RE: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-10 Thread pagnucco

If this is occurring, only incontrovertible proof from Rossi's reactor
will convince the Physic establishment.  No discussion will.

Also, if it is happening, them multiple, different phenomena are probably
operating in LENR phenomena, i.e., no conservation of miracles

Jones Beene wrote:
 The observation that the Rossi HotCat could be operating as a crude
 resonator tube - may not have struck a chord with everyone here... at
 not yet. Understandable - since it may not be readily apparent how that
 benefits the situation, even if true.

 However, methinks the idea of a coherent resonator will catch-on
 especially if Rossi's public success continues with the HotCat. This new
 regime seems like a major breakthrough to me, and that image of the
 tube is very powerful. It is no wonder that careful Swedish scientists
 willing to go out on a limb in their paper. Consequently, for future
 reference, here are a couple of more thoughts on the subject of a harmonic
 thermal resonator and how it could be involved in net thermal gain.

 A parametric oscillator is a harmonic oscillator whose dynamic motion
 seems to be greatly amplified by comparatively small input. A common
 of the parametric oscillator is a child on a playground swing, where the
 torque expressed by the swing seems much greater than the physical
 to keep it going.

 In microwave electronics, a precise waveguide cavity as the parametric
 oscillator component will convert RF into coherency - thus a maser. This
 could be a decent analogy to the HotCat, especially if RF is indeed
 at some future point, and especially if it is at the 21 cm line (or a

 Another example is the OPO, or optical parametric oscillator. Furthermore,
 there is no reason why a maser and an OPO (in the IR spectrum) could not
 combined into a single harmonic device, such as a tube in which thermal
 input (in the infrared) and RF combine to give an amplified internal
 resonance and coherence. But so what? ... one might ask.

 Needless to say, it gets more complicated than just amplification or
 coherency. Of course, any such device (can we call it MIRPO for maser-IR
 parametric oscillator?) would not be gainful in itself, but the
 amplification could operate to produce coherent Rydberg energy quanta, and
 hydrogen has amenable lines for this.

 When we look at hydrogen lines, we see two of them in the IR which can
 to pump an isomer of hydrogen into deep ground-state redundancy and then
 there is the famous microwave line. However, the gain would most likely
 derive from soft x-rays at a much higher Rydberg multiple - particularly
 the nickel hole of 300 eV. This hypothesis is not Millsean but is
 from Mills' CQM; and this particular Rydberg hole was identified by him
 years ago. It all fits together elegantly in the HotCat, but that fit
 does not make it correct.

 The thermal gain in this hypothesis would be derived from electrons, and
 from lost orbital angular momentum- and thus, the gain is not nuclear and
 not exactly chemical. There could be a nuclear nexus (magnons), but we do
 not need it for the simplest explanation. In the past we have called this

 It provides about 200 times more energy than burning hydrogen in oxygen,
 with the by-product (ash) being the lost hydrogen. The active atom is
 effectively lost insofar as its atomic volume has decreased 64^3 or well
 over 250,000:1. The ash of the reaction cannot be contained, if it were

 Hydrogen seems to disappear but in fact it has shrunk down in
 volume to a state where its increased magnetic susceptibility can draw it
 deep into the valence cloud of a ferromagnetic atom (nickel). The
 hydrogen (f/H) having given up its angular momentum energy then becomes
 bound to such an extent that when tested - in mass spectrometers, much of
 what is really a molecule (Ni-H) will look exactly like mass-29, which is
 copper, instead of mass-28 which is nickel.

 This is probably why Rossi and Focardi mistakenly assumed that nickel was
 being converted into copper, even though there was no radioactivity. The
 strong bonding of Ni with f/H will confuse many mass spectrometers, and it
 fooled Focardi into thinking that there was more copper in the ash than
 there really was.

   It might be informative for any of us who have an interest
 in coherent or semi-coherent emission and absorption in the optical
 (or lower), to take this idea further - and try to find actual parameters
 for a stimulated lasing regime which on paper could be active inside the
 stainless tube of the HotCat. A good place to start is chemisorption.
 we supersize it?

   Such an outcome could be inadvertent (on Rossi's part) and
 it could be quasi coherent, in the sense of superradiant. And the

Re: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-10 Thread pagnucco

Yes, it is a good overview of plasmonics.

Since you have posted several times on charge/field focusing phenomena, you
may be interested in the following recent paper -

From self-focusing light beams to femtosecond laser pulse filamentation

This is another way charge and em-field energy is concentrated in gases and
solids.  Possibly relevant to some LENR experiments.

-- Lou Pagnucco

Axil wrote:
 This is a good start, IMHO.,d.dmQ


Re: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-10 Thread Axil Axil
Researchers in the US are the first to use single fluorescent dye molecules
to probe the local electromagnetic fields inside nanoscale hotspots on
metal surfaces. The imaging technique can identify structures as small as
just 15 nm across with a resolution of less than 2 nm – which is much
smaller than conventional optical microscopes can achieve.

When light is shone onto nanostructured metallic surfaces, such as those
made from gold or silver, hotspots of concentrated light can appear where
the electromagnetic field is very intense. Scientists have known about this
surface enhancement for over 30 years and have used the effect in
techniques like surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy to image very small
samples of molecules and even single molecules. Despite the success of the
method, however, scientists struggled to measure the size of these hotspots
and how they enhanced spectroscopic measurements.

