Re: [vox-tech] Sharing wi-fi in hotel with Chromecast

2016-05-23 Thread Foo Lim
I've used something Wireless Travel Router like this before:

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 1:09 PM, Darth Borehd 

> I am staying in a hotel with family.
> We have the following devices:
> Laptop running Linux Mint Mate 17.3
> Chromecast
> iPhone 4
> Dell 7 Android tablet (Wi-Fi only)
> We want to be able to stream Netflix and Hulu from one of the mobile
> devices to the big TV in the room using Chromecast and one of the mobile
> devices without tying up the laptop.  (The laptop frequently has to be used
> for work while others are watching the movie.)
> The problem is that the hotel's wi-fi is setup for AP isolation.  Devices
> on the wi-fi can't talk to each other.
> (I already got around the hotel login page by spoofing the Chromecast MAC
> on the laptop).
> I heard of a windows software called Connectify that lets you re-share
> your wi-fi connection over the same adapter.  Unfortunately, I was not able
> to get it to run on Wine.
> Googling found some articles on setting up the laptop as a wi-fi hotspot
> but they all assume you have two adapters (like ethernet to wi-fi).
> Any suggestions?
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] dkim on vox-tech

2016-04-29 Thread Foo Lim
I had the experience where gmail filters out email from myself. Not sure if
that's what's happening.

On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 9:48 AM, Brian E. Lavender  wrote:

> I talked to one our members and he said he didn't get a message
> fromt he vox-tech list that he sent. He has a gmail account.
> I have a mail server I manage that is connected to Comcast business
> and I had to implement dkim on outbound messages so that they would
> make it to gmail. I wonder if we need to put dkim on the vox mailing
> list?
> brian
> --
> Brian Lavender
> "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to
> make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other
> way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
> Professor C. A. R. Hoare
> The 1980 Turing award lecture
> ___
> vox-tech mailing list
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Copying/ Moving Large number of files

2008-12-11 Thread Foo Lim
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 1:48 PM, ALLO (Alfredo Lopez De Leon) wrote:


 I need to move a large number of directories whose size ranges from 1GB to
 6 GB (multiple files ~400mb each) between two NFS partitions.  Which is the
 safest way to do it?  Will mv dir1 /bla/bla/bla/dir1 will suffice?  The
 data is extremely valuable and I will hate to lose it during the process,
 should I do copy {cp -r dir1 /bla/bla/bla/dir1} instead and then remove
 the originals?

 Thanks a lot in advance for your help.

 Best Regards
 Alfredo Lopez

Hi Alfredo,

I would do

md5sum src files  md5.txt
cp -pr src dest
md5sum -c md5.txt
rm src

Or do the same md5 steps but write to DVD  use sneakernet to be even safer
(with an added benefit of having a backup also).

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] DMA disabled on device LITE-ON - DVDRW SHM-165H6S

2007-08-11 Thread Foo Lim
On 8/10/07, Jimbo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I did as suggested w/o a hitch.  First time seeing msg since updating k3b.

 Is there a way to permanently enable dma easily for this uber  newbie
 can understand?  Googling brings up unending questions hence this letter.



Hi Jim,

You should run hdparm with the -k option after you verified the drive
performs well, as stated in the man page:

   -k Get/set the keep_settings_over_reset flag for the  drive.   When
  this flag is set, the driver will preserve the -dmu options over
  a soft reset, (as done  during  the  error  recovery  sequence).
  This  flag  defaults  to off, to prevent drive reset loops which
  could be caused by combinations of -dmu settings.  The  -k  flag
  should  therefore  only be set after one has achieved confidence
  in correct system operation with a chosen set  of  configuration
  settings.   In practice, all that is typically necessary to test
  a configuration (prior to using -k) is to verify that the  drive
  can  be  read/written,  and that no error logs (kernel messages)
  are generated in the process (look in /var/adm/messages on  most

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] connecting to DSL modem

2006-10-16 Thread Foo Lim

On 10/15/06, Peter Jay Salzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Supposedly, I should be able to connect to the webserver on my Westell 6100
DSL modem via:

But the page never loads.



Hi Pete,

Does the modem have a router?  Do you have a router with the same IP address?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] quick apache question

2006-02-25 Thread Foo Lim
On 2/25/06, Cylar Z [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all,


 Now I have a completely unrelated question about
 Apache HTTP server, one that I couldn't find the
 answer to at the Apache Server Project's website. The
 Linux server I'm working on runs HTTP server 2.0.

 A user on the system wants to have a webpage space
 within his shell account. He has already created a
 public_html directory  uploaded an index.html file
 into the directory. He has also set his public_html
 folder to chmod 755 and his index.html file therin to
 chmod 644.

 However, when he fires up his browser and types in

 he gets a Not Found error message instead of his
 webpage. My guess is that the problem is somewhere in
 Apache's config file; that is, the http server isn't
 looking in the correct folder for the index.html file.

 If I'm right, where in httpd.conf is the line that I
 need to modify? If I'm *wrong*, then what's the

 The server also has a main webpage and some virtual
 hosts. All of these seem to be functioning normally,
 and yes, I double-checked that httpd is running.


