RE: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper

2013-11-06 Thread Jones Beene
One further point Lou. You wrote:

 I also wish that other spectral anomalies were observed - besides the
broadband soft X-ray/EUV apparently due to hydrogen, but I believe that
the 19.29 nm line is due to the oxidized cathode/anode surfaces -
oxygen contamination.

Yes - this line is close to a known emission/absorption line of
oxygen/ozone... which explains why the strongest solar UV is absorbed before
reaching the earth's surface - due to oxygen in the stratosphere. We would
not be here otherwise.

But several obvious facts make me think that most of energy represented by
this line (and the extreme spike in the charts) - will not be related to
oxidation of electrodes. (a small percentage could be related).

First - good experimenters are not that careless with their apparatus to
allow significant oxidation. Second is the large proportion of net energy
allocated to that line. Third is the fact that electrodes are generally
chosen and manufactured not oxidize. Fourth is the lack of expected signal
at the Rydberg level when all of that hydrogen is present. Fifth is that the
hydrogen in the experiment would reduce any electrode oxidation (clean the
electrode) so the net residual would be tiny. Sixth is cosmological- the
lack of oxygen on the sun despite the sun's strong 19.3 signal. Taken
together, this facts indicate that this line represents far more than a
relic of oxygen.

Our sun is a massive source of 19.3 nm UV, once the observer gets out of the
earth's atmosphere. Given that Hydrogen represents 91.2% of all atoms on the
sun and oxygen accounts for only 8 atoms per every 10,000 it is almost
unimaginable to me that the strong 19.3 nm line is due primarily to oxygen.
There must be another large source. (but again, oxygen could be partly
responsible - a few percent)

In the present RPF hypothesis, this line is mostly due to reversible P+P
fusion to 2He (the diproton) which immediately reverses back to two protons,
with QCD supplying the UV photon release and more. Indeed, several other UV
and soft x-ray lines may result from RPF and QCD interaction. 

So the solar model is a complicated situation - made even more complicated
by the fact that solar RPF reactions could be balanced between exotherm and
endotherm. (the internal UV photons are absorbed and not re-emitted)

Thus the net energy released from the sun may not be augmented to a large
degree - by energy represent in this UV line, or more likely - slightly


RE: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper

2013-11-06 Thread Jones Beene
In re-reading this thread, one other factor is worth mentioning wrt the
oxygen connection to LENR. It does tie the Gen3 paper to Randell Mills via
the Rydberg levels of hydrogen AND oxygen (when aligned and slightly
unbalanced on the high side).

It could easily be true that oxygen is desirable for promoting LENR, whether
through contamination on not, and the emphasis should have been placed on
Rydberg and its proximity in the sense of promoting a limited chain
reaction. Oxygen (or O++) both have a beneficial energy hole at an exact
Rydberg level of ionization potential - so as to make them ideal Mills'
catalysts; and now we find that there could also be this coincidental
relationship of UV resonance at a slightly more energetic ~ 19-20 nm. This
photon would naturally downshift to 22.8 nm in the process of ionization of
neutral catalysts - and that may be why the variance is need not be
explained as being important. In fact, it may be beneficial !!

IOW - for those who do not follow Mills' complex theory, the need for oxygen
would be twofold - not only is it catalytic for ground state redundancy, BUT
if we want to find a valid hybrid of Mills' theory together with LENR and UV
resonance, then we now have the complete answer in the UV (being on the high
side of Rydberg). Mills' theory predicts fractional hydrogen - what are
essentially neutral protons (virtual neutrons) and when these get close
enough to each other - voila - we have RPF without the Coulomb problem ! 

RPR then releases the hotter UV photon which can create another catalytic
hole (when slightly downshifted) especially in oxygen preferentially. A
limited chain reaction, mediated by UV photons, is the result.

In short, this hybridized version provides a more complete picture than
Mills, especially since he depends on angular momentum of electrons as the
ultimate energy source. Bollocks. 

In fact there is no asymmetry to play with - since these electrons
necessarily gain that angular momentum back in the end. RPF is a much more
elegant source for the excess energy since it is true QCD conversion of
mass-to-energy, without the need to explain where are all the hydrinos?.
In fact, they are none as they are immediately reinflated.

