[Vo]:Uploaded Karabut paper

2007-06-27 Thread Jed Rothwell


Karabut, A.B., Y.R. Kucherov, and I.B. Savvatimova, Nuclear product 
ratio for glow discharge in deuterium. Phys. Lett. A, 1992. 170: p. 265.


- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Uploaded Karabut paper

2007-06-27 Thread Jones Beene
To cut to the chase: Many who follow this sort of thing might wonder if 
this older paper is consistent with Widom/Larsen (W/L)? That particular 
theory is gaining a huge foothold among those 'in the know' in LENR, it 
seems and at the expense of competing theories (D fusion).

[side note] Although W/L have thus far refused to include the 
implication, their theory is ideally suited (almost to the point of 
demanding it) to interpretation within the guidelines of 'below ground 
state' hydrogen (Mills hydrino).

Widom/Larsen (with backing from Miley) postulate that many ultra-low 
momentum neutrons are produced by the weak interaction annihilation of 
electrons and protons when an electrochemical cell is driven strongly 
out of equilibrium. The reason that neutrons are never seen (seldom is a 
better word), going back as far as PF, is that their momentum is so 
exceedingly low (subthermal) that they are almost always captured before 
leaving the matrix.

Large quantities of these neutrons are produced near the surface of a 
metal hydride cathode in an electrolytic cell but still do not exit. The 
low momentum implies extremely large cross-sections for absorption by 
various seed nuclei present including Pd isotopes and especially boron 
if there is any present even in ppm amounts.

This absorption is relieved by beta decay processes (or fission in the 
case of boron). As stated in their paper, most of the periodic table of 
chemical elements may be produced, at least to some extent.

Query: is Karabut consistent with W/L ?  IMHO: Probably.

In separate experiments, Karabut et al. measure excess heat output *five 
times* exceeding the input electric power ! Even though this is an old 
paper, it seems rather authoritative. The result for the charged 
particle emission spectrum is presented. Charged particles with energies 
up to 18 MeV and an average energy of 2-4 MeV were seen - however, The
summed energy of the registered products is three orders short of the 
values needed to explain the calorimetric results.

This is MOST important! High energy ions and alphas are a red herring, 
since they are at least three orders of magnitude too low to account for 
the excess heat. IOW only one one part of one-thousand of the OU is 
provided by the high energy particles!

Karabut:Many new questions arise since the alphas, for instance, are 
found in quantities 3-4 orders short of those needed to explain the 
excess heat.  They admit that they did not measure the lower energy 
electron flux and this still leaves the possibility of K-electron 
capture, or other forms of subthermal neutron production, with a 
radioactive isotope formation and with a consequent beta decay.

Anyone 'care to rebut' Karabut ?


Re: [Vo]:Uploaded Karabut paper

2007-06-27 Thread Edmund Storms
I'm surprised, Jones, that the Widom/Larsen theory is even being 
considered. This theory has some serious faults that have not been 
addressed by the authors I summarize a few below which are extracted 
from a recent paper of mine. In brief, a theory needs to not only be 
consistent with what is observed but also consistent with what is NOT 
observed. In addition, it must be consistent with the basic laws of 
nature about which there is no debate. This theory fails on all counts.

A mechanism has been suggested recently by Widom and Larsen (37-40) 
based on a series of especially extraordinary assumptions, as follows:

1. Energy provided by the voltage gradient on an electrolyzing surface 
can add incrementally to an electron causing its mass to increase. This 
implies the existence of energy levels within the electron able to hold 
added energy long enough for the total to be increased to 0.78 MeV mass 
equivalent by incremental addition. This idea, by itself, is 
extraordinary and inconsistent with accepted understanding of the electron.
2. Once sufficient energy has accumulated, the massive electron will 
combine with a proton to create a neutron having very little thermal 
energy. This implies that the massive electron reacts only with a proton 
rather than with the more abundant metal atoms making up the sample and 
does not shed energy by detectable X-ray emission before it can be absorbed.
3. This “cold” neutron will add to the nucleus of palladium and/or 
nickel to change their isotopic composition. This implies that the 
combination of half-lives created by beta emission of these created 
isotopes will quickly result in the observed stable products without 
this beta emission being detected.
4. The atomic number distribution of transmutation products created by 
this process matches the one reported by Miley (41) after he 
electrolyzed Pd+Ni as the cathode and Li2SO4+H2O as the electrolyte. 
This implies that the calculated periodic function calculated by the 
authors actually has a relationship to the periodic behavior observed by 
Miley in spite of the match being rather poor. In addition, residual 
beta decay has not been detected.
5. Gamma radiation produce by the neutron reaction is absorbed by the 
super-heavy electrons. This implies that the gamma radiation can add to 
the mass and/or to the velocity of the super-heavy electron without 
producing additional radiation. In addition, to be consistent with 
observation, total absorption of gamma radiation must continue even 
after the cell is turned off. If this assumption were correct, 
super-heavy electrons would provide the ideal protection from gamma 