 Thanks, Matt

Hi Matt,

Take a look at the userdir module at:

You'll need that loaded  enabled using the UserDir directive.  I
think the default httpd.conf has an example in there.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] using windows pathnames in cygwin

2006-02-01 Thread Foo Lim
On 2/1/06, Peter Jay Salzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Tue 31 Jan 06,2:03 PM, Foo Lim [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:Hi Pete,When I installed gvim, I also installed the bat files for running from the
command line.It's an option when installing gvim.It puts batch filesin the Windows directory, so you can merely run:gvim.bat fileI have successfully aliased vi to /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/gvim.bat,  it
works.FooHi Foo,This is *exactly* what I want, but unfortunately it's not working for me.Itried calling the bat file by name: $ /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/gvim.bat /cygdrive/c/boot.ini
and got the same result: Unable to open swap file for \cygdrive\c\boot.iniand gvim left me editing an empty file.I have a new job which leaves mezilch free time, plus I have a two hour commute each way (ugh!) so I don't
have much time for experimentation these days.I don't suppose you have amagic pill for this?:)Thanks!PeteHi Pete,This sounds like a permissions issue. Are you part of the Administrators group? The swap file should be created in the directory of the file you're editing. What if you put
set noswapfilein the _vimrc file in the Vim install directory?Foo
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] using windows pathnames in cygwin

2006-01-31 Thread Foo Lim
On 1/31/06, Peter Jay Salzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In cygwin, I'd like to type vi /etc/profile and have gvim come up, editing/etc/profile without necessarily running X.That means I need to rely on awin32 installation of gvim, rather than the gvim that comes with cygwin.
I've installed win32 gvim in C:\Program Files\vim, but when I do: /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Vim/vim64/gvim.exe /etc/profilegvim comes up with: Cannot open swap file for \etc\profile, recovery impossible
and I find myself editing an empty file.Eventually, I'd like to make/usr/bin/vi an alias for /cygdrive/c/Program Fiels/Vim/vim64/gvim.exe.Is there a way to use win32 gvim from within cygwin and have the pathnames
work out?Hi Pete,When I installed gvim, I also installed the bat files for running from the command line. It's an option when installing gvim. It puts batch files in the Windows directory, so you can merely run:
gvim.bat fileI have successfully aliased vi to /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/gvim.bat,  it works.Foo
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] postfix config file

2005-12-08 Thread Foo Lim
On 12/8/05, Cylar Z [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hey all:Can someone email me (or post a link to) a copy of theDEFAULT Postfix file? Just the plainunmodified one that comes with the applicationinstall? I'm running the latest version of Fedora Core
4 if that makes any difference.I accidentally overwrote my and I don't feellike doing a total system reinstall just to get this.Thanks.

Why not just remove the package  reinstall? =D

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Firefox question (long shot)

2005-02-22 Thread Foo Lim
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Richard S. Crawford wrote:

 It's pretty spiffy.
 Foolishly, I set my browser's cache to 0.  Never a problem until now; the 
 command above returned nothing.  The game is apparently still in my 
 computer's memory, though; is there a way to pull it out of there?

This is from a Windoze version of Firefox.. *blush*  Try going to Tools - 
Page Info - Media - (Find the Embedded object) - Save As...

Hope that works.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Firefox question (long shot)

2005-02-22 Thread Foo Lim
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Mitch Patenaude wrote:

 From the menu: (at least on my mac)
 Tools-Page Info-(tab)Media  
 should list all the elements of the current page, one of which should
 be the flash .swf file (type embed).  When selected, there is a
 Save As buton.

Whoops..  Sorry.  I didn't read all the messages before replying..  =/


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] a firefox question

2005-02-09 Thread Foo Lim
On Thu, 3 Feb 2005, Jonathan Stickel wrote:

 These have been some interesting discussions about FireFox.  One thing 
 Pete originally complained about that hasn't been discussed is the 
 opening of new windows when you would rather they would go to another 
 tab.  This often frustrates me as well.  From what I can tell, this 
 occurs when some java happy web designer wraps a link with javascript to 
 open a new window.  Left-clicking on these links opens the content in a 
 new window, as expected.  Middle-clicking on the link opens a blank tab 
 with the javascript in the location bar.  Since java code is not a valid 
 location, nothing opens.  I hope this gets fixed in future versions.

Hi all,

Sorry for getting into this so late, but I haven't had time to read all
the interesting posts.  This Mozilla tip will do just as well without any
software installation.

BTW, Bill, I like the FlashBlock.  =)


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Using awk or perl to find and replace

2004-11-24 Thread Foo Lim
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, Trevor M. Lango wrote:

 On Tuesday 23 November 2004 23:41, Foo Lim wrote:
  On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, Trevor M. Lango wrote:
   I have been reading the man pages and I'm lost.  I want to scan through
   an input file for an expression with this pattern:
   and replace it with an expression with the following pattern:
   Perl and awk both appear to be ideal candidates for just such a task
   but I'm a serious newbie to both of 'em.  Any help much appreciated!
  Hi Trevor,
  Does the pattern h.*.JPG match something like this: h.abc123.JPG ?
 Something like this: h.#-##--.###.JPG
  Since the period . is a metacharacter in regular expressions.  If that's
  the case, then a perl script like this would work:
  while () {

The code above should work.  If it's possible to have multiple files on a 
line, you may want to change the regex to this:


instead, so it will minimal match instead of do a greedy match.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Using awk or perl to find and replace