This hypothesis also provides a limited kind of chain reaction in three
stages instead of two. Since the UV photon from RPF is more energetic than
required but +close+ to the correct value (wavelength is slightly shorter),
that photon can provide a higher probability of success for the next hole
formation which then makes the necessary fuel to continue the reaction. The
fuel is f/H (fractional hydrogen aka hydrino) but it re-inflates every
time and the reaction would be slightly endothermic without the RPF. 

This may seem like a too-fine distinction, at least to make the claim for a
substantial theoretical improvement over Mills; but it may be just that: a
hybrid which does exactly what CQM cannot do. Which is to explain everything
with fewer loose ends.

One further point Lou. You wrote:

 I also wish that other spectral anomalies were observed - besides the
broadband soft X-ray/EUV apparently due to hydrogen, but I believe that
the 19.29 nm line is due to the oxidized cathode/anode surfaces -
oxygen contamination.

Yes - this line is close to a known emission/absorption line of
oxygen/ozone... which explains why the strongest solar UV is absorbed before
reaching the earth's surface - due to oxygen in the stratosphere. We would
not be here otherwise.

But several obvious facts make me think that most of energy represented by
this line (and the extreme spike in the charts) - will not be related to
oxidation of electrodes. (a small percentage could be related).

First - good experimenters are not that careless with their apparatus to
allow significant oxidation. Second is the large proportion of net energy
allocated to that line. Third is the fact that electrodes are generally
chosen and manufactured not oxidize. Fourth is the lack of expected signal
at the Rydberg level when all of that hydrogen is present. Fifth is that the
hydrogen in the experiment would reduce any electrode oxidation (clean the
electrode) so the net residual would be tiny. Sixth is cosmological- the
lack of oxygen on the sun despite the sun's strong 19.3 signal. Taken
together, this facts indicate that this line represents far more than a
relic of oxygen.

Our sun is a massive source of 19.3 nm UV, once the observer gets out of the
earth's atmosphere. Given that Hydrogen represents 91.2% of all atoms on the
sun and oxygen accounts for only 8 atoms per every 10,000 it is almost
unimaginable to me that the strong 19.3 nm line is due primarily to oxygen.
There must be another large source. (but again, oxygen could be partly
responsible - a few percent)

In the present RPF hypothesis, this line is mostly due to reversible P+P
fusion to 2He (the diproton) which immediately reverses back to two protons,
with QCD supplying the UV photon release and 

Re: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper

2013-11-06 Thread Jeff Driscoll

 RPR then releases the hotter UV photon which can create another catalytic
 hole (when slightly downshifted) especially in oxygen preferentially. A
 limited chain reaction, mediated by UV photons, is the result.

 In short, this hybridized version provides a more complete picture than
 Mills, especially since he depends on angular momentum of electrons as
 ultimate energy source. Bollocks.

According to Mills's theory:
The energy comes from the potential energy of the electron relative to the
proton - electron drops down to a lower fractional orbit (fractional
principal quantum number) and the energy comes from this change in
potential energy.  Energy released takes the form of:
1.  kinetic energy transferred to another hydrogen, or ionization of an
electron or breaking of chemical bonds
2. continuum radiation as the electron spirals down to the next stable
fractional orbit.  This spiral has a non-constant orbit frequency and gives
continuum radiation.

The electron has 1 unity of angular momentum at all orbit states (principal
quantum numbers), including at n = 1, the ground state.  Conservation of
angular momentum is always seen in all energy releases.

Continuum energy is seen in the experiment that matches his theory.  The
19.3 nm oxygen line is in both the control experiment (He) and the active
experiment (H2+He).

My guess is that it is very hard to eliminate all the oxygen from a surface
- plus they may not have a reason to eliminate it.


RE: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper

2013-11-06 Thread pagnucco

I will be delighted if your, or any LENR, theory is proved.

Hopefully, the experiments will be improved and repeated to the point
where 'The Establishment' cannot ignore them - if this is possible.

-- Lou Pagnucco

Jones Beene wrote:
 In re-reading this thread, one other factor is worth mentioning wrt the
 oxygen connection to LENR. It does tie the Gen3 paper to Randell Mills
 the Rydberg levels of hydrogen AND oxygen (when aligned and slightly
 unbalanced on the high side).

