Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-25 Thread thomas malloy

Jones Beene wrote:

*From:* Stephen A. Lawrence

Let me remind these John Galt, Rush Bimbo wannabes that if the Christ 
were alive today - he most assuredly would not only be strongly 
socialistic, much more strongly to the left than anyone in the Obama 
camp, but closer to full Communistic in his economic leanings and in

I disagree with you Jones. The essence of any of the varieties of 
socialist regimes is the use of the power of the state, ie, force. This 
is anathema to the Bible. Richard Macaulay are G-d fearers, and we both 
support free market economics. The vast majority of people whose faith 
is based on the Bible are conservative.

Socialism is, IMHO, an attempt on the part of sinful man to reproduce 
the sort of world order that the Bible talks about. That's why it has 
never worked, and never will work.

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Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-25 Thread Harry Veeder

- Original Message -
From: Jones Beene
Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 10:43 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

 Not only that, Christ would shudder at those mindless bigots, like 
 the business owner of a previous posting, who express the sentiment 
 that I got mine, so why should I help my brothers in need? 

The boss also sounds like the only pleasure he gets out of life is
making money.


Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-24 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

grok blathered:
 Gawd... if I got a slip of Monopoly money for every time I've had
 socialism/communism -- or capitalism -- patiently explained to me (or
 not) by a petit-bourgeois, I'd never have to buy toilet paper ever

Typical troll.  Insult the senders -- petit-bourgeois is usually
considered an insult -- and spout some buzz words but don't answer any

Troll, you've just joined my kill file. (Yup, I've got one for Vortex;
only one or two other folks in it, and none of them are currently
regular posters.)

Grok's posts are all noise, no content.  If arguments were presented by
Grok, his posts might be interesting; there is a lot to be said on the
side of socialism.  But Grok posts no arguments.  Perhaps Grok doesn't
know the arguments in favor of socialism.  (Of course, such arguments
are entirely off-topic for Vortex so I'm not going to start down that path.)

Be that as it may, Grok is a troll, pure and simple:  A troll sends easy
to produce messages with provocative claims and no reasoned arguments in
an effort to get a rise out of people.  It's very easy to do, because
leaving out the reasoned arguments means the emails can be churned out
without thought, care, or much of anything else.

The folks who are hooked, on the other hand, typically waste large
amounts of time coming up with reasoned arguments to refute the
unreasoned and unsupported statements spouted by the troll.  It's a
situation where the reasoning people lose big.

The fish works very hard to catch up with the lure which is being
dragged through the water on the line put out by the fisherman who is
sitting on a boat trolling...  and the fish never can win.


 Stick to tinkering in your garages, guys.

Stick to the politics groups, troll.

 -- grok.
 As the smoke cleared, John Berry
 mounted the barricade and roared out:

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-24 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence
Thanks, Robin.  I like your analysis and I don't recall ever seeing it
stated that way before. wrote:
 In reply to  John Berry's message of Tue, 24 Feb 2009 10:05:35 +1300:
 I find it incomprehensible that anyone could seriously support
 communism/socialism and actually be talking about the same thing that
 created some of the greatest atrocities that have ever occurred and been so
 dysfunctional as to then fall part.

 So if that is not what you mean, if you are not championing the murder and
 oppression of humanity then say so.

 There are many positive examples of something that could be termed positive
 examples of socialism in the west, socialistic health care practiced in most
 places seems more attractive than the capitalistic version in the US being
 just one example and you don't need to watch Michael Moore's Sicko to
 recognize it.
 There is a trap that almost everyone falls into. It is the assumption that the
 situation is dipolar, when actually it is quadrupolar.
 Rather than just left and right there is also an up and a down, or
 perhaps a better analogy is the 4 points of the compass.
 If East and West are collectivism and capitalism, and North and South are
 totalitarianism and anarchy, then all forms of society fall somewhere on the
 plane thus described.
 IOW, there is an economic axis (E-W) and an order (or control) axis (N-S).
 The worst atrocities appear to be committed by peoples that tend toward the 
 extremes. The most prosperous and happiest societies tend toward the centre.
 In the N-S direction, you need some measure of control, but not so much as to
 stifle the individual. In the E-W direction you need freely flowing trade, 
 some government interference in some cases.

Sigh... I can't resist throwing my 25 cents into the fray.

Regarding stifling the individual ... It is, unfortunately, the gap
between rich and poor which drives people to work hard to become rich --
it's that gap which drives them to work harder than the bare minimum
needed to maintain their current lifestyle.  Consequently it is exactly
the inequity of capitalist society which makes it work so well, in
economic terms.  If you eliminate the gap, you eliminate the incentives
at the same time.

Conversely if you allow people to lock out others from climbing above
their current stratum you also eliminate the incentive to work harder
than the bare minimum needed to just get by.  This one of the reasons
monopolies and hereditary landlords are both bad.

Unfortunately there's nothing fair or moral about capitalism and,
from a utilitarian point of view, it's not clear that unbridled
capitalism comes anywhere near maximizing total happiness (to put it

I've long felt that socialism has the moral high ground, in terms of
fairness and just generally being pretty good for more people.  But if
you want economic efficiency, what you probably need is laissez faire
capitalism combined with strong antitrust laws and draconian inheritance
taxes.  (You need that last one to prevent the rise of hereditary
landlords, who provided much of the impetus for Karl Marx's view of the
world.  Hereditary landlords are leeches on the body of a capitalist
economy, as Marx recognized, but to get rid of a leech it is not
necessary to kill the patient.)

Anyhow this is totally off topic, and I send far too much stuff to
Vortex which is off topic already, so I won't be responding again on
this thread.  The arguments I just gave are certainly no more than half
baked but I'm not going to try to bake them fully in this forum.

 By trying to see everything as only E-W, the economic aspects are frequently
 confused with the order aspects.
 To take two examples from the real world, China and the US, I would say that
 China is currently approaching the centre on the E-W axis, from the 
 direction, but is still rather strongly totalitarian on the N-S axis.
 With the new administration in Washington, the US is approaching the centre in
 the E-W direction from the capitalistic side. In the N-S direction, it isn't 
 clear (to me) what direction the new administration is going in, but the
 previous administration was clearly going away from the centre in the
 totalitarian direction.
 Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-24 Thread Jones Beene
From: Stephen A. Lawrence 

 Thanks, Robin.  I like your analysis and I don't recall ever seeing it
stated that way before.

