Re: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability

2012-07-31 Thread David Roberson

Thanks for the interesting discussion Lou.  I am not sure why my posting did 
not have paragraph separation as the source did.  I used Word to write the 
posting with standard formatting that should have shown breaks when copied, but 
for some reason did not do so.  Does anyone know why this technique did not 
perform this time?

Your description of the series of protons working together is very much akin to 
what I was considering in my conception.  In some ways this reminds me of a 
pinch mechanism of sorts since all of the effective current is flowing in one 
direction and their magnetic field should tend to concentrate them into a 
tighter beam.  I wonder if the extended view of this mechanism into a cloud 
like structure would enhance the directional properties of the individual 
protons?  If this occurs, then some of the projectile protons might be able to 
move more or less in a straight path toward a target nucleus with the ability 
to overcome the coulomb barrier as well as any small spatially oriented local 
magnetic fields.

Your pictorial below suggests that the protons of the following chain add 
push  to the head one.  It will be interesting to determine how powerful this 
elastic connection is between them.  Perhaps if enough protons work together it 
can become powerful.

Another feature of the coupled protons would be their tendency to absorb strong 
forces applied to one of their members is we assume that the elastic connection 
is sufficiently resistive.  I have been seeking a process that can retard the 
action of the strong force as a proton overcomes the coulomb barrier and is 
rapidly pulled toward its accepting nucleus.  The action of a multitude of 
protons might be capable of this feat.

The other interesting phenomena I seek is the modification of proton direction 
of motion by a strong magnetic field that is extensive in nature.  I visualize 
this field as directing the protons toward collisions with nuclei as it is 
adjusted either intentionally or by accident.  A well regulated system would 
hopefully direct the protons according to plan.


-Original Message-
From: pagnucco
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Jul 31, 2012 12:34 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability


Good questions.
(However, to make your posts more readable, I suggest limiting your text
 lines to 75 characters, and using a paragraph format.)

I believe that protons (or electrons) may move in coherent waves in
nanostructures (or beams) that are strongly coupled permitting single
particles to surmount much higher potential barriers than might be expected
if one assumes that the particle can only use its kinetic energy to climb a
potential hill - i.e., it behaves the same as in a vacuum.

For example, I believe a single proton in the vacuum with velocity v, e.g.,
  --- p

cannot surmount a barrier as high as the lead proton in a coherent,
coupled proton row, all moving at the same velocity (v), e.g.,
v  v  v  v v
  --- p --- p --- p ---  --- p

(A 3-dimensional funnel formation would deliver even more energy.)

I am trying to work out some simple examples assuming just classical
physics, with densities and velocities attainable in nanowires.
It is not clear to me that this kind of analysis applies when translated to
quantum field theory, but at least it gives some hints about what may be

I find it also interesting that axial collisions between proton and
electron pairs may be head-on collisions since magnetic and coulomb
forces will be 180 degrees opposite each other.

Maybe, too, captures of inner (K-shell) electrons by protons in a nucleus
could be analyzed by classical physics as a cross check for whether
electron capture could be responsible for transmutations which may move
atoms downward toward smaller atomic numbers.

-- Lou Pagnucco

David Roberson wrote:
 I asked the question in a previous post about thedirectional stability of
 a group of coupled protons but did not get sufficientresponse so I am
 attempting to rephrase. The stability of the directional characteristic of
 these nucleons is ofparamount importance if confirmed.
 There is a suggestion that many protons can work as a unit whenconfined to
 a nickel or similar crystal. If this is true, then perhaps an external or
 internal magnetic fieldmight be capable of modifying the direction of the
 entire group resulting inthe collision of one or more protons with nearby
 nickel nuclei.  In this case fusion might occur when the LENRdevice sees a
 change in the field direction. This seems to be consistent with the
 observation that movement ofhydrogen protons by diffusion into the nickel
 crystal appears to enhance energyproduction.  The motion of theseparticles
 would result in the modification of the instantaneous magnetic field.
 It has also been reported that LENR does not occur until acertain minimum

RE: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability

2012-07-31 Thread pagnucco
Thanks, Mark

This is an interesting way to model the nucleus.

