Re: [vox-tech] Funny characters in aterm on kubuntu

2006-01-12 Thread Jay Strauss
Additional info.

Its weird, when I do 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ env | egrep '^LC|LANG'

in my regular xterm, I'm set to UTF-8.  But everything works fine.  When I go 

export LANG=en.ISO-8859-1 in my aterm I run man, and things display correctly 
but I get an error

man: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct
Reformatting bash(1), please wait...

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Funny characters in aterm on kubuntu

2006-01-12 Thread Jay Strauss
 Aterm may not support Unicode. xterm does.

  export LANG=en.ISO-8859-1 in my aterm I run man, and things display
  correctly but I get an error
  man: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct
  Reformatting bash(1), please wait...

 This can be reconfigured by running dpkg-reconfigure locales and
 selecting the appropriate locales to generate.


Thanks Ken,

As an English speaker  reader, what do I lose by not having unicode support?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Funny characters in aterm on kubuntu

2006-01-12 Thread Jay Strauss

 Some people's names, particularly in Debian changelogs, with diacritics
 may not show properly. Of course the advantage is that links, links2 and
 elinks all look much nicer when you're not in UTF-8 for some reason.


Thanks again Ken

I did as you said and recompiled my locales.  aterm works fine now.  I'll keep 
things set to use LANG=en_US.ISO-8859-1, hopefully everything will continue 
to work.


ps. I wish kmail would reply to the list as well as to the other as a default.  
I keep having to resend to the list 
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Funny characters in aterm on kubuntu

2006-01-11 Thread Jay Strauss
Hi all,

I'm running Kubuntu breezy.  I've installed aterm

aterm version 0.4.2

When I use man or perldoc I get funny characters in the output.  Most 
(99%) of the output is normal but ever so often there is a funny character 
embedded in the output.  It seems like it happens mostly (but not exclusively) 
at the end of a line.

Regular xterm outputs perfectly.

Can anyone suggest some things to try to fix this?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Funny characters in aterm on kubuntu

2006-01-11 Thread Jay Strauss
 Sounds like probably an encoding problem.

 What character set does aterm expect to be using? UTF-8?

 Most manpages assume ISO-8859-1, I believe.

 What is the output of ( env | egrep '^LC|LANG' )?

 Micah J. Cowan

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ env | egrep '^LC|LANG'

So what would you suggest trying?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] [OT] Pumping a password using Expect

2006-01-05 Thread Jay Strauss
On Thursday 05 January 2006 7:33 pm, timriley wrote:
 then capture those SQL statements and send them to sqlplus.

Not to change the scope of your project, but why would you do it using 
sqlplus, as opposed to DBI?  You could avoid the whole login issue and 
probably get better performance.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Kmail Question

2005-11-17 Thread Jay Strauss
On Thursday 17 November 2005 1:56 am, Bill Kendrick wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 06:27:42PM -0600, Jay Strauss wrote:
  Do you know how to change the font (I see) while composing a letter?

 Under Settings-Configure KMail..., go to the Appearance section's
 Fonts tab.  It looks as though you'll need to enable Use custom fonts.

 Under Apply to, select Composer, and set the font/size you want.

 Hope that helps!

 (FYI - I don't use KMail... I use Mutt and, at work, Mozilla Mail)

Thanks Bill,

I'm new to KDE (and kmail), I'm having a hard time finding my way around 
configuration.  Things don't seem to be were I expect them

Thanks again
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Kmail Question

2005-11-16 Thread Jay Strauss
On Monday 14 November 2005 4:16 pm, Micah J. Cowan wrote:
 It's what I've switched back to. It has its problems, but it's my
 favorite thus far.

I like the spell checker as you go (plus good dictionary and suggestions).  I 
like the bold red highlighting of misspelled words.

good hotkeying, I like how lf/rt arrows take you to the next message, and up 
down scroll within a message

The message sorting seems kinda funky.

Do you know how to change the font (I see) while composing a letter?


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Kmail Question

2005-11-14 Thread Jay Strauss
You should try Thunderbird. It kinda sucks too :)

JayOn 11/14/05, Micah J. Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sun, Nov 13, 2005 at 01:26:21AM -0800, Richard Harke wrote: On Sun November 13 2005 00:55, Richard Harke wrote:  Kmail normally expects its mail directory to be the users home  directory/Mail Is there some way to set to something else?
  I want to use it with a jump drive under Knoppix.  Well, duh! Just use a soft link.Should have googled first. RichardStill not very flexible, if you ask me. I recently gave up on KMail
after numerous issues with it; primarily that sometimes it would just...stop working.Actually, I have yet to find a GUI email client for Linux that I like.But I need to use them for HTML-based emails that I receive at work.
:-(-Micah___vox-tech mailing
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] replacing firefox 1.0 with firefox 1.06

2005-08-17 Thread Jay Strauss

Chris Horsting wrote:

I used a script.

Chris, take it from someone who has learned the lesson first hand, 
provide detail to your questions.  Including (but not limited to):

Distro and version
an accurate description of the steps you took and the results

If you do not show that you took the time and the effort to give someone 
a chance to help, they won't give you the effort in return.

I suspect that anyone on this list that can help you (which excuses me) 
needs to know:

1) what linux distribution you are running
2) what version
3) did you use some sort of package like and rpm or deb, or from source
4) did you write this script you talked about (which I doubt), or did 
it come this the code you installed

5) where did the new version get installed, where is the old version
6) what's your path

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] sshd_config and PasswordAuthentication

2005-07-22 Thread Jay Strauss


The authentication is handled by SSH using the public/private keypair.
The system password itself isn't involved in the authentication at all.

It's possible to have users whose remote passwords are unknown or
disabled by this method.  This is the case for a number of remote hosts
I access regularly.


Karsten, I apologize, I didn't realize I hadn't responded.  Thanks for 
all the info.

I think you are talking about passwordless authentication, ie 
public/private keypair, where once it's setup, all I have to do is logon 
to boxA then can ssh to boxB without typing a password.  I've done this 
on a number of my boxes (currently and in the past).

I didn't realize that PasswordAuthentication was related to the above. 
I thought you were telling me that when this is set to no then I still 
type my password, then some magic happens, and I login to the remote box 
but I never send my password down the line.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] WiFi Part II

2005-07-21 Thread Jay Strauss

David Hummel wrote:

On Thu, Jul 21, 2005 at 09:45:59AM -0700, William Andrew wrote:

So I have tried lots of places and messed with lots of settings to no
avail.  That brings up Jonathan's comment : you may need to get a
different card.

Now if I were to look for the Ideal WiFi card for a ThinkPad T22
running FedoraCore what would I go looking for? What is the best Linux

There really isn't a best.  There are varying degrees of support for
different cards.  Some cards just work.  I've always prefered Orinoco
(Lucent/Agere) cards, or Prism-based cards.  If you want I have an
Orinoco Silver I'd be willing to part with.

vox-tech mailing list

I would definitely make sure you know which type of encryption you will 
be using.  I have a Prism based card (built-in) to my thinkpad and am 
able to orinoco and wpa_supplicant on it to connect to wep and wpa based 
networks (respectively).

Aethos based cards use madwifi (I think) for wpa.

Make sure you buy a card who's chip someone has made drivers for

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] sshd_config and PasswordAuthentication

2005-07-08 Thread Jay Strauss

What's wrong with PasswordAuthentication in a nutshell is, in order to
authenticate yourself, both you and the destination host know your

But, even if I have this set to no, and I do an interactive login, 
then both me and the remote box need to know my password.

public/private keys avoid the above issue.

But I dont' see how setting PasswordAuthentication yes accomplishes the 

Obviously I'm missing something.  I'm going to go reread the thread

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Matching Contents of Lists

2005-07-08 Thread Jay Strauss

Micah J. Cowan wrote:

On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 03:08:38PM -0700, Lango, Trevor M.  wrote:

I have two lists, not necessarily of the same length.  List #1 has two
columns.  List #2 has one column.  I would like to do the following:

Scan list #1 line by line.  If a match for column #1 in list #1 is found
in list #2, extract the matching lines and put them in a new list (#3).
Otherwise, leave the contents of lists #1 and #2 as they are.

If I expected the contents of the first column of each list to match
exactly (character for character) - this would be a simple task with C++
or the like.  However, the contents will not necessarily be perfectly
identical.  I do believe they are nearly identical enough though to use
pattern matching via Perl or the like.  Personally this is difficult for
me (as a Perl noob), I know how to scan through a file for a
pre-determined pattern - I don't understand how to scan through a file
for a pattern that is essentially given by a line in another file...?  I
have not found anything in my reading of Perl documentation that
explains how to read a file and use its contents as an argument for the
pattern to search for in another file (suggestions on excellent Perl doc
sources appreciated also!).

Perl allows you to build up a regex pattern in a scalar, and then use
that scalar to match against a string. For instance:

  @words = qw( foo bar );
  $pattern = join('|', @words);
  $line =~ $pattern; # Does $line match 'foo|bar'?

I'm not sure if this is actually the most useful mechanism for what you
want, though.

This is what the contents of the lists may look like:


Examples of matching:

TALL0047ATAL0047A   not a match
TALL0047ATAL0470A   not a match

The contents will always be one to four alpha characters followed by one
to four numeric characters possibly followed by one or two alpha

A match would be defined as the following criteria being met:

- The last one to four digits being identical (excluding leading zeroes)
- The first one to four letters being identical

It is not entirely clear to me what role the final 'A' character has in
determining a match. However, I would recommend the following alogirthm.

First, you will need to create a comparison function, that will return
an integer less than, greater than, or equal to zero depending on
whether its first argument compares lexically less than, greater than,
or equal to its second argument. This function should match based on
your rules given above, and is meant as an analog for the cmp and =

Next, sort both lists. Start with an index into the first element of
list 1 ($i), and an index into the first element of list 2 ($j).

If $list_one[$i] compares equal to $list_two[$j], you have your match:
remove that element from both lists, and append it to the new one.

If $list_one[$i] compares less than $list_two[$j], then advance $i and
compare again.

If $list_one[$i] compares greater than $list_two[$j], then advance $j
and compare again.

If either $i or $j falls off the end, you are done. This algorithm
has linear complexity-- O(N), where N is the number of elements in the
longer of the two lists. Not counting the complexity involved for
whatever sort algorithm you use. If you use Perl's sort function, you'll
get linearithmic time (N log N).

Test the hell outta your code before relying upon it. :-)


Won't this just match identical records, and not account for his 
matching rules?  Seems like this is just a programmatic SQL join

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Matching Contents of Lists

2005-07-08 Thread Jay Strauss

Examples of matching:

TALL0047ATAL0047A   not a match
TALL0047ATAL0470A   not a match

The contents will always be one to four alpha characters followed by one
to four numeric characters possibly followed by one or two alpha

A match would be defined as the following criteria being met:

- The last one to four digits being identical (excluding leading zeroes)
- The first one to four letters being identical

I think your rules need more flushing out because based on your rules 
you can get many entries in list 1 to match a single entry in list 2

 TALL0047ATAL0047A  not a match

Based on your rules above, TALL0047A and TAL0047A do in fact match

Are you really saying:

From both items
remove trailing alphas
take the last 4 digits
remove any leading zeros
if the remaining digits match from both items move on to the front of 
the string
if the leading alphas match (i.e. have the same length and same 
sequence) then you have a full match

Do the strings always start with alphas? Or are there sometimes numerics 
within the first 1-4 characters?