Let me second that. 

Robin seems to be the only commentator who has looked at this situation 

But why isn't this thread labeled as off-topic?

I find it most curious - that the right (aka the religious right) in its 
efforts to assert the Rand or the Raw-Capitalist perspective - has now taken 
the *anti-Christian* road. They have dropped all pretense at brotherly love 
and are full speed ahead on the greed-is-good freeway to Hell. What a change of 
direction, no?

Let me remind these John Galt, Rush Bimbo wannabes that if the Christ were 
alive today - he most assuredly would not only be strongly socialistic, much 
more strongly to the left than anyone in the Obama camp, but closer to full 
Communistic in his economic leanings and in his teachings. The 'right' 
conveniently forgets the so-called moral underpinnings that helped them elect 
the root cause of our problems - in these latest flights of perverted rhetoric. 
How quickly the forget.

Not only that, Christ would shudder at those mindless bigots, like the business 
owner of a previous posting, who express the sentiment that I got mine, so why 
should I help my brothers in need? 

... absolutely disgraceful sentiments spewing forth from the far-right these 


Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-24 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

 But why isn't this thread labeled as off-topic?

Look at the original message.  John Galt was the fictional inventor of
a free energy engine.  ;-)


Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-24 Thread Jones Beene
From: Terry Blanton 

 But why isn't this thread labeled as off-topic?

Look at the original message.  John Galt was the fictional inventor of
a free energy engine.  ;-)

Aha... OK I had forgotten that it was 'free energy'... 

BTW here is what Wiki has to say about Galt's motor

John Galt invented a new type of electrical apparatus
described in the book as a motor. This motor is revolutionary because
it uses static electricity from the
atmosphere as its main source of
energy, requiring only a small amount of conventional fuel to run the
conversion mechanism. The motor is described as super-efficient, and
capable of revolutionizing the industry of the world. This approximates
a perpetual motion machine of the second kind, a machine which
spontaneously converts thermal energy into mechanical work (versus
conventional heat engines, which convert thermal energy into mechanical
work by transferring thermal energy from one reservoir to another). 

The theory is that the power is drawn from the environment. The book
gives the source as static electricity from the air, and suggests that
a new physics was necessary to tap it. Additionally, the motor could be
seen as a metaphor...

[side note] The curious thing is that we may be on the cusp of something 
similar in 2009.

... more on Fictional technology

Because the book centers on industrial capitalism, Ayn Rand mentions
many technologies throughout the book. In addition to normal technologies, she 
introduces several fictional inventions, including refractor rays (Gulch 
mirage), Rearden Metal, a sonic death ray (Project X), motors powered by 
static electricity, and a sophisticated electrical torture device. 

The depiction of progress coming in leaps and bounds at the hands of heroic 
entrepreneurs is similar to Joseph Schumpeter's theory of Creative destruction 
(expressed in Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy).

Rearden metal

Rearden metal is a fictitious metal alloy invented by Hank Rearden. It is 
lighter and stronger than traditional steel, and is to steel what steel was to 
iron. It is described as greenish-blue. Among its ingredients are iron and 
copper, two metals seldom found together in real-world alloys.

Initially, no one is willing to use Rearden metal due to an
unsupported but nonetheless damaging report by the State Science
Institute which implies the metal is weak and prone to breaking. The
introduction of the metal is seen as potentially damaging to the
already established steel industries. Dagny Taggart,
regardless of the public opinion, places an order for Rearden metal
when she needs rails to rebuild the Rio Norte Line which is in
disrepair. Once the metal is proven in the Rio Norte Line, the
looters seek both to place it on the market for everyone, and to deny
it to the industrialists who would make the most profitable use of it.
Later, the formula for the metal itself is extorted by way of blackmail
from Rearden and dubbed Miracle Metal.

Rearden Metal and the plot concerning its fate in Atlas Shrugged are 
strikingly similar[11] to a series of 1930's Little Orphan Annie strips created 
by Harold Gray. According to columnist Brian Doherty:
One Annie storyline [Comic historian Brian] Schwartz described makes
you wonder whether Ayn Rand had been reading the funnies with notepad
in hand in the 1930s, when you think about Atlas Shrugged's Rearden metal:
Gray followed his pro-millionaire saga with a remarkably
full-throated antiunion story line. In it, Annie befriends a homeless
scientist, Eli Eon, inventor of Eonite, a cheap, easy-to-produce,
indestructible material. Warbucks envisions it ending the Depression.
Millions will work to mass-produce it, creating materials for housing
that millions more will build. A corrupt union, led by John L. Lewis
look-alike Claude Claptrap and liberal, long-haired journalist Horatio
Hack, demands Warbucks give Eonite “to the pee-pul” or they’ll strike.
Their workers burn down Warbucks’s factory (he hadn’t gotten around to
building it out of Eonite yet), killing Eon. The secret of Eonite, and
to ending the Depression, dies with him.

Project X
Project X, also known as Project Xylophone, is an invention of the scientists 
at the State Science Institute, requiring tons of Rearden metal. It is a sonic 
weapon, capable of destroying everything in a 100-mile radius. The scientists 
claim that the project will be used to preserve peace and squash rebellion. The 
mechanism is destroyed towards the end of the book, and emits a sonic pulse that
destroys everything within a hundred mile radius, including Cuffy Meigs
and Dr. Stadler, as well as half of the Taggart Bridge, which spanned the 
Mississippi River, and was, effectively, the lifeline of New York City.

Rand also mentioned technologies that were unavailable at the time, but which 
have since been invented. Examples are voice activated door locks (Gulch power 
station), and palm-activated door locks (Galt's NY lab).