2004-11-24 Thread Foo Lim
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, Ken Bloom wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 24, 2004 at 08:57:03AM -0800, Trevor M. Lango wrote:

   instead, so it will minimal match instead of do a greedy match.
  Okay I am not having any success.  Perhaps I need to be more specific - I 
  trying to scan through html files to replace the image references in lines 
  like this one:
 img align=right src=/IMAGES/C/h.I-LP-CEUR-AD.003.jpg
  In this particular example, I need to replace:
  Thank you for your responses!
 Capitalization counts. If the files are named with a .jpg, then your
 regexp pattern has to say .jpg. If the files are named with a .JPG,
 then your regexp pattern has to say .JPG. There is a flag that you can
 add at the end (were the g is) to do a case insensitive match, but not
 to do a case insensitive, but not to make the replacement string case

Add an i to the end of the statement:


However, this will match files that start with a lowercase h as well as an 
uppercase H.  If that's fine, then this regex will do the job.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Using awk or perl to find and replace

2004-11-24 Thread Foo Lim
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, Mitch Patenaude wrote:

 On Nov 24, 2004, at 10:15 AM, Mitch Patenaude wrote:
  perl -pi.orig -e 's/h.(.*?).([Jj][Pp][Gg])/$1.h.$2/g;' *.html
 oops.. that should be
perl -pi.orig -e 's/h\.(.*?)\.([Jj][Pp][Gg])/$1.h.$2/g;' *.html
 (forgot to escape the literal periods.  This is why my mom detests 
 regex... it ends up looking an awful lot like old serial line noise. 

Good catch(es).  I stand corrected.  :-)


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Using awk or perl to find and replace

2004-11-23 Thread Foo Lim
On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, Trevor M. Lango wrote:

 I have been reading the man pages and I'm lost.  I want to scan through 
 an input file for an expression with this pattern:
 and replace it with an expression with the following pattern:
 Perl and awk both appear to be ideal candidates for just such a task 
 but I'm a serious newbie to both of 'em.  Any help much appreciated!

Hi Trevor,

Does the pattern h.*.JPG match something like this: h.abc123.JPG ?  
Since the period . is a metacharacter in regular expressions.  If that's 
the case, then a perl script like this would work:

while () {


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] BASH: ignore space in for loop

2004-10-20 Thread Foo Lim
On Wed, 20 Oct 2004, Dylan Beaudette wrote:

 Hi --
 Can't seem to figure out how to make this BASH script do what I would like it 
 to do:
 I have 2 files: 
 file A:
 Name of place 1
 Name of place 2
 file B:
 Name of place 1 [tab] code1
 Name of place 1 [tab] code1
 The Name of place values often have spaces in them, which seems to be 
 confusing a for loop in bash:
 for this_quadname in `cat file_a`; do echo grep -i $this_quadname file_b ; 
 produces this:
 grep -i 'Name' file_b
 grep -i 'of' file_b
 grep -i 'place'  file_b it would seem that the for loop is iterating over both spaces AND 
 newlines in the `cat file_a` expression...


Try using a while-read loop instead:

while read line; do grep $line test2.txt; done  test.txt

Or in your case:

while read this_quadname; do
echo grep -i $this_quadname file_b ; 
done  file_a

LMK if it works!


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] grub questions

2004-08-09 Thread Foo Lim
On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

title  Windows NT/2000/XP
root   (hd1,0)
 I'd like to put boot at the end of the Win2k stanza, but when I type
 boot at the grub prompt, it tells me that the kernel needs to load
 before booting (huh?).

Hi Peter,

Try something like this:

title Win2K
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
# For loading DOS
chainload /bootsect.dos

You might be missing the last line.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Changing data with awk

2004-06-04 Thread Foo Lim
Use perl.  =D  You can edit the file in place also:

perl -p -i -e 's/(some regex)\r(some other regex)/${1}X${2}/' test.dat

I say use all the tools available to you,  use the right tool for the 


On Fri, 4 Jun 2004, Mark K. Kim wrote:

 Unfortunately that wouldn't work since Richard wants to modify the column
 in the file, not strip it out at the same time he modifies it...  Unless
 you know of some way to re-insert the modified column back into the file
 (I don't.)  Good try, though.
 I'm not an awk expert but I'd guess you could do something like:
   awk -F^ '{$6=gensub(/\r/,cr,,$6);
printf(%s^%s^%s^%s^%s^%s\n,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6)}' test.dat
 I'm sure someone's got a better idea that putting all those %s's...
 PS: Then there's PERL... =P
 On Fri, 4 Jun 2004, Dylan Beaudette wrote:
   I have a large flat file generated by SQL Loader that I'd like to mess
   around with; specifically, I'd like to replace all of the carriage returns
   in one field with some other character, since they're messing up my data
   I figured I'd use awk, since it's a pretty powerful little tool for
   getting right to the data.  If I use:
   $ awk -F^ {print $6} test.dat
   I get the field that I want.  But how do I change the characters in that
   field and replace them in test.dat?
  i recently had a similar problem: trying to convert
  into this: 1, 2, 3...
  here is how i did it:
  append a comma+space to the end of each line with sed
  then remove each CR using tr:
  sed -e 's/$/, /g' input_file | tr -d \n  output_file
  so something like this might do the trick:
  awk -F^ {print $6} test.dat | sed -e 's/$/, /g' | tr -d \n  output_file
  .. you would be left with one column of data that would have to be
  re-instered into the DB, or added back to the original file.
  the command 'paste' might be helpful for appending the data to the
  good luck!
  vox-tech mailing list

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] MySQL 3.x - deleting orphan rows datetime()

2004-05-07 Thread Foo Lim
On Fri, 7 May 2004, David Siedband wrote:

 I have two questions - using MySQL 3.x
 [1] I'm trying to craft an SQL query to delete orphan rows in index 
 something like:
 delete from DocWords left join Docs on Docs.ID = DocWords.DocID where 
 Doc.ID is null
 Any suggestions how to do this?