Is there stuff between the leading and ending portions, such that the 
entries may be more than 10 characters long?


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Matching Contents of Lists

2005-07-08 Thread Jay Strauss

Lango, Trevor M. wrote:
First I apologize for the lame reply format - I am forced to use Microsoft Outlook Web Access (shudder) at work and wouldn't you know - it doesn't offer any options for mail format...?  

Based on your rules above, TALL0047A and TAL0047A do in fact match

No, actually - however many characters are present in each have to match.  If 
the number of alpha characters in the first set of each field in the two lists 
differ - no match.

Are you really saying:

From both items
remove trailing alphas

No.  If trailing alphas are present they must also match.

take the last 4 digits
remove any leading zeros


Do the strings always start with alphas? Or are there sometimes numerics
within the first 1-4 characters?

Yes - always start with alphas.

Is there stuff between the leading and ending portions, such that the
entries may be more than 10 characters long?

There will never be more than 4 leading alphas, 5 numerics, and 2 trailing 

So if, the string always starts with alphas, followed by digits, 
followed (optionally) by alphas, and the digits must match when leading 
zeros are removed then you could:

# here is one method (as always there are many ways to do it)
# read each file, parse the sections of each str, put those in a hash
# then compare the hashs, deleting the keys when you get a match

use strict;

my (@new, %file1, %file2);

open (FILE, file1);
while (FILE) {
my $key = join(,parse($_));
$file1{$key} = $_;
close (FILE);

open (FILE, file2);
while (FILE) {
my $key = join(,parse($_));
$file2{$key} = $_;
close (FILE);

my %tmp = %file1;
while (my ($key,$value) = each %tmp) {

if (defined $file2{$key}) {
delete $file1{$key};
delete $file2{$key};

push @new, $value;

print matching\n;
print join(\n, @new),\n;

print in file1 but not file2\n;
print join(\n, sort values %file1),\n;

print in file2 but not file1\n;
print join(\n, sort values %file2),\n;

sub parse {
my $str = $_[0];

# Capture the parts, leading alpha, followed by n digits,
# followed optionally by alphas
$str =~ /([a-zA-Z]+)(\d+)([a-zA-Z]+)?/;

my @str = ($1,$2,$3);   # put the matches back into an array
$str[1] =~ s/^0+//; # strip leading 0s from digit portion

return @str;
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Matching Contents of Lists

2005-07-08 Thread Jay Strauss

Of course, this could have been:

  my (@str) = $str =~ /([a-zA-Z]+)(\d+)([a-zA-Z]+)?/;

eliminating the need to refer specifically to the positional variables.

Absolutely, though it might be obfuscated to the OP

$str[1] =~ s/^0+//; # strip leading 0s from digit portion

Personally, I typically use $str[1] += 0, but obviously that's a style

Clever, never thought (probably never would have either) to do it that way.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Matching Contents of Lists

2005-07-08 Thread Jay Strauss

Micah J. Cowan wrote:

On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 10:28:00AM -0500, Jay Strauss wrote:

Micah J. Cowan wrote:


First, you will need to create a comparison function, that will return
an integer less than, greater than, or equal to zero depending on
whether its first argument compares lexically less than, greater than,
or equal to its second argument. This function should match based on
your rules given above, and is meant as an analog for the cmp and =


Won't this just match identical records, and not account for his 
matching rules?  Seems like this is just a programmatic SQL join

(Read the above paragraph).

I didn't really know what you meant by lexically.  I thought you might 
be saying:

return -1 if $a lt $b;
return 0 if $a eq $b;
return 1 if $a gt $b;

But I now understand, you want to build sophisticated comparison, maybe 
even character by character, to determine -1,0,1.  Seems hard, but 
you've probably already boiled it down to a one-liner :)

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] sshd_config and PasswordAuthentication

2005-07-07 Thread Jay Strauss


I have a sveasoft box, and in order to ssh from the sveasoft to a target 
box, the target box must have PasswordAuthentication yes in the 
/etc/ssh/sshd_config file.

I don't understand what that config option actually does.  The config 
file has:

# To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here!

Does this mean you can send clear text passwords to login?
Does this mean that when you build a tunnel, passwords are sent clear 
text to the forwarded app?

Since I'm on Sarge, and debian seems to be security conscious as a 
default is setting this to yes a security risk?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] sshd_config and PasswordAuthentication

2005-07-07 Thread Jay Strauss

No, SSH never passes password across the net in cleartext. They are sent to
the remote host when using this option, which means that unless you have a
different password for each host, a malicious remote administrator could
capture your password and then use if to compromise your other accounts.

Feeling a bit stupid but I still don't understand what you mean

If I ssh from A to sveasoft - the password is encrypted
If I then ssh from sveasoft to C - the password is cleartext?

With PasswordAuthentication set to no, SSH-key authentication must be used
instead of a password. This method uses public/private key pairs created by
ssh-keygen(1) to authenticate. This is generally considered more secure than
tunneled-password authencation for reasons than someone else can explaim
better than I can.

This is what I thought that option did, but I have 
PasswordAuthentication no on most of my boxes but don't use a key pair 
to log in.  I get prompted for a password and I type that in, and I'm 
logged on.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] sshd_config and PasswordAuthentication

2005-07-07 Thread Jay Strauss

Micah J. Cowan wrote:

On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 10:57:53AM -0500, Jay Strauss wrote:

No, SSH never passes password across the net in cleartext. They are sent to
the remote host when using this option, which means that unless you have a
different password for each host, a malicious remote administrator could
capture your password and then use if to compromise your other accounts.

Feeling a bit stupid but I still don't understand what you mean

If I ssh from A to sveasoft - the password is encrypted
If I then ssh from sveasoft to C - the password is cleartext?

No. The ssh password is always tunneled, but it's tunnelled cleartext.
This means that a sysadmin at sveasoft could rig their sshd to capture
the cleartext password to a file, and they could then use it at other
sites where you use the same password.

Note that before you ssh'd in, they don't have your password
unencrypted: they have a password hash.

I feel I'm going a little round and round here

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you saying simply is that 
the data that comes out of the far side of the tunnel is clear text?


me --ssh/encrypted -- sveasoft -- tunnel/cleartext -- box C

BTW, sveasoft is just my own linksys router (at home) running a 
different firmware, you could substitute any linux box in for the sveasoft

But if I ssh to a box that has PasswordAuthentication yes, but then just 
do vi and other admin tasks, nothing is clear text between the 2 
computers, including (most importantly) my password.  The tunneling bit 
I'm not too worried about.

Furthermore if I, from the ssh session into my router, in turn ssh to 
another box, everything from box router - c is encrypted, right?


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] I'm out of space on /

2005-06-29 Thread Jay Strauss

Thanks Karsten

Actually, /var, /home, and /usr are on separate partitions (I think I 
deleted them in the interest of the email)

hydrogen:/# df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1 133M  111M   15M  89% /
tmpfs 189M  4.0K  189M   1% /dev/shm
/dev/hda8  27G  1.4G   24G   6% /home
/dev/hda7 361M  8.1M  334M   3% /tmp
/dev/hda5 4.6G  905M  3.5G  21% /usr
/dev/hda6 2.8G  115M  2.6G   5% /var
fe:/home   50G   16G   32G  34% /mnt/fe/home

I'll follow your guide when I repartition (eminently)


Karsten M. Self wrote:

on Sun, Jun 26, 2005 at 11:28:01PM -0500, Jay Strauss ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:


I was trying to install kernel-image-2.6.8-2-686, on debian sarge.  But 
I'm getting:

dpkg: error processing 

_i386.deb (--unpack):
failed in buffer_write(fd) (8, ret=-1): backend dpkg-deb during 
2.6.8-2-686/kernel/sound/pci/trident/snd-trident-synth.ko': No space 
left on device

I don't know what's taking up space and what I can delete.  I did a

hydrogen:/# du -hxs *
0   cdrom
88K dev
0   initrd.img
79M lib
12K lost+found
0   sys
13K tmp
0   vmlinuz

That's part of the answer.

You need to specify your filesystems too.  If you're running a single
filesysytem, the above is comprehensie.  Looks like you're missing /var
and /usr from there.

'df -h' is what you want to show.  In my case we'd see:

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2 228M  196M   21M  91% /
tmpfs 475M  4.0K  475M   1% /dev/shm
/dev/hda1  38M   28M  8.8M  76% /boot
/dev/hda9 259M  154M  106M  60% /tmp
/dev/hda10   1004M  818M  187M  82% /var
/dev/hda113.0G  2.8G  143M  96% /usr
/dev/hda12   1004M  493M  512M  50% /usr/local
/dev/hda13 12G   11G  742M  94% /home

(I like lots of partitions ;-)

To track down specific filesystem usage, I like:

   du -sx * | sort -nr

...which will sort utilization of directories (and files) within the
current directory.  Going down the subdirectories tends to be pretty
fast due to disk caching.

A really nice graphical utility for identifying where storage issues
exist is 'filelight':

...which shows usage graphically, allows drilling down to see what
specifically is using space.

My current partitioning recommendations are here:

Now I'm a bit afraid to reboot my machine, for fear its been left in a
damaged state.

Should only be the new kernel that's not properly installed.  Since its
installation didn't complete, you shouldn't have to worry about it.

Bootable disks (Knoppix, LNX-BBC, DSL, etc.) will pretty much always get
you back into your system even if you've mucked something up badly.


vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] I'm out of space on /

2005-06-29 Thread Jay Strauss

I'd agree with a larger root partition


Karsten M. Self wrote:

on Tue, Jun 28, 2005 at 05:06:20AM -0700, Shwaine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

On Sun, 26 Jun 2005, Jay Strauss wrote:

hydrogen:/# du -hxs *
0   cdrom
88K dev
0   initrd.img
79M lib

This suggests a couple of kernels.  Current (2.6) kernels are running
~40 MiB in modules.  You can spare space by:

  - Deleting unused kernels.

  - Copying older kernel's modules to an alternate location and linking
them back.  Kernel won't be bootable, but you'll be able to undo the
damage if necessary.  If you use an initrd to load boot-required
drivers, this actually *will* work.

  - Compiling your own kernel with only necessary modules.  SCSI, ISDN,
bluetooth, telephony, atm, and many network drivers can be dropped
for considerable savings.  Alternatively, you could copy driver
trees not needed at boot to another partition and symlink them back.
Post-boot, module loads will work.

Because of kernel bloat, I'm currently recommending a minimum of ~150,
and preferably ~250 MiB+ for root.



On Mon, 27 Jun 2005, Jay Strauss wrote:

hydrogen:/# df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1 133M  107M   19M  86% /
tmpfs 189M  4.0K  189M   1% /dev/shm
/dev/hda8  27G  1.4G   24G   6% /home
/dev/hda7 361M  8.1M  334M   3% /tmp
/dev/hda5 4.6G  821M  3.6G  19% /usr
/dev/hda6 2.8G  113M  2.6G   5% /var
fe:/home   50G   16G   32G  34% /mnt/fe/home

Off the bat a few things popped at me... first double-check the size on 
/proc. That seems a bit high, particularly given your second email that 
says the partition is not even that large. 

/proc is a virtual filesystem, it doesn't exist.  Most files in it
report a filesize of zero.

The exceptions are any symlinks (always report a size of 1), and
/proc/kcore, which reports memory size.