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-24 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

 The theory is that the power is drawn from the environment. The book gives
 the source as static electricity from the air, and suggests that a new
 physics was necessary to tap it. Additionally, the motor could be seen as a

 [side note] The curious thing is that we may be on the cusp of something
 similar in 2009.1

Thanks for bringing the thread back on topic.  :-)

Of course you are familiar with the Thestatica, eh?

The Swiss cult could be exactly where John Galt is hiding:


Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-24 Thread Terry Blanton
Several youtube vids, here's one:

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

 The theory is that the power is drawn from the environment. The book gives
 the source as static electricity from the air, and suggests that a new
 physics was necessary to tap it. Additionally, the motor could be seen as a

 [side note] The curious thing is that we may be on the cusp of something
 similar in 2009.1

 Thanks for bringing the thread back on topic.  :-)

 Of course you are familiar with the Thestatica, eh?

 The Swiss cult could be exactly where John Galt is hiding:


Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread John Berry
I think that it is clear to everyone that socialism, communism in anything
like the form that we have seen in the past is not what anyone is talking
about, not even the theory/ideals of Marxism would have any fans.

However something else that is differentiated from current so called
capitalism or communism or any other type of ism would be desirable.

No what I am talking about doesn't have a name but it is more social and so
does sound a bit like socialism.
And though I am talking about my own concept that I have developed I am sure
that others when they speak positively about socialism have something much
more like what I have in mind than anything resembling socialism.

Rather I think that your remark is more of a troll as I believe you know
that full well.

The relative success of democrats/left/liberals as leaders of countries and
of developers of businesses as already mentioned is what is meant not
anything resembling communism.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Rick Monteverde wrote:

 This is a troll, right?

 Glorious examples of Socialism's successes please?

 Thought so.

 -Original Message-
 From: grok []
 Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 6:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

 Hash: SHA1

 As the smoke cleared, Jed Rothwell mounted the
 barricade and roared out:

  With regard to both energy and the economy those bumper stickers should
  Where is John Galt when we need him?
  Ayn Rand gave us John Galt in fiction. Reality hands us Bernie Madoff.
  No one does more harm to capitalism than capitalists.
  - Jed

 I really hate to break this to people here, but the future has *always*
 with Socialism -- and that includes our glorious energy future as well.
 And some people can rant against this all they want, invoking their rabid
 individualist ideology or whatever -- but that doesn't make what I've
 said any the less necessary as what we must aim for.

 And we can seetoday, too, where individualism(sic) gets us, for that

 - -- grok.

 - --
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 Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread grok
Hash: SHA1

As the smoke cleared, John Berry
mounted the barricade and roared out:

 I think that it is clear to everyone that socialism, communism in
 anything like the form that we have seen in the past is not what anyone
 is talking about, not even the theory/ideals of Marxism would have any

List hypocrisy and trolling for Ayn Rand aside -- guess what? Reality
doesn't much care what you and your friends think, fella. You're just
regurgitating decades of brainwashing, AFAIC. Doesn't make what you say
the least true. So what if millions of [ex-]middle-class suburban
drones agree with you? They're grasping at straws, right about now.
They'll believe anything in their (whipped-up) hysteria. Even fascism.
Which is the immediate goal of the Rightwing of the U.S. ruling-class,

You north americans and brits are about to find out the very real limits
of capitalism -- and all its support structures (like your totalitarian
mass-propaganda media, for instance). And liberals and even neocon-
fascists can burble-on about the new green economy all they want, too:
your very REAL collective problem _remains_ the capitalist mode of
production itself -- as the entire Planet has just found out, and can
clearly see for itself right now. 

'Atlantis' indeed...
Beam me up.

- -- grok.

- -- 
* BOYCOTT BOURGEOIS MASS-MEDIA*  RSS/XML newsfeeds from around *
* Use these links in RSS readers  * the planet: Who needs CNN/Fox? *
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GPG fingerprint = 2E7F 2D69 4B0B C8D5 07E3  09C3 5E8D C4B4 461B B771
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread Terry Blanton
Hey, you're right:

For a 2011 release date, it seems a bit early to start the ads, however.


On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 11:26 AM, wrote:
 I read that Brad Pitt and Agela Jolie are huge fans of Atlas Shrugged
 and they have brought the rights to make the movie and will do so. That may
 be the reason for the bumper stickers.

 Need a job? Find an employment agency near you.

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread OrionWorks
Grok sez:


 You north americans and brits are about to find out the very real limits
 of capitalism


Seems to me that as the smoke cleared Grok roared loudly in his
efforts of coming off as an enlightened educated individual.

Ok, Grok, since it would appear that you wish to continue hiding
behind the handle of Michael Valentine Smith show us your stuff, water
brother. What's your ultimate solution?

It would help to be a tad more specific than simply giving us a pat
label, like socialism.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread thomas malloy

grok wrote:

Hash: SHA1

As the smoke cleared, John Berry
mounted the barricade and roared out:

I think that it is clear to everyone that socialism, communism in
anything like the form that we have seen in the past is not what anyone
is talking about, not even the theory/ideals of Marxism would have any

List hypocrisy and trolling for Ayn Rand aside -- guess what? Reality
doesn't much care what you and your friends think, fella. 

I really hate to break this to people here, but the future has *always*
been with Socialism -- 

Grok, You are, IMHO, either totally misguided, or one sick individual. socialism's agenda is the destruction of the individual. What I liked about Randian Philosophy was the celebration of the triumph of the individual against the collective. 

Even fascism.
Which is the immediate goal of the Rightwing of the U.S. ruling-class,

What you ignore is that fascism is socialism with private ownership. It 
is a more efficient production system, but it has no difference 
fundamentally between fascism and socialism. Both destroy the individual 
for the good of the collective.

You north americans and brits are about to find out the very real limits
of capitalism -- and all its support structures (like your totalitarian
mass-propaganda media,

Calling the economic system in America and Britain  capitalism may fit 
with your agenda Grok, but the truth is that neither country has had 
free enterprise capitalism in the last 100 years.

for instance). And liberals and even neocon-
fascists can burble-on about the new green economy all they want, too:
your very REAL collective problem _remains_ the capitalist mode of
production itself -- 

People have certain wants and needs, the limited amount of free 
enterprise that we have here meets those needs much better than the 
collectivized system that the Russians had.

as the entire Planet has just found out, and can
clearly see for itself right now. 

