Re: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech mouseman and XF86Config-4

2003-04-05 Thread Ken Bloom
> Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 15:53:49 -0800 (PST)
> From: Robin Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech mouseman and XF86Config-4
> > From: Mike Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech mouseman and XF86Config-4
> >   Okay so the ideal situation is we find a mouse protocol that "gpm"
> > can use for both mice... we know that imps2 does works with the logitech
> > but not RemotePoint, we know that ps2 works with the RemotePoint but not
> > logitech.
> >
> >   Below is a list of mouse protocols that gpm supports that I think are
> > likely to work with your mice... in the order I recommend trying them.
> > Basically put one of these into /etc/gpm.conf at a time, and try using
> > both mice on the console to see if you can move and paste with them.
> > (If you don't reboot after changing /etc/gpm.conf you will at least need
> > to restart gpm via the command: "/etc/init.d/gpm restart").
> > If you find any protocol that works stop and report back...
> >
> > ===
> > gpm 1.19.6, Thu Oct  4 00:21:21 CEST 2001
> > Available mouse types are:
> >
> > name (synonym)   description
> >
> > autops2- For PS/2 type mouse, specific protocol will be
> >  auto detected
> > exps2 (ExplorerPS/2) - IntelliMouse Explorer (ps2) - 3 buttons
> Mike, thanks for your continued help.  I should now be back in Davis
> for a while.
> I tried switching the device in /etc/gpm.conf to /dev/autops2,
> restarted gpm, and moved to one of the virtual consoles.  Found I had
> no mouse at all.  (No cursor appeared when I moved the mouse.)
> Switched to /dev/exps2 and restarted gpm.  Same deal.  Suspicious, I
> switched back to /psaux, which had been working, and restarted.  No
> mouse.  I then rebooted, my gpm.conf file in its original state.  No
> mouse still.  I checked the notes in /var/syslog after the reboot and
> found
> /usr/sbin/gpm: ps/2 mouse failed init.
> /usr/sbin/gpm: oops() invoked from gpm.c
> /usr/sbin/gpm: mouse initialization failed: Invalid argument
> The reason autops2 and exps2 failed is because I don't have either
> installed.  Fair enough.  But why, now that my gpm.conf is back to
> /dev/psaux, could the mouse not be initialized?  I have a Gift

You should be changing the type= line, not the device= line. exps2,
imps2, and autops2 are various different protocols for talking to the
ps/2 mouse which will always be on the same port - the same device file.

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Re: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech mouseman and XF86Config-4

2003-04-05 Thread Mike Simons
On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 03:53:49PM -0800, Robin Snyder wrote:
> > From: Mike Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech mouseman and XF86Config-4
> >   Okay so the ideal situation is we find a mouse protocol that "gpm"
> > can use for both mice... we know that imps2 does works with the logitech
> > but not RemotePoint, we know that ps2 works with the RemotePoint but not
> > logitech.
> I tried switching the device in /etc/gpm.conf to /dev/autops2,


  I'm sorry but you were supposed to change the 'type=' line in
/etc/gpm.conf, not 'device='.  I see it is not clear from anything I
wrote line in the gpm.conf file you were supposed to change.  Please 
look in my last email for the list of protocol types to use and try 
again.  Let me know what you find...

  Mike Simons

  I'm beginning to think that ps2 and imps2 protocols are incompatible,
do to some testing I was doing here today.  I'm thinking about
a another solution of getting them both working.  I'll have to do
some tests on a machine here first before commenting, since the lag 
time here is becoming intolerable, fortunately I have mice available 
that support both imps2 and ps2.  Getting something working here and
pasting the results on vox-tech may be less painful.
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech mouseman and XF86Config-4

2003-04-04 Thread Henry House
On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 03:53:49PM -0800, Robin Snyder wrote:
> The reason autops2 and exps2 failed is because I don't have either
> installed.  Fair enough.  But why, now that my gpm.conf is back to
> /dev/psaux, could the mouse not be initialized?  I have a Gift

GPM's miscommunication with the mouse may have caused it to go wacko. Try a
hard reboot (turn the machine off at the switch on the back and leave off for
a minute or two). This trick has worked for me before (though not with mice).

OT rambling: do speakers of other Germanic languages call computer mice by
their native cognate of English 'mouse'? With root-mutating plural and all?