 It could easily be true that oxygen is desirable for promoting LENR,
 through contamination on not, and the emphasis should have been placed on
 Rydberg and its proximity in the sense of promoting a limited chain
 reaction. Oxygen (or O++) both have a beneficial energy hole at an exact
 Rydberg level of ionization potential - so as to make them ideal Mills'
 catalysts; and now we find that there could also be this coincidental
 relationship of UV resonance at a slightly more energetic ~ 19-20 nm. This
 photon would naturally downshift to 22.8 nm in the process of ionization
 neutral catalysts - and that may be why the variance is need not be
 explained as being important. In fact, it may be beneficial !!

 IOW - for those who do not follow Mills' complex theory, the need for
 would be twofold - not only is it catalytic for ground state redundancy,

RE: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper

2013-11-06 Thread Jones Beene

Looks like you have been imbibing on the BLP kool-aid...
comments interspersed below...

Do you glow-in-the-dark, yet?  :-)

From: Jeff Driscoll 

JB: RPF then releases the hotter UV photon which can
create another catalytic
hole (when slightly downshifted) especially in oxygen
preferentially. A
limited chain reaction, mediated by UV photons, is the

In short, this hybridized version provides a more complete
picture than
Mills, especially since he depends on angular momentum of
electrons as the
ultimate energy source. Bollocks.

JD: According to Mills' theory:
The energy comes from the potential energy of the electron
relative to the proton - electron drops down to a lower fractional orbit
(fractional principal quantum number) and the energy comes from this change
in potential energy.  

This is nonsense. There is no potential energy for any electron below ground
state unless it can find a stable orbit. Finding a stable orbit will require
substantial net energy input, which makes this part of the equation net
endothermic. There is no way around this problem.

Energy released takes the form of:

1.  kinetic energy transferred to another hydrogen, or
ionization of an electron or breaking of chemical bonds

There is no net energy released from the redundant ground state, without


Again - going below ground state does happen routinely, but it is
endothermic. However, the Mills redundancy reaction can result in a neutral
particle with an electron in very close electron orbital - a virtual neutron
if you will. At a cost. 

THEN AND ONLY THEN can the endotherm be erased by the quark reaction which
is called the QCD color charge.

The finding of robust shrinkage below ground state is the limit of Mills'
actual contribution to the field, and it is brilliant up to a point - but as
for the rest of the continuum nonsense: BS - IMHO. 

Mills could not close the deal. He risks becoming a footnote to Rossi unless
he can produce the working public demo in a reasonable time frame.

2. continuum radiation as the electron spirals down to the
next stable fractional orbit.  

There is no stable orbit without energy input so there is no excess
radiation at all. This is precisely why you see from Mills this silly appeal
to a continuum instead of the (formerly) predicted lines. This continuum
business from Mills is a joke - really the last gasp of a dying theory.

This spiral has a non-constant orbit frequency and gives
continuum radiation.

Nonsense. This is an endothermic reaction. Continuum radiation is a
gigantic fail - a fabrication.

Continuum energy is seen in the experiment that matches his

Bollocks. This is a complete fabrication by Mills LOL - and attempt to gloss
over the fact that the specific radiation predicted in the theory was found
to be absent - many years after predicted. Oops time for a theoretical
laxative. What you hear in the background is the sound of Mills old CQM
theory going down the continuum plumbing.

The 19.3 nm oxygen line is in both the control experiment
(He) and the active experiment (H2+He).

Of course it is!  There is an oxygen line in the control since, the oxide
layer cannot be reduced without hydrogen present. 

When H2 is added, the oxide layer is reduced, and the line which is slightly
shifted comes from the solar diproton reaction - the QCD rearrangement of
proton quarks - not from the oxygen layer which is now gone from the
electrode. Oxygen on any electrode cannot survive hot hydrogen bombardment.

