Re: [Vo]:Financial Gurus and the Apple Effect

2012-08-08 Thread Jed Rothwell
 Ron Kita wrote:

I read Woz and  most recently  I-Woz,  and major corporations  dismissed
Apple on several
accounts.  I think it was an HP executive who said that there is no market
a personal computer.

I think that was the head of DEC.

Wozniak offered HP the IP to the apple, because he designed it while
working for them. They said no thanks, you can have it. Woz had nothing but
good things to say about HP is his autobiography. The company has a
reputation for being nice to employees, and fair. Perhaps they
underestimated the market but my guess is they also wanted to give a
20-something engineer a chance to succeed on his own.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Financial Gurus and the Apple Effect

2012-08-08 Thread David Roberson

I rather suspect that HP did not think that they could make a major profit in 
this new field.  No one estimated the future potential of small computers at 
that time.  Remember the IBM decision to not own their PC operating system due 
to low volume projections.  The first cellular telephones were intended for 
vehicle operation but now the vast majority are handheld.  Few people have the 
ability to see into the future far enough to put their careers on the line by 
suggesting that a major push be directed into the unknown.

We are seeing the same process unfold in our LENR field.  No one currently 
builds these types of devices so none of the big boys are willing to take an 
expensive chance.  Once products become available openly and proven and 
purchase volumes accelerate they will jump in like a pack of wolves on a 
buffalo.  We should see this action most likely within the next year by my 
estimate if we can get Rossi or DGT to cooperate.

It might not be a bad idea to keep some investment funds available for the big 
ride that is surely coming.


-Original Message-
From: Jed Rothwell
To: vortex-l
Sent: Wed, Aug 8, 2012 2:54 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Financial Gurus and the Apple Effect


Ron Kita wrote:

I read Woz and  most recently  I-Woz,  and major corporations dismissed 
Apple on several
accounts.  I think it was an HP executive who said thatthere is no 
market for 
a personal computer.  

I think that was the head of DEC.

Wozniak offered HP the IP to the apple, because he designed it while
working for them. They said no thanks, you can have it. Woz hadnothing but 
good things to say about HP is his autobiography. Thecompany has a 
reputation for being nice to employees, and fair.Perhaps they 
underestimated the market but my guess is they alsowanted to give a 
20-something engineer a chance to succeed on hisown.

- Jed


Re: [Vo]:Financial Gurus and the Apple Effect

2012-08-08 Thread Jed Rothwell
David Roberson wrote:

I rather suspect that HP did not think that they could make a major profit
 in this new field.

That is somewhat true . . . but they were not stupid. They later jumped in
in plenty of time to make money. The early history of microcomputers is
well documented. You can learn what they said, and did.

   No one estimated the future potential of small computers at that time.

That is incorrect. I know of at least three people who did: Bill Gates,
Steve Jobs, and me.

Okay, there were thousands of others.

Seriously, the rapid increase in sales did not surprise me a bit. Only two
things have surprised me about the development of small computers:

1. The tremendous increase in the size of hard disks. The price/performance
has improved much more than microprocessors or Internet bandwidth. NHK
recently reported that there are now more bytes of data recorded than there
are grains of sand on all the beaches of earth. That's astounding!

2. The lack of progress in operating system software. Windows is not much
better than Data General RDOS, circa 1980. A modern laptop is nothing but
at minicomputer with a bag on it, and I don't mean that in a good way.

In the book I wrote:

A personal computer is essentially a 1979 minicomputer with a flashy but
unreliable operating system grafted onto it. Programmers in 1979 were able
to master personal computers in a few hours, and to this day personal
computers have no functions or capabilities that would baffle a programmer
from that era.

A programmer from that era meaning myself, obviously.

That is not quite true. I am impressed by voice input. I am astounded by
robotics such as Google's self-driving automobile, and the Mars Curiosity
rover. That stuff, by golly, makes you realize this is the 21st century.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Financial Gurus and the Apple Effect

2012-08-08 Thread David Roberson

OK, so some engineers and technical people did expect a pretty large volume of 
PC sales.  Too bad you did not act on your assumption or you might be another 
of the billionaires on record.  I would guess that you may have thought that 
the volume would be enormous, but were not sure.  Many of us are in that camp.

I was in the radio communications world at the time and stood by watching as 
these machines took over.  I would hate to make the same mistake when LENR 
takes off.  We are both on record expecting these devices to become incredibly 
important and widespread in the near future.  I hope to invest at the right 
time if I can only determine where.

I agree, the wondrous advancement in hard drive technology as well as device 
speed and power consumption made a lot of difference.  I still have an old ATT 
computer to stare at that had a hard drive that would not even hold one modern 
program.  The darn thing cost twice as much as a new one today that is millions 
of times more powerful.  But the old boy did some useful work.  I used that old 
ATT upstairs  to design the first practical EAS receiver device that now is 
seen everywhere (Ultramax).  My model matched the actual operation to a 
remarkable degree and made the company I was working with very wealthy.

I have noticed that large companies tend to suppress innovation, particularly 
when it involves significant risk of capital.  The brave engineers are usually 
clamoring to move forward only to be punished by management that is afraid of 
change.  I found myself in that position on many occasions and when we overcame 
the inertia we generated many successful products.