Henry House
The attached file is a digital signature. See 
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Re: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech mouseman and XF86Config-4

2003-03-30 Thread Mike Simons
On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 11:43:48AM -0800, Robin Snyder wrote:
> > - Can you try the RemotePoint on the console and tell me if motion works?
> > - If motion works, does pasting?
> Motion for the RemotePoint mouse does not work on the console.
> Moving the mouse on the console causes lines of text to be highlighted
> and apparently pasted.


  Okay so the ideal situation is we find a mouse protocol that "gpm"
can use for both mice... we know that imps2 does works with the logitech
but not RemotePoint, we know that ps2 works with the RemotePoint but not

  Below is a list of mouse protocols that gpm supports that I think are
likely to work with your mice... in the order I recommend trying them.
Basically put one of these into /etc/gpm.conf at a time, and try using
both mice on the console to see if you can move and paste with them.
(If you don't reboot after changing /etc/gpm.conf you will at least need
to restart gpm via the command: "/etc/init.d/gpm restart").
If you find any protocol that works stop and report back...

gpm 1.19.6, Thu Oct  4 00:21:21 CEST 2001
Available mouse types are:

name (synonym)   description

autops2- For PS/2 type mouse, specific protocol will be 
 auto detected
exps2 (ExplorerPS/2) - IntelliMouse Explorer (ps2) - 3 buttons 
   (wheel is repeated).
fuimps2- For BROKEN wheel mice on a PS/2 port
   (round connector with 6 pins), 3 buttons (wheel is repeated).
fups2 (PS/2)   - For /BROKEN/ PS/2 mice (round with 6 metal pins).
imps2  - For the Microsoft IntelliMouse on a PS/2 port
   (round connector with 6 pins), 3 buttons (wheel is repeated).
ps2 (PS/2) - For PS/2 mice (round with 6 metal pins).

  If you don't find one that works with both mice and want to try more...
'gpm -t help' will give you a complete list of all mice types that
are supported... you can try the rest that look interesting.

  If we don't find something that works with both mice, there are a few
- find a way to toggle between the two protocols that do work.
- abandon getting the mouse working on console and just work on in X.

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech mouseman and XF86Config-4

2003-03-25 Thread Mike Simons
On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 05:24:18PM -0800, Robin Snyder wrote:
> >   Okay so you didn't explain the current state of what works and what
> > does not work.
> RemotePoint:
>   movement does not work
>   didn't try pasting

> >   I meant don't even try the steps below if the conditions above were
> > not true (both three button mice).
> I know.  Just thought it was worth doing the experiment to see how the
> Logitech mouse would respond.  And indeed, the Logitech mouse is
> completely happy at this point.


I'm glad that the Logitech works... 

  Your report that the RemotePoint movement doesn't work isn't detailed 
enough... steps I sent had you check several of things on the console 
and in X.  They were meant to have you stop at the first problem point
along the way so it could be fixed.  I can't be sure if this report is 
for X or console because you don't say.

- Can you try the RemotePoint on the console and tell me if motion works?
- If motion works, does pasting?

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech mouseman and XF86Config-4

2003-03-24 Thread Mike Simons
On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 03:26:04PM -0800, Robin Snyder wrote:
> >   Now wiggle the mouse around and verify that you can use it on the
> > console.  You should be able to highlight things with the left button
> > and paste them with the middle button.
> My usual mouse (the RemotePoint mouse) is a two-button mouse, so
> perhaps the above config. needs adjusting.  However, it wasn't just
> pasting that was a problem but basic mouse movement.  On the plus
> side, the Logitech mouse now pastes with the middle button.  (I also
> changed XF86Config-4 as below.)


  Okay so you didn't explain the current state of what works and what
does not work.

  I imagine that both mouses work for movement, but you can not paste
things with the two button mouse (even with pressing both buttons
at once).  If this is correct, then we can get the two button mouse
working for paste as well.

  If the two button mouse pastes as well (with both buttons), we are

  Otherwise you need to explain what is working and what doesn't...



When I wrote this:
#   Please do the following steps and report back on status.  If the
# Remotepoint mouse is a two button mouse then let me know the steps
# are written for a three button mouse and would need correction for a
# two button mouse.

  I meant don't even try the steps below if the conditions above were
not true (both three button mice).
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech Mouseman and XF86Config-4

2003-03-12 Thread Mike Simons

  I also need output from:
ls -l /dev/mouse
... now that I see this data it could be anything.