The entire planet is riddled with collectivism, where does this place 
where capitalism is practiced exist? What is it that the entire planet 
has found out? The fact that collectivism has failed every time it's 
been tried clearly isn't one of them.

This misguided idea is apparently the basis of your belief that America 
is particular is a bastion of free enterprise capitalism. You are right, 
we have a ruling elite, Oligarchy, which is promoting the sort of 
dystopia which Orwell and Huxley wrote about in 1984 and Brave New 
World. If you truely believe that this is a good thing, then you are 
indeed sick.

'Atlantis' indeed...Beam me up.

Another interesting comment. You may have heard that certain Christians 
believe that one of these days a trumpet is going to blow, and they are 
going to vanish. Well I'm one of them. That's why I'm not just too 
concerned about the world's continuing to deterioration. The main reason 
is that I've realized over the past 1/2 century that there's nothing I 
can do about it.

--- Get FREE High Speed Internet from USFamily.Net! -- ---

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread John Berry
I find it incomprehensible that anyone could seriously support
communism/socialism and actually be talking about the same thing that
created some of the greatest atrocities that have ever occurred and been so
dysfunctional as to then fall part.

So if that is not what you mean, if you are not championing the murder and
oppression of humanity then say so.

There are many positive examples of something that could be termed positive
examples of socialism in the west, socialistic health care practiced in most
places seems more attractive than the capitalistic version in the US being
just one example and you don't need to watch Michael Moore's Sicko to
recognize it.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 1:27 AM, grok wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 As the smoke cleared, John Berry
 mounted the barricade and roared out:

  I think that it is clear to everyone that socialism, communism in
  anything like the form that we have seen in the past is not what anyone
  is talking about, not even the theory/ideals of Marxism would have any

 List hypocrisy and trolling for Ayn Rand aside -- guess what? Reality
 doesn't much care what you and your friends think, fella. You're just
 regurgitating decades of brainwashing, AFAIC. Doesn't make what you say
 the least true. So what if millions of [ex-]middle-class suburban
 drones agree with you? They're grasping at straws, right about now.
 They'll believe anything in their (whipped-up) hysteria. Even fascism.
 Which is the immediate goal of the Rightwing of the U.S. ruling-class,

 You north americans and brits are about to find out the very real limits
 of capitalism -- and all its support structures (like your totalitarian
 mass-propaganda media, for instance). And liberals and even neocon-
 fascists can burble-on about the new green economy all they want, too:
 your very REAL collective problem _remains_ the capitalist mode of
 production itself -- as the entire Planet has just found out, and can
 clearly see for itself right now.

 'Atlantis' indeed...
 Beam me up.

 - -- grok.

 - --
 * BOYCOTT BOURGEOIS MASS-MEDIA*  RSS/XML newsfeeds from around *
 * Use these links in RSS readers  * the planet: Who needs CNN/Fox? *
   Critical endorsement only  Most sites need donations  
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 *   The Dominion *
 ***  Only *Dialog* Is Truly Free Speech  ***
 GPG fingerprint = 2E7F 2D69 4B0B C8D5 07E3  09C3 5E8D C4B4 461B B771
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread Edmund Storms
I agree with John, However, there seems to be a basic misunderstanding  
about the difference between capitalism and socialism.

Capitalism works because it is designed to allow each person to make  
decisions based on their own self interest. This is called freedom by  
people who use simple descriptions. For this system to work properly,  
rules have to be agreed to that encourage individual decisions that  
benefit society in general, rather than just a few people.   
Unfortunately, over the years, the rules have been slowly changed by  
the rich and powerful. We now see the result of these changes.  We now  
need to restore the rules that have been lost. This is NOT socialism.

In contrast, socialism imposes rules that are independent of personal  
choice.  The rules force choices based on what the government wants.   
Some choices must be made at the top and this requirement operates  
without objection in all organizations and in various ways in all  
governments.  The challenge is to find an efficient mixture of  
freedom and controlled behavior.  Unfortunately, too many people in  
the US do not think clearly.  Consequently, compromises are made that  
only benefit people who have the largest self-interest to protect.
This is achieved by keeping the rest of society occupied by fighting  
among themselves over irrelevant issues like who is liberal or who is  
conservative, or by encouraging an attack of anything that is unwanted  
by calling it socialism.  If you want to know who is to blame, just  
look at what is written here many times by people who have no  
understanding about how the world works.


On Feb 23, 2009, at 2:05 PM, John Berry wrote:

I find it incomprehensible that anyone could seriously support  
communism/socialism and actually be talking about the same thing  
that created some of the greatest atrocities that have ever occurred  
and been so dysfunctional as to then fall part.

So if that is not what you mean, if you are not championing the  
murder and oppression of humanity then say so.

There are many positive examples of something that could be termed  
positive examples of socialism in the west, socialistic health care  
practiced in most places seems more attractive than the capitalistic  
version in the US being just one example and you don't need to watch  
Michael Moore's Sicko to recognize it.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 1:27 AM, grok wrote:
Hash: SHA1

As the smoke cleared, John Berry
mounted the barricade and roared out:

 I think that it is clear to everyone that socialism, communism in
 anything like the form that we have seen in the past is not what  
 is talking about, not even the theory/ideals of Marxism would have  


List hypocrisy and trolling for Ayn Rand aside -- guess what? Reality
doesn't much care what you and your friends think, fella. You're just
regurgitating decades of brainwashing, AFAIC. Doesn't make what you  

the least true. So what if millions of [ex-]middle-class suburban
drones agree with you? They're grasping at straws, right about now.
They'll believe anything in their (whipped-up) hysteria. Even fascism.
Which is the immediate goal of the Rightwing of the U.S. ruling-class,

You north americans and brits are about to find out the very real  
of capitalism -- and all its support structures (like your  

mass-propaganda media, for instance). And liberals and even neocon-
fascists can burble-on about the new green economy all they want,  

your very REAL collective problem _remains_ the capitalist mode of
production itself -- as the entire Planet has just found out, and can
clearly see for itself right now.