I wonder if there are any simulation tools that approximate charged paricle
collisions with nuclei (or atoms) that run on PCs rather than
super-computers.  Probably, the task is too computationally intensive, but
maybe a moderately accurate simulation may be possible.
If you know of any, let me know.

-- Lou Pagnucco

MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:
 Lou and DaveR:
 You might want to take a look at this article:
  The atomic nucleus: fissile liquid or molecule of life?


 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 9:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability


 Good questions.
 (However, to make your posts more readable, I suggest limiting your text
 lines to 75 characters, and using a paragraph format.)

 I believe that protons (or electrons) may move in coherent waves in
 nanostructures (or beams) that are strongly coupled permitting single
 particles to surmount much higher potential barriers than might be
 expected if one assumes that the particle can only use its kinetic energy
 to climb a potential hill - i.e., it behaves the same as in a vacuum.

 For example, I believe a single proton in the vacuum with velocity v,
   --- p

 cannot surmount a barrier as high as the lead proton in a coherent,
 coupled proton row, all moving at the same velocity (v), e.g.,
 v  v  v  v v
   --- p --- p --- p ---  --- p

 (A 3-dimensional funnel formation would deliver even more energy.)

 I am trying to work out some simple examples assuming just classical
 physics, with densities and velocities attainable in nanowires.
 It is not clear to me that this kind of analysis applies when translated
 to quantum field theory, but at least it gives some hints about what may
 be possible.

 I find it also interesting that axial collisions between proton and
 electron pairs may be head-on collisions since magnetic and coulomb
 forces will be 180 degrees opposite each other.

 Maybe, too, captures of inner (K-shell) electrons by protons in a nucleus
 could be analyzed by classical physics as a cross check for whether
 electron capture could be responsible for transmutations which may move
 atoms downward toward smaller atomic numbers.

 -- Lou Pagnucco

 David Roberson wrote:
 I asked the question in a previous post about thedirectional stability
 of a group of coupled protons but did not get sufficientresponse so I
 am attempting to rephrase. The stability of the directional
 characteristic of these nucleons is ofparamount importance if confirmed.
 There is a suggestion that many protons can work as a unit
 whenconfined to a nickel or similar crystal. If this is true, then
 perhaps an external or internal magnetic fieldmight be capable of
 modifying the direction of the entire group resulting inthe collision
 of one or more protons with nearby nickel nuclei.  In this case fusion
 might occur when the LENRdevice sees a change in the field direction.
 This seems to be consistent with the observation that movement
 ofhydrogen protons by diffusion into the nickel crystal appears to
 enhance energyproduction.  The motion of theseparticles would result in
 the modification of the instantaneous magnetic field.
 It has also been reported that LENR does not occur until acertain
 minimum temperature is reached. This quite possibly may be when the
 internal magnetic properties of thenickel degrade and external lines
 of force take over.  A process such as this would tend to bedifficult
 to predict unless understood and hence we would interpret this as
 atough process to reproduce.
 So the big question is: how strong is the coupling effectwith regard
 to the maintenance of the motion vector of the protons that groupand
 how much force can one proton be given as it attempts to breech the
  Does anyone know of where thistype of information might be obtained?
 Is there an experiment that can be performed that demonstrates
 The question about directional stiffness can be broken downinto one
 major effect.  Do coupled protonshave a very strong tendency to keep
 moving in the same direction as dictated bythe group?  For example, if
 the group ofprotons is moving in the X direction, will it take a very
 large force to makeone of these acquire a Y or Z component to its
 motion?  Likewise, can one of these protons overcomethe coulomb
 barrier by borrowing propulsion from its partners?
 I am considering protons that are “dressed” in a
 mannersimilar to
 the electrons that are activated by an energy source such as alaser.
 The electron coupling wasmentioned earlier in the vortex.
 P.S. I am hoping to direct some energy toward a new subject.  The
 climate change discussion is absorbing all

RE: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability

2012-07-31 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
Hi Lou,
No, I do not know of any simulation tools, but didn't the article refer to
Schrödinger's equation?  I take it that is not enough, but the paper would
likely explain the mathematics.