There are two challenges when it comes to probing the hotspots. First, a
hotspot is randomly located on the surface of a metal and is therefore very
difficult to find. Second, a hotspot is smaller than the wavelength of
visible light and so cannot be detected by an ordinary optical microscope,
which normally cannot focus light to a spot smaller than half the
wavelength of light – something known as the diffraction limit. More
sophisticated imaging techniques, like near-field scanning optical
microscopy (NSOM) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) are not up
to the job either because they are limited by the size of their probes.
Ideal probes

Now, Xiang Zhang and colleagues at the University of California at Berkeley
have overcome these problems by using single molecules, which the team
believes are ideal probes for getting inside hotspots because they are
smaller than a nanometre across.

The scientists begin by putting a sample – a rough metal film or metal
nanoparticle clusters deposited on a quartz surface – in a fluorescent dye
solution and allow the dye molecules to randomly adsorb onto the surface of
the sample. The molecules disperse naturally in this way via Brownian
motion. When the sample is then illuminated with a laser beam, many
hotspots appear on the surface as expected.

By adjusting the concentration of the dye, the researchers ensure that, on
average, only one dye molecule arrives at a hotspot at a time. When a
single dye molecule binds to a hotspot, its fluorescence is greatly
increased and it appears as a bright spot whose intensity can be measured
to calculate the level of light enhancement. In this way, the team can
obtain an image of the fluorescent enhancement profile of a single hotspot
as small as 15 nm across with an accuracy of 1–2 nm. The team found that
the light's field strength decays exponentially from the hotspot peak. This
result had been predicted by simulations before but never directly measured
in an experiment until now.
'Perfect tool'

Our technique could be used to study light–matter interactions in a
variety of nanostructures and materials, including nanoparticles, films and
wires, team member Hu Cang said. It is the perfect tool to help design
nano-optics devices and materials to control the flow of light at the

He added that the hotspots could also be used to boost the sensitivity of
biosensors, for example in single-molecule DNA sequencing by focusing the
light to a single molecule and substantially suppressing the background
noise. They might also help to improve the efficiency of solar-energy
devices by concentrating light to the nanometre-sized active sites in these
devices where light is converted into chemical energy or electricity.

The team says that it would now like to correlate its measurements with the
morphology of the metal film and nanoparticle clusters measured using
electron microscopes. With the help of computer simulations, we hope to
figure out how these hotspots defy the diffraction limit of light and
concentrate light energy into such a small space.
Looking for a lower limit

And last but not least, no theory has yet predicted how small these
hotspots can be so the researchers are busy examining other materials like
silicon and titanium oxide in the hope of finding even smaller ones.

Single-molecule imaging – or super-resolution fluorescence microscopy –
was named 'method of the year' in 2008 by the journal *Nature Methods*. It
has so far been used to primarily image biological samples, but we have
shown that it can easily and successfully be extended to other areas,
added Cang.

On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 5:11 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 This is a good start, IMHO.,d.dmQ

 On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 4:14 PM, wrote:


Re: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-10 Thread David Roberson

The conservation of miracles mainly implies that the subject is not 
understood properly at this point in time.  How many of these miracles were 
needed to make the first transistor?  I am always amused by the lack of incite 
expressed by the extreme skeptic responses shown by closed minded individuals.  
It seems they believe that they understand everything about the world and 
nothing new will ever arise.   My money is on the bet that there is far more to 
learn about science than we currently understand.

It appears that we are going to have to rely upon an engineer such as Rossi to 
open the channels.  First the working device and then a working understanding 
is the order for the day.  Lets hope that there is not too much time separating 
these components.


-Original Message-
From: pagnucco
To: vortex-l
Sent: Mon, Jun 10, 2013 4:46 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Superabsorbers


If this is occurring, only incontrovertible proof from Rossi's reactor
will convince the Physic establishment.  No discussion will.

Also, if it is happening, them multiple, different phenomena are probably
operating in LENR phenomena, i.e., no conservation of miracles

Jones Beene wrote:
 The observation that the Rossi HotCat could be operating as a crude
 resonator tube - may not have struck a chord with everyone here... at
 not yet. Understandable - since it may not be readily apparent how that
 benefits the situation, even if true.

 However, methinks the idea of a coherent resonator will catch-on
 especially if Rossi's public success continues with the HotCat. This new
 regime seems like a major breakthrough to me, and that image of the
 tube is very powerful. It is no wonder that careful Swedish scientists
 willing to go out on a limb in their paper. Consequently, for future
 reference, here are a couple of more thoughts on the subject of a harmonic
 thermal resonator and how it could be involved in net thermal gain.

 A parametric oscillator is a harmonic oscillator whose dynamic motion
 seems to be greatly amplified by comparatively small input. A common
 of the parametric oscillator is a child on a playground swing, where the
 torque expressed by the swing seems much greater than the physical
 to keep it going.

 In microwave electronics, a precise waveguide cavity as the parametric
 oscillator component will convert RF into coherency - thus a maser. This
 could be a decent analogy to the HotCat, especially if RF is indeed
 at some future point, and especially if it is at the 21 cm line (or a

 Another example is the OPO, or optical parametric oscillator. Furthermore,
 there is no reason why a maser and an OPO (in the IR spectrum) could not
 combined into a single harmonic device, such as a tube in which thermal
 input (in the infrared) and RF combine to give an amplified internal
 resonance and coherence. But so what? ... one might ask.

 Needless to say, it gets more complicated than just amplification or
 coherency. Of course, any such device (can we call it MIRPO for maser-IR
 parametric oscillator?) would not be gainful in itself, but the
 amplification could operate to produce coherent Rydberg energy quanta, and
 hydrogen has amenable lines for this.