My guess is that it is very hard to eliminate all the oxygen
from a surface - plus they may not have a reason to eliminate it. 
Not hard at all ! The Oxygen layer reduction would be routine and immediate.
You many need to check into a BLP abstinence program, Jeff. Mills theory may
be intoxicating at first, but on close inspection he is ultimately wrong
about the source of energy. There is no net energy via electron chemistry. 
IMO, the net energy from the endothermic shrinkage reaction to f/H which
is document can only derive from a nuclear reaction - the identity of which
is RPF in my estimation - reversible proton fusion. It could be another
reaction like the P-e-P reaction, but it is nuclear - not chemical.
RPF is the solar diproton reaction, but on earth it can be made net
exothermic which allows the endotherm of Mills redundancy to proceed apace
without the normal indicia of nuclear reactions. Only EUV would be seen as
The reason we do not have a public device from Mills after 23 years and $80
million spent is obvious. He 

Re: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper

2013-11-06 Thread Jeff Driscoll
On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 7:04 PM, Jones Beene wrote:


 Looks like you have been imbibing on the BLP kool-aid...
 comments interspersed below...

 Do you glow-in-the-dark, yet?  :-)

 From: Jeff Driscoll

 JB: RPF then releases the hotter UV photon which can
 create another catalytic
 hole (when slightly downshifted) especially in oxygen
 preferentially. A
 limited chain reaction, mediated by UV photons, is the

 In short, this hybridized version provides a more complete
 picture than
 Mills, especially since he depends on angular momentum of
 electrons as the
 ultimate energy source. Bollocks.

 JD: According to Mills' theory:
 The energy comes from the potential energy of the electron
 relative to the proton - electron drops down to a lower fractional orbit
 (fractional principal quantum number) and the energy comes from this change
 in potential energy.

 This is nonsense. There is no potential energy for any electron below
 state unless it can find a stable orbit. Finding a stable orbit will
 substantial net energy input, which makes this part of the equation net
 endothermic. There is no way around this problem.

 Energy released takes the form of:

 1.  kinetic energy transferred to another hydrogen, or
 ionization of an electron or breaking of chemical bonds

 There is no net energy released from the redundant ground state, without


In Mills theory, the electron moves to an orbit that is closer to the
proton, this releases potential energy which is converted into kinetic,
bond breaking, ionization and continuum radiation.  There is no
mathematical reason this can't happen.  The only reason against it is that
it has not been seen previously in physics.  It is not endothermic (heat
absorbing), this is an exothermic (heat releasing) process.

Potential energy is only a function of the orbit radius, the lower the
electron drops (in orbit) the more energy is released.

 Again - going below ground state does happen routinely, but it is
 endothermic. However, the Mills redundancy reaction can result in a neutral
 particle with an electron in very close electron orbital - a virtual
 if you will. At a cost.

 THEN AND ONLY THEN can the endotherm be erased by the quark reaction which
 is called the QCD color charge.

 The finding of robust shrinkage below ground state is the limit of Mills'
 actual contribution to the field, and it is brilliant up to a point - but
 for the rest of the continuum nonsense: BS - IMHO.

 Mills could not close the deal. He risks becoming a footnote to Rossi
 he can produce the working public demo in a reasonable time frame.

 2. continuum radiation as the electron spirals down to the
 next stable fractional orbit.

 There is no stable orbit without energy input so there is no excess
 radiation at all. This is precisely why you see from Mills this silly
 to a continuum instead of the (formerly) predicted lines. This
 business from Mills is a joke - really the last gasp of a dying theory.

 This spiral has a non-constant orbit frequency and gives
 continuum radiation.

 Nonsense. This is an endothermic reaction. Continuum radiation is a
 gigantic fail - a fabrication.

 Continuum energy is seen in the experiment that matches his

 Bollocks. This is a complete fabrication by Mills LOL - and attempt to
 over the fact that the specific radiation predicted in the theory was found
 to be absent - many years after predicted. Oops time for a theoretical
 laxative. What you hear in the background is the sound of Mills old CQM
 theory going down the continuum plumbing.

The specific radiation that is predicted is continuum radiation and that is
what BLP shows in their experiments.

 The 19.3 nm oxygen line is in both the control experiment
 (He) and the active experiment (H2+He).

 Of course it is!  There is an oxygen line in the control since, the oxide
 layer cannot be reduced without hydrogen present.

