Re: [Vo]:New global warming curves show acceleration

2012-03-30 Thread Guenter Wildgruber
Alain Sepeda,
### sorry for the syntactically/orthographically garbled reply ###
this is a hopefully cleaned one:

Von: Alain Sepeda 
Gesendet: 17:58 Freitag, 30.März 2012
Re: [Vo]:New global warming curves show acceleration
explain both climastrology belief, and lenr denial.
anyway both
thery are right imho

What do you
mean by that?
overarching theme, by sensible observers, seems to be a disbelief in the
methods and procedures of conventional science.
Which rings
a tiny bit true to me.
There is a
lot of dirty laundry to wash.
But I'm not
ready to throw out the baby out of the bathwater, as currently the US 
Just the
science  as a whole is probably the most
diverse collection of factoids via the scientific method, correctly applied,
and by far surpasses anything in LENR or other fields.
But maybe I
misunderstood You.
I get quite
annoyed of any AGW deniers, which cross my trail, because they so not seem the
scientific method, nor the delicate web of diverse methods, which hints to a
common cause.
He, who
does not understand that in sufficient depth, understands nearly to nothing wrt
the scientific 'ahem'- realm.
and also 'feasibility', are very sensible constructs, which result from a
diversity of perspectives, and are approved by an open discourse, and not
priests of whatever profession, who keep the flame.
(Btw, some
3 of my posts have been lost in the list. The list notified me. It concerns
Axil, Ed Storm and Abdul Rahman Lomax. Not important enough to do a post
mortem. Nevertheless, I enjoy the list, because of its substantial spectrum of


Re: [Vo]:New global warming curves show acceleration

2012-03-30 Thread Alain Sepeda
the beginning discourse on science and pseudo science, look like the
reflexion of Benoit Rittaud in french skeptic book "le mythe climatique".
he says that young science begin with merged science and pseudo science,
then expulse it like astronomy expulsed astrology.

me I prefer the theory of rational denial, groupthink and collective
dellusion of Roland Benabou
that explain both climastrology belief, and lenr denial.
anyway both thery are right imho

2012/3/30 linuxball 

> Dear Vortex-L readers:
> Wolfgang Reimer

Re: [Vo]:New global warming curves show acceleration

2012-03-30 Thread linuxball
Dear Vortex-L readers:

Because this is my first post to this group I would like to introduce
myself. My background is in communications, electrical engineering,
systems theory, systems engineering, software architecture/engineering,
and system integration. I got my degree (Dr.-Ing., a Doctorate in
Engineering) at the Ilmenau University of Technology
( in 1992, got a post-doc
fellowship from the German government (DAAD to carry out a one-year research
project with the Computational Photonics group headed by Prof. Curtis
Menyuk at UMBC ( in 1996/1997. I am a
co-founder of a company called VPI Systems (

I have a soft spot for new scientific discoveries and developments in
science, technology and cosmology in general. I always keep a sound
portion of scepticism with regard to my own findings as well as those of
others. I am not a follower of any pseudoscience, however I am
open-minded (e.g. scientific LENR publications show strong evidence of
nuclear transmutations so this aspect of alchemy has become science
IMHO). Models/theories always reflect only some part of the reality so
they are incomplete per se. Also, they are man made and thus can contain
errors. Thus models/theories cannot be claimed to prove something
discovered in experiments (reality) is wrong or cannot exist.

I started following the Vortex-L discussions after Rossi gave a public
demonstration of his E-Cat in January of last year. When searching for
background information on Rossi's E-Cat and Cold Fusion/LENR in general
I came across this discussion round.
NOW to the subject: The Angus Miller Lecture 2011 (31st Oct 2011)

was held by Matt Ridley ( at the RSA (Royal
Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce) in
Edinburgh. In this lecture he tells about six lessons on scientific
heresy he learned which he is applying to the issue of *climate change*
in the course of this lecture.

If you prefer audio (about 56 minutes, unfortunately the quality is not
very good) follow this link:

Have a nice day

Wolfgang Reimer

Re: [Vo]:New global warming curves show acceleration

2012-03-29 Thread Xavier Luminous
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 5:55 PM, Alain Sepeda  wrote:
> The temperature have not increased since 13 years, and they succeed in
> pretending it is accelerating (I imagine they use convenient averaging).
> Comment on Ice seems to ignore recent analysis that couple the melting
> planned with non observed past melting (one imply the other so, since it did
> not happened, it won't happen)...

No matter what you believe about climate change, it is important for
humans to be able to control the earth's climate.  There have been an
enormous amount of extinction events in the past for this reason.  If
we have the ability to avert such disaster, we should do so.  And I
think it can be done... after all, we were successful at fixing the
hole in the ozone layer.

Even if the science is completely fraudulent (which I don't think it
is), the policies that would be proposed as a way to combat climate
change are all good: reduce emissions, invest in renewable energy,
improve efficiency, etc.  Actually, all of these things make good
economic sense as well.  So I'm not sure what there is to disagree
with here.