 When we look at hydrogen lines, we see two of them in the IR which can
 to pump an isomer of hydrogen into deep ground-state redundancy and then
 there is the famous microwave line. However, the gain would most likely
 derive from soft x-rays at a much higher Rydberg multiple - particularly
 the nickel hole of 300 eV. This hypothesis is not Millsean but is
 from Mills' CQM; and this particular Rydberg hole was identified by him
 years ago. It all fits together elegantly in the HotCat, but that fit
 does not make it correct.

 The thermal gain in this hypothesis would be derived from electrons, and
 from lost orbital angular momentum- and thus, the gain is not nuclear and
 not exactly chemical. There could be a nuclear nexus (magnons), but we do
 not need it for the simplest explanation. In the past we have called this

 It provides about 200 times more energy than burning hydrogen in oxygen,
 with the by-product (ash) being the lost hydrogen. The active atom is
 effectively lost insofar as its atomic volume has decreased 64^3 or well
 over 250,000:1. The ash of the reaction cannot be contained, if it were

 Hydrogen seems to disappear but in fact it has shrunk down in
 volume to a state where its increased magnetic susceptibility can draw it
 deep into the valence cloud of a ferromagnetic atom (nickel). The
 hydrogen (f/H) having given up its angular momentum energy then becomes
 bound to such an extent that when tested - in mass spectrometers, much of
 what is really a molecule (Ni-H) will look exactly like mass-29, which is
 copper, instead

Re: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-10 Thread Axil Axil
here is a free copy:

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 4:57 PM, wrote:


 Yes, it is a good overview of plasmonics.

 Since you have posted several times on charge/field focusing phenomena, you
 may be interested in the following recent paper -

 From self-focusing light beams to femtosecond laser pulse filamentation

 This is another way charge and em-field energy is concentrated in gases and
 solids.  Possibly relevant to some LENR experiments.

 -- Lou Pagnucco

 Axil wrote:
  This is a good start, IMHO.,d.dmQ

Re: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-10 Thread Axil Axil
It is possible to deduce the cause of disease as a result of the actions of
parasitic animals and plants so small they cannot be seen by the naked eye.

The invention of the microscope makes the study of these small creatures
easier to believe in and to see how they cause disease.

The advancement of knowledge is always accompanied by the development of
experimental technology that verifies the concepts that are born in the
imagination of the terrorists.

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 5:16 PM, David Roberson wrote:

 The conservation of miracles mainly implies that the subject is not
 understood properly at this point in time.  How many of these
 miracles were needed to make the first transistor?  I am always amused by
 the lack of incite expressed by the extreme skeptic responses shown by
 closed minded individuals.  It seems they believe that they understand
 everything about the world and nothing new will ever arise.   My money is
 on the bet that there is far more to learn about science than we currently

 It appears that we are going to have to rely upon an engineer such as
 Rossi to open the channels.  First the working device and then a working
 understanding is the order for the day.  Lets hope that there is not too
 much time separating these components.

  -Original Message-
 From: pagnucco
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Mon, Jun 10, 2013 4:46 pm
 Subject: RE: [Vo]:Superabsorbers


 If this is occurring, only incontrovertible proof from Rossi's reactor
 will convince the Physic establishment.  No discussion will.

 Also, if it is happening, them multiple, different phenomena are probably
 operating in LENR phenomena, i.e., no conservation of miracles

 Jones Beene wrote:
  The observation that the Rossi HotCat could be operating as a crude
  resonator tube - may not have struck a chord with everyone here... at
  not yet. Understandable - since it may not be readily apparent how that
  benefits the situation, even if true.
  However, methinks the idea of a coherent resonator will catch-on
  especially if Rossi's public success continues with the HotCat. This new
  regime seems like a major breakthrough to me, and that image of the
  tube is very powerful. It is no wonder that careful Swedish scientists
  willing to go out on a limb in their paper. Consequently, for future
  reference, here are a couple of more thoughts on the subject of a harmonic
  thermal resonator and how it could be involved in net thermal gain.
  A parametric oscillator is a harmonic oscillator whose dynamic motion
  seems to be greatly amplified by comparatively small input. A common
  of the parametric oscillator is a child on a playground swing, where the
  torque expressed by the swing seems much greater than the physical
  to keep it going.
  In microwave electronics, a precise waveguide cavity as the parametric
  oscillator component will convert RF into coherency - thus a maser. This
  could be a decent analogy to the HotCat, especially if RF is indeed
  at some future point, and especially if it is at the 21 cm line (or a
  Another example is the OPO, or optical parametric oscillator. Furthermore,
  there is no reason why a maser and an OPO (in the IR spectrum) could not
  combined into a single harmonic device, such as a tube in which thermal
  input (in the infrared) and RF combine to give an amplified internal
  resonance and coherence. But so what? ... one might ask.
  Needless to say, it gets more complicated than just amplification or
  coherency. Of course, any such device (can we call it MIRPO for maser-IR
  parametric oscillator?) would not be gainful in itself, but the
  amplification could operate to produce coherent Rydberg energy quanta, and
  hydrogen has amenable lines for this.
  When we look at hydrogen lines, we see two of them in the IR which can
  to pump an isomer of hydrogen into deep ground-state redundancy and then
  there is the famous microwave line. However, the gain would most likely
  derive from soft x-rays at a much higher Rydberg multiple - particularly
  the nickel hole of 300 eV. This hypothesis is not Millsean but is
  from Mills' CQM; and this particular Rydberg hole was identified by him
  years ago. It all fits together elegantly in the HotCat, but that fit
  does not make it correct.
  The thermal gain in this hypothesis would be derived from electrons, and
  from lost orbital angular momentum- and thus, the gain is not nuclear and
  not exactly chemical. There could be a nuclear nexus (magnons), but we do
  not need it for the simplest explanation. In the past we have called this
  It provides about 200 times more energy than burning hydrogen in oxygen,
  with the by-product (ash) being the lost hydrogen. The active atom is

Re: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-10 Thread Axil Axil
Replace terrorists with theorists.