Hi David,

Try using a subquery:

delete from DocWords
where DocID not in
(select ID from Docs);

 [2] Is it possible to emulate the functionality of difftime() in MySQL 
 3.x without using a scripting language?

I will defer this to someone who knows more than I do...



vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] MySQL 3.x - deleting orphan rows datetime()

2004-05-07 Thread Foo Lim
On Fri, 7 May 2004, Jeff Newmiller wrote:

 On Fri, 7 May 2004, Foo Lim wrote:
  On Fri, 7 May 2004, David Siedband wrote:
   I have two questions - using MySQL 3.x
   [1] I'm trying to craft an SQL query to delete orphan rows in index 
   something like:
   delete from DocWords left join Docs on Docs.ID = DocWords.DocID where 
   Doc.ID is null
   Any suggestions how to do this?
  Hi David,
  Try using a subquery:
  delete from DocWords
  where DocID not in
  (select ID from Docs);
 Subqueries are not implemented in MySQL 3.x.

Well, that sucks!


PostgreSQL user

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Kernel upgrade from Sarge (fresh install) 2.4.25 - 2.6.3 or 5

2004-05-01 Thread Foo Lim
On Sat, 1 May 2004, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

 On Sat 01 May 04, 10:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
  VFS - Cannot open root device hda1 or unknown-block(0,0)
  Please append correct Root= boot option
  Kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
 well, this pretty much tells it all.  the kernel panics because it
 doesn't know where to find the root of your filesystem.


 have no idea with grub, but i always through grub automagically finds
 the root partition...


If you are using grub, here is the relevant line from my menu.lst file:

title 2.4.18-1-k7
kernel (hd0,1)/vmlinuz-2.4.18-1-k7 root=/dev/hda9 hdd=ide-scsi

I had to specify the root partition because it's not on the same partition 
as /boot (hd0,1).


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Heretical WinXP Q re: burning Knoppix CD's

2004-04-29 Thread Foo Lim
On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Richard Crawford wrote:

 I am apparently doing something wrong while trying to burn Knoppix CD's
 with my Windows XP laptop.  I had assumed that I would just download the
 .iso file onto my hard drive, insert a blank CD into my CD-ROM drive, then
 copy the file from the hard drive to the blank CD using WinXP's native CD
 writing software.
 This doesn't seem to be working though.  The CD I create doesn't boot my
 computer into Knoppix.  I've checked the BIOS on my computer to ensure
 that it is bootable from CD-ROM, but it's still not working out.
 Any thoughts on what I might be missing?

Hi Richard,

I don't know very much about XP's native CD writing software, but iso 
files are images that encapsulate not only files but filesystem 
information.  I've had experience with Nero for Windows.  In that program, 
you would need to use the 'Burn image' option (IIRC).  If you have Linux, 
you can use cdrecord to burn the image.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Bash scripting newbie - need syntax help

2004-04-28 Thread Foo Lim
On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Larry Ozeran wrote:

 Hi all -

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailman]# rm -f error.*
 bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long

 The idea is that if it can't erase all files error.1* because there are too many, 
 it calls itself again and tries error.1.1*, and so forth.

 I read through the bash man page 3 times, but couldn't get enough out of
 it to understand the error message: unexpected Do on line 4. The man
 page said the syntax of the for loop was for ((exp; exp; exp)); do exp;
 done, which is what I thought I had.

Hi Larry,

Try using xargs like this:

find . -name error* | xargs rm

You can also try doing it through the find command like this:

find . -name error* -exec rm \{} \;

Finally, if you still want to get your for loop to work, you should write 
your for loop like this:

for (( i=1; i5; i++ )); do
  echo $i  # sub your own command here

Notice there are no dollar signs in the assignment, the comparison, nor 
the increment.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] mobo bios upgrades

2004-04-06 Thread Foo Lim
Hmm..  the last time I upgraded my BIOS, I had to download a Windoze 
executable to put on a bootable floppy along with the BIOS image.  Some 
mobo manufacturers have an executable that can upgrade while you're in 
Windoze.  However, both methods require you to have Windoze installed.  
Mark's method may work.  I haven't had to upgrade my BIOS in a long time 
(which also means I haven't bought new hardware in a long time  :(  ).


On Tue, 6 Apr 2004, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

 a 64-bit mobo i'm eyeing takes PC2700.  just learned of a bios upgrade
 that lets the board use PC3200.
 since i don't plan on putting MS windows on this machine i'm curious how
 you upgrade a bios, since i've never done it before.  do upgrades come
 in the form of...
 a. bootable disk (like DOS) in which case linux users can use them?
 b. a windows EXE, which case you have to install windows (i'm not sure
i'd use wine for this) to upgrade the bios.
 c. both forms have been known to be used.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] SQL selecting distinct from multiple index tables

2004-01-31 Thread Foo Lim
select distinct
Organizations.OID, Organizations.Name, Organizations.Acronym
from Organizations o
where o.OID in
  (select OrgID from OrgDocs
   select OrgID from OrgProjects);

Build subqueries first, thereby avoiding the full table joins.