> Anyway we don't care, LENR solve the problem. it will avoid a battle, and
> both camp will say "I was right".

This is dangerous thinking.  I wouldn't put all my money on LENR, at
least yet.  When people talk to you of silver bullets you should
always be cautious.


> 2012/3/28 Jed Rothwell 
>> Not good. See:
>> This came to my attention because someone linked a response to
>> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:New global warming curves show acceleration

2012-03-28 Thread Alain Sepeda
Beware of consensus in science. Bad memory.
I hesitate between moaning and laughing.
and funnily after a period of careful neutrality WMO seems to enter, late,
the club of pathologic consensus...

The temperature have not increased since 13 years, and they succeed in
pretending it is accelerating (I imagine they use convenient averaging).
Comment on Ice seems to ignore recent analysis that couple the melting
planned with non observed past melting (one imply the other so, since it
did not happened, it won't happen)...
the melting of icecap have been recently dividend by 10 by reanalysing
GRACE data planet-wide , avoiding boundary mistakes... last explanation for
missing hot spot, fall apart...
MWP is now confirmed from north pole to south pole... extreme alarmist
sensibilities >3 have been found impossible...

but in the official review, in the media, in the science tabloid, the
"official truth" is spread despite inconvenient facts.
The same denial of scientific papers, manipulation of peer review is proved
in that domain, like it is now proven in CF domain...

"AGW is proved true" is of the same vein as "CF is proved fraud".
Eugene Mallove would be furious to see what happens to science...

Anyway we don't care, LENR solve the problem. it will avoid a battle, and
both camp will say "I was right".
Maybe occidental countries will refuse to use LENR, but Asia, and Africa
will, and no patent, no precaution principle, will prevent them to reinvent
or copy...

2012/3/28 Jed Rothwell 

> Not good. See:
> This came to my attention because someone linked a response to
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:New global warming curves show acceleration

2012-03-28 Thread Robert Lynn
Oh dear, Joe Romm again torturing the numbers until they confess.
That graph employs the most advantageous manipulation available (a 10
year running average) to hide the fact that if you fit a line through
the recent temperature record you have to go back more than a decade
to show any warming trend, eg check out RSS and UAH satellite records
(the least controversial global temperature records).

That is not to say that there is no warming or CO2 driven greenhouse
effect, all indications and trends suggest that temperature is rising
at about 0.8-1°C per century, and has been since the end of the little
ice age 150-200 years ago (rather inconvenient since CO2 only started
rising significantly after WW2), but there are also huge natural
oceanic cyclic circulation variations (AMO+PDO) with roughly 60 year
period that overwhelm that underlying trend so that there was rapid
heating in 1920's-1940's (same rate as 80's-90's), followed by slight
cooling 50's-70's (even as atmospheric CO2 levels started to rise
rapidly), warming again 80's-90's followed by no change for last 10-15
years.  Based on that underlying trend it will probably start to rise
again in another 10-20 years, but by then the issue of CO2
thermaggedon will probably be long forgotten as a serious political

The dirty secret of catastrophic anthropogenic CO2 warming is that it
makes a massive assumption about the magnitude of water vapour
feedbacks that are presumed to magnify CO2's effects by 3-5 times.
Those assumptions developed on the basis that they produced the best
model fits to the rapid warming of the late 90's, but since then there
is mounting evidence and analysis (not to mention the ongoing and
glaring predictive failures of those models) to suggest that this
figure is more likely in the range of 1-2, which effectively negates
the catastrophic scenarios touted.

There are also a ton of other wild-assed guesses going into the models
about the effects of other historical influences like soot and sulphur
from dirty coal burning in the 20th century for which no actual data
or means to test assumptions exists, and for which 'data' and
magnitude of influence are first assumed then fiddled to try and match
climate models to historical temperature data, all while ignoring the
most massive and least understood component - oceanic circulation

In effect it amounts to a modern re-hash of Astrology - trying to
match observations to an assumed causative factor, without ever
proving the strength of that causative link, and while ignoring other
strongly correlated factors (like solar cycles, oceanic cycles, even
orbital cycles that drive ice ages).  This is the same mushy thinking
that previously gave the world such scientific wonders as phrenology,
homeopathy and religion.

IPCC climate models also do not explain why the temperature was rising
before CO2 started rising after WW2, nor why the world was at a
similar temperature or hotter during the medieval warm period, the
roman warm period and the minoan warm period, or why the dark ages
cooling or 15-18th century little ice age occurred, or why
temperatures have been (on average) gradually falling for the last
1 years since the start of the current inter-glacial period (the

Climatology is a young science that has a very long way to go before
we can rely upon the predictions it makes.  There are myriad good
reasons to cut down on fossil fuel use, but danger from climate change
is not in that list.

On 28 March 2012 14:28, Jed Rothwell  wrote:
> Not good. See:
> This came to my attention because someone linked a response to
> - Jed

[Vo]:New global warming curves show acceleration

2012-03-28 Thread Jed Rothwell
Not good. See:

This came to my attention because someone linked a response to

- Jed