The other thought that comes to mind when looking at the pics of the charge
distribution inside the nucleus, is orientation; and I've mentioned this
before in relation to electrons.  I.e., if you could fire a particle (e, p
or n) at an individual nucleus, would the orientation of the line of fire
and the arrangement of nucleons (which in some cases takes in the look of a
crystal lattice), would the probability of interaction be highly different
(towards MORE likely to interact) if the line of fire was oriented
perpendicular to what appears to be the nucleon lattice... or edge-on?
There is a reason WHY the E and B fields are perpendicular (and don't say
because of Maxwell!); there is a reason why when certain decay occurs the
ejecta fly off in opposite directions, etc.  There most certainly is
geometry and specific orientations involved in atomic structure.  The
problem is just colliding two beams, or various other methods of
investigation are dealing with a collection of atoms and thus, the
orientation of collisions is random, which leads to probabilistic outcomes.

RE: orientation and electrons...
As I've mentioned in 'FYI' postings to the Collective over the last year,
there are several groups now that are able to hold a single atom in
laser/magnet 'traps' and perform very specific tests or imaging which
involve orientation, so I think we're getting close to some significant new
insights about atomic physics.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 11:14 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability

Thanks, Mark

This is an interesting way to model the nucleus.

I wonder if there are any simulation tools that approximate charged paricle
collisions with nuclei (or atoms) that run on PCs rather than
super-computers.  Probably, the task is too computationally intensive, but
maybe a moderately accurate simulation may be possible.
If you know of any, let me know.

-- Lou Pagnucco

MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:
 Lou and DaveR:
 You might want to take a look at this article:
  The atomic nucleus: fissile liquid or molecule of life?


 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 9:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability


 Good questions.
 (However, to make your posts more readable, I suggest limiting your 
 text lines to 75 characters, and using a paragraph format.)

 I believe that protons (or electrons) may move in coherent waves in 
 nanostructures (or beams) that are strongly coupled permitting single 
 particles to surmount much higher potential barriers than might be 
 expected if one assumes that the particle can only use its kinetic 
 energy to climb a potential hill - i.e., it behaves the same as in a

 For example, I believe a single proton in the vacuum with velocity v, 
   --- p

 cannot surmount a barrier as high as the lead proton in a coherent, 
 coupled proton row, all moving at the same velocity (v), e.g.,
 v  v  v  v v
   --- p --- p --- p ---  --- p

 (A 3-dimensional funnel formation would deliver even more energy.)

 I am trying to work out some simple examples assuming just classical 
 physics, with densities and velocities attainable in nanowires.
 It is not clear to me that this kind of analysis applies when 
 translated to quantum field theory, but at least it gives some hints 
 about what may be possible.

 I find it also interesting that axial collisions between proton and 
 electron pairs may be head-on collisions since magnetic and coulomb 
 forces will be 180 degrees opposite each other.

 Maybe, too, captures of inner (K-shell) electrons by protons in a 
 nucleus could be analyzed by classical physics as a cross check for 
 whether electron capture could be responsible for transmutations which 
 may move atoms downward toward smaller atomic numbers.