These assumptions are not consistent with the general behavior of the 
LENR phenomenon nor with experience obtained from studies of electron 
behavior. Indeed, these assumptions, if correct, would have 
extraordinary importance independent of cold fusion.

As for the relationship between particle emission and heat, no 
conclusion can be drawn until all of the various kinds of probable 
particles are detected and measured. So far, only the alpha particles 
and a few X-rays have been detected. Obviously other emissions are 
present and are providing the additional energy. We can debate all day 
what these particles might be. I suggest it is much more efficient to 
actually measure them and then debate their source.


Jones Beene wrote:

To cut to the chase: Many who follow this sort of thing might wonder if 
this older paper is consistent with Widom/Larsen (W/L)? That particular 
theory is gaining a huge foothold among those 'in the know' in LENR, it 
seems and at the expense of competing theories (D fusion).

[side note] Although W/L have thus far refused to include the 
implication, their theory is ideally suited (almost to the point of 
demanding it) to interpretation within the guidelines of 'below ground 
state' hydrogen (Mills hydrino).

Widom/Larsen (with backing from Miley) postulate that many ultra-low 
momentum neutrons are produced by the weak interaction annihilation of 
electrons and protons when an electrochemical cell is driven strongly 
out of equilibrium. The reason that neutrons are never seen (seldom is a 
better word), going back as far as PF, is that their momentum is so 
exceedingly low (subthermal) that they are almost always captured before 
leaving the matrix.

Large quantities of these neutrons are produced near the surface of a 
metal hydride cathode in an electrolytic cell but still do not exit. The 
low momentum implies extremely large cross-sections for absorption by 
various seed nuclei present including Pd isotopes and especially boron 
if there is any present even in ppm amounts.

This absorption is relieved by beta decay processes (or fission in the 
case of boron). As stated in their paper, most of the periodic table of 
chemical elements may be produced, at least to some extent.

Query: is Karabut consistent with W/L ?  

Re: [Vo]:Uploaded Karabut paper

2007-06-27 Thread Horace Heffner
If it hasn't been done already, it seems to me of at least academic  
interest to measure the neutron absorption cross section in loaded Pd  
foil over a range of very low neutron energies. Slow neutrons should  
be magnetically attracted to, and thus ultimately fused to, adsorbed  
H nuclei at thermal energy levels.  The cross section should be huge.


Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Uploaded Karabut paper

2007-06-27 Thread Jones Beene

Going in reverse order,

Horace Heffner wrote:
If it hasn't been done already, it seems to me of at least academic 
interest to measure the neutron absorption cross section in loaded Pd 
foil over a range of very low neutron energies. Slow neutrons should be 
magnetically attracted to, and thus ultimately fused to, adsorbed H 
nuclei at thermal energy levels.  The cross section should be huge.

Agreed ...yet one should not forget that the neutron itself is diamagnetic.

Edmund Storms wrote:
 I'm surprised, Jones, that the Widom/Larsen theory is even being
 considered. This theory has some serious faults that have not been
 addressed by the authors I summarize a few below which are extracted
 from a recent paper of mine.

Well, I should have mentioned your concerns - but did not have time to 
do a thorough posting. And - you will have to admit that W/L is getting 
plenty of press/exposure of late, thanks to SPAWARS; plus the 
endorsement of Miley (apparently) doesn't hurt either.

I agree that (like all other theories) this one has many problems yet to 
be answered; and Horace's suggestion would be a good start - but at 
least the first problem which you mention is the one which is better 
answered by the Mills' hydrino/deuterino or 'below ground state' model; 
where a 'virtual' and very low energy neutron or dineutron results, as 
the case may be - after the heat energy (in the EUV range) has already 
been shed. IMHO, they screwed up big-time on that detail.