On Fri, 30 Jan 2004, David Siedband wrote:

 I have two index tables the associate Organizations with documents and 
 projects.  I'm trying to write a query that returns all the 
 organizations that are associated with either a project or document.
 To select distinct organization that are either associated with a 
 Document or a Project, I'm using SQL that looks like this.
 select distinct Organizations.OID , Organizations.Name , 
 from OrgDocs , Organizations
 where OrgDocs.OrgID = Organizations.OID
 select distinct Organizations.OID , Organizations.Name , 
 from OrgProjects , Organizations
 where OrgProjects.OrgID = Organizations.OID
 Any suggestions on how to combine this into a single query?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] wincast tv: video4linux and copying movies

2003-10-14 Thread Foo Lim
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, Mark K. Kim wrote:

 DivX's compression is definitely better than MPEG2.  And somehow MPEG4 and
 DivX is related but I'm not exactly sure how.  They seem to either share
 compression techniques or have the ability to embed one format in the
 other, or it's just a different name for the same thing -- I'm not sure.
 Anyway, MPEG4 and DivX are very comparable and a video made in one format
 seems to be playable in a player that understands the other format.

I think 'DivX ;-)' was originally reverse-engineered from MS's MPEG4 
codec.  Or the internals of the codec was hacked out.  That's why they 
used to be compatible, but the latest version of 'DivX ;-)' 5 (?) has 
enough modifications to not be MPEG4 compatible.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] cron and user environment

2003-09-02 Thread Foo Lim
Hi Jay,

I was able to set an environment variable from within my .bash_profile and 
echo it to a file.

2 22 1 9 * . ~/.bash_profile; echo $FOO_TEST  ~/foo_test.txt

My .bash_profile has this line:

export FOO_TEST=1

and my foo_test.txt has a 1 in it.

When redirecting the env command's output to the same file, I am able to
see all my environment variables, including FOO_TEST.

Your problem puzzles me.  :-/


On Mon, 1 Sep 2003, Jay Strauss wrote:

 How can I setup my environment from a cron job?  
 I tried:
 * * * * * . ~/.bash_profile; env  ~/env.out
 but the second command doesn't run.
 Currently to workaround I schedule the job from root and do:
 su - username -c ~/bin/thing
 but don't really want to have to schedule stuff as root.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Zaurus wireless compactflash card

2003-05-29 Thread Foo Lim
On Wed, 28 May 2003, Gabriel Rosa wrote:

 I have a D-Link DCF-660W that I use with my ipaq (running familiar
 0.6.1), and it works very well. It's supposed to be pretty low power,
 but it's hard to gauge without having another card.
 It uses the orinoco_cs driver, and with the backlight on I get about
 2hours of use out of the ipaq with the card plugged in (regular about
 The D-Link is also physicaly small, and not T-Shaped like some of the
 Linksys (I think) ones i've seen.

Thanks for the feedback.

The Linksys WCF12 is the newer model in the WCF series.  It's not T-shaped 
anymore.  It doesn't get in the way of the stylus.  One review of the 
WCF12 commended it on its range.

There is no way to test it without setting up one's own access point, is 


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Using Convert to Resize Images

2003-02-19 Thread Foo Lim
On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Jim Angstadt wrote:

 When I use this syntax:
`convert -geometry $geo -quality $qual $from $to`;
 for various values of $qual ( 75 or 85 or 95) there is
 no obvious difference in the 'visual' quality of the
 images.  Also, each comparable file has the same size.
  And running diff on any two files yields no
 So, the files do not seem to be effected by the
 '-quality' option.  Are the quality and geometry
 options mutually exclusive?  What am I missing?

Hi Jim,

I do see a difference.  Here's the listing of my files:

-rw-rw-r--1 foo227784 Feb 19 14:43 bbqmap75.jpg
-rw-rw-r--1 foo297166 Feb 19 14:44 bbqmap85.jpg
-rw-rw-r--1 foo458938 Feb 19 14:44 bbqmap95.jpg
-rw-r--r--1 foo   1254886 Feb 19 14:42 bbqmap.jpg

after running these commands:

 1014  convert -geometry 50% -quality 75 bbqmap.jpg bbqmap75.jpg
 1016  convert -geometry 50% -quality 85 bbqmap.jpg bbqmap85.jpg
 1017  convert -geometry 50% -quality 95 bbqmap.jpg bbqmap95.jpg

Please post an example run where you see otherwise.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Using Convert to Resize Images

2003-02-19 Thread Foo Lim
On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Bill Kendrick wrote:

 On my box here at work, for example, I get:
   Version: @(#)ImageMagick 5.4.4 04/05/02 Q:16
   Copyright: Copyright (C) 2002 ImageMagick Studio LLC

I'm using:

Version: @(#)ImageMagick 5.4.7 07/01/02 Q:16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 2002 ImageMagick Studio LLC


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Computer/TV dilemma

2003-02-10 Thread Foo Lim
I've been trying to find a video card that can use the S-Video output for 
X, but haven't found one.  I think I've asked twice  did two different 
searches two years apart but haven't found anything.  Your best bet is 
probably the latter config.  If you do a search for TV tuner card, I 
think you'll be able to find something in the archives.  However, if you 
do find a solution to the former config, please share!