On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 01:51:05PM -0800, Robin Snyder wrote:
>   Option  "Device" "/dev/mouse"
vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech MouseMan and XF86Config-4

2003-03-12 Thread Ken Bloom
> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 10:43:03 -0800 (PST)
> From: Robin Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech MouseMan and XF86Config-4
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 03:59:13PM -0800, Robin Snyder wrote:
> > > I occasionally want to switch to a second mouse, which is a Logitech
> > > Mouseman mouse with two buttons and a scroll wheel/button (not cordless)
> > > and have been trying to write a second version of my XF86Config-4 file to
> > > accommodate the new mouse.  If I use protocol "microsoft," the cursor
> > > tracks the mouse motions appropriately, but I have to use third button
> > > emulation to paste text.  Everything that I've seen on the net suggests
> > > that the correct mouse protocol is IMPS/2 and that I should use device
> > > "mouse," but these give the classic wrong protocol random mouse movements.
> > > Anyone know what I should do to get the third button working?  I've tried
> > > adding the line
> It's a ps/2 mouse.  I tried the PS/2 protocol as well as the IMPS/2
> protocol but both cause the cursor to shoot around wildly and hang out
> near the screen edges in classic "I'm unhappy with my protocol"
> fashion.

I use a Logitech Trackman Wheel (so stop reading if this doesn't apply 
to you).

Here is my /etc/gpm.conf file sans comments (this file is Debian only)

Here is an excerpt from my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
(many comments removed)

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Mouse1"
Driver  "mouse"
Option "Protocol""MouseManPlusPS/2"
Option "Device"  "/dev/psaux"
#   Option "Device"  "/dev/gpmdata"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice
Option "ChordMiddle"

Note the commented /dev/gpmdata. I had tried using gpm as a raw 
repeater, and letting X pick up its data from /dev/gpmdata, but that 
caused the problem you speak of with the mouse bouncing around. I 
couldn't get the problem to stop until I disabled gpm's repeater mode 

Previously, when I used a Logitech Optical Mouse (that didn't say 
anything about MouseMan anywhere), my protocol in X was IMPS/2, and my 
protocol in gpm was exps2

I usually have a GPG digital signature included as an attachment.
If you don't know what it is, either ignore it or visit
Fingerprint: D5E2 8839 6ED3 3305 805C  941F 9476 A9BD E2B2 CAD1
The key is keyID E2B2CAD1 on

Description: PGP signature

Re: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech MouseMan and XF86Config-4

2003-03-12 Thread Mike Simons
On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 10:55:57AM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > > - Have you tried the "PS/2" protocol?
> > 
> > It's a ps/2 mouse.  I tried the PS/2 protocol as well as the IMPS/2
> > protocol but both cause the cursor to shoot around wildly and hang out
> > near the screen edges in classic "I'm unhappy with my protocol"
> > fashion.
> sounds like a repeater problem.   what device does X use to read mouse
> events?  the device file itself?  or a fifo?

  To translate ...


  Can you send the portions of your /etx/X11/XF86Config-4 that are between:
Section "InputDevice"
and appear to be mouse related.

  Also please include your /etc/gpm.conf file...

vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech MouseMan and XF86Config-4

2003-03-12 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
begin Robin Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 03:59:13PM -0800, Robin Snyder wrote:
> > > I occasionally want to switch to a second mouse, which is a Logitech
> > > Mouseman mouse with two buttons and a scroll wheel/button (not cordless)
> > > and have been trying to write a second version of my XF86Config-4 file to
> > > accommodate the new mouse.  If I use protocol "microsoft," the cursor
> > > tracks the mouse motions appropriately, but I have to use third button
> > > emulation to paste text.  Everything that I've seen on the net suggests
> > > that the correct mouse protocol is IMPS/2 and that I should use device
> > > "mouse," but these give the classic wrong protocol random mouse movements.
> > > Anyone know what I should do to get the third button working?  I've tried
> > > adding the line
> >
> > Robin,
> >
> > - How does the mouse you are working with connect to the computer?
> >   USB or PS/2 or old style 9-pin serial
> >
> > - Have you tried the "PS/2" protocol?
> It's a ps/2 mouse.  I tried the PS/2 protocol as well as the IMPS/2
> protocol but both cause the cursor to shoot around wildly and hang out
> near the screen edges in classic "I'm unhappy with my protocol"
> fashion.

sounds like a repeater problem.   what device does X use to read mouse
events?  the device file itself?  or a fifo?


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win. -- Gandhi, being prophetic about Linux.

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