 When H2 is added, the oxide layer is reduced, and the line which is
 shifted comes from the solar diproton reaction - the QCD rearrangement of
 proton quarks - not from the oxygen layer which is now gone from the
 electrode. Oxygen on any electrode cannot survive hot hydrogen bombardment.

 My guess is that it is very hard to eliminate all the
 from a surface - plus they may not have a reason to eliminate it.
 Not hard at all ! The Oxygen layer reduction would be routine and
 You many need to check into a BLP abstinence program, Jeff. Mills theory
 be intoxicating at first, but on close inspection he is ultimately wrong

RE: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper

2013-11-05 Thread Jones Beene
There are several possibilities for the UV, Lou - and your hat is now in the
ring along with Randy Mills and a few others. 

Cleary EUV and soft x-rays are involved. Clearly the values are not falling
into the expected Rydberg levels. One value that stands out in this study is
the 19.29 nm wavelength. It should be 22.8 nm for Mills - and the excuse
given does not ring true. There could be some kind of cut-off but I'm not
buying it - simply because the graph would not be so spiked.

I'm glad to see any well-considered suggestions to explain it. My suggestion
is far-out as well (92 million miles out) but many heard have heard it
before and it is definitely a minority viewpoint. (so I take every
opportunity to radiate it).

Curiously 19.3 nm is a value that turns up often in solar astronomy.

There could be one or more mundane explanations for this. In the paper
above, the detector was designed to look for this value, but for a good
reason. The the sun was photographed in ultraviolet light at a wavelength of
19.3 nanometers - 25 times shorter than wavelengths of visible light -
simply because it is characteristic of solar energy. That wavelength is
blocked by Earth's atmosphere, so to observe it astronomers must get above
the atmosphere. 

To cut to the chase - this mass-energy value, 19.3 nm, appears to be the
expected energy release from solar RPF. 

Solar RPF is a theory of reversible proton fusion. It is also known as the
diproton reaction. But make no mistake - the so-called diproton is helium
and NOT hydrogen, even though its lifetime is extremely short.

For every instance of real fusion on the sun there are about 10^20 instances
of transient diprotons, which are fusing for a few femtoseconds and then
reversing back to protons. This instant reversibility is due basically to
the Pauli exclusion principle. However, due the short instant of binding
there are energetic QCD color changes which take place in the six quarks.

In short, at least in this RPF hypothesis, nickel-hydrogen gain on earth, is
based on the solar model of RPF and the relevant emission is EUV at 19.3 nm
and not Mills' Rydberg value.

-Original Message-


A good find.

I have only read it quickly, but maybe a simpler explanation suffices.

Anomalous 'continuum' emissions occur only in proportion to hydrogen
present.  This leads me to conjecture that:

Elliptical Rydberg H-atoms form and ionize, creating fairly intense (mixed
e-p) current filaments, along with (in the lab frame) a strong magnetic
vector potential ('A-field') pointing in the plasma flow direction.

Some of the ionizing e-p pairs form transient, non-stationary colliding
waveforms trapped in their own embracing coulomb potentials.
(Several QM texts cover the math of transient coulomb collisions.)

As the e-p collide, they slow dramatically.  In their collision frame
the vector potential (A-field) suddenly shrinks, donating it's field
energy to the collision (to obey momentum conservation.)

By conventional physics (see Feynman ref[1] below), this must force e-p
wave function into highly localized, high kinetic energy, compressed
pairs - compressive collisions similar to colliding rubber balls, as
opposed to colliding billiards.

When the proton recaptures the electron, returning to a stationary state,
the K.E. borrowed from the A-field is radiated and observed.

The author rules out both bremsstrahlung and recombination.
My conjecture combines counter-intuitive elements of both.
If it's correct, no exothermic LENR occurs, but still a valuable experiment.

 -- Lou Pagnucco

[1] Feynman Lectures, v3, ch21, Schrodinger's equation in a magnetic field

Pertinent extract (p.21-5) -
But remember what happens electrically when I suddenly turn on a flux.
During the short time that the flux is rising, there's an electric field
generated whose line integral is the rate of change of the flux with time:

   E = - dA/dt(21.16)

That electric field is enormous if the flux is changing rapidly, and it
gives a force on the particle.  The force is the charge times the electric
field, and so during the build up of the flux the particle obtains a total
impulse (that is, a change in mv) equal to -qA.  In other words, if you
suddenly turn on a vector potential at a charge, this charge immediately
picks up an 'mv' momentum equal to -qA.