'Atlantis' indeed...
Beam me up.

- -- grok.

- --
* BOYCOTT BOURGEOIS MASS-MEDIA*  RSS/XML newsfeeds from around *
* Use these links in RSS readers  * the planet: Who needs CNN/Fox? *
  Critical endorsement only  Most sites need donations  
*   Azania IndyMedia *
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread John Berry
I agree with Edmund ;)

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Edmund Storms stor...@ix.netcom.comwrote:

 I agree with John, However, there seems to be a
 basic misunderstanding about the difference between capitalism and

 Capitalism works because it is designed to allow each person to make
 decisions based on their own self interest. This is called freedom by people
 who use simple descriptions. For this system to work properly, rules have to
 be agreed to that encourage individual decisions that benefit society in
 general, rather than just a few people.  Unfortunately, over the years, the
 rules have been slowly changed by the rich and powerful. We now see the
 result of these changes.  We now need to restore the rules that have been
 lost. This is NOT socialism.

 In contrast, socialism imposes rules that are independent of personal
 choice.  The rules force choices based on what the government wants.  Some
 choices must be made at the top and this requirement operates without
 objection in all organizations and in various ways in all governments.  The
 challenge is to find an efficient mixture of freedom and controlled
 behavior.  Unfortunately, too many people in the US do not think clearly.
  Consequently, compromises are made that only benefit people who have the
 largest self-interest to protect.   This is achieved by keeping the rest of
 society occupied by fighting among themselves over irrelevant issues like
 who is liberal or who is conservative, or by encouraging an attack of
 anything that is unwanted by calling it socialism.  If you want to know who
 is to blame, just look at what is written here many times by people who have
 no understanding about how the world works.


Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread mixent
In reply to  John Berry's message of Tue, 24 Feb 2009 10:05:35 +1300:
I find it incomprehensible that anyone could seriously support
communism/socialism and actually be talking about the same thing that
created some of the greatest atrocities that have ever occurred and been so
dysfunctional as to then fall part.

So if that is not what you mean, if you are not championing the murder and
oppression of humanity then say so.

There are many positive examples of something that could be termed positive
examples of socialism in the west, socialistic health care practiced in most
places seems more attractive than the capitalistic version in the US being
just one example and you don't need to watch Michael Moore's Sicko to
recognize it.
There is a trap that almost everyone falls into. It is the assumption that the
situation is dipolar, when actually it is quadrupolar.

Rather than just left and right there is also an up and a down, or
perhaps a better analogy is the 4 points of the compass.

If East and West are collectivism and capitalism, and North and South are
totalitarianism and anarchy, then all forms of society fall somewhere on the
plane thus described.
IOW, there is an economic axis (E-W) and an order (or control) axis (N-S).

The worst atrocities appear to be committed by peoples that tend toward the N-S
extremes. The most prosperous and happiest societies tend toward the centre.

In the N-S direction, you need some measure of control, but not so much as to
stifle the individual. In the E-W direction you need freely flowing trade, with
some government interference in some cases.

By trying to see everything as only E-W, the economic aspects are frequently
confused with the order aspects.

To take two examples from the real world, China and the US, I would say that
China is currently approaching the centre on the E-W axis, from the collectivist
direction, but is still rather strongly totalitarian on the N-S axis.

With the new administration in Washington, the US is approaching the centre in
the E-W direction from the capitalistic side. In the N-S direction, it isn't yet
clear (to me) what direction the new administration is going in, but the
previous administration was clearly going away from the centre in the
totalitarian direction.


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread Jed Rothwell

John Berry wrote:

There are many positive examples of something that could be termed 
positive examples of socialism in the west, socialistic health care 
practiced in most places seems more attractive than the capitalistic 
version in the US being just one example and you don't need to watch 
Michael Moore's Sicko to recognize it.

In the real world, all economies in all nations and cultures are a 
mixture of capitalism and socialism. Nowhere on earth does the fire 
department charge you to put out a fire in your house. Nowhere is 
every single road a privately owned toll road.

In the past there have been some more extreme examples in both 
directions. In Edo Japan fire departments were private, and when two 
companies responded to the same fire they sometimes spent more effort 
fighting one another over turf than putting out the fire. The 
private, capitalistic model for fire departments does not work well 
for practical reasons.

Winston Churchill favored socialized medicine and compared it to fire 
fighting. Firemen do not stop and ask whose house is burning, and 
they do not charge the victim for their services, so hospitals should 
not either. The key point is that no one chooses to be sick (or to 
recover). There is no benefit to being sick. In short, it is an 
unmitigated and uncontrollable evil, like having your house burn 
down. (There are some things you can do to prevent your house from 
burning down such as not using kerosene heaters; and by the same 
token there are some things you can do to preserve your health, but 
these methods are not foolproof.)

There are many other reasons that favor socialized medicine more 
strongly than socializing other sectors of the economy. Three related 
developments have strengthened the appeal of socialized medicine in 
recent decades:

1. The cost of medical treatment has skyrocketed because of 
improvements in technology. Many people who would have died cheaply 
years ago can now be saved at great expense.

2. Because medicine is now more effective, people want it more than 
they used to. Most people who are desperately ill will pay huge sums 
to live. They will bankrupt their families to save themselves or 
their children, or even elderly parents in some cases. In the past 
you could not do this even if you wanted to. It wasn't an option. A 
middle class person could afford to buy all the medial help he could 
get, because there wasn't much on offer.

3. Doctors, insurance companies and others have taken advantage of 
this situation to raise their rates. In the 1930s, medical students 
were told that if they wanted to become wealthy they should marry 
money. Doctors were expected to scrape by on a respectable but 
lower-middle-class salary. (The same is true of university 
professors, by the way. At Cornell, most of the professors' wives 
worked in the 1930s, to make ends meet, whereas nowadays profs. make 
huge salaries.) When doctors could not do much for patients they 
could not charge much, either. Now they have the power of life and 
death over use, and if they are left of their own devices they will 
eventually swallow up 20% then 30% then 50% of the GDP.