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 5:27 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 It is possible to deduce the cause of disease as a result of the actions
 of parasitic animals and plants so small they cannot be seen by the naked

 The invention of the microscope makes the study of these small creatures
 easier to believe in and to see how they cause disease.

 The advancement of knowledge is always accompanied by the development of
 experimental technology that verifies the concepts that are born in the
 imagination of the terrorists.

 On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 5:16 PM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.comwrote:

 The conservation of miracles mainly implies that the subject is not
 understood properly at this point in time.  How many of these
 miracles were needed to make the first transistor?  I am always amused by
 the lack of incite expressed by the extreme skeptic responses shown by
 closed minded individuals.  It seems they believe that they understand
 everything about the world and nothing new will ever arise.   My money is
 on the bet that there is far more to learn about science than we currently

 It appears that we are going to have to rely upon an engineer such as
 Rossi to open the channels.  First the working device and then a working
 understanding is the order for the day.  Lets hope that there is not too
 much time separating these components.

  -Original Message-
 From: pagnucco
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Mon, Jun 10, 2013 4:46 pm
 Subject: RE: [Vo]:Superabsorbers


 If this is occurring, only incontrovertible proof from Rossi's reactor
 will convince the Physic establishment.  No discussion will.

 Also, if it is happening, them multiple, different phenomena are probably
 operating in LENR phenomena, i.e., no conservation of miracles

 Jones Beene wrote:
  The observation that the Rossi HotCat could be operating as a crude
  resonator tube - may not have struck a chord with everyone here... at
  not yet. Understandable - since it may not be readily apparent how that
  benefits the situation, even if true.
  However, methinks the idea of a coherent resonator will catch-on
  especially if Rossi's public success continues with the HotCat. This new
  regime seems like a major breakthrough to me, and that image of the
  tube is very powerful. It is no wonder that careful Swedish scientists
  willing to go out on a limb in their paper. Consequently, for future
  reference, here are a couple of more thoughts on the subject of a harmonic
  thermal resonator and how it could be involved in net thermal gain.
  A parametric oscillator is a harmonic oscillator whose dynamic motion
  seems to be greatly amplified by comparatively small input. A common
  of the parametric oscillator is a child on a playground swing, where the
  torque expressed by the swing seems much greater than the physical
  to keep it going.
  In microwave electronics, a precise waveguide cavity as the parametric
  oscillator component will convert RF into coherency - thus a maser. This
  could be a decent analogy to the HotCat, especially if RF is indeed
  at some future point, and especially if it is at the 21 cm line (or a
  Another example is the OPO, or optical parametric oscillator. Furthermore,
  there is no reason why a maser and an OPO (in the IR spectrum) could not
  combined into a single harmonic device, such as a tube in which thermal
  input (in the infrared) and RF combine to give an amplified internal
  resonance and coherence. But so what? ... one might ask.
  Needless to say, it gets more complicated than just amplification or
  coherency. Of course, any such device (can we call it MIRPO for maser-IR
  parametric oscillator?) would not be gainful in itself, but the
  amplification could operate to produce coherent Rydberg energy quanta, and
  hydrogen has amenable lines for this.
  When we look at hydrogen lines, we see two of them in the IR which can
  to pump an isomer of hydrogen into deep ground-state redundancy and then
  there is the famous microwave line. However, the gain would most likely
  derive from soft x-rays at a much higher Rydberg multiple - particularly
  the nickel hole of 300 eV. This hypothesis is not Millsean but is
  from Mills' CQM; and this particular Rydberg hole was identified by him
  years ago. It all fits together elegantly in the HotCat, but that fit
  does not make it correct.
  The thermal gain in this hypothesis would be derived from electrons, and
  from lost orbital angular momentum- and thus, the gain is not nuclear and
  not exactly chemical. There could be a nuclear nexus (magnons), but we do
  not need it for the simplest explanation. In the past we have called this
  It provides about 200 times more energy than

Re: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-10 Thread David Roberson

Yes, instrumentation advances almost always lead to new discoveries.  That is 
one reason I tend to generally favor the placing into orbit of new types of 
telescopes.   Very few can anticipate the amazing observations that arise.

I worry that one day someone will come to the conclusion that the cost of new 
advancements outweighs the rewards to be gained.   The funny part is that one 
of the new discoveries might answer many unknowns in science.  The new pieces 
might then fall into place that solve pressing issues we face.  No one knows 
ahead of time.


-Original Message-
From: Axil Axil
To: vortex-l
Sent: Mon, Jun 10, 2013 5:27 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

It is possible to deduce the causeof disease as a result of the actions of 
parasitic animals and plants so small theycannot be seen by the naked eye.
The invention of themicroscope makes the study of these small creatures easier 
to believe in and tosee how they cause disease.
The advancement of knowledgeis always accompanied by the development of 
experimental technology that verifiesthe concepts that are born in the 
imagination of the terrorists.

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 5:16 PM, David Roberson wrote:

The conservation of miracles mainly implies that the subject is not 
understood properly at this point in time.  How many of these miracles were 
needed to make the first transistor?  I am always amused by the lack of incite 
expressed by the extreme skeptic responses shown by closed minded individuals.  
It seems they believe that they understand everything about the world and 
nothing new will ever arise.   My money is on the bet that there is far more to 
learn about science than we currently understand.
It appears that we are going to have to rely upon an engineer such as Rossi to 
open the channels.  First the working device and then a working understanding 
is the order for the day.  Lets hope that there is not too much time separating 
these components.