Jones Beene wrote:
 This paper was mentioned 18 months ago on vortex - but has almost been
 ignored by the LENR community since then ... possibly due to some kind of
 absurd jealousy over anything Millsean ... i.e. from Randell Mills

 Forget Randy - Read this paper in the context in Rossi-type LENR - instead
 of Mills.

 Pay close attention to detains in the nanometer geometry ! In my opinion
 this paper supports LENR, instead of Mills! Look 

RE: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper

2013-11-05 Thread pagnucco

I also wish that other spectral anomalies were observed - besides the
broadband soft X-ray/EUV apparently due to hydrogen, but I believe that
the 19.29 nm line is due to the oxidized cathode/anode surfaces -
oxygen contamination.

However, I think this is a good experiment to repeat with higher voltages,
higher currents and densities, stronger confining magnetic fields, etc.
The Sternglass experiment could be repeated with minor modification.

Still, if my speculation that high-energy, non-stationary e-p collisions
generate the X-rays/EUV is correct, then perhaps a higher current/voltage,
continuous plasma channel version would also generate neutrons, as seen
by Sternglass.

 -- Lou Pagnucco

Jones Beene wrote:
 There are several possibilities for the UV, Lou - and your hat is now in
 ring along with Randy Mills and a few others.

 Cleary EUV and soft x-rays are involved. Clearly the values are not
 into the expected Rydberg levels. One value that stands out in this study
 the 19.29 nm wavelength. It should be 22.8 nm for Mills - and the excuse
 given does not ring true. There could be some kind of cut-off but I'm not
 buying it - simply because the graph would not be so spiked.

 I'm glad to see any well-considered suggestions to explain it. My
 is far-out as well (92 million miles out) but many heard have heard it
 before and it is definitely a minority viewpoint. (so I take every
 opportunity to radiate it).

 Curiously 19.3 nm is a value that turns up often in solar astronomy.

 There could be one or more mundane explanations for this. In the paper
 above, the detector was designed to look for this value, but for a good
 reason. The the sun was photographed in ultraviolet light at a wavelength
 19.3 nanometers - 25 times shorter than wavelengths of visible light -
 simply because it is characteristic of solar energy. That wavelength is
 blocked by Earth's atmosphere, so to observe it astronomers must get above
 the atmosphere.

 To cut to the chase - this mass-energy value, 19.3 nm, appears to be the
 expected energy release from solar RPF.

 Solar RPF is a theory of reversible proton fusion. It is also known as
 diproton reaction. But make no mistake - the so-called diproton is
 and NOT hydrogen, even though its lifetime is extremely short.

 For every instance of real fusion on the sun there are about 10^20
 of transient diprotons, which are fusing for a few femtoseconds and then
 reversing back to protons. This instant reversibility is due basically to
 the Pauli exclusion principle. However, due the short instant of binding
 there are energetic QCD color changes which take place in the six quarks.

 In short, at least in this RPF hypothesis, nickel-hydrogen gain on earth,
 based on the solar model of RPF and the relevant emission is EUV at 19.3
 and not Mills' Rydberg value.

 -Original Message-


 A good find.

 I have only read it quickly, but maybe a simpler explanation suffices.

 Anomalous 'continuum' emissions occur only in proportion to hydrogen
 present.  This leads me to conjecture that:

 Elliptical Rydberg H-atoms form and ionize, creating fairly intense (mixed
 e-p) current filaments, along with (in the lab frame) a strong magnetic
 vector potential ('A-field') pointing in the plasma flow direction.

 Some of the ionizing e-p pairs form transient, non-stationary colliding
 waveforms trapped in their own embracing coulomb potentials.
 (Several QM texts cover the math of transient coulomb collisions.)

 As the e-p collide, they slow dramatically.  In their collision frame
 the vector potential (A-field) suddenly shrinks, donating it's field
 energy to the collision (to obey momentum conservation.)