Of course, to complicate the situation - there are obviously many things 
going-on in the various experiments and no single theory will ever work 
for all of them. Your experiments tend to show that there is enoguh 
Helium to account for all of the OU whereas Karabut is showing 1000 time 
less than necessary.

Undoubtedly, in many experiments there is at least some D+D fusion. The 
big-picture appears to be one of those situations where Ockham is out to 
lunch (or in the barbers shop) - and there is NO simple answer but 
instead many overlapping, messy and very complicated answers. Probably 
another reason why the mainstream would rather not deal with it at all.


Re: [Vo]:Uploaded Karabut paper

2007-06-27 Thread Horace Heffner

On Jun 27, 2007, at 12:35 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

Going in reverse order,

Horace Heffner wrote:
If it hasn't been done already, it seems to me of at least  
academic interest to measure the neutron absorption cross section  
in loaded Pd foil over a range of very low neutron energies. Slow  
neutrons should be magnetically attracted to, and thus ultimately  
fused to, adsorbed H nuclei at thermal energy levels.  The cross  
section should be huge.

Agreed ...yet one should not forget that the neutron itself is  

This is news to me.  The neutron has a large magnetic moment.  It's a  
pretty strong magnet.  I do know that in scattering experiments  
neutrons respond strongly to diamagnetic effects induced on the  
sample by magnets, thus neutrons are useful in mapping diamagnetic  
atom lattice positions.   Where does this info come from?

BTW, here has been lots of work done with neutron scattering in  
hydrides.  Some material can be found in Chapter 5, of *Hyrogen in  
Metals III, Topics in Appied Physics, Vol 73, Springer 1997, p 215,  
ff.  With a quick scan I didn't see anything about cold neutron  
scattering though.

NOTED IN PASSING on page 206: For a number of hydrides with the  
flouride structure, it is possible to introduce more than 2 hydrogen  
atoms per metal atom.  In these cases the extra hydrogens are  
accommodated on octahedral sites, giving a theoretical  maximum  
stoichiometry of MH_3.


Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Uploaded Karabut paper

2007-06-27 Thread Jones Beene

Horace Heffner wrote:

Agreed ...yet one should not forget that the neutron itself is 

This is news to me.  The neutron has a large magnetic moment.  It's a 
pretty strong magnet.  I do know that in scattering experiments neutrons 
respond strongly to diamagnetic effects induced on the sample by 
magnets, thus neutrons are useful in mapping diamagnetic atom lattice 
positions.   Where does this info come from?

I should have qualified that to say something like 'functional 
diamagnets' or 'spin oriented diamagnetism.' Diamagnetism is generally 
understood to be due to the non-cooperative behavior of orbiting 
electrons when exposed to an applied magnetic field. Of course, with no 
orbiting electrons, neutrons are excluded by definition, but they will 
be repelled by a magnetic field in one of the two possible spin states.

Diamagnetic substances are generally composed of groups of atoms which 
have no net magnetic moments (ie., all the orbital shells are filled and 
there are no unpaired electrons). However, when exposed to a field, a 
negative magnetization is produced and thus the susceptibility is negative.

OK. Moving on to non-atoms which can act the same way. At one time Oak 
Ridge was working on a neutron beam line which used what can be called 
spin aligned diamagnetism - if I am wording this correctly. Neutrons do 
have a magnetic moment and can interact with a magnetic field, B, by the 
dipole interaction where the magnetic moment of the neutron is oriented 
anti-parallel to the spin of the neutron. True diamagnets would have 
zero net magnetic moment, regardless of spin.

Here is the quote, but the link I have is apparently dead: Since the 
neutron is a spin-1/2 particle, it has two possible quantum spin states, 
oriented parallel and anti-parallel to the magnetic field. When the 
neutron spin is aligned parallel to the magnetic field, the interaction 
energy is positive. Regions of high magnetic field repel neutrons in the 
parallel or “low-field-seeking” spin state. That would be the 
functional equivalent of a diamagnet. And the concept was to use this 
feature in a neutron beam line since the repelling action did not 
reorient the spin. But again - if we define a diamagnet in terms of 
orbiting electrons - the neutron is excluded. By definition.

Similarly, neutrons with spins anti-parallel to the magnetic field have 
a negative interaction energy, and are attracted to regions of higher 
magnetic field and are called “high field seekers”. This would make any 
beam line rather fragile, I suppose, since a spin change will be counter 
productive, and perhaps they (ORNL) gave up on it.