-Original Message-
From: pagnucco
To: vortex-l
Sent: Mon, Jun 10, 2013 4:46 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Superabsorbers


If this is occurring, only incontrovertible proof from Rossi's reactor
will convince the Physic establishment.  No discussion will.

Also, if it is happening, them multiple, different phenomena are probably
operating in LENR phenomena, i.e., no conservation of miracles

Jones Beene wrote:
 The observation that the Rossi HotCat could be operating as a crude
 resonator tube - may not have struck a chord with everyone here... at
 not yet. Understandable - since it may not be readily apparent how that
 benefits the situation, even if true.

 However, methinks the idea of a coherent resonator will catch-on
 especially if Rossi's public success continues with the HotCat. This new
 regime seems like a major breakthrough to me, and that image of the
 tube is very powerful. It is no wonder that careful Swedish scientists
 willing to go out on a limb in their paper. Consequently, for future
 reference, here are a couple of more thoughts on the subject of a harmonic
 thermal resonator and how it could be involved in net thermal gain.

 A parametric oscillator is a harmonic oscillator whose dynamic motion
 seems to be greatly amplified by comparatively small input. A common
 of the parametric oscillator is a child on a playground swing, where the
 torque expressed by the swing seems much greater than the physical
 to keep it going.

 In microwave electronics, a precise waveguide cavity as the parametric
 oscillator component will convert RF into coherency - thus a maser. This
 could be a decent analogy to the HotCat, especially if RF is indeed
 at some future point, and especially if it is at the 21 cm line (or a

 Another example is the OPO, or optical parametric oscillator. Furthermore,
 there is no reason why a maser and an OPO (in the IR spectrum) could not
 combined into a single harmonic device, such as a tube in which thermal
 input (in the infrared) and RF combine to give an amplified internal
 resonance and coherence. But so what? ... one might ask.

 Needless to say, it gets more complicated than just amplification or
 coherency. Of course, any such device (can we call it MIRPO for maser-IR
 parametric oscillator?) would not be gainful in itself, but the
 amplification could operate to produce coherent Rydberg energy quanta, and
 hydrogen has amenable lines for this.

 When we look at hydrogen lines, we see two of them in the IR which can
 to pump an isomer of hydrogen into deep ground-state redundancy and then
 there is the famous microwave line. However, the gain would most likely
 derive from soft x-rays at a much higher Rydberg multiple - particularly
 the nickel hole of 300 eV. This hypothesis is not Millsean but is

Re: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-10 Thread Rob Dingemans


On 9-6-2013 17:56, Jones Beene wrote:

The observation that the Rossi HotCat could be operating as a crude
resonator tube - may not have struck a chord with everyone here... at least
not yet. Understandable - since it may not be readily apparent how that
benefits the situation, even if true.

However, methinks the idea of a coherent resonator will catch-on eventually,
especially if Rossi's public success continues with the HotCat. This new
regime seems like a major breakthrough to me, and that image of the glowing
tube is very powerful.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if the underlying principle of resonance 
applied to cold fusion (or whatever name like LENR, CANR, etc. you 
want to give it) is possibly essentially the same effect which occurs 
for hot fusion.

The major difference is currently in the scale of these experiments.
While the devices created by Andrea are small and reasonably manageable, 
at the same time the contraptions build by Iter e.a. for Hot fusion 
are huge and essentially not manageable any more.
May be it would be a good idea if the socalled Hot fusion scientists 
would get to their senses and follow the paradigm of less (i.e. small) 
is more.

Kind regards,


RE: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-09 Thread Jones Beene
The observation that the Rossi HotCat could be operating as a crude
resonator tube - may not have struck a chord with everyone here... at least
not yet. Understandable - since it may not be readily apparent how that
benefits the situation, even if true.

However, methinks the idea of a coherent resonator will catch-on eventually,
especially if Rossi's public success continues with the HotCat. This new
regime seems like a major breakthrough to me, and that image of the glowing
tube is very powerful. It is no wonder that careful Swedish scientists were
willing to go out on a limb in their paper. Consequently, for future
reference, here are a couple of more thoughts on the subject of a harmonic
thermal resonator and how it could be involved in net thermal gain.

A parametric oscillator is a harmonic oscillator whose dynamic motion
seems to be greatly amplified by comparatively small input. A common example
of the parametric oscillator is a child on a playground swing, where the
torque expressed by the swing seems much greater than the physical exertion
to keep it going. 

In microwave electronics, a precise waveguide cavity as the parametric
oscillator component will convert RF into coherency - thus a maser. This
could be a decent analogy to the HotCat, especially if RF is indeed detected
at some future point, and especially if it is at the 21 cm line (or a

Another example is the OPO, or optical parametric oscillator. Furthermore,
there is no reason why a maser and an OPO (in the IR spectrum) could not be
combined into a single harmonic device, such as a tube in which thermal
input (in the infrared) and RF combine to give an amplified internal
resonance and coherence. But so what? ... one might ask. 

Needless to say, it gets more complicated than just amplification or
coherency. Of course, any such device (can we call it MIRPO for maser-IR
parametric oscillator?) would not be gainful in itself, but the
amplification could operate to produce coherent Rydberg energy quanta, and
hydrogen has amenable lines for this. 

When we look at hydrogen lines, we see two of them in the IR which can serve
to pump an isomer of hydrogen into deep ground-state redundancy and then
there is the famous microwave line. However, the gain would most likely
derive from soft x-rays at a much higher Rydberg multiple - particularly at
the nickel hole of 300 eV. This hypothesis is not Millsean but is derived
from Mills' CQM; and this particular Rydberg hole was identified by him 20
years ago. It all fits together elegantly in the HotCat, but that fit alone
does not make it correct. 