The situation is obviously out of control. The proof of that is that 
there is no correlation between the amount of money different 
societies spend on medicine and the results. Europeans and Japanese 
spend far less per capita, and a far lower fraction of their GDP, but 
their treatment and outcomes are superior to the US for middle-class 
and working-class people (90% of the population). By most measures 
such as longevity, infant mortality, chronic disease, obesity, 
diabetes, primary care access, end of life, quality of life and so 
on, the US is dead last in the developed world, and well behind 
places like Albania and Cuba. People who have not lived overseas or 
personally experienced healthcare in Europe or Japan (as I have) 
cannot imagine how screwed up our system is, or how easily it might 
be improved. The movie Sicko barely scratched the surface. I know 
several people in the U.S. whose lives have been ruined and families 
bankrupted by illnesses such as stroke and cancer. I also know many 
people in Japan who had these diseases and were either cured or cared 
for to the end at no cost to the family, with far less trauma and 
heartbreak for everyone, and far superior nursing and daily care.

In short, the competitive, self-limiting mechanisms that normally 
keep prices reasonable and prevent one sector of the economy from 
taking over do not work in medicine. Every sector of the economy, 
every product, and every consumer is unique. The generalized laws of 
economics are only approximations and do not apply well to some goods 
and services. They hardly apply at all to medicine. The notion that 
ordinary people will shop around to find a cure for disease is ludicrous.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread grok
Hash: SHA1

Gawd... if I got a slip of Monopoly money for every time I've had
socialism/communism -- or capitalism -- patiently explained to me (or
not) by a petit-bourgeois, I'd never have to buy toilet paper ever

Stick to tinkering in your garages, guys.

- -- grok.

As the smoke cleared, John Berry
mounted the barricade and roared out:

 I agree with Edmund ;)
 On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Edmund Storms stor...@ix.netcom.comwrote:
  I agree with John, However, there seems to be a
  basic misunderstanding about the difference between capitalism and
  Capitalism works because it is designed to allow each person to make
  decisions based on their own self interest. This is called freedom by people
  who use simple descriptions. For this system to work properly, rules have to
  be agreed to that encourage individual decisions that benefit society in
  general, rather than just a few people.  Unfortunately, over the years, the
  rules have been slowly changed by the rich and powerful. We now see the
  result of these changes.  We now need to restore the rules that have been
  lost. This is NOT socialism.
  In contrast, socialism imposes rules that are independent of personal
  choice.  The rules force choices based on what the government wants.  Some
  choices must be made at the top and this requirement operates without
  objection in all organizations and in various ways in all governments.  The
  challenge is to find an efficient mixture of freedom and controlled
  behavior.  Unfortunately, too many people in the US do not think clearly.
   Consequently, compromises are made that only benefit people who have the
  largest self-interest to protect.   This is achieved by keeping the rest of
  society occupied by fighting among themselves over irrelevant issues like
  who is liberal or who is conservative, or by encouraging an attack of
  anything that is unwanted by calling it socialism.  If you want to know who
  is to blame, just look at what is written here many times by people who have
  no understanding about how the world works.

- -- 
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread Jed Rothwell

grok wrote:

Gawd... if I got a slip of Monopoly money for every time I've had
socialism/communism -- or capitalism -- patiently explained to me (or
not) by a petit-bourgeois, I'd never have to buy toilet paper ever

We are not all petit-bourgeois, and it is possible that some of us 
know more about some aspects of this situation than you do. For 
example, I probably know more about medical care in Japan than you do.

It is a mistake to judge an idea by judging the background or 
economic status the person who presents it, rather than by 
considering the merits of the idea itself.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread John Berry
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:14 AM, wrote:

 In reply to  John Berry's message of Tue, 24 Feb 2009 10:05:35 +1300:
 I find it incomprehensible that anyone could seriously support
 communism/socialism and actually be talking about the same thing that
 created some of the greatest atrocities that have ever occurred and been
 dysfunctional as to then fall part.
 So if that is not what you mean, if you are not championing the murder and
 oppression of humanity then say so.
 There are many positive examples of something that could be termed
 examples of socialism in the west, socialistic health care practiced in
 places seems more attractive than the capitalistic version in the US being
 just one example and you don't need to watch Michael Moore's Sicko to
 recognize it.
 There is a trap that almost everyone falls into. It is the assumption that
 situation is dipolar, when actually it is quadrupolar.

 Rather than just left and right there is also an up and a down, or
 perhaps a better analogy is the 4 points of the compass.

 If East and West are collectivism and capitalism, and North and South are
 totalitarianism and anarchy, then all forms of society fall somewhere on
 plane thus described.
 IOW, there is an economic axis (E-W) and an order (or control) axis (N-S).

Indeed, the other day i was looking at:

 The worst atrocities appear to be committed by peoples that tend toward the

I consider the N extreme to be the ideal, though one that people must be
ready for, but I am looking at the north end as being labeled libertarian
not anarchist which has different connotations. (Libertarian does not bring
up images of Sid Viscous and graffiti)

I am not sure what atrocities you consider to have been committed by those
on the north end of the scale.

The most prosperous and happiest societies tend toward the centre.

Center is most practical, however it misses the point somewhat in that just
because things average out to center does not mean that the correct answer
is always the center, sometimes the answer is an extreme.
It's like driving a car, the steering wheel position will average out while
driving to be centered but if you want to get anywhere you are going to have
to turn tight corners.

 In the N-S direction, you need some measure of control, but not so much as
 stifle the individual. In the E-W direction you need freely flowing trade,
 some government interference in some cases.

 By trying to see everything as only E-W, the economic aspects are
 confused with the order aspects.

 To take two examples from the real world, China and the US, I would say
 China is currently approaching the centre on the E-W axis, from the
 direction, but is still rather strongly totalitarian on the N-S axis.


 With the new administration in Washington, the US is approaching the centre
 the E-W direction from the capitalistic side. In the N-S direction, it
 isn't yet
 clear (to me) what direction the new administration is going in, but the
 previous administration was clearly going away from the centre in the
 totalitarian direction.


 Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread grok
Hash: SHA1

As the smoke cleared, Jed Rothwell
mounted the barricade and roared out:

 grok wrote:
 Gawd... if I got a slip of Monopoly money for every time I've had
 socialism/communism -- or capitalism -- patiently explained to me (or
 not) by a petit-bourgeois, I'd never have to buy toilet paper ever
 We are not all petit-bourgeois, and it is possible that some of us 
 know more about some aspects of this situation than you do. For 
 example, I probably know more about medical care in Japan than you do.

Actually, you most all seem quite petit-bourgeois to me -- mentality-wise
anyway (and for that matter: aren't all U.S. workers middle-class these
days..?) And if you are not being exploited for your surplus-value --
well, all the more so.

As for what you or I or anyone does or doesn't know specifically: that's
somewhat of a non sequitur in this discussion, isn't it..? And for the
record: I certainly don't pretend to be deeply knowledgable about
Over-Unity, or much else in these technical fields.


 It is a mistake to judge an idea by judging the background or 
 economic status the person who presents it, rather than by 
 considering the merits of the idea itself.
 - Jed

No, it's wrong to be ad hominem -- quite another thing. The class
orientation of the speaker can -- and often is -- to-the-point.
But it is in the nature of Late Capitalist U.S. culture to deny
absolutely everything about class.

- -- grok.

- -- 
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread thomas malloy

grok wrote:

Gawd... if I got a slip of Monopoly money for every time I've had
socialism/communism -- or capitalism -- patiently explained to me (or
not) by a petit-bourgeois, I'd never have to buy toilet paper ever

Stick to tinkering in your garages, guys.

Given how full of s-it you are Grok, that would talk a lot of T P.

Any body who thinks that the world is a better place because of 
increasing socialist tinkering in the economy is either insane, or so 
full of chutzpah that he is experiencing a willful suspension of 
disbelief. IMHO, world would be a better place if we techies ran it, I 
doubt that even a committee of all of us could make a bigger mess of 
things than people with legal degrees have.

Speaking of serendipity, Hugh Hewitt just had an investment guy on. He 
attributed the Stock Market's free fall to capital going on strike 
because of the crazy regulatory environment created by the Demoncratic 
controlled congress. Rather like Atlas Shrugged he continued.

I'm Petite Bourgeois, and proud of it.

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Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread mixent
In reply to  John Berry's message of Tue, 24 Feb 2009 12:13:40 +1300:
I consider the N extreme to be the ideal, though one that people must be
ready for, but I am looking at the north end as being labeled libertarian
not anarchist which has different connotations. (Libertarian does not bring
up images of Sid Viscous and graffiti)

The extreme example of free will is a lawless society where everyone is free to
do exactly as they please. This is anarchy by definition, and the closest
example today that I can think of is Somalia.


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread John Berry
Well I guess that would be off the scale, those who hold it as a political
ideology would assume that there is a system to keep people from harming
each other or that the society did not contain dysfunction so not requiring
any army/police/justice system to protect people

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 2:58 PM, wrote:

 In reply to  John Berry's message of Tue, 24 Feb 2009 12:13:40 +1300:
 I consider the N extreme to be the ideal, though one that people must be
 ready for, but I am looking at the north end as being labeled libertarian
 not anarchist which has different connotations. (Libertarian does not
 up images of Sid Viscous and graffiti)
 The extreme example of free will is a lawless society where everyone is
 free to
 do exactly as they please. This is anarchy by definition, and the closest
 example today that I can think of is Somalia.


 Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-23 Thread Harry Veeder

- Original Message -
From: John Berry
Date: Monday, February 23, 2009 10:18 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

 Well I guess that would be off the scale, those who hold it as a 
 politicalideology would assume that there is a system to keep 
 people from harming
 each other or that the society did not contain dysfunction so not 
 requiringany army/police/justice system to protect people
 On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 2:58 PM, wrote:
  In reply to  John Berry's message of Tue, 24 Feb 2009 12:13:40 
 +1300: Hi,
  I consider the N extreme to be the ideal, though one that people 
 must be
  ready for, but I am looking at the north end as being labeled 
 libertarian not anarchist which has different connotations. 
 (Libertarian does not
  up images of Sid Viscous and graffiti)
  The extreme example of free will is a lawless society where 
 everyone is
  free to
  do exactly as they please. 

A state of anarchy would work only under ideal circumstances where all
the participants are equally powerful from the outset. 


 This is anarchy by definition, and the 
 closest example today that I can think of is Somalia.
  Robin van Spaandonk

Anarchy is always short lived, because 

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-22 Thread thomas malloy

Terry Blanton wrote:

Inventor of a free energy engine using static electricity (fiction).

I am seeing bumper stickers with the subject title all over lately.
Can't figure out why.  ;-)

People who have Who is John Galt? bumper stickers are devotees of the 
novelist Ayn Rand. When I was young and foolish, I was infatuated with 
Ms. Rand's ideas. Atheism is an integral part of her philosophy however, 
and I was already rejected the idea of a godless universe when I was 
exposed to her theories.

Randian Philosophy (Objectivism) is more about the celebration of self 
(selfishness), and property rights, than F E machines, which are 
ancillary to the story. Rand contended that the people who drive the 
economic engine of the world would with draw their creative input, 
resulting in economic collapse. IMHO, she got it backwards, most people 
want to live well, and enjoy the other perks of business success, and 
will voluntarily work very hard in order to do so. What's bringing about 
the sort of economic collapse spoken of in Atlas Shrugged is the 
government, rather than vice versa, as Rand contended.  

Now that I think of it, some of the most successful people are big 
liberals. The people behind Goggle are proof of that. I wonder which one 
of us Ayn would have found more galling?

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Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-22 Thread Taylor J. Smith
thomas malloy wrote:
 People who have Who is John Galt? bumper stickers are
 devotees of the novelist Ayn Rand ...
 What's bringing about the sort of economic collapse spoken
 of in Atlas Shrugged is the government ...

Hi All,

Our economic problems are primarily the result
of theft encouraged by the federal govenment
during the past 8 years.  The Oil Gang almost
had me convinced that it is possible to fool
all of the people all of the time.