On Mon, 10 Feb 2003, Rod Roark wrote:

 My wife wants both a small TV and a computer in our kitchen.
 I'm thinking, why not combine them?  Does anyone have
 suggestions for good ways to do that?  For example would it
 work out better to find a small HDTV that can double as a
 monitor, or to use a normal monitor and add a TV tuner card
 into the computer?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Can a username be changed?

2003-02-09 Thread Foo Lim
Hi Bill,

I've never had to change someone's login, but you might look into


On Sun, 9 Feb 2003, Bill Kendrick wrote:

 Is there a way to change a user's login name under Unix?
 Is it safe enough to simply rename their home directory and
 edit their entry in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow?
 Or am I dealing with dangerous powers, and would be safe enough
 creating a brand new user and deleting the old one?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] troubleshooting internet connection

2003-01-21 Thread Foo Lim
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Robin Snyder wrote:

 What I've checked so far: I'm pretty sure I'm plugged into the correct
 ethernet card.  I know the DSL box works, because I can use my housemate's
 computer to get to the net.  The ethernet cable should be fine because it
 was working at the Installfest.  There's nothing amiss that I can see in
 either dmesg or /var/log/syslog.  netstat -rn gives me the correct IP
 address but Gateway is listed simply as  However, that strikes me
 more as symptom than cause.  What other probes can I use to figure out
 what's gone wrong?
   - robin.

Try running

/sbin/ifup eth0

(assuming eth0 is your DSL ethernet card)

then pinging another machine (local or non-local).

If that works, then you need to enable networking at boot time.  You can
enable networking in /etc/sysconfig/network:


and /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth0  by adding the line


in the file.  This is in Redhat 8.0.  These settings may be in different 
files within different distros.  Also, instead of eth0, use the correct 
ethernet interface number for your setup.


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] bare-bones web server

2002-07-18 Thread Foo Lim

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Nicole Carlson wrote:

 Hi everyone
 Can anyone recommend a tiny-footprint, minimal, feature-free, really
 bare-bones web server for Linux?  I'm doing research on web servers, and
 Apache is way too smart for its own good.  :)  Can someone help me out?
 Thanks BUNCHES,
 --nicole twn

Hi Nicole,

I'm using dhttpd.  The tarball is only 26Kb.  You can find it on 


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Linux's Vulnerability to E-mail Viruses

2002-04-25 Thread foo

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, ME wrote:

 On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Rod Roark wrote:
  Interesting, I never thought about that before.  The locking 
  (and corresponding unlocking) could easily be done by xor'ing 
  against some string of pseudo-random characters that only 
  the encryptor knows how to produce.
 The most advanced encryption available is found when you use 2XOR
 (double-XOR) with your data and the same key.
 You also get a huge cost savings in performance, as some stes can be
 skipped and, 8 bit 2XOR is just as secure as 2048bit 2XOR (assuming the
 same key in both passes.
 (Tongue in cheek - biteing down hard.)
 (This would have been better posted April, 1,2002  ;-)


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] zlib vulnerability

2002-03-11 Thread Foo Lim

A friend brought this to my attention:

Here are the details:


vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] cvs security

2001-12-10 Thread Foo Lim

Hey Ricardo,

Sounds like you're having a good day today.  :)


On 10 Dec 2001, Ricardo Anguiano wrote:

 Peter Jay Salzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  i've been thinking about cvs security alot lately.

 Security is defined by policy.  The mechanism tries to enforce the
 policy.  Chant this mantra until you achieve security.


 Monitor your server.  Keep good backups away from the machine.  Wash
 behind your ears.


vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] transferring a dual boot hard drive

2001-12-05 Thread Foo Lim

keywords: dual boot, bad drive, drive crash, hard disk upgrade

Ok Pete,

This has been sitting in my postponed folder for a while (a couple months
I think)..  I finally found some time (bored  tired) to finish it up so I
can recycle all the notes I made on this.


I've streamlined some of the steps that actually occurred when I went thru
this procedure, specifically the swapping of the drives as master  slave
a few times, because I found that the Windoze boot disk didn't recognize
long file names.

These steps apply to IDE drives.  For SCSI, YMMV.

Required reading:
Hard Disk Upgrade Mini How-To, Section 7

-1. Make a Win98 Emergency disk
0. print out a copy of your /etc/fstab and df output on 1 page
calculate how much space for each partition using %ages or whatnot

1. shutdown system  :-(
2. hook up the new drive as the slave drive
   change the jumpers on the master drive (if needed)
3. boot into a Windoze Emergency disk
4. run fdisk on the new slave drive
5. create partition - * see note below
6. set it active
7. reboot into Windoze w/o Emergency disk (cuz it said to)
8. format the new partition
(D: if you don't have other partitions on master)
9. delete all unneeded files (especially browser caches - Netscape, IE)
10. close all programs
11. open a MS-DOS prompt
a. type 'cd \'
b. type 'xcopy32 /s/e /k /H /c *.* d:
(where d: is the new partition)
there will be a couple errors if you watch the output
one of them will be an error in copying the swap file
the /c flag will let the copying continue past the error(s)
there's also /q to turn off output
/s/e copies all subdirs including empty ones
/k to copy attribs
/H (capped so not be confused w/n) to copy system files
12. shutdown
13. switch drives as master (master - slave)
some motherboards will let you just change jumpers on UDMA66/100
drives without changing the cable positions
14. boot up  make sure you can boot into Windoze  everything seems fine
(incl all freezes  BSODs.  oh, make sure TFC works)