From which, we can assume Jay's got 386MB RAM on his box.

If you have a rogue process chewing up disk space, you'll want to
solve that first. Second, also check the inodes available with df -i
just in case this is a case of inode exhaustion instead of disk space.

Good suggestion but doesn't seem to fit the data as presented.

My final thought is to look through /lib and see if you need all the
libraries you have installed as it seems to be the lion's share of the
partition. My lib directory is about half the size of yours, but I
tend to be minimalistic with my installations.

You've likely only got one kernel installed.

...and for comparison, local partitions, and root FS sizes:

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2 228M  196M   21M  91% /
tmpfs 475M  4.0K  475M   1% /dev/shm
/dev/hda1  38M   28M  8.8M  76% /boot
/dev/hda9 259M  197M   63M  76% /tmp
/dev/hda10   1004M  820M  185M  82% /var
/dev/hda113.0G  2.8G  143M  96% /usr
/dev/hda12   1004M  493M  512M  50% /usr/local
/dev/hda13 12G   11G  720M  94% /home

And root utilization:

# du -s bin dev etc lib root sbin
4364	bin

95  dev
34960   etc
115593  lib
33286   root


vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] I'm out of space on /

2005-06-28 Thread Jay Strauss

Off the bat a few things popped at me... first double-check the size on 
/proc. That seems a bit high, particularly given your second email that 
says the partition is not even that large. 

I reran and got the same:

0   20
13M boot
0   cdrom
88K dev
0   initrd.img
0   initrd.img.old
80M lib
12K lost+found
du: `proc/3077/task': No such file or directory
du: `proc/3077/fd': No such file or directory
0   sys
24K tmp
83M var
0   vmlinuz
0   vmlinuz.old

I dont' know if I have a rouge process.  Not even sure how to go about 
looking for it. I did a ps -ef, and everything (virtually) is regarding 
X and KDE, I just rebooted the box.

If you have a rogue process
chewing up disk space, you'll want to solve that first. Second, also 
check the inodes available with df -i just in case this is a case of 
inode exhaustion instead of disk space.

I'm ok on inodes

hydrogen:/# df -i
FilesystemInodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/hda1  72288   11318   60970   16% /
tmpfs  48280   3   482771% /dev/shm
/dev/hda83541440   19689 35217511% /home
/dev/hda7 192768  43  1927251% /tmp
/dev/hda5 610432   43762  5666708% /usr
/dev/hda6 3665282858  3636701% /var
fe:/home 65536008424 65451761% /mnt/fe/home

 My final thought is to look
through /lib and see if you need all the libraries you have installed as 
it seems to be the lion's share of the partition. 

I did go thru my /lib directory yesterday and deleted some unused stuff, 
and that freed up enough space to allow me to install the new kernel

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] I'm out of space on /

2005-06-27 Thread Jay Strauss
Thanks Rick, unfortunately that's not the prob.  I'm not out of space on 
var (since var is a different filesystem)

hydrogen:/# df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1 133M  107M   19M  86% /
tmpfs 189M  4.0K  189M   1% /dev/shm
/dev/hda8  27G  1.4G   24G   6% /home
/dev/hda7 361M  8.1M  334M   3% /tmp
/dev/hda5 4.6G  821M  3.6G  19% /usr
/dev/hda6 2.8G  113M  2.6G   5% /var
fe:/home   50G   16G   32G  34% /mnt/fe/home

I'm out of space on /.  and the install is trying to write to /lib

dpkg: error processing 
 failed in buffer_write(fd) (8, ret=-1): backend dpkg-deb during 
`./lib/modules/2.6.8-2-686/kernel/drivers/video/console/fbcon.ko': No 
space left on device

Will moving the contents of lib somewhere else, like /usr/mylib and soft 
linking /lib-/usr/mylib work as a workaround?  Will my machine be able 
to boot correctly?


Rick Moen wrote:

I did a

hydrogen:/# du -hxs *

I suspect that including x sabotaged your intent, there, since, if
memory serves, it limits the report to subdirectories on just the one
filesystem you happen to specify, and omits all others.  So, if your
current directory at that time -- which I gather must have been the root
directory -- was on a filesystem didn't include /var, then the report
wouldn't tell you anything about that subtree.

If my guess is correct about the package cache, you might just make a
point of using one of the apt commands to clean out the cache on
occasion.  Note that some of the higher-level tools (that call apt-get)
will take care of that housekeeping for you.
vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] I'm out of space on /

2005-06-27 Thread Jay Strauss
that worked, I deleted some of the old 2.6.8 libs and my /root/.mozilla 
and was able to install the new kernel.

Now I guess I'm going to have to rearrange things to get more space

Rick Moen wrote:

Quoting Jay Strauss ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

I'm out of space on /.  and the install is trying to write to /lib


Will moving the contents of lib somewhere else, like /usr/mylib and soft 
linking /lib-/usr/mylib work as a workaround?  Will my machine be able 
to boot correctly?

I see no reason why not -- but personally I'd find some other
(long-term) solution.

Certain trees are part of the root filesystem for a very good reason,
and /lib is one of them.  The contents are libraries too critical to
system booting, maintenance, and recovery to be included in /usr/lib:
They're the ones you need available even if /usr cannot be mounted at

Things that might more reasonably be moved off the root filesystem
include /boot, /home, /opt, /usr, and /var.

In your shoes I might move /lib off the root filesystem _briefly_ --
just long enough to give me enough free space on the root filesystem to
craft a better long-term solution.  (By preference, I would do that from
a bootable maintenance disk such as an LNX-BBC, Tom's Root-Boot, or
Knoppix disk.)  

You may also find the following Perl script (largest20) useful, in
getting you some breathing room:  It finds and lists the biggest 20
files in the current directory or any subdirectory -- and can be
re-found as

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# You can alternatively just do:  
# find . -xdev -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 ls -l | sort -rn +4 | head -20

use File::Find;
@ARGV = $ENV{ PWD } unless @ARGV;
find ( sub { $size{ $File::Find::name } = -s if -f; }, @ARGV );
@sorted = sort { $size{ $b } = $size{ $a } } keys %size;
splice @sorted, 20 if @sorted  20;
printf %10d %s\n, $size{$_}, $_ for @sorted

If you can't find a way to reduce the contents of / down to comfortable
levels, I would strongly urge repartitioning your system -- since
running out of space on / is a serious problem.  Use one of the
aforementioned maintenance boot disks, then use one of the methods
detailed in Copying Directory Trees on
to copy the contents of each filesystem to be re-created over to a
second system on your LAN.  Then, umount, use fdisk/cfdisk, mkfs.*, and
copy the contents back.

vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] I'm out of space on /

2005-06-26 Thread Jay Strauss


I was trying to install kernel-image-2.6.8-2-686, on debian sarge.  But 
I'm getting:

dpkg: error processing 

_i386.deb (--unpack):
 failed in buffer_write(fd) (8, ret=-1): backend dpkg-deb during 
2.6.8-2-686/kernel/sound/pci/trident/snd-trident-synth.ko': No space 
left on device

I don't know what's taking up space and what I can delete.  I did a

hydrogen:/# du -hxs *
0   cdrom
88K dev
0   initrd.img
79M lib
12K lost+found
0   sys
13K tmp
0   vmlinuz

Now I'm a bit afraid to reboot my machine, for fear its been left in a 
damaged state.

Suggestions please
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Apt-get Error Message

2005-05-29 Thread Jay Strauss

Bob Scofield wrote:
I keep getting this error message, and was wondering (1) whether it's 
something I should try to fix; and (2) how to fix it if I should.

Does anybody have any ideas on this?

Here's the message:

debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Kde
debconf: (Can't locate in @INC (@INC 
contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) 
at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/Kde/ line 7.)

debconf: falling back to frontend: Dialog

Thank you.

vox-tech mailing list

looks like you need to install (which is a perl module), probably 
by doing

aptitude install libqt-perl

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] $display not set when ssh'ing [solved]

2005-05-26 Thread Jay Strauss

Jay Strauss wrote:


simple question, don't know why it's not working on my machine.  On the 
remote machine in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config I have:

X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10

set.  I've tried


But my $DISPLAY is never set.  I is set fine on my other machines.  I've 
been a'googling, but I can't find anything else to look for


It helps to have X installed on the system, dummy

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Install windows in linux Red Hat Enterprise

2005-05-25 Thread Jay Strauss

Or qemu:

Haven't tried it m'self, plan on looking at it.

Bochs too
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] $display not set when ssh'ing

2005-05-25 Thread Jay Strauss


simple question, don't know why it's not working on my machine.  On the 
remote machine in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config I have:

X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10

set.  I've tried


But my $DISPLAY is never set.  I is set fine on my other machines.  I've 
been a'googling, but I can't find anything else to look for

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Install windows in linux Red Hat Enterprise

2005-05-23 Thread Jay Strauss

Stanley Price wrote:

In order to run Peachtree, I need to install a windows operating system.
When I installed the linux on the hard drive, I have five partitioned 
sections.  Two are:

   none   95,164,  with 0 used, marked dev/shm
   /dev/hda5   104170, 0 used, marked tmp1

How do I install windows on the system? I am running a 686 AMD 
processer, (with too little RAM at the moment), and Red Hat Enterprise.

Stanley Price
vox-tech mailing list

I'll suggest one other option, just for the heck of it.  You could use 
either VMWare or maybe (big maybe) WINE on the box, that way you don't 
need to reboot when you want to use the functionality of the other OS

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Raid 1 - Fresh Install - Drives seem slow

2005-05-20 Thread Jay Strauss
I also ran: hdparm -tT /dev/hda, as described in the windows thread by 
Karsten, and it came in at 28 MB/s

Decent, not great.

- Does the processor speed have anything to do with I/O performance?

Not directly.  Processor speed on blocking tasks (encryption, find/sort,
compression, decompression) can, however.

- What other tests might I run to prove it's slow?

You've hit most of it.  Clarifying just what you were doing would be
I ran across a bad disk (IIRC Maxtor) which was netting ~100 *KiB*/s
last year.  This was sufficiently slow that network operations were
notably lagged.  I confirmed speed issues w/ hdparm and swapped it out
for a faster drive for much better performance (60-80 MiB/s).
Hi (again):
I diff'ed the contents of /proc/ide of Knoppix and Sarge, and I think I 
may have found the problem:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ diff -r sarge.ide/sis knoppix.ide/sis
 UDMA Enabled   UDMA Enabled
 UDMA Cycle Time2 CLK   UDMA Cycle Time4 CLK
 UDMA Disabled  UDMA Disabled
 UDMA Cycle TimeReservedUDMA Cycle Time Reserved
After some Googling and looking at my kernel config file,  it seems that 
SIS support is a module, like so:

I found this link which talks about my problem
Looks like I'm going to have to learn how to compile a custom kernel if 
I want to see if this works

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Raid 1 - Fresh Install - Drives seem slow

2005-05-19 Thread Jay Strauss

Right, 2.4 vs 2.6 kernels handle I/O differently, I don't consider dd
a very good measurement of performance since read/writes to raw
disk devices (without caches, buffering, ordering, or filesystem) are
pretty rare.
Oh, so it very well may be an apples to oranges comparison?