The thermal gain in this hypothesis would be derived from electrons, and
from lost orbital angular momentum- and thus, the gain is not nuclear and
not exactly chemical. There could be a nuclear nexus (magnons), but we do
not need it for the simplest explanation. In the past we have called this

It provides about 200 times more energy than burning hydrogen in oxygen,
with the by-product (ash) being the lost hydrogen. The active atom is
effectively lost insofar as its atomic volume has decreased 64^3 or well
over 250,000:1. The ash of the reaction cannot be contained, if it were not

Hydrogen seems to disappear but in fact it has shrunk down in effective
volume to a state where its increased magnetic susceptibility can draw it
deep into the valence cloud of a ferromagnetic atom (nickel). The fractional
hydrogen (f/H) having given up its angular momentum energy then becomes
bound to such an extent that when tested - in mass spectrometers, much of
what is really a molecule (Ni-H) will look exactly like mass-29, which is
copper, instead of mass-28 which is nickel. 

This is probably why Rossi and Focardi mistakenly assumed that nickel was
being converted into copper, even though there was no radioactivity. The
strong bonding of Ni with f/H will confuse many mass spectrometers, and it
fooled Focardi into thinking that there was more copper in the ash than
there really was.

It might be informative for any of us who have an interest
in coherent or semi-coherent emission and absorption in the optical spectrum
(or lower), to take this idea further - and try to find actual parameters
for a stimulated lasing regime which on paper could be active inside the
stainless tube of the HotCat. A good place to start is chemisorption. Can
we supersize it?

Such an outcome could be inadvertent (on Rossi's part) and
it could be quasi coherent, in the sense of superradiant. And the purpose
is not to produce a beam per se- but to produce an internal resonance for
thermal gain via a photon positive feedback of some type.

Here is a paper on optical pumping of an IR laser

Thermal input alone can in 

Re: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-09 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Sun, 9 Jun 2013 08:56:37 -0700:
Hydrogen seems to disappear but in fact it has shrunk down in effective
volume to a state where its increased magnetic susceptibility can draw it
deep into the valence cloud of a ferromagnetic atom (nickel). The fractional
hydrogen (f/H) having given up its angular momentum energy then becomes
bound to such an extent that when tested - in mass spectrometers, much of
what is really a molecule (Ni-H) will look exactly like mass-29, which is
copper, instead of mass-28 which is nickel. 
This isn't quite right. e.g. 62Ni has a mass of 62, but a charge of 28. 63Cu has
a mass of 63 and a charge of 29.

1) If you add a shrunken H to Ni, then you add a neutral particle, so the mass
increases, but the charge remains the same. IOW it would look like 63Ni, but
would not be radioactive.

2) If you somehow manage to add a lone proton (rather than a shrunken H atom) to
an inner electron shell of the Ni, then you increase both mass and charge, so
the resultant atom would look much like 63Cu. Chemically identical, but
fractionally heavier (because the proton has excess mass which hasn't been lost
in a nuclear reaction).

3) If you add something along the lines of Hydrinohydride (i.e. a negative ion),
then overall charge neutrality demands that an electron be ejected, so you end
up with a pseudo nucleus with a mass that is heavier by one, but with a charge
that is less by one. I.e. in this case it would look like 63Co (Chemistry  SIMS
- but slightly heavier ), but would not be radioactive.

Robin van Spaandonk

RE: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-08 Thread Jones Beene

It might be informative for any of us who have an interest in coherent or
semi-coherent emission and absorption in the optical spectrum (or lower), to
take this idea further - and try to find actual parameters for a stimulated
lasing regime which on paper could be active inside the stainless tube of
the HotCat. A good place to start is chemisorption. Can we supersize it?

Such an outcome could be inadvertent (on Rossi's part) and it could be
quasi coherent, in the sense of superradiant. And the purpose is not to
produce a beam per se- but to produce an internal resonance for thermal gain
via a photon positive feedback of some type.

Here is a paper on optical pumping of an IR laser

Thermal input alone can in principle provide the IR light needed by the
lasing medium, which we could presume as a starting argument is a hydrogen
based molecule. However, the input of HotCat would surely be limited to a
long wavelength based on 800 degree C thermal radiation unless it comes from
a chemical reaction triggered by that thermal input. If the gain is related
to a whole fraction of the Rydberg energy, then there are only a few
frequencies of interest in this range.

In the paper above, experiments are performed on a optically pumped KF or
hydrogen fluoride laser. Rotation-vibration transitions in the (2,0) band
around 1.3 micrometers are pumped, and lasing is observed on (2,1) band
transitions near 2.7 micrometers. As fate would have it, a transition of
interest in chemisorption known reactions happens to be in this same
micron range. That is the hydrogen-copper system. It has a large activation
energy of .35 to .85 eV. which includes two Rydberg whole fractions.

The vibrational excitation of the hydrogen molecule is known to promote
dissociation on low index surfaces of copper and copper nickel. As it turns
out, .85 eV is a whole fraction of the Rydberg energy and along with .425 eV
would be of interest as the active semi-coherent radiation spectra capable
of the ultimate goal - sequential pumping protons lodged in nickel into
deeply redundant ground states ... where gain comes from conversion of
electron angular momentum into energy. No nuclear transitions are required
for this.


-Original Message-

Perhaps, this early e-catworld report is relevant -

Report From Visitor to Defkalion

Excerpt: ...I was told that they were trying to actually see what happens
in their device with some glass with a melting point of 1500 deg C. They saw
it light up like the sun and then it melted the glass. This just took a
second or two. I was told what their working theory was, but they really
don't know what is going on. They have brought in several academics with a
myriad of explanations ...