 By conventional physics (see Feynman ref[1] below), this must force e-p
 wave function into highly localized, high kinetic energy, compressed
 pairs - compressive collisions similar to colliding rubber balls, as
 opposed to colliding billiards.

 When the proton recaptures the electron, returning to a stationary state,
 the K.E. borrowed from the A-field is radiated and observed.

 The author rules out both bremsstrahlung and recombination.
 My conjecture combines counter-intuitive elements of both.
 If it's correct, no exothermic LENR occurs, but still a valuable

  -- Lou Pagnucco

 [1] Feynman Lectures, v3, ch21, Schrodinger's equation in a magnetic

 Pertinent extract (p.21-5) -
 But remember what happens electrically when I suddenly turn on a flux.
 During the short time that the flux is rising, there's an electric field
 generated whose line integral is the rate of change of the flux with time:

E = - dA/dt(21.16)

 That electric field is enormous if the flux is changing rapidly, and it
 gives a force on the particle.  The force is the 

Re: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper

2013-11-04 Thread pagnucco

A good find.

I have only read it quickly, but maybe a simpler explanation suffices.

Anomalous 'continuum' emissions occur only in proportion to hydrogen
present.  This leads me to conjecture that:

Elliptical Rydberg H-atoms form and ionize, creating fairly intense (mixed
e-p) current filaments, along with (in the lab frame) a strong magnetic
vector potential ('A-field') pointing in the plasma flow direction.

Some of the ionizing e-p pairs form transient, non-stationary colliding
waveforms trapped in their own embracing coulomb potentials.
(Several QM texts cover the math of transient coulomb collisions.)

As the e-p collide, they slow dramatically.  In their collision frame
the vector potential (A-field) suddenly shrinks, donating it's field
energy to the collision (to obey momentum conservation.)

By conventional physics (see Feynman ref[1] below), this must force e-p
wave function into highly localized, high kinetic energy, compressed
pairs - compressive collisions similar to colliding rubber balls, as
opposed to colliding billiards.

When the proton recaptures the electron, returning to a stationary state,
the K.E. borrowed from the A-field is radiated and observed.

The author rules out both bremsstrahlung and recombination.
My conjecture combines counter-intuitive elements of both.
If it's correct, no exothermic LENR occurs, but still a valuable experiment.

 -- Lou Pagnucco

[1] Feynman Lectures, v3, ch21, Schrodinger's equation in a magnetic field

Pertinent extract (p.21-5) -
But remember what happens electrically when I suddenly turn on a flux.
During the short time that the flux is rising, there's an electric field
generated whose line integral is the rate of change of the flux with time:

   E = - dA/dt(21.16)

That electric field is enormous if the flux is changing rapidly, and it
gives a force on the particle.  The force is the charge times the electric
field, and so during the build up of the flux the particle obtains a total
impulse (that is, a change in mv) equal to -qA.  In other words, if you
suddenly turn on a vector potential at a charge, this charge immediately
picks up an 'mv' momentum equal to -qA.

Jones Beene wrote:
 This paper was mentioned 18 months ago on vortex - but has almost been
 ignored by the LENR community since then ... possibly due to some kind of
 absurd jealousy over anything Millsean ... i.e. from Randell Mills

 Forget Randy - Read this paper in the context in Rossi-type LENR - instead
 of Mills.

 Pay close attention to detains in the nanometer geometry ! In my opinion
 this paper supports LENR, instead of Mills! Look at those spikes on the
 charts- clearly much more energy than chemical.

 In fact the details actually seem to go against some of Mills
 - and consequently they can be read as confirming LENR - but in a
 non-exactly nuclear.

 Maybe you can call it quasi-nuclear instead of supra-chemical but this
 paper may be the very best and most informative thing out there to bolster
 variety of  LENR... while shifting the emphasis away from BLP and away


Re: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper

2013-11-03 Thread Axil Axil
It has been conjectured that the Ni/H reactor produces Rydberg matter based
nanoparticles of hydrogen condensate upon the application of spark

The unexpectedly high temperatures produced in the GEN3 experiments may
have been produced from the explosion of these clusters of gas
nanoparticles under the excitation of ultraviolet and x-rays. As the energy
of this EMF goes up so does the explosive power of the clusters.