So Knoppix is configuring something different, I'm searching for the 

I'd point at both the readahead and the large difference in kernel.
Right now I'm comparing the contents of /proc/ide/hda from both installs 
 to see if something sticks out.  I'll take your word on the readahead 
and kernel version.  If I dont find anything in the contents of 
/proc/ide/hda, I'll drop the issue

Thanks for the help
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Raid 1 - Fresh Install - Drives seem slow

2005-05-17 Thread Jay Strauss
Bill Broadley wrote:
Linux by default does not saturate the disk during rebuilds so that
users aren't overly impacted.
If you want to speed it up tweak the parameters under /proc/sys/dev/raid.
You should be able to get close to whatever the hardware is capable of,
at the cost of higher loads and more lag.
Thanks Bill, yep I know it will rebuild slowly in the background.  I 
hadn't filled in the new info I have since no one had responded, and 
figured the thread was dead.

Here's the deal
I just installed a simple raid-1.  I have a single HD on each 
controller.  ie. 2 controllers 2 HDs. That's it, no CD players or DVD 

I did a fresh install of Sarge.  After reboot I unplugged the CD drive, 
and let the array sync overnight.  It took 10hrs to sync 160GiB, which 
seemed pretty long, so I executed the dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/null 
bs=64k count=1 command I've seen posted on the raid list.

It took about a minute and change to complete, which is long.  So out of 
curiosity I plugged in a CD player and booted Knoppix.  When I ran the 
same command it took only 30 seconds (which is still not as quick as 
some of the numbers on that list, but it's an old celeron 466MHz).

So Knoppix is configuring something different, I'm searching for the 

I compared the result hdparm under both OSs
Sarge:~# hdparm /dev/hda
 multcount=  0 (off)
 IO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)
 unmaskirq=  0 (off)
 using_dma=  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  0 (off)
 readonly =  0 (off)
 readahead= 256 (on)
 geometry = 19457/255/63, sectors = 312581808, start = 0
knoppix:~# hdparm /dev/hda
 multcount= 16 (on)
 IO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)
 unmaskirq=  0 (off)
 using_dma=  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  0 (off)
 readonly =  0 (off)
 readahead=  8 (on)
 geometry = 19457/255/63, sectors = 312581808, start = 0
so I did a hdparm -m 16 /dev/hda while under Sarge, but it had no effect
Now I'm looking thru the differences in dmesg, nothing is sticking out 
at me, but I'm not sure I'd be able to find the culprit even if was listed.

Below is the diff of my 2 dmesg commands if you have an interest in 
looking at them:

 Linux version 2.6.8-2-686 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 
3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-6)) #1 Mon Jan 24 03:58:38 EST 2005
 Linux version 2.4.27 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 
(Debian prerelease)) #2 SMP Mo Aug 9 00:39:37 CEST 2004
   DMA zone: 4096 pages, LIFO batch:1
   Normal zone: 10240 pages, LIFO batch:2
   HighMem zone: 0 pages, LIFO batch:1
 DMI 2.2 present.
 zone(0): 4096 pages.
 zone(1): 10240 pages.
 zone(2): 0 pages.
 Built 1 zonelists
 Kernel command line: root=/dev/hda1 ro
 Kernel command line: ramdisk_size=10 init=/etc/init lang=us 
apm=power-off vga=791 initrd=minirt24.gz nomce quiet BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix 
BOOT_IMAGE=linux24 desktop=twm
 PID hash table entries: 256 (order 8: 2048 bytes)
 Detected 467.789 MHz processor.
 Using tsc for high-res timesource
 Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
 Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
 Inode-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
 Memory: 49220k/57344k available (1550k kernel code, 7668k reserved, 
688k data, 148k init, 0k highmem)
 Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor 
mode... Ok.
 Calibrating delay loop... 919.55 BogoMIPS
 Security Scaffold v1.0.0 initialized
 Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
 CPU: After generic identify, caps: 0183fbff   
 CPU: After vendor identify, caps:  0183fbff   
 Detected 467.722 MHz processor.
 Console: colour dummy device 80x25
 Calibrating delay loop... 930.61 BogoMIPS
 Memory: 52904k/57344k available (1406k kernel code, 4052k reserved, 
574k data, 144k init, 0k highmem)
 Dentry cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
 Inode cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
 Mount cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
 Buffer cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
 Page-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
 CPU: After all inits, caps:0183fbff   0040
 Intel machine check architecture supported.
 Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
 CPU: Intel Celeron (Mendocino) stepping 05
 CPU: After generic, caps: 0183fbff   
 CPU: Common caps: 0183fbff   
 Checking for popad bug... OK.
 POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
 mtrr: v1.40 (20010327) Richard Gooch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 mtrr: detected mtrr type: Intel
 CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K
 CPU: L2 cache: 128K
 CPU: After generic, caps: 0183fbff   
 CPU: Common caps: 0183fbff   
 CPU0: Intel Celeron (Mendocino) stepping 05
 per-CPU timeslice cutoff: 

[vox-tech] Raid 1 - Fresh Install - Drives seem slow

2005-05-13 Thread Jay Strauss
I just installed Sarge on an old PPro 180Mhz, with / on a RAID1 device 
and everything else on RAID1/VG/LVGs (which is very easy using the new 
Debian installer).  I'm building this machine to be an offsite backup 

It took 10hrs to sync my 100GiB partition, the first time, which seems a 
bit slow.

I'm using 2 Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 ST3160021A 160GB 7200 RPM IDE Ultra 
ATA100 Hard Drive drives, each as the master on separate controllers 
(one of the drives has a CD as a slave)

Googling, I've found a couple of tests like:
time dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/null bs=64k count=1
which takes like 55 seconds (it only takes roughly 25 seconds on various 
other machines I have including an old P133)

I also ran: hdparm -tT /dev/hda, as described in the windows thread by 
Karsten, and it came in at 28 MB/s

- Does the processor speed have anything to do with I/O performance?
- What other tests might I run to prove it's slow?
- What other things might I look for to improve the speed?
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Connecting to port 1433 via 22 on an intermediary

2005-04-20 Thread Jay Strauss
Ken Bloom wrote:
$ links localhost:1
and I reached google in Links.
What's links?  I can't find a man page on it.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Connecting to port 1433 via 22 on an intermediary

2005-04-20 Thread Jay Strauss

What's links?  I can't find a man page on it.

Links is an ncurses based web browser, similar to lynx but different.
I could have put any web browser command in there, because the purpose
was to demonstrate how one would connect to the server once the tunnel
had been established.
--Ken Bloom
Ah, no wonder I don't have a man page on it.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Getting KDE 3.4 in Debian Testing

2005-04-04 Thread Jay Strauss
Bill Kendrick wrote:
On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 05:24:16PM -0500, Jay Strauss wrote:
Can you dump the userids/passwords to plain text?

That's a good question, I haven't looked into it.
Worst case scenario would be to use DCOP, I imagine...
I'm not sure how you'd do that (having just read the DCOP page).  But it 
doesn't seem you'd have the ability to decrypt the passwords.

Can you export them for import into another machine?

Also a good question.  I /assume/ so.  I can ask around, if you'd like!
I was just curious, I'm not using kwallet, but I was thinking about it
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Getting KDE 3.4 in Debian Testing

2005-04-03 Thread Jay Strauss
Bill Kendrick wrote:
On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 10:41:18PM -0800, Bob Scofield wrote:
Is kwallet a good idea?  I've only put one password into it.  It seems like a
hassle to have to enter two passwords to do something.  But as I type these 
comments I'm starting to understand why that might be a good idea.

I love kwallet.  I have so many websites that I have to log into to
get things done (banking, banner ad tracking, mailman admin), and other
passwords I don't want to bother remembering or typing every time I use
my computer (instant messenger logins, for example), and with kwallet,
it just remembers them for me.  I just use a master password whenever
something wants access to them (e.g., a web login form)
vox-tech mailing list

Can you dump the userids/passwords to plain text?
Can you export them for import into another machine?
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Where did all my output go? Bash shell question

2005-03-25 Thread Jay Strauss
Mitch Patenaude wrote:
Any chance the output is going to stderr and not stdout?  I don't know
for sure, but I could believe that stderr of commands inside functions
gets swallowed if not redirected.  Try putting a 21 at the end of
the svn command in the function.
  -- Mitch
P.S.  I think the problem you had with ---verbose was with it's position.  try 
  svn --verbose co project
You're correct, it getting swallowed by stderr, doing as you suggested 
worked like a charm

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Where did all my output go? Bash shell question

2005-03-23 Thread Jay Strauss
I have a little function in my .bashrc like:
function co {
   cmd=svn co svn+ssh://fe/home/svn/repos/$1 $2
Then I run it
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ co . name
Checked out revision 59.
Normally when I check out a tree, I get a long listing of files getting 
checked out, but with the script I don't.  Where are all the normal 
listing of files being checked out going?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Where did all my output go? Bash shell question

2005-03-23 Thread Jay Strauss

are you invoking an alias interactively that has verbose option on? add
the option to your string if so...
svn is an executable, it sits in /usr/bin.  It doesn't have a verbose 

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] YAST equivalent on Debian?

2005-03-18 Thread Jay Strauss
  - Kurumin.  As Ubuntu, but KDE desktop default.
Too bad the site is in Spanish (maybe Portugese), I'd like to read about 
this distro

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] YAST equivalent on Debian?

2005-03-18 Thread Jay Strauss
Just to echo everyone else.  The new sarge net-install is really easy. 
From the installer I even created a system where root was on a raid-1 
device and the rest of my system is on logical volume groups on top of a 
raid-1 partition.  All from the installer, without any hoops or 
gymnastics.  (I needed to understand the basic concepts of VGs and LVGs 
to figure out the sequence of stuff to build in the installer, but not 
too tough even for me)

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] YAST equivalent on Debian?

2005-03-15 Thread Jay Strauss
Josh Parsons wrote:
On Mon, 2005-03-14 at 08:25 -0600, Jay Strauss wrote:

What's strewth?

Short for God's truth as in Strewth, mate, me sheila's nicked off
with all me tinnies this arvo!
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] YAST equivalent on Debian?

2005-03-13 Thread Jay Strauss
since wajig was mentioned in the apt-get thread, thought I'd ask.
What kind of GUI configuration/administration tools are available for 
Debian , something like YAST

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Apache question: preventing direct access to files

2005-03-10 Thread Jay Strauss

#FilesMatch \.pdf$
#SetEnvIf Referer; local_referrer=1
#Order Allow, Deny
#Deny from all
#Allow from env=local_referrer
Isn't there a way to use the above regex to do a redirect to a 404 file 
not found

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Apache question: preventing direct access to files

2005-03-10 Thread Jay Strauss
Jay Strauss wrote:

#FilesMatch \.pdf$
#SetEnvIf Referer; local_referrer=1
#Order Allow, Deny
#Deny from all
#Allow from env=local_referrer
How about something like:
SetEnvIf Referer 152\.79\.198\.7 let_me_in
FilesMatch \.pdf$
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from env=let_me_in
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Perl question - How do I use an HTTP header to download a file [SOLVED]?

2005-03-02 Thread Jay Strauss
Jay Strauss wrote:
Using LWP::UserAgent and its pals, I get back the response (below via 
Data::Dumper).  If I use the same $request object and feed it to 
www::mechanize it does the right thing and the data file is in the 
-content.  I can't see www::mech does it, or how to do it properly with 

Basically the response is saying, go to this location with this cookie 
and download the file.  How am I supposed to use this header?  Am I 
suppose to feed this header into some other type of object and do a 
request on it?