Now for the Linux part
Required reading comes in handy here
15. use RH 6.2 CD to boot
16. 'linux rescue' at the install prompt

17. 'mknod /dev/hda' or whatever it's supposed to be
18. 'mknod /dev/hda1' for all partitions (mknod /dev/hda[2-9])
19. do this for hdb also

20. 'fdisk /dev/hda' which is your new drive
create all the partitions according to step 0
21. format the partitions
a. 'mkfs.ext2 -c /dev/hdb1; mkfs.ext2 -c /dev/hdb2; (etc.)'
   get something to eat  drink
b. 'mkswap /dev/hdb3' (assuming your swap is hdb3)
22. mount the disk partitions (loop thru all your partitions except swap)
'mkdir /mnt/old-1 /mnt/new-1'
'mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/new-1'
'mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/old-1'
23. copy all the files on all the partitions (except swap)
'cp -ax /mnt/old-1/* /mnt/new-1/'
24. unmount all partitions
25. mount for re-lilo'ing
if you have /boot and / in different partitions, do this:
assume /boot is in /dev/hda1 and / in /dev/hda2

'mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/root'
'mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/root/boot'
'lilo -r /mnt/root'
'umount /mnt/root/boot'
'umount /mnt/root'

This is also helpful when you screw up a lilo installation.
26. reboot  cross your fingers I haven't forgotten anything

If everything seems ok, you can shutdown again to disconnect the bad
drive.  Some of the above steps can be written as bash scripts to avoid

* if you're using an older version of LILO with the 1024 cylinder limit,
you'll need to find out how big you can make the Windoze partition.  The
way I do it is to boot with a Redhat 6.2 CD:
1. boot with CD
2. type 'linux rescue' at the install prompt
3. at shell prompt,
a. mknod /dev/hdb
where hdb means the new drive is the slave of the 1st IDE channel
b. fdisk /dev/hdb
c. record number of cylinders  size of a partition with 1023 cyl
   so you can create a Windoze partition smaller than that size
4. at this point, you can either make the Win95 FAT (Primary) partition or
go back to where you left off above by quitting fdisk  rebooting.  I
chose to go back in case DOS' fdisk does something I'll forget.

Disclaimer: I will not be responsible for any data loss incurred by this
procedure unless after reading this, you feel inclined to just give up and
erase everything.  Then I may care.  This document was written initially
for LUGOD's FAQ, which at this moment is maintained by Peter Salzman.
Please send corrections or additions to either me ([EMAIL PROTECTED] -
take out the .nospam) or Peter.  Feel free to redistribute this.

vox-tech mailing list

[vox-tech] smart VISA

2001-11-17 Thread Foo Lim

Hi all,

Does anyone have a VISA card with a smart chip (or whatever)? is offering a VISA card with a free smart card reader.  I
think AmEx has blue, but you have to *buy* the reader (how stupid is
that).  Is that still the case?  Are there other cards that are offering
free readers?


[vox-tech] smart VISA

2001-11-17 Thread Foo Lim

Whoops..  to make the last post a tech question, what are the specs on
the reader?  :)


[vox-tech] WD HDs take X

2001-11-13 Thread Foo Lim

Ok, WD HDs suck!!  A few weeks ago, I complained about a clicking Western
Digital HD, which was replaced by WD.  I put it in a new machine with low
usage, and the new one is freaking out also!  It hasn't even been used for
more than a few weeks!  I do have it on 24/7, but it should be able to
handle it.  My advice: skip WD.


Re: [ Re: [vox-tech] WD HDs take X]

2001-11-13 Thread Foo Lim

On Tue, 13 Nov 2001, Takashi Ishihara wrote:

 :  Digital HD, which was replaced by WD.  I put it in a new machine with low
 :  usage, and the new one is freaking out also!  It hasn't even been used for
 :  more than a few weeks!  I do have it on 24/7, but it should be able to
 :  handle it.  My advice: skip WD.

 look at the specs. modern hdds're usually expected to last 100 of years.

Another point of fact on the HD: the manufacturing date on the drive was
in 2001 (early half of this year, March-ish, I think).  Maybe they create
a whole bunch of platters and parts all at once, then slowly put the
drives together.  Or maybe they want me to buy another drive.  :(


[vox-tech] mandb problem

2001-06-23 Thread Foo Lim

Hi all,

My mandb in debian 2.2r3 won't update succesfully!

I've done a quick search on the web, but nothing has come up.

