[VotoEletronico] Re: En: [NT] Double clicking on Office documents may execute arbitrary programs (DLL)

2000-09-21 Por tôpico Sigmatec

And wich "porra" could it means to my computer operation, my dear friend

What could happen with my documents and with my secrets?

I remain  waiting more informations.

Thank you a lot.

Carlos Tebecherane Haddad

- Original Message -
From: Alejandro Carriles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:@sv.compuland.com.br
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 1:13 PM
Subject: [VotoEletronico] En: [NT] Double clicking on Office documents may
execute arbitrary programs (DLL)

 -Mensagem Original-
 Enviada em: segunda-feira, 18 de setembro de 2000 18:20
 Assunto: [NT] Double clicking on Office documents may execute arbitrary
 programs (DLL)

  The following security advisory is sent to the securiteam mailing list,
 and can be found at the SecuriTeam web site: http://www.securiteam.com
Double clicking on Office documents may execute arbitrary
 programs (DLL)

  If certain DLLs are present in the current directory when a user double
  clicks on a Microsoft Office Document or launches the document using
  "Start | Run", those DLLs will be executed instead of the ones provided
  with Microsoft Office. This would allow executing of native code and may
  lead to taking full control over user's computer.
  Vulnerable systems:
  MS Office 2000
  Windows 98
  Windows 2000
  If either of the following files:
  Are present in the current directory, double clicking on an Office
  document in the current directory will cause them to be executes
  and their DllMain() function called) (Excel seems not to work with
  riched20.dll but works with msi.dll).
  Proof of concept:
  1) Download dll1.cpp from  http://www.guninski.com/dll1.cpp
  http://www.guninski.com/dll1.cpp and build it.
  2) Rename dll1.dll to riched20.dll
  3) Place riched20.dll in a directory of your choice
  4) Close all Office applications
  5) From Windows Explorer double click on an Office document (preferably
  Word document) in the directory congaing riched20.dll
  Do not double click on Office documents or use "Start | Run office.doc".
  Instead start the Office application from "Start Menu" and then use
  | Open"
  The information has been provided by  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Georgi Guninski.
  This bulletin is sent to members of the SecuriTeam mailing list.
  To unsubscribe from the list, send mail with an empty subject line and
  In order to subscribe to the mailing list, simply forward this email to:
  The information in this bulletin is provided "AS IS" without warranty of
 any kind.
  In no event shall we be liable for any damages whatsoever including
 direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or
 special damages.

 Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto Eletronico

Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto Eletronico

[VotoEletronico] Re: En: [NT] Double clicking on Office documents may execute arbitrary programs (DLL)

2000-09-21 Por tôpico Aristóteles

Use o StarOffice Carlos.


- Original Message -
From: Sigmatec [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 10:58 AM
Subject: [VotoEletronico] Re: En: [NT] Double clicking on Office documents
may execute arbitrary programs (DLL)

 And wich "porra" could it means to my computer operation, my dear friend

 What could happen with my documents and with my secrets?

 I remain  waiting more informations.

 Thank you a lot.

 Carlos Tebecherane Haddad

 - Original Message -
 From: Alejandro Carriles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:@sv.compuland.com.br
 Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 1:13 PM
 Subject: [VotoEletronico] En: [NT] Double clicking on Office documents may
 execute arbitrary programs (DLL)

  -Mensagem Original-
  Enviada em: segunda-feira, 18 de setembro de 2000 18:20
  Assunto: [NT] Double clicking on Office documents may execute arbitrary
  programs (DLL)
   The following security advisory is sent to the securiteam mailing
  and can be found at the SecuriTeam web site: http://www.securiteam.com
 Double clicking on Office documents may execute arbitrary
  programs (DLL)

