when I look at the graphs, they are often broad,
and I wonder how much can be deduced about individual elements rather than
simply there being a resonance of some kind stepping up the frequency; for
example, some kind of focusing into the 0.5-3 keV range by a mechanism
similar to that presented in the patent you mentioned.  I am not sure what
the dimensions of the focusing device would need to be in order to
accomplish this, although from reading elsewhere I understand that x-ray
resonators are possible at these scales.

On magnetic fields such as the one generated in the superconducting
nanotube, above, Stan Szpak and Pamella Mosier-Boss make reference to there
being morphological effects on systems in the presence of magnetic and
electric fields; see, for example, page 13 of these slides:

They do not characterize much the effects they believe that these fields to
cause, but they seem to have concluded that it is under the influence of
magnetic and electric fields that you get the dramatic mini-volcanos and
explosions that are seen in some of the photographs.  I recall Abd saying
that there was no claim of any effects of the (possibly AC) electric field
in the paper he recently analyzed.


On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 2:24 PM, wrote:

 Lattice Energy LLC recently posted a new presentation reviewing evidence
 for LENRs in carbon nanostructures:

 LENRs on Hydrogenated Fullerenes and Graphene-July 6 2012

 Especially interesting since carbon supports ballistic current at high
 temperatures. Slide 26 cites this intriguing paper:


[Vo]:New Lattice Energy presentation on nano-carbon LENRs

2012-07-07 Thread pagnucco
Lattice Energy LLC recently posted a new presentation reviewing evidence
for LENRs in carbon nanostructures:

LENRs on Hydrogenated Fullerenes and Graphene-July 6 2012

Especially interesting since carbon supports ballistic current at high
temperatures. Slide 26 cites this intriguing paper:

Macroscopic Transport of Mega-ampere Electron Currents in Aligned
Carbon-Nanotube ArraysPhys. Rev. Lett. 108, 235005 (2012)
ABSTRACT: We demonstrate that aligned carbon-nanotube arrays are
efficient transporters of laser-generated mega-ampere electron currents
over distances as large as a millimeter. A direct polarimetric measurement
of the temporal and the spatial evolution of the megagauss magnetic fields
(as high as 120 MG) at the target rear at an intensity of
(10^18–10^19)W/cm2 was corroborated by the rear-side hot electron spectra.
Simulations show that such high magnetic flux densities can only be
generated by a very well collimated fast electron bunch.

A couple of interesting nanotech papers (not cited):

Quantum statistical model for superconducting phase in graphene and nanotubes

ABSTRACT: A quantum statistical theory is presented, supporting a
superconducting state of an ultrahigh critical temperature (1275 K) in the
multiwalled nanotubes reported by Zhao and Beeli [Phys. Rev.B 77, 245433


ITEM[40] -- is possible to reduce a critical dimension with respect
to a wavelength to maximally lambda/10,000. This is enormous focusing
degree of one hundred million times the intensity or energy of the
electromagnetic wave.