Any suggestions?
$VAR1 = bless( {
 '_protocol' = 'HTTP/1.1',
 '_content' = 'htmlheadtitleObject 
h2Object moved to a 
 '_rc' = '302',
 '_headers' = bless( {
'client-response-num' = 1,
'cache-control' = 'private',
'set-cookie' = [

'CBOESiteTrackingID=d58134de-4d88-4d13-9d5e-c831599506a6; expires=Tue, 
17-Feb-2105 12:17:19 GMT; path=/',

'WEBTRENDS_ID=; expires=Wed, 16-Feb-2005 12:17:19 GMT; path=/',
'DownLoadError=; expires=Wed, 16-Feb-2005 12:17:19 GMT; path=/',
'location' = 
'date' = 'Thu, 17 Feb 2005 
12:17:19 GMT',
'client-peer' = 
'content-length' = '144',
'x-aspnet-version' = '1.1.4322',
'client-date' = 'Thu, 17 Feb 
2005 12:14:20 GMT',
'content-type' = 'text/html; 
'title' = 'Object moved',
'server' = 'Microsoft-IIS/6.0'
  }, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
 '_msg' = 'Found',
 '_request' = bless( {
'_content' = 

'_uri' = bless( do{\(my $o = 
'URI::http' ),
'_headers' = bless( {

'user-agent' = 'Windows IE 6',
'content-type' = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content-length' = 196
'HTTP::Headers' ),
'_method' = 'POST'
  }, 'HTTP::Request' )
   }, 'HTTP::Response' );
vox-tech mailing list

By adding the referer things worked out:
use WWW::Mechanize;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::Form;
use Data::Dumper;
$agent  = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)';
$symbol = '';
$ua = LWP::UserAgent-new(cookie_jar={}, agent=$agent);
push @{ $ua-requests_redirectable }, 'POST';
$resp = $ua-get($url);
$form = HTML::Form-parse($resp-content,$resp-base);
$form-value(txtTicker = $symbol);
my $req = $form-click;
$req-header('referer' = $url);
my $resp = $ua-request($req);
print $resp-content;

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Perl question - How do I use an HTTP header to download a file?

2005-02-17 Thread Jay Strauss
Using LWP::UserAgent and its pals, I get back the response (below via 
Data::Dumper).  If I use the same $request object and feed it to 
www::mechanize it does the right thing and the data file is in the 
-content.  I can't see www::mech does it, or how to do it properly with 

Basically the response is saying, go to this location with this cookie 
and download the file.  How am I supposed to use this header?  Am I 
suppose to feed this header into some other type of object and do a 
request on it?

Any suggestions?
$VAR1 = bless( {
 '_protocol' = 'HTTP/1.1',
 '_content' = 'htmlheadtitleObject 
h2Object moved to a href=\'/DelayedQuote/QuoteData.dat\'here/a./h2^M
 '_rc' = '302',
 '_headers' = bless( {
'client-response-num' = 1,
'cache-control' = 'private',
'set-cookie' = [

'CBOESiteTrackingID=d58134de-4d88-4d13-9d5e-c831599506a6; expires=Tue, 
17-Feb-2105 12:17:19 GMT; path=/',

'WEBTRENDS_ID=; expires=Wed, 16-Feb-2005 12:17:19 GMT; path=/',
'DownLoadError=; expires=Wed, 16-Feb-2005 12:17:19 GMT; path=/',
'location' = 
'date' = 'Thu, 17 Feb 2005 
12:17:19 GMT',
'client-peer' = 
'content-length' = '144',
'x-aspnet-version' = '1.1.4322',
'client-date' = 'Thu, 17 Feb 
2005 12:14:20 GMT',
'content-type' = 'text/html; 
'title' = 'Object moved',
'server' = 'Microsoft-IIS/6.0'
  }, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
 '_msg' = 'Found',
 '_request' = bless( {
'_content' = 
'_uri' = bless( do{\(my $o = 
'')}, 'URI::http' ),
'_headers' = bless( {

'user-agent' = 'Windows IE 6',
'content-type' = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content-length' = 196
'HTTP::Headers' ),
'_method' = 'POST'
  }, 'HTTP::Request' )
   }, 'HTTP::Response' );
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Four week test of Firefox versus Opera

2005-02-01 Thread Jay Strauss

3. Rendering is wonderful: pages render more faithfully under FF than Opera.
I've been using FF for a couple of months on both M$ and Linux and 
unfortunately I'd have to say the rendering is not so wonderful when 
compared with IE (at least in my experience) for example when I look at:
FF smashes the ticket options together, IE has them nice and separated.
   A rant about Launchy.  I *hate* the fact that I need an extension to
   handle mailto: links.  Hate, hate, hate.  When I click on a mailto link,
   I want to run mutt in an xterm.  There's no excuse to 1) need an
   extension for this and 2) have to write an XML stanza.  I'll be damned if
   I spend 20 minutes figuring this out, although if I stick to Firefox, I
   guess I'll have to at some point.
I agree wholeheartedly
Have you been using Thunderbird?  Its quite nice, except the spell 
checker sucks.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Four week test of Firefox versus Opera

2005-02-01 Thread Jay Strauss
Bill Kendrick wrote:
On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 01:36:22PM -0600, Jay Strauss wrote:
3. Rendering is wonderful: pages render more faithfully under FF than 
I've been using FF for a couple of months on both M$ and Linux and 
unfortunately I'd have to say the rendering is not so wonderful when 
compared with IE (at least in my experience) for example when I look at:
FF smashes the ticket options together, IE has them nice and separated.

Hrm, as it should.  There doesn't seem to be anything in there that says
there should be space after the ul.../ul list.
The part of the page in question is a table, with /zero/ cellspacing or
cellpadding, so it's no wonder it's pretty tight in there...
The descriptions of each are within a div.../div, but the style in
question (ltbluetext) simply sets color, font and font size.  Nothing
about spacing, margins or padding around the enclosed section of text.
Really, what seems to be happening is IE is insisting on putting some
blank vertical space after the /ul tag.  Maybe if the whole section was
wrapped in p.../p it'd come out better.  Or they could specifically
set margin-bottom for those ul groups or something...
I stand corrected.
I didn't realize IE was doing it's own thing.
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Re: [LUNI] Debian NIC names

2005-01-08 Thread Jay Strauss
Joe Digilio wrote:
I think what you're looking for is /etc/modutils/aliases
Adding a couple of lines like this should work...
alias eepro100 eth0
alias prism wan0
That's just an example (I have no idea what a real wireless module name is
since I've never dealt with 802.11 before, but you get the idea). Just
substitute the appropriate module names and you should be good to go.
I do have a prism card, but I don't know the name of my wired nic.  How 
would I find that out?

Currently there is nothing in the /etc/modutils/aliases with regard to 
my network cards

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Re: [LUNI] Debian NIC names

2005-01-08 Thread Jay Strauss
replyed to the wrong list :)
But you're welcome to answer if you want ;)
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Installing subversion from sid into a sarge box

2005-01-05 Thread Jay Strauss

I'm just a monkey with a wrench here, but I created a file called
/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/60defaultrelease with contents set to the line you
quoted above this summer, and my system is still working.
Does the numbering matter?  that is, does the 60 in 60defaultrelease 
mean anything?

I can't find any doc on it
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Installing subversion from sid into a sarge box

2005-01-05 Thread Jay Strauss

However, I'm always surprised at people saying they want to be on the
testing track prior to release, but not afterwards.  Why is that track
desirable today, but not after sarge's relese?
I just want the newer stuff, Perl primarily.  And since sarge is almost 
stable seems to be the right dist for me.  I'll continue on sarge for 
a while (couple of years, I figure) once it goes stable

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Installing subversion from sid into a sarge box

2005-01-05 Thread Jay Strauss
Rick Moen wrote:
Quoting Jay Strauss ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

However, I'm always surprised at people saying they want to be on the
testing track prior to release, but not afterwards.  Why is that track
desirable today, but not after sarge's relese?
I just want the newer stuff, Perl primarily.

You might want to track testing, then.  More below.

And since sarge is almost stable seems to be the right dist for me.

It's possible that there's a bit of lingering confusion, so please
pardon my going didactic (er, more didactic ;- ) on you for a while:
The Debian branches named for Toy Story characters (buzz=1.1, rex=1.2,
bo=1.3, hamm=2.0, slink=2.1, potato=2.2, woody=3.0, sarge=3.1, and the
planned etch branch that isn't yet extant) are _starting points_ --
installable package ensembles -- for Debian systems.  Absent special
Thanks for the reply.  Maybe I'll be better served if I say what I'm 
trying to accomplish.

I (mostly) write Perl against Oracle, with some apache/mod_perl thrown 
in too.

I need the newer version of perl (5.8.4 w/threads), I need the glibc in 
testing for Oracle (Oracle 10 installs (almost) without hitch on 
testing, but very difficult, impossible, on stable).  I'll install 
apache2/mod_perl2 also.  Lastly I'd like to have subversion 1.1

Currently, the testing branch, has all that I need, with the exception 
of subversion v1.1 (which is currently in unstable).

That said, I'm risk adverse and would like to be on the stable version, 
for the duration.  So I'd like to stay a safe distance from bleeding 
edge, but have all the above.

I thought the debian maintainers, at some point stop accepting changes 
to testing, say ok, this package set is now stable, and point 
everything appropriately.

What I thought I'd do is run testing until the day(s) that it becomes 
stable, then make my box follow the stable tree.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Installing Java

2005-01-03 Thread Jay Strauss
Rick Moen wrote:
Quoting Ken Bloom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

On Debian, the best way to install Java is to download the binary
installer and then use make-jpkg from java-package to create .debs of
Java that do the right thing.

For Java2 v. 1.5.  If you're content with 1.4 for now, try using this as
an apt source:
# Sun Java J2r1.4
deb woody non-free
Then, you don't need to build your own .debs .
It is said[1] that the Blackdown group is working on v. 1.5 packages,
which will then likewise be offered as .debs .
Thanks for the link, I finally got things working.  I thought I was 
having a problem with Java, but it turns out it was with my installation 
of X

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Installing Java

2004-12-30 Thread Jay Strauss
Rick Moen wrote:
Quoting Ken Bloom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

On Debian, the best way to install Java is to download the binary
installer and then use make-jpkg from java-package to create .debs of
Java that do the right thing.

For Java2 v. 1.5.  If you're content with 1.4 for now, try using this as
an apt source:
# Sun Java J2r1.4
deb woody non-free

Looks like they moved it to:
deb sarge non-free
and since I'm on sarge, I'll use that.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Installing Java

2004-12-30 Thread Jay Strauss
If you're stuck, read my EBLUG-talk slides on , and note the lessons drawn from
the tcp-wrappers-7.6.tar.gz trojaning in 1999, for one reason.   ;-
I'm gonna read it tonight
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Installing Java

2004-12-29 Thread Jay Strauss

On Debian, the best way to install Java is to download the binary
installer and then use make-jpkg from java-package to create .debs of
Java that do the right thing.
Ken, I'm running debian.  I don't see a java-package when I do a:
apt-cache search java.  Am I misunderstanding you?
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Installing Java

2004-12-29 Thread Jay Strauss
Ken Bloom wrote:
On Wed, Dec 29, 2004 at 01:11:55PM -0600, Jay Strauss wrote:
On Debian, the best way to install Java is to download the binary
installer and then use make-jpkg from java-package to create .debs of
Java that do the right thing.
Ken, I'm running debian.  I don't see a java-package when I do a:
apt-cache search java.  Am I misunderstanding you?