 -- Lou Pagnucco

 David Roberson wrote:
 I asked the question in a previous post about thedirectional 
 stability of a group of coupled protons but did not get 
 sufficientresponse so I am attempting to rephrase. The stability of 
 the directional characteristic of these nucleons is ofparamount
importance if confirmed.
 There is a suggestion that many protons can work as a unit 
 whenconfined to a nickel or similar crystal. If this is true, then 
 perhaps an external or internal magnetic fieldmight be capable of 
 modifying the direction of the entire group resulting inthe collision 
 of one or more protons with nearby nickel nuclei.  In this case 

Re: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability

2012-07-31 Thread pagnucco

My reply is below --

David Roberson wrote:
 Thanks for the interesting discussion Lou.  I am not sure why my posting
 did not have paragraph separation as the source did.  I used Word to write
 the posting with standard formatting that should have shown breaks when
 copied, but for some reason did not do so.  Does anyone know why this
 technique did not perform this time?

 Your description of the series of protons working together is very much
 akin to what I was considering in my conception.  In some ways this
 reminds me of a pinch mechanism of sorts since all of the effective
 current is flowing in one direction and their magnetic field should tend
 to concentrate them into a tighter beam.  I wonder if the extended view of
 this mechanism into a cloud like structure would enhance the directional
 properties of the individual protons?  If this occurs, then some of the
 projectile protons might be able to move more or less in a straight path
 toward a target nucleus with the ability to overcome the coulomb barrier
 as well as any small spatially oriented local magnetic fields.

I believe that in oscillating plasmons, or in dielectric breakdown
currents/arcs, or in ballistic (or super-conductive) currents in
microstures, etc.,  charged particles can collectively move in highly
correlated states.

Certainly magnetic pinching can spatially and
directionally concentrate these states.  Possibly, the wave functions of
both electrons and protons are pinched.  This could only be a small effect,
but I haven't been able to figure out the math yet.

 Your pictorial below suggests that the protons of the following chain add
 push  to the head one.  It will be interesting to determine how powerful
 this elastic connection is between them.  Perhaps if enough protons work
 together it can become powerful.

Perhaps.  Making some reasonable assumptions on current densities and
particle velocities in nanocircuits, you can use the classical Lorentz
force formula to calculate how much energy can be borrowed from other
electrons/protons in the collective oscillation or current - assuming
classical electrons/protons.  Trying to do the same calculation using
quantum field theory is far more difficult - at least for me.

 Another feature of the coupled protons would be their tendency to absorb
 strong forces applied to one of their members is we assume that the
 elastic connection is sufficiently resistive.  I have been seeking a
 process that can retard the action of the strong force as a proton
 overcomes the coulomb barrier and is rapidly pulled toward its accepting
 nucleus.  The action of a multitude of protons might be capable of this

I am not sure if proton capture can be compared to electron capture.
Maybe you are looking for some kind of screening effect?

 The other interesting phenomena I seek is the modification of proton
 direction of motion by a strong magnetic field that is extensive in
 nature.  I visualize this field as directing the protons toward collisions
 with nuclei as it is adjusted either intentionally or by accident.  A well
 regulated system would hopefully direct the protons according to plan.

Well, I don't have an answer.
However, electron capture and neutron capture can move the atomic number of
a nucleus downward and upward, respectively - after decays.
So, is it possible that an apparent proton capture is really a neutron
capture after the captured neutron has decayed?


 -Original Message-
 From: pagnucco
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Tue, Jul 31, 2012 12:34 am
 Subject: Re: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability


 Good questions.
 (However, to make your posts more readable, I suggest limiting your text
  lines to 75 characters, and using a paragraph format.)

 I believe that protons (or electrons) may move in coherent waves in
 nanostructures (or beams) that are strongly coupled permitting single
 particles to surmount much higher potential barriers than might be
 if one assumes that the particle can only use its kinetic energy to climb
 potential hill - i.e., it behaves the same as in a vacuum.

 For example, I believe a single proton in the vacuum with velocity v,
   --- p

 cannot surmount a barrier as high as the lead proton in a coherent,
 coupled proton row, all moving at the same velocity (v), e.g.,
 v  v  v  v v
   --- p --- p --- p ---  --- p

 (A 3-dimensional funnel formation would deliver even more energy.)