 A new arxiv paper, possibly related to missing LENR em-emissions -
Superabsorption of light via quantum engineering

 ABSTRACT: Almost 60 years ago Dicke introduced the term superradiance to
 describe a signature quantum effect: N atoms can collectively emit light
 at a rate proportional to N^2... Structures that super-radiate must also
 have enhanced absorption...

 Robert Dicke is one of the true heroes of Modern Science. He is not
 generally credited with inventing the laser but in 1956 Dicke filed a
 patent entitled Molecular Amplification Generation Systems and Methods
 with a claim for an infrared laser. Townes usually gets the credit, but
 his patent was not filed until 1958.

 B.V. Zhdanov has done extensive work on potassium lasers, so we know this
 is possible. There is a pretty good chance that the Rossi HotCat is a
 resonant IR device using potassium stimulated emission, which may involve
 superabsorption and superradiance. This could be a photon chain reaction
 of some type.

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-08 Thread pagnucco

This is a worthy project.
I am still trying to re-learn the optical physics I forgot years ago.
So, I cannot add much input yet, but if LENR is real, probably some kinds
of coherent phenomena are involved.  If I have any insights, I will post
them later.

Also, if you have references for electron spin-to-work conversion, please
post URLs of any available online papers.

BTW, here is a paper on super-/sub-radiance that generalizes the
phenomenon to entangled systems larger than wave-length size -

Quantum interference initiated super- and subradiant emission from
entangled atoms

-- Lou Pagnucco

Jones Beene wrote:
 It might be informative for any of us who have an interest in coherent or
 semi-coherent emission and absorption in the optical spectrum (or lower),
 to take this idea further - and try to find actual parameters for a
 stimulated lasing regime which on paper could be active inside the
 stainless tube of the HotCat. A good place to start is chemisorption.
 Can we supersize it?

 Such an outcome could be inadvertent (on Rossi's part) and it could be
 quasi coherent, in the sense of superradiant. And the purpose is not to
 produce a beam per se- but to produce an internal resonance for thermal
 gain via a photon positive feedback of some type.

 Here is a paper on optical pumping of an IR laser

 Thermal input alone can in principle provide the IR light needed by the
 lasing medium, which we could presume as a starting argument is a hydrogen
 based molecule. However, the input of HotCat would surely be limited to a
 long wavelength based on 800 degree C thermal radiation unless it comes
 a chemical reaction triggered by that thermal input. If the gain is
 to a whole fraction of the Rydberg energy, then there are only a few
 frequencies of interest in this range.

 In the paper above, experiments are performed on a optically pumped KF or
 hydrogen fluoride laser. Rotation-vibration transitions in the (2,0) band
 around 1.3 micrometers are pumped, and lasing is observed on (2,1) band
 transitions near 2.7 micrometers. As fate would have it, a transition of
 interest in chemisorption known reactions happens to be in this same
 micron range. That is the hydrogen-copper system. It has a large
 activation energy of .35 to .85 eV. which includes two Rydberg whole

 The vibrational excitation of the hydrogen molecule is known to promote
 dissociation on low index surfaces of copper and copper nickel. As it
 turns out, .85 eV is a whole fraction of the Rydberg energy and along
 with .425 eV would be of interest as the active semi-coherent radiation
 spectra capable of the ultimate goal - sequential pumping protons lodged
 in nickel into deeply redundant ground states ... where gain comes from
 conversion of electron angular momentum into energy. No nuclear
 transitions are required for this.

Re: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-08 Thread Axil Axil
This is a good start, IMHO.,d.dmQ

On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 4:14 PM, wrote:


 This is a worthy project.
 I am still trying to re-learn the optical physics I forgot years ago.
 So, I cannot add much input yet, but if LENR is real, probably some kinds
 of coherent phenomena are involved.  If I have any insights, I will post
 them later.

 Also, if you have references for electron spin-to-work conversion, please
 post URLs of any available online papers.

 BTW, here is a paper on super-/sub-radiance that generalizes the
 phenomenon to entangled systems larger than wave-length size -

 Quantum interference initiated super- and subradiant emission from
 entangled atoms

 -- Lou Pagnucco

 Jones Beene wrote:
  It might be informative for any of us who have an interest in coherent or
  semi-coherent emission and absorption in the optical spectrum (or lower),
  to take this idea further - and try to find actual parameters for a
  stimulated lasing regime which on paper could be active inside the
  stainless tube of the HotCat. A good place to start is chemisorption.
  Can we supersize it?
  Such an outcome could be inadvertent (on Rossi's part) and it could be
  quasi coherent, in the sense of superradiant. And the purpose is not to
  produce a beam per se- but to produce an internal resonance for thermal
  gain via a photon positive feedback of some type.
  Here is a paper on optical pumping of an IR laser
  Thermal input alone can in principle provide the IR light needed by the
  lasing medium, which we could presume as a starting argument is a
  based molecule. However, the input of HotCat would surely be limited to a
  long wavelength based on 800 degree C thermal radiation unless it comes
  a chemical reaction triggered by that thermal input. If the gain is
  to a whole fraction of the Rydberg energy, then there are only a few
  frequencies of interest in this range.
  In the paper above, experiments are performed on a optically pumped KF or
  hydrogen fluoride laser. Rotation-vibration transitions in the (2,0) band
  around 1.3 micrometers are pumped, and lasing is observed on (2,1) band
  transitions near 2.7 micrometers. As fate would have it, a transition of
  interest in chemisorption known reactions happens to be in this same
  micron range. That is the hydrogen-copper system. It has a large
  activation energy of .35 to .85 eV. which includes two Rydberg whole
  The vibrational excitation of the hydrogen molecule is known to promote
  dissociation on low index surfaces of copper and copper nickel. As it
  turns out, .85 eV is a whole fraction of the Rydberg energy and along
  with .425 eV would be of interest as the active semi-coherent radiation
  spectra capable of the ultimate goal - sequential pumping protons lodged
  in nickel into deeply redundant ground states ... where gain comes from
  conversion of electron angular momentum into energy. No nuclear
  transitions are required for this.