Looks like it's only in unstable.
I just use the installer from sun then and install in /usr/local like I had
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Installing Java

2004-12-29 Thread Jay Strauss
Rick Moen wrote:
Quoting Ken Bloom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

On Debian, the best way to install Java is to download the binary
installer and then use make-jpkg from java-package to create .debs of
Java that do the right thing.

For Java2 v. 1.5.  If you're content with 1.4 for now, try using this as
an apt source:
# Sun Java J2r1.4
deb woody non-free
Then, you don't need to build your own .debs .
It is said[1] that the Blackdown group is working on v. 1.5 packages,
which will then likewise be offered as .debs .
vox-tech mailing list
What's the drawback of just using the java installer/binary from  I don't really need the apt advantages, I wouldn't want 
java just updated automatically when I do apt-get upgrade anyway.

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Re: question - perl and databases

2004-12-17 Thread Jay Strauss
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
Hi Jay,
Question about Perl databases.  I want to write an application that uses a
db.  Never played with db before.  Ultimately, I want to write something that
creates a webpage using the db data.
I also want people to be able to simply install my program without worrying
about installing other software, like msql or postgresql.
When you use DBI, do you *have* to have a separate daemon-run database or is
there a Perl module that provides a backend to DBI?
I'd rather use DBI because it's more convenient for complex data structures
and so I can use SQL, but if you need to install a database to use DBI, I
might try to make due with DBM.
There are various ways to use DBI without a RDBMS server running 
somewhere.  Take a gander at, and search for DBD.

There are drivers to run against various types of flat files: cvs, 
DBD::WTSprite, DBD::SQLite2

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Using Perl to Find and Replace

2004-12-17 Thread Jay Strauss
Trevor M. Lango wrote:
I am working on a cdrom 'snapshot' of a website I help
maintain for use at demos where there is no network
Practically every page uses server side includes.
I need to scan through an html file for expressions of
the following format:
   #include virtual=
and replace the expression:
   #include virtual=
with the contents of 'filename'.  I know how to use
Perl to scan through a file for a specified regular
expression and replace it (thank to an earlier post -
you guys are awesome!) but I'm lost as to how to
locate regular expressions of the given pattern,
interpret a portion of it as the name of a file, then
extract that file's content and replace the original
Perl, anyone...? ;-)
- Trevor
vox-tech mailing list

I think you can make the replace a reference to a subroutine (which 
would return the contents of the file), but I can't seem to google the 
right words to see how it works.  Maybe someone else can say

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] computer pretending to be a printer

2004-11-30 Thread Jay Strauss
 The manual suggests that it can be
used via windows networking to save its data to a remove windows share over 
It's weird that it says it can save a file to a windows share but not to 
a local drive

But if that's the case, couldn't you set up a Linux box along side of 
that box running samba, providing a windows share

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] What address to put my gateway/router

2004-11-30 Thread Jay Strauss
Simple question (probably going to be one of those, depends).
My linksys router's default address is:, when I install 
Linux (Debian) it's default gateway address:  Not that 
either of them are hard to change but...

What address do you guys normally put your router?
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] What address to put my gateway/router

2004-11-30 Thread Jay Strauss
Jay Strauss wrote:
Simple question (probably going to be one of those, depends).
My linksys router's default address is:, when I install 
Linux (Debian) it's default gateway address:  Not that 
either of them are hard to change but...

What address do you guys normally put your router?
vox-tech mailing list

Thanks everyone.
I'd been using 192.168.5.*, with my gateway on .254, maybe I'll switch 
to .1 if that's the new standard

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Using awk or perl to find and replace

2004-11-24 Thread Jay Strauss
Not to beat a dead horse:
perl -i.bak -p -e s/(h)\.(.*?)\.(jpg)/$2.$1.$3/ig input.txt
In a perl one liner, making a backup of original, and saving capitalization
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] yet another SQL question...

2004-11-22 Thread Jay Strauss
Dylan Beaudette wrote:
Hi everyone, 

I am trying to accomplish in SQL (the MySQL dialect to be exact), what may 
only be possible with an integrated approach... but I thought that I would 

I have a single table, called 'component'. There are records in this table 
that represent components of a larger unit. Each record is identified with a 
key linking it to the larger unit (mukey), and has a column that defines the 
percent of the larger unit that this component represents (comppct_r). There 
are other categorical attributes associated with the components as well. I 
would like to make a table that displays the dominant component (i.e. 
comppct_r is the largest for a given larger unit) and associated attributes 
for each larger unit.

here is an example query:
select component.mukey, component.comppct_r, component.taxorder, 
component.taxsuborder, component.taxgrtgroup 
from component limit 20;
| mukey  | comppct_r | taxorder| taxsuborder | taxgrtgroup  |
| 467166 |90 | Inceptisols | Xerepts | Haploxerepts |
| 467165 |30 | | |  |
| 467165 |20 | Entisols| Orthents| Xerorthents  |
| 467165 |35 | Entisols| Orthents| Xerorthents  |
| 467164 |85 | Entisols| Orthents| Xerorthents  |
| 467163 |85 | Entisols| Orthents| Xerorthents  |
| 467160 |30 | Mollisols   | Xerolls | Haploxerolls |
| 467160 |60 | Alfisols| Xeralfs | Haploxeralfs |
| 467159 |30 | | |  |
| 467159 |20 | Entisols| Orthents| Xerorthents  |
| 467159 |35 | Entisols| Orthents| Xerorthents  |
| 467158 |85 | Alfisols| Xeralfs | Haploxeralfs |
| 467157 |85 | Inceptisols | Xerepts | Haploxerepts |
| 467156 |85 | Alfisols| Xeralfs | Haploxeralfs |
| 467155 |85 | Inceptisols | Xerepts | Calcixerepts |
| 467154 |85 | Mollisols   | Xerolls | Argixerolls  |
| 467153 |30 | Inceptisols | Xerepts | Haploxerepts |
| 467153 |20 | | |  |
| 467153 |35 | Alfisols| Xeralfs | Haploxeralfs |
| 467152 |85 | Alfisols| Xeralfs | Natrixeralfs |

I am able to accomplish what I am interested with an intermediate step, but if 
there is a single step it would be nice.

Here is my idea for a 2 step solution to the above:
1. create table comp_max select component.mukey, max(comppct_r) from component 
group by component.mukey

2. join the records from the component table based on mukey and the max_pct 

...perhaps this can be done with a subselect..?
thanks in advance for any ideas!
In oracle it would be like (maybe it's the same in MySql)
select * from component
where (mutkey,compct_r) = (
select mutkey, max(compct_r)
  from component
 group by mutkey)
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] simple backup and restore

2004-11-01 Thread Jay Strauss
Tim Riley wrote:
Jay Strauss wrote:

I just want to do a simple backup, write the backup file to the system
disk or an NFS mount.  Then restore from that file.
I'm not sure what I should backup.  I figure I can exclude: /tmp /dev
/mnt /proc
If I do:
cd /
tar zcvf backup.tar.gz bin boot etc home initrd initrd.img lib media opt
root sbin  srv  sys  usr  var  vmlinuz
How would I restore, such that I get the previous image, and not a
combination of the restored files and the new files?

Instead of backing up individual system files and directories, consider
making an image backup of the entire filesystem:
# dd if=/dev/hda1 bs=10k | gzip  backup.dd.gz
Then upon restore, you're guaranteed to get the previous image.
Thanks Tim,  I tried dd but it was taking forever.  tar took 3.5 minutes 
to write and dd took 15 before I cancelled it.  I'll try again with the 

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] simple backup and restore

2004-11-01 Thread Jay Strauss
Jonathan Stickel wrote:
I use rsync to keep the entire root filesystem of several computers 
identical.  See this post:
You could do similar to backup your entire root.

Thanks Jonathan.  I'll try that, thanks.  Looks like rsync can do a lot
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] simple backup and restore

2004-10-31 Thread Jay Strauss
I just want to do a simple backup, write the backup file to the system 
disk or an NFS mount.  Then restore from that file.

I'm not sure what I should backup.  I figure I can exclude: /tmp /dev 
/mnt /proc

If I do:
cd /
tar zcvf backup.tar.gz bin boot etc home initrd initrd.img lib media opt 
root sbin  srv  sys  usr  var  vmlinuz

How would I restore, such that I get the previous image, and not a 
combination of the restored files and the new files?

What I want to do is install some software, do a backup, try installing 
some other software, restore to the old backup, try installing again...

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Configuring Multiple Apache Instances

2004-10-16 Thread Jay Strauss
I want to run 2 apache2 instances on a single box, NOT 2 virtual hosts. 
 Why, because they need to have different configurations.  Do I have to 
install apache2 twice (or copy one install to another directory)?  Can't 
I just do a apachectl and pass in a different httpd.conf file?  I can't 
find any reference to doing it that way.

Anyone here running multiple apaches on a single box? Can you describe 
how you're doing it?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] cordless mouse question

2004-10-16 Thread Jay Strauss
I've run multiple logitech cordless/optical mice on different systems. 
I get 4-5 months minimum

Got a Memorex USB cordless optical mouse.  Works great with autops2.  The
problem is that it appears to be sucking AAA batteries at the rate of 2 every
1.5 - 2 weeks, which is unacceptable to me.  

Any other cordless mice users?
What's your d(battery)/dt?
Is this higher than normal?
vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Configuring Multiple Apache Instances

2004-10-16 Thread Jay Strauss
Rod Roark wrote:
On Saturday 16 October 2004 04:01 pm, Jay Strauss wrote:
I want to run 2 apache2 instances on a single box, NOT 2 virtual hosts. 
 Why, because they need to have different configurations.

Apache is very flexible... different how?
Well, I'd like to have 2 apaches running one for my brother to develop 
against, and one for me to monkey with configurations, install other 
software and stuff without disrupting him, while I bring the server up 
and down.

Also, I'd like one instance to include one set of a directory structures 
, and another one to include a different set.  Like including my perl 
libs in one apache, and my brother's development perl libs in another.

I just do a apachectl and pass in a different httpd.conf file?

Yes, or whatever comes naturally for your distribution.
Check /etc/init.d/httpd or whatever.
I just installed from source.  But I don't see any way to pass in a 
different httpd.conf

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Configuring Multiple Apache Instances

2004-10-16 Thread Jay Strauss
Rod Roark wrote:
On Saturday 16 October 2004 05:35 pm, Jay Strauss wrote:
I just installed from source.  But I don't see any way to pass in a 
different httpd.conf
-- Rod
vox-tech mailing list

-f /path/to/http.conf
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Cut and paste

2004-10-03 Thread Jay Strauss
Bill Kendrick wrote:
On Sat, Oct 02, 2004 at 11:14:34AM -0500, Jay Strauss wrote:

It's like there are 2 clipboards or something.  Can't I do cut and paste 
without mousing?  The menu-edit-copy doesn't have a keyboard shortcut.

It IS a little bizarre sometimes. :^/
You can add a copy keyboard shortcut to Konsole by going to
Settings-Configure Shortcuts...