   If certain DLLs are present in the current directory when a user
   clicks on a Microsoft Office Document or launches the document using
   "Start | Run", those DLLs will be executed instead of the ones
   with Microsoft Office. This would allow executing of native code and
   lead to taking full control over user's computer.
   Vulnerable systems:
   MS Office 2000
   Windows 98
   Windows 2000
   If either of the following files:
   Are present in the current directory, double clicking on an Office
   document in the current directory will cause them to be executes
   and their DllMain() function called) (Excel seems not to work with
   riched20.dll but works with msi.dll).
   Proof of concept:
   1) Download dll1.cpp from  http://www.guninski.com/dll1.cpp
   http://www.guninski.com/dll1.cpp and build it.
   2) Rename dll1.dll to riched20.dll
   3) Place riched20.dll in a directory of your choice
   4) Close all Office applications
   5) From Windows Explorer double click on an Office document
   Word document) in the directory congaing riched20.dll
   Do not double click on Office documents or use "Start | Run
   Instead start the Office application from "Start Menu" and then use
   | Open"
   The information has been provided by  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Georgi Guninski.
   This bulletin is sent to members of the SecuriTeam mailing list.
   To unsubscribe from the list, send mail with an empty subject line and
  body to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   In order to subscribe to the mailing list, simply forward this email
   The information in this bulletin is provided "AS IS" without warranty
  any kind.
   In no event shall we be liable for any damages whatsoever including
  direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or
  special damages.
  Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto Eletronico

 Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto Eletronico

Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto Eletronico

[VotoEletronico] A INseguranca Urnas Eletronicas

2000-09-21 Por tôpico Benjamin Azevedo

Segue copia de carta enviada ao jornal O Globo.

Ao jornal O Globo,

Com referencia ao artigo do Juiz Thiago Ribas Filho, na sua edicao de
eh essencial esclarecer que o referido artigo esquiva-se dos reais
das urnas eletronicas, e fundamenta a defesa das mesmas em simples

Tenho visao diametralmente oposta, que julgo de suma importancia,
chegue aos leitores deste conceituado jornal.

O equipamento atual da Una, mais o processo vigente criam
inadmissiveis, as quais o TSE nao consegue contestar, 
mas tampouco reconhece, e muito menos corrige:

1)Antes de cada eleitor votar, o mesario digita o numero do seu titulo
  de eleitor num teclado que (pasme) eh ligado a Urna.
  A justificativa eh que eh preciso controlar a Urna e so desbloquea-la
  quando ha um novo eleitor para votar.
  Ocorre porem que ao digitar o numero do titulo, abre-se de cara
  a real possibilidade do programa da Urna associar o voto e o eleitor,
  quebrando o sigilo do voto definido na constituicao.
  Nao pode ser feita esta digitacao. Nossa sugestao eh que haja 
  apenas um botao para liberarcao.

2)Desde 1998, foi eliminado o comprovante de voto que antes axistia.
  Com isto nao existe mais possibilidade de auditagem, ou recontagem
  de uma urna.
  Isto fere o direito dos candidatos a conferencia e impugnacao
  de secoes com resultados suspeitos, alem do que abre a porta
  para que eventual erro no programa da urna, ou mesmo fraude,
  seja virtualmente indetectavel.
  O programa pode alterar a totalizacao de votos antes da impressao
  do boletim da secao, e nao ha como evitar ou detectar isto.
  O voto impresso tem que voltar.

3)Finalmente nao ha garantia de que o programa da urna eh conhecido
  ou tenha sido testado pelos partidos, ja que o acesso eh parcial,
  e em tempo insuficiente, alem do que nao ha garantia de que 
  o programa carregado eh aquele que ainda que superficialmente 
  foi apresentado aos partidos.
  Para ver a que nivel o teste pelos partidos eh inutil,
  basta dizer que no teste a urna eh carregada com versao de teste,
  e nao com a versao real de votacao.
  Combinado com os problemas anteriores, este segredo em torno
  do programa faz com que o TSE nao possa comprovar que no dia
  da eleicao nao estara la um programa que se aproveita das falhas
  dos itens (1) e (2).
  Nossa sugestao eh corrigir os itens (1) e (2), fazendo com que
  conhecer o programa nao seja a unica forma de tentar garantir 
  a honestidade da urna. Mesmo assim seria saudavel que o programa
  fosse aberto, e na verdade nao ha razao para que nao o seja.

Os leitores interessados no assunto podem ter bastante material de
no site http://www.votoseguro.org.br que foi organizado
pelo tambem engenheiro Amilcar Brunazzo de Santos.
Ali foram se encontrando aqueles que desde 1996 notaram os
problemas, como o Brunazzo, eu, e muito mais gente, de todo o Brasil.
Sim, ao contrario do que afirma o Dr Thiago, a contestacao vem de longa

A imprensa tem dado destaque crescente, com citacoes nos principais

Benjamin Azevedo

Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto Eletronico

[VotoEletronico] Re: En: [NT] Double clicking on Office documents may execute arbitrary programs (DLL)

2000-09-21 Por tôpico Celso Pinheiro - AUD São Paulo

O assunto é off-topic mas tenho uma dica boa para quem quer (ou necessita)
continuar utilizando o office...
os documentos que vcs produzem certamente não estão espionando vocês.
os documentos não confiáveis (qualquer documento que vc não produziu) pode
ser lidos no Wordpad (programas, acessorios).
Além do Wordpad não ser vulnerável a esse "bug" e compatível com word, ele
não executa macros (e consequentemente livra voces de macro vírus).