Energy levels in bulk materials are significantly different from materials
in the nanoscale. Let’s, put it this way: Adding energy to a confined
system such as a cluster is like putting a tiger in a cage. A tiger in a
big zoo with open fields will act more relaxed, because he has a lot of
room to wander around. If you now confine him in smaller and smaller areas,
he gets nervous and agitated. It's a lot that way with electrons. If
they're free to move all around through a metal, they have low energy. Put
them together in a cluster and beam x-rays on them, they get very excited
and try to get out of the structure.

In getting to the breaking point, when the ionized cluster eventually
reaches an ionization limit where the remaining electrons cannot sustain
the structural integrity of the cluster any longer, an explosive
disintegration of the cluster and subsequent plasma expansion of the
positive ions and electrons which once formed the cluster occurs.

Multi-electron ionization of molecules and clusters can be realized by
photoionization of strong x-ray photons.

The multi-electron ionization leads to an explosive disintegration of the
cluster together with the production of multi-charged atomic ions

The kinetic energy of the product ions formed by this explosion is of the
order of several or tens eV in a diatomic molicule, hundreds of eV in small
van der Waals(VDW) clusters,  and 100 KeV to 1 MeV in large (n  1000) VDW

What causes this accelerating weakening of the structure under the
onslaught of x-ray photons radiation is “barrier suppression ionization”.

The initial arrival of x-ray photons begin the formation of plasma that is
localized within the cluster itself.

The electrons initially dislodged by the x-ray photons orbit around the
outside of the cluster. These electrons lower the coulomb barrier holding
the electrons that remain orbiting the cluster’s inner atoms. These
remaining electrons reside in the inner orbits closer in to the nuclei of
their atoms.

Excess electric negative charge in the gas carrying the clusters will also
add to the suppression of the coulomb barrier further supporting cascading
cluster ionization.

When enough electrons are removed, the structure of the cluster cannot
sustain itself any longer and the cluster explodes.

On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 2:28 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

 This paper was mentioned 18 months ago on vortex - but has almost been
 ignored by the LENR community since then ... possibly due to some kind of
 absurd jealousy over anything Millsean ... i.e. from Randell Mills

 Forget Randy - Read this paper in the context in Rossi-type LENR - instead
 of Mills.

 Pay close attention to detains in the nanometer geometry ! In my opinion
 this paper supports LENR, instead of Mills! Look at those spikes on the
 charts- clearly much more energy than chemical.

 In fact the details actually seem to go against some of Mills
 - and consequently they can be read as confirming LENR - but in a
 non-exactly nuclear.

 Maybe you can call it quasi-nuclear instead of supra-chemical but this
 paper may be the very best and most informative thing out there to bolster
 variety of  LENR... while shifting the emphasis away from BLP and away from


Re: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper

2013-11-03 Thread Terry Blanton
Interesting that Gen3 laboratories are located in St Petersburg,
Russia.  Ayn Rand would be proud.  :-)

RE: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper

2013-11-03 Thread Jones Beene
I'm guessing that PhDs can be hired there for a fraction of the cost of
places like Boston... and that in contracting for this kind of experiment it
may be an indication that they do not really know what is going on ... and
are trying to find out from other POVs why the observed values are not
exactly the predicted Rydberg values.

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton 

Interesting that Gen3 laboratories are located in St Petersburg,
Russia.  Ayn Rand would be proud.  :-)

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper

2013-11-03 Thread
Possibly. But did you look at their customer list? Lots of LARGE companies. 
LENR is not a consideration there.

- Reply message -
From: Jones Beene
Subject: [Vo]:Incredible Gen3 paper
Date: Sun, Nov 3, 2013 7:12 PM

I'm guessing that PhDs can be hired there for a fraction of the cost of
places like Boston... and that in contracting for this kind of experiment it
may be an indication that they do not really know what is going on ... and
are trying to find out from other POVs why the observed values are not
exactly the predicted Rydberg values.

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton 

Interesting that Gen3 laboratories are located in St Petersburg,
Russia.  Ayn Rand would be proud.  :-)