I should have looked at that, I'd been playing with other things on the 
settings menu

There's a Copy command in there which, by default, has no keyboard shortcut.
You could also do the slightly-tedious (but understandable since this is
a terminal app):
 pause...  (Session menu at the top will become selected)
 [Right]   (to move to the Edit menu)
 [Down](to 'pull down' the Edit menu;
Copy is first, so will be selected)
 [Enter]   (to choose Edit)

Yes, I'd consider that a bit tedious :)
Text selection (highlighting) in Konsole and then middle-click pasting
SHOULD work, though.  But it does seem there's a difference between
pasting the highlighted selection and pasting something you've Edit-Copy'd

Yep, I've discovered that.  middle mousing is different than 
copy/paste.  I'm just getting used to this, coming from windows where 
everything goes to the 1 clipboard

BTW, quick example...  I can set [Alt]+[C] to be 'Copy' in my Konsole.

However, that makes it impossible (or difficult, at best) to send
an Alt-C sequence to a program I'm running _in_ the terminal.
Emacs, for example, seems to use Alt-C to capitalize words.
('foo foo foo' becomes 'Foo Foo Foo' if I hit Alt-C three times)
So be sure to pick some key sequence you don't need in the apps you'll be
running.  (Like [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[C] or something wacky :^) )
Good luck!

Thanks Bill !
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Cut and paste

2004-10-03 Thread Jay Strauss
Ken Herron wrote:
--On Saturday, October 02, 2004 11:14:34 AM -0500 Jay Strauss 

If I want to cut and paste, I have to go to the menu-edit-copy then I
can paste to FireFox.  It's like there are 2 clipboards or something.
Can't I do cut and paste without mousing?  The menu-edit-copy doesn't
have a keyboard shortcut.

Actually, yes, there are two clipboards. See Many apps will support 
Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X, and Ctrl-V as shortcuts for the menu copy, cut, and 
paste commands. But of course for konsole those keystrokes go to the 
terminal session.

Thanks for the link.  I've read it, and kinda understand it even.
On top of that, if you're using KDE then you're probably running 
klipper. Klipper takes over some of the clipboard operation, so 
depending on how that's configured, things may work differently for you.

I'll have to read about klipper now to
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] alsa configuration

2004-10-03 Thread Jay Strauss
Nick Schmalenberger wrote:
I have been trying to get the sound to work in my computer. At boot when
the ALSA mixer settings would be loaded, it fails and says to manually
use alsactl restore. When I do that, it says alsactl:
load_state:1134: No soundcards found When I google on that, peoples
problems mostly seem to be conflicts between OSS and ALSA when they have
both installed at the same time. As far as I know, the only OSS stuff I
have is the emulation in ALSA. Here is what lsmod says:
Module  Size  Used by
ds 15784  4 
thermal10352  0 
fan 2796  0 
button  4696  0 
processor  14160  1 thermal
ac  3308  0 
battery 7660  0 
snd_es1938 21832  0 
snd_pcm_oss59912  0 
snd_mixer_oss  19904  1 snd_pcm_oss
snd_pcm99492  2 snd_es1938,snd_pcm_oss
snd_page_alloc  9768  1 snd_pcm
snd_opl3_lib   10112  1 snd_es1938
snd_timer  24644  2 snd_pcm,snd_opl3_lib
snd_hwdep   8416  1 snd_opl3_lib
snd_mpu401_uart 7104  1 snd_es1938
snd_rawmidi22784  1 snd_mpu401_uart
snd_seq_device  7496  2 snd_opl3_lib,snd_rawmidi
snd59972  10
soundcore   7328  1 snd
8139too20736  0 
yenta_socket   18656  1 
pcmcia_core62376  2 ds,yenta_socket
uhci_hcd   30348  0 
af_packet  16872  0 

So what should I do? Do I really have some OSS thing that is causing a
problem for ALSA? Do I have all the right ALSA modules? Thanks.
vox-tech mailing list

I had a problem with this too.  In my case I needed to tell discover not 
to load the OSS modules for my card.

I did this like:
echo skip i810_audio  /etc/discover.conf
Maybe someone else on this list can tell you the driver to skip
vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Cut and paste

2004-10-02 Thread Jay Strauss
I sorta remember a thread like this, but couldn't find it in the archives.
When I run konsole, when I highlight some text, I can middle click and 
paste it into another (or same) xterm, but I can't paste it into a GUI 
program like FireFox.

If I want to cut and paste, I have to go to the menu-edit-copy then I 
can paste to FireFox. 

It's like there are 2 clipboards or something.  Can't I do cut and paste 
without mousing?  The menu-edit-copy doesn't have a keyboard shortcut.

I'd rather just use simple xterm but I don't even have the menu option 
for copy.

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] BTW Thanks

2004-10-02 Thread Jay Strauss
Thanks to everyone who helped me get my laptop up and running.  I'm 
wireless, and sound capable now.  I haven't really worked on anything 
else, since I don't really need anything else right now

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Cut and paste

2004-10-02 Thread Jay Strauss
Jay Strauss wrote:
I sorta remember a thread like this, but couldn't find it in the 

When I run konsole, when I highlight some text, I can middle click and 
paste it into another (or same) xterm, but I can't paste it into a GUI 
program like FireFox.

If I want to cut and paste, I have to go to the menu-edit-copy then 
I can paste to FireFox.
It's like there are 2 clipboards or something.  Can't I do cut and 
paste without mousing?  The menu-edit-copy doesn't have a keyboard 

I'd rather just use simple xterm but I don't even have the menu option 
for copy.

vox-tech mailing list

Please disregard my original post.
I didn't realize I could middle button on GUI apps.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Installing a desktop upon my laptop

2004-09-28 Thread Jay Strauss

 Especially when it comes to situations like: it installed more than I
 'apt-get install debfoster' and run it, and you can fairly easily cull
 system.  (Just have another window open to do 'apt-cache show
 to double-check what unrecognized packages are :^) )

I mess around with debfoster.  Thanks for the tip


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Using Knoppix to configure another distribution

2004-09-28 Thread Jay Strauss

I'm taking Karsten's advice.

Under a Knoppix system, what files should I look at/copy, to learn the
commands/modules/drivers, that I can then use for configuring a Debian


Wireless Card
Infared Port
DVD drive
PCI (credit card) Slots


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Installing a desktop upon my laptop

2004-09-28 Thread Jay Strauss
Rick Moen wrote:
Quoting Jay Strauss ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

What I find when I install Sarge, and pick the desktop option is:
1) It installs a ton of stuff, that I just don't need now.  For example,
I don't need 10 different console and terminal apps, 5 different web
browsers, sound recording/mixing..., games, HTML editors, both KDE and

Well, you _did_ pick the big, all-one-piece metapackage.  That's what
you get when you do that.  I personally prefer the a la carte approach.
In fact, I do a really minimal initial install, and then, whenever I
decide I really need some application, I just sudo apt-get install foo.
So, don't pick the desktop option.  ;-

2) it doesn't do a good job of identifying and configuring components.
   a) doesnt identify my video card as ATI
   b) doesn't setup my XFConfig-4 correctly

apt-get install read-edid discover before X11 configuration would no
doubt help a lot, in making X11 setup smarter.
If the thing hassles you, anyway, sometimes the lazy man's way around
the problem is to boot a Knoppix CD, if necessary fiddle with boot-time
options to get the video perfect, and then copy the XF86Config-4 file
(and boot options, if any) off to some other media for reuse in your
long-term Linux distribution (Debian 3.1/sarge or whatever).

   c) Sound only works if I use KDE first.  That is if I log into Gnome
after boot I have no sound, if I log into KDE then Gnome I get sound.
But even then the sound volume controls doesn't work

I'm guessing that, some time during your installation ordeal ;- , you 
enabled KDE sound support, which is apparently via something called the
arts daemon.  Thus, your currently-configured sound support is
KDE-dependent, which is probably not really what you had in mind.

I can guess how this happened -- and, please, don't think I'm being
critical of you at all, in saying this:  I crashed and burned on Debian
desktop setup a few times before learning a couple of hard lessons.
You were in tasksel (the metapackage selector), and picked the
aforementioned desktop option and probably a whole lot of other
things.  It's very tempting to do this:  You have access to something
like 13,000 packages in a few nice little checkboxes, and one is tempted
to say Yeah, give me the whole candy store.
When you do that, the package tools grind through figuring out the
dependencies, then mass-fetch the necessary .deb files into
/var/cache/apt/archives, then does initial, basic installation (dpkg -i)
of all of them, en-masse, and then does the package-configuration 
step (dpkg --configure) on all of them, en masse.

If you selected 800 packages for initial installation, or 2000, or some
number like that, then, by the time you reach the final stage
(configuration), above, your brain will have overloaded from the sheer
quantity of stuff that's scrolled by the installation screen.  Most of
that will be of no lasting importance, and will have been mostly the
background muttering of installation tools, but some pop-up messages 
will have been important -- but, like most people, you'll not have
stopped to take notes, because you weren't expecting such things.

Moreover, the configuration step, itself, involves the system asking you
fairly significant questions for each of a significant fraction of the
n-hundred packages you said to install.  Most other distributions would 
give you default, generic configurations for installed packages; the
Debian method, instead, is to ask you a couple of focussed questions for 
any package needing custom configuration, and constructing a
site-appropriate configuration based on your answers.

In consequence, it's usually a really bad idea to pick 800-2000 or so 
packages for initial installation, _unless_ you're seriously prepared to
deal with this sort of computer interrogation and devote the attention
to it that's necessary.

(You probably realised all of that, but I'm saying this for the benefit
of newcomers, mostly.)
Anyhow, my takeaway lesson from my own encounters was:  Install a
smallish system, and incrementally add packages only as you want and
need them.  (This is a different habit from what one gets in many other
distributions, so I thought it worth mentioning.)

   d) The wireless card can't be picked during the install because the
settings don't last/work after that initial install reboot

I'm mystified as to why almost all Linux installers still flub this,
according to reviews.  Me, I just rolled up my sleeves and edited
/etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts with a text editor and reference to a few
manpages.  You're right; this should be easier.  There may be some tool
to do it automagically; I just don't know what it is.
I haven't even tried to tackle infrared-port networking (IrDA), yet.
That's the one significant thing missing from my page about Linux
generically on Dell Inspiron 7000 laptops
( .  Soon, I hope to fix
that, just to complete the page.  (Well

Re: [vox-tech] Installing a desktop upon my laptop

2004-09-26 Thread Jay Strauss

 Perhaps you'd like to try Yoper, especially as it focuses on
 speed and compactness.  Here's a starting point:

 I have no experience with it myself, but would love to hear
 from anyone who tries it.

 -- Rod

Downloaded and installed it today.  I didn't play with it too long, but
it seemed nice.  I was able to get my sound going (so that's a good
thing :).  I'm hesitiant to go off on a distro that no one else is


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Installing a desktop upon my laptop

2004-09-25 Thread Jay Strauss

I want to preface this, I'm not whinning :)

Since replacing my failed hard drive on my laptop (IBM thinkpad A30,
model 2652 3CU), I'm really trying to make the switch to a linux destop.
I've always run Debian for my servers and am most comfortable with that.
I've never had to worry about sound cards, IR ports, wireless cards...