 I am trying to work out some simple examples assuming just classical
 physics, with densities and velocities attainable in nanowires.
 It is not clear to me that this kind of analysis applies when translated
 quantum field theory, but at least it gives some hints about what may be

 I find it also interesting that axial collisions between proton and
 electron pairs may be head-on collisions since magnetic and coulomb

RE: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability

2012-07-31 Thread pagnucco
Hi Mark,

My reply is below --

MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:
 Hi Lou,
 No, I do not know of any simulation tools, but didn't the article refer to
 Schrödinger's equation?  I take it that is not enough, but the paper would
 likely explain the mathematics.

Yes - in theory, a simulation of the multibody Schroedinger is possible,
but since computer time and memory requirements go up exponentially with
particle number, only simple, few-particle simulations are possible.
The quantum chemists have a lot of tricks to reduce the simulation
requirements, but I don't know much about them.

 The other thought that comes to mind when looking at the pics of the
 distribution inside the nucleus, is orientation; and I've mentioned this
 before in relation to electrons.  I.e., if you could fire a particle (e, p
 or n) at an individual nucleus, would the orientation of the line of fire
 and the arrangement of nucleons (which in some cases takes in the look of
 crystal lattice), would the probability of interaction be highly different
 (towards MORE likely to interact) if the line of fire was oriented
 perpendicular to what appears to be the nucleon lattice... or edge-on?
 There is a reason WHY the E and B fields are perpendicular (and don't say
 because of Maxwell!); there is a reason why when certain decay occurs the
 ejecta fly off in opposite directions, etc.  There most certainly is
 geometry and specific orientations involved in atomic structure.  The
 problem is just colliding two beams, or various other methods of
 investigation are dealing with a collection of atoms and thus, the
 orientation of collisions is random, which leads to probabilistic

Yes. It must get really complicated when all of the orientation and
fine-structure nuclear variables are taken into account.  I am not sure,
but I'd guess that some experiments induce a collective spin in the
targets to at least reduce that dimension.  For sure, the decays you
respect momentum and energy conservation, and indicate some kinds of
symmetries and orientations in the nucleus.  I wish I knew more about this.

 RE: orientation and electrons...
 As I've mentioned in 'FYI' postings to the Collective over the last year,
 there are several groups now that are able to hold a single atom in
 laser/magnet 'traps' and perform very specific tests or imaging which
 involve orientation, so I think we're getting close to some significant
 insights about atomic physics.


 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 11:14 AM
 Subject: RE: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability

 Thanks, Mark

 This is an interesting way to model the nucleus.

 I wonder if there are any simulation tools that approximate charged
 collisions with nuclei (or atoms) that run on PCs rather than
 super-computers.  Probably, the task is too computationally intensive, but
 maybe a moderately accurate simulation may be possible.
 If you know of any, let me know.

 -- Lou Pagnucco

 MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:
 Lou and DaveR:
 You might want to take a look at this article:
  The atomic nucleus: fissile liquid or molecule of life?


 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 9:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability


 Good questions.
 (However, to make your posts more readable, I suggest limiting your
 text lines to 75 characters, and using a paragraph format.)

 I believe that protons (or electrons) may move in coherent waves in
 nanostructures (or beams) that are strongly coupled permitting single
 particles to surmount much higher potential barriers than might be
 expected if one assumes that the particle can only use its kinetic
 energy to climb a potential hill - i.e., it behaves the same as in a

 For example, I believe a single proton in the vacuum with velocity v,
   --- p

 cannot surmount a barrier as high as the lead proton in a coherent,
 coupled proton row, all moving at the same velocity (v), e.g.,
 v  v  v  v v
   --- p --- p --- p ---  --- p

 (A 3-dimensional funnel formation would deliver even more energy.)

 I am trying to work out some simple examples assuming just classical
 physics, with densities and velocities attainable in nanowires.
 It is not clear to me that this kind of analysis applies when
 translated to quantum field theory, but at least it gives some hints
 about what may be possible.