Speaking of eye-openers,  Russ Baker's agument
in Family of Secrets that Nixon was toppled
by a Bonesmen conspiracy led by Bush 41 is
fascinating.  A similar argument was made 
several years ago in Silent Coup from a
very different point of view by Len Colodny
and Robert Gettlin.

Jack Smith

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-22 Thread TrevStar22
I read that Brad Pitt and Agela Jolie are huge fans of Atlas  Shrugged   
and they have brought the rights to make the movie and  will do so. That may be 
the reason for the bumper stickers.
**Need a job? Find an employment agency near you. 

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-22 Thread thomas malloy

Taylor J. Smith wrote:

thomas malloy wrote:

People who have Who is John Galt? bumper 

Our economic problems are primarily the result
of theft encouraged by the federal govenment
during the past 8 years.  

Good point, C to C AM interviewed an investigative reporter. The thesis 
of his book is that Bush 43 ran a kleptocracy worthy of an African 

The Oil Gang almost
had me convinced that it is possible to fool
all of the people all of the time.

Unfortunately, you only need to fool the majority, which they have 
continued to do.

Speaking of eye-openers,  Russ Baker's agument
in Family of Secrets that Nixon was toppled
by a Bonesmen conspiracy led by Bush 41 is

Well,  they couldn't have done it without Nixon's help.

A similar argument was made 
several years ago in Silent Coup from a

very different point of view by Len Colodny
and Robert Gettlin.

IMHO, Bush 41 was complicit in the coup of 1963. In the early 20th 
century there was a venture capitalist named Herbert Walker. The story 
of how he financed the second Russian revolution and helped an obscure 
Austrian politician come to power in Germany, are detailed in the 
writings of Antony Sutton. The books, Wall Street and the Russian 
Revolution and Wall Street and the rise of the |Nazi's were available on 

--- Get FREE High Speed Internet from USFamily.Net! -- ---

RE: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-22 Thread Rick Monteverde
This is a troll, right? 

Glorious examples of Socialism's successes please?

Thought so.

-Original Message-
From: grok [] 
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 6:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

Hash: SHA1

As the smoke cleared, Jed Rothwell mounted the
barricade and roared out:

 With regard to both energy and the economy those bumper stickers should
 Where is John Galt when we need him?
 Ayn Rand gave us John Galt in fiction. Reality hands us Bernie Madoff. 
 No one does more harm to capitalism than capitalists.
 - Jed

I really hate to break this to people here, but the future has *always* been
with Socialism -- and that includes our glorious energy future as well.
And some people can rant against this all they want, invoking their rabid
individualist ideology or whatever -- but that doesn't make what I've just
said any the less necessary as what we must aim for.

And we can seetoday, too, where individualism(sic) gets us, for that

- -- grok.

- --
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GPG fingerprint = 2E7F 2D69 4B0B C8D5 07E3  09C3 5E8D C4B4 461B B771
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-21 Thread Jed Rothwell
With regard to both energy and the economy those bumper stickers should ask:
Where is John Galt when we need him?

Ayn Rand gave us John Galt in fiction. Reality hands us Bernie Madoff. No
one does more harm to capitalism than capitalists.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-21 Thread grok
Hash: SHA1

As the smoke cleared, Jed Rothwell
mounted the barricade and roared out:

 With regard to both energy and the economy those bumper stickers should ask:
 Where is John Galt when we need him?
 Ayn Rand gave us John Galt in fiction. Reality hands us Bernie Madoff. No
 one does more harm to capitalism than capitalists.
 - Jed

I really hate to break this to people here, but the future has *always*
been with Socialism -- and that includes our glorious energy future as well.
And some people can rant against this all they want, invoking their rabid
individualist ideology or whatever -- but that doesn't make what I've just
said any the less necessary as what we must aim for.

And we can seetoday, too, where individualism(sic) gets us, for that

- -- grok.

- -- 
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GPG fingerprint = 2E7F 2D69 4B0B C8D5 07E3  09C3 5E8D C4B4 461B B771
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Fw: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-21 Thread R C Macaulay

Hey Jed,

Speaking of capital.. ever heard of this quasi-govt firm.. Maiden Lane 111.. 


As the collateral calls kept coming, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York 
announced in November it would create a separate company, dubbed Maiden Lane 
III, to help alleviate AIG's cash crunch caused by the credit-default swaps 
written by Financial Products. By buying up the underlying mortgage-related 
securities, the government freed Financial Products to terminate billions of 
dollars in credit-default swap contracts that had plagued AIG's balance sheet. 
So far, the government has poured more than $60 billion into the effort.

  With regard to both energy and the economy those bumper stickers should ask: 
Where is John Galt when we need him?

  Ayn Rand gave us John Galt in fiction. Reality hands us Bernie Madoff. No one 
does more harm to capitalism than capitalists.

  - Jed

Re: Fw: [Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-21 Thread Terry Blanton
Maiden Lane is in downtown Manhattan near Wall St.


On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 12:09 PM, R C Macaulay wrote:

 Hey Jed,

 Speaking of capital.. ever heard of this quasi-govt firm.. Maiden Lane
 111.. ??


 As the collateral calls kept coming, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
 announced in November it would create a separate company, dubbed Maiden Lane
 III, to help alleviate AIG's cash crunch caused by the credit-default swaps
 written by Financial Products. By buying up the underlying mortgage-related
 securities, the government freed Financial Products to terminate billions of
 dollars in credit-default swap contracts that had plagued AIG's balance
 sheet. So far, the government has poured more than $60 billion into the

 With regard to both energy and the economy those bumper stickers should ask:
 Where is John Galt when we need him?

 Ayn Rand gave us John Galt in fiction. Reality hands us Bernie Madoff. No
 one does more harm to capitalism than capitalists.

 - Jed

[Vo]:Who is John Galt?

2009-02-20 Thread Terry Blanton
Inventor of a free energy engine using static electricity (fiction).

I am seeing bumper stickers with the subject title all over lately.
Can't figure out why.  ;-)