I could go on for a long time on this subject, but will only mention one more.  
I was in technical charge of a large group that designed all of the receivers 
and synthesizers for a company that wanted to keep their second market position 
because it was safer and less expensive.  The large company in the field 
designed a new radio that had very good specifications and performance.  The 
internal product planning group was lagging behind as usual before the new 
requirements were given to engineering.  In my frustration, I just handed a 
manual of that new product to one of my new engineers who was ready to begin 
his work and told him to make one like that.  To this day he teases me about 
this but the specifications were exactly the same.

Working for startups has great rewards as well as risks.  Working for 
established large companies has less of both.


-Original Message-
From: Jed Rothwell
To: vortex-l
Sent: Wed, Aug 8, 2012 4:55 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Financial Gurus and the Apple Effect

David Roberson wrote:

I rather suspect that HP did not think that they could make a major profit in 
this new field.

That is somewhat true . . . but they were not stupid. They later jumped in in 
plenty of time to make money. The early history of microcomputers is well 
documented. You can learn what they said, and did.


  No one estimated the future potential of small computers at that time.

That is incorrect. I know of at least three people who did: Bill Gates, Steve 
Jobs, and me.

Okay, there were thousands of others.

Seriously, the rapid increase in sales did not surprise me a bit. Only two 
things have surprised me about the development of small computers:

1. The tremendous increase in the size of hard disks. The price/performance has 
improved much more than microprocessors or Internet bandwidth. NHK recently 
reported that there are now more bytes of data recorded than there are grains 
of sand on all the beaches of earth. That's astounding!

2. The lack of progress in operating system software. Windows is not much 
better than Data General RDOS, circa 1980. A modern laptop is nothing but at 
minicomputer with a bag on it, and I don't mean that in a good way.

In the book I wrote:

A personal computer is essentially a 1979 minicomputer with a flashy but 
unreliable operating system grafted onto it. Programmers in 1979 were able to 
master personal computers in a few hours, and to this day personal computers 
have no functions or capabilities that would baffle a programmer from that era.

A programmer from that era meaning myself, obviously.

That is not quite true. I am impressed by voice input. I am astounded by 
robotics such as Google's self-driving automobile, and the Mars Curiosity 
rover. That stuff, by golly, makes you realize this is the 21st century.

- Jed


Re: [Vo]:Financial Gurus and the Apple Effect

2012-08-08 Thread Jed Rothwell
David Roberson wrote:

 OK, so some engineers and technical people did expect a pretty large
 volume of PC sales.

Yup. They made it happen. They risked inventing cheap printers, for
example, hoping there would be a mass market for them.

  Too bad you did not act on your assumption or you might be another of the
 billionaires on record.

I did the best I could! I did okay. In a boom like that, there are as many
way to lose money as there are to make it.

If cold fusion starts to boom, remember that. Look at solar cells now.

I stayed clear of the dot-com boom because every time I looked a company I
thought to myself, I could do that easily. If I can do it, any competent
programmer can, so where is the competitive advantage? I was right about
most of them, but way wrong about Amazon! I should have bought their stock.
I know nothing about the stock market, so I steer clear of it. The thing
is, I thought WordPerfect was a lot better than Microsoft Word. They are
all but dead and gone so I guess product quality is not the right metric.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Financial Gurus and the Apple Effect

2012-08-08 Thread David Roberson

Those were exciting days.  I was hesitant to become more deeply involved by 
similar logic as you Jed.  The peak always appeared to be just over the horizon 
and I was sure that I would jump in too late!  I guess that Apple almost went 
under at least once, to be rescued by their arch enemy.  I suspect that was 
done to protect a certain unmentioned company from being declared a monopoly.  
Had Apple's OS disappeared, there would not be many good volume sources.

We need to be prudent when investing in LENR companies.  Perhaps members of the 
vortex can work together to determine the best opportunities.  At least we 
should benefit from our organization!

You know, I as you recall looking at the early generation OSs and realizing 
that they were not anything super special and that either of us could have 
matched or exceeded the performance of them in relatively short order.  The 
most successful of them won the match by name recognition in my opinion.  
Things could have gone in other directions fairly easily.  Just thinking with 
that logic kept me on the sidelines waiting for new developments which never 

The OSs improved enormously over the years and it became a major task to 
achieve that level of performance without a very large team of programmers.  A 
small team had an almost zero chance of competing successfully once things got 
rolling.  I got lazy fairly soon and began to program with visual aids which 
took a lot of the skill out of programming.  I still occasionally use assembly 
with microcontrollers to enjoy total control over the devices.


P.S. Don't make me afraid to invest in the cold fusion companies Jed!  The 
trick is to pick the best ones and I am counting upon our friends to assist us. 

-Original Message-
From: Jed Rothwell
To: vortex-l
Sent: Wed, Aug 8, 2012 7:54 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Financial Gurus and the Apple Effect

David Roberson wrote:

OK, so some engineers and technical people did expect a pretty large volume of 
PC sales.

Yup. They made it happen. They risked inventing cheap printers, for example, 
hoping there would be a mass market for them.

  Too bad you did not act on your assumption or you might be another of the 
billionaires on record.

I did the best I could! I did okay. In a boom like that, there are as many way 
to lose money as there are to make it.

If cold fusion starts to boom, remember that. Look at solar cells now.

I stayed clear of the dot-com boom because every time I looked a company I 
thought to myself, I could do that easily. If I can do it, any competent 
programmer can, so where is the competitive advantage? I was right about most 
of them, but way wrong about Amazon! I should have bought their stock. I know 
nothing about the stock market, so I steer clear of it. The thing is, I thought 
WordPerfect was a lot better than Microsoft Word. They are all but dead and 
gone so I guess product quality is not the right metric.

- Jed