Re: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-07 Thread Axil Axil
This very new paper is a great find for LENR. It is another piece in the
very complicated LENR puzzle.

Super-absorption in a LENR system is what a chain reaction is in a nuclear
system. As infrared light (photons) aka heat is absorbed by a system of
dipoles, the energy is increased and the electron tunneling that moves
electrons away from their associated holes (ions) becomes increasingly more

In Nanoplasmonics, this “dark mode” near field EMF absorption process is
called Fano resonance. EMF power increases in a positive feedback mode
within a small volume until the concentrated EMF begins to produce nuclear

The Superabsorbent ring in figure one of the reference is just a two
dimensional projection of a three dimensional nano-particle.

Nano-particles act as a super EMF absorbing structure which concentrates
heat photons into a small volume between the nanoparticles.

If there is little energy loss in this dipole system, and the limit of EMF
increase is very large, the concentrated EMF becomes so great that the
nuclear forces inside the nucleus become unbalanced and the nucleus


When all the various small volumes of EMF concentration form a Bose
Ernestine condensate, the pumping of concentrated EMF is shared between
each small volume in superposition and nuclear disintegration happens as a
probabilistic phenomenon triggered by virtual particle creation out of the

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 10:01 PM, wrote:

 A new arxiv paper, possibly related to missing LENR em-emissions -

 Superabsorption of light via quantum engineering

 ABSTRACT: Almost 60 years ago Dicke introduced the term superradiance to
 describe a signature quantum effect: N atoms can collectively emit light
 at a rate proportional to N^2. Even for moderate N this represents a
 significant increase over the prediction of classical physics, and the
 effect has found applications ranging from probing exciton delocalisation
 in biological systems, to developing a new class of laser, and even in
 astrophysics. Structures that super-radiate must also have enhanced
 absorption, but the former always dominates in natural systems. Here we
 show that modern quantum control techniques can overcome this restriction.
 Our theory establishes that superabsorption can be achieved and sustained
 in certain simple nanostructures, by trapping the system in a highly
 excited state while extracting energy into a non-radiative channel. The
 effect offers the prospect of a new class of quantum nanotechnology,
 capable of absorbing light many times faster than is currently possible;
 potential applications of this effect include light harvesting and photon
 detection. An array of quantum dots or a porphyrin ring could provide an
 implementation to demonstrate this effect.

 Perhaps also of interest -


 ABSTRACT: The concept of Super-Absorption has been proposed based on the
 correlation between deuterium flux and excess heat, and based on the
 selective resonant tunneling model. The experimental evidence for this
 correlation is shown in the D/Pd system with a Calvet high precision
 calorimeter. A theoretical model is set-up to show how the resonant
 tunneling effect will correlate the deuterium flux to the generation of
 excess heat.

RE: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-06 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-

A new arxiv paper, possibly related to missing LENR em-emissions -
Superabsorption of light via quantum engineering

ABSTRACT: Almost 60 years ago Dicke introduced the term superradiance to
describe a signature quantum effect: N atoms can collectively emit light
at a rate proportional to N^2... Structures that super-radiate must also
have enhanced absorption...

Robert Dicke is one of the true heroes of Modern Science. He is not
generally credited with inventing the laser but in 1956 Dicke filed a patent
entitled Molecular Amplification Generation Systems and Methods with a
claim for an infrared laser. Townes usually gets the credit, but his patent
was not filed until 1958.

B.V. Zhdanov has done extensive work on potassium lasers, so we know this is
possible. There is a pretty good chance that the Rossi HotCat is a resonant
IR device using potassium stimulated emission, which may involve
superabsorption and superradiance. This could be a photon chain reaction of
some type/

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: [Vo]:Superabsorbers

2013-06-06 Thread pagnucco
Perhaps, this early e-catworld report is relevant -

Report From Visitor to Defkalion

Excerpt: ...I was told that they were trying to actually see what happens
in their device with some glass with a melting point of 1500degc. They saw
it light up like the sun and then it melted the glass. This just took a
second or two. I was told what their working theory was, but they really
don’t know what is going on. They have brought in several academics with a
myraid of explanations ...

Jones Beene wrote:
 -Original Message-

 A new arxiv paper, possibly related to missing LENR em-emissions -
 Superabsorption of light via quantum engineering

 ABSTRACT: Almost 60 years ago Dicke introduced the term superradiance to
 describe a signature quantum effect: N atoms can collectively emit light
 at a rate proportional to N^2... Structures that super-radiate must also
 have enhanced absorption...

 Robert Dicke is one of the true heroes of Modern Science. He is not
 generally credited with inventing the laser but in 1956 Dicke filed a
 entitled Molecular Amplification Generation Systems and Methods with a
 claim for an infrared laser. Townes usually gets the credit, but his
 was not filed until 1958.

 B.V. Zhdanov has done extensive work on potassium lasers, so we know this
 possible. There is a pretty good chance that the Rossi HotCat is a
 IR device using potassium stimulated emission, which may involve
 superabsorption and superradiance. This could be a photon chain reaction
 some type/