Celso Pinheiro
Especialista em Tecnologia de Informação\

- Original Message -
From: "Aristóteles" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 1:02 PM
Subject: [VotoEletronico] Re: En: [NT] Double clicking on Office documents
may execute arbitrary programs (DLL)

Todo brasileiro tem direito a um e-mail grátis

Use o StarOffice Carlos.


- Original Message -
From: Sigmatec [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 10:58 AM
Subject: [VotoEletronico] Re: En: [NT] Double clicking on Office documents
may execute arbitrary programs (DLL)

 And wich "porra" could it means to my computer operation, my dear friend

 What could happen with my documents and with my secrets?

 I remain  waiting more informations.

 Thank you a lot.

 Carlos Tebecherane Haddad

 - Original Message -
 From: Alejandro Carriles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:@sv.compuland.com.br
 Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 1:13 PM
 Subject: [VotoEletronico] En: [NT] Double clicking on Office documents may
 execute arbitrary programs (DLL)

  -Mensagem Original-
  Enviada em: segunda-feira, 18 de setembro de 2000 18:20
  Assunto: [NT] Double clicking on Office documents may execute arbitrary
  programs (DLL)
   The following security advisory is sent to the securiteam mailing
  and can be found at the SecuriTeam web site: http://www.securiteam.com
 Double clicking on Office documents may execute arbitrary
  programs (DLL)

   If certain DLLs are present in the current directory when a user
   clicks on a Microsoft Office Document or launches the document using
   "Start | Run", those DLLs will be executed instead of the ones
   with Microsoft Office. This would allow executing of native code and
   lead to taking full control over user's computer.
   Vulnerable systems:
   MS Office 2000
   Windows 98
   Windows 2000
   If either of the following files:
   Are present in the current directory, double clicking on an Office
   document in the current directory will cause them to be executes
   and their DllMain() function called) (Excel seems not to work with
   riched20.dll but works with msi.dll).
   Proof of concept:
   1) Download dll1.cpp from  http://www.guninski.com/dll1.cpp
   http://www.guninski.com/dll1.cpp and build it.
   2) Rename dll1.dll to riched20.dll
   3) Place riched20.dll in a directory of your choice
   4) Close all Office applications
   5) From Windows Explorer double click on an Office document
   Word document) in the directory congaing riched20.dll
   Do not double click on Office documents or use "Start | Run
   Instead start the Office application from "Start Menu" and then use
   | Open"
   The information has been provided by  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Georgi Guninski.
   This bulletin is sent to members of the SecuriTeam mailing list.
   To unsubscribe from the list, send mail with an empty subject line and
  body to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   In order to subscribe to the mailing list, simply forward this email
   The information in this bulletin is provided "AS IS" without warranty
  any kind.
   In no event shall we be liable for any damages whatsoever including
  direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or
  special damages.
  Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto Eletronico

 Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto Eletronico

Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto Eletronico

Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto 

[VotoEletronico] Re: Publicidade

2000-09-21 Por tôpico Roger Chadel

A respeito de [VotoEletronico] Publicidade,
em 21/09/2000, 14:25, Evandro Oliveira escreveu:

EO Companheiros,

EO Aqui em MG, a Telemar (concessionária de telefonia que atende outras
EO unidades da federacao) distribui em suas contas a seguinte mensagem
EO comercial...


Pois eu acho que a Telemar está certíssima, Evandro: é muito
FÁCIL  fraudar  o  voto,  e  totalmente  SEGURO: ninguém vai

Grande abraço,

Roger Chadel
Chadel Quality Software

Extraido de minha coleção de taglines:
Impressionante como as coisas caem do céu para mim. (Suzana Werner)

 \ /  Campanha da fita ASCII - contra mail html
  X   ASCII ribbon campaign - against html mail
 / \

Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto Eletronico