 I find it also interesting that axial collisions between proton and
 electron pairs may be head-on collisions since magnetic and coulomb
 forces will be 180 degrees opposite each other.

 Maybe, too, captures of inner (K-shell) electrons by protons in a
 nucleus could

RE: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability

2012-07-30 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
Lou and DaveR:
You might want to take a look at this article:
 The atomic nucleus: fissile liquid or molecule of life?


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Coupled Protons and Directional Stability


Good questions.
(However, to make your posts more readable, I suggest limiting your text  lines 
to 75 characters, and using a paragraph format.)

I believe that protons (or electrons) may move in coherent waves in 
nanostructures (or beams) that are strongly coupled permitting single particles 
to surmount much higher potential barriers than might be expected if one 
assumes that the particle can only use its kinetic energy to climb a potential 
hill - i.e., it behaves the same as in a vacuum.

For example, I believe a single proton in the vacuum with velocity v, e.g.,
  --- p

cannot surmount a barrier as high as the lead proton in a coherent, coupled 
proton row, all moving at the same velocity (v), e.g.,
v  v  v  v v
  --- p --- p --- p ---  --- p

(A 3-dimensional funnel formation would deliver even more energy.)

I am trying to work out some simple examples assuming just classical physics, 
with densities and velocities attainable in nanowires.
It is not clear to me that this kind of analysis applies when translated to 
quantum field theory, but at least it gives some hints about what may be 

I find it also interesting that axial collisions between proton and electron 
pairs may be head-on collisions since magnetic and coulomb forces will be 180 
degrees opposite each other.

Maybe, too, captures of inner (K-shell) electrons by protons in a nucleus could 
be analyzed by classical physics as a cross check for whether electron capture 
could be responsible for transmutations which may move atoms downward toward 
smaller atomic numbers.

-- Lou Pagnucco

David Roberson wrote:
 I asked the question in a previous post about thedirectional stability 
 of a group of coupled protons but did not get sufficientresponse so I 
 am attempting to rephrase. The stability of the directional 
 characteristic of these nucleons is ofparamount importance if confirmed.
 There is a suggestion that many protons can work as a unit 
 whenconfined to a nickel or similar crystal. If this is true, then 
 perhaps an external or internal magnetic fieldmight be capable of 
 modifying the direction of the entire group resulting inthe collision 
 of one or more protons with nearby nickel nuclei.  In this case fusion 
 might occur when the LENRdevice sees a change in the field direction. 
 This seems to be consistent with the observation that movement 
 ofhydrogen protons by diffusion into the nickel crystal appears to 
 enhance energyproduction.  The motion of theseparticles would result in the 
 modification of the instantaneous magnetic field.
 It has also been reported that LENR does not occur until acertain 
 minimum temperature is reached. This quite possibly may be when the 
 internal magnetic properties of thenickel degrade and external lines 
 of force take over.  A process such as this would tend to bedifficult 
 to predict unless understood and hence we would interpret this as 
 atough process to reproduce.
 So the big question is: how strong is the coupling effectwith regard 
 to the maintenance of the motion vector of the protons that groupand 
 how much force can one proton be given as it attempts to breech the 
  Does anyone know of where thistype of information might be obtained? 
 Is there an experiment that can be performed that demonstrates 
 The question about directional stiffness can be broken downinto one 
 major effect.  Do coupled protonshave a very strong tendency to keep 
 moving in the same direction as dictated bythe group?  For example, if 
 the group ofprotons is moving in the X direction, will it take a very 
 large force to makeone of these acquire a Y or Z component to its 
 motion?  Likewise, can one of these protons overcomethe coulomb 
 barrier by borrowing propulsion from its partners?
 I am considering protons that are “dressed” in a mannersimilar to 
 the electrons that are activated by an energy source such as alaser.  
 The electron coupling wasmentioned earlier in the vortex.
 P.S. I am hoping to direct some energy toward a new subject.  The 
 climate change discussion is absorbing all of the bandwidth.