# mandb
Processing manual pages under /usr/man...
Checking for stray cats under /usr/man...
Checking for stray cats under /var/cache/man/fsstnd...
Processing manual pages under /usr/share/man...
Updating index cache for path `/usr/share/man'. Wait...mandb: bad fetch on
multi key free   3
mandb: index cache /var/cache/man/12042 corrupt

when I do mandb -d (for debugging):
# mandb -d
ult_src: File /usr/share/man/man3/frexp.3.gz
The following command done with dropped privs
/bin/gzip -dc /usr/share/man/man3/frexp.3.gz  /tmp/zman5JEaX5
frexp - convert floating-point number to fractional and integral
found 2 extensions
multi key lookup (free  3)
mandb: bad fetch on multi key free  3
mandb: index cache /var/cache/man/12042 corrupt

/usr/share/man/man3/free.3.gz used to be a symlink to malloc.3.gz  I even
tried to remove the symlink and copied the malloc man page over without
any luck.

Help?  TIA, FL

[vox-tech] df question

2001-06-22 Thread Foo Lim

Hi all,

This is very strange.  I just finished installing a debian system.  It
works ok, but here's the weird part: /usr/local and /usr seem to be the
same drive even though I put it on different partitions.  Their free space
goes up and down together.  Here's the df output:

Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda9   869620 24796800648   3% /
/dev/hda8  4901924  1364   4651556   0% /home
/dev/hda5   474443 22448427498   5% /var
/dev/hda6 10072456319640   9241148   3% /usr/local
/dev/hda7 10072456319640   9241148   3% /usr
/dev/hda215554  1308 13443   9% /boot

# cd /usr/data
# cp /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.19pre17 .
# df
Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda9   869620 24796800648   3% /
/dev/hda8  4901924  1364   4651556   0% /home
/dev/hda5   474443 22448427498   5% /var
/dev/hda6 10072456320624   9240164   3% /usr/local
/dev/hda7 10072456320624   9240164   3% /usr
/dev/hda215554  1308 13443   9% /boot

# fdisk /dev/hda
Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 5606 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1  2550  20482843+   c  Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/hda2  2551  2552 16065   83  Linux
/dev/hda3  2553  2568128520   82  Linux swap
/dev/hda4  2569  5606  244027355  Extended
/dev/hda5  2569  2629489951   83  Linux
/dev/hda6  2630  3602   7815591   83  Linux
/dev/hda7  3603  4876  10233373+  83  Linux
/dev/hda8  4877  5496   4980118+  83  Linux
/dev/hda9  5497  5606883543+  83  Linux

# ls -dl /usr/local
drwxrwsr-x9 root staff4096 Jun 21 16:31 /usr/local/

Any clues?


Re: [vox-tech] Linuxcare business card bootable cd and VNC

2001-06-08 Thread Foo Lim

Moved to vox-tech.

What are the security settings for VNC?  I looked for settings that would
suggest security, but I couldn't find anything, thus I stopped using it.

On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Stephen M. Helms wrote:

 In regards to VNC it works pretty well.  Just keep in mind security
 settings and maybe change the port number to other than the standard

Re: [vox-tech] fips question -- windows ME

2001-01-29 Thread Foo Lim

The complaint was that ME doesn't have an option at boot-up to go into a
MS-DOS only environment needed for FIPS.  What you'll need to do is make a
boot-up disk and run FIPS from there.  You can either do this by going
into the "Control Panel" and finding the "Make Setup disk" (or something
like that) or you might be able to go into a MS-DOS prompt and type:
"sys a:" to make a bootable floppy w/o CDROM support (so put FIPS.exe on
the floppy).


On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

 i'm going on a lert call on wednesday, and need confirmation on something.
 i heard at the last IF that fips doesn't work with windows ME.   can someone
 please verify that?
 never heard it before, but it would suck if it turned out to be true while i
 go on a lert call and didn't know about it advance.

Re: [vox-tech] Red Hat Soundblaster Setup

2001-01-27 Thread Foo Lim


On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Rusty Minden wrote:

 I don't remember what Red Hat 7.0 uses to set up sound cards. I set it up
 before, ut I don't remember how. I have a Soundblaster 64awe.

[vox-tech] Re: [vox] IF question

2001-01-27 Thread Foo Lim

I did work on a RH 7.0 with Mark that had a Netgear FA-311 card that
needed a module not found on the RH distro.  I found the needed files and
special compile instructions for RH 7.0 at:

(message cc'd to vox-tech, since I think this belongs in the archive


On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

 i'm collecting information from the last installfest --
 what was the name of the ethernet card that required the bleeding edge
 tulip driver?   the machine had libranet installed, and we recompiled the
 kernel but modutils was too old...

Re: [vox-tech] Router acting funny

2001-01-02 Thread Foo Lim

That's when tripwire comes in handy.

On Tue, 2 Jan 2001, Bill Broadley wrote:

 BTW if your machine is really hacked you can't trust ps, syslog, login,
 ls, top, etc.

Re: [vox-tech] Question for installers

2000-10-09 Thread Foo Lim

On Mon, 9 Oct 2000, Jessica wrote:

 Can the person who was working on the computer with the SMC Elite Ultra
 card (I believe it was the old obnoxious p133 that spent most of the day
 defragging) tell me whether or not they got it working? I just stumbled
 upon some information about this card that may be relevant if it didn't
 get working.
 (Mike, I think that this was you)

Hi Jessica,

I don't know what Mike did exactly.  I helped out at the end of the day,
right before Pete said "that computer shouldn't be POSTing"  :)

We finally added the line:

modprobe -a smc-ultra io=0x320

at the end of rc.local, and it seemed to work ok.  I didn't have time to
test it.  Again, I dunno what he did before that caused the need for
passing an io address to the card.