What I find when I install Sarge, and pick the desktop option is:

1) It installs a ton of stuff, that I just don't need now.  For example,
I don't need 10 different console and terminal apps, 5 different web
browsers, sound recording/mixing..., games, HTML editors, both KDE and

2) it doesn't do a good job of identifying and configuring components.
a) doesnt identify my video card as ATI
b) doesn't setup my XFConfig-4 correctly
c) Sound only works if I use KDE first.  That is if I log into Gnome
after boot I have no sound, if I log into KDE then Gnome I get sound.
But even then the sound volume controls doesn't work
d) The wireless card can't be picked during the install because the
settings don't last/work after that initial install reboot

3) Its kinda slow.  I'm running a 1Ghz pentium III, 384 MB ram, 5400 rpm
drive.  It takes something like 10 seconds after I enter my userid into
GDM before I get my desktop

Maybe I'm picking the wrong distribution to run as a desktop (or I hate
to say it, maybe I'm spoiled because M$ stuff does all this so well).

So my question is:

Can anyone suggest a route for installing on my laptop that will help me
detect/identify all the components on my laptop (network card, wireless
card, ir port, monitor, sound card...), give me a nice slim install, and
ideally use APT for software administration


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Installing a desktop upon my laptop

2004-09-25 Thread Jay Strauss
I'm downloading Yoper now.I'll try it for a few minutes :)

- Original Message - 
To: lugod's technical discussion forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] Installing a desktop upon my laptop

 Perhaps you'd like to try Yoper, especially as it focuses on
 speed and compactness.  Here's a starting point:

 I have no experience with it myself, but would love to hear
 from anyone who tries it.

 -- Rod

 On Saturday 25 September 2004 10:06 am, Jay Strauss wrote:
  I want to preface this, I'm not whinning :)
  Since replacing my failed hard drive on my laptop (IBM thinkpad A30,
  model 2652 3CU), I'm really trying to make the switch to a linux
  I've always run Debian for my servers and am most comfortable with
  I've never had to worry about sound cards, IR ports, wireless
  What I find when I install Sarge, and pick the desktop option is:
  1) It installs a ton of stuff, that I just don't need now.  For
  I don't need 10 different console and terminal apps, 5 different web
  browsers, sound recording/mixing..., games, HTML editors, both KDE
  2) it doesn't do a good job of identifying and configuring
  a) doesnt identify my video card as ATI
  b) doesn't setup my XFConfig-4 correctly
  c) Sound only works if I use KDE first.  That is if I log into
  after boot I have no sound, if I log into KDE then Gnome I get
  But even then the sound volume controls doesn't work
  d) The wireless card can't be picked during the install because
  settings don't last/work after that initial install reboot
  3) Its kinda slow.  I'm running a 1Ghz pentium III, 384 MB ram, 5400
  drive.  It takes something like 10 seconds after I enter my userid
  GDM before I get my desktop
  Maybe I'm picking the wrong distribution to run as a desktop (or I
  to say it, maybe I'm spoiled because M$ stuff does all this so
  So my question is:
  Can anyone suggest a route for installing on my laptop that will
help me
  detect/identify all the components on my laptop (network card,
  card, ir port, monitor, sound card...), give me a nice slim install,
  ideally use APT for software administration
 vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Installing a desktop upon my laptop

2004-09-25 Thread Jay Strauss
 Jay Strauss wrote:
  Can anyone suggest a route for installing on my laptop that will
help me
  detect/identify all the components on my laptop (network card,
  card, ir port, monitor, sound card...), give me a nice slim install,
  ideally use APT for software administration

 Other than an unusual bug when trying to dual boot winXP, I've been
 impressed with Fedora Core 2.  Use apt-rpm type tools to maintain it,
 and you should be happy.

I'll download Fedora Core 2 tonight and try it.  When you say apt-rpm
type tools do you mean tools that are like apt-rpm or the tools that
come with apt-rpm?


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Sound on the thinkpad

2004-09-25 Thread Jay Strauss

(while I'm waiting to down load yopper), I just reinstalled Sarge,
totally basic install.  Then installed KDE (kdebase to be exact).  I
don't have any sound, though I see during boot it loaded my sound card

Any suggestions one where to look to get my sound?


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Sound on the thinkpad [solved-ish]

2004-09-25 Thread Jay Strauss
 If the sound drivers loaded without complaining, then it's
 likely just an issue with mixer settings.  For example if
 you are using ALSA, then output is muted by default and you
 should run alsamixer.

 If you are not using ALSA then perhaps you should, depending
 on the hardware.  I have generally had better luck with it
 than with OSS.

 -- Rod

I installed alsa-base, alsa-oss, aumix

I adjusted aumix volume and got sound.  I don't know if I needed the
alsa stuff or not.  How would I know if I'm using ALSA or not?



vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Sound on the thinkpad [not solved]

2004-09-25 Thread Jay Strauss

 I installed alsa-base, alsa-oss, aumix

 I adjusted aumix volume and got sound.  I don't know if I needed the
 alsa stuff or not.  How would I know if I'm using ALSA or not?

Spoke too soon.  After rebooting my sound is gone.  Something like a
sound driver or something must not be getting loaded.  Also when I
opened aumix after rebooting, the volumes were back at their defaults
(even though I had saved them)


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Sound on the thinkpad [not solved]

2004-09-25 Thread Jay Strauss
 With ALSA you need an init script to restore saved mixer
 settings on bootup.  On my Gentoo systems it's called
 alsasound - perhaps you already have one and just need to
 enable it.

 Solved yet?  :-)

 -- Rod

I have a bunch of snd-* in my lsmod, so I guess I'm using ALSA.  I have
a alsa in my /etc/init.d which I started manually just now.

I still don't have any sound :(


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Sound on the thinkpad [not solved]

2004-09-25 Thread Jay Strauss
 You don't understand.  The init script is invoked on
 shutdown to save the mixer settings to a configuration file,
 and on bootup to restore them.  So to see it work, you have
 to run a mixer to enable sound, make sure the init script
 will run on shutdown and bootup, and then reboot.

 If you look at the script you should see that it runs
 alsactl save and alsactl restore on shutdown and reboot,
 respectively.  man alsactl for more info.


 -- Rod

Sorry my fault, I wasn't clear.  I do know that the stuff in init.d gets
run at startup/shutdown.  I looked thru the alsa script and saw it calls
alsactl.  I just ran /etc/init.d/alsa stop and start just to see if
I'd get sound, which I did not.

If I run alsamixer, it gives me the message:
No mixer elems found


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Debian Sarge, Video and Monitor Configuration

2004-09-21 Thread Jay Strauss

- Original Message - 
To: Jay Strauss [EMAIL PROTECTED]; lugod's technical discussion forum
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] Debian Sarge, Video and Monitor Configuration
On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 10:57:14PM -0500, Jay Strauss wrote:

 You modified your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 by hand, so now debconf is
 reluctant to overwrite it.  From /usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.gz
 lines 2071-2073 in sid, you can solve this as follows:

   For /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, do the following as root:
   md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4  /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum
   dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

Thanks Ken,

That's working.  I feel like a NOB since what you mentioned is also written
the top of the XF86Config file.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Debian Sarge, Video and Monitor Configuration

2004-09-21 Thread Jay Strauss
 For your monitor, VertRefresh should be 85 since 85Hz is your monitor's
 capability.  But instead of just setting it to 85, it's best to give it a
 range that it is capable, so X can pick the best one out of all the
 possible ones.  Since most monitors are capable of 60Hz, it's safe to
 assume your monitor is also.  So I'd set your VertRefresh rate to this:

VertRefresh  59-86

 As for HorizSync, I don't quite understand that thing.  I usually work
 with the default range, tweaking it as necessary.  As long as you know the
 vertical refresh rate is set properly, it's not too hard to tweak it.  I
 think you can use xvidtune to help you tweak it, too.

 BTW, many monitors today has the ability to display its current display
 rate.  So if you have Windows or Knoppix and can get it into the mode that
 you want, you can write down its display setting and apply it in the
 XF86Config-4 file.  For example, by clicking on the [2] button on my
 monitor I see that my Windows XP display (hehe) is currently set to fH
 68.7kHz, fV 85.1Hz, which means my display is currently using horizontal
 sync rate of 68.7kHz and vertical refresh rate of 85.1Hz.  So I *could*
 set my XF86Config-4 file to say:

   HorizSync   68-69
   VertRefresh 85-86

 to get the exact same setting.  It's possible I won't get the exact same
 setting, though, so I'd expand the range a bit, like this:

   HorizSync   60-80
   VertRefresh 70-90

 Just approximating, knowing that my awesome Panasonic PanaSync Pro P110i
 monitor I got from Geoff isn't stupid enough to blow up if I enter in some
 bad number.

 Just try it.  See if it works using your monitor's display feedback.
 Monitors today don't blow up or smoke away like they used to... not that
 I've ever seen one do that. Thankfully...

 BTW, as I mentioned before, being able to set high refresh rates isn't
 just about the video card, but also about the monitor, so you gotta make
 sure the monitor is capable of it, too.  I got the impression that this is
 a laptop computer, and if all you're using is the built-in LCD monitor,
 then it's fine at 60Hz.  If you don't have a CRT monitor that you plug in
 regularly, then keep it at 60Hz to be compatible with various things you
 may end up plugging into (CRT, projector, A/V signal converter, etc. --
 they all work at 60Hz but may not at higher rates!)  Otherwise match it
 with the CRT monitor that you plug into regularly 'cuz it's pointless to
 adjust the rates for things you may never plug into...  Just my 2 cents..
 whatever that really means...! =P

 Oh yeah, you're not finding the HorizSync and VertRefresh values for your
 video card on the Internet because those are values for the monitor, not
 the video card!  If you wanna look up those values, look up your CRT
 monitor's specs, not your video card's!


Thanks Mark,

I am indeed running a laptop.  I never attach it to a CRT, the only time I
attach an
external monitor to it is when I do a presentation (maybe once a year) and I
hook it up to a projector.

I've been looking for specs on the monitor, but can't seem to find anything
more specific than stuff on the IBM product sales stuff.  Although maybe my
is only capable of 1400x1050, so maybe I'm OK where I am.

I don't have Windows or Knoppix installed on this machine, so I don't have
access to those tools you speak of.

I'll play with the refresh rates like you describe and see if anything blows
up or smokes :)


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Debian Sarge, Video and Monitor Configuration

2004-09-21 Thread Jay Strauss
On Tue, 2004-09-21 at 12:13, Rick Moen wrote:
 Quoting Jay Strauss ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  I don't have Windows or Knoppix installed on this machine, so I don't have
  access to those tools you speak of.
 Just in case you don't know, Knoppix is a run-from-CD distribution, and
 doesn't need to be installed onto your hard drive.  Thus, in part
 because it has excellent hardware autodetection, it makes a good tool
 for solving problems like yours.  I try to always keep a recent version
 around, along with my LNX-BBC disk (which I helped design, so I'm biased) 
 and a Tom's Root-Boot floppy.

Thanks Rick, I might go and download a copy of Knoppix


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] Debian Sarge, Video and Monitor Configuration

2004-09-20 Thread Jay Strauss

I just installed Sarge on an IBM A20 Thinkpad (2652 3CU).  During the
during the X configuration, it asked (using the medium selection), what my
monitor was capable of:
1600x1200 @ 60Hz
1600x1200 @ 70ish Hz
1600x1200 @ 85Hz

I picked @60 Hz, I now realize my ATI mobility rage card operates at 85Hz

Where do I change that value to 85?  Its not in my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
and I can't think of anywhere else to look.

Also, can someone suggest where I can find the exact Vertical and Horizontal
rates for my monitor?  I've been googling and searching around IBM's
website, but can't find it


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